Wish your son good service. Happy conscript day wishes. Congratulations on the day of the conscript in your own words

So we accompany you to the army,
Serve with dignity, we wish you with honor.
Don't miss home much
We are all waiting for you back, remember, know.

Cross out the days on the calendar
And like a moment they will end.
We wish you to find friends there,
And come to us as a senior lieutenant!

We are seeing off to the army today -
An important day for every man.
We'll take a noisy walk until the morning
And there are reasons for that.

Soon you'll get your shape
Soon you will have your boots on.
Stop being a foolish boy
Let all enemies tremble with fear.

Let the barracks be "what you need"
The commander is good, not grumpy.
There are only cool guys in the company.
May the year be happy for you!

We see you off and will wait, we are already proud of you and believe that you will prove to everyone how brave, courageous, honest and responsible you are. Let the army become a bright page of victories, achievements and merit in the book of your life, let the service proceed easily and successfully. I wish you health, fighter, strong forces and faith in yourself!

You go to the army today,
So may the Lord bless you
And every day on the path of life
He teaches only for goodness and truth!

May the commanders be so kind
So that the service is excellent,
And they will be merciful and wise,
And they teach you quite democratically.

And the girl will wait for love
Give yours to you with a gentle smile,
And you will write many poems
Her beautiful and boundless love!

With wires to the army
I congratulate you
Service to you easy
I wish you on the road.

You are the protector, the warrior -
This is a man's duty,
The country sleeps peacefully
Let it be behind your back.

Let the children laugh
The cornfields are heading
You stand guard over the world
And on guard of happiness.

Let it be cloudless
The sky above you
And so that alive, healthy
You returned home.

Today is a responsible day:
We accompany you to the service.
Be honest, brave, fighter.
Appreciate the attitude, friendship.

Be true to yourself and your friends
And do your service properly.
Do not indulge your enemies
Stand up for those who are younger.

We are seeing you off now
Where they grow up, they grow up.
Let difficulties lie ahead
But never be shy!

Your years of service will pass.
You will return as a brave man.
Take care of yourself and your family,
Let there be reasons for happiness!

May the service be easy for you
I wish you to serve with joy!
Let the longing not eat at home,
Let there be enough courage and strength for everything!

I wish you good health,
So that they let go of leave more often,
So that friendship unites your whole platoon
And you have become devoted friends!

Serious business - to serve the Fatherland!
Today we came to see you off.
Keep your nose to the wind, you won't be lost there.
The year will quickly rush - you will come home.
We wish you to serve you with dignity,
Don't let your friends and parents down!

For a while we need to say goodbye -
You must become a soldier.
A lucky man to be born
So we will be proud of you!

Serve the Fatherland, protect
And never be discouraged!
And the family is always waiting at home
And your faithful friends!

Today we accompany you to the service,
You are courageous, brave, young,
And we will wait for you very amicably,
Just a little bit and see you.

Just a little bit, you'll see, soon,
We hug you tightly again,
With you we will be thoughts, soul,
You are only dear, take care of yourself!

We are seeing you off to the army today!
We wish you success there, of course,
Let the service be light and simple,
Good luck may be with you.

Health will be strong, vigorous,
And let relatives and friends wait at home.
Always be free from negativity.
And let your part flourish.

Toasts and poems from your beloved will help to decorate the event and give pleasant moments to the recruit. Speech on seeing off for a loved one in your own words: My beloved (name of the conscript)! Although we are escorting you to the service today, I still cannot believe that we will have to go through a long separation from you. I am proud of your choice and promise to wait until the day of your return! Dear (name of the conscript)! You can't even imagine what a pride it is for me to see you off to the service. I will wait for you and believe that a successful, valiant and strong man with vast experience of battles and trials will return to me. Good road to you and easy service! (Name of the conscript)! I want to let you go on the road not with anxiety, but with joy and a kind heart.

Wishes to send off to the army in your own words

You will not even notice how quickly a year of service will fly by, after which you will be greeted with admiration and honor by your family, girlfriend and friends. We raised our glasses and now we drink to you, the most reliable defender of Russia! *** They say that in the army they become real men! For you it no longer matters, so invaluable experience and broadening your horizons. And keep your status as a wonderful guy! *** I think the army is a test for every man.

And today we accompany such a wonderful person to one of the most difficult tests of his life. May he always be brave, persistent, and proud, for the fact that he was given the honorary title to serve in the ranks of the army and prove his courage, courage, honor! *** You might not have gone, hide or run away, but in your heart you are a real man - decisive and courageous.

