Flight and pregnancy. Can pregnant women fly: possible risks. The most favorable periods of pregnancy for air travel

In the modern world, where travel is the norm, air transportation is one of the most popular types of transportation. While waiting for your baby, you can safely travel by air, without any problems from your well-being, during the 1st and 2nd trimesters up to 7-8 months of pregnancy. At the same time, the most favorable period for air and not only travel is 14-27 weeks of pregnancy. This rule applies to women whose pregnancy is absolutely normal, and there are no bans on flights imposed by a doctor.

Flying in the first weeks of pregnancy

In some cases, doctors recommend not flying in the first trimester of pregnancy, because. at this time, hormonal changes occur in the woman's body. During the flight, the likelihood of feeling unwell and fatigue increases, nausea and headache often occur. According to many gynecologists, air travel during the first trimester can be one of the factors that can cause spontaneous abortion. Long flights can worsen the condition, and pressure drops during takeoff and landing can negatively affect the fetus, and experts believe that it is better to refrain from them. However, there are no conclusive studies on the dangers of air travel during this period.

The maximum safe period for pregnant women allowed during the flight.

It was believed that in the normal course of pregnancy, without complications, traveling by plane is safe up to 33-34 weeks (in case of multiple pregnancy - up to 32 weeks), if this does not contradict the rules of the chosen airline.

Recent studies have shown that flying is safe at any stage of an uncomplicated pregnancy, provided that general precautions and recommendations are followed: a woman avoids immobility and tight clothing, drinks enough fluids.

Starting from the third trimester of pregnancy, a number of airlines provide restrictions for expectant mothers. It is better to know about them in advance, and timely adjust your current and long-term plans.

In order not to put yourself in an extremely risky position, it is better to refuse air travel in the last month of pregnancy. Even if the pregnancy proceeds without problems, and the woman feels well, flying in the 9th month is highly discouraged, because of the threat of giving birth ahead of schedule and right on the plane.

That is why many airlines will not allow a woman to board an airliner if there are less than 7-30 days left before the expected date of delivery (depending on the specific airline). Therefore, when going on a flight, take care in advance of a certificate from a medical institution, which will indicate the expected date of future birth. In this regard, do not forget about the date of return from the trip.

What you should pay attention to when planning an air flight - or modern myths and reality when flying for a pregnant woman:

1. Heavy bags.

If you plan to take a lot of things with you, you should take care of a suitcase on wheels with a comfortable handle so that you can roll it without tilting the body. Even better, if you can be escorted to the plane and met at the airport, eliminating the need to lift weights. Such a precaution will not interfere at any stage of pregnancy.

2. Inability to receive urgent qualified medical assistance during the flight.

This is the main reason why most airlines are reluctant to take pregnant passengers on board.

There is currently no scientific evidence that air travel during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth. Flight-induced stress can be considered a risk factor, since stress is associated with increased release of corticotropin-releasing hormone.

It should be remembered that preterm births are quite common, and patients should be aware of the lack of facilities for resuscitation of newborns on board the aircraft. As a result, some airlines have developed special rules prohibiting flights for pregnant women with a high risk of preterm birth (for example, with multiple pregnancies), as well as for full-term pregnancies.

According to the internal rules of many airlines, a woman after 30 weeks at check-in for a flight may be asked to present an exchange card and a certificate from a doctor on satisfactory health indicating the duration of pregnancy. She may also be asked to sign a warranty statement stating that the airline is not responsible for possible adverse consequences.

The fears are understandable: although flight attendants are trained in obstetrics, they will not be able to provide full-fledged resuscitation assistance to the child or his mother in the event of an emergency. It is clear that it is impossible to deploy an operating room for a caesarean section or a blood transfusion unit on board a passenger liner. So during pregnancy, you need to think very carefully about the possibility of flying, especially if you plan to deliver by caesarean section.

There are cases of successful births during the flight. If childbirth begins when the flight comes to an end, the crew contacts the dispatcher of the city of arrival, and immediately from the gangway the woman is taken to the maternity hospital.

If the expectant mother is constantly taking any medications, you must take them with you to the cabin. You can supplement the first aid kit with a remedy for heartburn, activated charcoal in case of bloating, mints against nausea, a nasal spray with sea or mineral water.

3. Checking on a metal detector during registration before the flight.

The metal detectors used by security services at airports are not a source of ionizing radiation (their work is based on a weak magnetic field), therefore, they do not pose any danger to the fetus at any stage of pregnancy. X-ray radiation is used only when checking baggage.

4. Vibration and shaking during flight.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, this can cause nausea and vomiting, especially in expectant mothers prone to motion sickness. For this reason, it is forbidden to fly if there is a threat of preterm labor, spotting or preeclampsia.

