Crafts for March 8 from waste material. The most beautiful gifts with patterns and templates for International Women's Day. Delicate pink tulip for mom. Master Class

The task of all men is to provide their women with attention on March 8. If the husband or loved one can buy any present, then the sons can make their own wonderful gift on their own using manual means. The most beautiful DIY crafts are done very simply and take little time.

Such work has become traditional in schools and kindergartens. The most popular gift material for mom is colored paper. It is most convenient to make a pleasant surprise from it for a spring day.

Every child wants to surprise his mother, especially on such a spring day. For the holiday in schools, children make various crafts. Anything can be used as a material. In the second grade, children can be asked to make clay figures, and then paint them. Mothers and grandmothers will put these toys on the shelf as a souvenir or attach them to the refrigerator (magnet).

Crafts from colored paper

Option number 1

You can create a very beautiful craft from colored paper. It is suitable for elementary school children. It is done quickly, but it turns out very beautifully.

To create crafts you will need:

Colored paper (green, red, white and yellow);
PVA glue;
purple felt-tip pen;
simple pencil.

Creating a masterpiece:

First, lay out all the tools and materials in front of you. First of all, we will make weed. Take a whole sheet of green paper. Now start folding into an accordion from any edge. You can start from the top or from the bottom, as you like. Make sure each fold is the same size. When you reach the end, connect the bunks to make a fan.

Will now make tulips. Draw the simplest tulip on colored red paper and cut it out. Fold the red paper four times to make 6 more flowers. Place the tulip on the paper and trace with a simple pencil. Cut carefully. As a result, you should get 7 tulips.

Next, cut out the daisies from white paper. We do it according to the same principle as tulips. Only in addition to flowers, we also cut out the middle from yellow paper. We also make 7 flowers. We attach the middle to each daisy with glue.

It remains to collect our composition. At the ends of the fan, alternating with an accordion, glue tulips. Scatter chamomile in the center and glue it as well. Our craft is ready!

Option number 2

Also, children in the first grade can easily make flowers using the origami technique. Since Women's Day is celebrated in spring, you can make a bouquet of tulips. Such will stand for a long time, and delight the eyes of the mother.

Colored paper (5 sheets of red and 5 sheets of green);


We start to create a festive bouquet from a bud. Take a sheet of red colored paper and place it in front of you. Grasp the top right corner and fold the sheet diagonally to the end. Draw a line and cut. As a result, you should get a square and a wide strip.

Bend the square diagonally, then straighten it. Take the upper left corner and also bend it diagonally, then unbend it again. Now grasp so that both fingers on the right hand are holding one diagonal, and the left hand is holding the opposite. Bend the square into a triangle.

Now take the left corner of the first triangle and flip to the right. Then turn the craft over. Now on one side there are 3 corners, and on the other 1. Where there are 3, turn one corner to the opposite side.

Look carefully. A hole should form at one end, and 4 petals at the other. Blow into the hole as if you were inflating balloons. Then bend the tips of the petals.

Take a sheet of green paper and cut out a strip the same size as the remaining red paper. Then wrap it in a thin tube along the length. So our stalk is ready. It only remains to stick it into the hole in the bud. Thus, you need to make the rest of the flowers. As a result, you should get 5 tulips. You can experiment with flowers and make tulips of different colors (yellow, red, orange).

Option number 3

By March 8, usually all women are presented with mimosa. These yellow flowers not only lift your spirits, but also give off a great scent. You can make such flowers with your own hands. They will delight mom and grandmother for a whole year.

Required tools and materials:

Colored paper (green and pink);
simple yellow napkins;
PVA glue;
simple pencil;
disposable cup.


We start making the stem. Cut a long strip of green paper. Then roll up the thin tube. Smear the ends with glue and wait until they dry. If you don't have glue on hand, use a stapler.

Let's start making flowers. In mimosa, the flowers resemble fluffy balls. Take yellow napkins and cut 3 cm strips. Fold each strip in half. Next, make cuts along the entire length, and roll into a roll.

The opposite side should be fluffy. Make lots of these balls. Count at the end. It is necessary that the number of flowers is odd. Then glue the fluffy balls to the stem. You can install them tightly to each other, in small piles.

But we will get just a bare stem with flowers, so we need to attach the leaves. Cut out two long ovals from green paper. Fold in half and cut. Spread the leaves, and apply glue to one end and attach to the stem.