Toasts for the farewell to the army


We made sure that you have a large selection of wishes, toasts and congratulations for the recruit. Listen to the Commander's mother's advice, son, so that your father can be proud of you. And serve in the army, dear, Come back home as soon as possible.

We will wait tirelessly, We will often send letters often. You have also sent us news, So that we can sleep peacefully. Darling, you will be far away now, but in my soul I will always be with you.

I propose a toast to your successful service and our happy life after your return! Let's fill our glasses and drink now to those in whose ranks we have to enter. For those who serve. Let a difficult path lie ahead of us, but we will pass it with honor, without disgracing our uniform.

To our service and happy return! Speech on seeing off to the army for friends: words Now it's time for your friend to go to defend the Motherland.

What is better to wish on the wires to the army?

A new stage is beginning in your life: fulfilling your duty to the Motherland. Be courageous and courageous. And also, I really want to wish you easy service and good comrades.

And so that your acquaintance with weapons is limited only to the training ground and exercises. For our conscript. They say the army makes a real man out of a boy.

Today this path of becoming has fallen to you to pass. The main thing is, when you are looking for a new yourself - courageous, just, strong-willed and strong - do not lose your former qualities. Remain the same wonderful, human person.

For the conscript - the future defender of his homeland! Very soon you will be a soldier, You serve, do not let the country down, I raise my glass, For courage and strength, for a dream! I wish that everything was fine, For good, army friends, For the service to go like clockwork, Well, in general, I drink for you! Today we are seeing off, into the army, not just a friend, but also his childhood.

Heading "wishes of seeing off to the army"

If your friend is going to join the ranks of brave defenders, then the verses from this section will definitely come in handy on the wires, because there are never many good wishes. The Russian soldier Dembel will still be there. In the meantime Makes the heart beat faster All-Russian day of the conscript. Ahead - snow-covered thickets, March-throws, throwing grenades, Patrols, alarms in the middle of the night, Dead autumn leaves, Fallen on a warm machine ... Do not be shy! A man must be Ready for everything in advance; Do not find more worthy of calling - To serve the Motherland selflessly! Today we celebrate the Day of the conscript. Not those who seek to escape from the army, Not those to whom the father's hand From service in the army will help to buy off. Let's raise for the Russian soldier! Statuses: seeing off to the army Statuses in our life have firmly taken their positions.

Toast to the farewell to the army

I respect your duty, my son, A man must be brave. I see off with a kind heart, After all, you can protect us! Let every day be wonderful in your army life, Let no thoughts be pumped up, Your labor will not be in vain. Let friendship in everyday life in the army, I could find you, So that your service is easy and feasible.
How beautiful is it to congratulate a recruit with words and prose? Speech on seeing off to the army for mom: poetry and prose Mom is the most dear person. When accompanying her son to the army, mother must say the most important and touching parting words. After her words, the mother needs to cross her son behind her back and say "God bless you!" Speech on seeing off for mom in your own words: Let my words not be offensive, but for me you are still a child.

A mother's heart sheds tears when she realizes that she must let her child go on a difficult path.

Congratulations to the conscript in prose

Cool wishes from friends to the conscript Short SMS congratulations on seeing off to the army Short SMS can be sent to a conscript who set off on his military journey. He will be pleased to keep in touch with loved ones and regularly receive signs of attention to keep up the spirit.
Short SMS: Be happy, conscript, Be worthy of service. Live your every moment in military service. Eh, military routine: March, building, commander, Weekends, hazing, Footcloths, worn to holes. See you, soldier. Serve, dear! Let in the military registration and enlistment office You will be our hero! Your service is not easy, You accept it in love. The path is far away, But we all believe in you! Prove to the country, hero, What it means to be a man. To the lovely female half, Show who you are! Cool SMS for the conscript Cool and beautiful toasts for seeing off to the army Cool and beautiful toasts for seeing off: Conscript! Tomorrow you will join the ranks of successful and worthy soldiers.
A wish to a recruit You have become a man - it means time to give your debt to the Fatherland. A man from time immemorial is obliged to protect the Country and citizens. You will have to leave the house, The nature of life to change, But not for long - be sure You will be very much waiting for you here! Wish to a soldier Now you are a soldier for me; and it is a great honor to wait. From this day on, you will be far from me. Let's look at the sky, it will convey our greetings and feelings. everything will be fine, do you hear? .. Darling. You could have turned off a wish for seeing off, but you didn’t, so you are already a real man in your soul - brave and decisive. You leave home for a whole year. Usually, people want some kind of change, but I wish you that nothing has changed.

