Crafts from eggs: beautiful and simple ideas for decorating eggs and eggshells (75 photos). Do-it-yourself elegant and practical crafts from eggshells

Master Class. DIY autumn crafts. Working with natural material

Master class: Autumn still life. Eggshell Mosaic

Target: to teach how to perform an eggshell mosaic by design, to be able to design work.

Application: The material is designed for children of grades 4-5, making gifts for birthday, room interior decoration, crafts for an exhibition.

Equipment: gouache paints, brush, PVA glue, colorless varnish, toothpick, black marker, thick cardboard, eggshells, paper napkins.

Step-by-step workflow

Eggshell is one of the most affordable and simple materials for creativity. With its help, you can decorate the interior of any home with amazingly beautiful mosaics. Such work will not leave anyone indifferent.

It might crash

It may be cooked

If you want, into a bird

May turn into. (Egg)

1. We use the shell from raw eggs. Before further use, they must be thoroughly rinsed in cold water, carefully remove the films from the inside and dry.

2. We translate or draw a picture on a finished base (I use thick cardboard). You can outline the drawing with a black marker to make the drawing clear. Let our still life contain autumn flowers, a sprig of mountain ash, a ripe pear, spikelets and maple leaves.

3. The shell is easily glued to PVA. We smear a small area with glue, break it off and lay it, picking it up in shape - as in a regular mosaic.

4. After placing the shell on the drawing, grease the entire surface well with glue and let it dry.

5. We spread the whole drawing with the shell.

6. I decided to fill the empty spaces on the sheet not with a shell, but with an ordinary napkin, creating the effect of unevenness and roughness.

Easter is coming soon, which means people will paint eggs and go with them to visit each other. Then we suggest that you master a new type of needlework - do-it-yourself eggshell mosaic, a master class is attached. Egg shells are a great material for creativity. We will analyze today several master classes that will allow you to understand how to work correctly in this technique.

Preparation for work

We collect the eggshell, put it in a deep container. In the meantime, prepare a 5% baking soda solution. Fill the shells with them and wait 5 minutes. Then we drain the liquid and rinse the shell under running water.

It is best to use raw egg shells because they lose their hardness when cooked. For example, any shell is suitable for children's crafts.

To make a picture using the eggshell technique, you first need to remove the film from it. Leave it on a tray for a while to dry. Then you need to paint in food coloring. After that, we remove it in plastic containers, sorted by color beforehand. Due to the fact that the shell is not always evenly stained, with the help of it you can depict not only pictures, but also, for example, make a beautiful decoupage on a bottle with any drink. You will not be ashamed to present such a gift to your friends on any of the holidays.

Egg painting

  • Egg shells;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brush;
  • Cardboard (or any other surface, everything will depend on what exactly you want to do);
  • Tweezers;
  • Wood stick;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Decoupage napkin.

Step-by-step instructions for performing the work:

  1. First you need to make a template according to which the eggshell will be laid out. Draw it on a plain sheet of paper, or if you don't know how to do it, just take any drawing and print it.
  2. A sheet with a drawing must be glued to a sheet of cardboard.
  3. Let's move on to applying the shell. We do it as follows: grease a small area of ​​the picture with glue and put the shell on it. If the size of the shell is very large, then we take a stick and press it on it. Because of what, it will crack and crumble into several small fragments. The distance between the shells should be the same.
  4. With this action, we fill the entire drawing completely.
  5. We remove it in a place inaccessible to children and wait for it to dry completely.
  6. After the drawing is completely dry, paint it with paints.
  7. At the end of the work, it is necessary to varnish it.

At this, the master class came to an end.

Simple flowers

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Simple sheet;
  • Simple black pencil;
  • A set of markers;
  • PVA glue;
  • Ready-made egg shells;
  • Watercolor paints;
  • A set of brushes;
  • Non-spillage;
  • Wooden skewer.

The technology of work is as follows.

Draw a sketch on a regular sheet, in our case these are violet flowers.

After the drawing is completely ready, we move on to the technique itself. Lubricate the flower petal with glue, as shown in the photo.

We spread the eggshell on it. It is better to use whole shells for this action. We lay it so that it covers the entire surface that has been greased with glue.

From a slight pressure, the shell cracks, thereby filling the pattern. Just be sure to make sure that the pieces of the shell break into more even pieces.