Original beadwork

Boys in elementary grades for mothers and grandmothers by March 8 can make crafts with their own hands from colored paper, and girls from beads. Now we will show you several ways to create a souvenir.

Small bouquet of flowers

Even a first grader can handle such a craft. But basically, only from the 3rd grade they begin to teach beading. There is nothing complicated in this technique, the main thing is not to rush.

Required materials and tools:

Round beads (pink, green and purple);
wire (not thick so that it can be doubled into beads);
yellow beads;
small, decorative vase.


First we make the buds. Each flower will have 5 identical petals. Take a piece of wire, about 10 cm. Slide one pink bead into one end. Wrap the other end and stick the end into the hole, but on the other side. This will fix the beads. Now string two pieces, and the other end go through them. Then do the same with three pieces.

The result should be a small pyramid. You should also do up to 5 beads, then go down. That is, first: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; and then: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. At the end, twist the two ends of the wire along the entire length.

You make the rest of the petals in the same way. We need 10 pink and 15 purple petals. By the way, the leaves are made in the same way as the petals, but from green beads. It is not difficult to count, we need 10 leaves.

For the middle, take a 10 cm wire and fix the bead. There should be 5 midpoints in total.

The next step is to collect our bouquet. Take 5 petals, and lay the middle in the center, twist everything. Take two leaves and twist around the stem as well. Then straighten everything. Also add all the flowers. Insert the finished bouquet into a vase or tie it with a beautiful ribbon. It's so easy to make small souvenirs. To add a spring mood, all the petals can be colored.

Salted dough creative works

Salted dough souvenirs will be a wonderful surprise for mom or grandmother. This is a safe method as no piercing or cutting tools are required. In order for you to get beautiful figures and not fall apart, you need to properly prepare the salty composition. First, we will describe the recipe for salty dough, and then we will describe the course of work.

Required Ingredients:

Wheat flour;
fine salt;

Cooking the dough:

Take equal amounts of flour and salt and mix. Add some water and knead the dough. Then it must be put in a bag and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After that, you can safely start sculpting. If it seems to you that the dough is completely inelastic, add a little cream. This will be useful for the hands, and it is more convenient to sculpt the figures.

For a souvenir:

Ready salted dough;
gouache paints;


Now it's up to your imagination. You can make small flowers in a basket. First, sculpt a round basket and attach a handle. Place 7 or 9 small flowers inside, like chamomile, but with 5 petals. Leaves may stick out on the sides.

When everything is ready, you need to wait for the dough to dry out and turn to stone. Then dip the brush in water and start painting. The basket can be made brown, the flowers pink, and the middle yellow. Accordingly, the leaves turn green. Top can be sprinkled with glitter.

Our advice to you! Do not soak the brush in water too much, otherwise the paint will drip and the whole craft will deteriorate. Then, when the figurine is dry, you will need to glue the magnet on the back side. Here is such an original souvenir that can be made by March 8 to mothers and grandmothers.

All children want to surprise their mothers on this wonderful spring day. They come up with various souvenirs with their own hands. Toddlers can make gifts out of colored paper, while older kids can do serious things. In general, crafts can be made from anything. You can sew a pillow and embroider a picture of your mother on it. It is enough to take a photo on a flash drive to a photo studio, and they will transfer the image to paper.

You can use simpler advice, especially if you do not have time. Make a card out of cardboard by folding the sheet in half. Then cut out the big 8 and glue it to the card. Glue flowers around the entire perimeter of the number. Inside you can write beautiful wishes for mommy.

Such gifts are always appreciated as they are handmade. Your soul was invested in their preparation. Get creative and surprise moms and grandmothers with your surprises on this gorgeous International Women's Day.

A holiday card can be an independent gift, or it can be an addition to an already chosen one. Children love to paint such cards; they will do them with the help of adults.

Adults should be involved in the child's preparation of the holiday gift. This way the child can follow an example. Any creative ideas are suitable for a gift. Any ready-made examples can be decorated with something, supplemented, so that something of your own comes out.

And a preschooler can also make crafts for moms for March 8 with their own hands. Give him an idea to circle his palm. And although it is not at all difficult, mom will be pleased to receive just such a gift from her son or daughter.

Older children can prepare paper appliques. It will turn out to be a very nice, beautiful application.

Crafts Paper Flowers

March 8 without flowers is not a holiday. Of course, dad can congratulate mom with a bouquet of tulips. And what should a child do? And he can prepare paper flowers for the holiday. It is very pleasant to receive home-made flowers for the holiday.