Getting into turbulent air currents is inevitable. Therefore, it is necessary to choose modern models of air liners and not sit in the tail of the aircraft, where the shaking is felt more strongly.

5. Changes in atmospheric pressure.

The higher the plane soars into the sky, the lower the atmospheric pressure and the partial tension of oxygen in the inhaled air. Pregnant women are already sensitive to a lack of oxygen, and during an air flight this condition has to be endured for several hours. This explains the possible deterioration of well-being: a feeling of lack of air, increasing weakness, headache and dizziness.

Specialists studying the effect of relative hypoxia on the body of healthy pregnant women in real conditions during the flight did not reveal any serious differences in the blood gas composition or compensatory reactions. When monitoring the state of the fetus during the flight, there were also no signs of fetal respiratory distress, i.e. tachy- and bradycardia and pathological types of heart rate variability in cardiotocography. It is believed that a slight decrease in PaO2 in the mother's blood during air travel, as a rule, does not lead to the development of severe fetal hypoxia, because. The affinity for oxygen in fetal hemoglobin is much greater than that of adult hemoglobin. Thus, relative hypoxia is easily tolerated by both mother and fetus.

Opinion on the increased risk of congenital malformations of the fetus due to hypoxia during air travel at altitude<2500 метров в настоящее время считается необоснованным.

But in some pathological conditions, such as severe anemia (Hb<80 г/л), снижение PaO2 в крови может достигать критических значений. Поэтому авиаперелеты противопоказаны беременным с анемией тяжелой степени, но могут допускаться при возможности дополнительной оксигенации.

6. Solar radiation.

At the flight altitude of modern passenger airliners, the intensity of cosmic radiation is several hundred times higher than at sea level.

Of course, we are talking about the so-called "small" doses of radiation, which do not have any effect on the health of ordinary passengers. However, it should be emphasized that the biological effects of "small" ionizing radiation on the human body, especially during prenatal development, have not yet been sufficiently studied. In this regard, doctors recommend refraining from frequent and long travel by plane only in the first trimester of pregnancy. For example, flight attendants are offered temporary ground jobs.

It is currently believed that infrequent long-term air travel (i.e. as a passenger), regardless of the gestational age, does not adversely affect the intrauterine development of the unborn child, since the equivalent dose received in this case is several times less than the maximum permissible level adopted for the population (t .e.< 1 миллизиверта).

So, for example, during a transatlantic flight, the equivalent dose is 50 microsieverts, which is 2.5 times less than with chest X-ray with shielding of the pelvic area.

7. Prolonged immobility anddeep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

The reasons for the increased risk of venous thrombosis during pregnancy are venous stasis in the lower extremities. There is no evidence to quantify the risk of air travel-related thrombosis, but there is an apparent increase in risk during pregnancy. Therefore, preventive recommendations for passengers with an increased risk of thrombotic complications during long flights are quite acceptable for pregnant women.

A long flight is considered to be a flight lasting more than 3 hours. All patients (pregnancy of any period and 6 weeks postpartum period) during the flight must be prevented from venous congestion in the lower extremities, including isometric tension of the calf muscles and movement around the aircraft cabin for 5-10 minutes per hour, when possible. With a tendency to hypercoagulation of blood (that is, with a tendency to thrombosis), as prescribed by a doctor, on the day of the flight and the next day, an injection of low molecular weight heparin is given, which reduces blood clotting.

It is necessary to sit in a chair not strictly straight, but slightly leaning back on the seat - this way the vessels of the legs are less squeezed and the back is relaxed.

For all pregnant women on a long flight, it is advisable to use compression stockings.

8. Dehydration.

During the flight, dry air is supplied to the aircraft cabin. In addition, people drink liquids less than usual, and from drinks they prefer diuretic tea, coffee, sugar-rich pops. Therefore, it is important to drink pure and mineral water, without fear of frequent trips to the toilet. Moreover, this is another reason to move.

9. Increased swelling of the nose.

It's not the pregnancy hormones that are to blame, but the dry air in the cabin. Doctors recommend regularly spraying the nasal passages with mineral water from a personal first-aid kit.

10. Excessive anxiety and fatigue due to jet lag

Sometimes a woman's well-being can worsen due to nervousness: tension can cause an increased tone of the uterus, headaches. It is better to be careful when choosing a flight: the schedule of regular flights is more predictable than charter flights; they are less likely to be canceled or rescheduled. When checking in for a flight, you can ask for a seat in the front row or next to the emergency exits, where it is more spacious. There is more turbulence at the end of the cabin, and this too should not be overlooked. It is better to avoid large crowds of people, it is recommended to get on the plane closer to the end of the announced landing. If you are tormented by nausea before the flight, it is better not to read on the way, but to sleep. Eat small meals, but often. For heartburn, high blood pressure and stomach problems, individual meals can be ordered in advance. It is necessary to have dark chocolate with you in your purse to prevent attacks of nausea that occur due to carbohydrate hunger.

