The last menstruation 1. Ways to calculate the gestational age

The conception calculator is a simple program that will be useful to all women without exception: very young girls with an unsettled menstrual cycle, those who are planning or, on the contrary, want to avoid pregnancy, as well as expectant mothers. Let us consider in more detail the situations in which the conception calculator can be calculated at the right time.

Monitoring the menstrual cycle. Gynecologists never tire of repeating that every woman should keep a calendar and accurately mark the dates of her period in it. Firstly, this is necessary in order to notice in time any deviations in reproductive health (shortening or, on the contrary, lengthening the cycle does not say anything good). Secondly, to understand in time that pregnancy may have occurred. This is important both for those who aspire to become parents and for their "opposites."

The Conception Calculator helps you calculate ovulation by entering the correct average cycle time and the first day of your last menstrual period. In addition to ovulation, the program tells you which days are also potentially favorable for the onset of conception. It is then that you need to especially "try". For those who do not want to have children yet, on the days marked with orange and green colors, it is better to do without sexual intercourse. Although, it is not at all a fact that this will help to avoid pregnancy. The calendar method of contraception has long been called low effective. So, it is better to use the online conception calculator for less responsible, so to speak, purposes and in conjunction with other means.

You can more reliably determine ovulation using 2 methods at once: for example, the calendar method and basal temperature measurement. And even easier and more reliable - ovulation tests. On the days that our calculator for conceiving a child has highlighted in green and orange colors, tests should be done. But first, read the instructions carefully. It is similar to the usual pregnancy tests, but there is still some difference. As, for example, ovulation tests at the most likely time for conception, it is better to do it 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, so as not to miss the right moment.

Another calculator of days of conception will be of great help for expectant mothers who want to know the most accurate date of birth. Pregnancy lasts about 280 days. So, you can safely add 280 to the day highlighted in orange and get an approximate date of birth. Why approximate? The fact is that the duration of bearing a child depends on many factors. For example, a woman may give birth prematurely due to the peculiarities of the cervix, or the amniotic fluid may pass prematurely. Also, doctors can, for medical reasons, cause labor a little earlier. Situations are different.

Knowing the day of conception, you can set yourself the exact term of pregnancy. It will be approximately 2 weeks shorter than the doctors prescribe. The fact is that gynecologists calculate the obstetric gestational age, and for this, an online conception calculator is not needed. You just need to know the first day of the last menstruation, it becomes the first day of obstetric pregnancy. But sometimes you need to know the duration of pregnancy quite accurately, for example, when the doctor begins to suspect a post-term pregnancy, or if the uterus is too large or, on the contrary, small at an early stage. In general, in order to identify a possible pathology, you need to know the approximate day of conception. But who is watching this? So it remains only to calculate the conception calculator.

Even those who do not bother with questions about how to get pregnant as soon as possible, but are already planning parenthood as soon as possible, our calendar will also come in handy. The fact is that the baby's body, or rather all its organs, are formed in the very first days and weeks after the implantation of an egg into the wall of the uterus. And it is during this period, while there is no placenta, that the baby is most susceptible to any negative influences. Smoking, taking alcoholic beverages, certain medications, and so on can lead to miscarriage or serious pathologies of the development of the fetus. And the calculator of days of conception will clearly show you approximately from what time you need to "take up your mind" (if you have not done this earlier) and will remind you of a delay in menstruation.

Why should a pregnant woman and a doctor know what stage of pregnancy? Firstly, to determine the due date, secondly, to adequately monitor the development of the baby, correcting possible developmental lag in time, and thirdly, to determine the period of care for maternity leave.
I want to make a reservation right away that they distinguish between obstetric and true terms of pregnancy. Obstetricians begin to count the gestational age from 1 day of the last menstrual period. This is quite justified, because from this moment the egg cell begins to ripen, which will be fertilized by the sperm in the future, formed and implanted in the zygote's uterus, the ovum with the embryo and then the fetus will begin to develop (after 12 weeks of pregnancy). The duration of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual period to childbirth is about 10 lunar months or 280 days or 40 weeks. However, each fetus has its own term of intrauterine development - from 37 to 42 weeks. It depends on many factors, but primarily due to genetics. It is necessary to inquire at what stage of pregnancy the patient herself, the father of the child, was born, how long the pregnancy was carried out by the maternal relative.
The true gestational age lags behind the obstetric one by two weeks - it is counted from the day of ovulation and conception. Thus, to determine the obstetric gestational age, two weeks must be added to the true one.