The easiest way to make a tulip from paper. All preschoolers can cut such a flower. Older children can cut original origami out of paper. All that is needed for this is a sheet of colored square paper.

Flowers from scrap materials

In order to make holiday flowers, you can take not only paper. Any material at hand will do just fine. The most common are plastic bottles. There are probably a lot of them in any home.
In order to make original flower petals, you can use the bottom of the bottle. It can be painted in any bright color. The stem and leaves are also cut out of plastic.

Spring snowdrops are prepared from green plasticine, wire and pumpkin seeds. It is very simple to fix such seeds on plasticine with a wire. And beautiful spring flowers are made from yarn and twigs. To do this, the yarn is turned into pompons: the more intricate their shape is, the more beautiful the flowers will be.

Flowers made of buttons will also be unusual. They will be bright if the “raw material” is multi-colored. Just a few buttons are enough to create a beautiful bouquet.

DIY vases for mothers on March 8

You can also make a beautiful vase from scrap materials. But what about without her? After all, a baby can put his uncomplicated, but made from the bottom of his heart a bouquet there.

A vase can be made from many materials. Most suitable for this:

  • Glass bottle;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Paper or cardboard;
  • Tin cans (or glass).

The easiest to manufacture is paper wool. For decoration, it can be pasted over with multi-colored corrugated paper.

If we use glass materials, then they must be transparent or translucent. If you glue corrugated paper to such a bottle, you get a wonderful vase. It can still be varnished. Choose light, spring colors of paper.

When making vases from bottles, you can fill them with rags of paper. So they will not only be colored, but also voluminous. And on the bottle itself, you can stick any image you like - for example, from a postcard.

And finally - you need to give crafts by March 8 sincerely, from a pure heart. This will certainly create a festive atmosphere!

Hooray! Hooray! March 8th is coming soon! - dream of the fair sex. On this day, they will receive congratulations from men of all ages. It is impossible to imagine this day without flowers, gifts and ... handicrafts.

Always on the eve of this holiday, children in kindergartens and schools embody their creative talents by making handicrafts for their mother, sister or grandmother with their own hands, and then look forward to the opportunity to present them. For example, as a child, I could not wait for the holiday and gave all my handmade gifts much earlier. And then she sat down again to sculpt, glue and paint new ones, inspired by the lavish praise for her creative efforts.

Children make crafts with pleasure. Thanks to this activity, they can not only congratulate someone in an original way, but also develop fine motor skills of the hands, concentration and creativity.

Beautiful crafts can be made from anything. Nowadays, there are many bright and interesting materials available. Whole shops are dedicated to hand-made art. Today we will consider several successful ideas for crafts that children can make from improvised and purchased funds on their own or with the help of adults.

Kids learn a lot in kindergarten. Before the holidays, they learn to make gifts on their own.

Any gift should be beautifully wrapped. Children even from the younger groups of kindergarten can cope with this craft.

Souvenir sweets:

For manufacturing, you need simple materials:

  • Cardboard tubes. You can use toilet paper, kitchen foil, and more.
  • Wrapping bright paper.
  • Threads, scotch tape.
  • Jewelry, sequins.
  • Small pre-assembled gifts.

To begin with, let's prepare the basis for future packaging - tubes. We will clean it from the remnants of paper, cut it into pieces.

You also need to prepare small gifts. They must fit freely within the tube diameter.

Cut the wrapping paper into pieces and wrap the tubes with them.

If necessary, fix the paper with glue so that the candy does not unfold ahead of time. From one edge of the candy, carefully tie the paper with a beautiful ribbon.

Now it remains to fill the candy with gifts and decorated items, and tie the second edge of the paper with a ribbon.

The process of making souvenir candy takes a little time, and even small children can cope with this task, of course, adults should help them.

Older children (schoolchildren) can set the problem a little more difficult. Almost all adults have mobile phones and mom will be happy to carry her smartphone in a case made by her beloved child.

To do this, children need to know the size of their mother's phone and prepare in advance pieces of felt of beautiful colors, buttons and threads.

First you need to cut the main piece of felt onto the cover. When calculating the size of the future cover, keep in mind that the side seam will take 5 mm. fabric on each side. You need to add 1cm per seam to the width of the phone.

Fold the main piece of fabric in half and sew on both sides (side and bottom) with threads, as shown in the image below.

From felt of bright colors, you need to cut out several small flowers.