You can use a wooden skewer for a smoother laying.

We outline the finished petals with a bright felt-tip pen, we have chosen black. This is necessary so that the border of the petals does not merge.

We do it in the same way with other petals.

After the flower is completely ready, outline it.

We do the whole drawing in the same way.

Here, the picture is almost ready.

In a small small bowl, you need to grind the eggshell into a fine powder.

We coat all the details of the drawing with glue, and sprinkle with shell powder on top. Thus, we fill in the empty spaces that formed during the work.

Let the painting dry completely. Then we move on to painting. This will require brushes, paints, and a sippy water bottle.

We paint according to the sketch, which was originally transferred to a simple sheet of paper. With us it was like this: one of the colors is yellow, the second is blue (purple). Then let the painting dry completely. And we apply different shades to the petals themselves.

Easter is approaching, which means that many colored eggs will appear in every home. So, it's time to master a new needlework technique: eggshell crafts.

Eggshells are a great material for creativity. And we offer you two options for using it:

Eggshell Crafting Materials and Tools

  • eggshell
  • PVA glue and brush
  • thick cardboard or other surface (box, vase, etc.)
  • tweezers
  • a small wooden stick, for pressing the shells (great for a manicure stick)
  • acrylic paints if the mosaic is made of white shell
  • decoupage napkin (if necessary)

First you need to prepare the material. To do this, the collected eggshells are washed in warm water (and for better defatting, you can even dip them into boiling water with a soda solution). After that, the shell must be dried, the inner film removed from it and arranged according to the colors.

Professionals use shells from raw eggs, since the shells that have passed heat treatment lose their hardness, and their surface becomes looser. But for children's crafts, you can use any shell, including the one left over from boiled Easter eggs.

Eggshell Mosaic

To make a do-it-yourself eggshell mosaic, you need a template for the future drawing. If you are artistic, just draw the template on a piece of paper. If not, you can take any drawing intended for coloring by children. All contours are clearly drawn there and usually a large number of colors are not required. Glue the printed sheet onto thick cardboard.

Now we begin to glue the shell. To do this, grease a small fragment of the pattern with PVA glue and put a piece of the shell on top. If the shell is too large, then you just need to press on top with a stick, the shell will crack and break into several small pieces. Make sure that there is approximately the same distance between the shells.

Having filled in one piece of the picture, move on to the next.

After filling in the entire pattern, set it aside until the glue is completely dry. If you used a white shell, then only after drying, the drawing can be painted with acrylic paints.

Finished work must be varnished. The result is a kind of eggshell applique.

See what wonderful pictures of eggshells are made by real craftswomen!

If you decide to do decoupage using eggshells, then first select a blank for future crafts. It can be a box, a housekeeper, a bottle, or even a vase.

Decoupage master class on eggshells in a wooden box

This box is made of wood, so first we sand the entire surface (both internal and external) with sandpaper. If you started decoupage bottles with eggshells, then the surface must first be degreased with alcohol.

It depends only on you how large the pieces of the shell will be and the distance between them.

We fill the entire surface in this way.

And once again we cover everything with a layer of PVA glue.

After that, we cover the entire workpiece in several layers with white acrylic paint.

And we proceed to gluing the napkin, that is, directly to the decoupage itself.

Let me remind you that three-layer napkins are usually used for decoupage. We only need the top layer - the one on which the drawing is. We coat the working surface with PVA glue. If the surface is very large, or you are working with rounded objects (vase, bottle), then it is better to cut the napkin into two or three fragments. We apply a napkin element to the surface and immediately apply PVA glue on top. We brush from the center to the edges to expel air from under the napkin.

Thus, we glue the box on all sides.

Set aside for a while to dry completely.

And then there are two options (depending on your imagination). The finished work can be simply varnished. And you can also age the box. To do this, you can ask for the shells with silver acrylic paint, and apply black pastel on the edges of the box using a foam sponge.

We offer today to plunge into the world of childhood, carelessness, the greatest fantasies. These works are not at all difficult for children to do, just support them a little bit, help them. Such ideas are quite suitable for exhibitions in schools, kindergartens. We are talking about a variety of egg crafts. More precisely from their shell. It turns out that it is possible to create entire theaters from such unusual material!

You ask: "what kind of crafts can be made from eggs?" Yes, any, my friends, any! Animals, swans, birds, cartoon characters, even flowers. Children are very fond of a variety of embodying fantasies, inventions, experiments. Therefore, it is simply impossible to list everything that can be done.

