Orthodox spring holidays. Dual faith in Russia. Customs, rituals and Orthodox holidays of the spring cycle. What is a church holiday

Orthodox spring holidays

Topic: "Orthodox Spring Holidays"

1) study the traditions of the Russian people,

2) develop vocabulary, outlook, intelligence of students,

3) foster love for the native land, for its national traditions.


· multimedia projector,

· a computer,

Radio tape recorder,

· Posters.

1. The song "You are my beloved land" will be performed by Nadezhda Kadysheva.

(Children sculpt larks)

Host: Today we want to tell you about the folk holidays of spring.

Reader: Spring is coming to us

With quick steps

And the drifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

In the fields you can see

True, very warm feet in the spring.

Host: Children, what proverbs and sayings do you know about spring?

Children: "Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is sheaves."

"Spring day feeds the year."

"Spring is red during the day."

"In the spring, the rain soars, in the fall it wets."

"In the spring - a bucket of water, a spoon - dirt,

In the fall - a spoonful of water, a bucket - mud. "

Host: Children, in the spring we celebrate big holidays: Equinox Day (equal to day and night), March 22 - Magpie's holiday. Birds arrive, on this day they bake 40 birds from dough (Larks).

Children (get up, take "larks", go to the window and ask together):

Larks, come fly

Take away the cold winter,

Bring warmth in the spring.

We are tired of winter.

She ate all the bread with us.

(Children sit at their desks)

Host: What kind of birds fly to our area?

Reader: The singing is louder than the lark,

The spring flowers are brighter.

The heart is full of inspiration

The sky is full of beauty.

Reader: Starlings

Familiar sonorous songs

We were able to recognize them immediately.

Guys guys!

The starlings have arrived

They brought spring on the wings.

Reader: Swallows

The grass turns green

The sun is shining

Swallow with spring

In the canopy flies to us.

Host: What proverbs and sayings about birds do you know?

Children: "Rook in a clearing, a starling in a clearing."

"I saw a starling - know: spring is at the porch."

"Wings are not a burden for a bird."

"The bird does not sow, does not reap, but is fed."

"Foolish is that bird, which does not like its nest."

Host: Well done! Now let's play.

The game "Birds have arrived"

Assignment: Yes - clap

No - we stomp.

Birds arrived:

Doves, tits,

Jackdaws, swifts, balls,

Lapwings, siskins,

Storks, cuckoos, grain,

Even scoops are buns.

Swans, starlings, tree.

You are all great!

Host: Now, children, let's talk about fasting and the holidays that birds brought for us on their wings.

Who knows what fasting is?

Children: Fasting is the time to give up bad habits.

Do not eat meat, milk, eggs.

You can't dance.

They say that strict fasting

Slows down child growth.

And I, brothers, on duty

See how I grow.

Host: People say: "The bridge is seven miles." This is what the people call fasting. Why?

Readers: It lasts seven weeks.

1 week Must be clean
House, yard, man and his soul.

2 week For embroidery and sewing.

3 week Good work

female hands,

Weaving canvases

Weave lace.

4 week Sredokrestnaya

On Wednesday, the boys went home with a song. The owners splashed them with water and treated them to biscuits in the shape of a cross.

Boys are young sprouts.

The cross is an ancient sign of life and fertility.


(in honor of the Mother of God)

Presenter: The holiday is associated with the Christian myth of the Archangel Gabriel, who announced the future birth of Jesus Christ by the virgin Mary.

Reader: Ringing, ringing from the bell tower!

It is called the good news,

Ring, my bell, ring!

Call people to you, call!

Fly, fly, good news

That the temple is open

And the service is there.

And people, animals, and plants - all are happy about this day.

On this day, the red maiden does not weave braids, and the bird does not build nests.

6 week Palm

Reader: The willow branches were decorated with flowers and ribbons, they were illuminated in the temple.

Boys and girls

Candles and willows

They brought it home.

The lights are glowing

Passers-by are baptized

And it smells like spring.

They hit children and animals with the sacred willow, saying: "Lord, bless and reward with health."

7 week Passionate

Reader: People care about the cleanliness of the house, the soul.

Easter cakes are baked on Maundy Thursday: "ordinary cake",

"Easter cake with poppy seeds",
"cake on cream",

"Easter cake".
But the most joyful thing is to paint the eggs.

"Without a red testicle, you will not cry out; without it, the holiday will not be a holiday."

I painted the testicle:

A pussy-willow, and a bird on a pussy-willow.

The cloud flies into the open

Into the blue sky

In the middle of the pattern,

And below: "Christ is Risen."

Host: "And at the end of the bridge is a golden mile."

Reader: Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

From all the churches the people are knocking down,

Dawn is already looking from heaven.

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Here is the earth waking up

And dress up the fields.

Spring is coming, full of miracles.

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Reader: People visit each other and break their fast: they eat cakes, meat, eggs, fish, sweets.