Do not worry in vain: the baby feels everything. Keep all your medical records and a notebook with the contact numbers of close relatives or friends nearby. Buckle up at the request of the flight attendant, but make sure that the belt is located under the tummy.

When it is contraindicated for pregnant women to fly on an airplane

Common sense should make you refuse to fly on an airplane if a pregnant woman:

  • the threat of abortion or premature birth;
  • partial detachment of the placenta;
  • anemia iron deficiency 3 degrees or sickle cell;
  • the day before there were blood-stained discharge from the genital tract;
  • complete or partial placenta previa with intermittent spotting spotting;
  • preeclampsia;
  • acute otitis or sinusitis, diseases of the lungs and heart, accompanied by a feeling of lack of air.

All other contraindications are relative. This means that in special cases, the doctor may allow the flight, but the risk of complications for the mother and her child is very high. Such contraindications include exacerbation of any chronic or acute diseases of the pregnant woman, severe nausea and vomiting, conception as a result of the use of obstetric technologies, multiple pregnancy (after 24 weeks), incorrect position of the fetus in the second half of the third trimester, a scar on the uterus, invasive procedures, anemia 2 degrees.

Airline rules for pregnant women

Naturally, air carriers are trying by all means to avoid problems associated with health problems in pregnant women during the flight and premature birth, because. they do not have the opportunity to provide the necessary assistance on board the aircraft.

Each airline has its own rules for the carriage of pregnant passengers; more details can be found in the table. If you are purchasing a packaged tour, it is the responsibility of the travel agency to provide information about the requirements of the airline you are flying with. But if you are planning a vacation on your own, it is better to find out this question in advance. On the websites of all airlines, in the sections on the rules for carrying passengers, there is information regarding pregnant women. Do not be too lazy to get acquainted with it carefully before buying tickets, and if necessary, call the office of the air carrier.

Most airline policies depends on gestational age.

  • In the period up to 27-28 weeks, flights during this period are allowed, but airline employees have the right to require a certificate from a doctor, which indicates the expected date of delivery; this is due to the fact that it is visually difficult to determine the gestational age, and if your stomach is large and there is no certificate, this is the basis for not being allowed on board the aircraft.
  • In the period from 28 to 36 weeks - a certificate will definitely be needed, and it should clearly indicate that "there are no obstacles to flying." You may also need to sign a paper stating that you understand the risk and take responsibility - this is how air carriers insure themselves.
  • Some flights involving long hours of travel may not let you in even if you are 28 weeks pregnant.
  • After 36 weeks, almost all airlines refuse to carry pregnant passengers.

The certificate must be as recent as possible, issued no more than 7 days before the expected date of departure. Consider also the date of your return flight, and make sure that it falls within the time allowed by the airline. If you are expecting twins or triplets, then the flight restrictions are more stringent. Often, in addition to a certificate from your doctor, you must obtain a certificate from the airline's doctor.

Table: features of the conditions for accepting pregnant passengers on board the aircraft of various airlines


At what stage of pregnancy is flight prohibited

Do I need a certificate-permission to fly from an obstetrician?

Do I need a receipt to release liability from the airline?


After 36 weeks (twins - after 34 weeks)

Yes - indicating the gestational age and the expected date of birth - not earlier than a week before the flight.


Yes - there must be a record of the absence of contraindications to the flight on the date of the flight


After 36 weeks

Yes, with the obligatory presentation of an exchange card

U Tair (Utair)


Yes, not earlier than one week before the flight

Yes, for a company representative and a copy for a woman

Air Canada

Northwest Airlines

After 36 weeks

Air New Zealand

After 36 weeks

Air France


United Airlines


Only after 36 weeks

british airways

british european

After 36 weeks

Yes, no later than a week before the flight


After 36 weeks



After 34 weeks must be accompanied by a doctor

american airlines


After 36 weeks (for domestic flights - after 39 weeks) - a certificate from a doctor (no more than 2 days old). 10 days before delivery - permission from the medical service of the airline

Czech Airlines


Up to 34 weeks - not required. After 34 weeks, the doctor must complete the MEDIF form (one week before the flight)



Up to 36 weeks - not required. After 36 weeks - a certificate from the medical center of the airline


After 36 weeks.

For short flights within Scandinavian countries - after 38 weeks

Yes, after 28 weeks of pregnancy (send a certificate to the airline a day before the flight)

Air New Zealand

No flights for multiple pregnancies and after 36 weeks

In general, the likelihood of occurrence of conditions that threaten the life of the mother and fetus during air travel is low. But, since there is no possibility of providing specialized medical care on board the aircraft, even an emergency managed from the point of view of modern medicine can have a dramatic outcome. Therefore, when counseling a pregnant woman before a flight, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of certain complications from the standpoint of individual risk.

