Homemade nourishing and moisturizing face masks. the best recipes for nourishing face masks at home. Liquid cream for aging skin

Velvet skin, healthy complexion, absence of wrinkles and age spots - all this can be achieved with proper care. Nourishing masks help keep the skin young and beautiful, simple and effective remedies can be prepared at home.

The way of life is always reflected on the face - unbalanced diet, stressful situations, lack of regular physical activity. Masks help to improve the condition of the skin, to protect them from the harmful effects of external factors. You can use professional cosmetic products or make them yourself at home.

  • improve the turgor of the dermis and the contour of the face;
  • help to reduce the number of expression lines and deep lines on the face;
  • eliminate the deficiency of nutrients in cells;
  • restore water balance, activate metabolic processes;
  • make the complexion more even;
  • cleanse, remove signs of fatigue, puffiness.

It is better to start using face masks in adolescence - this allows you to suspend the fading processes, prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles. After 25 years, the dermis should be nourished and moisturized regularly, every 3-4 days.

Indications and rules for use

Moisturizing covers are needed all year round, but homemade masks are especially relevant in winter and spring, when the skin suffers from nutritional deficiencies, dry indoor air, and the negative effects of wind and frost.

Nutrient mixtures are very good at helping to cope with hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause. They are necessary for chronic lack of sleep, malnutrition, if the work is associated with constant exposure to fresh air or in rooms with heating devices.

To get the maximum effect, the mask must be used correctly:

  • Before applying, the skin should be well cleaned of decorative cosmetics, it is better to also peel to remove dead cells.
  • Apply exclusively along massage lines.
  • During the procedure, it is better to lie down, not talk, try to relax as much as possible.
  • You need to remove it with wet wipes or cotton pads. After that, you need to wash yourself with cool water to close the pores.

Nutritional mixtures should be made only from fresh products, they are not stored for long, so there is no need to prepare them for future use. The only contraindication is allergic reactions and individual intolerance to certain components.

Popular cosmetics

Nourishing masks are produced by various cosmetic companies; you can buy them in pharmacies, specialized stores. These funds have a balanced composition, saturate the integument with moisture and all the necessary microelements. Before applying, you should carefully study the ingredients, it is better to pre-conduct an allergic test.

  1. Natura Siberica - for normal to dry skin care. Gives softness to the dermis, improves the structure of the face. The composition contains an extract of Daurian rose, which promotes the synthesis of collagen. The mask activates metabolic processes in cells, protects the integument well from the negative effects of external factors, dehydration. It should be applied every 4 days. Advantages - low cost, disadvantages - not suitable for sensitive dermis, may cause allergies and redness.
  2. Beauty Style with lynchi mushroom extract is the best care product after 50. Contains collagen, silk proteins and vitamin A. Nourishes, improves tone, has a pronounced lifting effect. The full course consists of 14 sessions, you need to use it twice a week.
  3. New Line cream mask - contains sapropel therapeutic mud, which is considered the best moisturizing, nourishing and toning cosmetic product. Quickly restores the protective barrier of the epithelium, elasticity, eliminates dryness, tones the dermis. The disadvantage is the high cost.
  4. Intensive nourishing Academie - quickly saturates the skin with moisture and various substances, has a noticeable rejuvenating effect. The tool well removes redness, rosacea, returns a healthy color to the face.

Many professional products are expensive, the presence of preservatives and other chemical compounds in the composition can provoke the appearance of allergic rashes. Effective face mixes can be made at home, which sometimes work better than purchased cosmetic products.

Recipes for the best homemade masks

To maximize the effect, you must use a variety of recipes.

1. On the basis of clay, various means for skin and hair care are made; it is possible to prepare a nourishing mask for the combined type of dermis. Dilute 30 g of pink or white clay with milk until a thick homogeneous slurry, add 5 ml of liquid vitamins A, E. Spread the mixture with a brush in an even layer, rinse off after complete drying.

2. Yeast nourishes, moisturizes, and is suitable for all types of dermis. Mix 12 g of quick crushed natural yeast with 15 ml of fresh juice from cabbage or tomatoes, add 5 ml of honey, leave warm until the volume doubles. Apply evenly, wipe off with a damp cloth after 20 minutes. If it dries out too much, you can spray it on your face with a spray bottle.