Reader: The month came out, shone -

The heavenly vault has become full;

All the LORD created

What a good HE !!!

Host: Songs, dances, swings - merry-go-rounds, fairs begin with Easter.

The song "Peddlers" is played. ,

(2 boys come out in costumes and distribute gingerbread, bagels)

Host: Our holiday is over! Hope you didn’t know

only about Orthodox spring holidays, but also about traditions

Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Palm Sunday

The Annunciation is the good news of the coming birth of Christ. The name Christ means "Savior", named by the archangel Gabriel to the Infant God. On this day it was announced to the world.

The Annunciation is one of the biggest holidays of the spring. People, animals, birds, and plants rejoice on this day, and even the sun "plays".

Third meeting of spring. The first meeting - at Presentation, the second - at Soroka. Magpies - March 9/22. Forty martyrs tortured themselves with frost on an ice-covered Armenian lake. As if in memory of them, spring nature sends forty frosts.

The vernal equinox. On Magpie, day is reconciled with night, equals. April 8 - Palm Sunday.


If snow still lies in the fields on the Annunciation, then the summer will be lean.

Good weather on the day of the Annunciation portends a good harvest this year, clear before sunset - abundant haymaking.

The Annunciation has passed, look - the thunder will thunder.

With the Annunciation, goose bumps and mosquitoes come to life.

The Annunciation is God's biggest holiday.

On the Annunciation, spring overcame winter.

On the Annunciation and on Easter, sinners in hell are not tortured.

A stork arrives at the Annunciation and the bear gets up.

Annunciation - letting the birds go free.

On the Annunciation, the bird does not build a nest.

A cuckoo without a nest for cursing him for the Annunciation.


The Bright Resurrection of Christ is called Easter and is considered the main holiday of the Christian Church. Memories of the suffering and resurrection of Christ formed the church rituals of Holy Week, Fasting and Holy Week of Easter.

From the pagan spring holiday, Christian Easter took the ritual of consecrating Easter cakes, making cottage cheese Easter, and dyeing eggs.


On Easter, the sky is clear and the sun is playing - for a good harvest and a red summer.

Good rye to Holy rain.

For Easter, a bucket - all summer will be bucket.

The people are convinced that the sun "plays" five times a year: at Christmas, at Epiphany, at the Annunciation, at John the Baptist (Feast of Ivan Kupala - June 24 / July 7).

Ascension of the Lord

The passing holidays - the Ascension and the Trinity - are among those associated with many signs and folk customs. Although, depending on the day of Easter, the time of their celebration varies very significantly from year to year, this does not change their general meaning: if they come sooner or later, this is primarily a holiday of triumphant spring, the coming summer, when nature, as it were, celebrates its rebirth with man. Thanks to this, the customs associated with them had a special poetic coloring, reflected in songs, games, rituals and beliefs. Ascension is celebrated on the fortieth day from Easter.


Ascension is not on Wednesday, but on Thursday.

They did not work in the field for Ascension. From Ascension they plowed.

On Ascension, ladders were baked and said: “Fly, Christ, to heaven, pull the rye by the hair,” then they put cookies in the rye.

On Ascension, they baked pancakes, pies with the first green onion, made scrambled eggs and fought them, ate it in the fields. "For the food of Christ."

The night before the Ascension is a nightingale, the nightingales sing louder and louder than on other days.

Ascension day will come

Spring-red laziness will dump

In the summer it will turn around, pretend to be

She will start working in the field.


  • Educational:
    • to form in students an idea of ​​Christianity as a religion that has absorbed the remnants of paganism,
    • lead students to the conclusion that Easter is a "holiday of the holidays" in Christianity; to acquaint with Easter rituals, legends, games.
  • Educational:
    • to bring students through sensory perception to the awareness of the need for spiritual self-education and becoming as a person through contact with the spiritual and cultural values ​​of the Russian people.
  • Developing:
    • continue to work on the formation of skills and abilities to analyze historical events and their impact on the development of the spiritual culture of the Russian people.
  • Experienced and practical:
    • introduction of students to the situation of celebrating a big religious holiday.

Equipment: visual aids depicting Easter and pagan gods, images of temples, including those of Orenburg (regional component), a reproduction of Rublev's Trinity icon, a cross (crucifixion of Jesus Christ), children's drawings, compositions created by students, attributes for games.

Musical arrangement: M. I. Glinka "Skylark", P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons (March, April)", church music, music of the bell ringing.


Module 1. Rituals and beliefs of the ancient Slavs in Russia. Shrovetide pre-spring holiday.

Image: Repetition of rituals and beliefs in Russia. Students are asked questions: what is Christianity? When did it appear in Russia? What are the signs associated with the arrival of spring?
The image of the spring mood is created using illustrations, drawings of students, music by Tchaikovsky "The Four Seasons". The arrival of spring is associated with its inviting. The first stage of inviting was Shrovetide.

