Best friend wish. Best Wishes for Friends

Dear friends, today we present to your attention the wishes of happiness in pictures and poems, very beautiful, which you can send to your loved ones, relatives and friends.

Happiness Wishes

Any minute, any moment
May your mood always be joyful!
Blossoms with shining eyes and a smile
May your every hour, every day, every year!

Let happiness bring you
Fairy bird.
A series of glorious events
Let it happen in life.
Let fate give joy
And you are lucky in business.
Every new day will be
Brighter and lighter.

May all dreams come true
May the joy never end.
Let insults be forgotten
And happiness smiles.

Let everything in life be as it is -
Sincerity, warmth, care.
And a happy family pleases
As well as daily work.
May the sky be clear above you
Let life be kindly bright
Live surrounded by friends
And all the best to you, health and warmth!

Happiness is not a science
Happiness is a fragile thing
Happiness - people really need
That is a reward from the Lord.
I wish God
I rewarded you the best I could.

Put happiness on a platter
You take it from there
You holi him, cherish
And don't be sorry for your loved ones.
Share happiness with loved ones
Have fun with them.

Love, smiles and flowers,
beautiful bright days
And the kindest, most tender words
From relatives and friends!

Let them fill the house with comfort
Caring, warmth.
Life brings joy day by day
And the dream will come true!

Wishes of happiness in pictures and verses

With all my heart I wish you
Much happiness and kindness.
I want what you dream
What are you thinking about, always.

So that pain and grief do not meet.
So that your laughter is always heard
I wish you great health,
Smiles, sun and warmth.

Live in peace with yourself, with nature, with people,
And in old age to be surrounded by children.
And be thankful for this fate ...
I wish you this happiness!

May every new day
will be joyful and interesting,
unique, full of happy
smiles and bright impressions!
Happiness, success, prosperity!

I wish you much happiness
Defeat trouble - bad weather.
Live for many years, like in a fairy tale,
In full health and kindness!

I want to live for many years
And do not meet with grief,
Who is dear to the heart, to love
And don't part with it.

I wish you happiness, bright days,
Health is the most valuable
The roads of life are more authentic
And more joy on it.

Happiness, love, pleasure, prosperity!
To live amazingly, sweetly!
So that the soul enjoys and sings,
It was just a joy favorite thing!

I want to wish so much
What can not be counted,
The greatest happiness
What is in the world.
Let it not leave you
Joy never
Let love accompany
All your years!

I give you in the palms
A little bit of my happiness
Let it warm you
Brings a lot of joy.

Let grief pass by
And love will find you
Good luck will knock on the house
And the wish will come true!

Well, friend, this long-awaited day for me has come ... your birthday! You yourself understand that I love you so much and a freebie ... I don’t even know who else.
Well, I'm joking like that, in fact - I wish you to always remain as cheerful, cheerful, faithful to all your undertakings and our friendship. Let your personal life be as stormy and romantic as possible!
Your friend.

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good morning sms

Good morning! Get up more fun! Wash your face, shave and be cheerful!

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Wish in English

I wish you comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe , confidence for when you doubt, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.

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I wish you dreams, my friend
Like cotton candy!
And let out of a hundred go to a thousand
Your day, which will be tomorrow.

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Happy birthday wishes

My friend, happy birthday! I want to wish you good health, great love, good luck! May our friendship be as strong as wine in our glasses, and as long as eternity! For you!

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Prose - farewell to the army wish a friend

Serve your homeland faithfully, and be the same devoted and reliable soldier as we know you from our strong friendship! Your friends.

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Wish for a man

Be strong and healthy
Ready for exploits
Like a real man
Make girls fall in love
In your mind and romance
In a sparkling personality.

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Wish for a man

Be, like Valuev, strong and fearless,
As if Medvedev is smart and rich.
Mil like Jude Law, only brighter and more beautiful,
And, like Yesenin, a skillful talent.

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Wish to a soldier

Soldier, I wish you
So that this year rushes like an arrow,
And yours waited for you
And then you got married to her!

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SMS wish to a friend

I want you, my friend,
Lived without any problems!

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Good morning my dear friend!
Let the whole world around become bright!

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sms good morning wishes to friend

Good morning, friend!
Let everything be nice and ok!

