Happy birthday wishes to mom. Congratulations on the anniversary of mom verse. Comic congratulations happy birthday to mom

You are more valuable in the world.
May God keep you from troubles.
And on your birthday, dear,
I heartily congratulate you.

Wish You happiness and health,
And a heart full of love.
That the years rush - it does not matter,
At heart you, mother, are young.

Be cheerful, optimistic,
Beautiful, bold, ironic.
I will say that on the whole Earth
There are none like you, mother.

Mom, we congratulate you
And we wish you peaceful bright days,
All the best, health and good luck,
Happiness of women and kindness of people.

Know we just love you
We appreciate and adore,
Happy Birthday! You are the only one -
We say thank you for everything.

The closest and dearest person in the world is my sweet, kind, beautiful and young mother! Congratulations, my dear, happy birthday! I wish that every minute of your life you feel how much I love you, that your loving heart beats joyfully with happiness! I wish you very good health for a hundred years! May spring and lilacs bloom in your heart all year round! Let your native eyes fill with tears only from good news! Stay as young and attractive as you are now! Love and be loved, respected and simply adored!

My good, dear, dear,
How many words there are for you!
I congratulate you, mother, on your birthday
And hug gently, loving!

I wish you many years in the world,
Good health and happy days,
So that no life is evil waves
Yours did not reach the shores.

You are dearer to me than anything in the world,
Be happy, my mother
I always need your advice
And I share my secrets with you.

My dearest man
My beloved mother
I want to congratulate you on your birthday
From your pure heart!

Always be as beautiful
Do not know grief and evil,
Be happy, joyful, strong,
Let spring rejoice in the heart.

You warm me with warmth
You are always near and in everything,
As an angel you protect everyone
Covering with your wing.

My dear, congratulations!
Health and many years.
I hug you tight
So dear to me is your eyes light.

With love and great respect
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you now
Happy birthday, mommy.
With you, I'm not afraid of anything.

You never knew fatigue
She prayed for me, keeping me from troubles,
And in difficult times she gave me advice,
She gave me love and light.

And I love you, my dear,
Although I do get upset sometimes.
You smile! And I wish you
Health, strength for many years.

I wish you to be happy yourself
The same sweet, kind and dear.
And I'll try very hard, mom,
So that you can always be proud of me.

Thank you mom for being you
That neither lies nor flattery are needed,
To describe from the heart
Everything you want to say.

You, mother, are wisdom and warmth,
You are beauty, strength and goodness,
You are the smile that always
Gives faith for years.

You are a perfect cook
Psychologist, doctor, veterinarian.
12 months a year
Always connected and in tune.

May your whole life be long
You are the best person!

Thanks for the happiness
Thanks for the kindness
Thank you for
Who read fairy tales to us.

For tears, for joy,
Sleepless nights,
Thank you for
That she loved us very much.

Let there be more
Warmth and good luck
And everything will come true
Just like that, nothing else!

We wish you strength
And, of course, patience
Health, mommy,
On your birthday!

Mommy dear, dear,
Beloved and dear!
I wish you long life
Do not know sorrow, nor troubles.

You be happy, smile
And enjoy every moment
Surprise with good health
Forget about all diseases.

What do you dream about - so that it comes true,
Whatever you want is fulfilled.
Let a bright shine in your eyes
Brings joy to family!

Happy birthday to you, mommy
I hasten to congratulate and hug.
Let the mood be bright
And the heart - to shine with joy.

Your eyes are like the beginning of the day.
Let only happiness sing in them
To never get bored
Your good heart.

Be healthy, radiate joy,
And let the years not rule.
Let them be with you
Your favorite always.

My dear, we are so close:
You are my help and advice.
Giving both life and name,
Live for many long years!

Bouquet of good simple wishes
I want to give my mom a birthday present!
May the sun shine on you very brightly
Fate brings many gifts.

May happiness and health not leave you
May every day be bright and joyful.
A white stripe in life will begin,
And let the whole world smile at you!