Analysis: Students decipher the symbolism of ancient Slavic mythology, talk about how and why spring was called.
Shrovetide falls just at that time of winter, when the victory of the life-giving forces of nature over the deadly power of darkness and cold became more and more tangible: there are thaws, drops are pouring from the roofs, the day is growing more noticeably. Morana's monster, which inspired fear on all living things, escaped, and her flight was tantamount to death until a new winter. A light deity of the spring fertility of the earth appeared - the cheerful beauty Lada. Through the centuries, the pagan monster of Moran turned into an effigy of Maslenitsa, which was burned. And spring came to replace him and it was necessary to call her ( Annex 1 ).

Action: students gather in a round dance, in the center of which is a girl, decorated with a wreath of greenery, and sing a song to Russian folk instruments. They call the spring up singing:

Spring, spring red
Come spring with joy
With great mercy.
With high flax,
With a deep root,
With abundant bread.

This is how the analysis of the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs ends.

Module 2. Religious holidays and pagan beliefs. Spring meeting

Image : It is necessary to connect the idea of ​​folk signs with the phenomenon of nature, the life of animals and birds, with seasonal changes in their behavior.
To create an image of awakening nature and people rejoicing in its renewal, to give emotionality to the lesson in this part, Glinka's work "The Lark" sounds. An image of awakening nature and people rejoicing in its renewal appears.
Analysis : Students talk about the peculiarities of the "Magpies" holiday in Russia and in their area.
On this day, the Orthodox Church commemorates the forty martyrs who, according to popular belief, make a path - the road to forty matinees (frosts). By the omen, if all forty frosts - matinees are held in a row, the whole summer will be warm.
On this day, the second spring bird arrives - the lark, and with it forty more birds.
In honor of their arrival, forty dough larks are baked on this day in each family.

Action : Pupils stage a fragment of the feast.

Larks, come fly
Take away the cold winter,
Bring warmth in the spring.
We are tired of winter
She ate all the bread with us.

Then everyone gets up in round dances and sings songs - vesnyanka:

It's time to call the spring, forget the winter.
Ay leli, leli, forget the winter.
Forget winter, wait for summer.
Ay leli, lely, wait for the summer.

The action ends with crumbling baked larks. This rite resembles a pagan sacrifice and emphasizes the connection between man and nature, from which envy is not only wealth in the family, but also the very life of a person and his loved ones. That is why the Russian peasant, like a Slavic pagan of deep antiquity, appeases the earth and other forces of nature. For example, it crumbles baked larks.

Module 3. The veil is not summer, the Annunciation is not winter

Image : Associated with the next spring month - April. Students cite folk signs related to this month: "In April, the earth will melt." "April streams awaken the earth." "Three rains in April - thousands of rains stand."

Analysis : In April, one of the twelve significant holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church is celebrated - the Annunciation. It entered the Christian calendar in the 4th century. The Annunciation came to Russia with ancient Christian holidays and rituals at the end of the 10th century. Celebrated on April 7 in memory of the message of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary of the good news about the impending birth of the son of God Jesus Christ.

Good News, Good News ...
It's like a joyous song.
Jesus will be born soon and will save the world by himself.
Good News, Good News ...
It's hard for Mary to pronounce
That the angel spoke to her that the heart of her son was waiting.

Students remember the rite of letting birds go free on this holiday.
Only on a dark night did the merry gatherings cease. On the night of the Annunciation, the peasants burned their beds, jumped over the fire, fumigated their dresses. It was believed that this saved from damage and the evil eye. Elderly women calcined salt in the oven, which, in their opinion, works miracles in various diseases.
Students conclude how deeply pagan beliefs have penetrated and rooted in religious holidays.

Action : Shows student drawings on this topic.

Module 4. Pre-Easter week - verbnitsa

Image : Students talk about the rituals that precede and accompany Palm Sunday. This creates the image of the upcoming sacrifice of the Savior and preparation for the holiday of Sunday. The willow in Russia is a symbol of the beginning of a new life. In our country, the willow replaces the palm branches that were thrown at Christ's feet when he entered Jerusalem, knowing about the coming cross of Calvary.

Analysis : on the last Sunday before Easter, the church celebrates the solemn entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. This great holiday is called Palm Sunday because on this day, during the all-night vigil, the worshipers distribute sacred willow branches. In the old days, kings were greeted with green branches, returning triumphantly after defeating their enemies. People, holding the first blossoming branches in their hands, glorify the Savior as the conqueror of death, because he raised the dead and entered Jerusalem on that very day in order to die for the sins of people, to be resurrected and thereby save people from eternal death and eternal torment ... Thus, the willow branch serves as a sign of Christ's victory over death and reminds us of the future resurrection from the dead.

Action : Students show their willow compositions.

Module 5. Celebrating the Christian holiday of Easter

Image : Reading an excerpt from the story of the writer I. Shmelev "Lord's Summer" about the celebration of Easter. During the reading, illustrations of the celebration of Easter are shown.