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Christmas wish

There is very little left before the holiday, and this exciting fuss around you is growing more and more every minute. But let's just close our eyes and remember our childhood... Do you remember how you wrote a letter to Santa Claus asking for some gift? And my mother checked the mistakes in the letter. It's not good if Santa Claus has to deal with grammatical errors. And then under the Christmas tree with trepidation you were waiting for him ... Christmas is a holiday that brings us back to childhood. And the expectation of a holiday sometimes gives us happiness more than even the celebration itself. Not the last role here is played by a careful selection of gifts for relatives and loved ones. After all, giving is happiness! And what should be the gifts for Christmas? The same as the holiday itself: kind, selected with love. And the more love you put into your gift, the more joy you will see in the eyes of loved ones. Is this not happiness? Traditional gifts - symbols of Christmas are all kinds of angels, stars, Christmas wreaths with candles, in Catholic countries - santons, figures of the newborn Christ, manger, Mary, Joseph. And finally, just Christmas cards. Candles are one of the best gifts for Christmas. They are very diverse: large and small, gel and wax, in the form of New Year and Christmas figurines. In general, for every taste and color. At Christmas, candles are set in the center of the wreath, remembering the crown placed on the head of Jesus. They are lit by everyone; holy evening. In general, you can “Christmas”, make any gift Christmas with the appropriate design. Decorate the package or the gift itself with Christmas angels, stars, Christmas decorations, especially in red, gold, green Christmas colors. Such decorations can be made by yourself, for example, cut out on a stencil and pasted over with foil. You can work as Santa Claus and present a gift in a striped white and red stocking with a charming patch on the heel. The stocking can be very simply sewn by yourself from a striped patch or knitted.

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funny birthday wishes

I personally wish you
Fully piss off...

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good night wishes for friend

Dear friend! I wish you good night and colorful fluffy dreams! Sleep sweetly, and let the alarm clock not dare to wake you up at the most interesting!

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33 year old birthday wishes

Hi, friend! You are 33 today! Someone will say that this is the age of Christ, you can look back and see what has been done! Someone will say that this is the age of Ilya Muromets, and it's time to get up from the stove and get down to business).
But I'll tell you, just with your 33rd birthday! Spend this day so that both Christ and Muromets shake hands with you!

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Wishes when moving to another city

Are you leaving us? It's a pity!
So used to seeing you around.
This city has become our destiny
He introduced us and brought us closer.
The new city is already waiting for you
It beckons with the lights of all the shop windows.
You don't know him yet
Yes, and he did not reveal all the secrets to you.
It will all be a little later
There will be acquaintances and friends.
Just don't forget, remember
What did you leave your native land.

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good morning wishes to friend

Good morning, wake up cheerful!
Good morning, start the day soon!
Good morning full of things to do!
With a good attitude so that you can do everything!

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Poem - wishes to friends

Go through life smiling
Falling in love with everything good
Let there be true friends!
And I will be the most faithful!

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Wish boy

I want to tell you shy
That I really like you.
And you always come to my dreams.
Like a prince from a fairy tale on a horse.

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Happy New Year!

Another year of your life is coming! Promise to be a good boy? Will you mind? Will you quit smoking? Will you do sports? What for? No promises, just enjoy life in the New Year!

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sms new year wishes to a friend

I wish that in the New Year all your plans come true and nothing interferes with the course of events! Good luck and good luck!

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Happy birthday wishes to a friend in difficult times

It's hard for you now, but no matter what, I want to wish you a happy birthday. And wish you more strength to overcome obstacles. Remember, it was also very difficult to be born into the world, but still you succeeded, which means you can do everything else, the main thing is not to despair!

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Happy birthday wishes to a friend in verse

On this festive day
On your birthday.
So that a sad shadow
Bypassed your face.
For a smile to play
Eyes burned.
Didn't touch your cheeks
Sorrow tear
And under the singing of glasses
Under their joyful sound
At the end I will say!
Happy Birthday friend!

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Happy birthday wishes to a friend

Thank you, my friend, that I have you, for a kind soul and a warm word.
For the fact that in difficult times you are always with me. I wish life forever young, add happiness, joy, good luck to it. So that the disease does not meet on your way, and you smile joyfully at me! Happy Birthday, dear!

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Birthday wishes for a friend

My friend! Always keep your nose in the wind, and your tail with a gun. Be confident and cheerful. Know that faithful comrades are with you, and you are the soul of our company. We wish you to meet great, true love. And more than once it’s so great to take a walk and have fun like today!

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Wish for health

I wish you, friend, the best health at any time of the year and in any weather. May you always be cheerful, and no colds prevent you from working successfully and having fun. Suppose you have to go to the pharmacy only for vitamins or your favorite herbal tea for your grandmother.

