Why do pregnant women break water prematurely? What waters are normal? Possible outflow scenarios

The interest of a pregnant woman, especially a primipara, in how the waters break before childbirth, and how long after that the contractions should begin, is quite natural. Knowing when and why the process of outflow of water occurs and how to behave when it happens will help you go through the last stage of bearing a child without problems and complications.

Amniotic fluid is a fluid originally formed from the blood plasma of a pregnant woman. This liquid performs protective functions, being a kind of buffer, provides the child with freedom of movement, and also contains nutrients that enter the body directly through the skin in the early stages of fetal development. The amount of fetal fluid is approximately 1 - 1.5 liters.

In the future, we will talk about the normal development of events, when the water leaves no earlier than at the 32nd week of pregnancy. Then the outpouring of water is a natural physiological process, a signal that childbirth will begin soon. But if this happens for up to 20 weeks, there is practically no chance of bearing a child. With the outpouring of water at a period of 20 to 28 weeks, it is possible to safely carry the pregnancy, but it is associated with great difficulties.

What options for the discharge of water are considered the norm

The discharge of water occurs as a result of tearing of the fetal membrane. Most often this happens a few hours before childbirth, or in the initial period of childbirth. In some cases, the fetal bladder is so strong that it has to be opened during childbirth, a procedure called an amniotomy.

The most favorable period for the outflow of amniotic fluid for childbirth is when the uterus is already open by 4–5 cm. If a small crack forms in the fetal membrane, the water may leave little by little, for several days. And in the case of a large rupture of the shell, they can pour out all at once, in a few seconds. Both of these are quite normal.

However, if half a day after the discharge of the fetal waters, the contractions have not yet begun, the pregnant woman is diagnosed with a "long anhydrous period" and measures are taken to speed up the birth process. After all, amniotic fluid (the so-called fetal water) serves as a reliable protection for the child from external infections, and the loss of this protection is dangerous for him.

In addition, dry childbirth is not always easy. The presence of remnants of the so-called anterior fetal fluid (they are usually about 200 ml) and posterior fetal fluid (they are located behind the baby's body) help open the cervix and facilitate the process of the newborn passing through the birth canal.

How to understand that the waters have broken

If the fetal waters are poured out at a time, in a large portion, it is impossible not to notice a wet bed or a puddle under your feet. If the tear of the fetal bladder is far from the pharynx of the uterus, and is clamped by its walls, the water will leak periodically, in small portions. Then the fact of the discharge of water can be taken for ordinary discharge or involuntary excretion of urine. But there are distinctive features that are characteristic only for amniotic fluid:

  • Amniotic fluid is odorless;
  • They are liquid, not slimy and stretchy like jelly;
  • With leakage of amniotic fluid, their amount increases with movement, while this is not observed with urinary incontinence or vaginal secretion.

Amniotic fluid is colorless. A greenish color can be given to it by the original feces (meconium), which is sometimes a sign of oxygen starvation of the fetus, the brown color of the fetal waters is due to the admixture of blood during placental abruption. Therefore, upon entering the maternity hospital, be sure to tell the doctor how the waters departed before childbirth, how many there were, what color and consistency they had.

Water broke: what to do?

If you have suspicions that the fetal waters are leaking, or if the waters have clearly (that is, intensively) moved away, it's time to get ready for the maternity hospital. You have a few hours to spare, unless, of course, the amniotic fluid is colored green or brown. Then the collection time is reduced to an hour and a half, since these signs indicate a birth pathology.

With an abundant outpouring of fetal waters, to prevent possible prolapse of the umbilical cord and its pinching, it is recommended to stand on all fours for 10-15 minutes, leaning on your knees and elbows (knee-elbow position). This can be done before the ambulance arrives, at home, on the bed or on the floor, or in the back seat of the car that takes you to the hospital.

Each of us has seen at least one scene from the film, when a pregnant woman standing in a public place has water pouring down her legs in a continuous stream, but in fact the reality of rupture of the amniotic bladder and the discharge of amniotic fluid is not so dramatic a scene! Of the 1000 women interviewed, only 14% experienced such an instantaneous discharge of water.

But for primiparous women, the question is: How do the waters break? one of the most pressing! And this is quite understandable, because when you give birth for the first time, there are a lot of fears, fears, worries and questions, among them is how to understand that amniotic fluid is leaving.