Analysis : The symbolism of the holiday is being analyzed.
What does the egg mean, why is it red. In a religious sense, the egg is a symbol of constant rebirth. But it also fulfills the function of fertility. Speaking about the tradition of dyeing eggs, students note the custom of dyeing eggs red. The red color of the Easter egg has a special meaning - it is colored with the blood of Christ.
At midnight Great Saturday is replaced by the bright Sunday of Christ, the procession begins. Crosses are baked for Easter.
Against the background of church music, students talk about the symbolism of the cross.
From an instrument of execution, the cross turned into a symbol of redemption and an object of veneration. Its official veneration was introduced to Christianity in the 4th century.
An audio recording "The Biblical Legend of the Crucifixion of Christ" is played.

Students read a poem by A.K. Tolstoy:

Among the oak groves
Glitters with crosses
Five-domed temple
With bells
He pulls to himself
Calls and beckons
He's a darling! ..

Easter joy is the joy of eternal life. Since the services take place in the temple, the students disassemble the symbolism of the internal structure of the temple.

The temple is a special room, different from other buildings, dedicated to God and intended for public service to him. It consists of three parts:
The altar is the kingdom of God (God lives)
The dome is the kingdom of heaven (angels live here)
The vestibule is the earthly kingdom (people live).

The story is illustrated with images of churches in Russia and the currently existing and lost churches of the native land. The meaning of the number of domes on the church is explained. One dome on the temple means the unity of God, two - Christ is God and man, three - God is the father, God is the son, God is the saint (the trinity of God), four are the evangelists (people who each described the life of Christ in their own way. Their names were Mark, John, Matthew and Luke. Their books are called the Gospel, which means the good news), five - God and the Evangelists.

On Easter, a bell rings from the bell towers of the churches, announcing the Resurrection of Christ. There are several types of ringing: evangelism, ringing, chime.

An audio recording of bell ringing sounds and verses are recited against it:

Christ is risen! Easter jingle
The bells are singing, buzzing
And that message is joyful, bright -
A wave rushes over the world
And the world hears that message.

Bright Sunday of Christ has always been a holiday of love and mercy. People greeted each other with the words: "Christ is Risen" and presented each other with Easter eggs.

Students share the story of the “Christ is Risen” greeting and the “Truly Risen” response.

Action : bell ringing sounds - evangelism.
Students greet each other and exchange Easter eggs.
The Easter celebration begins with Easter games. Students participate in games. Then there is a treat with Easter and other Easter dishes and presenting everyone with Easter eggs to the sound of a bell ringing ( Appendix 2 ).


1. Folk holiday calendar. Literary and musical almanac. Youth stage. 1999
2. Kolesnikova V."Holidays of Orthodox Russia" M. "TERRA" 1998
3. Zabylin M."Russian people" M. White city. 2004 r.
4. Corinthian A."Narodnaya Rus". M., White City, 2006
5. Shmelev I. Favorites. M., Pravda, 1989
6. Magazine "Folk Art".

Church holidays are important dates for Christians, for which it is customary to prepare prayerfully, observe fasting, and then come to the solemn liturgy with communion in the church. Some Orthodox holidays, such as the Assumption, seem strange to people far from church life. Why do Christians celebrate death? We will try to tell you about the essence of church holidays in this article.

The calendar of non-rolling church holidays is known:

Religious holiday Church holiday date The meaning of the church holiday
Nativity Jan. 7
Epiphany January 19 Twelve church holiday
Presentation of the Lord February, 15 Twelve church holiday
Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos 7 april Twelve church holiday
The Nativity of John the Baptist 7 july Great church holiday
Day of the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul July, 12 Great church holiday
Transfiguration August 19 Twelve church holiday
Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos August 28 Twelve church holiday
Beheading of John the Baptist 11 September Great church holiday
September 21st Twelve church holiday
Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord September 27 Twelve church holiday
Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos October 14 Great church holiday
4 december Twelve church holiday

Moving church holidays, in turn, are constantly celebrated on different days. We have compiled a table for the nearest dates:

Holidays 2019 2020 2021
The beginning of the triody February 17 February 9th 21 february
Forgiveness Sunday 10th of March March 1 March 14th
Entry to Jerusalem The 21st of April 12th of April 25th of April
Easter 28 april April 19 May 2
Ascension of the Lord June 6th May 28 June 10th
Trinity June 16 June 7 June 20
Petrov post 18 days 27 days 14 days

What is a church holiday?

Rejoice always in the Lord; and again I say: rejoice ( Phil. 4: 4-7.)

What is an Orthodox holiday? Secular people often ask this question as they embark on the path of church life. Many worldly holidays are accompanied by noisy feasts, dances and songs. How are church holidays different from them?

