Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: Outline of educational activities with the introduction of the component of the additional education program L. Shevchenko "Good world. Orthodox culture. L. L. Shevchenko's program "Good World" is a program of spiritual

Evgeniya Sokolova
Feedback on the work on the program L. L. Shevchenko "Good World"

Feedback on the work on the program

L. L. Shevchenko

"Kind world"

Made up: teacher of the 1st category Sokolova E.V.

MKDOU Evstratovsky kindergarten works under the L program... L. Shevchenko"Kind world", in the senior group of different ages since 2014.

Program« Kind world» does not set itself the task of introducing the child into the world of religious experience of spiritual life, this is the task of the family. She only introduces, leads to the temple.

Target programs: to lay the foundation for the moral culture of the child, to cultivate in him such qualities that will help in life not only to distinguish good from evil but also to resist evil.

A child's heart is open for love, for perception of good... Therefore, the author gave the title of her book « Kind world»

Forms work used various:

Visit to the Evstratovsky temple "Transfiguration of the Lord" acquaintance with the history of the temple. And also, a visit to the Rossoshansk Ilyinsky temple.

The church is the house of God. Here you can light a candle for your loved ones and pray. For children's understanding, this means: to wish health, recovery to your loved ones, whom you love very much. By the way, love in the understanding of kids is, first of all, for mom, dad, brothers, sisters. And hence, love for friends, for the world around and for all living beings that are found in life.

Preschool age is a period when moral experience is actively accumulated, an appeal to spiritual life is cultivated, and the basis of self-determination is established.

Lack of spirituality is a radical change in the value orientations of the life of Russia and the Russian people ... Or rather, not a change, but a substitution of semantic value orientations.

Now it is very important to help a person find a living faith, which is the only one that provides an unshakable foundation and support for our entire life.

Some teachers and parents believe that when a child grows up, he must figure out what religion he should choose and whether to choose at all, and until then the school or kindergarten should not tell the child anything about God. Apparently, they do not know that the founder of didactics, the great teacher Jan Amos Kamensky believed that “concern for the education of morality and a sense of piety should begin from early childhood ... it is dangerous not to nourish the tender mind of a child with love for God”.

Jesus Christ Himself spoke to his disciples "Do not forbid children to come to me, for they are the kingdom of heaven"

With the participation of the author programs, class notes have been developed, conversations, excursions, scenarios of holidays, matinees and entertainment Introducing children to the main Orthodox holidays and their participation in these holidays.

The first Pokrovskaya fair took place on the Cathedral Square of the Temple complex. Not only children, but also parents took part in this event with pleasure.

On the holidays "The earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos" dedicated to Mother's Day. We have invited the Rector of the Evstratovsky Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Before the start of the holiday, Father held a conversation with parents about parental love for children. First of all, it should be manifested through God's commandments.

And, of course, our unchanging tradition is a conversation between father and children about God.

On an Orthodox holiday "Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos" children visited the Evstratovsky Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The children learned that a godly couple had no children for a long time. Their names were Joachim and Anna. They very much asked God for children. And they promised him that they would definitely give the child born to the service of God. And so they had a girl. They called her Maria. And as mom and dad promised, they took her to serve God in the Jerusalem temple when she was exactly three years old.

But on the most wonderful holiday of Christmas, my children and I prepared congratulations for all parishioners of the Evstratov Church.

At the beginning of the holiday we watched the cartoon "Nativity".

They danced with children, played outdoor games.

We congratulated Priest Vasily Gaykov on Merry Christmas.

And of course, our children were not left without gifts. Every year our father brings us gifts and presents to children.

In January, the Diocesan Competition of Christos-carol-makers was held as part of the Christmas Festival of the Rossoshan Diocese "The Light of Christ's Nativity".

Our children took part in the competition with pleasure. Parents are very helpful in organizing all Orthodox holidays.

On an Orthodox holiday "Presentation of the Lord" my children and I visited the Evstratovsky Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The children learned about the holiday, how Saint Simeon the God-receiver met with the forty-day-old baby Jesus Christ.

We invited the abbot of the temple "Transfigurations of the Lord" Priest Vasily Gaikov to a preschool institution. Father talked with parents about the Orthodox upbringing of the child. One of the main forms work the parent meeting remains with the parents. During these last years, draft meetings have been developed in the form of discussions "Modern problems of spiritual and moral education of a child in the family""Spiritually moral education of a child through family traditions and leisure in the family"; "Spiritually-patriotic education of a child"

Slide number 15

Viewing and theatrical performance of Russian folk tales with children.

Creation of Orthodox corners for parents and children.

Most important in outreach work with parents is the design of visual materials for parents. Moving folders are traditionally designed. The information on the kindergarten website is constantly updated.

Parents, seeing the great work of the educator, began to listen to their inner spirit. There was a desire to participate with your children in all forms work on Orthodox education, there was an interest in learning more about the Orthodox faith and God. Began to think more about such words:

“Our children are our old age.

Proper upbringing -

this is our happy old age,

bad Education -

this is our future grief,

these are our tears.

This is our fault

in front of other people. "

Difficulties in conducting occupations: there is no specially allotted time in the daily routine of preschoolers, you have to constantly invade other areas of general education kindergarten programs: cognition (FTSKM, communication, artistic creation); and etc.

Positive sides programs(from experience work) : children like walks and classes on which they receive new knowledge about the days of the creation of the world by God; interesting and varied material: poetry and prose of the spiritual, moral, Orthodox and aesthetic direction; detailed information about the world around us with love for it; a lot of games, music and drawing (in separate workbooks especially) ; parents unanimously approve of such training... And all this creates a light and good mood! Strong and artistic methodological base: methodical manual, anthology, workbooks and audio CD.

An approximate program of spiritual and moral education based on

training kit

“Kind world. Orthodox culture for kids "

L.L. Shevchenko

The tasks of moral education

To bring up moral feelings in children: mercy, compassion, empathy, obedience to parents, love for the family, the Motherland; a kind, humane attitude to the world around us, friendliness, bashfulness in committing immoral acts, mutual assistance, responsibility and care.

To form a moral consciousness based on the basic concepts of spirituality, morality and the norms of Christian ethics (about good and ale, truth and lies, hard work and laziness, obedience, honesty, mercy, meekness, forgiveness), the basic concepts of moral self-awareness (conscience, honesty, justice, loyalty, duty, honor, benevolence).

To accustom children to forms of moral behavior, relying on the examples of the life of saints and pious people; instill the skills of good deeds, charity.

To cultivate the qualities of responsiveness, modesty, modesty (unworthy behavior, violation of moral norms), caring attitude towards kids and old people. Teach children to build relationships in a group based on mutual respect, peacefulness; to teach to be peacemakers in conflict situations: not to offend, regret, put up, forgive each other, overcome aggression, anger, maintain a peaceful mental order.

To develop the qualities of the will: moderation in needs, the ability to limit one's desires, obey the requirements of adults, in behavior to comply with the norms of Christian ethics.

To form the ability to evaluate one's own (and not others') actions in accordance with the moral norms of Christian ethics, without condemning others.

Developing in children the moral foundations of a joyful and life-affirming worldview,

Encouraging children to adorn their souls with good qualities.