Mom is the only woman in the world who will love you selflessly from the moment you are born until your last breath. Children for life remain indebted to the endless maternal love and care. And how often do we say beautiful tender words to our mothers? Yes, in your opinion, a mother is not always right, she may not like a lot in her child's life. However, you can’t be offended by this, because in our crazy world there is no longer a person who will warm with the warmth of his hands in the same way, take a nap in difficult moments and give everything to you, not at all hoping for a return. No one can replace this source of unconditional, endless love.
Sometimes I want to say so many warm words to my mother, to thank her for her care and affection. So say these words of gratitude on the birthday of your closest person in the world who gave you life. It is not necessary to find something extraordinary to congratulate your mother, she will be pleased with any attention. A bouquet of flowers and warm words from your child will cause a storm of emotions in your own soul.
How to sincerely, touchingly and unforgettably wish happy birthday to the dearest person in life? She deserves the most tender, warmest words with which you express all your love and appreciation. Wishes should be truly sincere, come from the heart.
That is why we have prepared the most beautiful postcards and sincere congratulations and wishes for your mother's birthday in verse and prose, which will penetrate into the very heart of the woman who gave you life. It remains only to choose the right one.

Mom is the most expensive luxury in the world. So please appreciate it!

Happy narajenna,
Dear mother!
We win tsyabe
Ў your hatse ўtulnay!

We are waiting for taba
Shmat of joyful zen,
Kab your spirit uzmatsneў,
Kab not stratsіўsya yon!

Nyahay nuda tsyabe do not staryts,
Nyahai don't say goodbye to the bad,
Nyahai Gaspodz taba padoryts
Zhytstse on doўgіya bastards!

(Aўtar: Svyatlana Paўlava)

Dear Mom, on your birthday
May illnesses bypass you!
Let your house not know sadness and problems,
There will be more good changes in life!

And I also want to say thank you
For a love that cannot be expressed in words!
For caring for what I raised
For not asking for anything in return!

And grief and joy dividing in half,
In everything, you wished us the best.
And I want to tell the whole planet
That you are the best mom in the world!

Dear mother, congratulations
From children and grandchildren on this autumn day!
This day is your birthday
In this world into the light of emergence!

The river of life runs fast
Everything is changing around endlessly.
And we are aging in body, of course,
But our soul is forever young!

So don't be embarrassed by the gray hair,
After all, a yellow leaf does not spoil the trees!
Let the heart search for the Sacred Source,
To feed them spiritual sprout!

Let wrinkles, mom, do not age you,
May the soul not feel sorry for itself,
And let the heart not shrink, grieving,
And it will unfold, loving everything in the world!

Dear mother, the sun is clear,
Clean, kind, very beautiful!
Happiness to you, health for a century,
Live forever, our dear man!

Know no worries, live happily
Let them always tell you:
"How beautiful this woman is
And infinitely young!

Mom, the best in the world,
I want to wish good luck!
You are an adviser, you are a friend,
And sometimes even a doctor.

Let the reserve of vivacity
Increasing every hour!
Let fate shower the house
Only happiness and kindness!

For mommy on her birthday ‒
Heartiest congratulations:
Be always healthy, young at heart,
May the years bring more happiness!

You gave me life
And tenderness, and the first caress.
Overcome frontiers
You helped me, like in a fairy tale.

Thank you dear,
For getting up at dawn!
Thank you for being in destiny
I am warmed by your love!

I want to confess frankly
And this is not a secret at all:
You, mother, are incomparable to anyone,
More expensive and better than you simply do not exist!

I want to wish you a birthday
Health and life blessings,
To keep us warm
Cozy home!

I am early this morning
I'll quickly dial the number
To tell my beloved mother
How I appreciate it!

Forgive me, dear
What is often in the bustle
I inadvertently offend
I hurt you.

On your birthday, your cheerful,
I'll fly on wings
Wish you health, peace,
I want you!

May wishes come true
Everything goes well in fate!
Know that all your victories
I dedicate only to you!

Dear Mom! Good, glorious!
In our destiny, you are the most important!
We congratulate you on your birthday!
And we wish you all from the bottom of our hearts:
Health, success, luck and happiness,
Let bad weather not enter the father's house!
Thank you for living in the world!
With love to you - your adult children!

You are the guiding star
A lighthouse in the midst of dashing bad weather.
And on your birthday, and always
We wish you, mom, happiness!