The Lord called us not for suffering, but for salvation and eternal life, which, in itself, is already a reason for joy. Therefore, even when we cry, repenting of our sins, it is a great joy. After all, we have One who is ready to accept our repentance. Orthodox holidays are concluded in the quiet joy of union with God. These important dates are intended to remind us of the Gospel events, they are associated with ancient Christian traditions and allow us to temporarily escape from the bustle of the world in order to devote one more day of the year to fellowship with God. During a church holiday, a liturgy is served in the church, and we praise the story of our Salvation by Jesus Christ, recalling certain events of Holy Scripture or the lives of Orthodox saints.

Church holidays are divided into transferable and non-transferable. The date of non-moving holidays never changes and is celebrated on the same day every year. Moving Orthodox holidays do not have a fixed date and depend on the date of the celebration of Easter. It is because of the date of the celebration of Easter that the Church calendar usually moves. The date of the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ is calculated according to the solar-lunar calendar. It is usually celebrated the next Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox (March 21). The fathers of the First Ecumenical Council established such a procedure as early as 325.

There are twelve of the most important church holidays. They are called "twelve" or sometimes "twelve". Easter is not included in this list, as the most important Orthodox holiday, standing separately, outside of any categories.

  • Nativity
  • Epiphany
  • Candlemas
  • Annunciation
  • Palm Sunday
  • Ascension
  • Trinity
  • Transformation
  • Dormition of the Most Holy
  • Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
  • Nativity of the Virgin
  • Introduction to the temple of Our Lady
  • Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos
  • Circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Basil the Great
  • The Nativity of John the Baptist
  • The memory of the chief apostles Peter and Paul
  • The beheading of John the Baptist
  • The memory of saint. Nicholas
  • The transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas to the Italian city of Bari.

With the advent of new saints, the list of Orthodox holidays is also replenished.

Holidays in the Orthodox calendar

Twelve feasts of the Mother of God

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

Not far from Jerusalem is the city of Nazareth. It was in this city that the righteous and already middle-aged spouses Joachim and Anna lived. For a long time the Lord did not give them children. During their lifetime, this was considered a shame, because children were considered a blessing of God. Once the High Priest did not even accept the sacrifice from Joachim, accusing him of the fact that he was obviously guilty of something before God, since the Lord does not give him children. Joachim prayed to the Lord to give them and his wife a child. Anna considered herself guilty of the childlessness of her marriage. She also turned to God with a request to give them and Joachim posterity and promised to bring the child as a gift to God, to serve Him. Then the Heavenly Angel appeared before her and said: “Your prayer has been heard. You will give birth to a blessed daughter. All earthly families will be blessed for her sake. Through her salvation will be given to the whole world and she will be called Mary ”.

In those days, only the birth of a male baby was considered a blessing from God. Even in the Holy Scriptures, people are numbered only in masculine units. But the girl that Anna will give birth to will be the Most Holy Theotokos, the mother of Christ.

Joachim, meanwhile, was hurrying to the Golden Gate of Jerusalem after a forty-day fast in the mountains. He had to see his wife Anna, because an angel appeared to him in the mountains. Hugging him at the gate, Anna said, “I know now that the Lord has blessed me.”

The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is the first twelveth Orthodox holiday in the church year, which begins on September 14 in the new style. The Mother of God served the cause of Salvation by giving birth to the Son of Man, from whom a new era and a new chronology began. With the Savior, the Lord revealed to us that the main law in our life should be the law of love, the ability to sacrifice in the name of love. The earthly path of the Mother of God was filled with sorrows, she stood at the Cross of the Lord and, together with the Savior, experienced the torment of the cross.

But the world rejoiced at her birth, on the day of the Nativity of the Mother of God, our intercessor was born before the Gods, through whose prayers great miracles are accomplished.

Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos

The introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple is one of the main church holidays dedicated to the earthly life of the Mother of God. In addition to the Introduction, the Nativity of the Virgin and the Dormition of the Virgin are also celebrated. These holidays are based on Holy Tradition. The feast of the Annunciation is based on the events of the Gospel, when the Angel of the Lord appeared to announce the conception of Christ.

In addition to these main holidays, other Orthodox holidays are also celebrated - the holidays of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God, the Intercession (this day is especially loved among the people) and many other days reflecting our love for the Most Holy Theotokos. The introduction of the Virgin Mary into the temple is a special date that has no analogues among other church holidays. Sacred Tradition tells that as soon as the Virgin Mary was three years old, her parents - Joachim and Anna took her to the temple in order, according to the vow made to the Lord, to educate her in Divine grace. This vow was fulfilled in gratitude for the gifted child. It did not mean that the child took a vow of monasticism or a special ascetic life, but it was no longer his parents who were involved in his upbringing, but the ministers of the temple. This is a sign of the highest trust in God.

In Jerusalem at that time there was one temple, in the altar of which the Ark of the Covenant was once kept. In the same church, there was a special spiritual school where youths and young women dedicated to God were brought up. The Virgin Mary was met by the high priest Zechariah. He played an important role in the Old Testament Church and was an indisputable moral authority for believers. Without assistance, the Virgin Mary ascended all fifteen steps leading to the sanctuary, barely crossing the threshold of the temple. Those who saw this perceived the ascent as a miracle. Despite the baby's body, the Mother of God was already perfect in soul. She entered the temple joyful and triumphant, as if she were home.