How to find out the duration of pregnancy by ovulation and date of conception

Ovulation is the very period of the menstrual cycle when conception can occur. During ovulation, a mature egg comes out of a woman's ovary into the fallopian tube and "waits" for sperm there. Unprotected intercourse at such a time in a more or less healthy woman and man will most likely lead to pregnancy. By the date of ovulation, the gestational age is determined.
A woman ovulates around the middle of her menstrual cycle (but not every month). If your menstrual cycle is 28 days, then ovulation will occur somewhere on the 14th day, with a 35-day menstrual cycle - on the 17-18th day of the cycle. The exact gestational age should be counted from the day of ovulation.
Ovulation can also be determined at home, using special tests sold in almost any pharmacy, or by regularly measuring basal temperature (temperature in the rectum). Throughout the first half of the cycle, it will stay at approximately the same level - below 37 degrees. The day before ovulation will decrease slightly. And on the day of ovulation and on all subsequent days, you will keep at the level of 37-37.2 degrees. Thus, you can calculate the gestational age () if it began in the menstrual cycle when you determined your ovulation.
There are women who can determine their ovulation without any tests and temperature measurements, just by subjective sensations - pain in the lower abdomen, increased libido, an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge. It is not difficult for such sensitive women to determine the gestational age on their own.
The most accurate way to determine the gestational age by the date of ovulation is an ultrasound scan. This is the only way to accurately see ovulation. Only now it is problematic for a week, or even longer, to go to an ultrasound scan every day. And financially, such "pleasure" will not be available to every woman. Trying to determine ovulation in oneself only so that later it is possible to accurately calculate the gestational age is inappropriate. There are simpler ways to calculate the gestational age already, in fact, after the onset of an interesting situation.

From the first date of the last menstruation, the number of days (weeks) is counted at the time of the examination of the pregnant woman. To determine the day of birth, 280 days (10 lunar months) are added to the first day of the last menstruation or the Negele formula is used: 3 months are taken from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation and 7 days are added. This method cannot be used on women with irregular menstrual periods.

Determination of the gestational age by gynecological examination.

If you come for an examination to a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy (3-4 weeks), then it will not be difficult for the doctor to accurately determine the gestational age. In this case, it is made based on the size of the uterus. For example, at 4 weeks of gestation, the size of the uterus can be compared with a chicken egg, at 8 weeks - with a goose egg. An experienced gynecologist is able to determine the gestational age through a vaginal examination with an accuracy of one day. The gestational age later than 8-12 weeks will be difficult to determine precisely based on the size of the uterus. Since, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, in women at the same stage of pregnancy, the size of the uterus may differ.

Determination of the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound.

Of course, here, as with the previous method, much depends on the qualifications of the doctor who interprets the results. Ultrasound data obtained before the 12th week of pregnancy are considered the most correct for determining the date of the alleged birth. At this time, the determination of the gestational age is based on the measurement of the ovum, its average inner diameter.
In the second and third trimesters, the gestational age is established on the basis of determining such parameters as the circumference of the fetal head, the average diameter of the chest and abdomen of the fetus, and the circumference of the fetal tummy. The information obtained when measuring the circumference of the baby's head is considered the most reliable.
However, in general, it is believed that in late pregnancy, the error in determining the term using ultrasound increases. This is understandable: after all, each child develops individually, and at the end of pregnancy, the size of the fetus, which the doctor is guided by in his calculations, can vary significantly depending on the characteristics of a particular child.
With all the variety of methods for determining the due date of the upcoming birth, there is no one "completely accurate", as we have already said, does not exist. Therefore, we can say that a more or less accurate determination of the term of the upcoming birth is possible if all the data obtained are not contradictory, but complement and reinforce each other.
Although even in this case, the date of birth can be shifted by one or two weeks in one direction or the other due to the fact that urgent labor (that is, delivery on time) can occur in the period from 38 to 42 weeks of pregnancy.

Determination of the gestational age by the first stir.

Primiparous women begin to feel the first movements of the baby at a gestational age of 20 weeks. Multiparous a little earlier - at 18 weeks. Gynecologists recommend that a woman remember the date of the first movement and must enter it into the dispensary card of a pregnant woman. When setting the term of pregnancy and childbirth, this is of great importance. For example, in order to determine the date of birth, it is necessary to add 20 weeks (or 4.5 months) to the date of the first stirring; for multiparous, it is necessary to add 18 weeks or 5 months.
But this method of determining the gestational age is not always correct. There are women who, even in their first pregnancy, feel the baby's movements much earlier than the due date at 20 weeks, at 17 weeks, or even earlier. Especially often, such early movements are observed in thin women. There are women who feel the first movements 2 weeks later than the due date.
Doctors have their own opinion about such early perturbations and staging on their basis the gestational age. Most experts believe that women, ahead of time, do not feel the baby's movements at all, but the "work" of the intestines. After all, as you know, most pregnant women suffer from increased gas production ...

Determination of gestational age by measuring the length of the uterus and fetus.