Most women, when talking about how they felt when their water broke, say that the liquid either slowly flowed down their legs, or simply dripped, constantly soaking their underwear or pad. In addition, about a third of women, recalling their births, said that they had a discharge of water only after the doctor opened the fetal bladder (performed an amniotomy) or when they had already progressed with labor and had strong, regular and painful contractions. !

The amount of amniotic fluid at the end of pregnancy differs in each individual case - someone has a normal amount of amniotic fluid (about 500-1500 ml), someone has oligohydramnios (less than 500 ml), someone has polyhydramnios (more than 1500 ml ). Accordingly, the waters of each woman depart differently - for some, they leak a little (often they dig in), for others they flow in a thin stream, and for others they pour out immediately, in a continuous stream.

The discharge of amniotic fluid begins at the moment when the integrity of the membranes surrounding the fetus, the so-called fetal bladder, has been violated. From this moment on, your child is not protected from infections, so you need to immediately, as soon as you notice a discharge or leakage of water, consult a doctor or call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

If you can't determine for sure if you really have the waters break, or you just have an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge (which is typical for pregnant women), then you need to immediately contact a antenatal clinic. There, a gynecologist will conduct a special test for you, which is aimed at determining the leakage of amniotic fluid. Using a swab, the doctor takes some vaginal secretions and places them on a test strip, which shows if there are traces of amniotic fluid in the secretions.

After the outflow of amniotic fluid, the obstetrician-gynecologist must decide on further tactics for managing pregnancy or childbirth. If yours (that is, the gestational age is less than 37 weeks), but cardiotocography (CTG) does not reveal signs of the child's suffering, then such a pregnancy will most likely be tried to be preserved (prolonged).

If a decision was made to prolong the pregnancy, then the woman is placed in a hospital, she is prescribed full bed rest, taking drugs that relax the uterus and antibiotics to prevent pregnancy complications and infection of the fetus.

If a decision is made to induce labor, do not worry - the doctors will do everything possible to make sure that everything is fine with the baby and his mother!

What does a woman feel when her water breaks?

If a woman is one of those who had amniotic fluid poured out before childbirth or an amniotomy, then she will definitely notice the moment when she has the waters break.

Most often, the outpouring of water is accompanied by a feeling of moisture, which the woman did not feel before. 100 or more milliliters of amniotic fluid may pass immediately. If the leakage is insignificant, then the woman may have the feeling that she has simply increased the amount of vaginal secretion. But in such cases, leakage increases when the woman begins to walk or move. If the outflow of amniotic fluid was premature (that is), then the woman may almost immediately have contractions, accompanied by pain in the abdomen and an increase in the tone of the uterus.

Normally, amniotic water is odorless, colorless and has no impurities. If you notice a suspension of meconium in the liquid that has poured out, or if they have a greenish tint, then this is a sign that your child is suffering from hypoxia (lack of oxygen). If the waters have a brown, reddish or pink tint, then this is a sure sign of danger (it can talk about intrauterine bleeding).

If your amniotic fluid broke when you were at home, then you should immediately go to the maternity hospital on your own or call an ambulance that will take you to the maternity facility. Hospitalization is mandatory regardless of the gestational age you are in!

If the expected due date is in the coming days, and you the waters broke, then this means that you will give birth in the next 12 hours. If this does not happen, then the doctors will stimulate labor activity for you, since exactly 12 hours is the optimal period of time after which (after the discharge of the amniotic fluid) a child should be born.

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The approach of the proposed is a difficult and responsible period when a woman carefully listens to all the changes in the body. Many are afraid to overlook.

But gynecologists say that this is practically impossible - even with rapid development, they will understand that, nevertheless, observation will not be superfluous.

And in order to reassure expectant mothers, we will tell you how to understand that you have moved away and the birth process has begun during pregnancy.

amniotic fluid

This anatomical fluid is provided by nature to protect the embryo from infections. At the same time, this substance performs a nutritional function and helps reduce pressure on the walls.

As pregnancy develops, the amount of amniotic fluid increases and by the end of the term it already reaches 0.8-1.5 liters. Until the moment when the time comes for the child to be born, the anatomical fluid thanks to maintains sterility.

The discharge of water flows right in front - the bubble (amnion) bursts, and the substance pours out. It is this process that is considered as the exact threshold of labor activity. And if mommy is not yet in, then it's time to go there. Moreover, if the color or smell of the substance is alarming, it is advisable to call an ambulance.