Show the importance of the native language, folklore (proverbs, sayings), biblical expressions in the formation of the foundations of good (moral) human behavior.

The tasks of mental education.

Sensory education:

To develop the ability to perceive the qualities and properties of objects of the surrounding world (color, shape, sound coloration), developing various senses (vision, hearing).

Encouraging children to consider the world around them from the standpoint of moral behavior and creative collaboration in creating and preserving its beauty and goodness.

Familiarization with the outside world

Subject environment

Culturological acquaintance with the structure of the universe as a process of Divine creativity of a beautiful, kind, wise world. Enrich children's ideas about the world of creations, talk about the expediency of natural phenomena, about the wonderful arrangement of the world.

To form cognitive activity in establishing a causal relationship in hierarchical dependence in the context of the Orthodox worldview.

To teach to compare objects according to their functional belonging, developing the ability to answer the questions “why, for what, how? where?" based on the Christian picture of the world.

Phenomena of public life

Relationships in the world of people.

A family. Know about your family's ancestry. Know about the responsibilities of children in relation to their parents, about obedience to elders as a Divine institution. Teach children to take care of loved ones. To know about the responsibilities of the father, mother, children in relation to each other as a manifestation of love. Foster respect for the traditions of the life of their ancestors.

Homeland. To expand the understanding of the native country as a country of the Orthodox cultural tradition, Orthodox holidays. Tell about her culture, traditions, saints, heroes. To cultivate respect for people of other religious traditions as a rule of life for a person - to love, to take care of a person.

Labor in a person's life. Expand the concept of work as a duty commanded to a person. To instill in children a sense of gratitude to people for their work. To foster respect for the work of people. To foster a careful attitude towards the products of labor is, first of all, a respectful attitude towards bread.

Orthodox church in the life of Christians. To acquaint with the Orthodox traditions of life as the joy of life for Christians. Tell about the temple as the house of God.

Formation of ecological perceptions

Expand children's ideas about the natural world as a creation of God.

Teach the attitude to the creations of the surrounding world as human friends. To teach the relationship of caring for animals, birds, insects as our lesser friends.

To form an idea of ​​man as a beloved creature of God, who is entrusted with the preservation and protection of nature.

To acquaint children with the diversity of their native land: with plants, animals, birds, inhabitants of rivers and seas.

Use works of fiction, music, painting in the process of acquaintance with the world of creations.

Tell about the importance of nature in human life.

Expansion of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, their properties, as a wise Divine action in the life of the world, nature, man.

Development of speech

Developing speech environment

Develop speech as a means of communication.

Expand children's ideas about the diversity, expediency and interconnectedness of the creations of the world around them.

Encourage children to reflect on the problematic and moral themes of stories and express their judgments about the content of illustrations, the meaning of poetic texts.

Form speech etiquette in accordance with the norms of Christian piety.

Formation of the dictionary

Enrich the vocabulary of children with the concepts of spiritual and moral culture (good, evil, sin, pious, obedience, shame, conscience, mercy, hard work, honesty, honor, holiness, Christians, temple).

Provide an understanding of the elementary scope of the basic concepts of Orthodox culture. The God. Mother of God. Jesus Christ. Savior. Guardian angel. Thanksgiving. Resurrection of Christ. Sin. Good. Christians.

Help children relate the basic concepts of spiritual and moral culture with their reflection in the daily life of children.

The tasks of artistic and aesthetic education

Aesthetic culture in general and creativity is the source of the development of the emotional sphere of children. The child is not looking for knowledge, first of all, to which he is guided by modern programs of early development, but tries to express his inner life. For this, creative activity is the most typical form for preschoolers. Drawing, composing fairy tales, modeling, playing music, etc. - are the most familiar forms of creativity for children.

Acquaintance with art

Aesthetically developing environment

The development of skills of cognition of the beauty of the surrounding world in the objective environment of children's life (on a walk in a park, a lawn, on a lake-river-sea, on a city street).

Acquaintance with Orthodox holidays as evidence of the beauty of the virtuous life of Christians.

Visual activity

(Design. Drawing. Modeling. Applique).

Acquaintance with art (including religious) as evidence of the beauty of the Divine universe.

Development of aesthetic perception, observation, attention.

Development of the ability to peer, listen attentively to the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world, notice their changes (for example, the colors of clouds, sun, flowers).

Improve visual skills, the ability to creative activity. To develop the inclinations, talents of children as a Divine gift that requires improvement to the extent determined by each.

To form the skills of working with creative materials as a means of displaying the objective world of creations, feelings and relationships

In subject, subject and decorative drawing, construction, modeling, application - the development of skills for the artistic display of the beauty and harmony of Divine creativity.

To develop the ability to correlate the beauty of objects of the surrounding world with its reflection in one's own creative activity and works of art on the same topic.

Musical education

To develop an interest in the art of music as a reflection of the beauty of the creations of the surrounding world.

To develop the ability to hear and reproduce the beauty of the sound picture of the world in elementary musical forms.

To form a musical culture based on acquaintance with the works of classical, church, folk music.

Play activities.

(Role-playing games. Didactic games. Theatrical games).

To foster creative independence, friendly communication skills.

Teach children joint creative activities.

Cultural and leisure activities

List of major holidays. Nativity. Resurrection of Christ. New Year. Day Angel.

As part of extracurricular activities, classes are held once a week. Only 33 hours.

Forms of organization of extracurricular activities are: musical activities, creative activities, role-playing games, story games.

Planned results of the program

The planned final results of the development by children of the main general educational program of preschool education should describe the integrative qualities of the child, which he can acquire as a result of the development of the Program:

inquisitive, active. Interested in the new, unknown in the world around him (the world of objects and things, the world of relationships and his inner world). Asks questions to an adult, likes to experiment. Able to act independently (in everyday life, in various types of children's activities). In cases of difficulty, he turns to an adult for help. Takes a lively, interested participation in the educational process;

emotionally responsive. Reacts to the emotions of loved ones and friends. Empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories. Reacts emotionally to works of fine art, musical and artistic works, the natural world;

mastered the means of communication and methods of interaction with adults and peers. The child adequately uses verbal and non-verbal means of communication, owns dialogical speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults (negotiates, exchanges objects, distributes actions in cooperation). Able to change the style of communication with an adult or peer, depending on the situation;

able to manage their behavior and plan their actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior. The behavior of a child is mainly determined not by momentary desires and needs, but by the demands of adults and primary value ideas about "what is good and what is bad." The child is able to plan his actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. Observes the rules of behavior on the street (road rules), in public places (transport, shop, clinic, theater, etc.);

able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems), adequate to age... The child can apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve ready-made tasks (problems) posed by both adults and himself; depending on the situation, it can transform the ways of solving problems (problems). The child is able to propose his own idea and embody it in a drawing, building, story, etc.;

having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature. The child has an idea of ​​himself, his own belonging and the belonging of other people to a particular gender; on the composition of the family, family relationships and relationships, the distribution of family responsibilities, family traditions; about society, its cultural values; about the state and belonging to it; about the world;

mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activity - the ability to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions;

mastered the necessary skills and abilities. The child has formed the skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of various types of children's activities.