You can calculate the gestational age in a more complex way. Such a calculation can only be made by a gynecologist. You are unlikely to succeed on your own. So, in order to measure the length of the uterus, the woman lies down on the couch and straightens her legs. Beforehand, it is imperative to empty the bladder, otherwise errors in determining the correct gestational age are possible. The length of the uterus is measured with a tape measure or pelvimeter. Usually the length of the uterus is equal to the number of weeks. For example, the length of the uterus is 36 cm, which means that the gestational age is also 36 weeks.

Use our PDD (Estimated Due Date) calculator to calculate your baby's estimated date of birth. The calculation can be made by the date of conception, or by the date of the last menstruation. Select the appropriate option and enter the original date. As a result of the calculation, you will receive the coveted date, as well as an accurate pregnancy calendar with comprehensive information about the development of the fetus and medical indications for each week. The calculation results can be saved to mail or printed.

PDR calculator - estimated due date
with pregnancy calendar

Calculation option:

If you know the exact date of conception, use the first option. Or choose the second option, the estimated due date will be calculated automatically, based on the date of the start of the last menstrual period.

Start date of last menstrual period:

Cycle duration:

On average 28 days. If you do not know the exact length of your cycle, leave the default.

28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 days

Conception date:

Women strive to get as much information as possible about their new condition after learning about pregnancy. It is also important to find out how to calculate the due date and gender of the child, whether it is worth using an online calculator for this, what features and algorithms it includes. All this and much more is covered in our article.

Date of birth calculation - principles and algorithms

You can use several possibilities to calculate the exact date of birth: an online calculator, your own calculations, the result of a doctor's examination. But whichever option is chosen, their principles and algorithms are very similar.

Determination of the term by the date of conception

The easiest way is to draw up a pregnancy calendar by week and calculate the date of birth if the girl knows the date of fertilization. Usually, difficulties arise with this, because a couple who decide on a baby tries not to miss any of the favorable days. Therefore, if it is not possible to calculate the due date by the date of conception, you can try to determine it yourself. This is not at all that difficult to do.

To do this, it is worth remembering how the process of childbearing proceeds in a girl's body:

  1. Vesicles form in the ovary immediately after menstruation. One is ahead of the others in terms of growth and development rate. It is in it that the female cell appears. The rest of the follicles gradually fade away.
  2. The cell reaches its peak of development and is ready to function, breaks through the follicle and is released. Her path lies in the direction of the uterus. Here, in the genital tract, fertilization with a sperm cell should occur under favorable conditions. You will need to find out this moment in order to calculate the date of birth by the date of conception.
  3. The fertilized cell continues its path and completes it by implantation into the uterus. This happens only 7 days after meeting with the male cell.
  4. Under the condition of normal consolidation, the fetus begins its growth and development. This process promotes progesterone, which produces the corpus luteum. The latter acts as a temporary gland that grows on the wound from the rupture of the bubble. It always appears, but if fertilization has not happened, it is structurally destroyed by the day of the next menstruation, leaving a small scar on the ovary.
  5. There are changes in the structure of the mammary glands under the influence of progesterone. Signs of a new situation begin to appear, which is why the woman begins to look for ways to calculate the date of birth, draw up a calendar using a calculator, what tests need to be taken and when to visit her doctor for the first time.

Ovulation and date of conception

So, in order to draw up a pregnancy calendar and calculate the date of birth, you need to calculate the day of fertilization of your cell. How can this be done, given the presence of daily intercourse, for example? At first, it is worth remembering that conception occurs only at the moment when the cell has already been freed from the follicle membrane and has passed into the genital tract. Those. it is very easy to calculate due date by ovulation date. As you know, this process is very short and is usually equal to days, which is why the error in the miscalculations is practically excluded.

How to calculate due date by last monthly

If the girl does not know the exact day of ovulation, it can be calculated based on her cycle readings. You need to look at the calendar and calculate the due date for the last monthly period.

Data for accurate calculation

You must first evaluate the following parameters:

  • Cycle duration. Calculate the number of days between the specified monthly dates for the last few periods. The norm is 28 days, but there are also values ​​in the range of 21-33 days.
  • Consistency. Compare the numbers obtained with each other. Normally, they should be equal, with a maximum deviation of 1 day. In such a situation, there will be no problems with how to accurately calculate the date of birth. There are also failures, when in one month there is a sudden shift of 1-2 weeks. This is caused by stress, illness, the use of hormone-containing drugs, climate change, etc. Don't worry, it's okay. If the cyclicality is violated and each month the terms differ by 5 or more days from each other, the rhythm is recognized as irregular. It's not scary, just calculating the gestational age and the date of birth will be much more difficult. If such failures have not occurred before, it is better to consult with a gynecologist on the cause of identifying possible problems.
  • Duration and characteristics of menstruation. Normally, they should be of the same type in structure, abundance and duration on a monthly basis.

