Weave a basket of nylon. Do-it-yourself flowers from nylon or give a second life to nylon tights. What is needed in the work

Weaving baskets - the three best options for MK

Paper art has always surprised me! Baskets, chests, boxes, vases woven from an ordinary newspaper attracted my attention - fascinated with their beauty! Thanks to a Chinese named Tsai Lun, who invented paper, we have wicker baskets in our house for every taste and color. Twisted newspaper tubes have proven to be an excellent weaving material. The flexibility of the tubes does not limit the flight of imagination, it allows weaving both simple and complex models of baskets.
I bring to your attention well, Very!))) Very nice baskets!

Japanese layering or zigzag.

Thank you for the excellent MK of the master of paper beauty under the nickname Elenaforos.

Well, before leaving this page, I suggest you watch a video tutorial: How to make paper tubes correctly. Mk is interesting and will be very useful for both novice craftswomen and experienced craftsmen!

I wish you all the best!

You may have already tried to make a do-it-yourself pantyhose rug. And often the first nylon rug comes out lopsided and unsightly, despite all the efforts. But it doesn’t matter, you just didn’t know the folk tricks that help needlewomen create smooth, lightweight and practical rugs from the old nylon. There are a lot of options for making a lot - this is a round rug of braided braids, as the grandmother knitted, and an openwork, crocheted rug, nylon round, assembled in a neat, flat spiral. We will acquaint you with these and some other ideas for making rugs from tights and reveal little secrets that will help you make a neat and even canvas.

So that a carpet made of tights and socks, made with your own hands, does not serve as an object of ridicule from loved ones, adopt several useful life hacks. Thanks to them, you will make a really beautiful thing and will not waste your time. Here is a selection of the most common questions from beginners taking on the production of nylon rugs:

  • How many tights do you need for a small rug? At least 10. Once you have a pair of stockings with a hole, set them aside and then cut and roll into balls.
  • How to cut a nylon? We cut off the top and bottom, and then we cut the canvas in a spiral, so a thin, even thread will come out.
  • What if there were not enough tights, and the rug is not finished yet? We will tie it with a knitted ribbon or inlay.
  • How to make flat rugs? Make yarn from non-stretch tights, or knit more loosely without tightening the thread.
  • How to dye your tights? You can paint nylon flesh shades in bright colors at home. First boil the material with chlorine bleach, rinse and dry. Then dye with a special fabric dye according to the instructions on the package.

Using these tips, you can make a nylon rug that will decorate your home. By combining colors and shades, adding threads of different thicknesses and from other materials, you will make an original thing.

Rug made of threads and nylon

This master class round rug is good because it is done very quickly and looks unusual, thanks to the braiding of thick threads. Only 4 pairs of tights are needed for a rug with a diameter of 54 cm:

  1. Cut off the gusset and panties, leaving the sock.
  2. Crochet the bottom of the stocking.
  3. We close it in a tight ring.
  4. We knit the second row by grasping the thread of the first and braiding the nylon.
  5. We knit the fabric in a circle, adding threads of different colors.
  6. Having tied the round, we hide the working tip from the inside and carefully hem.

You can use jute twine, natural colors, or fine knit yarn from old T-shirts.

Important! In the course of knitting, do not forget to increase the loops, otherwise - not a carpet will come out, but a basket. To do this, knit 2 loops from 1 of the previous row. If the canvas is puffy, knit 2 posts from every other loop.

Crochet nylon rug

The next option for how to make a rug from tights is crocheted with a 6 mm crochet hook:

  1. Cut off the top and the footprint. Cut the remaining canvas lengthwise into strips 2 cm wide.
  2. We stretch the ribbons, knit them together.
  3. We knit a chain of 5 air loops.
  4. We connect the edges with a column, knit the double crochet from the first row.
  5. We continue to knit in a circle, making increases in loops.

As a result, you will have a neat, even rug that will last for many years. You can make not a round, but an oval rug. To do this, increase the length of the chain and make additions not only along the course of knitting, but also at the edges of the first row. In order not to get confused in the additions, use pins, special markers.

Important! To make an original rug as a knitting pattern, use openwork napkin and tablecloth patterns. Consider the thickness of the yarn - you won't be able to knit a lace pattern with a thick thread.