3. Recipe with lifting effect - mix 55 ml of aloe pulp with 25 g of gelatin, heat in a water bath. Spread the mass over the face and décolleté, remove after 45 minutes with a damp cotton pad, apply cream.

4. For a very dry face - add 5 ml of glycerin and 15 ml of honey to the yolk. Distribute over clean covers, rinse off after half an hour. Perfectly nourishes, prevents the appearance of flaking, redness, wrinkles.

5. For dry skin:

  • Boil 1 medium potato in the skins.
  • Cool slightly, peel, mash with a fork.
  • Add 2 raw quail egg yolks, 15 ml of homemade sour cream.
  • Apply the mixture for 35 minutes, after washing, lubricate your face with cream.

6. With oily dermis, you can prepare a nourishing face mask, which will eliminate the greasy shine, make the pores less visible. Beat 2 whites, pour in 30 ml of liquid honey, 5 ml of bitter almond oil, bring the mass to a thick consistency with oatmeal. Keep on face for half an hour, remove with a damp cloth.

7. To nourish and cleanse problem skin, you can prepare a fruit mask - chop 3 large strawberries, 110 g of banana pulp, pour 30 ml of lemon juice, 15 g of ground oatmeal into the puree. Spread over the face with massage movements, wash after half an hour.

8. Curd mixture - mix 25 ml of warm kefir with 20 g of fatty curd. Add 5 ml of grape seed oil, carrot juice, 12 ml of honey to dairy products. Spread the mass in a thick layer over the horse covers, rinse, wipe your face with a piece of grass ice.

9. Recipe for normal type to prevent flaking and wrinkles - mix 30 ml of liquid honey with 15 g of unsalted butter, add 30 g of banana or kiwi puree. Distribute the product over the entire face, rinse off after 40 minutes.


Women of all ages use masks; without regular care, deep wrinkles appear. For maximum effect, it is best to alternate between purchased and home remedies.

“I have dry skin, peeling often occurs in some places, and many mixtures cause allergies. I read a lot of positive reviews about Siberica's products, bought a nourishing mask from this company with collagen and vitamin E. I use it twice a week, it moisturizes perfectly. It has a somewhat obtrusive odor, with a very sensitive cover it is necessary to reduce the procedure time to 5 minutes. "

Natalia, Moscow region.

“I work in an office where the air is constantly very dry. In winter, the face looks very unattractive - it flakes off, redness appears. A simple remedy based on honey, sour cream and yolk helps me to remove these troubles - it has a nourishing effect, eliminates wrinkles and puffiness, makes the complexion even and healthy. I carry out the procedure every 3-4 days. "

Margarita, St. Petersburg.

“I have been using purchased masks for a long time - I have tried different ones, from the most expensive to the budget ones, they all work in about the same way. But somehow I decided to save money - I made a mixture of honey, eggs, cocoa and avocado, applied it before bed. No other commercial product gave such an amazing result - the skin was fresh and smooth in the morning, wrinkles were smoothed out.

Maria, Nizhny Novgorod.

“With the approach of menopause, the skin needs intensive nourishment, so every day I pamper my face with simple masks - I mix sour cream with honey and various oils. I leave the mixture for an hour, sometimes overnight. The effect is stunning, the cover pleases with a minimal amount of wrinkles and a healthy color. "

Ekaterina, Novosibirsk.

“I use Siberica products, but if they run out, I cook at home myself - I mix banana puree and honey, remove after 15 minutes, this composition perfectly copes with wrinkles, dull complexion.”

Elizabeth, Rostov-on-Don.

From time to time, you can nourish your skin in a variety of ways. Since skin care involves nourishing it, you can literally “nourish” your skin by eating appropriate foods. For example, your diet may include all those foods that are rich in fiber and vitamin E so that all of these beneficial elements work to provide the deliciously beautiful skin you dream of.

What other ways can you nourish your skin?