Ovulation in the menstrual cycle

Knowing the parameters that the calendar gave us, it is not difficult to calculate the date of birth if we identify the day of ovulation. It is calculated when you need to calculate the date of birth by monthly, based on such knowledge regarding the duration of the phases in the female cycle:

  1. The time of follicle and cell emergence is 11-17 days. It differs significantly in women due to the different content of hormones in the body and their balance. The norm is 14 days, but it is possible for girls whose cycle is unchanged for a long time and is equal to 28 days.
  2. The release of the cell and its way to the uterus. If sperm are not found along this path, it will last only a day. Rarely, vital activity can be higher - up to 2-3 days, usually, it dies after 12 hours. That is why pregnancy, to calculate the date of birth by which would remain the last unresolved issue for a girl, the date of ovulation must be identified as accurately as possible in order to prescribe a productive act.
  3. The functioning of the corpus luteum in the absence of a fetus ends exactly 14 days later. This criterion is the same for everyone. Very rarely, it can be 12-13 days.

The last number is reliably known, which is equal for all girls, and therefore ovulation is counted according to it. The formula looks like this: subtract 14 from the duration of the monthly process. The result obtained must be counted from the previous menstruation and marked on the calendar. This is the date of ovulation, which is the moment of conception, because on other days this is not possible due to the lack of a ready cage. Now it is already easy even to prescribe the calendar of childbirth yourself and calculate by the date of conception, revealed in the described way.

Methods for determining cell yield

  • Tests. Using the strip according to the instructions (dipping it in urine for a few seconds or holding it under the stream), you need to look at the change in the color of the reagent. It shows the concentration of luteinizing hormone that reaches its maximum when the follicle ruptures.
  • Microscopes. These are reusable devices that allow you to see the pattern of the salts contained in saliva. It gradually changes, acquiring the features of a fern by the day the cell appears. It will be enough to calculate the day of birth by the date on which it manifested itself most clearly.
  • Allocations. It is known that with the development of the follicle, vaginal mucus has a thick structure and does not come out. And by the time of the "birth" of the cell, it liquefies and is excreted in a very abundant amount. In structure and color, it is similar to egg white. It is observed until the cell dies.
  • Pain. Unpleasant sensations are felt in the direction of the ovary. Breaking the follicle, the cell creates a normal wound on it, which causes a little pain. Relying on your own feelings and remembering the exact date of the onset of pain, it will be easy to calculate the date of birth by conception.

Child gender prediction - what you need to know

We figured out how to correctly calculate the date of birth by first identifying the exact day of fertilization. Now all that remains is to count 40 weeks from the date, making notes on the calendar. Sometimes girls want not only to calculate the date of birth, but also to find out the gender of the child early. This can be done by comparing the date of intercourse with ovulation:

  • The act fell on the date of ovulation or a day later - a son is expected. This is due to the characteristics of male spermatozoa with the Y-chromosome, which are much faster than cells of type X. Y many times faster overtake the female cell, leaving no chance for slow brothers. Having identified a pregnancy, it is very simple to calculate the date of birth and the sex of the child according to the above principles.
  • The act happened in 1-2 days - the maximum probability of conceiving a daughter. This is explained by the fact that Y-cells die in a day, being in the genital tract, and therefore do not wait for the appearance of the female. Cells X last up to 3 days, and therefore, although they are very slow, they will already expect a female one by the time it appears in the genital tract. When compiling a calendar in order to calculate the date of birth and the sex of the child in such a situation, one must also take into account the day of the appearance of the cell, despite the fact that the act was earlier.

Thus, regardless of the fulfillment of the conditions for "obtaining" a baby of the desired sex, it will be necessary to calculate the date of birth by the day of conception. Indeed, without the presence of a female cell in the pathways, sperm cells do not fertilize anyone.

Calculator - how to calculate due date online

Calculation by date of conception or last month

Therefore, today there are two options for filling in the data:

  • calculate the date of birth by conception: the calculator calculates the standard of days of pregnancy from the day known to the girl;
  • calculate the date of birth by monthly: the calculator determines the moment the cell appears, therefore the cycle length parameter is required for the formula. If the girl does not know him, it is recommended to leave 28 days. But in this case, an error is possible.

Pregnancy calendar is a useful feature

As a result of the calculation, the girl receives a specific date of the expected birth. But that's not all. Our service has an additional function that allows you to calculate the date of birth and pregnancy by week to calculate at the same time. In this case, the girl receives a table, painted for each week of pregnancy, indicating her dates, containing such interesting and useful information:

  • Fetal development: at each stage, the embryo undergoes certain changes, because it is constantly developing. You can find out when his muscle tissue begins to grow, internal organs form, and when he begins to hear.
  • Medical indications: the baby's body at each stage, based on the characteristics of the formation, requires different microorganisms, which are prescribed in the plate. Also, the girl learns when to expect toxicosis, discomfort, heartburn, how to protect herself from them without harm to the baby.

After the girl has calculated the date of birth and by week, having received a detailed action plan, you can save it to yourself in electronic form by clicking on the "send by mail" icon. It is also available to print the table to have it handy.