Sew the prepared flowers onto the cover using buttons. The original gift is ready.

You can also make a stylish necklace for your mom or sister with your own hands.

This does not require any special skill and does not require rare expensive materials. All you need is:

  • Multi-colored threads.
  • Thin rope.
  • Clasp for jewelry.
  • Transparent glue.
  • Wire.

First, you will need to cut the rope to the required length. If you do not have a clasp on the necklace, then the section should be long enough so that the necklace can be worn over the head.

On the rope, you need to fix the thread with a knot and glue it. Carefully wind the colored threads in 2-3 cm lengths on the rope, tie the thread and fix it with glue for reliability, as in the picture below.

Do the same with a different color of thread. After that, wind the thicker dark thread in a criss-cross on the side, as shown in the image below.

Tie the edges of the dark threads to the rope with a wire, the ends of which must be carefully cut off and pressed against the inside of the rope.

Now we are preparing tassels from the same threads that we wound around the necklace.

We cut the bundle and tie it with a thread.

Tie fluffy tassels to sections of the thread of the corresponding color.

All that remains is to secure the clasp or tie the rope with a neat knot.

Thanks to simple instructions, kids will prepare a stylish and beautiful gift.

Ideas and templates for voluminous cards made of colored paper and cardboard

In addition to gifts and flowers, any woman is pleased to receive a postcard from her child. Consider several options for making voluminous greeting cards.

A card for mom can be made from the following materials:

  • Ready-made elements (you need to print and cut them according to the templates below).
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Glue.
  • Colored paper (decorative) for the base.

First, print the image below, with all the necessary elements.

Now you need to carefully cut out all the elements and the envelope for the bear from paper.

In several places of the silhouette, stick double-sided tape.

Now the elements of the paws and the head of the bear need to be glued to the scotch tape in the appropriate places, and the silhouette of the bear itself must be glued to the base of colored paper.

As a result, you should have a voluminous postcard.

Now it remains to fold the envelope,

glue it with tape and fix a flower made of colored paper in the middle.

Glue the envelope under the bear's paws.

It remains only to write a congratulation and hand it to mom.

You can make beautiful postcards using stencils. Below are a few templates that you can use.

Here is such a voluminous postcard you can make.

There is a ready-made template for it, you can print it.

You can also cut openwork butterflies from the inside.

or these flowers.

The result will be like this

and such a voluminous postcard.

With a little practice, you can end up with all sorts of options.

Check out a few more options for postcards made from colored paper. For example, this one:

Or like this:

Kids will love making these postcards.

Here is such beauty:

Elegant bouquets of flowers:

Turn on your creative imagination, and you are sure to get an original postcard.

Crafts for kindergarten with children

A beautiful bouquet made of colored paper is very well suited for a kindergarten.

For the craft, you need to prepare glue, scissors and colored paper.

Let's start by preparing the foundation. Fold a sheet of colored green paper in half along the long side, glue the edges with glue, and make "fringe" cuts at the bottom. Roll the workpiece into a tube and glue it with glue so that it does not unwind.

The next step is to cut the flowers out of different colors of paper. After that, it remains to glue them to the improvised stems and leaves.

Check out a few more options for simple crafts below.

A flower on a paper plate above.

Flowers from corrugated colored paper.

Bouquet on the palms.

Take these ideas, it will be fun to make them with children, and mothers and grandmothers will love the gifts.

Paper flowers for March 8, made for mom and grandmother by children

Not only men can give flowers to women. Little kids can do it too. From the materials at hand, they get beautiful bouquets of flowers. Below we will consider several options for self-production.

For such a craft, you will need the following:

  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Stapler.
  • Colored and openwork napkins.
  • White paper.
  • Decorated ribbon.

First of all, we will deal with the preparation of packaging for the bouquet. To do this, fold the lace napkin in half. Try to match the patterns.

After that, let's fold it again.

Now unfold the napkin and cut out a quarter of the napkin along the lines.

Make several cuts in the center.

Lubricate the edges with glue and form a napkin with a cone and secure.

You will need to make a pen out of plain paper. To do this, fold a sheet of paper in half, and then cut it into two equal parts along the line, as shown in the image below.

Roll the pieces into a roll and glue them.

Now carefully insert the roll into the hole in the middle of the napkin and fix it with glue.

To make flowers, we need colored thin napkins.

First of all, fold the napkin in half twice.