After the waters have broken, the baby is not immediately born - after how long the mother will have the first child, it depends solely on personal characteristics. Moreover, the difference in can be significantly different. Doctors identify several scenarios for the likely development of events, for any of which both the woman in labor and the doctors should be prepared.

Premature (prenatal) discharge

In the third trimester, presumably since, the amnion can rupture at any time. If this happens long before the expected date, we are talking about an early outpouring.

However, prenatal pouring can result in such problems:
  1. A baby born early may not survive.
  2. If the fetus is found to be in the wrong position, it may come out or twist. And this is already fraught with oxygen deficiency and the death of the baby.
If the waters broke on the 28th-32nd week, you should not consider how long they will start, but immediately go to the clinic - the doctors will decide whether to continue the pregnancy or start artificial delivery. Everything in this case depends on the health of the mother and the condition of the fetus.

The contractions did not get their name simply, because during this period there is a feeling that the uterus is squeezing, and it even seems that it is turning to stone, becoming hard - this is how it comes in. The abdomen becomes hard with every contraction. But the process can begin remotely.

Labor pains conditionally go through three stages of development:
  1. Initial. Contractions are weak, barely perceptible, irregular, sometimes even chaotic. Such contractions cause more discomfort than pain.
  2. Active. Contractions are repeated with equal frequency. By the time the period between contractions is 2 minutes, you should already be in the hospital.
  3. transitional. At this stage, the contractions end and attempts begin, which should be restrained.

The process of how water breaks in pregnant women before childbirth is not the same for everyone. Sometimes they can leak out in droplets, which is why primogeniture can be wrong. In fact, there are no characteristic sensations of outflow of liquid. Often this process can occur along with contractions and be accompanied by spasms or acute pain. For the most part, contractions begin even before the discharge, but for some, the water can move away, and the contractions begin after 12 hours.

There are several options for pouring water:

  1. Instant. The bubble bursts immediately, and the entire volume flows out. This situation rarely happens and mainly in cases where the fetus is wrong.
  2. Portion. This option happens most often. In this case, the front part of the amnion is torn, and 200-250 ml of liquid flows out at a time. The rest of the substance leaves in small portions.
  3. Leakage. The most threatening option, since a woman may not even determine that this is amniotic water. Liquid flowing out in portions can be confused with natural.

Normally, amniotic waters should be transparent, with a slight aroma similar to. If the substance is cloudy, with an unpleasant odor, this may indicate the presence of an infection.

Usually the rupture of the bubble passes silently, only sometimes you can hear a click or crack.

Many people wonder if the liquid can come out earlier than. Experts say that there is no specific answer - most likely, the woman just missed the cork discharge. Sometimes the cork can come out at the same time as the liquid, or it can just fall out before childbirth.

Did you know? Basically, amniotic waters are poured out at night, when the pregnant woman is at rest.

What colour

It is very important to know how the waters of pregnant women look like, namely, their normal and pathological state.


The color of the poured liquid in the normal state should not be. Ideally, they should be transparent or have a pinkish or yellowish tint.
A hazy yellow color or slight bloody blotches are also considered normal. But this is only in the case when the woman in labor feels normal.


The color of the substance that comes out when the bladder is damaged can indicate a variety of disorders:

  • Green color. May indicate the presence, which adversely affects the development of the fetus. If this diagnosis is not confirmed, then this color of water can be acquired in the process of involuntary contraction of the rectum of the embryo. Then the main thing is that the fetus does not swallow such a liquid.
  • red substance may indicate that there is blood. As an option - and there was a danger to the life of the fetus. The condition is quite serious, which requires urgent help from specialists.
  • yellow green color may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection in the body.
  • brown tones- dangerous situation. And the darker the color, the more dangerous. Such waters can talk about.

What to do

Contractions or outpouring of water are indicators of the onset of labor. But, when the waters broke, after how long to give birth, it will depend on which woman is on, what volume has departed and what was the consistency.

What not to do

If water has poured out, it should not be washed away - an infection can penetrate this way or the fetus can be disturbed.

Since the outflow of amniotic fluid basically means the beginning of the birth process, it is not recommended to perform such actions:

  • take food;
  • sit;
  • lie on your back;
  • do hygiene procedures;
  • take painkillers.

What to do if the water broke without contractions

If the water has already begun to recede, but there are no contractions, then the pregnant woman should immediately go to the hospital. The outflow of fluid means that the integrity of the amnion is damaged, and the fetus is deprived of its natural protection.

Important! Without water, the child can be no more than 12 hours.