Flowers, smiles, sun, songs,
Love, enthusiasm, beauty!
To make every day interesting
So that all your dreams come true!

The only and native!
Not enough words to describe
How much does it mean, how much is loved
One simple word "MOTHER"!

Happy birthday, mom
Congratulations today!
And I want to tell you directly:
You are dearer to me than all!

I want you to be healthy;
So that you are always young;
Smiled so that again and again;
So that your beauty does not fade!

May your mother's heart
Never hurts from longing;
Let the soul not close the "door"
For fun, warmth and love!

Today is simply the best day
I don't know of any others
Today - colors are bright color,
And the rainbow is playing.

And spring sings like a nightingale,
And the grass stretches to the sky ...
After all, on this day, at the magic hour
You were born into the world.

I love you very much, dear!
Mommy is sweet and dear!
I wish you happy days
Inspiration and great ideas!

Never get sick, be healthy always!
Let your beauty shine as well!
May your Angel save you from adversity,
And may fate give you peace!

You do not regret your heart sometimes,
Worried, you call: "Is everything all right with you?"
But we kiss your hands, dear,
That held us tight, gently shaking.

We wish you health, peace, love,
Fulfillment, fulfillment of hopes and dreams!
Happy Birthday! We kiss! You accept roses
They better tell about our love!

I wish you a birthday
As long since wished in Russia:
Health, happiness, joy, fun
And in life a long beautiful journey!

Do not be sad that the hair is gray;
Take care of yourself and don't get sick
Because there is no white light
I have a person closer and dearer!

Flowers bloom for you today!
Today is the day for you!
I want you to never know
Sadness or even sadness shadow!

You are the closest, sweetest person,
There is no more dear and devoted to you!
And know, mommy, I am with you forever!
May there be only light in your life!

Celebrates his birthday
The closest, dearest person.
The one who waits, understands, forgives -
It rains or snow falls.

This is my dear mother
And I hasten to congratulate you.
You have not become different over the years,
Yes, and I only breathe you.

Don't be sad, mommy, don't:
Grief doesn't suit you.
Every year, as it's time for a starfall,
Let only a miracle bring you!

We are born of the woman who
Could not sleep next to us at night.
Experienced our joys and sorrows,
That woman who bears the name Mother!

Our dear mother, beloved!
Today is a holiday - your birthday!
You are the most irresistible
Always be happy and always be yourself!

We wish that you do not know old age,
To warm souls, leaving a good trail,
We wish you love and joy
Good health and long, long years!

It is impossible to forget about your holiday.
For you on this day - all the flowers.
There is no one in the world more dear to me,
What, beloved mother, you!

Let it never touch you
Even the shadow of a fleeting disaster.
I wish you a gentle bright sun
And around unearthly beauty!

Be young and forever blooming
Smile, flying on wings.
We are with you, don't be afraid of the coming days...
Happy birthday, dear mother!

Happy birthday congratulations!
We wish you success, happiness, joy
Hardworking, kind, wise,
Beloved by all, and therefore necessary!

May the sun always shine on you
And your age will last up to a hundred years,
Let your doors never
Illness and old age do not knock!

We wish you to live this life with benefit,
Do not get upset over trifles
Do good and love life,
And do not meet with grief!

Our gratitude is open and direct
We want to express to you in full,
And therefore, dear mother,
Thank you for everything!

Native cute features.
An irreplaceable person.
Thank you mommy for being
She was with me in the rain and in the snow.

For long nights without sleep
For thoughts full of anxiety.
You, mother, I have one,
May God protect you.

Let the time turn back
Slowly, your years
And I will protect
And always help you.

And you, please forgive me
For everything I do wrong.
You smile, don't be sad
Fate sent us a good sign.

Words can't convey everything
Your birthday is magic!
I want to hug you now
And souls to feel kinship.

I wish you happiness and warmth
Love, health, kindness.
And if only I could -
Your dreams would come true!

Happy birthday, beloved mother,
I congratulate you today.
Forgive me for being stubborn
And believe me, it's not from evil.

I want you, my mother,
Lived in the world for a very long time.
And the happiest
In this world, mommy, was.

