Proper nail care. After processing the cuticle, you need to cover the surface of the nail with a protective agent. Prevention of nail disease

We invite you to learn how to properly care for your nails at home.

In any case, every woman does a manicure for herself, applies varnish on her nails and does it either in the salon or at home. But for a healthy look of nails, so that they are strong, such manipulations are not enough. Special care is required for them, which must be done with special attention. Like the skin on the face, nails also require a good attitude towards themselves and are capable of showing excellent results in the future with their strength and well-groomed. Only by filing and varnishing them, this will not be enough, because you want your nails to be eye-catching. Believe me, taking care of your nails at home is not such a difficult procedure. It is important to find some free time and make it a rule to provide care regularly. Gradually, gentle nail care will strengthen in your subconscious and it will be the same natural process as, for example, brushing your teeth in the morning.

Home nail care - basic rules

1. It is very beneficial for nails to make nourishing masks, which are an excellent source of their healthy appearance.

2. The hand cream must contain vitamins A, E, D.

3. It is required to apply the cream on the hands every day and rub them thoroughly into the nails.

4. Manicure is preferably done once every 2 weeks. When it is not possible to visit a manicure master, you need to purchase a good manicure set. Instruments after each procedure should be treated with alcohol or cologne.

5. For brittle and brittle nails, it is better not to use a metal nail file, but replace it with a plastic or glass one.

6. Choose your nail polish carefully. In no case should it include acetone, which will only dry out and spoil the stratum corneum of the nail and lead it to brittleness and delamination. It is recommended to paint problem nails once a week.

7. In caring for nails, great attention should be paid to the cuticle. It is best to remove the cuticle, this process is, of course, painful, but in order for the marigolds to become well-groomed, you will have to endure a little. You can, of course, do without removal, simply using a manicure spatula to move the cuticle deeper into the nail.

Strengthening nails at home

1. For nails to become strong and grow quickly, food must include vitamin A, it is found in large quantities in carrots, liver, tomatoes, peppers, butter and herbs.

2. For nails to grow quickly, vitamin B is needed, which is found in eggs, cabbage, meat, fish and dairy products. Iodine is also needed, which is contained in seaweed. Be sure to calcium, which contributes to the hardness of the nail plate, it is found in dairy products. Include sulfur-rich foods such as cucumbers, onions, and cabbage in your diet to prevent nail inflammation.

3. At least once a month to eat foods that include gelatin - mostly jellied dishes. It has an excellent effect on the strength and growth of nails. You can simply pour gelatin overnight with warm water and eat it on an empty stomach in the morning.

4. Use medicated nail polish, which will help strengthen them and protect them from the influence of external adverse factors. And once a week, do not paint your nails at all, let them rest.

5. When the nails turn yellow, you can give them their old color with lemon and lime, this will also strengthen them.

6. Usually nails begin to exfoliate from lack of calcium, it is better to combine it with vitamin D, without it it is poorly absorbed.

7. In no case do not soak with baking soda for nails.

8. For brittle nails, make a bath: you need warm vegetable oil, squeeze the juice of one lemon into it. It is advisable to apply it once a week. Soak your nails in trays of an equal ratio of vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar or warm olive oil.

9. Rubbing nails with lemon juice, vinegar, black, red currant and cranberry juices will be useful.

10. It will be very useful to pamper your nails with a compress: you need 25 grams of glycerin, 100 grams of water and 5 grams of alum. Do the compress for two weeks, then take a break for a month, then repeat.

11. A very well-known way to care for nails at home is salt baths. The most useful salt in this case is, of course, sea salt. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in warm water and hold your nails for 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure for two weeks in a row, then after a month it should be repeated. For the purpose of prevention, the procedure is recommended to be performed once a week. This will not be particularly difficult, because you can sit and watch TV, and keep your nails in the bath.

12. Wash hands only with warm water. Hot water makes them rough, and cold water makes them flaky.

13. Nourishing hand cream is applied every day.

14. Trays of whey are very useful for nails, at the end of this procedure, anoint your hands with a fat cream.

15. When the nails began to break, then you can make a starch bath - take 1 tablespoon of starch per 1 liter of water. Hold your nails for 15 minutes, then wash your hands with warm water and smear them with cream, which you thoroughly rub into the nails and cuticles.