Topic name

Introduction to the Kind World course

The arrangement of the world. Walking through the days of creation.

Topic 1. Travel to the world of God

First walk. Light. Day. Night.

Walk the second. Sky.

Walk the second. Sky.

Walk three. Earth. Water. Plants.

Walk the fourth. The sun. Moon. Stars.

Walk the fifth. Birds. Fishes. Insects.

Walk six. Human. Animals.

Human. Where is the soul? How is a person different from an animal?

Thanksgiving. How do all creatures give thanks to their Creator?

Building relationships in the world, in our lives. Good bad(book 2)

Feast of the Nativity of Christ. First snow

Feast of the Nativity of Christ. Angel figurine.

Our lesser friends. We take care of the birds. We build bird houses.

How relationships work in our life(book 3)

Our lesser friends. Red Book. Do not offend the creation of God.

Our lesser friends.

Orthodox church ( book 3)

Our good deeds. Works of mercy. We make gifts for the home. For mom, grandmother.

Our good deeds. Works of mercy. We make toys for our little brothers and sisters.

Our lesser friends ( book 3)

Our good deeds. Works of mercy. We are engaged in the improvement of our village, playground.

A family. Relationship between children and parents

My motherland.

Orthodox holidays ( book 4)

Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Easter. Preparing gifts.

Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Easter. Game library.

Travel to the world of an Orthodox church. Excursion to the temple.

Travel to the world of an Orthodox church. Plasticine molding of the model of the temple

Day Angel. Heavenly patrons. We draw a singing angel.

Day Angel. Heavenly patrons. Making a paper angel.

Thanksgiving. thanks(book 4)

Kind world. What does the word "Thank you" mean?

Kind world. Final lesson. We draw a kind world.

Educational tasks:
educational area "Socialization"
- to form in children the skills to follow the rules of behavior of good children.
-develop the ability to fight against their bad habits.

Integration of educational areas.
Educational area "Cognition"
-development of moral consciousness in children.
-develop an interest in your personality.
Educational area "Communication"
- to encourage children to reflect on problematic and moral topics and express their judgments.
Educational area "Artistic creativity"
-to improve visual skills, the ability to creative activity.

Preliminary work.
1. Conversations on topics:
-"my family".
-"what is friendship".
2. Reading works of art
-Grains: "Good stories for little guys"
-V. Veresaev "Brother"
-V. Kataev "Flower - Seven-flower"
3.Product N.O.D. on topics:
-telling from personal experience
- "the main rules of life"
- "tree of goodness"
4. Design a thematic stand for parents.
-Friendly family
5. Using didactic games.
- "Smilies"
-"Vice versa"
- "Help a friend"
6.Productive activity.
Exhibition: "a kind smile"
Used Books:
-Vasilieva M.A., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S.
"The program of education and training in kindergarten"
M .: Mosaic - Synthesis. 2011
-Shevchenko L.L. "Kind world". Orthodox culture for kids. Book 3. M.: support center for cultural and historical traditions of the Fatherland. 2012 r.
-Komarova T.S., Zaryanova O.Yu., Ivanova L.I. "Beauty - Joy, Creativity". Aesthetic education program for preschool children.
H .: Pedagogical Society of Russia. 2000 year
7. Education and materials.
-dolls-toys: two brothers, bundles of a sheet of paper, paints, a brush, a jar of water, a stand, rags.

The course itself is educational activity.
To the music "Strong Friendship" children join hands and stand in a circle.
-I am very pleased that we are all together again - beautiful, neat, very friendly.
Let's give each other a smile and good mood.
The game "Give a Smile" is being held
-Today I will introduce you to two boys. The teacher is holding two boys' dolls in his hands. This is Seryozha - he is the older brother, and this is Sasha - he is the younger brother. They quarrel very often. We must teach them to be friendly, to love each other.
Listen to the story.
Morning has come. Seryozha, pushing Sasha away, shouts: “I'll go first to wash! I'm an older brother. " After breakfast, the elder brother says to the younger: clean up the dishes for me, otherwise I have no time. " And when they played in the sandbox, Seryozha constantly took away toys from Sasha.
-Why are you taking toys from your brother?
- I need them too.
-Guys. What would you say to Seryozha?
-Answers of children.
-Why did he hurt his younger brother?
-Answers of children.
-People should not offend either adults or younger ones. They must be compliant and do good. Guys! Please think and tell me, what is friendship?
-Answers of children.
-Now I will give you all the knitwear. Try to break them.
-Do not break.
-And now take one twig and break it.
-The twigs are breaking.
-So so do you: if you live in harmony, no one will overcome you, and if you quarrel, anyone will destroy you.
Let's play. The teacher puts on the floor a toy - the doll "Seryozha", comments. This is Seryozha, the elder brother. He offends his younger brother, takes away toys, pushes, breaks buildings in the sandbox.
And this is Sasha, the younger brother. The teacher puts the Sasha doll on the floor. He is inferior to his older brother, helps the weak, pours birds. He is good.
We will dance to the music. But at the signal, you will have to run up to the boy with whom you would like to be friends.
The game is being played.
-Why did you all run up to your little brother?
-Answers of children.
-Look, guys, Seryozha is upset and crying. Why?
-Answers of children.
The teacher offers to take the toy "Sasha" and come up with him and take pity on Seryozha.
-Let's tell Seryozha about the rules of behavior for good people.
-Do not offend anyone
-Be compliant
- Wish everyone health
-Be grateful
-Bring goodness.
The teacher turns to Seryozha.
-Now do you understand what can happen if you don’t bring good to people? Remember all the rules? Let's draw all together a kind smile!
The teacher invites the children to come to the tables, smile at each other and complete the task.
At the end of the “Kind Smile” exhibition, the teacher thanks the children and reminds them:
Kindness does not age over the years,
Kindness from the cold will warm you.
If kindness, like the sun shines,
Adults and children are happy.




on spiritual and moral education

children of the preparatory group for school

"Kind world"

(implementation period 1 year).

The project was developed by the educator:

Fonina Natalia Vladimirovna

"Nothing is as cheap or valued as much as courtesy."

(M. Cervantes.)

The formation of spiritual and moral values ​​is the most important indicator of an integral personality, truly independent and responsible, capable of creating his own idea of ​​his life path. Intuitively, our children distinguish good from evil, understand the value of compassion, mercy, value truth and honesty. Do we sufficiently support the best mental manifestations in them? Do we pay enough attention to considering life situations, actions, do we help children to understand real everyday problems that require a decision?

After all, the living conditions in which the child is (the influence of radio and television, literature, music, communication) require constant attention to the younger generation.

In the program of education and training in kindergarten "From birth to school" N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, there is a section on the social and personal direction of work with children, but it is not included in the schedule of classes. Therefore, educators sometimes miss this section as educational. But he is one of the main ones. If a child does not become a great mathematician, it’s not a problem, but if he does not become kind, sympathetic, attentive, helpful, then in vain we taught him everything else.

The project is based on the program of L.L. Shevchenko. "Spiritual and moral culture" Good World ".

The purpose This project is an addition to the main general educational program of preschool education, the formation of a basic culture based on domestic traditional spiritual and moral values.

Tasks: Spiritual and moral development of children through familiarizing with the traditional spiritual values ​​of Russia.