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Autumn wishes to friends

Autumn days bring only sadness
But I really don't want to be bothered by them.
I'm not afraid of autumn and rain,
I have fun in my soul, I give joy to everyone.
And I wish you not to think about the bad,
Not just given to us, autumn time.
May we start each new day with smiles,
And we will not care about cold winds.

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Wish at the banquet

Treats that you want to eat to the last bite, drinks that you want to drink to the last drop and a good friendly company - these are the most important components of a worthy banquet! Today we will say many toasts to each other, and each of them will come from the heart. Today we will have a nice fun, and there will be something to remember for a long time! But now, I want to turn to my friend, with whom he went through fire and water together. I want to wish him everything and more, all the best, and that fate always be the bright side for him!

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best friend wishes

My dear friend, the most reliable, the best. How much we have experienced in this life: there were quarrels, and hardships, and wonderful fun days, beaten knees and broken noses, we shared brides - this also happened, but our friendship survived everything and fire and copper pipes. And I want to thank you for your support and understanding. I wish you health and peace of mind, stay as cheerful and cheerful, and, despite all the hardships of life, know how to smile at the world, and you know, in response, he will definitely smile at you too!

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Congratulations to the groom on his wedding day!

Congratulations friend! They say that married men live longer! So I wish you warmth and comfort in the house, so that you have enough health and strength for a bunch of little children and for 100 years of a happy family life!

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Movement is life. Our friend clearly proves this to us with his excellent physical shape and flexibility of mind. So let's wish him to always be as active, cheerful and cheerful. Thank you for filling us with your energy and optimism.

We have been friends with you for many years. All these years you have been and remain the closest person to me. Thank you for taking my problems as close to your heart as you do yours. May you succeed in everything you have planned, may your health never fail, and may you be accompanied by a good mood throughout your life.

Our desires today are very different from children's. Now you no longer dream of eating ice cream alone and do not strive to spend all your money on toys. Your needs have grown with you, become more mature and significant. On this day, I want to wish the fulfillment of everything you have planned, no matter how age-appropriate it is. Why not fulfill your childhood dreams if it makes you a little happier.

I congratulate you on this wonderful date. I wish you sincere and true friends, good luck in all your events, as well as good health and good mood.

Birthday is a special holiday when you have the opportunity to bring together people who are really dear to you. On this day, it is important to decide for yourself how satisfied you are with your achievements in the past year, to take stock, to plan new achievements. Your friends will help you do all this, celebrating your victories, expressing gratitude and respect for your support and help. Let's wish our friend good health, new achievements and good mood on this day.

Happy Birthday to you. I wish you good career growth, a decent salary, and most importantly, find your life's work, even if at first it will be your hobby. I want to say thank you for inspiring me to new achievements, helping me to believe in myself and just supporting me in difficult times.

Happy Birthday! I wish you not to know irreparable losses and intelligently adjust your outlook on life - so as to be always happy.

"Grow big!" wished as a child. Now, perhaps, it would be appropriate to wish: “Keep growing above yourself!” Happy Birthday to You!

On this brightest day for you, we want to wish you happiness and warmth. Let only joy cross the threshold of your house, and worries always remain outside the door!

Birthday is an annual gift given to a person in order to enjoy the love and affection that close friends have for him. And so we resolutely declare that this event is valuable and dear to us. May the days of your life go long, and may your love and affection for us always be. Long live the birthday boy.

You are strong and beautiful like Apollo, your courageous heart is always ready to rush into battle. And we know that you are doing an excellent job with this courageous role, you are even proud of it. But remember that your loving heart must never turn to stone!

I want to wish on your birthday that you be simple, like the wind, inexhaustible, like the sea, and like the earth, full of memory. Be light on your feet, like the sail of a ship, be cheerful, like the songs of the waves rustling in the open. And may the whole thrill of life of all times and races always live in you!

Happy Birthday, my friend! On this day, I wish you happiness, success and love in the family. Let all sorrows go away and perish, and eyes shine with happiness from love. Let you for all your holy goodness, fate will thank you a hundredfold. Good luck with your life and family.

My friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I would like to wish you health, happiness, smile more and a lot of positive emotions on such a beautiful day!

My friend! I wish you that the years, flying and whistling past, take away the bad and bring the good!