Words to a guy about seeing off to the army from a girl

Keep your head held high, appreciate the trust placed in you and serve as the best of the best, so that your parents, friends and your country will be proud of you. I wish you easy service, true friendship and strong, faithful love.

Happy Holidays! Darling, I congratulate you on the Day of the conscript. It is difficult for me to express in words the sadness that I feel now in anticipation of a long separation.

But I know that you will have a difficult service, a harsh school of life, after passing which you will return as a real man! Serve faithfully for the good of our Motherland, strengthen in body and spirit, and remember: I will definitely wait for you! In the army, it is quite difficult both physically and mentally. That is why you, beloved, now need my support.

And what does a guy going into the army want to hear from his girlfriend? He will be comforted by a single phrase, after hearing which, with peace of mind, you can go to the army: "I will wait for you, darling!".

We drink, walk, have fun ... Seeing off - just once! Tomorrow we'll say goodbye Not for a day and not for an hour. You will not return soon to your beloved father's house. And today we are talking only about you alone.

You are a guy and strong and dexterous. You will get a glorious soldier. It was not in vain that you went to all the training sessions without a pass, brother. And everything will come in handy in the army, special training is important there, I will be proud of my little brother, Or maybe our whole country. Congratulations to the farewell to the army: short, funny You are escorting a guy to the army who will stand guard over our peace with you, which means that no threats are terrible. Congratulate the conscript who decided to take a brave step with a short SMS. If you find it difficult to find a suitable and capacious wish from four lines, then the next section contains just such.

One of the most important events in the life of young men is seeing them off to the army. This event is accompanied by a festive celebration with close relatives and friends. On such a day, it is customary to give memorable gifts to a future soldier. The celebration itself often takes place according to special traditions that have been adhered to for many decades.

There is a certain scenario according to which the send-off to the army is made. V mandatory for the conscript, the table should be set, you need to invite relatives and people close to him to the holiday. The gathered guests can sincerely rejoice for the young man, give good advice and wishes regarding the upcoming military service.

Close relatives and friends should support the recruit with a kind word, this is very important for a future soldier.

Seeing off is an important day for a new recruit, so many young people prefer to spend it with their closest friends and relatives. It is desirable for parents and beloved girl to restrain their emotions at the holiday. Extra tears at such a celebration are useless, as they can upset the young man before leaving for the service. You should not be sad before such an important event for a young guy. At the moment of being sent to the army, he should feel support from his family and see joy on their faces. So he will receive a positive charge of emotions. He will not have a reason to worry about his loved ones, with whom he had not previously had to be separated for so long.


Relatives of the recruit can order a prayer in the church, for his well-being

Recently, less and less attention is paid to the importance of an event that only once occurs in the life of a conscript. Now we are talking about wires. This was influenced by the shortening of the service life in the army. As a result of these changes, fewer and fewer young people are choosing to pay their last respects to family and friends in accordance with long-standing traditions. But still, a certain scenario is often used, according to which they send off to the army. This rule still holds true in many families.

It is strongly recommended that a young man, before being sent to the army, go to church services to confess and receive communion. In this case, you must take a pectoral cross with you. Parents of a conscript can order a church service before sending their son into the army. In such situations, a magpie is made for his health.

There is one current tradition that is often performed on the wires to the army. It is associated with a bottle. To carry out the ritual, all the guests who have gathered at an important event need to sign for containers with champagne or wine. At the same time, it is necessary to say the words of wishes to the conscript. The bottle is left in storage until the young man returns from the army. Returning home, a man can drink it with family members to celebrate this event.

Until now, many people use a very ancient tradition that requires the conscript to hang a ribbon at home. Until the young man returns from the army, no one should take it off. As soon as the military service ends, upon arrival home, he personally removes this ribbon. This ceremony allows the guy to leave a small reminder about himself to his family. The ribbon is a symbol of his imminent return from service. At the sight of this, the close ones will constantly remember the guy who went into the army.


Those leaving for the army must take a place of honor at the head of the festive table

Most people have long ceased to believe in omens. Therefore, many of them were simply forgotten. But there are still such beliefs that after a while are still popular with people. Even skeptics, escorting a loved one to the army, do not run the risk of violating established signs, customs and certain traditions.

It is believed that during the festive feast, the conscript should definitely sit at the head of the table. Relatives and close people sit down beside him. The first to say the parting speech is necessary for the most adult man in the family. It's good if he served in the military. It is important to pay special attention at the table to the conscript's mother. She must give her blessing for the service and baptize her son three times.