To bring up moral feelings in children: mercy, compassion, empathy. Obedience to parents, love for family, homeland, kind, humane attitude to the world around, friendliness, bashfulness in committing immoral acts, mutual assistance, responsibility and care.

Teach children to build relationships in a group based on mutual respect, peacefulness; to teach to be peacemakers in conflict situations: not to offend, regret, put up, forgive each other, overcome aggression, anger, maintain a peaceful mental order.

To form the ability to evaluate one's own (and not others') actions in accordance with the moral norms of ethics, without condemning others.

Encouraging children to adorn their souls with good qualities.

A feature of the program is the repeated consolidation of values ​​within the framework of various types of children's activities: listening to texts, playing games, drawing, singing theatricalizations, solving problematic situations of moral choice.

The implementation of the project on moral education presupposes an integrated approach - the inclusion of the content of the program in all types of activities: cognitive, productive, play. At the same time, the use of the principle of integration allows you to fully solve the problems of mental, moral and aesthetic education in various types of children's activities.

All material is systematized. The system and sequence of work on the spiritual and moral education of children is presented in the following blocks:

Building relationships in the world.

Be obedient! Work hard!

About mercy, love, care.

About forgiveness, stubbornness.

Be humble! Do not brag!

Don't steal! Don't cheat1

Relationship between children and parents.

Orthodox church in human life.

Our lesser friends.

Within the framework of the blocks presented, the topics of the content of the work, reading and discussion of works of art are distributed; work with illustrations; games: didactic and mobile, drawing, listening and singing songs.

The project is designed for children 6-7 years old

Implementation period -1 year.

Expected results: children should be kind, obedient, caring, honest, hardworking.

The form of summing up the results of the additional educational program is a map of the level of mastering by children of this program (attached).

Educational and thematic plan.

Lesson topic

Number of hours



Our beautiful kind world.

A kind helper.

Do we know how to be friends.

About mercy, love, care.

About hardworking and lazy.

How can we work hard.

When it gets boring.

Generosity and greed.

About my friend.

Our good deeds.

Kind and unkind creations in the human world and in the animal world.

How to treat people.

My friends.

Why does something fail.

Who is stronger: meek or angry.

Who is the most important.

Dispute in the animal world.

Modesty and pride.

Another's and one's own.

My mum.

The men of our family.


Day Angel.

Our lesser friends are birds.

Human care of animals.

Methodological support and conditions for the implementation of the project.



Form of work


The ways


I Building relationships in the world.

Our beautiful,

Kind world.


Find out from children their idea of ​​actions.

Systematize and generalize the rules of kind, polite behavior.

Reading. Discussion. "How to Distinguish Good from Evil". Reading. Discussion. "Why is it evil."

Learning the main rules of life for good children.

Drawing, good rules of life "Rainbow".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad",

What is good and what is evil.


Develop the ability to understand the actions depicted in the picture and the ability to characterize them.

Show kindness to others.

The game "What children should be".

Reading "Virtue", "Nobility".

Examining the illustration "Good Deeds".

Learning the song "If you are kind."

Audio recording of the song "If you are kind."

A kind helper.

Let the children understand that people for the most part are not evil or kind always and in everything that an evil person can become kind can change.

Discussion of the saying "Good will not die, but evil will disappear."

Reading the poem "Conscience Prompted".

Reading "How Vanya did a good thing."

Drawing "The tree of goodness".

Game "Pharmacy of Good Deeds".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Do we know how to be friends?


Reading. Discussion. The poem "Friendship".

Memorizing tongue twisters "With whom you will lead, from that you will gain."

Game activity: "Friendship", "How to make the world kinder."

Listening to the song "The Road of Kindness".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Audio recording of the song "The Road of Kindness".

IIBe obedient! Work hard!

IIBe obedient! Work hard.

IIBe obedient! Work hard.

About mercy, love.


To continue to form the ability to think, to express their attitude to the characters of the works, to correctly assess their actions, to characterize moral qualities: obedience to adults.

Discussion of the fairy tale "Kolobok", the story "Naughty son".

Creative work. We draw according to the plots of the works.

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Colour pencils,

About disobedience in stories and creations.

To form the ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships in the read text (the reasons for the hero's action and the consequences that have occurred).

Reading. Discussion of short stories "Daring Young Fly", "Sparrows and Fire", "Three Gold-Maned Fishes", "Naughty Bear".

Working with the illustration "Obey Mom".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

About hardworking and lazy.


To cultivate in people hard work, a desire to help, to be needed by other people.

Reading. Discussion. "The Wise King", "The Dragonfly and the Ant."

Discussion of the proverb "Patience and work will grind everything."

Dramatization of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Costumes for dramatization

How can we work hard.

To bring children to understanding, a person deserves respect of others by his work.

Notice figurative words and expressions, feel the musicality, rhythm and rhyme of the song.

Discussion of the saying "You respect the work of another, you dirty yourself, clean up yourself."

Reading the poem "Invitation to Labor".

Singing the song "Antoshka".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Audio recording of the song "Antoshka".

When it gets boring.


To teach children to understand the allegory, to encourage the expression of an assessment of the actions of the heroes of the works.

Discussion of proverbs: "There will be no boredom if your hands are busy", "A good deed lives for two centuries."

Reading. Discussion of short stories "Hardworking and Lazy Brother", "Morning Rays", "Little Gardener", "Old Man", "Two Clouds", "Lazy and the Sun".

Game activity "Ribbons stretch".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Attribute for the game "Ribbons stretch"


IIIAbout mercy, love, care.

IIIAbout mercy, love, care.

Generosity and greed.

To bring up kindness in children, about the attitude towards an orphan.

Discussion “All of us

we divide in half "

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

About my friend.


To bring up in children a kind, humane attitude towards friends.

Reading. Discussion. "God's Lantern"

Task "Light the flashlight in your soul."

We listen to and learn the song "This is what a true faithful friend" means.

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Audio recording of the song "This is what a true faithful friend means."

Our good deeds.

To educate children with moral feelings, friendliness, modesty in committing immoral acts, mutual assistance.

Reading. Discussion of the poems "On the road", "Let's sit in silence."

Examining the illustration "Is a Boy Done Well".

Singing the song "As befits friends, we divide everything in half"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Audio recording of the song "When my friends are with me."

Kind and unkind creations in the world of people and in the world of animals

To foster in children a moral sense of responsibility, caring for people.

Reading. Discussion. "The Dog and the Shadow", "Three Babies", "The Tale of the Bee -" Mokhnatka ".

Discussion of the saying "You chase after a stranger, you will lose yours."

Singing the song "When my friends are with me."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad". Audio recording of the song "When my friends are with me."

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

III About mercy, love, care.

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

How to treat people.

Continue to educate children about the rules of conduct. Develop in children the skills of good behavior in relation to adults and peers.

Reading. Discussion. "Resentment", "Forgiveness".

Working with illustrations "Resentment-joy".

Reading. Discussion. "How to better communicate with friends."

Game activity "How to communicate better with friends."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

My friends.

Listening to music

Expand children's ideas about relationships between people, encourage an active manifestation of emotional responsiveness to friends.

Listening and learning the song "Smile".