One of the best and most loved by women, skin nourishment is also one of the most expensive. This method of skin care has gained a lot of popularity - we are talking about massage. You can get a rejuvenating massage and thus refresh your nerves and skin. Believe me, your skin all over your body will be very grateful to you, because nothing but a good massage softens the skin so much.

Of course, there are other ways to nourish your skin. Although this method is more associated with regular, at some points even routine activities - you should make sure that your skin is always cleansed and nourished with a good cream, so that the clean pores of the skin absorb more nutrients from the cream. Creams and lotions are available on the market today to provide nourishment to all skin types. You just need to choose the right cream and every evening gently apply it to cleansed skin - the result will not take long - your skin will look just fine.

Skin care does not mean that you only need to care for "special" areas of the body. And although the skin of the face is more susceptible to external influences and nutritional deficiencies, the rest of the body also needs protection and care. It is worth trying lotions that can properly keep the skin hydrated, depending on the current weather.

What are the natural ingredients that can provide adequate skin nutrition?

You will be surprised to know that there are actually a huge variety of natural products that provide nutrition to the skin, and at a very low cost - you can find all these ingredients at home. One of these ingredients is honey; it strengthens the skin and helps to refresh it. Rose water is another natural product that keeps the skin smoother and clearer without harshness. Another such component is milk, known for its cleansing properties, it will completely cleanse the skin and, in addition, moisturize it. You can use milk while showering and then use regular soap; your skin will "feel" better and cleaner.

Cucumber can also be used as a face mask; This vegetable will help cleanse the skin and remove unwanted blemishes from the face. The large amount of liquid in cucumber will also help cleanse and moisturize your skin. Cucumber is used in various face masks that provide nourishment to the skin.

Visiting your skin care professional from time to time will help you maintain skin condition. Regular massage and the use of facial masks help many women maintain their beauty for a long time.

In addition to external influences on the process of skin rejuvenation, we strongly advise you to exercise. Those men and women who do not deny themselves in sports activity and physical activity rarely encounter the problem of skin nutrition. With exercise, the skin remains properly hydrated from the inside out. In addition, she is properly nourished and therefore healthier. It is proven that women with good metabolic activity have fewer wrinkles.

Thus, skin care should be universal, not just outside or inside, so make sure you know your skin type to take proper care of it.

Nutrition is the most important step in skin care. Regular nourishment makes the skin soft and smooth, preserves and restores the natural moisture balance. Nutrition is an indispensable step in daily care, as it contributes to the healing of the skin as a whole.

Our body needs nutrients. Likewise, the skin needs food, a livelihood, so it must be "nourished". Skin nutrition is necessary to replenish the deficiency of compounds important for the skin: lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc.

At the cellular level, this process consists in the active and passive transport of molecules into the cell.

Almost all cosmetologists believe that the skin of young, healthy women under 20-25 does not need special nutrition. Creams at this age can only be used if there are signs of dry skin, with special sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation or with adverse effects of external factors.

"The older the skin, the more it needs nourishment and hydration."

However, the areas prone to early wilting - the corners of the lips, the outer corners of the eyes and the forehead - require nutrition at a young age, since expression wrinkles appear first of all here. Likewise, the skin around the eyes needs particularly careful care and protection. To nourish it, you must use special creams and gels for the skin around the eyes.

Nourishing creams are products that moisturize, soften and restore skin function. It is the nourishing blend of fats and moisturizers that is needed to keep skin smooth, even and tender. Modern cosmetology attaches particular importance not only to how to properly nourish the skin, but also to the selection of products that are used to prepare creams. Natural ingredients are preferred. When choosing a nourishing cream, you should also take into account both individual characteristics and your skin type.

Dry skin in need of enhanced nutrition should be lubricated with fortified cream 2-3 times a day. If after 20-30 minutes after the first application of the cream, there are almost no traces of the product on the skin, the procedure must be repeated. The cream is reapplied not only to the wrinkles ("crow's feet"), but also to the chin and forehead.