Prolonged anhydrous exposure not only exposes the fetus to infection, but it also creates a pressure difference, and adjacent organs experience increased blood flow, which can subsequently lead to deterioration in the nervous system.

These are the main processes of labor activity, knowing them, you will feel more prepared for a crucial period. But this information will not be enough, and it is better for the expectant mother to take training courses for pregnant women, which will teach them how to behave during childbirth.

Amniotic fluid allows the child to provide reliable protection against damage, injury throughout pregnancy. However, how to understand that the waters have broken and how much is considered normal?

How do you know if the waters are breaking?

The girls are worried that it could be that she did not notice how the waters broke. In fact, such experiences are not justified, because it is simply impossible not to notice such a process. The waters can depart both before contractions and after they begin, everything is individual here and is within the normal range. Also, if you are wondering how to know that the waters have broken, you should be aware of two possible scenarios.

In the first case, the water of a woman arriving in an interesting position can leave little by little, gradually, as if leaking. This happens if the membrane of the fetal bladder is torn from the side or from above. In the second case, the waters can leave in a large volume and all at once, about a glass of liquid, so in this case you don’t have to wonder how to understand that the waters are leaving, this cannot be overlooked or missed.

Normally, amniotic fluid should be light in color., even rather colorless, are often slightly cloudy, but do not have an unpleasant or pronounced odor. If you are worried that you may confuse them with urine or secretions, then we give you a few tips. Urine has a pungent odor and a specific color, you can delay urination, but not the discharge of water. Also with vaginal discharge: they are not so abundant, they have an acidic environment and their own smell. The waters have an alkaline environment, which can always be checked with litmus paper.

After the water breaks in a pregnant woman, contractions can begin immediately, or maybe after a few hours. It is possible that you will wait for them only by the end of the day. Don't worry - this is normal. Try natural ways to induce labor: go for a walk, be active, do intense tummy rubs and nipple massages.

Methods of influence

Can water break? Yes, it happens. There are times when contractions have already begun a long time ago, but the water still does not depart. In this case, you should also not panic, but you need to go to the hospital. After examining the woman in labor by a doctor, he can give more time for the water to drain naturally or break through the amniotic sac. The second option will be able to bring closer the beginning of the approach of attempts and, as a result, childbirth. As you can see, there is nothing wrong with the fact that contractions began, but the water did not break. The most important thing in this situation is not to panic and consult a doctor in time.

amniotic fluid color

What should be the color of the amniotic fluid (what color does the water leave)? Normally, they should be transparent, odorless, but it happens that their color changes., what does it mean? The yellow color of the waters does not portend danger - here the only thing that needs to be done is to go to the hospital in the next 2-3 hours. If the water is speckled with red, with a woman feeling well - this indicates the opening of the cervix, and the same is not dangerous.

The green color of the waters means that you can’t relax. Gray-green and greenish shades can be due to two reasons: fetal defecation or insufficient amniotic fluid. In this case, it is necessary to go to the hospital without hesitation and as soon as possible, since the baby may experience serious oxygen starvation. In addition, meconium (a bowel product) swallowed by the baby, once in the lungs, can cause the development of pulmonitis or pneumonia in the newborn.

Dark brown is the color of unhappiness. And this testifies to the intrauterine death of the fetus, in which case it is necessary to remove the fetus as soon as possible, because its long stay can cause the death of matter.

The red color of the waters is also dangerous, it can indicate the presence of internal bleeding in the fetus or woman. At the slightest suspicion, it is urgent to call an ambulance, take a horizontal position and not move.

Amount of amniotic fluid

So, how much water leaves? Let's try to figure this out. The volume of amniotic fluid directly depends on the gestational age. At the same time, they can increase completely disproportionately. At the tenth week of pregnancy, the total volume of amniotic fluid averages 30 milliliters, closer to the 13-14th week of pregnancy it increases by about three times, now its volume is 90-100 milliliters, and by the 18-19th week of pregnancy this figure increases by four times and is 400 milliliters.

The volume of amniotic fluid reaches its maximum at about 37-38 weeks of gestation, at this stage the figure can be 1-1.5 liters, but immediately before the onset of childbirth, the volume of water can decrease and range from 800 milliliters to one liter. In the event that a woman continues to prolong pregnancy, then gradually the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease, thereby threatening the health of the baby.