Happy flight and vacation!


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Often a woman is faced with a dilemma - or not to fly during pregnancy in the early stages? Specialists who control pregnancy identify the most favorable and most critical periods for air travel by trimester, taking into account all contraindications and possible undesirable consequences.

Air travel. Possible risks

In the modern world, there are practically no people left who do not have to use the services of air carriers. For most men and women, a flight is the most common event that does not cause any unusual emotions. Air travel for pregnant women is completely different. The expectant mother treats her well-being with great trepidation, fearing to lose the baby. Air travel in the first trimester requires a mandatory consultation with the doctor observing the woman. During this period, the formation of the fetus is very intensive, and the woman's body has not yet adapted to its new position. There are a number of symptoms to consider that put a woman at high risk in the first trimester:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sanious discharge from the vagina;
  • possible placental abruption;
  • exacerbation of chronic kidney disease;
  • preeclampsia;
  • preeclampsia;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • the presence of high swelling;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • anemia;
  • acute lack of hemoglobin;
  • malposition;
  • insufficiency of the cervix;
  • pregnancy with IVF;
  • previous operation on the organs of the reproductive system.

If you have at least one of these conditions, you can only fly in case of urgent need. At the moment of takeoff and flight of an airliner, passengers experience a wide range of similar and individual sensations. Mainly:

  • a sharp change in ambient pressure;
  • sudden nausea followed by vomiting;
  • dizziness and loss of orientation in space;
  • fainting states.

Pregnant women in the cabin of the aircraft are most acutely aware of pressure drops, and this can have a tonic effect on the uterine muscles, provoking a miscarriage. At the time of the flight, the airliner may find itself in unforeseen circumstances for subjective and objective reasons, such as:

  • too dry air in the cabin;
  • high probability of thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • high level of radiation;
  • high magnetic fields;
  • infectious threats from passengers in a confined space;
  • uncomfortable position in the chair;
  • turbulent flows;
  • air pockets;
  • storm passes;
  • emergency landing.

In flights, sudden shaking and rocking of the cabin often occurs. Well, if you manage to get off with a slight discomfort. A pregnant woman may begin prolonged nausea, dizziness, vomiting, semi-consciousness. Of course, nothing good can happen to a woman and her embryo at these moments. During infrequent air travel, passengers are exposed to not too significant doses of radiation, which cannot be classified as posing a high health hazard.

The World Health Organization has issued a number of clear recommendations with objective contraindications for flights on airliners for women at different stages of pregnancy. Doctors do not advise boarding an aircraft in the following cases:

  • the embryo is not more than 36 weeks;
  • pregnancy with serious complications;
  • toxicosis of the first trimester;
  • placenta previa, when the placenta covers the cervix;
  • uterine bleeding.

Anxiety symptoms during a flight

Even having provided for all the nuances of the flight, it is necessary to closely monitor the slightest changes in the behavior and reactions of the pregnant woman's body throughout the trip. A threat to women's health and the health of the unborn child appears even before boarding the plane - this is the influence of the electromagnetic fields of the metal detector frame at the registration site. Moreover, a woman experiences an overstrain from standing in lines, which is almost impossible to avoid. Therefore, doctors recommend that pregnant women generally come in for an examination and go to the runway last, waiting somewhere for the passenger flow in a comfortable place.

When an airliner takes off, there is a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure, which causes ear congestion and even nausea in all passengers. It is at this point that the risk of preterm birth increases the most. Further vibration shaking in the aircraft can provoke sudden complications:

  • increased sweating;
  • jumps in body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • dehydration;
  • arrhythmia;
  • shortness of breath
  • headaches.

Swelling of the nasal cavity and the sudden appearance of rhinitis, tickling in the nasopharynx can be clear symptoms of an incipient cold caused by an infection obtained from the salon. Both the passengers themselves and the air vents with built-in filters pose a potential threat to the health of everyone in the cabin.

If a pregnant woman begins to breathe rapidly and complain of a lack of air, there is a high risk of developing hypoxia. In the cabin of an airliner, there is no stable supply of fresh air, as a result of which the air masses circulate chaotically, accumulating a high content of carbon dioxide. The air in an airplane is usually too dry, which causes swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and headaches.

Noticing non-characteristic signs in the behavioral reactions of a pregnant woman, as well as the manifestation of psychosomatic disorders, it is necessary to sound the alarm.