Learning the rule "As you want people to do to you, so do you treat them."

Play activity "Good - bad".

Creative activity: "Drawing a smile."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Colored pencils, paper.

Why something doesn't work out.

Introduce children to the concept of stubbornness. Learn to feel the figurative language of the fable.

Reading. Discussion. "Sheep".

Working with illustrations for the story.

Reading. Discussion of the fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike".

Working with illustrations for the fable.

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Who is stronger: meek or angry


To develop the ability to independently establish causal relationships of events, actions of heroes, their emotional states. To form a desire to imitate the moral deeds of the heroes.

Reading. Discussion. "Wind and Sun"

Drawing "Good sun, evil wind".

Singing the song "Smile".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad". Audio recording of the song "Smile".


VBe humble! Do not brag!

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

VBe humble! Do not brag!

Who is the most important.


To reveal the social significance of the described phenomenon, the relationship of the heroes, to highlight the words of the author (proudly bragged, stood modestly, etc.) that characterize the heroes themselves and their actions.

Reading. Discussion. "Who is the most important."

Working with the What the Hand Looks Like illustration

Reading. Discussion. "How parts of the human body argue."

Game activity "Look - guess".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Dispute in the animal world.

Feel the figurative language of stories, fairy tales, poems. Understand that jealousy and boasting are punishable.

Reading. Discussion. "Jackdaw in other people's feathers."

Drawing on the plot of the story.

Reading. Discussion "Frog and Ox".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Modesty and pride.

Provide insights into moral qualities such as humility and pride through works of art.

Reading. Discussion. "A speck of dust and a droplet".

Working with the illustration "Tell me what is drawn."

Reading. Discussion. "Sea and Forest".

Riddle "How to relate to each other"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

VI Don't steal! Don't cheat!

VIDon't steal! Don't cheat!

VIDon't steal! Don't cheat!

Another's and one's own.

Conversation - discussion

To educate children in a moral sense of bashfulness in committing immoral acts: do not steal, do not deceive.

Learning the rule "Do not steal, do not lie."

Reading. Discussion. “A thief is evil, but good is good”, “Bones”.

Game activity "Cabbage".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

Where does the lie come from? How to deal with it.

Reading. Meditation

Continue to educate children about concepts such as lying, honesty.

Reading. Discussion. "Lie".

Play activity "Lie-mountain".

Discussion of the saying "You can't hide an awl in a sack."

Quest "Guess what the cunning lie is afraid of."

About evil sisters - Lzhina and Khitrina.


To reveal the social significance of the described phenomenon, the relationship of the heroes, to highlight the words of the author (cunning, evil, conscience, shame, good) that characterize the heroes themselves and their actions.

Reading. Discussion. "How Natasha bought a trick from her sister."

Working with illustration.

Reading. Discussion. "Why did Petya cry?"

We are composing a fairy tale "How evil and kind sisters went to visit."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad".

A kind person is a happy person.

To generalize the rules of good. Polite behavior. Show kindness to others, the ability to foresee the consequences of actions for others.

Reading. Discussion. The poem "Commandments".

Working with the illustration "Whom and what can I please".

Reading. Discussion. "Happy man".

Singing the song "Kindness".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good - bad". Audio recording of the song "Kindness".

Vii The attitude of children and parents.


ViiRelationship between children and parents!

Form an idea of ​​the world of the family. Promote the development of benevolence, tolerance, attention, mutual assistance.

Reading. Discussion. "My kind".

Musical activity "Rodnoy Dom".

Reading. Discussion "The seventh daughter".

Play activity "Check your attitude", "Right-wrong".

My mum.


To cultivate a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards mom, the desire to take care of her and help.

Reading. Discussion. "Mom", "What is your mom", "Three suns".

Memorizing the proverb "It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's."

Listening to the song "Let there always be mom."

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our lesser friends. "

Audio recording of the song "Let there always be mom"

The men of our family.

Encourage the desire to imitate in dignified behavior. To acquaint with works about the relationship between the child and the father in the family.

Reading. Discussion. "To work with dad", "Father and sons", "Father".

A friendly family game.

Musical activity: coming up with additional refrains to the song "Solar Circle".

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our lesser friends. "

Audio recording of the song "Solar Circle"

The senior members of the family are grandmother, grandfather.

Expand ideas about the family, teach to navigate in family relationships. To bring up in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards elders, the desire to help them.

Reading and Discussion:

Sayings “He who honors his parents will never perish”;

The texts "Read the old ones, you yourself will be old",

Poems "Grandmother", "Mother's mother - my grandmother."

Working with illustrations "Old grandfather", "Grandmother and granddaughter".

Play activities "Baba and Pie".

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our lesser friends. "

Orthodox church in human life.



Orthodox church and Orthodox holidays.


Introduce children to the temple. (Excursion to the temple). Discuss with the children how a person becomes a Christian? The meaning of the temple for a person.

Examination of illustrations, images of theaters, shops, museums. A story about an Orthodox church. We look at the illustrations.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our lesser friends. "

Audio recording of the "song about Russia".

Colored pencils, paper.


Acquaintance - discussion

To acquaint children with the concept of an Orthodox holiday. To foster interest in the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

The illustration is about Christmas.

Musical activity: listening to a song

"Christmas tree".

Creative activity: Christmas gifts, exhibition of drawings "Angels".

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox Church. "Colored pencils, paper.

Form the concept of the holiday. In general terms, tell about the meaning of the holiday.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Colored pencils, paper.

Day Angel

Conversation - discussion

Form a concept: about heavenly patrons. We discuss and reflect. “Who am I named after? How to please loved ones ”.

Reading and discussing name days, playing,


Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Orthodox Church"

Audio recording: a song about angels.

IX Our lesser friends.

IXOur lesser friends.

IXOur lesser friends.

When man understood animals.

To acquaint children with the concept: what is a kind attitude to animals. To bring to the understanding that human culture is manifested in relation to animals.

Reading and discussion: "How man gave names to animals", "The language of animals".

Creative activity: we compose, draw “answers” ​​to a person based on the plots of poems.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our lesser friends. "

Colored pencils, paper

Our lesser friends are birds.

Teach children to be attentive, kind, to treat birds correctly.

Reading and discussion: "Sparrow", "Hungry Bird", "Feed the Birds", "Kind Girl".

Working with illustration: "Birds' enemies", Forest Doctor ".

Musical activity: listening A. Alyabyev "Nightingale".

Game activity: "Birdie".

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our lesser friends. "

Audio recording of the music "Nightingale" by A. Alyabyev.

Human care of animals.

Reading is thinking

Show how people care about nature. To foster a respectful attitude towards nature, the desire to provide it with all possible help.

Reading and discussion: "Find", "Kitten".

Working with the illustration "Friends", "The cat looks out the window."

Musical activity: singing the song "The dog is gone".

Creative activity “It is strange that there is no place for homeless dogs and cats in a huge world”.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our lesser friends. "

Audio recording of the song "The Lost Dog".

Paints, paper.

How a person should relate to plants, fish and other creatures.

Using specific examples (heroes of fiction) to form an idea of ​​kindness, teach children to take care of nature.

Reading and Discussion: Grow Bells.