Problem nails care at home

Flaky and brittle nails

Perhaps the most acute problem for girls. Typically, nails become brittle and flake due to lack of fluid in the body. Improper manicure, especially poor-quality filing of nails, also affects the nail plate. Frequent washing of dishes with detergents, the use of varnishes, liquids containing acetone have a detrimental effect on the structure of the nail.

How to solve the problem of flaking nails

1. Give nails a break from varnish, paint nails 2 times a week, the rest of the days they should rest.

2. Do not use liquid containing acetone for nail polish remover. Removing nail polish on a daily basis damages the nail. Use rubber gloves if you start cleaning and washing dishes. Detergents, acting on the hands, make them dry and have a destructive effect on the stratum corneum of the nail.

3. The reason for brittle and brittle nails is calcium deficiency, which can be compensated for by food. Calcium must be taken in conjunction with vitamin D.

4. Use a glass nail file for manicure. Thanks to her, the edge of the nail plate will not delaminate. With frequent use of the nail file, the nail will stop flaking and get stronger.

List of foods containing calcium:

  • 1. Milk
  • 2. Cheese
  • 3. Yogurt
  • 4. Sour cream
  • 5. Curd
  • 6. Cabbage
  • 7. Greens
  • 8. Eggs
  • 9. Fish
  • 10. Meat
  • 11.nuts
  • 12. Liver
  • 13. Pepper

5. Lack of silicon in nails also has a detrimental effect on them. The diet must include foods rich in this element. It is usually found in plant foods. Silicon has a beneficial effect on nails as well as hair.

List of products containing silicon:

  • 1. Rye bread
  • 2. Bell pepper
  • 3. Beets
  • 4. Greens
  • 5. Tomatoes
  • 6. Seaweed
  • 7. Bran
  • 6. Lack of iron leads to delamination and brittle nails.

List of foods containing iron:

  • 1. Beef liver
  • 2. Cabbage
  • 3. Cabbage
  • 4. Mushrooms
  • 5. Seafood
  • 6. Potatoes

From this we can conclude that the root cause of breaking and exfoliating nails is not any disease, but a lack of nutrients and vitamins in the diet.

7. Oil can be a good way to deal with brittle nails and is one of the best home remedies for nail care. They need to lubricate their nails daily. It is the best nail hardener since time immemorial. Now, in addition to common oils: olive, almond, vegetable, you can purchase a special oil enriched with vitamins at the pharmacy.

Tip: Enrich your menu with foods that contain vitamins and minerals, take vitamin complexes, use nail oil every day, as well as cream for nails and cuticles, this will add strength to your nails.

How to care for dry, discolored nails at home

Dry and discolored nails always look bad, they are rough to the touch and lack healthy smoothness. To solve this problem, gentle nail care is required.

1. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when performing various household chores.

2. Instead of varnish, apply a colorless moisturizing varnish to the nails for a while. If you are an adherent of a beautiful manicure, then it is better to choose varnishes containing moisturizing ingredients.

3. Start taking vitamin complexes, your nails need vitamins, especially A, B, C.

4. Nails also need calcium, amino acids and vitamin E.

Home care for brittle and dry nails

1. Firming mask for brittle nails: - 2 teaspoons of tea - a pinch of sea salt - 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil 1/2 teaspoon of almond oil. Mix all the ingredients and hold the marigolds for 10 minutes.

2. Toning mask with gelatin:

1 tablespoon of gelatin

2 glasses of hot water

Dissolve the gelatin in hot water, cool and hold the nails in the bath for 10 minutes. Gelatin mask perfectly tones and strengthens nails.

3. Restorative mask for colorless nails.

It is advisable to do the mask at night. It helps to strengthen nails and relieve them of delamination.

1 tablespoon olive oil

Heat the oil and add a couple of drops of iodine to it. Apply the resulting mixture to your nails and wear cotton gloves. In the morning, your nails will be in excellent condition. Apply the mask once a week. 4. Oil your nails daily.

Rules for caring for nails in the cold season

1. When it's cold outside, be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from chapping.

2. Be sure to apply a nourishing cream to your hands before going outside. At the same time, applying the cream to your hands, rub it thoroughly into your nails. It will create a protective film and protect the nail from external irritants, as well as soften the cuticle.

3. It will be very good to lubricate the skin of your hands with a greasy nourishing cream before going to bed, and put on cosmetic gloves on top and go to bed. Your hands and nails will look great in the morning.