Preparing a pregnant woman for a flight

It is impossible to unequivocally answer how harmful a flight is during pregnancy, however, a woman must be carefully prepared on the eve of the trip. First of all, the consultation should be given by the doctor observing the pregnant woman. If permission is obtained, you should start preparing the house, namely:

Is it possible to fly on an airplane in the early stages of pregnancy - one of the most asked questions by expectant mothers. Unfortunately, such flights can bring trouble and complications. Flights are allowed in the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is the lowest. On days when a woman usually had her period before pregnancy, you should refuse to fly. This can adversely affect the formation of the internal organs of the embryo and life support systems: endocrine, bone, nervous and circulatory.


If the pregnancy has come recently, and the woman did not have time to consult a gynecologist and do all the necessary tests, it is advisable to postpone the flight.

Some airlines introduce additional restrictions on the carriage of pregnant women, trying to eliminate unforeseen circumstances on board at the time of the flight. Modern flight attendants are taught how to give first aid and even deliver babies to avoid accidents on board an airliner.

Possible potential complications during air travel are associated not only with the growth and development of the embryo, but also with the general condition of the expectant mother. Most of the subjective and objective risks during air travel can be reduced to a minimum by adhering to simple rules the day before and during the flight.

Long-term monitoring of flights of pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy indicates that the frequency of premature births during flights does not exceed the rates of such events on land. And atmospheric pressure drops do not have such an important effect on uterine contractions. Moreover, pregnant women who have experienced a miscarriage before are not at risk when traveling by air. This opinion is a popular myth.

As to whether it is possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane, no one will give a specific answer. For each expectant mother, this issue is resolved individually in accordance with the term of the “interesting situation”, as well as the peculiarities of its course.

Air travel is allowed
rest air travel how to behave
help fastening the suitcase
what is dangerous to take in position

  1. Pressure drops - everyone knows that a woman in position is very sensitive to the pressure drops that are inevitable during a flight. This feeling is most noticeable during takeoff and landing. There is an assumption that such sudden changes can provoke premature birth, but there is no evidence for this. To find out if you have a high probability of this feature, you need to measure the length of the uterus using ultrasound. Many airlines even ban women from flying who may give birth during the flight: pregnant women in the later stages, women with multiple pregnancies, as well as those who have a history of preterm birth.
  2. Lack of oxygen - during the flight, the concentration of oxygen drops sharply, and this is what most expectant mothers are concerned about. They believe that the baby will not have enough air, and oxygen starvation will appear. However, according to the Swiss professor, healthy women have nothing to fear. If the expectant mother suffers from anemia, then it is much more difficult for her to transfer the flight. It is strictly forbidden to fly a pregnant woman with a severe degree of anemia.
  3. Blood stasis - the formation of blood clots in the veins - is the most serious danger that expectant mothers expose themselves to when they are motionless on an airplane for several hours. Doctors say that women in the position are almost 5 times more likely to develop thrombosis than non-pregnant women. That is why it is necessary to follow some recommendations: wear compression stockings, drink more liquids during the flight, do not drink caffeinated drinks, walk around the cabin for at least 10 minutes / hour.
  4. Exposure to radiation - during the flight, the protective layer of the atmosphere is much lower than on the ground, so the likelihood of exposure is much higher, which can cause various deviations in the baby.

The impact of flying on pregnancy

Harm of flying during gestation

Doctors express their opinion why pregnant women should not fly on an airplane. They highlight a whole list of dangers that await the expectant mother.

  1. Fear of heights, pressure drops, excessive nervousness - all this can provoke a miscarriage, bleeding or premature birth.
  2. Flights are dangerous because the cabin air is dry, the temperature is high and, as a result, there is a large loss of moisture. This is not good for the baby. Moreover, during the flight there is a clear lack of oxygen.
  3. There is a huge possibility of solar exposure, which is caused by high altitude.
  4. A long flight negatively affects blood circulation, which causes blood stasis. As a result, the appearance of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Influence early and late

A lot of controversy raises the question of whether it is possible to fly pregnant in the early stages. Some doctors claim that it is forbidden to travel by plane at the beginning of pregnancy, as hormonal changes in the body occur:

  • increased fatigue;
  • health worsens;
  • suffer from constant headaches;
  • nausea.

All this can lead to interruption.

A long flight will only worsen the woman's condition and cause:

  • sharp jumps in pressure, temperature;
  • negatively affect the development of the child.

First trimester:

  • there are no special contraindications;
  • doctors only warn of the threat of miscarriage;
  • possible complication of toxicosis.

Second trimester:

  • this is the best time for flights;
  • there are no contraindications;
  • there are no complications.

Third trimester:

  • flights are not desirable;
  • the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth;
  • pressure surges can cause complications.

Until what week you can fly pregnant - the attending physician will tell you after the examination and the individual characteristics of the woman.

Flight while carrying a baby

Possible dangers and contraindications

Let us consider in more detail whether it is dangerous for pregnant women to travel by plane, and in what cases.