The high priest Zechariah led the girl to the holy of holies of the temple, where he himself could enter only once a year. He immediately saw that in front of him was not an ordinary child. While in the temple, the Virgin Mary delighted everyone with the fullness of her virtue, while being humble and meek. This was another step on the path to the appearance of the Savior in the world, which is why believers honor this significant date so much and single it out among many Orthodox holidays.

Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (March 25 / April 7)

The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is the twelveth Orthodox holiday.

It was called differently among the first Christians: the Conception of Christ, the Annunciation of Christ, the Beginning of Redemption, the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary, but in the 7th century in the East and West it was called the same - the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos.

This day showed joy to the whole world and became the beginning of our Salvation, a blessing for all people. On this day, God united with humanity and in the person of the Virgin Mary, all the prophecy of the Old Testament about the Son of Man was fulfilled. In the whole world then there was no holier and more worthy of the Virgin Mary. She had been living in the temple for twelve years when the high priest said that when she came of age, she should leave the temple, get married, and move to her husband's house. The Virgin Mary humbly replied that she had made a vow to devote her life to the Lord and did not want to break her vow of chastity. The high priest cannot force the Virgin to break the vow made to God, so he gathered the clergy of the temple to pray and ask God to show His will. An angel appeared to the high priest Zarahriy with instructions to take the unmarried men from the house of David and ask them to bring their rods, to whom the Lord will show a sign, he will become a husband for the Virgin Mary.

When the High Priest gathered the rods, he began to pray that the Lord would reveal his will. At night, the rods were left in the temple, and the next day, Joseph's rod bloomed. Joseph was a relative of the Virgin Mary, led a righteous life, he was already over 80 years old, he lived as a widow and had grown children. The Virgin Mary moved from the temple to Nazareth, but remained to live in solitude and silence, preserving her virginity. The Most Pure Virgin continued to live for God, to do household chores. While God sent the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.

The Virgin Mary knew the prophecies about the coming of the Messiah and about the Blessed Virgin, who would become His mother. She prayed to minister to this woman, but that woman was herself.

“Rejoice, gracious, the Lord is with you; Blessed are you in women, ”- these words the Virgin Mary heard from the archangel who appeared to her. These words threw her into confusion, and she was silent. But the archangel Gabriel consoled her with the words that the Lord would give the Son the throne of David. The Virgin Mary did not know her husband, but the power of the Most High overshadowed her, and she conceived when the light of the Spirit of God overshadowed her. The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God has come true. Chosen from all kinds, the Virgin Mary contained within herself the treasure of grace and gave man the opportunity to hope for salvation.

Presentation of the Lord (2/15 February)

The church feast of the Presentation of the Lord is based on an amazing miraculous event that took place in Jerusalem in the 1st century AD. According to tradition, on the fortieth day after birth, all Jews had to bring their first sons to the temple for dedication to God. In gratitude, it was customary to bring sacrifices to God - a ram, an ox, doves. What the family could afford was important.

This law was established to commemorate the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. Then the Lord saved the first-born Israelites from death.

The parents brought Jesus Christ to the Jerusalem temple, as required by the law, as soon as He was forty days old to present before God. Joseph and Mary could not afford to make a costly sacrifice, since they did not live well. They sacrificed only two chicks of pigeons. At this time, a pious elder, Simeon the God-Receiver, lived in Jerusalem. By the inspiration of the Spirit of God and the prophetess Anna, he came to the temple, as the Holy Spirit promised Righteous Simeon that he would not die until he saw the Messiah. He was already 360 years old. According to the Tradition of the Church, he was one of those who translated the Old Testament from Hebrew into Ancient Greek. He knew the Scriptures well and waited with faith for Christ the Savior. Although, at first he doubted the possibility of fulfilling the prophecy that the Savior would be born into the world from an earthly woman. He even wanted to blot out these prophecies in the Scriptures, but the Angel of the Lord appeared to him and restrained him, confirming the truth of these words - “Believe what is written!”.

Seeing the baby Jesus at the door of the temple, he exclaimed in great joy: "This is God, who is present with the Father, this is the Eternal Light and Savior, the Lord!" As promised by the Lord, the Divine Child appeared to him with the Most Pure Virgin and the righteous Joseph. Simeon's heart trembled, he praised the Lord in prayer. The elder beheld the One who was promised by the Lord to people, the fullness of times has come. He could leave this world, for the prophecy was fulfilled.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (15/28 August)

This holiday seems paradoxical to those who are not familiar with Orthodox church holidays. Why do we celebrate death? But we know the words “Whether we live, we live for the Lord; Whether we die, we die to the Lord. " Even the Apostle Paul said: "For me life is Christ and death is gain."