We have made a collection of the best and not complicated works. Next, a photo of egg crafts.

On a note

Before you start creating, you need to free the shell from the inner content. I think it is better to do it for adults, since the material is very fragile, you need to be extremely careful.

You need to pierce the egg with a sharp object on both sides so that one hole is larger, the other smaller. It is better to take out the inner contents using the "blowing" method.

As practice has shown, the option of using a syringe, as an auxiliary subject in this procedure, has proven itself perfectly. So, in the smaller hole we substitute the tip of the syringe, we begin by pressing (pushing out the air) to blow the egg itself out of the shell.

We send the egg to baking, and the shell needs to be thoroughly rinsed and dried inside. Now the material is ready for further use for the intended purposes.

DIY egg craft options surprise with their infinity!

Egg and plasticine

By attaching pieces of plasticine to our form, we can get different versions of animals, animals.

Mouse. We need a dumb gray plasticine. Remembering the lessons from the kindergarten on modeling with plasticine, we make a small sausage. Cut off 2 pieces for the ears, 2 for the legs (for the stability of the figure), 3 very small pieces for the eyes and nose.

You can make a mumps in the same way. For its foundations, pink plasticine is needed. The eyes are black.

A plasticine duckling comes out extremely cute. Roll out a little orange plasticine in a layer, cut out the beak and legs. Two yellow ovals with black centers.

Egg and paper combination craft ideas and instructions

I liked this option for its simplicity and speed of assembly!

Bird's nest. The wrapping paper should be cut into thin strips. Slightly wrapping our hands, we form a nest. Cut out the beak (diamond shape) and wings from corrugated paper. Glue on the eggs. It remains to draw the eyes with a marker or felt-tip pen, place the kids in the nest.

Another option for just hatched chicks. We insert a table tennis ball into the broken shell of eggs, draw the eyes, glue the beak out of paper, you can also make a forelock, and send them to the nest.

The note. For gluing parts of the craft, both stationery and PVA construction glue are suitable. Alternatively, double-sided tape is also suitable.

Even pieces made from cardboard egg cassettes are fine for making crafts. Thus, having beaten this shape in order to bring it closer to the shape of a bird.

In general, eggshell crafts are quite an original way to express the creative abilities of your child. For such works the recommended age is from 4 years.

Such works are good because they can contain only a part of the animal. For example, after gluing the horns to a deer, all that remains is to finish drawing the eyes and you're done. Or you can just glue on a ready-made painted face. Work for a couple of minutes, and the impressions will last a lifetime!

Crafts from kinder eggs

The younger category of children will also cope here, because there is no risk of cracking and breakage of the material used. You need to take a kinder egg, glue a few elements (ears, tails, paws), add a face with a felt-tip pen, and joy is guaranteed! You are the best mom!

I hope this master class of egg crafts will not leave children and adults indifferent.

For dessert, the promised craft of eggshell flowers. We insert a cocktail straw into the shell, wrap the egg with colored corrugated paper, it remains to add green leaves, form a bouquet. Cool idea for moms, grandmothers on March 8!

Or another way to flower by putting on a skirt on the belt of the testicle. You can cut it out of paper, the felt clipping looks good. This material is much lighter than cardboard paper and brighter in color.

So that the child does not experience difficulties in work, help him with this blank. Having folded the material into a triangle (like cutting out a snowflake), draw the petals in the form of two ovals (hearts) and let the baby cut them out. It turns out that there is a petal circle in the middle with a hole, where we will pass our egg.

Swimming swan

It is necessary to attach a sausage from white plasticine, having shaped the neck, the beak is black and red. A couple of feathers on the back - the swan is ready.

A little creativity - pour water into a plate, add blue dye and set our handsome man on the road! Everyone will be delighted with this work!

Well, we wish you good luck and patience, because in the family circle work is a pleasure!

Photo of egg crafts

Good afternoon, today I decided to upload a selection of egg shell craft ideas. Here you will find the easiest and most interesting egg crafts, suitable for children. It is easy for children to make them with their own hands, if adults help them a little. The crafts presented below can be taken for a creative competition in a kindergarten and school. You can create table theaters from egg crafts (this will be discussed below). And, of course, decorate the festive table for the bright holiday of Easter. All this will be discussed in our article.