  1. Multiple pregnancy.
  2. It is not good for a pregnant woman to be on an airplane if she has diabetes or high blood pressure.
  3. The expectant mother has placenta previa or bleeding.
  4. There is a predisposition to premature birth.
  5. Thrombosis.
  6. Detachment of the fetus, uterine tone or other complications of the "interesting position".
  7. Heart and lung problems.

All doctors, saying how long it is possible to fly pregnant, mention the time up to 36 weeks. After that, it is not recommended to travel at all, as the likelihood of premature birth is high.

Women's opinion

Consider the reviews of those women who flew pregnant on an airplane and find out how they felt.

Marina Antonova:

For me, the trip to Bulgaria has become a landmark. My husband and I decided to go to rest, to strengthen the body before the hard work ahead. I had a period of 34 weeks and I didn’t know whether it was harmful for pregnant women to fly on an airplane. We got together quickly, the gynecologist said that everything is fine, the baby is developing according to the deadlines. The flight went well. The stewardess on board told in detail whether it is possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane, after which I was even a little worried, since the testimony was not very flattering. The holiday was great, but we got back when it was already almost 38 weeks old. Unfortunately, the weather was non-flying, storms were transmitted, so I asked if it was possible to fly pregnant in such a situation. They reassured me, they said that this was a common thing, especially since I had to return home immediately. This time I flew with apprehension, I was very worried, maybe that's why I started having contractions right in the air. My husband reassured me and reminded me about breathing exercises. I focused on breathing, tried not to think about the upcoming birth. Luckily, she didn't have to give birth on board. An ambulance was called right to the airport, and I gave birth to our "pilot" in 8 hours.

Veronika Portyanaya:

We went to visit relatives in America when I was 12 weeks pregnant. The gynecologist examined me and said from what month you can fly - after 12 weeks. Since I'm afraid of everything in life, before the flight I got on the Internet to read whether it is possible to fly in the second trimester. I did not find any obvious contraindications, but I remembered all the proposed recommendations. On board I tried not to be nervous, I took a book with me to distract myself. The flight went well, a little nauseous, but these are trifles. Rested and full of impressions went home. The flight back went unnoticed, especially since I no longer doubted that pregnant women can fly on an airplane. Therefore, I can confidently say that you can fly in the second trimester if there are no contraindications.

Air travel has become an indispensable part of everyday life. Their advantage lies in the speed of movement from one location to another. Sometimes the need to travel on an aircraft also occurs during pregnancy. In this case, many nuances should be taken into account.

    Can pregnant women fly?

    The decision to fly is made by the woman together with the doctor supervising the pregnancy. If there are no contraindications in the patient card, then the flight is not prohibited. At a later date It is dangerous to fly during pregnancy. This option is not even considered as possible.

    1 trimester

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors advise against traveling by plane. The body of the expectant mother is undergoing significant changes. It takes some time for the embryo to attach. Even a healthy representative of the fair sex can happen early miscarriage.

    Sometimes women fly on planes without knowing they are pregnant. Statistics show that this does not affect the course of pregnancy in any way. In this case, much depends on the state of health of the patient and her susceptibility to flying. There are women who feel as comfortable as possible on an airplane, regardless of the circumstances.

    2 trimester

    The second trimester is considered the most favorable for flights, but the situation can be complicated by the appearance of symptoms of preeclampsia. A woman becomes even more vulnerable than in the first trimester of the situation. It will be problematic to ensure her comfort during the flight.

    Ban on air travel removed if the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies. But in any case, a small percentage of the risk is always present.

    3rd trimester

    Flying in the third trimester absolutely contraindicated. Even in a normal state, a woman may feel bad due to pressure surges. During pregnancy, they are accompanied by headache, nausea, fatigue and dizziness. There is a probability development of anemia or hypoxia.

    The main danger lies in premature delivery. There are no appropriate personnel on board the aircraft to assist during labor activity. No one is immune from complications during childbirth. In such a situation, the life of the child and his mother is endangered.

    Risk of flying during pregnancy

    Not every doctor will allow his patient to fly. Its main danger lies in the emotional stress of a woman. Air travel is accompanied anxiety and fear. They negatively affect the child. There are other reasons for the ban on air travel:

    • risk of preterm birth;
    • the effect of radiation on the fetus;
    • lack of oxygen;
    • stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs;
    • pressure drops.

    When carrying a child, expectant mothers increase risk of varicose veins. Prolonged stay on the aircraft speeds up this process. This is due to a violation of blood circulation in the legs.

    The plane is closed space. The air is dry and the temperature is high. Respiratory function during the flight is inhibited, which contributes to the development of fetal hypoxia.

    Some women may experience a panic attack due to the presence of anxiety. Provide first aid to in full on board is not always possible.