My mother, you are dear
So tender, dear.
Dearest and most beloved,
Essential for everyone!
Happy Birthday to You,
I want to congratulate you, love.
I wish you not to get sick
And the heart never grows old.
Smile more often dear
And enjoy life.
So that you are always near
Mommy, I love you
I don't say it often though.

Mom, let the years take away adversity,
We wish you only clear weather,
Although, it doesn't matter what's outside the window,
May your home be filled with love
Let loved ones warm you
And fill your heart with happiness
May the Lord give you prosperity
And pour a full cup of health,
Be gentle and a hundred years young,
We love you,
Happy birthday, dear!

Today is your holiday, our dear,
I want to congratulate - there are not enough words.
All because, dear mother,
My love for you is very strong.

You protect my life with prayer,
I also pray to God for you at night.
I love you so much - you know it
I'm sorry I rarely talk about it like this.

I want to wish you great happiness
Health, joy, success and kindness,
So that God saves you from all bad weather,
So that there is always spring in my heart.

I wish you bright meetings, love, luck,
Smiles, peace, bright days in fate,
Dreams of your cherished fulfillment,
And endless warmth in your soul!

There is no closer heart in the world,
There is no dearer and dearer,
Than the most beloved
My sweet mother.

Happy Birthday dear!
May the Lord keep you
From empty feelings
Quarrels and petty insults.

May goodness and joy always
They will be where you are.
You are so full of warmth, light
And spiritual purity.

For me you are the closest
And a loved one.
You and I are inseparable
Thread tied forever.

Dear mommy, birthday
Accept my warm words.
Congratulations for you today
Wishing you happiness and love!

Be always beautiful and healthy
So that you have enough strength for everything.
You have always been the basis in the family,
The whole house is on you, like the whole world!

You, like in a fairy tale, are forever young,
Like against the calendar.
Happy holiday to you, my dear!
Happy Birthday! I love you!

Beloved, dear, golden mother,
You are the closest person in the world.
We love you, we appreciate you, we respect you,
In our family, you are like a talisman.

Thank you for your love and guidance
Thanks for your support at a difficult time.
Accept our congratulations today
And remember that you are the best for us.

Dear mommy, happy holiday to you,
Congratulations dear, happy birthday.
We wish only health, vigor and strength,
And each day brings joy.
We love you very much, we value you,
Thank you for everything, Mom, we say.

Happy birthday, mother dear!
Don't let the years scare you.
I don't know the best mom in the world
Always be young at heart.

May health grow stronger every year.
You, please, rest more often.
Let the fire not fade in your eyes.
I love you, you know it.

May your dreams and dreams come true
And wealth will firmly enter the house,
Only tears come out of happiness
May good luck await you in everything.

Happy birthday dear mom
You are a year older today
You are more beautiful today
I want a life without worries.
And dear patience,
Sometimes it's hard for us
Don't lose your temper
Stay beautiful like this.
And I wish you happiness
Do not know you the sorrows of troubles,
Let all bad weather pass by,
Let the green light come on!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Mommy! Expensive! Happy Birthday!
Forgive us for banal words!
We wish that from happiness and luck
Your head is always spinning!
We wish you to be healthy
To smile and bloom more often,
So that your gaze is not gloomy or harsh,
So that your long, bright life is!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

To my sweet mother

My sweet, sweet mother
What do I want to wish you?
May the heavenly flock of angels
Helps to fly through life.

Let all the difficulties melt at once,
How the snow melts under the sun.
My sweet, sweet mother
Long life, happy birthday to you!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

You are the most beautiful,
And gray hair does not spoil you.
There is no person closer, dearer,
You are the only one for me!
You are both kind and strict,
But you are not in the world of relatives!
I wish you a birthday
Many warm and joyful days!
To see by visiting you.
Your dear smile!
Happy birthday, dear mom!
I love you unconditionally!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

happy birthday mom

Mom's birthday
The whole family celebrates
Because the holiday is the main one!
We love you, mom!
Be always cheerful, happy
Don't forget to rest
Stay the cutest
Never be discouraged.


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

The woman I love!
I want to wish you a happy birthday
My beloved mother!
You've only gotten better with age.
And they have no power over you...
Happy birthday, dear mommy, stay forever young!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

There are many beautiful words in the world
And everything, mommy, for you
I will list for a long time
Today is a birthday!
Worrying, every time, as in childhood,
I'll tell you quietly
What is more than all the people in the world
I cherish you, mommy.
Live without knowing fatigue
In the circle of family, in the circle of friends,
And be young at heart
Until your old age!