If dry skin is depleted and has wrinkles, then you need to provide it with deeper hydration and intense nourishment. For these purposes, it is recommended to apply a fortified fat cream on a damp swab. A small amount of cream is taken on a tampon moderately moistened in salted water. It is applied to the skin with light, abrupt, pressing movements, starting from the face contour and gradually going up. The cream is applied more abundantly to those areas of the skin where there are wrinkles. Then it is advisable to do a light massage. This procedure must be carried out daily.

"For aging facial skin, use a cream that contains a lot of water and fat."

Oily skin needs to be nourished like any other. Before applying the nourishing cream, you need to cleanse the skin well and wipe it with acidified lotion or salted water, horsetail or sage infusion.

An acidified lotion containing up to 15% alcohol is best used after cleaning the skin only on the affected areas (to tighten the already cleansed pores).

For women with dense skin, it is better to apply a liquid cream.

Frequent washing of the face with warm water and soap, the use of alcohol-containing products lead to the fact that oily skin loses not only excess fat, but also necessary for normal life. Therefore, for oily skin, creams are used that restore the amount of vitamins and active compounds. The creams include wax, vitamins, disinfectants, herbal extracts, benzoic acid and sometimes sulfur.

To reduce the shine of the face, a non-greasy cream is used in which the fat is replaced with a fatty acid (stearin). This product is easily absorbed, reducing the shine and irritation of the skin. The cream is also applied under the powder.

In the evening, with oily skin, it is undesirable to apply a nourishing cream, with the exception of the lower eyelid, as its skin is usually dry. For this, special creams are used for the eyelids or for dry skin.

The cream can sometimes be replaced with vegetable oil (olive, corn, peach, or at least sunflower). It is advisable to add castor oil or, if possible, sea buckthorn and rosehip oils to vegetable oil.

If, after cleansing, the skin tightens a little, it is wiped with liquid creams.

Without consulting a cosmetologist or dermatologist, it is undesirable to use degreasing products containing more than 30% alcohol.

A good result for oily skin is also given by conducting several courses of cosmetic facial massage, masks. However, you cannot do massage and self-massage using fatty and emollient creams. For this purpose, you need to take talcum powder or refined vegetable oil.

Now some tips for using and applying nourishing creams.

Nourishing creams are used in the evening (with the exception of oily skin) 1.0-1.5 hours or at least 30 minutes before bedtime and in the morning 30-40 minutes before going outside.

It is inappropriate to lubricate your face just before bedtime. Infrared spectroscopy studies have confirmed that deep saturation of the stratum corneum occurs 10-20 minutes after applying the cream. Therefore, 30 minutes after applying the product to the skin, its excess is removed with a paper towel or cotton swab.

If after 30 minutes it is not possible to remove the shine from the skin with cotton swabs, you need to press both palms to your face with the back side several times.

You do not need to apply the cream from a tube or jar directly to the skin. Warm up the cream in your hands. A thick or chilled product can cause undesirable vasoconstriction, weakening the effect of the drug.

Rub it between the fingers of both hands before applying the cream. In the same way, the cream is applied to a damp swab.

It is better to apply the nourishing cream to a moisturized face, as water facilitates its faster penetration into the skin. The cream is applied with light, as if sliding movements of the fingertips in the direction of the skin lines for 3-5 minutes. You need to take a little nourishing cream with three fingers of each hand and generously lubricate the face and neck.

Then lightly pat your face with the tips of three straightened, closed fingers of both hands in the following directions:

From the center of the chin to the earlobe

From the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear

From the wings of the nose to the middle of the ear

From the center of the forehead to the temples

From the inner corner of the eye above the eyebrow to the border of the hairline

Neck - from the collarbones up to the chin.

The skin on the eyelids requires a particularly careful approach. Under the eyes, beat the skin with the pads of the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers in a circle with very light movements. Close your eyes, try to relax. Begin tapping from the outer corner of the eye along the lower eyelid towards the inner corner of the eye, returning to the starting position again. Try to massage the outer corners of the eyes more intensely. Claps must be combined with pressing, frequent and slow pressure. Self-massage is good to end with a smooth and light vibration movement - a finger shower.

"It is impossible to apply the cream on the skin in a thick layer neither in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in the afternoon."