Attitude towards fish in the works of "Trout",

"Boy and Fish".

Conversation "What is the" Red Book "

Examination of the illustrations "Love, pity".

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our lesser friends. "

Used literature for the educator.

1. Vetokhina A.Ya., Dmitrienko Z.S. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. Planning and class notes. Methodological guide for teachers. - SPb .: "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD - PRESS "LLC. 2011. - 192p.

2.Peterina S.V. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children: Book. for the educator children. garden. - M .: Education, 2009. - 96p.

3. Shevchenko L. L. "Kind world". Orthodox culture for kids. Toolkit. - M .: Support Center for the cultural and historical traditions of the Fatherland, 2012. 208s.

Used literature for children.

1. Shevchenko L.L. Kind world. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 1. Walking through the days of creation. Ed. L. N. Antonova. Experimental educational - methodical kit for preschool educational institutions. - M .: Support Center for the cultural and historical traditions of the Fatherland, 2012, 176 p.

2. Shevchenko L.L. Kind world. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 2. Good - bad. Ed. L.N. Antonova. Experimental educational and methodological kit for preschool educational institutions. - M .: Support Center for the cultural and historical traditions of the Fatherland, 2012, 96 p.

3. Shevchenko L. L. Kind world. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 3. Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our lesser friends. Ed. L. N. Antonova. Experimental educational - methodical kit for preschool educational institutions. - M .: Support Center for the cultural and historical traditions of the Fatherland, 2012, 96 p.

Child development monitoring

Kindergarten group:

Monitoring date:




The level of development of integrative qualities

Ability to correctly assess the actions of the heroes of works of art, to characterize moral qualities

Ability to evaluate the actions of comrades

Ability to evaluate your actions

Family concept

The concept of society

Attitude to nature

Knowledge of proverbs, sayings on an ethical topic

V - high

D - sufficient

WITH - average

One of the most important state tasks of our time is the problem of the spiritual and moral education of the young generation, the problem of acquaintance with the sources and values ​​of the primordially Russian Orthodox culture. The understanding that without knowledge of the history of Christian Orthodox culture, under the influence of which the culture of Russia has been formed over a millennium, it is impossible to master the values ​​of Russian and world culture, is expressed at a high state level. Without spirituality, which our fathers and grandfathers passed on to their children over the centuries, we cannot raise a morally healthy generation that would preserve its historically formed national characteristics. Now, material values ​​dominate spiritual ones, therefore, children have distorted ideas about good, mercy, justice, patriotism, ideas about a person as a whole.

In this regard, the task of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation is of extreme importance. It is to these goals in a general education school that the subject module "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" of the training course "Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" (ORCSE), introduced on September 1, 2012, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, is devoted.

However, it is necessary to start any kind of upbringing even at preschool age. It is in this age period that there is an active accumulation of moral experience, active knowledge of the world and human relations, there is an appeal to spiritual life. As S. Kulomzina notes, “during these years his spiritual subconsciousness is being formed, which will become the soil and foundation of free thought and conscious actions in the future” 1. The systematic spiritual and moral upbringing of the child ensures the harmonious formation of his personality, and “the absence of value meanings in the educational process discredits the broadcast of the cultural experience of mankind, reducing education and training to the transmission of information and learning, and upbringing to moralizing and moralizing” 2. Unfortunately, many parents and teachers forget about this, turning education from early childhood into preparation for school.

The Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region fruitfully interacts with the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, securing cooperation with an agreement dated November 12, 2001, and since 2002 the corresponding Coordination Council has been functioning.

One of such programs, realizing the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers, is L. L. Shevchenko's program “Good World. Orthodox culture for kids ”. It is a meaningful module "Spiritual and moral culture (Orthodox culture)" of the main general educational program of preschool education, supplementing its compulsory part with a new educational area, thereby ensuring the achievement of the spiritual and moral development of children, their readiness to master the subject area of ​​the Primary Standard education "Spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia", as well as the continuity of solving the problems of spiritual and moral education at the level of preschool and school levels of the education system (the program is an introductory part of the author's general program "Orthodox culture for grades 1-11"). The selection of the content of the program was made taking into account the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 23.11.2009, No. 685), the federal state educational Standard of primary general education of the new generation (2009), "Approximate content in the subject "Orthodox culture" (Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2002), experience in teaching Orthodox culture in 55 regions of the Russian Federation. According to the author's idea, the program "Kind World" retains a culturological approach to the presentation of religious culture, it has a culturological developmental creative-play projective nature - a route of spiritual local history. Introducing a child into the world of religious experience of spiritual life is a task of family education, which is impossible in the system of secular education.

The program is intended for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten (from 5 to 7 years old). Educational-methodical set “Kind world. Orthodox Culture for Kids ”consists of eight textbooks: 1) Book 1“ Walking the Days of Creation ”; 2) Book 2 "Good - bad"; 3) Book 3 “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our Little Friends "; 4) Book 4 “What are we happy about? Orthodox Holidays "; 5) visual materials; 6) workbook; 7) a teaching aid for teachers (programs, plans, lesson development); 8) CD-ROM. Musical accompaniment of classes.

The goal of the program is defined as the development of the personality of a preschool child, the formation of a basic culture based on domestic traditional spiritual and moral values ​​3.

The program is based on the fundamental provisions of the patristic heritage on the laws of spiritual and moral development of the individual, on the methods and forms of spiritual and moral education in accordance with age capabilities, on the principles of selection of educational material, as well as research of the scientific psychological and pedagogical domestic school on the laws of development and methods upbringing of a preschooler, state documents in the field of education, generalization of practical pedagogical experience of spiritual and moral upbringing and education in the Russian Federation.

The main substantial components of the program for preschoolers are knowledge of religious culture as a kind, beautiful world of God's creations; on the norms of the arrangement of relations in the world as a system of spiritual and moral relations of a person to God, to society, to people, himself and the world of things, to the world of nature; about the values ​​of the life of Christians reflected in the traditions of Orthodox holidays 4. The content of the textbooks is structured accordingly. Book 1 "Walking the Days of Creation" tells about the creation of the world, the manifestation of God's will for the world and man in the arrangement of the universe. The manual is basic in mastering the main concepts of Orthodox culture, which will be deepened in the following books. Book 2 "Good - bad" deepens the disclosure of the theme of the Divine order of the world and shows the first moral rules of life - obedience, diligence, love (care, mercy), which were determined for the good life of a person. Departure from these rules is defined as evil. Book 3 “Family. Homeland. Orthodox church. Our Lesser Friends ”the ethical theme is deepened, examples of a godly life are shown - how these norms are manifested in the arrangement of the daily relationships of the life of Christians. Book 4 What Are We Rejoicing in? Orthodox Holidays ”tells about the happiness of the life of Christians, about Christian joy, reflected in the main Orthodox holidays - the Nativity and Resurrection of Christ, the Day of the Angel as the foundation and completion of the path of divine salvation of man.

According to the author's intention, the program offers the age-appropriate forms of the preschooler for joint group and independent work with the teacher: role-playing, plot games, dramatization, conversation, observation, experimentation, discussion of problem situations, design, artistic creation, playing music, etc. in conditions of subject-developing Wednesday (walking-travel, exhibitions, performances, concerts, etc.). Considering that the leading activity of preschool children is play, the content of the program is organized as a thematic game-journey, which begins in the senior group and ends in preparatory 5.