Birthday greetings to mom in verse

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

For mom!

Happy birthday, our mother,
What we want to wish you:
So that you are always and more beautiful than all,
And did not know how to lose heart!

May all dreams come true at once
Let the house be filled with joy.
We give you love with tenderness,
For you, our dear, we drink!


Happy birthday, my mommy!
On this day birds chirp louder.
The family will gather in the evening
You will glow with joy.

Let's kiss and congratulate
And solemnly present gifts.
I can promise you
The holiday will certainly be bright.

But now I'll hug you
And whisper softly in my ear:
"I won't let you offend anyone,
My mommy and best friend!"

Be healthy, forever young.
Without you there is no life, as without the sun,
No sadness, no grief, no trouble
Never let it touch you.

You are with us, beloved, alone,
After all, it simply does not happen otherwise.
You, like air, mommy, are needed,
Without you, I'm just suffocating.

" Happy Birthday!" - want to scream
And then hug and shut up.

Incomparable, tender, light.
Your heart is like a harbor of love.
On your birthday, dear mother,
Accept our congratulations.

We wish you clear skies.
Laugh more often, it suits you!
If chores are only pleasant,
And the movement is only forward!

You are a beacon in our changing life,
You will always warm with love.
Only you with your gentle smile
You can disperse the clouds in an instant.

Dear Mom,
Happy holiday to you!
I wish, honey
Happiness and kindness.

Hugs, mommy
I'm your soul
You are my good
I am always with you.

I wish you strong
Health to you
Happiness lasting
On your destiny!

My dear mother, my dear!
Happy birthday I want to congratulate you.
I wish you health, kindness and warmth,
So that your heart always beats in rhythm.

So that trouble bypasses you,
So that the sun warms, so that there is peace in the soul.
To make you smile, full of strength,
So that the heavenly angel keeps everywhere.

Mommy, beloved, dear,
How good are you today!
You are young again today
May your soul always sing.

You know, honey, every year
You are dearer and dearer to us,
Let all adversity bypass you
Get stronger and healthier!

May a smile always beautify you
And the years only give wisdom,
Let the hearth never go out,
In a house where you create comfort!

Mommy, I hasten to congratulate you,
Wrap in a blanket of pleasant words.
So that you always laugh with joy,
To not regret anything at all.

I wish to become more beautiful every day,
Fragrant like lilies in the garden
Fulfill all your plans
And they are not afraid to create a dream.

Mommy, you're still young
Do not drown in the routine of weekdays!
Step confidently like a queen
And invite your friends more often.

Health, though corny, but I wish you.
And live at least another century!
Beautiful, kind, dear,
Remember: "You are a loved one"!

I hasten to congratulate you
Beloved, you are my dear,
I can’t find you relatives in the world,
Only you, like the sun in life, shine.

I want to see on your face
Always a smile, a lot of laughter
Mommy, my beauty,
I only wish you success!

You always give us your warmth, care,
I want to say thank you
I know for sure only one thing in this world,
I can't find another like you!

Dear mom, thank you!
You gave birth to me
And on your birthday I wish
May you live many years!

May you always be happy
May you always be young
May you be the most beloved
For the heart of the dearest!

I wish you health
Caring for family and friends
I also wish you good luck
May you be wiser than fate.

May you sincerely laugh
Let the house be filled with light
And the children will always be there
Wrapping you in warmth!

We congratulate you, mommy,
We want to be healthy
Be luxurious like a Goddess
You are our Duchess!

Be happy in the world yourself
For the family, always be the main one,
Be unique, love
And always irresistible!

Be a highlight of crystal
In its own way, unique
Ideal to be in the family...
There is no one like you anywhere!

Under a lucky star
I should have been born!
Every hour everywhere with me
An angel walks the earth!

It's you, my dear
My dear mother!
And care and prayer
You protect me!

I wish you didn't know
You are tired and troubled
To make life pleasant
Like a holiday dinner!

I wish health
Been strong for many years
So that your eyes with love
I was given a gentle light!