For dry skin or wrinkles, apply the cream with a damp swab and only then proceed to self-massage.

Areas of the skin on the upper lip or on the chin, if hard hair grows there, it is undesirable to lubricate with a nourishing cream. The use of hormonal creams that enhance hair growth is generally contraindicated in this case.

After 30-40 minutes after applying the cream, it is removed with a cotton swab, moderately moistened with lotion, acidified or salted water or tea. One or two tampons are patted on the face for 1-2 minutes, as if driving in a cream. After that, the tampon is wrung out and the cream is removed with light abrupt movements, especially carefully - from the tip of the chin, along the contour of the face, from the cheekbones, from the bulge of the forehead, slightly from the temples and from the sides of the neck. Then the skin of the face is thoroughly dried with a napkin.

What should be the layer of nourishing cream? It is a misconception that the drier and thinner the skin, the more nourishing cream it needs. It is impossible to apply the cream on the skin in a thick layer neither in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in the afternoon. This is especially harmful for women whose face is puffy, there are bags under the eyes, the eyelids are swollen, there is a tendency to skin irritation, as well as when capillaries expand. With these phenomena, as well as with oily skin type, it is necessary in the evening 20-30 minutes after applying the cream to remove it with a swab moistened with lotion or tea.

When a nourishing night cream is applied in a thick layer to the skin, the water contained in the cream evaporates overnight, turning the cream into an ointment. The layer of ointment remaining after this can cause prolonged vasodilation and lead to redness and peeling. As a result, the skin becomes flabby and sluggish.

It is undesirable to use nourishing creams on a daily basis. From time to time, you need to give your skin a rest, as it also needs to breathe in pores and release natural fat.

If you have time, you can devote the whole day to skin care: during the day, lubricate your face with a nourishing cream in the morning, afternoon and evening for an hour and a half, each time removing it with cold sour milk or lotion. A little later, the cream is applied under the eyes, on the temples, forehead and neck, and in the evening before going to bed, remove it with a damp swab.

"It is not recommended to use the same drugs or skin care products for more than a month."

Some women are afraid that their skin will stop working on its own due to increased nutrition and an abundance of active substances. In no case should you completely deprive it of food! Others notice that the skin becomes so "gluttonous" that you do not have time to nourish it. Indeed, the skin can become addicted to active substances. As soon as the skin is deprived of this product, irritations, which have so far been smoothed out by the cream, begin to manifest themselves in the form of tension and other unpleasant phenomena. They disappear as soon as the old cream is applied again. In this case, only changing the drug helps.

In case of excessive "gluttony" of the skin for creams, it is recommended to consistently change the means, reducing the content of fat in them, that is, every day to apply a new cream with a lower fat content on the skin than the day before, and after a while to completely abandon the usual active nourishing creams. A slight pulling sensation is normal at first.

It is not recommended to use the same preparations or skin care products for more than a month. Therefore, it is necessary to change creams from time to time, taking into account the season, solar activity, as well as their vitamin composition.

If the skin does not tolerate some of the components contained in the creams (honey, hops, aloe, hormones, vitamin A, etc.), you must immediately stop using them.

Cosmetologists believe that the older the skin, the more it needs nutrition. However, even in young women, the skin can become dry and sensitive, for example, due to external factors. In order for such changes not to lead to the appearance of early mimic wrinkles, enhanced nutrition is necessary.

Nourishing creams not only soften and moisturize the skin, they also restore its structure and function. Modern cosmetics are created taking into account all the needs of the skin. When choosing a cream, be guided by its composition - the more natural ingredients, the better, as well as your skin type and its individual characteristics. Creams containing vegetable and animal fats (spermaceti, wax, lanolin) are better tolerated than products containing mineral components (petroleum jelly, paraffin).

Dry skin needs increased nutrition, up to three times a day, especially in winter. Fortified should be applied with a cotton swab dipped in slightly salted water. A thicker layer should be applied to heavily thinned and flaky skin areas.

Oily skin is nourished with creams containing wax, herbal extracts, sulfur and benzoic acid. To prevent oily sheen, use a nourishing cream with fatty acid (stearin).