4. Be sure to take into account that any homework - washing floors, dishes, dusting must be carried out in rubber gloves. This, of course, will create inconvenience. Detergents containing harmful substances in their composition adversely affect the condition of the nails.

Observing these simple rules, you will soon notice a transformation in your marigolds.

How to care for nails at home, said Olesya Perminova

Every woman dreams of beautiful, healthy, natural nails. For this dream to come true, hand nails need to be treated no less than facial skin. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons, unless, of course, you want to build up your nails, get a professional manicure, then you cannot do without a professional manicurist ...

Faced with such everyday problems as washing dishes, washing clothes, you involuntarily notice that the color of nails fades, they begin to exfoliate, break, and all because many women neglect simple rules for nail care. And therefore, about home care for nails of hands, correct, and not just some kind, we will now talk.

How to properly care for your fingernails at home?

When you wash the dishes, don’t be too lazy to wear gloves. Yes, at first it causes discomfort, but we must remember that a habit is second nature. Moreover, this habit will have a positive effect on the health of your nails. The skin of the hands, and, accordingly, the nails will no longer come into contact with detergents, which, alas, have a negative effect on them.

In the cool season, I'm not talking about the cold, be sure to wear gloves. Moreover, they should be worn not on the street, but before going out, in a warm room, thereby protecting yourself from such a problem as chapping your hands. So you will save your nails from temperature drops, and this will have a beneficial effect on their structure.

One of the most common problems a woman faces is brittle nails. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the insufficient content of calcium in the body, as well as vitamin A. In order for them to become strong and healthy again, it is necessary to include dairy products, herbs, broccoli, citrus fruits, and seafood in the diet. After all, everyone knows that a healthy diet is the key to good health.

The multivitamin complex will not be superfluous, it is worth drinking it at least once a year.
About once a week, you need to do special baths, using olive, castor, linseed or vegetable oil. First, you need to heat it in a water bath, and dip your fingertips in heated oil for 10 minutes. This procedure moisturizes, nourishes, accelerates growth, and prevents fragility.

The use of salt baths prevents brittleness and strengthens the nail plates. It is advisable to use sea salt. It is advisable to carry out salt baths two or three times a week, you do not need to abuse the procedure, then the positive effect will not be long in coming.

You can use lemon juice to strengthen and also to get rid of yellowness. To do this, cut the lemon in half, and lower the distal parts of the fingers into it so that the nail bed fits completely into the pulp of the lemon. This procedure is designed for 5-10 minutes.

After that, hands should be washed with warm water and treated with olive oil or any fatty cream. After a while, your nails will become noticeably stronger and shine. You can buy a strengthening varnish at the pharmacy, the range of varnishes is quite high, so the choice is yours.

Fingertip massage will help you to improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the nail bed, which will have a beneficial effect on the growth of the nail plate.

Let's talk about manicure. Each house has a manicure set, we will not list it, everyone knows this. The only thing that I would like to note is that it will not be superfluous to disinfect the manicure accessories before each use, this will avoid inflammatory processes if you accidentally hurt yourself while doing a manicure.

As for the cuticle (this is a thin strip of skin in the growth zone of the nail), you can gently push it aside with a manicure spatula, or use special tools that soften the cuticle. The correct manicure is the basis of home hand nail care.

As for the choice of varnish, then you should not spare money and purchase a high-quality expensive product. Let you have five bottles of expensive, branded varnish rather than a multi-colored shelf of consumer goods. Do not buy cheap varnishes, as they do more harm than good.

Before applying varnish, do not forget about the base, which must be applied in order to protect and strengthen the nail. Constantly walking with painted nails is harmful to their structure, take a break. Nail polish remover should not contain acetone, as it is quite aggressive towards nails, they dry out, turn yellow and become dull.

Some nails have irregularities, grooves. This problem is related to heredity. And you can fight it with a polishing cream, or special polishing files. They can be easily purchased in the store, the choice is quite large.

One not very pleasant feature may be a fungal infection of the nail plates. If you notice thickening, deformation, discoloration - this is a signal that you need to visit a dermatologist, he will determine the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. All doctor's prescriptions must be strictly followed, and do not try to self-medicate, in this case.

Summarize. Balanced nutrition, moisturizing and strengthening baths, massage, timely manicure, the right choice of varnish, as well as liquid for removing it, all this together will help your nails stay in perfect condition for a long time and delight you with their beauty and shine.
Take care of yourself and stay beautiful!