Medical indications - tests, ultrasound, etc.

By using the pregnancy calculator to calculate the due date on our website, you will also receive data on the required test and ultrasound dates. This will allow you to monitor the actions of the doctor and better prepare for visits and examinations. Calculating the date of birth online is a simple way, due to which a girl does not need to make mistakes on her own, and in return she receives a maximum of useful information on her particular case.

Irregular cycle calculation

Some difficulties await women with irregular processes, then it may be difficult to detect ovulation. They can only calculate the date of birth by the date of conception, an online calculator in this situation will give the correct answer. If they want to calculate the date of birth by the last menstruation, the calculator may be wrong, because the result depends on the length of the cycle, which is always different for a girl.

Determining the due date by a doctor

Many are sure that only a specialist observing the patient can calculate the exact date of birth. But it is worth remembering that he is based in his readings on the same data as the methods discussed above. The doctor, in the event that he did not observe the girl before pregnancy, will ask her for the following data:

  • First day of bleeding;
  • Cycle duration;
  • Systematic;
  • The presence of irregularities in rhythms and deviations.

Based on these criteria, he will calculate and determine the expected due date. Most likely, this date will coincide with the due date, which can be calculated from the date of conception online. There may be a slight error of 1 day due to the "human" factor or unaccounted for.

Accuracy of calculation by ultrasound

If the doctor wants to calculate the date of birth by ultrasound, the calculator is more likely to lose. Indeed, on research, he is able to see the size of the embryo and compare it with the standard. However, here, too, a mistake is possible, because each organism develops in its own way, and the embryos are able to slightly differ in size in girls at the same time.

Determination and stimulation of ovulation

Therefore, it is possible to calculate the correct date of birth only mathematically, based on knowledge of the day of fertilization or by finding out the exact date of ovulation. If a girl has problems with this, she should go to the hospital at the planning stage so that the doctor can monitor the development of the egg on an ultrasound scan. Already from the 5th day after menstruation, examinations begin every two days. As the cell exit approaches, ultrasound may be prescribed daily. Having found a burst follicle or a day before that, the doctor will inform the patient about the most favorable moment for fertilization.

From the video you will find out on what day you need to do an ultrasound to find out if the follicle is maturing

A similar scheme of examinations occurs if the girl has problems with cell reproduction (the follicle does not develop or does not burst). This is due to the lack of the hormone estrogen, and therefore it is injected forcibly, through a special course of drugs.

With such a strict observation of the stages of cell development, in order to accurately calculate the date of birth, a calculator is not required. After all, the girl and the doctor will reliably know the day of fertilization. With follow-up, the doctor will track the moment of implantation of the ovum. A woman will not need to perform a test or donate blood, because the ultrasound will show the fact that the embryo is fastened, which guarantees pregnancy, and calculating the date of birth by the date of conception for the doctor, knowing all the facts, will not be a problem.


The estimated date of birth, which can be calculated in several ways, will give the girl an accurate idea of ​​how long she will wait for her little "miracle". You can use any of the listed methods or try everything. Usually, deviations between them are no more than 1-2 days. We recommend using our calculator and calculating the date of birth by monthly (or by conception) online. In this case, in addition to the expected date of birth, in addition, the expectant mother will receive a kind of guidance for action and tools for monitoring the development of her baby by weeks.

One day for every mother-to-be comes that very special day. She learns about her new condition. And soon the woman will often hear the question: "What is your (your) term?" How to calculate the gestational age in order to answer correctly?

It's pretty simple!

Almost always, the answer to the question about the duration of pregnancy will be based on the two most famous and popular methods of calculation - obstetric and embryonic (from conception) terms

Obstetric term

The onset of pregnancy is the first day of your last period. This method is called obstetric. It does not take into account the individual characteristics of a woman's body, but it is almost universal. Any doctor will use it.

The obstetric method has its own logic. The term is calculated from the earliest stage of pregnancy - the beginning of the maturation of the egg.

According to the obstetric method, the doctor will determine the expected date of birth (PDD), as well as the period of maternity leave. In medicine, it is generally accepted that pregnancy lasts 280 days. This is the well-known 40 weeks or 10 lunar months.

Why 10 months and not 9? And why are the months lunar? Astronomy is to blame for this. The moon repeats its phases at intervals of 28 days (4 weeks). This is the lunar month. And if you count in calendar months, then only 9 really fit into a normal pregnancy.

Embryonic (true) term - from conception

The beginning of pregnancy is the first day of the last menstrual period plus 2 weeks. It is believed that it is in the middle of the cycle that ovulation occurs. In this case, the period from one period to another is taken as an average - 28 days.

This method of calculating the term is called embryonic or true. But it is worth pondering: is the truth hiding somewhere else? Medically speaking, ovulation can occur within 12-18 days from the start of the cycle.