The last thing we know about the earthly path of the Virgin Mary from the Gospel is the words that the Lord speaks to the Mother from the cross. Words about His beloved disciple, John the Theologian: “ Wife! behold, your son“. These words, of course, applied to all of humanity.

The beloved disciple of Christ took the Virgin Mary to him. Holy Scripture does not convey to us information about the Dormition of the Theotokos, but the Church Tradition preserves for us information about the life of the Theotokos after the Resurrection of Christ.

So, the Mother of God lived in the house of John the Theologian. She often retired to pray to her Divine Son. On one of these days, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her again to proclaim that in three days the Most Holy Virgin will go to the Lord. The Mother of God accepted these words with great joy, expecting a meeting with God. The only thing she asked for was to give her the opportunity to say goodbye to the apostles, disciples of Christ, who brought the message of Salvation into the world. Miraculously, the apostles, who were far from Jerusalem, were transferred there to say goodbye to their Heavenly Mother. The Mother of God comforted the apostles in their sorrow and said goodbye to each of them.

But the Dormition of the Theotokos was not an ordinary parting of the soul with the body. At the hour of her death, Heaven opened up and those present beheld Christ with the Angels and the deceased righteous. The Blessed Virgin was as if immersed in sleep, therefore her repose is called the Assumption, that is, sleep. And behind this dream, glory and awakening in the Kingdom of Heaven were expected. The soul of the Virgin Mary, accompanied by angelic singing, ascended to Heaven.

During the burial of the body of the Virgin Mary, one Jewish priest was filled with anger towards the Mother of Jesus Christ and decided to overturn the body of the Virgin Mary to the ground. But as soon as he touched the bed of the Blessed Virgin, the Angel of the Lord appeared with a sword and cut off his hands. The priest prayed to the apostles for help. The Apostle Peter answered that the Lord, through prayers to His Mother, can grant him healing. Priest Athos put his hands to the place of cutting off, offering prayers to the Mother of God. His prayer was answered, and he followed the bed of the Virgin Mary, glorifying the Lord and the Mother of God.

The Apostle Thomas did not have time to see the burial of the Mother of God and was very grieved, wishing to say goodbye to her. When on the third day the apostles opened the tomb for him, the body of the Mother of God was not in it, but she appeared to them herself in Heavenly Glory, surrounded by many angels with the words: "Rejoice, for I am with you all the days."

Spring Orthodox holidays.

Target: generalization of children's knowledge about the spring Orthodox holidays.
Tasks: to increase the cognitive activity of students and broaden their horizons.

The presentation will tell you about the variety of spring holidays. Primary school teachers can use this resource to conduct extracurricular activities or extracurricular activities.

1.A story about the spring Orthodox holidays (electronic presentation)

Slide 1. Today we will talk with you about the spring Orthodox holidays, about the traditions and customs associated with them.

Slide 2. Game "Field of Miracles" - 1st round.

With what holiday was the custom associated with letting the birds free? ...

Slide 3 – 4. Annunciation.

The Feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos has been solemnly celebrated in the Orthodox world since the middle of the 7th century. This holiday is established in memory of the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Evangelist Archangel Gabriel. He appeared to Her with the joyful news of the coming birth from Her of the Savior of the world, the Son of God, who reigns in heaven and will reign on earth.

Slide 5. This holiday was loved and revered by the people. It was believed that working on this day was a grave sin. “On the Annunciation, the bird does not nest, the girl does not weave braids,” says a popular proverb. One of the popular legends says that once on the Annunciation, the cuckoo, contrary to the prohibition, was the only bird of all to build a nest. But she was punished for this by God: since then she has not had her own house at all, and she has to throw eggs into other people's nests.

Slide 6. Since ancient times, bird markets have been held in Moscow on this day. The most famous was at Okhotny Ryad. Muscovites bought birds and set them free. And to this day, pigeons are released near Moscow churches for the Annunciation.

Slide 7. Reading of K. Balmont's poem "Annunciation in Moscow".

Annunciation and light

The willows turned white.

Or maybe there is no grief,

Right, really?

Evangelism and laughter

The kidneys are reddened.

And on the streets everyone has

Blue flowers.
How many blue flowers

Taken from the snow

The world is fresh and new again,

And bliss is everywhere.

I see old Moscow
In a young dress.
I laugh and I live
The sun is in every gaze.
From the old Kremlin
The ringing floats in a wave.
And the earth lives in the ditches

Young grass.
In the barely broken grass
A dream of spring and summer.

Annunciation in Moscow,

This is a celebration of light!

Slide 8 .. Game "Field of Miracles" - 2nd round.

What was the name of the holiday celebrated a week before Easter in the folk calendar?

Slide 9 – 10. Palm Sunday.

On the sixth Sunday of Great Lent, a week before Easter, the solemn Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is celebrated. In the national calendar, this holiday is called Palm Sunday. In Russia, it always passed under the sign of the consecrated willow.