Good afternoon, our lovely readers! With the arrival of spring, when everything is blooming around, everyone wants to look especially good.

Over the winter, the body has depleted reserves, and their acute shortage manifests itself in many ways, including in the condition of the skin of the hands and nails. They become brittle, exfoliate, and this, of course, spoils both the appearance and the mood. You can visit a beauty salon and make yourself artificial nails, but, of course, they cannot be compared with natural ones.

We will talk about how to determine which vitamins are lacking in our next article, and today we will talk about time-tested recipes for nail care at home. You will learn 25 of the most effective and at the same time completely uncomplicated recipes for baths, masks and essential mixtures for hands and nails.

How to make baths correctly

Baths for hands and nails are one of the most common treatment methods. However, even this seemingly rather simple matter has its own nuances, which everyone who has decided to start tidying up at home is a must-know.

Before implementing this or that recipe, be sure to pay attention to the duration of the procedure, the regularity, frequency, as well as recommendations to use additional cosmetic products (for example, an emollient cream) after carrying out, or, conversely, refuse them. The main thing is to know for sure whether this bath is designed for skin, nails, or both.

How to make a hand mask correctly

Hand masks are no less popular than face and neck masks. This is explained by an instant and lasting effect, however, a long and lasting result can be achieved only by observing the following rules:

  • almost any mask requires a number of procedures;
  • you need to do it 2-3 times a week, preferably before bedtime (unless it requires washing off after a short period of time);
  • wash off the masks, preferably with warm water, avoiding the use of soap and other cosmetics;
  • the effect will be much more noticeable if you put on cotton gloves;
  • Unless otherwise indicated in the recipe, apply a moisturizer to your hands after rinsing.

Hand massage matters a lot

In any self-respecting beauty salon, after a manicure, hand massage is a must and incredibly pleasant (any woman will agree with this) procedure. At home, you shouldn't give up this pleasure either, especially since it is very useful. The procedure restores blood circulation, strengthens muscles and thus improves the condition of the hands and nails. For this procedure, you can use creams, lotions and essential oils. After the massage, give the handles a little rest, do not strain them immediately.

The most effective recipes

Using the suggested recipes, do not forget about the individuality of the skin. If peeling or irritation appears after application, use should be stopped immediately.

And if you want an instant effect, you prefer modern cosmetics or a combination of products, that is, an excellent tool for strengthening nails: a coating with the effect of nail reinforcement " Nail Armor". It is easy to apply and dries quickly, forming a film with fine fibers on the surface of the nail and making nails stronger and harder. Try it, you won't regret it.

Beautiful and well-groomed nails can tell a lot about their owner. They always pay attention to the hands, and in particular to the nails. Therefore, every woman needs to know how to properly care for her nails in order to look 100%. Many people prefer to visit beauty salons for a manicure. However, adhering to certain rules, these simple manipulations can be done at home and get excellent results without much financial expense.

Taking care of your nails is not so difficult even at home. If you know the basic techniques for nail care, then over time you will learn how to do all the procedures quickly and efficiently, no worse than salon ones.

Daily care of nails on the hands consists in respect for them, carrying out hygienic procedures, strengthening and protecting the nail plate.

How to do a manicure correctly

Manicure should be done regularly to maintain the health and beauty of your nails. This does not mean that you should always have long nails painted with bright varnish. Even short nails without varnish can look neat and well-groomed if done correctly.

It is advisable to carry out a cosmetic procedure for processing nails at home once a week, which includes care for:

  • cuticle;
  • nails;
  • hands.

To carry out hygiene procedures with nails, you need to purchase special manicure tools. Before each procedure, they must be disinfected, even if only you are using them.

1. File

It is very important which file you use: metal, glass, cardboard or rubber. Metal files destroy the structure of the nail, which is undesirable.

For filing a nail, it is best to use glass nail file... It has a smooth surface, gently affects the nail without damaging it. In addition to glass nail files, you can use rubber or paper-based files.

It is recommended to file nails before taking baths and masks. The nail plate should be dry and filed in one direction. Driving the nail file from side to side in different directions will do nothing good with your fingernail. Since, due to chaotic driving with a file, the nail exfoliates and becomes brittle.

There are many electric nail files with special attachments. With such tools, the manicure procedure takes no more than two minutes. The electric file is capable of correcting the shape of the nail, sanding and polishing the nail plate for a natural shine.