Before applying the nourishing cream, warm it in your hands - the chilled product will cause vasoconstriction and weaken the action of the active ones. After 30 minutes, wipe off excess cream with tissues or the backs of your hands.

Skin nourishment can be combined with self-massage. Rub the cream with the fingertips of both hands from the chin to the earlobes, from the corners of the mouth and from the wings of the nose to the middle of the ears, from the center of the forehead to the temples. Apply the cream on the eyelids with patting movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.

Two to three times a week, the skin should be nourished with masks. Perform the procedure in the evening in a relaxed atmosphere. Put your hair under a bandage. The skin should be pre-cleaned and, if possible, warmed up with a steam bath. Apply the mask to the skin with your hands or cotton swabs, hold for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Afterwards, the face can be sprayed with thermal or mineral water and allowed to dry. Then apply a nourishing cream to your skin.

To nourish the skin of the body, take a bath with a nutritional composition that Cleopatra herself used. In 1 liter of hot milk, add 4 tablespoons and 2 tablespoons of almond or olive. Pour the mixture into water before bathing. If you don't want to bother with making homemade composition, purchase a ready-made cosmetic product. After the bath, rub a nourishing cream or milk into your skin.

To get more nutrients for your skin, follow a specific diet. Prepare fish dishes from fatty varieties twice a week - salmon, salmon, mackerel, etc. Fatty marine fish contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for the production of collagen and elastin. Eat protein products (meat, milk, cheese, eggs) every day, thanks to which skin cell renewal occurs.

We have already mentioned that in the case of skin, hair, nails, the word "nutrition" has a slightly different meaning, since we are dealing with dead cells. However, it is in our power to supply this layer with fat, soften it, and moisturize it somewhat so that it remains elastic and elastic all the time. Creams and are considered the main "nourishing" products for the skin of both face and body. Let's see what creams are and how to choose the right cream for your skin. Please do not think that it is enough to read the name on the box for this. Many of my clients are guided by well-known or favorite companies, advice from friends or advertising. It often happens that a woman knows more about the company, names and stories, how this tool worked a miracle with someone, than about her own needs. I understand, an example from life is much more inspiring than even the deepest knowledge of chemistry and the composition of a substance. But I advise you to refer to the next section for this information.

What creams are there?