Example. Oksana's husband constantly went on business trips from early spring to late autumn. Sometimes I was at home only one or two days in a month. Soon after her husband's next visit, Oksana realized that she was pregnant. And with a smile I thought that she knew the exact date of conception - June 2. After all, before and after that day, she and her husband did not see each other for almost two weeks. Oksana's last period was May 18-21. And if May 22 is considered the beginning of the cycle, then conception took place on the twelfth day. And the egg was already ripe. Or not?

Another question is important here - how long does ovulation last? If strictly in science, then a few seconds. After all, ovulation is only the release of a mature egg from the follicle. But most of us consider ovulation and the next few (or even many) hours that the egg cell will live in the female body. How many? Sometimes up to two days. By the way, about the same amount will live in the female body and sperm after intercourse. And sometimes even longer - up to a week.

So the true day of conception is a real mystery! After all, there may well be two different situations. The egg moves to the uterus for the second day and literally at the end of its life is fertilized. Or vice versa. Sperm cells entered the woman's body before ovulation and actually "waited" for the release of the egg.

Couples who carefully planned pregnancy know the day of conception as accurately as possible. In this case, the day of ovulation is determined using a special test (sold in a pharmacy) or by ultrasound.

There is another old method for determining ovulation. This is a measurement of basal temperature. It is carried out in the morning, at the same time, before getting out of bed (even it is recommended not to open your eyes). The thermometer is placed in the mouth, vagina, or rectum. Before ovulation, the basal temperature drops slightly and then rises. This means the release of a mature egg.

And sometimes women themselves feel that ovulation has come. The lower abdomen aches, and the vaginal discharge becomes a little more viscous. And the attraction to the beloved man becomes stronger.

That is why many expectant mothers consider their gestation period to be the embryonic method: the beginning of the cycle plus 2 weeks or the day of ovulation known to them. In this case, we are talking about the period from conception.

Can there be difficulties?

Lyudmila's periods often came literally "every other time." Doctor's verdict - ovarian dysfunction. Until Luda was sexually active, she was not too worried. But after marriage, the same question often came. Is delay a manifestation of dysfunction? Or contraception didn't work? Once the second option turned out to be correct. But the doctors could not calculate the term by the usual method - there was an obvious discrepancy.

For the former athlete Valeria, the first menstruation came only at the age of 16. And the cycle was not established in any way. Up to six months could pass between critical days. The girl did not go to the doctor. I somehow did not find time - either study, then personal life. Once thin Valeria noticed that she had clearly recovered. The first reaction is the desire to go on a strict diet and remember the previous sports activities. It's good that the girl first consulted with her mother. More precisely, with the future grandmother of her child.

Lena's firstborn has just turned ten months old. The baby grew up healthy, and the nursing mother, on the occasion of such a round date, decided to eat a melon. A few hours after that, she felt sick. Lena thought she was poisoned. But soon the doctors clarified the situation: Lena was pregnant again. The first menstruation after childbirth simply did not have time to start.

How many more similar cases! If a woman's periods are irregular or did not have time to come at all, as in the situation with Lena, traditional calculations will not help. It's good that there are alternative methods.

How else to determine the term?

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

  • on the basis of a gynecological examination;
  • using ultrasound;
  • by the first movement of the fetus;
  • by the size of the uterus.

In some cases, the doctor "looks after" all the signs in order to make less mistakes in calculating the term.

Gynecological examination

An experienced gynecologist will be able to calculate the correct time only by the size of the uterus. The doctor's hands will accurately define the boundaries of the uterine cavity. If the uterus is comparable in size to a hen's egg, the period is 4 weeks. And if closer to the goose, then we are talking about eight weeks.

This method works effectively if you are less than 12 weeks pregnant.


Ultrasound scanning nowadays allows you to effectively examine the fetus and even make some measurements. In the first trimester, the doctor will determine the size of the ovum and compare them with traditional data. In the second and third, the doctor will measure the circumference of the chest, tummy or head. The last "yardstick" is considered the most accurate for determining the term.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, calculating the term in this way gives a very accurate result. Later, future babies begin to be very different: some are larger, some are smaller. Just like in the life that awaits them in the future.

The kid is pushing!

The first fetal movement is another indicator. If a woman is preparing to give birth to her first child, she will feel his movements at 20 weeks. If the baby is the second, third, and so on, then the first movement is expected at 18 weeks. This is the official medical data. And future babies do not at all think that they should necessarily follow them!

The fetus really makes its first movements in the first trimester of pregnancy. But the unborn child is still so tiny that the mother does not feel anything for many weeks. But there are also exceptions.

Inna was expecting her second child. And so I was thin, and in the first weeks I lost weight. With a height of 167 cm - 46 kg. And this is in the second trimester! The doctor shook her head disapprovingly and worried. And Inna felt great. Nausea almost did not torment, vomiting was rare. True, I always wanted oranges, and one red-haired "handsome" was always in the bag. And in general there were no problems.