In kindergartens of the Mytishchi municipal district, work with children on spiritual and moral education has been organized since September 2012 and is carried out in two forms: 1) within the framework of organized educational activities (OOD) as an addition to the main general educational program of preschool education in educational areas “Cognition. FTSKM "," Communication. Development of speech. Communication "," Artistic and aesthetic development. Artistic creativity "," Social and personal development. Socialization "and others; 2) within the framework of additional education at the choice of parents (circle work).

During the year of the work on spiritual and moral education, the following tendency was outlined:

as of 01.09.2012

as of 01.03.2013

as of 01.09.2013

Number of preschool
implementing the program
"Kind world"

34 (from 48)

45 (from 48)

48 (from 48)

Implementation within the framework of the circle work (number of preschool educational institutions / number of children)

18 / 391

21 / 467

36 / 1080

Implementation withinOOD (number of preschool educational institutions / number of children)

16 / 452

24 / 701

12 / 432

Thus, the number of children with whom work is carried out on spiritual and moral education in the preschool educational institution of the Mytishchi municipal district within the framework of the circle work increased by 63.8% over the year, and within the framework of the OOD decreased by 4.5%, moving into the circle work.

However, it should be borne in mind that if the circle work involves children attending classes outside of regular time and with the consent of the parents, then organized educational activities involve the participation of all children, without exception, during the day. Consequently, in this case, the curriculum focuses on the moral and other components, while omitting the spiritual component of the course for reasons of tolerance towards children of little or no church parents. Thus, unfortunately, the tasks of spiritual and moral education within the framework of the OOD are not fully realized. Nevertheless, the number of children attending the "Good World" classes within the framework of the circle work, where spiritual and moral education is fully implemented in accordance with the program, as of September 1, 2012, according to the monitoring carried out, is 10.4% of all pupils 5 -7-year-old preschool educational institution in Mytishchi district, and as of September 1, 2013 - 28.7%, respectively, which is 18.3% more than last year.

It should also be noted that the work on spiritual and moral education is carried out not exclusively according to the program of L. L. Shevchenko. As additional to the main educators, they use such programs as "The Way to the Temple", by A. G. Uralova; "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture", authors O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva; Philosophy for Children in Fairy Tales and Stories, author M. Andrianov; "Amulet" by E. G. Boronina; "Tales-tales" by E. V. Salnikova and others like that. However, their content raises doubts about the true solution of the tasks of spiritual and moral education, replacing it with a patriotic or folklore element, sometimes contrary to Orthodox traditions. The substitution of spiritual and moral education for civil-patriotic education can be traced in many classes of teachers.

The basic characteristics of a person are the concepts of "spirituality" and "morality". Modern secular pedagogical thought connects the spirituality of the individual with humanism and moral values, the manifestation of the “human in man”, believing that “living according to conscience means being a spiritual person” 6. From the point of view of the Orthodox worldview, spirituality is "a quality of a person, a way of his existence, which corresponds to an inner orientation towards the Absolute values." A spiritual person always feels his inadequacy to this ideal and constantly strives to improve.

If spirituality characterizes the higher, "vertical" aspirations of the individual, then morality is the sphere of its "horizontal" aspirations: relations with people and society. From the point of view of Orthodox pedagogical thought, moral life is inseparable from the spiritual world of a person, since it is a way of “practical orientation of the behavior of an individual, which corresponds to an internal orientation towards the Absolute Values” 8. According to L. L. Shevchenko, “Christian morality as a component of Orthodox culture has always been a system-forming component of general education, which underlies the social and moral education of schoolchildren, the formation of their civic position. This was reflected in the definition of the tasks of education, ideological attitudes, formed the basis for the analysis of the activities and relationships of people ”9.

Thus, the goal and object of spiritual and moral education, according to T. I. Petrakova, “is the human heart, and this is its difference from mental education, the purpose and object of which is thinking, and from the aesthetic one, the purpose and object of which are feelings. …" ten

Indeed, “if you orient a growing person to the so-called universal human values, which are very vague and relative, where a certain ideal is absent, there can be no talk of any development of true spirituality” 11.

Closely connected with spiritual and moral education is civil-patriotic education. As L. N. Antonova emphasized in her speech at the IX Moscow Regional Christmas Educational Readings, patriotic education is aimed at the formation of social activity, responsibility, legal culture, mature civic position, constant readiness for conscious, disinterested, voluntary service to their people, fulfillment of their constitutional debt 12. All these qualities are of great importance for the moral strengthening of the individual, since “on the basis of a sense of patriotism, respect for national shrines, love for the Motherland is strengthened, a sense of responsibility for its power, honor and independence, preservation of material and spiritual values ​​of society is manifested” 13. However, civil-patriotic education requires replenishment with spiritual and moral, which is of paramount importance.

The incorrect placement of accents in a number of cases indicates the incompetence of preschool teachers in the field of spiritual and moral formation of the child's personality. In this regard, great attention is paid to professional development. So, in 2012/13, as well as in the 2013/14 academic years, pedagogical councils and consultations for teachers on the topic of spiritual and moral education in the preschool educational institution and the family were held in the preschool educational institution of Mytishchi district; consultations for parents on the topic "The system of spiritual and moral education in the family." At the district level - a seminar for teachers implementing the Kind World program; a round table on the implementation of the Good World program with the participation of representatives of the clergy of the Mytishchi deanery.

However, as statistics have shown, there are very few highly qualified specialists. Despite the fact that short-term training under the Kind World. Orthodox culture for kids "45 teachers of the district have passed on the basis of MGOU, this is not enough. A teacher who is in close contact with the soul of a child needs not only relevant knowledge, but also a deep personal experience of life in the Orthodox cultural tradition, which is not acquired immediately. Let us recall the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, who made rather high demands on the personality of a teacher: “We must be ... an example of the wealth of spiritual life; only under this condition do we have the moral right to educate ”14. Perhaps, the main thing for a teacher of Orthodox culture should be the awareness of the need for their own spiritual growth, when “a conscious choice of worldview becomes decisive, which determines both a person’s thoughts and actions” 15, as well as a responsible approach to teaching this subject 16.

In addition, most parents are also incompetent in this area, often perceiving this course intuitively and in general terms. In many cases, the condition for children to visit the circle is a teacher already familiar to their parents, whom they can trust, and not a professional specialist and the content of the course.

Nevertheless, opposite positive examples are also known. So, in the kindergarten of the village of Pirogovo, Mytishchi district, there is a long-term tradition of conducting such classes with the participation of a priest and the creative initiative of parents.

Such examples make it necessary to build consistent work of the teacher with parents and the family as a whole. For example, it may be advisable to select interesting tasks on the passed topic for joint homework of parents and children; organization of exhibitions of works of children for demonstration to parents; posting information sheets (for example, "How to define a child's Angel Day?"), as well as information sheets with the topic and purpose of the lesson. A similar exemplary work with parents is offered by the author of the course “Kind World. Orthodox culture for kids "in the methodological manual.