Pigtail rugs

Round and even rectangular pantyhose rugs are woven with their own hands without a hook from individual braids, which are then sewn together. This is how it works:

  1. Let's prepare the yarn from the trimmed tights.
  2. We will weave a long pigtail out of it, fixing the tip with a needle by hand.
  3. Let's prepare a fabric lining that will keep the shape of the rug even after frequent washings.
  4. To make the middle even, tuck the fabric into the hoop, sew a pigtail to it, securing it in the middle.
  5. Gradually increase the radius of the rug, remove the hoop.
  6. Sewing the mat of the desired size, cut off the lining, sew on a bias tape from knitted tape.

Straight rugs in this technique are made from braids laid in a zigzag. They are also sewn to the base and overcast. You can get an interesting wavy edge by laying the chain in spirals, twisting them in different directions. These wavy rugs look good in the bathroom.

Important! By combining voluminous and thin braids, you can create an interesting avant-garde pattern.

Rug from rings (video)

If in the previous methods you had to work with a thread tied in knots, then here you need to work with a capron cut into rings. The rug will come out light, fluffy, and the manufacturing method is similar to children's play - weaving from rubber bands:

  1. Fold the ring twice. Put on, twisting the figure eight, on the thumb and forefinger.
  2. We wind another loop in the same way, remove the first loop from the thumb. We throw it to the top. Then we also transfer the lower loop from the index finger to the upper one.
  3. It turned out to be a neat chain. Continue knitting on the fingers, making a long braid.
  4. Sew the braids into the fabric of the desired shape, and you're done!

Important! This method is also good because it does not require close attention - knit a snake while watching TV series, the process is completely automatic.

And now): the most interesting thing that the French women don't know about))) Useful tips in pictures about the versatility of tights: how to use torn tights and stockings in the household

But first, a small, no less useful digression, for everyone who would like to start doing business) If you want to buy a company, take a look at the site olimpicblog.ru. There are many interesting articles, read)

In the absence of a hair tie with tights, you can temporarily tie up your hair

Storing onions in pantyhose

Thin light-colored pantyhose can be added when knitting thick socks to strengthen the foot area. These socks will last much longer.

Vases from glassware and fishnet tights

Decorating bottles with patterned tights

For photographers - fog effect with tights

Sewing dolls from nylon tights

Creating flowers from nylon tights

Painting Easter eggs in tights

The nylon stocking cut along the length is the best source of elastic ropes with which you can tie and tie anything

Tights are an excellent material for garters of grapes, tomatoes and other plants. Soft tights will not harm the plant as much as a regular rope

The stocking trimming is tightly stuffed into the drilled hole, a pre-heated nail is stuck in there, and pulled out. A molten channel is obtained, into which a nail, screw, screw or bolt is then driven in or screwed in. Likewise, you can fix loose screws in old furniture. Especially in chipboard furniture. Here it is useful to thoroughly warm the entire mass of nylon with a soldering iron, and then melt the channel for the screw.

They also use large pieces of nylon instead of a sieve for sifting bulk and filtering flowing materials and products.

A stocking put on a broom will prevent it from getting too tousled and broken. Thanks to this "case", the broom will be as good as new for a long time! And it will be much more convenient to sweep the spider web with such a broom.

You can stuff soft toys with clean old tights instead of foam rubber

Due to their abrasive properties, rags made from pantyhose are very good at cleaning mirrors and window panes.

They are also great at polishing and cleaning shoes.

The dishes can also be washed and cleaned with tights. To do this, you need to cut the tights into strips and tie a loofah from these strips.

Furniture cleaning and polishing with pantyhose

With the help of tights, you can collect small items from the floor, for example, beads. To do this, you need to pull the tights over the suction hole and vacuum the place where the loss was supposed to be. In this case, all the dust will be absorbed, and small things will linger on the fabric. All ladies are familiar with the situation when an earring that has fallen to the floor rolls up behind an armchair or under a bed. Vacuum where the earring is supposed to be. All the dust will be sucked into the vacuum cleaner, and the earring will simply be attracted, but will not get inside.