Next steps

If the waters broke when the woman was at home, then it is necessary to call an ambulance so that she can take her to the hospital, no matter how pregnant she is. In the event that the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs at an early stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since the sooner you can turn to specialists for help, the more likely it is to keep the pregnancy and bear a healthy child without pathologies.

In the event that you notice that the discharge of the waters occurred on time, and the approximate, set date of birth by your attending physician is one of these days, then this indicates that the birth will begin in the next six to twelve hours. At the very least, doctors will make every effort to make this happen, since it is this period of time after the discharge of the waters that is considered to be optimal for both the newborn and the woman in labor.


During childbirth, the amniotic sac ruptures and water flows out, this is called "water discharge". Such a moment can happen before the start of contractions, and after the opening of the cervix. After the rupture of the amniotic sac, the child no longer has protection against possible infections., therefore, childbirth should occur no later than a day after its rupture. During childbirth, the total discharge of water is an extremely important indicator. If the waters broke a few weeks or days before the birth, then the woman must be hospitalized, and she must adhere to strict bed rest to reduce their discharge.

The volume of fluid directly depends on the position of the fetus during childbirth. If it is turned to the small pelvis with the head, then the discharge of water will be small. But this can be a serious problem, as the large amount of amniotic fluid left behind can cause the uterus to rupture. Therefore, if the cervix is ​​open, then the fetal bladder is opened, since it can not only harm the woman in labor, but also prevent the baby from leaving. It should be especially emphasized that all the procedures carried out should be carried out only with control over the condition of the baby, since it is important not only to take delivery, but also that the baby is healthy.

When the pregnancy is almost over and the exhausted mother is ready to give birth, the waiting period begins. Many are interested in how a woman feels when her water breaks, if it hurts, and how to determine that the water has broken. Many are afraid that they will not have time to get to the hospital if there were no contractions before - in general, there are a lot of questions and fears. Let's analyze the most common questions that concern women before childbirth.

How does water flow during pregnancy?

For some reason, everyone thinks that childbirth without a discharge of water cannot begin at all. This is an erroneous opinion, because the time when the waters should break can come both at the very beginning and immediately before the birth of the baby. Most often this happens during tangible contractions. Water before childbirth departs both in the form of a jet (gives the impression of incontinence) and in the form of a stream of water (the amount can reach one and a half liters). Both options are normal.

But how do you know that the waters have broken if the discharge is not so strong? Often women confuse them with intense mucus secretion. It is useful for these purposes to have an amnio test at home, it will help you determine exactly. A clear and uncolored color of the amniotic fluid is considered normal. If you see that green waters are leaving during pregnancy, this is a signal that the baby is overdue and there is a risk of fetal hypoxia, you may need a caesarean section. The pink hue of the water indicates the ingress of blood as a result of the separation of the placenta, it is urgent to take the woman to the intensive care unit - the child does not receive enough oxygen. Contractions after this may begin immediately or after a few hours, but this is a sure sign that it's time to pack your suitcase. An important point: if the waters begin to recede at home, remember their quantity, color and possible impurities (blood or white flakes) as detailed as possible. How to understand that the waters have broken:

  • liquid constantly oozes;
  • has a characteristic sweet smell;
  • most likely, with impurities of "white flakes";
  • may be accompanied by contractions.

How long does the water take?

Many people wonder how long the waters leave and whether it is possible not to notice it. The amniotic sac can break through with cotton and intense effusion, it can simply leak for weeks (this is a dangerous moment, you should consult a specialist) - in any case, consult a consultation, this will help to avoid possible infection of the fetus. If you find out that the water has broken, get ready for the hospital as soon as possible - the longer the period the fetus is without the protection of the amniotic fluid, the greater the risk of infection.

Many women are so worried about this issue that they are even afraid to take a shower, thinking that at this very moment they will miss the start of labor. How to understand that the water has broken in this case? It is enough to use a safety net in the form of a pad of clean white fabric: even if the water leaves while taking a shower, they will continue to leak and have a characteristic smell. Quite often, the bubble with liquid does not burst at all and you have to pierce it already during contractions. As a rule, this is done at the very end and after the puncture, attempts come almost immediately. To be ready for the arrival of the baby at any moment, it is better to discard all prejudices and pack the bag in advance - so you will be sure that you will be in time on time and will be able to concentrate on childbirth. It’s not bad to tell all the necessary information to your spouse, there are times when women start to panic after the water breaks, in which case it’s the spouse who can normally describe the situation and deliver it to the hospital, because someone should be calm and reasonable at this moment.