2. Cuticle

How should you properly care for the cuticles on your fingernails? It can be pushed to the base of the nail with a special orange or bamboo wood stick.

Before the procedure, the cuticles can also be softened with special oils for greater effect. Now carefully cut off the burrs with tweezers so as not to damage the skin. At the end of the entire manicure procedure, apply a moisturizing oil to the cuticle. often the skin on the cuticle dries up.

3. Protection of the nail

After processing the nail plate, you can cover it with a protective agent. At the moment, there is a large assortment of nail protection products: leveling, strengthening, brightening and other varieties. You can choose the remedy that is right for you. Protective agents are often used as a base for varnish so that it lies flat on the plate and holds for a long time.

4. Application of varnish

You should treat your nails as carefully as your skin. Therefore, do not buy cheap varnishes that adversely affect the structure of the nail. You can use gel polishes. They last three times longer on nails instead of normal ones, and also protect and restore the nail plate. Always use a special liquid that does not contain acetone to remove varnish.

You should not constantly walk with painted nails. From time to time, let your nails rest from various chemicals.

Strengthening and healing nails at home

If nature has not rewarded you with strong and healthy nails on your hands, you should not despair or blame heredity for this. The problem of brittle nails is quite solvable. To do this, it is necessary to provide them with proper care, adjust their nutrition and regularly carry out useful procedures to restore the nail plate.

For normal growth and formation of the nail plate, vitamins A and E are required, as well as minerals: calcium, iodine, magnesium. Therefore, include in your diet dairy products, carrots, eggs, pumpkin, spinach, liver.

Firming baths

Don't dwell on just one meal. You can strengthen and restore nails with the help of trays:

  1. Olive... Take 1 tablespoon each. olive and castor oil. Heat them in a water bath. Lower your nails for 5-10 minutes. Such a procedure will noticeably moisturize the nail plate and saturate it with useful substances.
  2. Honey... Take equal amounts of honey and olive oil, heat them in a water bath to 40 degrees, so that honey does not lose its nutrients. Add one beaten egg to the honey mixture and dip your marigolds in it. In the honey bath, hold your hands for 15-20 minutes. During this time, your nails and skin of your hands will be saturated with nutrients. Regular honey treatments noticeably strengthen the nail plate.
  3. Salt. Dissolve 1 tablespoon in warm water. sea ​​salt and add vegetable oil there in the same amount. Stir the mixture well and lower your hands for 10-15 minutes. The salt bath has a beneficial effect on brittle nails, strengthening them. However, you should not get carried away with such procedures, since the salt greatly dries out the skin of the hands. After each bath, moisturize the skin and nail plate as much as possible with oil vitamin E or glycerin.
  4. Vitamin... At the pharmacy, purchase vitamins in ampoules A, E and group B, mix them with 1 tbsp. burdock oil. If desired, add a few drops of lemon to the oil mixture. Dip your fingers in this mixture for 15-20 minutes, then wipe them with a soft cloth. Vitamin bath prevents flaking of nails, saturating them with vitamins.
  5. Beer... Take 100 ml of dark live beer and 1 tbsp. eucalyptus broth. Connect the components and immerse your fingers in them for 25 minutes. The beer bath will noticeably strengthen the nail plate.

Recovery masks

In addition to any trays, you can use nourishing and moisturizing masks made from natural ingredients. Masks will not only consolidate the result, but also improve the condition of the nails:

  1. Wax. Melt a small piece of beeswax in a water bath. Dip your nails into the mixture, then into the water. This will set the wax on your nails, now put on cotton gloves and leave them overnight. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed so as not to experience inconvenience and restrictions in activities.
  2. Glycerin. Mix 10 g hand cream with 1 tsp. glycerin and 2 g of gelatin. Leave the mixture to swell for 20 minutes. Then gently spread the mask over your nails and hands and leave for half an hour.
  3. Lemon... This mask is suitable for yellowed nails. 1 tbsp Grind sea salt into fine crumbs, add 5 drops of lemon and any vegetable oil to it. Apply the slurry to the nail plate, having previously lubricated the nail roller with a fat cream. After 15 minutes, the mask can be washed off.
  4. Pepper. Squeeze 1 tablespoon into a container. nourishing hand cream. Add to it 1 g of hot red pepper, a few drops of grape ether and geranium oil. Mix all ingredients until smooth and spread over nails. When the mixture starts to bake, wash it off.
  5. Apple... Core the apple. Grind the fruit with a blender or mince it. Mix the gruel with 50 ml of almond oil, 20 g of honey and 5 crushed tablets of ascorbic acid. Apply the resulting mixture to the nail plate for 15-20 minutes.
  • do not grow too long nails in order to prevent their foliation;
  • the use of chemicals for dishes, plumbing should be done with rubber gloves;
  • practice good hand hygiene: always wash them after coming from the street;
  • do not bite your nails;
  • in cold weather, take care of your nails and skin of your hands, protect them with warm gloves or mittens;
  • nourish and moisturize your hands regularly;
  • disinfect all instruments before performing a manicure;
  • cover the nail plate with medicinal biogel;
  • in the autumn-winter period, use multivitamin complexes;
  • watch your diet.

Home nail care will noticeably improve their condition. In addition, it is a simple and very pleasant procedure that will strengthen and moisturize the nail plate. Performing simple procedures, you will give your nails a well-groomed look, and your hands - youth.

Caring for your nails is not only about painting them in all the colors of the rainbow. Beautiful nails are, first of all, healthy and well-groomed nails. Just remember that all manicure tools must be personal. Therefore, in order to avoid infection, do not try to borrow them from anyone else.

Eat well. Your diet should include fats that promote the absorption of vitamins E, A, K, D, which are beneficial for cells, and proteins. With a meager diet, poor in vitamins and minerals, nails will not be strong.

When applying the cream to your hands, do not forget about your nails. But it makes sense to nourish not the nail plate itself, since it is non-living tissue, but the skin around the nail and the matrix - a white rim at the base of the nail. It is the matrix of living cells that allows the nail to grow. Add some hot red pepper to the cream and your nails will grow faster.

Take good care of your cuticles, preventing its growth. Because of what burrs can occur. It is better not to cut the cuticle itself, but move it with a wooden stick to the edge of the nail bed. And if you want to remove the cuticle, then do it only with special products based on fruit acids - chemistry can lead to burns. Although it is better to entrust this work to a professional.

Do not cut your nails, but file them(strictly in one direction). Better to throw away metal files. Their rough surfaces can damage and delaminate the nail. The ideal (and more durable) tool is a diamond-coated laser file. By the way, only dry nails should be filed - when processing softened steamed nails, they can be easily damaged. And if you really cannot do without scissors, then at least do not trim your nails on the sides, as this leads to their deformation.

Cover your nails with a special base before applying the varnish. It protects against the harmful effects of varnish and evens out the surface of the nail plate. It is good if the base includes: protein, moisturizing ingredients, talc, gelatin. Calcium bases, on the other hand, cannot be applied systematically - they can exacerbate nail delamination. Even the owners of thin nails can use them only periodically - once every 2 weeks.

Avoid overly cheap nail cosmetics. It is better to choose strengthening varnishes, which include silk fibers and keratin. Unfortunately, quick-drying varnishes are less useful than those that take longer to dry. By the way, you should not dry your nails with a hairdryer - not only does it harm them, but it turns out that it also lengthens the drying process itself. And give your nails a breather and a break from the nail polish periodically.

Use only quality products to remove varnish. with a low acetone content and preferably with the addition of essential oils and other moisturizing components. After all, a chronic lack of fat-like substances causes delamination of nails and the appearance of cracks on them. After applying the cleaner, always use a nail care product - moose-on or oil.

Home nail care is good as a regular measure. But salon care will save manicure in emergency situations. For example, such a medical and cosmetic procedure as "nail sealing" will help. Its essence is that various strengthening substances are rubbed into the nail plates, which are inside for a crescent, as if they were sealed.

Recipes for strengthening nails

Apply oily solutions of vitamins A, D, E mixed with a small amount of hand cream to your nails. Leave it overnight.

Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt (unflavored) to warm water. Soak your fingers in the solution for 20 minutes.

Cut a lemon in half and dip your nails into each half to the ground for ten minutes. This will not only strengthen the nails, but also brighten their color.

Mix a glass of beer with a glass of apple juice. Dip your fingers in this liquid for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and apply hand cream.

Use equal proportions of warmed olive oil and lemon juice in a hand bath. The fingers are immersed in the resulting solution for a quarter of an hour.