    The vibration that occurs when the aircraft enters the air pockets contributes to the development of uterine tone. This calls into question the possibility of maintaining a pregnancy. In rare cases, flying by plane is allowed, but subject to no serious contraindications.

    ON A NOTE! There are no professionals on board the aircraft who are able to deliver prematurely. Sanitary standards are also not met. The birth of a child on an airplane can lead to infection with infectious diseases.

    Airline requirements for pregnant women

    Each airline has certain rules regarding transportation. pregnant women. Before the trip, you should look at the official website of the company and familiarize yourself with them. Aeroflot does not allow women to be transported for a period of more than 36 weeks. As evidence, the passenger must provide a medical document confirming gynecologist's permission for the flight.

    AirFrance does not require any supporting paperwork. Other airlines may require not only a doctor's note, but also signing an agreement. It spells out all the possible risks for which the woman takes responsibility.

    PECULIARITIES! Multiple pregnancy is considered the main contraindication to flights.


    Any complications of pregnancy imply a refusal to fly. If a woman insists on traveling, she condemns her child to possible death. Air travel prohibited in the following cases:

    • placenta previa;
    • uterine tone;
    • bleeding;
    • diabetes developing during pregnancy;
    • thrombosis;
    • multiple pregnancy;
    • dysfunction of the lungs and heart.

    If flight by plane could not be avoided, it can be alleviated. This should be based on the following principles:

    • A pregnant woman should have an exchange card and phones of loved ones nearby. If possible, the trip is carried out with someone you know.
    • It is advisable to drink as much water as possible. This will allow avoid dehydration.
    • To prevent blood stasis in the legs, it is recommended to periodically get up and take a walk. It is advisable to take off your shoes.
    • From drinking carbonated drinks, coffee and tea during the flight should be discarded.
    • Clothing should be as comfortable as possible, not restricting movement.
    • Particular attention is paid to the choice of seat. It is undesirable to sit by the window, because you will have to get up repeatedly from your seat. This rule is especially true at the beginning and end of pregnancy, when there is a lot of pressure on bladder.
    • You should have the necessary medicines with you.

    Compliance with all flight rules will reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences, but will not completely eliminate them. According to statistics, pregnant women are more stuffy in their ears during a flight and dries up the nasal mucosa. Fears and worries become more pronounced than before conception.

Can pregnant women fly on an airplane? The unequivocal answer is "yes". A pregnant woman is not sick or disabled, she is simply in a slightly more special state of the body than other people. This obliges her to follow certain rules of sleep, nutrition and physical activity, but does not prohibit her from enjoying certain benefits of humanity. The main thing is to approach any issue with the mind and observe adequate caution.

Before the flight, it will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor, who is aware of all your body characteristics and existing diseases. The ideal option is the golden mean, that is, the time is somewhere between the first trimester and 2-3 months before delivery. In the absence of serious diseases or chronic diseases prone to frequent exacerbations - no one can forbid you to travel by plane (except your doctor, of course). Even if you have contraindications to flights, then there is always an option in the form of a trip by train or a regular car.

Deadline: when, where, why?

There is an opinion that flights for women in the first trimester are strictly contraindicated, as they can provoke malformations in the child. In the worst case, the mother may even face spontaneous abortion. Unfortunately, there is no reliable data to support or refute this opinion. However, it will not be superfluous to play it safe, since active organogenesis occurs at an early stage, that is, the laying of organs and systems of the fetus. And any outside influence can really affect him, causing developmental anomalies.

Plan your trip in advance, and better - reschedule to a later date

The only time that is the reason to refuse the flight is more than 36-37 weeks, when the woman's body gradually begins to prepare for childbirth. And since flying on an airplane is not only a physical load, but also a psycho-emotional one, it can provoke premature birth. Therefore, if your deadline has passed abroad at 36 weeks, use any other transport or wait a little with the trip.

If your term exceeds the threshold of 30 weeks, then flights are not contraindicated for you, but you must have an exchange card with you with documents about your term and health status that allows air travel. The airline also reserves the right to disclaim responsibility for your health during the flight by first offering you to sign a letter of guarantee. Sign it only if you are completely confident in your well-being and that you can endure such a trip well and without complications.

Myth or truth?

Everyone has heard that any air travel can be dangerous for the body of a pregnant woman. However, not everyone will be able to fully argue and substantiate their phrase, backing it up with facts. So what is the possible danger of flights for expectant mothers?

It is widely believed that the difference in pressure on the ground and in the sky can provoke a rupture of the fetal bladder, and as a result, premature birth. However, in medicine, cases are not uncommon when the fetal bladder ruptured 1-2 weeks before the due date and there was no danger to the health of the mother and child. So we do not reject this scenario, but we do not consider it potentially hazardous to health either.