So, continuing to analyze the work done in the Mytishchi region for the 2012/13 academic year. d. and summing up the results of the diagnostics carried out, we note that in the framework of the program, culturological knowledge and ideas about the meaning of the holidays of Nativity of Christ, Easter, Angel's Day were formed in the classroom for older preschool children; basic moral feelings, such as the ability to see and perceive the beauty of the surrounding world as a harmonious, beautiful creation of God; distinguish between good deeds and bad deeds; find good qualities in a friend; distinguish between good and evil (highlight the inappropriate in oneself); see and understand the actions and consequences of obedience-disobedience; have an idea of ​​friendship, hard work and laziness, generosity and greed, mercy and concern for others; have an idea of ​​the action of forgiveness, anger-meekness, modesty-boastfulness, honesty and theft; see the actions and consequences of truth and lies.

As a final event, drawing contests “Christmas”, “Christmas lace”, “Winter fantasy”, “Give a smile to the world” were held with children; contests for children's crafts "Angel and Me", "Kind Angel", for Mother's Day; regional qualifying round of the International competition of arts and crafts "Easter Egg 2013"; reading contests “My Country - My Russia”, “The World Meets Christmas”; holidays and leisure: "Winter fun", "Christmas carols", "Epiphany gatherings", "Easter tale", "Maslenitsa festivities"; at the district level - contests of children's creativity.

Despite the existing difficulties, work in this direction continues to develop. At the Department of Education of the Mytishchi Municipal District, a working group has been created to develop educational-thematic planning, plans-summaries of classes, questionnaires, questionnaires, diagnostics of the levels of assimilation of the program. Plans for next year:

- holding round tables with the participation of representatives of the clergy of the Mytishchi Deanery on the topic “Topical issues in teaching the module“ Orthodox culture for kids ”within the framework of the program“ Good World ”by L. L. Shevchenko”; “Enriching the knowledge of teachers about the spiritual and moral development and upbringing of preschool children through the use of the module of the program“ Good World ”by L. L. Shevchenko”;

- a regional seminar on the topic “The value-content basis of the module“ Spiritual and moral culture ”(the idea of ​​teachers about the formation of fundamental moral and ethical ideals, attitudes, values, norms that ensure a conscious moral choice in older preschool children)”;

- organization of the work of the district methodological association for the implementation of the "Good World" program, etc.

Returning once again to the purpose of this course and the content of the organized work of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region in this direction, I would like to emphasize that today it is very important to form a moral principle, to familiarize the younger generation with spiritual and national traditions, to involve them in cultural preservation activities, to ensure close family interaction. and educational institution. Following Archpriest V. Zenkovsky, we note that a spiritually developed person is “not one who only understands, but one who both correctly evaluates and acts correctly” 17. “A spiritually and morally developed child lives with a sense of his spiritual 'involvement' in the life of the surrounding reality, he has a keen interest in the events taking place, sincere and kind feelings towards the people around him, heartfelt aspirations for God, as well as a sense of responsibility for his actions , words and thoughts ... At the same time, the child really shows a sense of mercy and compassion towards his neighbors, since he perceives them as spiritually close people ”18.

L. I. Mumrikova
Cand. ped. sciences,
senior lecturer of the department
general pedagogy of PSTGU


1. Actual problems of modern education: a holistic approach: Sat. scientific. tr. and materials based on the results of scientific conference / N. M. Borytko, scientific. ed. Volgograd, September 27-30. 2004: In 2 hours Volgograd, 2005. Part 1.P. 238.

2. Speech by the Minister of Education of the Moscow Region L. N. Antonova at the opening ceremony of the IX Moscow Regional Christmas-Viennese Educational Readings http: // www ..

3. Divnogortseva S. Yu. Spiritual and moral education in the theory and experience of Orthodox pedagogical culture. M., 2008.239 p.

4. Divnogortseva S. Yu. Theoretical pedagogy: textbook. manual. M., 2004.194 p.

5. Zenkovsky V., prot. Pedagogy. M., 1996.154 p.

6. Kulomzina S. Our Church and Our Children. Christian education of children in the modern world. M., 2007.192 p.

7. Mumrikova LI The image of a teacher of Orthodox culture: professional, moral and spiritual qualities // Bulletin of PSTGU IV: Pedagogy and psychology. M., 2012. No. 2 (25). S. 17-23.

8. Nikitin AF Education of schoolchildren in the spirit of human rights // Pedagogy. 1992. No. 1-2. S. 6-11.

9. Petrakova TI Spiritual and moral education in elementary school: teaching guidelines. M., 2004.96 p.

10. Sklyarova T.V. Personal characteristics

and professional competence of the teacher "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" // XIV Annual Theological Conference PSTGU: Materials.

M., 2005.S. 684.

11. Sukhomlinsky V. A. I give my heart to children. M., 1983.224 p.

12. Shevchenko L. L. Kind world. Orthodox culture for kids. Toolkit. M., 2012.202 p.

13. Shevchenko L. L. Orthodox culture: a methodological guide for a teacher of the 1st grade. M., 2003.119 p.

    1 Kulomzina S. Our Church and Our Children. Christian education of children in the modern world. M., 2007.S. 38.

    2 Actual problems of modern education: a holistic approach: Collection of scientific papers and materials based on the results of the scientific conference / N. M. Borytko, scientific. ed. Volgograd, September 27-30. 2004: In 2 hours Volgograd, 2005. Part 1.P. 238.

    3 Shevchenko L. L. Kind world. Orthodox culture for kids. Toolkit. M., 2012.S. 7.

    4 Ibid. P.30.

    5 Ibid. P. 8.

    6 Nikitin A. F. Education of schoolchildren in the spirit of human rights // Pedagogy. 1992. No. 1-2. S.6-11.

    7 Divnogortseva S. Yu. Spiritual and moral education in the theory and experience of Orthodox pedagogical culture. M., 2008.S. 109.

    8 Ibid. P. 114.

    9 Shevchenko L. L. Orthodox culture: a methodological guide for a teacher of the 1st grade. M., 2003.S. 12.

    10 Petrakova TI Spiritual and moral education in primary school: Teaching guidelines. M., 2004.S. 5.

    11 Divnogortseva S. Yu. Spiritual and moral education in the theory and experience of Orthodox pedagogical culture. M., 2008.S. 146.

    12 Speech by the Minister of Education of the Moscow Region L. N. Antonova at the opening ceremony of the IX Moscow Regional Christmas Educational Readings http: // www ..

    13 Divnogortseva S. Yu. Theoretical pedagogy: textbook. manual. M., 2004.S. 119.

    14 Sukhomlinsky V. A. I give my heart to children. M., 1983.S. 22.

    15 Sklyarova T.V.Personal characteristics and professional competence of the teacher

    "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" // XIV Annual Theological Conference of PSTGU: Materials.

    M., 2005.S. 684.

    16 Mumrikova L.I. The image of a teacher of Orthodox culture: professional, moral

    and spiritual qualities // Bulletin of PSTGU IV: Pedagogy and psychology. M., 2012. No. 2 (25). S. 17-23.

    17 Zenkovsky V., prot. Pedagogy. M., 1996.S. 8.

    18 Divnogortseva S. Yu. Theoretical pedagogy: textbook. manual. M., 2004.S. 104.