So let's see what egg shell crafts you can make.

Idea number 1

Nest with birds.

We take wrapping paper and cut it into small narrow strips, we crumple this paper cut - and from such dry blades of grass we form a nest. We glue the beak and wings on the eggshell. We draw eyes.

it the simplest egg crafts available for small children. Unless, of course, you convince them in advance not to test empty eggs for strength, do not push with your finger and do not squeeze with your palm.

And here's a little trick for you (look at the photo below)... There are large and small eggs on sale. If you buy both sizes, you can small paint yellow, large leave white... And then insert yellow dyed ones into large white shells and arrange it like yellow chicks hatched from white eggs.

You can develop this idea of ​​chicks and add mom-chicken... We make chickens from eggs painted yellow - we put them in an egg tray. We make a chicken from salted dough - dry it in the oven - decorate with gouache. And we sit down behind the chickens made of eggs. We decorate the craft with green grass (cut green paper, or green threads). Add the watercolored feathers from the pillow.

You can have cockerels in a chicken family. With a paper comb and a bushy tail. Strips of paper for the tail are cut with scissors and twisted around a cylindrical object (bottle, hairspray).

QUESTION: What glue is used to glue the paper to the eggshell?

ANSWER: PVA glue is suitable (clerical or construction glue is all the same, the composition is the same, only the second is 2 times cheaper).

DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE is also suitable - this is the best way to hold the paper on the shell.

You can use pieces of egg cartons. We cut out the cell from the cassette holder and play around with its shape in order to bring it closer to something that looks like a bird.

This chicken egg craft can be decorated with PLASTYLINE parts. Sculpt the scallop, beak and legs. If you make cockerels, then you can also mold a tail from plasticine (from a thin, lightweight plasticine plate). And the cockerels can be put on high legs (make holes in the lower part of the shell and insert cocktail tubes) - or without holes, simply attach the barrels to plasticine.

It's also a great idea to buy small QUAIL EGGS from the store. The size is just right for baby chicks. We need to paint the quail shells yellow. And put these little eggs inside the big chicken shells. You will get a chicken family - a rooster, a hen and babies just hatched from an eggshell.

Idea number 2

BIRDS from eggs.

And other birds can also be made from eggshells - TOUKANS, PARROTS, PEACOCKS, PENGUINS, SNOWGIRL, TITS.

These are the owls you get if you decorate their shells for different painting zones. And decorate the borders between the zones with beads (for beauty and contrast). And if you don’t have the strength to fiddle with the beads (we’re not Faberge with you), then you can decorate the borders of the zone with DOTS with a simple THICK MARKER, poke around and all the things - we will get the same bead effect only cheaper and faster.

Then add stickers for the eyes, and stick the wings behind (everything is perfectly attached to double-sided tape).

Or, the egg craft owl design could be simpler. It looks pretty good if the owl's wings are patterned (cut from a piece of wallpaper, or gift wrapping). It is also beautiful when the eyes are shaped like a flower with petals. Feet for an owl from eggs can be molded from plasticine or cut from thick cardboard or thick felt.

Crafts from eggs.

Idea number 3


If you take rolls of cardboard and insert an egg into the upper mouth of the roll. Then we will get a blank for the character of the desktop theater. You can take a roll already ready - from toilet paper - and wrap it in colored paper. And then decorate our character

Depending on the color and design of the egg and paper roll, we get a GREEN frog, a SPOTTED cow, a BROWN doggie, a YELLOW chicken, etc. (see photo with egg crafts below).

You can make any characters out of eggs. Try to make them resemble mussel personalities and tear up little TV shows in a table theater.

Instead of cardboard rolls, you can use ready-made plastic egg holders (as in the photo of the crafts below).

Small plastic cups can be found commercially and used as a base for theatrical crafts.

Eggshells for egg crafts can be painted with GUACHA and then covered with nail polish or hairspray - this will brighten the color and the surface of the egg will become shiny and smooth like plastic.

Eggs can be used to make Christmas crafts (as in the photo below).

You can play out your favorite fairy tales by preparing special decorations for your character. In such an interesting setting, your children will be happy to play with their crafts.

You can make a tropical island - populate it with animals from hot countries. Make one character every night ... your child will be intrigued: which animal will be next, and will look forward to creative gatherings with colored paper, a hardworking mom and a gambling dad.