At a slight angle, start rolling the napkin. You should have a bud that needs to be secured with a stapler.

Thus, several buds need to be prepared. Then cut out squares from a green napkin.

Make a neat cut in the middle, as shown in the photo.

Now you need to insert the bud and secure it with glue.

When all the elements of the bouquet are ready, they need to be assembled into a coherent composition. To do this, grease the buds with glue and fix them on a cone-shaped package.

The handle of the bouquet can be decorated with a beautiful ribbon. Even small children can make such a bouquet.

A beautiful bouquet can be made from candies and paper.

For crafts you need to prepare:

  • Wooden skewers.
  • Chocolate candies.
  • Duct tape.
  • Scotch.
  • Colored corrugated paper.

From corrugated paper, you need to cut 27 strips 4x15 cm.As a result, you should get 9 tulips, that is, 3 petals for each flower.

You also need to cut 9 strips of green paper. Size 2-25 cm.

You will also need to cut a long strip of 1 cm wide from green paper.It will be needed for wrapping.

Now you can start making flowers. Twist the red strip in the middle. Then fold in half and gently pull both ends to create a convex volume.

You get these petals:

On a skewer with sweets, it is necessary to fix 3 petals each, forming a bud. You can secure the base of the flower with tape.

Wrap a wooden skewer with green stripes.

Here they are in finished form:

To make leaves, the strips of green paper must be twisted in the middle, folded in half, and double-sided tape must be fixed to the bottom edge, and then fixed on a skewer.

A beautiful bouquet of corrugated paper tulips is ready.

You can make crafts for the holiday with your own hands from any materials at hand. You can use the ideas from this article, as well as turn on your imagination, and come up with something original.

Useful Tips


A handmade gift is the most valuable. Postcards and crafts for March 8 are always nice to give to mom, grandmother, girlfriend, girlfriend.

The fact that you invented and did something with your own hands shows how warm you treat a person, appreciate and love him.

On our website you will also find:

Postcards from March 8. Mini secret.

You will need:


Stationery knife


Colored cardboard (red and pink)

Scrap paper

A beautiful image (in this example, this is a photo of a girl). You can use personal photos.

Openwork napkin

Lace, flowers, openwork napkin, paper curl (can be replaced with feathers) and other decorations

All preparation can be divided into 2 stages: creating a mom postcard and a daughter postcard, i.e. the main large card, to which the smaller secret card will be attached.

Stage I

1. Prepare thick red paper or cardboard and cut out a blank for your card from it. In this example, the size of the workpiece is 15x16cm.

2. Prepare pink cardboard and cut a rectangle out of it, which will be just a couple of millimeters smaller than the red cardboard blank.

3. Prepare scrap paper and cut a rectangle out of it, which in turn will be a few millimeters smaller than a pink cardboard blank. You should get the following: the largest blank is red, the smallest is pink, and even less is from scrap paper.

4. Glue all the blanks to each other as shown in the picture.

5. Let's start decorating the postcard. The first thing to do is to glue lace on the bottom of it. Use a moment for this glue.

6. We continue to decorate - glue an openwork napkin and a paper curl to the card.

Stage II

7. Set aside the main card for a while to start making a daughter card.

Prepare a nice drawing and craft a backing for it using red cardboard. Glue the image to the backing.

8. Prepare a small blank out of pink cardboard (see picture). It can be decorated with beautiful red patterns. They can be done using stamping or a red pen by drawing the patterns yourself.

9. Glue your backing design to the mini-blank. Also glue small pieces of tape on the right and left sides of the mini postcard. Glue one of the ribbons to the main workpiece in advance, and then press it down with a mini-workpiece (see the picture).

10. Glue the entire mini-postcard to the main postcard.

11. Glue some fake flowers to the corner of the card.

12. Write in the main postcard a beautiful rhyme related to the holiday, and inside a small postcard write the most sincere, personal wishes and tie a bow.

Do-it-yourself cards from March 8. Spring postcard.

You will need:

Cardboard (preferably with a drawing made in green tones)

A sheet of office paper (light green)

White paper (any light tone is possible)

Small artificial flowers




1. Prepare colored cardboard and make a blank out of it.

2. Prepare light green and light-colored paper and cut them out so that their size is a couple of millimeters smaller than the workpiece.

3. Glue light paper to light green, and then glue everything to the base. Light-colored paper can be tinted a little or some kind of pattern can be applied to it.