A birthday is an occasion to come to a person and say what is in the heart. So, I declare with a clear conscience: I have joy in my heart because you, dear birthday man, are in the world. That you decorate our life, come help and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

Only true friendship gives us confidence in everything. Male friendship is never shaky, it is strong and durable, strong and faithful. Dude, it's your birthday today. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you good luck and happiness. May your dream always come true, may troubles and bad weather never touch you. I wish you good health, good and big love. May your family, friends and loved ones surround you with love. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and beautiful family happiness.

Everything happens in our life. And when a true friend is nearby, then no problems are terrible. If a friend's shoulder is nearby, then everything is solved painlessly. I'm glad I have a friend like you. You will never betray or betray. Today is your birthday, my friend. May all bad weather always bypass on your life path, may there always be a young soul. I wish that the little things in life never upset you, that you meet great, beautiful love. Good luck and great happiness.

True friendship is pure and boundless. I hope we will maintain our strong male friendship for many years to come. Today is your birthday. From the bottom of my heart, my friend, my best wishes. I wish you a long life, good health and great happiness. May all troubles and bad weather bypass you. I wish all your dreams come true. God grant that there is more good in your destiny, so that life never fails you in anything. Peace to you, prosperity and luck in everything.

The most important thing for me in life is male friendship. And I am happy that fate gave me a true friend. He will support you at any moment, lend a helping hand and never leave you in trouble. On your birthday, my friend, I wish you luck, happiness and good luck in everything. Let only good news visit your house, and all troubles bypass. I wish you to have more laughter in your life, because all the difficulties of life are treated with it. Be confident in the future, and never regret anything.

I value and am proud of our friendship. After all, friendship is the most sacred thing in our life. For the sake of true friends, we are ready for anything. Dude, it's your birthday today. Please accept my most sincere wishes. I wish you a long and happy life. So that sadness and bad weather never meet on the way. I wish you a beautiful and great love. More optimism in life, happiness and material prosperity. After all, no matter how you twist it, it’s impossible without it. May the Lord always protect you.

As it is sung in a children's song; without friends I am a little bit, but with friends a lot. And it's true, how would it be to live in the world without friends. I have a wonderful friend and I am very happy. We have a real male friendship. Today I congratulate you, my friend, on your birthday. May your personal holiday bring you only good luck and happiness. May your cherished dream come true by all means, may you never be disturbed by sorrows and troubles. I wish you good health, great happiness, beautiful love and a clear conscience.

I am a very rich and happy person because I have a friend. Our friendship has been going on for many years, and you feel your friend's shoulder at every difficult step. I wish you a happy birthday, my dear friend. I wish you that hope, faith and love never leave you, that the path of life always leads you forward with confidence. May health never let you down, may love be sure to be mutual. All the best to you, my friend, good luck in everything, peace and family well-being.

Happy holiday to you, my friend,
May you be lucky, lucky in life,
Know, my friend, in any trouble,
No doubt you
I will help and support
I'm glad I'm friends with you.

Better not to find a friend
I'm almost like a brother
Let life lead you
Past troubles, past worries,
All bad weather bending around,
Straight to the gates of heaven!

Well friend? It should be noted.
Or did you think that I would forget?
I haven't forgotten, please note.
And happy birthday!

Happy birthday, congratulations
There is no better friend in the world
I wish you happiness
Let the budget be full!

My faithful friend, happy birthday
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Stay brave, stay honest
Break all obstacles.

What do you wish, my faithful friend?
More sweet moments!
Smiles, sun, fireworks,
So that there are no prohibitions in life,
And I wish you happiness
So that there is no bad weather in the soul!

My friend, happy birthday
Holidays, fun,
Let dreams come true
Upward strive for victories.

For everything that was in life, thank fate.
Let the heart forget adversity and trouble!
Live in love and in peace with everyone around you,
Be happy and successful, my best friend!

I wish you a happy birthday
I wish you only luck
More happiness, cheerful girlfriends,
You are the best in the world my friend!

Happy Valentine's Day, dear friend,
Always be cheerful
Make friends with positivity
May you succeed in life.

Happy holiday, cheerful, bright,
Let them bring all the gifts
Let relatives be near
And health will be a treasure.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday friend.
Let there always be plenty
Happiness and luck.

I wish you luck
And all your dreams come true.
Thank you friend that I have you
I will say this with all my heart.

On this day, my friend, I will be brief
And I just want to wish -
So that in everything where necessary, there was prosperity,
To know how to love and conquer!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I want to be right on time
I am proud of our friendship with you,
Everything in life will be your Ok!