The baby pushed on the seventeenth week. First, once, and after a couple of hours - again. And the next day, and the next day, the woman experienced the same sensations. At the next appointment with the gynecologist, Inna called the date. The doctor shook her head for the umpteenth time, smiled and clarified - maybe it was gases? Inna laughed - she perfectly remembered the baby's movements from the first pregnancy and could not be mistaken for sure.

True, sometimes you can still get confused. If the expectant mother regularly suffers from flatulence, and even is expecting a baby for the first time, the movement of gas through the intestines is sometimes taken by her for the movements of the baby.

When weeks are centimeters

And one more way, which is related to the size of the uterus. More precisely, with its height. This method is available only to doctors. The pregnant woman lies down on the couch. The doctor takes a measuring tape or a special instrument - a pelvis meter. Determines the upper and lower boundaries of the uterine cavity and takes measurements.

The height of the uterus in centimeters is the gestational age. That is, if the doctor measures 30 cm, then the gestational age is 30 weeks.

These four methods (usually in combination with each other) give the most accurate determination of the gestational age.

When will she be born?

The expected due date will tell the mother when the baby will be born. But this is theory. Children very rarely follow the doctors' calculations. True, there are exceptions here as well.

On an ultrasound scan at 12 weeks, Lika was called PDR - March 10. Lika just shrugged her shoulders slightly. She carried her first baby exactly one week. The doctors then said that the baby probably wants to grow up even more. Indeed, even after being born, the son weighed only 2 kg 700 g at birth.

Therefore, early in the morning of March 10, Lika did not even immediately realize that contractions had begun, and stubbornly tried to sleep a little more. But it didn't work out. It soon became clear - it began. This is how the daughter was born - exactly on time.

Formula Negele:

Quite accurately, the expectant mother can calculate the PDD herself. Of course, if the periods before conception were regular.

  1. It is necessary to add another seven days to the first day of the last menstruation, and then subtract three months.
  2. Or add 9 months and 7 days to the first day of your last menstrual period.

Here is the approximate date of birth of the future baby!

You can find out the PDR by using a special pregnancy calendar for the last menstruation. In the red line, we are looking for the date of the beginning of the last menstruation, next to it, in the yellow line, we see the date of the probable day of birth.

For example, the last period started on January 28th. Plus seven days is February 4th. Minus three months - we get the 4th of November. And how it will actually be - life will show.

The main thing is that the pregnancy should be easy at any time.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope you find this information useful!

An online pregnancy calculator will help you calculate the term of pregnancy, determine the expected date of birth, calculate the age of the fetus, find out when the end of the first and second trimester comes. The pregnancy calculator is a free service. Depending on the individuality of the organism, some of the data may not match.

Each pregnant woman maintains her own calendar, where she records all the changes that occur to her during pregnancy. However, the modern tempo rhythm, many worries about the family do not always allow you to track independently which week of pregnancy is going on, and how the baby should develop. The pregnancy calendar comes to the aid of busy mothers: this is a complete description of all the changes taking place at this stage with the mother and the baby. Thanks to this, a woman can easily track how much the baby weighs, what she should feel, what problems lie in wait for her. But in order to find out how a child is developing, you need to determine what the woman's pregnancy is.

First day of your last period:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2018 2019 2020

Average cycle time (days):

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Calculation results

- Estimated date of conception

- Fetal age

- Gestational age

How to find out the time of conception?

Traditionally, in order to determine what stage of pregnancy is now, a woman comes to an antenatal clinic in a polyclinic. The doctor conducts an examination, if necessary, prescribes an ultrasound scan and focuses on the last menstruation in the setting of the deadline. Based on this date, the calculation is carried out when mommy should give birth.

But women should be warned that such a calculation will not always tell you the exact day of birth. In medicine, there are two terms for determining pregnancy: obstetric and real. What is the difference between them?

Obstetric time helps you determine when your pregnancy started based on your last period. In this case, the date of conception is not taken into account, since it is unknown to the doctor. The doctor proceeds from the idea of ​​a woman's standard menstrual cycle, which lasts 28 days. Consequently, conception could have occurred during ovulation on the 14th day after the start of the cycle. It turns out that the difference between obstetric and embryonic terms is 2 or even 3 weeks.

You can find out the real time more precisely if you undergo an ultrasound scan. However, an ultrasound scan is prescribed no earlier than 10-12 obstetric weeks, and the woman's curiosity is much stronger.

How can you find out your own gestational age so that you can be guided by the calendar later?

To do this, it is advisable to know the date of conception or at least the possible days when this could happen. If you can't set a date, you can use multiple pregnancy tests. The devices are equipped with sensors that detect the gestational age. The error of such devices is small.