Owners of vacuum cleaners with reusable filters. We cut off the upper (thigh) part of the stocking, tie the wide end with a knot or intercept it with a strong elastic band, put the resulting chalk on a pipe inside the dust collector, fix it there with a rubber ring. That's it! .. After filling the bag, we throw it away with the trash.

Hygiene of the massage brush. Pull the tights or stockings over the massage brush or comb so that the teeth stick out (not covered with tights). Then you can comb your hair with such a comb and remove the tights from the comb. The comb itself will remain clean. There will be no hair, no dandruff, no sebum residue, etc. Hair and all dirt will remain in the stocking.

For flavoring. You can put dried orange peels in tights (absolutely clean, of course) and hang them anywhere in the bathroom. Every time the bathroom is filled with steam, orange peels will smell and flavor the bathroom. You can also fill your tights with lavender.

Moth pads. Caring hostesses make pillows from old tights, which are filled with lavender and put in closets. This method has a double benefit: it drives away the moth, and the aroma is pleasant.

Aromatherapy. Using the bottom of your pantyhose, place a few handfuls of bath salts and place them in the bath so that the salt will dissolve evenly and will not crumble.

Pantyhose net

Tights toys - growing grass for pets

Crochet rugs from pantyhose

Washcloth - soap in pantyhose

Wipe dust from the leaves of indoor plants

Tights for flower pots. Place a piece of cloth from the pantyhose on the bottom of the flower pot to avoid washing out the soil when watering the plants.

All burrs can be identified with tights. If you are using sandpaper to sand a wooden surface, you can test the quality of the sanding by putting on tights and rubbing it over the surface: if there is a defect, there will be a puff on the fabric.

Tights and acetone can easily remove nail polish

Used paint brushes can be stored in tights to reduce the risk of contamination and fluff. For use for perfect painting. In order for the paint to have the perfect consistency, without lumps and debris, cover the paint can with a piece of nylon (obtained from a cut stocking) and drown it slightly. Thus, you will have a "can" in the can, into which the paint will show through, and all the lumps and debris will not pass. By the way, by tightly pulling the nylon on the jar and securing it, you can shake out any bulk product from it, while sifting it. You can also filter liquids in the same way.

Bottles - ladies from pantyhose

So that insects do not fly away, but also do not suffocate

A rattling refrigerator? Wrap the refrigerator engine with tights in one turn, spread the ends and fasten them tightly on the body ..

Tights as a reinforcing material. Craftsmen use tights when gluing wooden skis - for reinforcement. They say that tights are best suited for these purposes.

With drops of molten nylon, porous and fleecy materials are easily glued. The stocking is cut from above to the trace (the trace is cut off) in a spiral with a long strip with a width of 1-2 cm. The strip itself will roll into a lace, then it is wound into a ball.

Capron melts easily, but also quickly sets, so you need to work quickly. Capron can build up a worn heel, patch up the outsole - even if made of rubber. Warm up the desired place with a soldering iron to softness and rub pieces of a nylon cord into it with a soldering iron. So, building up layer by layer, they bring the thing to condition. Take special care not to get the nylon melt on your hands!

You can make nylon handles for working tools. In a clean canning jar, nylon trimmings are melted over low heat. While they are on the fire, they prepare a simple mold for casting - a cardboard and thin aluminum tube. The round handle is not very convenient to work with, so the tube should be slightly flattened on both sides. One end of the finished form is plugged with any stopper, and the ready-made melt is poured into the other. Immediately insert the tool handle and wait for it to grab. For the beauty of the product, you can pour a pinch of paint - bronze or silver - into the melting nylon.

Is there a leak in the bathroom? Free the junction of the siphon with the fan pipe. A handful of cement is kneaded in water until sour cream is thick. A nylon stocking is thoroughly bathed in this liquid and wrapped around the affected joint. Apply a bandage without folds, tight and not tight. The remains of the solution smooth out irregularities. When the "sleeve" dries up slightly, pass over it with a wet brush or rag. The connection will be strong.

Alternative to alternator belt, pump or power steering. While foreign drivers are bourgeois, if the belt breaks, they will stand for hours scratching themselves, waiting for the arrival of the evacuation service, a Russian person in such a situation will simply ask his wife to borrow her tights for a while, which will successfully replace the ill-fated belt and help her to reach the nearest car service ...