But below I liked the idea where the double-leaf egg cassette turns into an island zone and a sea zone. And from eggs we make crafts-characters inhabiting the earth's firmament and the depths of the sea (photo below). A very original and long-lasting craft from eggs for children.

Idea number 4. Crafts from eggs

with fluffy wire.

And here's another idea that fluffy wire can be an additional pictorial tool for making crafts from eggshells. It is good to make tails for mice, cats and pigs from fluffy wire. Wire-brushes can be tentacles of a crab, or eyes on the legs of a snail and the same crab.

Here are some more springs that are used as paws and ears of hares.

Idea number 5

HARES from the shell.

And here is a cheerful family of white rabbits. White rabbits with pink ears are the cutest egg craft. Regular felt-tip pens help draw the face, and the ears are made of paper.

You can depict a bunny by placing an egg on a barrel - stick it on a cardboard substrate, and stick a muzzle in front - a plasticine spout or a decorative pom-pom.

A stand for such an egg craft can be short pieces of plastic tubes (or strips of paper twisted into a tight tube) - the legs are attached to hot glue or plasticine, or double-sided tape (left craft in the photo below).

A low ring made of cardboard can serve as a stand for a hare (right photo below).

Parts for an eggshell hare can be cut out of colored felt. It turns out a bright elegant craft for children.

Idea number 6

Shell animals

Crafts for children from eggs most often depict animals - forest or domestic. Here are the cute eggshell pigs. Piglets are best made from dark eggs, from pockmarked hens.

But we make a cow out of a white shell and draw spots for it with a black marker.

Crafts from eggs - PENGUIN and PANDA - look beautiful in black and white colors.

I also like the goggle-eyed craft techniques. Bulging eyes on egg crafts look good not only for frogs, but also for cockerels and bunnies.

Crafts from broken shells.

If your shells are damaged, then this is not a reason for crying - this is the first step towards a new idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bworking from eggs.

You can think of such original crafts for children from shells with a damaged barrel.

Podkly from eggs.


All boys will love the diving theme.

You can make a pot-bellied craft submarine out of eggs. And make several enemy boats that will lie at different depths of your underwater world, made out of a TV box.

You can make a sea out of blue cellophane and launch a sharp-toothed shark into it.

You can also build a flying saucer out of a basin and populate it with green men. Cute aliens with three eyes will be your boys' favorite toys for a long time.

And the girls love to play egg town. Little Kinder Surprise dolls will stroll the streets of this cozy town and have picnics in the cozy backyard gardens.

And girls also like cats. If we also make a Kitty head of a white egg and put it on a roll of cardboard (like the aliens from the photo above), then we will get a love toy for your daughter.

AND ELSE in the egg, you can pierce a neat hole into it pour liquid wax from the candle and insert stick- so we get a theatrical craft on a stick. And it will be possible to act out the performances of the puppet and egg theater behind the screen, holding the character on a stick (photo below). Kids like this craft very much, they are happy to play with such toys on sticks.

And thanks to the hardened wax inside the shell, such a craft will still be strong and durable.

SPRING CRAFTS from eggs.

The spring season is rich in Easter egg crafts. Therefore, eggshells have become the subject of festive decor during the Easter season.

You can turn on your wit yourself and come up with your own spring egg crafts. In the meantime, I'll show you the ones that I managed to find.

Here are vases for miniature bunches of spring flowers - crocuses, coltsfoot, snowdrops, primroses.

You can insert a cocktail straw into the eggshell. And wrap the egg in crepe paper. And we get tulip on a stem. Add juicy green leaves and form a spring craft-bouquet of eggs.

You can put on eggshells petal skirts (photo below) and also arrange a spring bouquet of eggs. This egg craft is suitable for children 5 years old... We fold a sheet of paper into a triangle as for cutting out a snowflake - but instead of snowflake patterns, draw 2 oval petals (with a heart) on it and give it to the child. It carves out the petals and cuts off the center corner of the folded triangle in a rounded line. Expand and get a petal circle with a hole for putting on an egg.

Skirts with petals can be cut out of felt - this material is lighter than cardboard and bright in color.

You can make a series of cacti from eggs. A great egg craft available for kids - just paint the eggs with green gouache and paint the needles with white paint.

These are the ideas for crafts from empty eggshells.

Good luck with your creativity.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site