Many adhere to other signs:

  • Before leaving for the army, it is advisable for a recruit to put on a cross and wear it until he returns home.
  • Parents can make a talisman for their son by cutting off a lock of his hair and placing it on the icon with a cross.
  • Reading prayers for the conscript also has an important role.
  • At the recruiting office, after waiting for the bus with conscripts to leave, coins are thrown after the young man. It is necessary to pick up the one that touched the transport, and keep it with you until the man returns.
  • Leaving the house to the military registration and enlistment office, the recruit should cross the threshold of the house, turning his back to him.
  • It is important not to try on military uniform during the send-off.

Subject to all these rules, you can not worry about a young man who goes to the army.

What not to do

It is not worth the conscript to go into the army directly from the festive table, in strong alcoholic intoxication

Before being sent to a military unit of the armed forces Russian Federation prepare well. You need to collect all the things you need for the trip. It is undesirable to take an expensive mobile phone, laptop or tablet with you into the army.

If you have debts, you should pay them back before the wires are sent off and, if possible, do not borrow money from anyone before leaving for the army. You should finish and solve all your important affairs at once, and not postpone them until the time the service ends.

Leaving to serve, you must not quarrel or quarrel with family and friends. The conscript's mood before this event should be good, and his thoughts should not be burdened by everyday problems.

If there are grievances against friends, it is advisable to cope with them even before going to the military unit, so that later you do not harass yourself with negative thoughts. The young man should immediately tune in to positive emotions. And thoughts about quarrels and conflicts with dear people can prevent this.

It is highly undesirable for a recruit to collect the necessary things at the last moment. You cannot work until the last day before the start of the service. It's best to take yourself a few days off so you can have a good rest. Such a mini vacation in front of the army will not be superfluous.

On the day of the departure, do not walk until the morning. It is recommended to go to bed early in order to get a good night's sleep before going to the military registration and enlistment office.

Gifts and wishes

Guests who come to see off must bring gifts to the draftee, and also prepare a parting text and words of wishes. It should be borne in mind that in the army, not everything that relatives give him will be useful. Therefore, many presents will remain waiting for him at home. Therefore, if there is a desire to give a young man a really worthwhile and necessary gift in the service, then you should find out in advance what he will need.

For a loved one

Any gift presented to a loved one will be very pleasant and dear to the new recruit.

There are several options for a good gift from a beloved guy who goes to the army. A small calendar or a notebook with your photo can be an interesting present. At the time of its donation, the girl should say: "I wish you good service" or other words of congratulations. Parting words on the road and sincere wishes from his beloved will be pleasant for the young man.

Gift stationery such as a notebook, pen and pencils can be purchased for the recruit. They can also act as a presentation. A photo album and postage envelopes will come in handy. If a girl wants to make a special gift for her lover, then she should make her own memorable embroidery on a gift scarf for a guy.


Personal hygiene products will certainly be needed by a conscript in the service, since the army regulations require that the soldier is always clean and shaven. Therefore, friends should consider shaving gel, aftershave cream, and also machines as a presentation. Comic poems or funny congratulations can complement the gift.

If the conscript smokes, then an interesting lighter will be a good gift for him.

From acquaintances and friends of parents

All acquaintances and friends of the parents who were called to send off the young man to the army are recommended to give the young man money. He may need them on the road or already in the army to buy the necessary things.

One should not abandon the organization of sending the future soldier to the army. For him, this event should become a real holiday, after which he will start a new life.

After all, you might not have gone, hide or run away, but at heart you are a real man - decisive and courageous. Leaving home for a whole year, people wish good changes, but I wish nothing to change. So that your parents are so proud of you, and the girl continues to love you dearly. And of course, so that our friendship remains as strong.

Today we have a joyful and a little sad event. Joyful - because you were honored to serve in the ranks of the armed forces. And the sad thing is that for a whole year we will not see each other. But this year flies by instantly, because everything in this life is fleeting. I would like to wish you good luck with all my heart. Be brave, strong, and fulfill the orders of your elders without fail. Good health to you, patience, endurance. And we will wait for you with impatience. I wish you happiness and easy service.

You go to the army, and all your relatives, friends and faithful others came to see you off.uzya. Military service is like a test of endurance, patience, willpower. And we so want to believe that you pass this test perfectly. Serve in such a way that your parents will be proud of you. Follow the instructions of your superiors without hindrance, treat your colleagues conscientiously. Do not be arrogant, be devoted to your convictions. We wish you only good luck, only luck in serving the Fatherland. Be happy and remain a real man!