You can rob a bank)))

And also))) tights can be worn with a dress! And if they are torn a little, then under jeans))))

Like this! And that's not all)))) Now think about whether to throw away your old tights)

Did you know that decorative flowers can be made from a wide variety of materials? One of the most affordable is nylon. Let's see how to make original and aesthetic flowers from nylon with your own hands for interior decoration.

Any modern girl is perfectly familiar with such a wardrobe item as nylon tights. Dense, ultra-thin, colored and monochromatic - they have one thing in common: nylon tights very quickly deteriorate. The slightest drag - and elegant tights turn into useless rubbish. Look into your closet - for sure there will be at least a couple of spoiled nylon tights. You can throw them away, or you can independently make an original decoration for the interior - nylon flowers.

Spend the evening creatively - make your favorite flower from the material at hand. This is not as difficult as it might seem, especially if you have a detailed master class before your eyes. so what? Do you want to try yourself as a florist?


Today I want to tell you how you can weave textile boxes or baskets from very simple and affordable materials. These wicker items have a lot of advantages: they are not afraid of creasing, they are durable, lightweight and practical, they can be washed, they can be woven, changing the size and shape. Some positive aspects. You can choose the size and color for the interior. In addition, they are very easy to weave, and you can find a lot of applications for them!

What is needed in the work:

  • insulation for windows and doors (sold in hardware stores, in my case 10 meters long and 1.5 cm in cross section);
  • a piece of cloth.

Any fabric will do (just not quite thick). The longer the cut, the longer the strips of fabric will be and the fewer knots there will be in the finished work. The nodes are practically invisible, I didn't even have to specially remove or mask them somehow. The fabric can be selected in different colors to create a patterned basket.

In addition, in the work you will need a needle with a large eye (my needle has an eye size of almost 1.5 cm). It is good if you pick up a darning needle with a large eye and a blunt tip.
There are several options for creating such baskets: you can glue each layer with hot glue or sew on with sewing thread. But if you use glue, the work will not look very neat, it will still not work perfectly to hide the glue between the fabric.
If you sew the layers with sewing threads, again you will need to sew very carefully so that the threads are not visible. This work is long and painstaking. The threads may break during the operation of the basket.
Considering all these points, I chose the simplest, most reliable, economical and fastest way of weaving. We will intertwine each layer with strips of the same fabric.

We cut the fabric into strips 5-6 cm wide and 1.5-2 cm wide. Wide strips will be used for wrapping the insulation, and we will weave the narrow insulation.

We wrap the insulation with a cloth. The very tip can be fixed with glue for reliability.

Please note that I wrapped a part of the insulation and, so that the fabric does not unwind, I secured it with a pin. We thread a narrow strip of fabric into the needle. We twist the insulation with a snail, forming the bottom of the future basket.

We intertwine the layers of insulation with a narrow strip of fabric: we pass the needle, grabbing two layers. In work, you can help yourself with pins, fixing the fabric.

When the strip ends, we simply tie the next piece. All nodules will be safely hidden afterwards.

Already five layers of the bottom. We always weave the last and penultimate layers with a narrow strip of fabric. I unrolled the narrow strip with the light side up to create a pattern.

When the bottom of the future basket or box is ready, we move on to weaving the walls.

Lay the next layer on top, fix it with needles (on the right). We also intertwine with fabric.

I have woven ten rounds of the basket. Let's start forming the handles. The top can be designed in different ways. The cover can be woven.

To make the handles look the same, I used a can of chips. She laid it on top of the basket, wrapped it with insulation.

The insulation was fixed with pins.

The basket turns out to be very durable, and at the same time lightweight. The insulation itself is a durable material, and also woven with fabric, a hundred times stronger. Yes, in such a basket you can safely carry weights.

In the process of weaving, I hid the knots under the fabric, so that in the finished work they are almost invisible.

The handles seemed to me to be very thick for such a basket, so I untwisted the last two layers. Finished a basket without handles. You can leave it in this form: store balls and toys, textiles or gloves. Anything.

Or you can weave a pigtail handle, turning it into a textile bucket. I would like to add that such a basket is woven very quickly and easily.