In ancient Israel, Jesus Christ was greeted by the people with palm branches. In Russia, the climate is harsh, and palm trees do not grow here. By the day of the holiday, it is often cold, and in some places there is also snow. But one tree at this time begins to bloom - this is the pussy willow, which blooms with cute fluffy pads. That is why in Russia palm branches were replaced by willow. And the holiday received another name - Palm Sunday.

Slide 11 – 12. In the church, during the service, willow branches were consecrated and brought home. They were placed next to the icons, like a shrine. They whipped each other and especially the children with consecrated twigs, saying:

Willow, willow,

Willow, whip,

Pussy willow whip

Beats to tears!

Blue willow

Doesn't hit hard!

The willow is red

Beats in vain!

White willow

Beats for the cause!

Pussy willow whip

Beats to tears!

It was believed that this rite drives away disease from people, and helps children grow obedient and healthy.

Slide 13. Palm Sunday, in spite of the ongoing fast, was always celebrated with great joy. This day was celebrated especially solemnly and cheerfully in ancient times in Moscow. After Mass, a solemn procession was held from the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin to Execution Ground on Red Square. The tsar and the patriarch always took part in the procession. A prayer service was held on Red Square. Right there, in a sleigh, decorated with red and green cloth, a pussy willow was fortified, hung with apples, dates and other fruits. After the prayer, the patriarch blessed the people and distributed the willow.

Slide 14. On this day, special bazaars were organized in Moscow on Red Square, where they sold bundles of pussy willow, various toys, colorful balls, and many different delicacies.

Slide 15. Reading a poem by A. Blok "Verbochki".

Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They brought it home.

The lights are glowing
Passers-by are baptized
And it smells like spring.

The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain
Don't blow out the fire!

Sunday Palm
I'll get up first tomorrow
For a holy day.

Slide 16. Game "Field of Miracles" - 3rd round.

What was the name of the last week of Lent?

Slide 17-18. Holy Week.

The last week before Easter is called Holy week , because it is dedicated to the memories of the last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ - his sufferings (passions), death on the cross and burial. According to the meaning of the events recalled, all days of Holy Week are called Great.

Slide 19 -20. WITH Great monday preparation for Easter began among the Russian people. The women cleaned, washed and cleaned the houses, and the men prepared cattle fodder for the entire Easter week so as not to worry about the holiday.

V Maundy Thursday , which in folk traditions is called Maundy Thursday, every Orthodox seeks to cleanse himself spiritually (to confess in church) and physically. The people celebrated this day with the custom of cleansing with water - bathing in an ice-hole, river, lake, many washed in a bath. On Maundy Thursday, eggs were painted for the Easter table.

V Great Saturday Easter cakes prepared for the holiday, Easter eggs and Easter cottage cheese were brought to the church and consecrated.

Slide 21. Easter.

Orthodox Christians call this day "a holiday of holidays, a triumph of celebrations." This holiday is the most important holiday of the Orthodox church year. On this day, the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ is celebrated. The victory of good over evil, light over darkness is symbolized by this holiday.

Slide 22 - 23. On the night before Easter, believers gather in the church. Divine services on this night are especially solemn and magnificent. All worshipers light festive red candles and wait for the priests in white robes with a cross and icons to leave the church in order to walk around the church three times in the procession. The procession ends at midnight, the priest at the closed doors of the church proclaims: "Christ is Risen!" The worshipers enter the temple, where the Bright Matins begins.

Slide 24. On this night, special Easter food is brought to the church for consecration (cake, painted eggs, cottage cheese Easter), which on the day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ will stand on the festive table. In addition to Easter dishes, many traditional delicacies of Russian cuisine were placed on the festive table.

Slide 25 – 26. On Easter it was customary to "christen": to congratulate each other on the holiday and with the words "Christ is Risen!" - "Truly He is Risen!" giving colored eggs and kissing.

In addition, all kinds of games with Easter eggs, round dances, and swinging were organized on Easter.

Slide 27. Easter was celebrated throughout the week.

Slide 28. The game "Field of Miracles" - the final.

What is the name of the festive Easter week in the folk calendar?

Slide 29 .Since the Apostolic times, the holiday of Christian Easter has lasted for 7 days. Therefore, this festive week is called Bright Easter Week. and tsa. Every day of the week is also called light - Light Monday, Light Tuesday, etc.

Slide 30. Reading of L. Charskaya's poem "Bells".

G ulko bell sounds
Fly away into the firmament of heaven
For the meadows, for the free steppes,
For a dense dark forest.
With a billion joyful sounds
A melodious wave is pouring ...
All wonderful moments

The Easter night is full.
In them, in those sounds -

moment of forgiveness
Vain malice is the end.

Infinite humility
And love is a golden crown.
In them - endless prayers,
Hymns are wonderful words.
In them - sadness and eternal tears
Are washed away by the blood of the Divine.
In them - the land of delight

And the holy delight of heaven
In them - the Immortal and

The only one
God is truly risen