Being a soldier is a great honor for every guy. And today, seeing you off to the army, we want to wish you successful service. This year will fly by very quickly, and you will return as a real man - strong, strong, courageous. I wish you to serve without straining, faithfully repaying your debt to the Motherland. Serving in the army, you prove your courage, courage, honor. I wish you good health and good luck. May the girl you love be sure to wait for you. Let your guardian angel protect you. Let luck, and luck always accompany you.

It’s hard to believe that yesterday, a little potlatenky boy, turned into a shaven-headed soldier, whom we are escorting to the army today. Let the service be easy and peaceful. Let the military leadership be fair, but not very strict. Let your colleagues become your most loyal and reliable friends. Let the girl honestly wait for you from service. First of all, I wish you the strongest health, for what a soldier is without him, endurance to prove his willpower. Patience to show that you are not a mama's boy, and no one will wipe away tears. Good luck in everything!

It is true that the army makes real men out of guys. After all, there are no parents who can cry in difficult times. The army is a serious life. You have to solve all problems yourself, in an adult way. Today, seeing you off to the ranks of the armed forces, I would like to wish you good mood, patience and endurance. Let the service seem easy to you. After all, every man must repay his debt to his Fatherland. Serve so that your parents are proud of you, so that you are not ashamed to face your comrades in civilian life. Be happy! ©

Today we are seeing off our dear son to the army. And tomorrow you will have a great responsibility - a duty to the Motherland. We'll hope you don't let us down. Serve honestly, be alert, attentive. Obey the will of your superiors, value the friendship of your colleagues. You should know that you have had the honorable assignment to serve in the ranks of the army, prove your courage, courage, fulfill all duties, knowing your rights from the charter. We wish you good health, good luck, success and a happy return to demobilization.

Every boy dreams of becoming a soldier in order to honestly repay his debt to his homeland. The army hardens, educates and makes real men out of yesterday's boys. Today is the day of the conscript of Russia. Dear guys, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you peaceful service. Be patient and restrained, be real patriots of your state. May you always be lucky in everything, may there be faithful, reliable friends nearby. I wish you success in everything and good luck. May a kind angel always protect you. ©


Serving in the army is a great honor for every boy. Today is the All-Russian Day of the conscript. Let me give you guys the warmest parting words from the bottom of my heart. Be faithful patriots of your homeland, do your duty in full. May good luck and good mood accompany you, may the service be your joy, may only the peaceful sky be over your heads. I wish you good health, success and strong soldier friendship, because it is simply necessary in the army. All earthly blessings and prosperity to you. ©


Today is a special and solemn holiday - the day of the conscript. Dear guys, we sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event. Childhood will be left behind, and serious trials await you, but we are sure you will cope with any difficulties, prove your courage and willpower. May God grant you good health, happiness, good luck and always good mood. Always be confident in yourself, never doubt anything and honestly serve your Motherland. Peace to you and always reliable friends. May the Lord always protect you. ©


Dear boys, it seems to you a great honor to serve in the army. Today you are still conscripts, and tomorrow you are the real defenders of our mighty state. We wish you great willpower, endurance and patience. Serve conscientiously and diligently so that you can fully repay your debt to the Motherland. I wish you good health, good luck, and self-confidence. May the service bring you only inspiration, may a friendly soldier's family surround you, may your beloved girl wait for you in civilian life. All the best to you and prosperity. ©


It is a great honor for you guys to be a soldier, a faithful defender of your homeland. Today is the day of the conscript, we sincerely congratulate you on such a solemn wonderful event. May good luck always accompany you, may a good mood not leave you, may a sense of duty be the most patriotic, the most important thing in your life. I wish you good health, endurance and self-confidence. May the service be peaceful and only bring you inspiration. May the guardian angel always protect you. ©


Today we celebrate the holiday of future soldiers, the holiday of conscripts. Dear guys, we sincerely wish you a happy and peaceful service. May your soldier friendship be strong, strong. Serve so that all your relatives can be proud of you, honestly fulfill your duty to the Motherland. Good health to you, success and luck, peace and good mood. Be vigilant and attentive, conscientiously deal with assignments. Let the Lord protect you. All earthly blessings and prosperity to you. ©


Yesterday you were mischievous boys, and today conscripts, future soldiers. It is a great honor for you to serve in the army. Every real man must serve in the ranks of the army, give his debt to his homeland. Today is a wonderful holiday. We sincerely congratulate you, future warriors. We wish you to serve honestly, be always self-confident, have real endurance and great willpower. Good health to you, happiness, good luck and good luck. May a kind angel always protect you. Serve in a way that makes your loved ones proud. ©


Congratulations on the day of the conscript: In verse