My friend, please accept congratulations,
Set tables and invite friends
Today we celebrate your birthday
Be happy, love and meet good luck!

I wish you a hundred years
There is no better friend in the world
I wish you faith and good luck
good hope and love,
I also wish you a lot of happiness
New achievements ahead.

Happy birthday friend
And I wish you a great mood!
I want you to ride like cheese in butter,
In my career and in life, I went upstairs!

Today is an unusual day.
Congratulations, friend, you.
Adventures in life and personal,
In the heart of heat and fire!

There is a good friend in the world
With him, everything around became brighter,
On his birthday
I want adventure
I wish you happiness and love
More victories ahead.

good day wishes for a friend

A good day has come in the morning
And I want to shout "Hurrah!!!"
Greetings my friend
Look how good the world is around!

Start living easily and simply
Learn to love, learn to appreciate.
Let from today
Your life will change!

I wish you a good day buddy!
Smiles, good luck, good weather,
Let the expenses be funny today!
I wish you high spirits
Let the moments be filled with happiness!

Have a nice day!
So that everything works out for you today!
May this day be wonderful
Beautiful, sunny and clear.

You be cheerful, vigorous, courageous,
And to work all skillful.
Do not fulfill no one's whims,
And expect pleasant surprises.

Friend, have a good day
Bright thoughts will awaken!
Let luck smile
A golden fish will clog
And do what is needed.

Boredom, sadness let them go together,
Don't spoil the mood
On this day, not for a moment!
Good day and sun -
In the heart, in the sky and in the window!

So that troubles do not get
I wish life in joy
So that there is no sadness
No heart left.

Let the morning be gentle
Exciting and passionate
And the day is always successful
Happy and wonderful.

Good luck awaits you friend
She does not hide her gift -
Brings you success and joy
And drives away all fatigue.

May this day be good
Not like the previous one.
And let the streak begin
Have a good day, love, kindness!

My friend, with all my heart I wish you
Have a nice, wonderful day
Let it be filled with bright light
May your dream come true.

May everything be fine with you today
Let luck come to you personally
Let the good news please you
May fate generously reward you.

Let, my friend, the day begin
With a joke, a nice surprise,
The sun smiles softly
Down the ledge into the house.

Let a good mood
Reward the day to the fullest
May good luck and fun
Boldly opens doors.

Good morning, happy new day
May he bring good luck
With every ray of sunshine
May happiness come to you.

good morning new day
Beckons with new things.
May luck be like a shadow
Follows you in circles!

Good morning! Have a nice day,
Bright smiles and in the heart of fire,
Warm hugs, good luck in business.
Wings of success - wide scope!

I wish you happiness, friends, on this day!
Let idleness and laziness bypass you,
Let words not diverge from deeds.
I wish you a peaceful sky friends!


Poems to wish friends a good mood

What are you dreaming about, my friend?
It's time to wake up:
The mood is knocking
At your door in the morning!

Drink tea with him
Life around will become brighter!
And walking through life with him,
Enjoy life, friend!

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And with ease to any task
Brilliant find the answer.

Reach the heights of your career
And succeed in personal life
To serve friends in everything by example,
And look into the distance with optimism.

We wish you a life without torment,
Don't worry for no reason
Always look cheerful
Never know where it hurts.

We want to smile more often
Do not get upset over trifles,
Do not lose heart, do not get sick,
And in general - to live and not grow old!

Stop, years, for a moment,
Take your time! Time, don't rush!
Love and happiness, eternal flowering
We sincerely wish, from the bottom of our hearts!

Wonderful husband, glorious host,
And always welcome for friends,
A wonderful, generous friend
Comrade faithful and direct,
Hospitable and welcoming
In everything you are the guy of the world!

I wish you all the best
I want you all, my friends,
And remembering the milestones of the past
I bow down to the ground

Good things are in us from childhood
my great motherland
Let only good things await
Her sons and daughters.

If life gets hard,
A friend's heart will help you.
His trusty hand
Then it will reach out to you!

Let what you want, then it will come true,
What goes wrong - will be forgotten,
May the good be doubled
May everything in life be successful!

I want to stay healthy and strong
Confident, cheerful and stylish!
Let family and colleagues appreciate
And in the days of rapid running
Find your happiness and joy
Sweetness of spiritual harmony!

Many warm, kind words,
I hasten to announce to you friends
And of course wish
In life, only prosperity.

May success, like everyday life,
Always haunts you
And your health, loved ones,
It only gets stronger day by day!