4. Use leftover paper and cardboard to make these little tags. The cardboard tag should be slightly smaller than the paper tag. You can tint light paper a little with watercolors.

5. Glue your tags and punch a hole in them.

6. You will need to make a small notch at the bottom of your card so you can thread the lace.

7. Glue a few artificial flowers above the braid, and glue beads in the middle of them.

8. Prepare a string and thread it through the hole on the label. Next, tie a bow and glue it in the upper right corner of the postcard.

9. Write a short congratulation on the label, and already inside the postcard you can write any wish.

Do-it-yourself cards for March 8. Bouquet of roses.

You will need:

White or colored paper

Colored cardboard (thick paper)

PVA glue


1. The first stage is to make roses from paper and leaves. Click on this link to go to the article "How to make a rose", where you can find many different ways to make a rose with your own hands.

* Cut a circle out of white or colored paper and then make a spiral cut as shown in the picture.

* Use scissors to shape the rose petals.

* Roll up the spiral.

* Grease the edges of the resulting paper tape with glue and glue to the last center petal.

* To make leaflets, simply draw their shape on green paper, cut and fold in half (see picture).

2. Making a paper basket for roses.

* Cut out the shape of a basket from paper.

* Prepare colored paper and cut strips out of it.

* The basket now needs to make vertical cuts in order to pass the strips through them.

* Glue the ends of the paper strips to the basket.

3. It remains only to glue the basket, roses and green leaves to the card. You can decorate the card with paint splashes, glitter, etc.

Crafts from paper by March 8. Paper flowers with sweets

You don't need to be an expert to make such a beautiful, bright and sweet DIY gift.

You will need:


Candy on a stick (chupa-chups, for example)

You just need to cut circles out of soft paper, pass candy sticks through them and bend the paper upward, as if "wrapping" the candy.

DIY gifts by March 8. Roses.

You will need:

Paper (any - colored, newsprint, magazine)



Jewelry (beads, sequins)

1. Cut a circle out of colored paper. It can be of any size.

2. Start cutting a spiral inside the circle with scissors (see picture).

You can decorate your flower initially. In this example, cumin (seed) was used. Just apply the glue to the spiral and sprinkle the cumin on top of it.

You can use glitter, flour, or other decorations.

3. Leave the flower to dry.

4. Roll the rose from the outside and glue the end of the paper to the bottom of the flower.

5. It remains to make a couple more roses, attach each to the wire and you will have a beautiful bouquet.

Beautiful applique for March 8

It is simply impossible to imagine a women's holiday without flowers. And hand-made flowers are doubly pleasant to give.

In this workshop, you will learn how to make a small, cute bunch of paper flowers.

You will need:

Colored paper

Corrugated paper (can be replaced with paper towels)

Simple pencil



1. Fold a green piece of paper in half (lengthwise).

2. Draw a line 1.5cm from the fold. It is a curb that does not need to be cut.

3. Draw vertical stripes on the rest of the paper (from border to fold) with a pencil and make cuts along these lines with scissors (do not touch the vertical line (border)).

4. Now prepare the glue. You need to glue the paper so that one side of the border is slightly higher than the other. You will end up with semicircular leaves.

6. Fix the bush by placing it in a vase, which you can also make with your own hands, and will help you with this. next master class .

7. In the meantime, prepare the flowers. To do this, you need to cut 4x4cm rectangles from a napkin or corrugated paper.

Each rectangle needs to be crumpled and glued to green leaves.

Crafts for the day of March 8. Flower vase.

And here is the same vase that was mentioned in the previous master class.

To make it you will need:

Corrugated paper



Decorative ribbons

PVA glue

Plastic cup

1. Cut a long strip of cardboard and wrap it with decorative tape. Then fix it with PVA glue. This will give you a handle for your vase.

2. Prepare crepe paper and cut out a rectangle long enough to wrap around the plastic cup. Make a wave out of the paper around the edges of the cup.

3. Use a stapler to attach the paper and cardboard pen to the cup.

Now you can insert flowers into a vase, and these can be both artificial and real flowers, for which you need to pour water into the vase.

How to make a voluminous postcard by March 8. Eight made of flowers.

You will need:

Colored cardboard

Colored paper

Flower-shaped hole punch (can be replaced with a ready-made set of flowers)

Making a petal

To make flowers, you need to prepare 20 petals for each. For a small flower, you need square sheets of paper measuring 2.5x2.5cm, and for a large one - 4x4cm.

1. Draw a diagonal in a square.