There is also a theory that a lack of oxygen in a small aircraft cabin can cause hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus, especially if the woman has health problems (anemia or placental pathology). Firstly, if there was such an acute lack of oxygen in the cabin, all passengers would die from its lack in the middle of the flight. As you can see, nothing like this has ever happened, so this is nothing more than a myth. Secondly, as we said above, for the flight you need a certificate from a doctor confirming your satisfactory state of health. In the presence of moderate / severe anemia or pathology of the placenta, the doctor simply will not issue you such a certificate.

Comfortable chair and good company - ideal conditions for a flight

The only relatively well-founded opinion has to do with airplane seats. Due to their inconvenience, stagnation of blood in the legs may appear, which is contraindicated in women prone to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. However, some companies offer special chairs for pregnant women, you just need to check with the airline manager about their availability.

Everyone also knows that during flights there is an unpleasant nasal congestion and even a runny nose. This is due to the fact that the air in the cabin is dry and the ventilation systems cannot provide sufficient air exchange within the aircraft. As a result, the mucous membrane of the nasal and oral cavity dries up, causing sensations of sore throat and a common cold. However, changing the situation for the better is quite simple. You just need to humidify the air around you with special sprays, drink water (not too much if you have a tendency to edema) and use drops / ointments to moisturize the mucous membranes.

Airline rights: to let or not to let

Airlines, as international structures, have a clear set of rules and regulations governing the actions of personnel in different situations. Such rules clearly state that airline employees reserve the right to refuse a pregnant woman air travel if:

  • more than 30 weeks pregnant
  • there is no exchange card and a certificate from a doctor about the state of health of a woman

Even if these conditions are met, employees can (and should!) Provide a guarantee to the woman for signature, under which the company disclaims all responsibility for possible complications and deterioration of the pregnant woman's condition during air travel. Thus, the company not only protects its safety in case of an unforeseen situation in the air, but also checks the awareness of the future mother's decision.

How to make a flight comfortable for a pregnant woman?

Pregnant women should choose seats in business class or in the front rows of economy class. This is due to the fact that these places have larger and more comfortable chairs that allow you to regularly change the position of the body. This will be an excellent prevention of thrombophlebitis and general blood stasis. The seats in these places are usually large and comfortable, and the distance from row to row is increased. This will allow a pregnant woman to sit comfortably during the flight and stretch her legs, which will significantly improve her well-being.

Also, according to the new rules, smoking is completely prohibited in airplanes, as in an enclosed space (even despite the equipped ventilation system). However, for pregnant women, seats in the nose of the aircraft are still preferable, since the cleanest air circulates in this part.

Pregnant women prone to stress during the flight (or better before it) should take sedatives. Only a doctor can prescribe and calculate the dosage of such drugs for pregnant women, so you should consult with him in advance.

Long flights, during which physical activity is significantly limited, are undoubtedly harmful to the cardiovascular system. Women who are prone to varicose veins and edema will feel this factor especially strongly. In order to reduce the negative impact of such flights, at least once an hour take a short walk through the cabin of the aircraft in one direction and back. Flight attendants and stewards are unlikely to refuse you such physical activity if you reasonably explain to them the reason.

Our body needs about 2 liters of water per day depending on our activity pattern, height and weight. However, during the flight, the norm is a change in blood pressure, which depends on the BCC (volume of circulating blood). On the day of the flight, the maximum fluid intake is one and a half liters of drinking water. This amount will prevent possible swelling, while providing the body with a sufficient amount of fluid for the expectant mother to feel comfortable. The best option would be to drink a third of the water before the flight, another third during it and the last third after landing.

Flight attendants don't bite! Do not be afraid to contact them during the flight.

On the day of the flight, prefer light clothing and natural fabrics that do not disturb the air circulation between the skin and the environment. It is also worth abandoning the belts, which can compress blood vessels and worsen blood circulation.

Do not forget about the eternal companions of pregnant women - pain in the back and lower back. Ordinary neck pillows, which can be purchased directly on board the aircraft, will help to avoid this problem. And the blanket given by the flight attendant can be turned into a lumbar pillow, which will provide a comfortable position throughout the flight.

It will not be superfluous to use anti-sickness remedies, since the vestibular apparatus of pregnant women is extremely sensitive and the appearance of nausea on board an aircraft is not uncommon. It is better to consult a doctor about the choice of the drug, as he will be able to choose the right dosage that will not harm the baby.

Childbirth on the plane: what to do?

Can pregnant women fly beyond 36 weeks? Highly undesirable. It is because of the possible development of rapid childbirth. But what if everything happened the way it happened? If the birth began in the last 1-2 hours of the flight, the captain of the aircraft will contact the landing city, where an ambulance will be waiting for the woman upon arrival. If the birth began at the beginning or in the middle of the flight, then in this case the crew team must provide the woman with first aid and, in extreme cases, take delivery.