You can calculate the gestational age yourself, relying on the obstetric counting method. But if this is difficult for you, an online calculator will come to the rescue. This is a program on the website that will automatically calculate the approximate date of your ovulation and, therefore, the estimated date of conception.

How does the calculator work and what is needed for it? You just need to enter the first and last date of your period. The online calculator will calculate the middle of the term itself and determine the date of conception of your child.

If you know the date of conception, an online calculator will also help to determine the timing of when the pregnancy occurred. The principle of its operation will be different. You need to enter the date of conception in the calculator, and it will calculate the duration of pregnancy by week. This way you will know exactly which week and which dates you have, and you will be able to observe from the descriptions how your child is growing.

When is the birth?

Now is the time to find out the due date. The same calculator that determined the date of conception will help you calculate your due date. Online calculation is based on data on the date of conception or the last menstruation. In the latter case, you will know the due date based on the obstetric term.

If you know exactly how many weeks you are, then you can guess from what moment to expect the onset of labor. This usually happens at 38-40 weeks. Some women take up to 42 weeks of pregnancy: such a pregnancy is not considered a post-term pregnancy. It should also be noted that an error could occur when determining the gestational age. An online calculator can also be mistaken, since it calculates based on generally established observations. In addition, you could have entered inaccurate data into it.

Practice shows that the date of birth is the start date of the last menstruation, to which 9 months are added. The replenishment of the family should be expected in these numbers. But what to do if it is not possible to determine the period by menstruation, since the woman no longer remembers the exact date?

HCG analysis

If a woman does not follow the regularity of the cycle and does not remember the date of the last menstruation, the calendar is unlikely to help here. In this case, doctors recommend doing a blood test for hCG, a hormone that allows you to determine the presence of pregnancy even in the early stages.

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced in a woman only during pregnancy by the ovum. A biochemical blood test is able to determine its amount in the body and, on the basis of this, establish the presence and duration of pregnancy. The most informative are the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the hCG level is still high. Gradually, it begins to decline, and the blood test will no longer give reliable data.

The doctor will be able to approximately determine the size of the ovum, and according to it - what is the gestational age now, when examining the vagina and on palpation.

Why do you need to know the exact date?

Not all women are attentive to their pregnancy and calculate the period by weeks. They think that it is the doctor's job to calculate the gestational age, in order to later calculate the due date. During pregnancy, they do not think about how many weeks they have now, and how the baby should develop.

In vain, since no one better than the mother herself can determine whether the baby is comfortable inside. Dangers lie in wait for a pregnant woman at every step, and it is better if she knows her term by weeks. A calculator and a calendar can help with this, so it is not necessary to go to the doctor with a question every time.

If you do not know how many weeks of pregnancy you have, open the calculator on the website, enter the required data, and you will receive an answer. It will help you remember the doctor's recommendations and warn yourself and your baby against possible complications. Isn't it nice to see in photos and videos how your baby is growing by weeks? After all, you can only look inside with the help of an ultrasound scan, but this happens only three times during the entire pregnancy.

The need to undergo screenings is another reason why a woman needs to know the exact date of pregnancy. Studies, including blood tests for genetics and ultrasound, take place within strictly defined terms. If you do the analysis sooner or later, you may get an inaccurate answer.

Do not neglect the calculation of the gestational age by week. This will give the woman valuable material to determine if the baby is developing according to the norm, if there are any deviations, and what research still needs to be done.

What errors are possible?

Unfortunately, if the exact date of conception is unknown, any weekly pregnancy calendar or conception calculator may not be accurate. The baby's development calendar is based on the data that were initially determined. What if they are wrong?

Unfortunately, errors cannot be avoided. According to statistics, in almost 20% of women during pregnancy, the difference between obstetric and embryonic periods is 14 days. If a woman's cycle is long, for example 35 days instead of 28 days, ovulation can only occur on day 21. Consequently, the difference between the obstetric term and the real one will be even greater. 1 week of embryonic term will be equal to 5 or 6 obstetric weeks.

But in the setting of the embryonic period there is an error. It is several days, since the sperm can be stored in a woman's body for 3 days, so fertilization could occur not on the day of ovulation, but later.

Counting the gestational age is a painstaking task. Not always a calculator and even a medical analysis can give an accurate answer. A woman should listen to her own feelings: they will help her to find out by sensations what the gestational age is now, and how correctly the doctor determined it.

In order not to miss the fact of pregnancy and to know exactly when fertilization occurred, a woman should be attentive to the signals of her own body and conduct regular monitoring of her health. To do this, you need to keep a calendar where the dates of the beginning and end of menstruation, facts of suspicious vaginal discharge (if any) will be recorded. This will allow you to establish the onset of the disease in time and avoid consequences for yourself and the child.

To be healthy and give birth to a healthy baby, a woman must be attentive to herself. A calculator on the site and a pregnancy calendar will help her with this!