With vitamins. The most famous of the "active substances" that are included in expensive creams are vitamins. Listing the miraculous properties of vitamins, manufacturers are silent about only one detail - you can only benefit from vitamins if they are taken orally! Most specialists dealing with skin physiology are unanimous in the opinion that external use of vitamins in no way can contribute to regeneration aging skin. The actual biological effect of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A or any other known vitamins on the skin when applied topically has not been proven. With liposomes. Liposomes (Greek lipos - fat and soma - body), they are also hydrosomes, noctosomes, nanoparticles and the like, are new carriers of active substances. They, according to the creators, must overcome the barrier between dead and living skin, delivering active substances there. Liposome, or "fatty body", is a hollow ball with a fat-containing double shell and an aqueous phase in the center, which contains the active substances. The structure of the liposome is similar to that of the fatty particles of human skin, which gives rise to the hope that similar formations can more easily penetrate into the border zone. In fact, only a negligible number of liposomes have the ability to penetrate the protective layer of the epidermis, because most of them fuse with the particles of stratum corneum. layer and at the same time loses its water phase. This is beneficial to the skin - the fatty film is strengthened, the upper layer of the epidermis is moistened, and such creams can really improve the condition of the skin. But in fairness, it should be said that ordinary high-quality creams perform the same functions no worse. With fruit acids. Fruit acids (special name - alpha hydroxyl acids) include malic, citric, glycolic, lactic and tartaric acids. Some of these substances are used in medical practice to treat eczema, acne, dandruff. In cosmetics, fruit acids are associated with hopes for restoring skin smoothness, reducing wrinkles, and eliminating age spots. The cosmetic effect of their use, however, is very controversial, since the acid content in the cosmetic preparation is scanty and is not able to have a significant effect on the skin. Almost all creams in which the content of fruit acids is declared contain no more than 3%, since these substances can cause severe skin irritation. However, it has been established that fruit acids are able to easily dissolve intercellular adhesions and thereby cause easy separation of the stratum corneum. Thus, the much-vaunted effect of fruit acids comes down to nothing more than a mild exfoliation. For centuries. The skin around the eyes is very thin - only half a millimeter; in other areas, it is four times thicker. There is almost no subcutaneous fat, few sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as supporting fibers such as collagen and elastin. And the circular muscle of the eye works continuously, contracting at least 10 thousand times daily! It is no wonder that wrinkles around the eyes appear among the first on the face. Various companies offer special cosmetics for this very sensitive skin. It is primarily about smoothing and reducing wrinkles. Modern laboratory methods allow you to measure the depth of any wrinkle with an accuracy of hundredths of a millimeter. So, the use of an eye cream does not change this figure in any way, this has been proven by numerous laboratory experiments! These creams differ from ordinary skin care products primarily in that they do not contain so-called spreading oils, that is, oils that get into the eyes and can be irritating. Some eye creams contain tonic substances such as caffeine, which increase the microcirculation of blood in the fine capillaries, thus reducing swelling. Other preparations contain special microparticles that slightly stretch the skin surface for several hours or optically hide wrinkles with the help of the smallest shiny pigment. But they do not smooth out wrinkles! In all other respects, eye creams work in the same way as regular creams. Therefore, ordinary, well-tolerated and, by the way, cheaper face creams can be used to care for the skin around the eyes. Hydrateants. These are moisturizers. The water content of the skin, with the exception of the stratum corneum, the uppermost layer of the epidermis, is entirely dependent on internal regulation and cannot be influenced by cosmetic products. But you can protect the stratum corneum of the epidermis from water loss, which, in turn, will protect the inner layers of the skin from moisture loss. Hydrating (moisturizing) creams are special preparations intended for daytime skin care. In addition to the fatty base, these preparations contain active substances that prevent skin dehydration. These include hydroactive substances, enzymes, and certain types of vitamins that are capable of retaining moisture. Substances such as liposomes and ceramides are very effective.

Day and night cream

Day creams. It is during the day that our skin needs protection. The most important task of a day cream is to enhance the natural protective function of the skin. UV rays and an aggressive atmosphere irritate the skin. Many day creams contain UV filters and substances that have a soothing and softening effect. The fats in the cream are dosed so that the skin remains soft during the day and at the same time does not shine. Day creams for normal, combination and oily skin contain relatively little oil and are mainly moisturizing. For dry and sensitive skin, choose such creams, which are additionally referred to as "nourishing". Any day cream can serve as a primer for makeup, you just need to carefully monitor the fat content in the cream and foundation if the skin is oily. Night creams. They differ from day creams with a high content of fat. Applying night creams makes sense when the skin is dry and absorbs a lot of fat, because the activity of the sebaceous glands is weakened. Sometimes the skin becomes dry due to harmful external influences, for example, during a hot summer or after a long illness. Then the use of a night cream is a must! If your skin is oily or normal, it is enough to apply a regular cream with a medium fat content to the area around the eyes. When using a night cream, you may be in danger. It is recommended to apply the night cream as thin as possible, as the thicker layer can lead to heat stagnation and prevent perspiration. Before going to bed, the excess cream must be removed with a dry napkin. Anything that has not been absorbed into the skin within an hour will no longer benefit it. On the contrary, the water contained in the cream can evaporate overnight, and the remaining fat on the skin of the face will cause prolonged vasodilation. By the morning, the skin will turn red and flake off.

Choosing a cream

So we come to the main question of the section on creams. Coming to a store or pharmacy and looking at the windows, how many of you wondered which cream is better to buy and why? Analyze: do you buy the cream out of habit or based on the price or advice of a friend. Why this one? What do you know about him? And since we are learning a caring, intelligent approach to ourselves and our skin, try to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Imagine: here you are standing in front of a counter with many jars, boxes, vials and bottles ... What questions do you ask yourself? Why do you even want to buy a cream? Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, that I am addressing you with an almost prosecutor's interrogation. But in our time, the production of cosmetics is exclusively in-line. Today, court doctors do not prepare special lapping and incense for anyone. There are no recipes for each beauty individually. So you will have to choose the cosmetics yourself. That is why I am asking you "useful" questions. So why do you need a cream anyway? The cream is needed in order to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment, making up for the lack of sebum or compensating for its excess. You should not expect too much from the cream, but you should not completely neglect these skin care products. Choose the cream according to your horse type. This will determine how greasy the cream you buy should be. The most important thing in any cream is the fat base. It can include a wide variety of components: beeswax, spermaceti, cocoa butter, lanolin, vegetable oils - olive, corn, soy; stone oils - peach, apricot, almond, plum; derivatives of sperm whale fat, castor oil, stearin, paraffin, liquid paraffin, petrolatum, glycerin, cetiolan and others. In addition to the fat base, aqueous phase and emulsifiers, preservatives, fragrances, biologically active substances are added to creams. A few words about preservatives. Many of us are alarmed by this word. Preservatives are really not skin friendly. Many preservatives are far from the last on the list of allergens. In addition, they kill the natural skin flora, which is made up of harmless bacteria. These bacteria keep each other in balance and prevent other pathogens from growing. A preservative can disturb the biological balance of the skin. The main purpose of adding preservatives is to protect against microbiological degradation. When you open a jar or tube with cosmetic products, germs get inside. A tainted cream can do more damage to your skin than any preservative. Moreover, the wider the size of the neck, the larger. Some emulsions are also very sensitive and can deteriorate, becoming rancid or decomposing from mold. And the product during use must remain hygienic in its entirety, without a trace. There is, however, another way to protect itself from microbes. The essential oils found in some foods have a certain antibacterial effect. They are not officially considered preservatives, therefore some cosmetics manufacturers declare such products as products without preservatives. But in this case, in order to achieve the desired effect, plant essences are injected much more than usual, and they can provoke unwanted skin reactions. In any case, any cosmetic preparations must have a quality guarantee in accordance with international legislation. The manufacturer is obliged to indicate the expiration date on the packaging of its products. Therefore, before buying, be sure to check the expiration date of the cream. Today, more and more people are complaining about allergies. And cosmetic products, including creams, are especially suspicious as a source of allergens. Believe me, dear readers, dozens of partly comical, partly tragic stories are associated with the use of unusable creams. Let me give you one case as an example. A friend came to see me. When she entered the office, I recognized her only by her blouse. The face was unrecognizable, it was swollen, it became red and shiny like an overripe orange. It all started with the fact that the woman was going on a date. And in order to look better the next day, in the evening she took out a cream from the bedside table, which once, several years ago, made a wonderful transformation with her face. She applied the product without even looking at the expiration date and went to bed. In the morning in the mirror I saw a trace of "miraculous cream" and was horrified. The date, as you understand, did not take place. There was a trip to the cosmetologist, and then to the doctor. For several long weeks we jointly tried to eliminate the effect of a rash cosmetic procedure. It was possible to restore the face to its former freshness. But it was not possible to remove the woman's hypersensitivity to other cosmetic preparations. You may not believe me, but a fairly large number of people cannot tolerate any cosmetics at all! In this case, the only suitable simple care for such hypersensitive skin is animal fat or vegetable oil. If the skin immediately after application of the drug turns red, irritated, you feel a burning sensation or tingling, you should know that you have an intolerance to this particular type of cosmetic product. Unlike allergies, the skin in this case does not react through the immune system, but itself as an organ. Such a reaction signals that either this cream does not suit your skin at all, or you overdid it with frequent makeup changes, or applied the product to the skin too abundantly. Irritation usually does not occur every time you use this drug. If the skin has already been tired, for example, by a sharp change in temperature or another overly aggressive drug, today a rather strong reaction to one or another cream can occur. But tomorrow, when the skin is in good shape, there will be no reaction at all. Unlike intolerance reactions, an allergic reaction does not occur immediately after using a cosmetic product, but after a few hours or even days. If your skin is highly sensitive, choose products marked: "Hypoallergenic." So, one more tip: remember about the individual sensitivity of the skin. Read more: