Hairstyles for long ki new year. Sloppy styling with fluffy bangs. What girl doesn't dream of being like a princess

Every girl wants to look gorgeous in the New Year and overshadow those around her with her beauty. A well-chosen, beautiful, comfortable, and most importantly fast hairstyle can provide a mood and a festive look.

Medium length options

Medium hair styling is very popular among the fair half of humanity. It allows you to create masterpieces in a matter of minutes, both for every day and for festive events.

New Year is a time of miracles and gifts. Ladies are carefully prepared to celebrate the holiday and often there is no time left for styling. We offer several simple options that are easy to do with your own hands.

Chic on New Year's Eve

If you have the skills to create a fleece, then this styling will take literally seven minutes.

Step-by-step actions:

  • Curl clean curls slightly with a curling iron, styler, or use curlers in the evening. This is not a prerequisite, the hair may be even;
  • Apply the styling mousse, rubbing gently into the roots;
  • Form a dense bouffant over the entire length. Do not comb the top layer of the crown, it will cover the main shock;
  • Put on a tight headband;
  • Wrap the ends in a bundle and tuck under the base of the rim, fixing with pins;
  • Sprinkle with varnish. Ready!

It looks very impressive. You can choose any headband that suits your festive look. It resembles "Babette", but in execution it is much simpler.

Waves and curls

Curly curls remain at the peak of popularity. Loose, gathered in a tail, shell, bun, braided in braids. There are many variations, it all depends on personal preference and the desire to look charming.

Large waves give the appearance of femininity, a kind of mystery. Small curls fascinate the eyes, they can rejuvenate and give playfulness.

An easy and festive option is loose curls decorated with a ribbon or hoop. A strand gathered on one side and pinned with a cute clip adds a touch of charm to the image.

Medium lengths are experimented with and a variety of models are created. They twist, curl, weave, straighten, create complex structures. There are enough variations so as not to disregard any owner of excellent hair length. Imagine, try and a masterpiece will not keep you waiting. A little skill won't hurt.

Tufts and knots are always in fashion. Quite an effective and simple way of performing. They can be voluminous, French and casual. The simplest method is a gathered hair in a ponytail at the back of the head. The tail is twisted casually around the base and secured with hairpins. By adding accessories, the image is being improved.

Weave - classic charm

Braids, pigtails, flagella have always given special charm to their owners. The easiest way to create a unique look is with a tight tourniquet over the entire head. No special weaving skills are needed. The main thing is 5 minutes of free time.

Step-by-step actions:

  • In the center of the head, select two equal strands;

  • Lay one on top of the other. The binding will be in the originally chosen direction and will not change;
  • Twist them together;
  • Pick up the grab on the right, then on the left;

  • Twist together again;
  • When all the hooks are involved, twist each strand into the flagellum and twist them together to the end;
  • Fix the tip with an elastic band, sprinkle with varnish.

At first glance, it may seem difficult. Having tried it once, you will trick and understand that there is nothing intricate in this performance.

A worthy image to meet the patroness of the next year.

A tourniquet can look spectacular in combination with a ponytail.

For long hair

For long hair, there are a huge number of chic models. But they all require time, effort and skills. What if it literally takes 10-15 minutes to create a bow? Stylists recommend celebrating this New Year in original, individual looks.

Hippie styling

Requires only the skills of weaving a regular French braid inside out.

Step-by-step actions:

  • Comb thoroughly, distribute the styling mousse;
  • In the center of the crown, highlight the zones with two vertical parting;

  • Begin to braid the inverted braid with the pick-ups. The weave should be tight;
  • When you reach the hairline at the forehead, stop. Divide the tip into two equal parts;

  • Braid a three-strand braid from each;
  • Bring the pigtails to the back of the head, fixing it with invisible ones under the main mass;
  • Secure with varnish.

Lovers of unusual bows will like it. Brings freshness and lightness to a winter festive evening.

Side stacking

It is done easily, quickly, and the result is amazing. Will take five free minutes.

The technique is as follows:

  • Comb, lay the mop on its side;
  • Separate the area near the ear and divide it into two equal parts;

  • One remains in place, the other is passed under the hair to the opposite side;

  • Tie a knot out of them;
  • The ends are crossed at the bottom;
  • Make a knot again and so on until the end, as long as there is enough length;

  • Correct the final result by stretching the links a little;
  • Add decorative elements in the form of beaded hairpins.

All hairdressing gurus unanimously say that it is necessary to meet the next year in a light, relaxed manner. Smooth, perfectly styled hairstyles should be abandoned.

Hollywood curls will be an ideal option for a New Year's party. If there is experience in creating such a hairstyle, then it will be easy to do quickly.

The ponytail also stays on trend and will be a great addition to a special holiday.

You can create romance through all the same weaving. Braids are timeless classics. The many models invented by stylists open up the opportunity for girls to try on the most delightful images.

To acquire a New Year's mood, it is enough to weave tinsel or other accessories into the braids, symbolizing this wonderful celebration. Don't forget about an evening dress or dress. The hairstyle should be in harmony with him as much as possible.

For short hair

A short length is not a reason to give up stunning hairstyles. If you have a curling iron at hand, it is enough to wind up cute curls and distribute them in a chaotic manner.

Collecting waves into a shell with the help of invisible ones, you get a festive variation:

  • Comb, distribute the heat protectant and wrap the entire mop onto the curling iron. You should start from the upper occipital zone;
  • Before winding the strand, it is advisable to comb it a little, for the most voluminous effect;
  • Select areas wide enough and spray each one with varnish;
  • Having rolled up the whole shock, distribute the resulting waves with your fingers;
  • Collect the ends of all the waves in random order at the back of the head, securing in stages with invisibility and hairpins;
  • Fix the finished result with varnish.

It will take a little time for such a masterpiece, but the result is amazing.

In general, previous techniques can be used to create uniqueness on short lengths. For example, the boho braid looks very feminine and elegant. It resembles a short spikelet that is woven along the edge of the bangs.

There are many variations of short styling, but they require professional execution. At home, you cannot do without bright and shiny decorations that will emphasize the New Year's style.

Hairstyle is an important element of the image on New Year's Eve. The desire for novelty is associated with the renewal of all life, because the meeting of the New Year is the beginning of a new stage in life. Think over the image in advance.

And the most interesting ideas can be gleaned from the characteristics of the patroness of the coming year.

On New Year's Eve, it is rare for a hostess to sign up and get into the salon for a beautiful hair styling, but somehow I don't want to do the usual ponytail. Today I want to offer you a list of holiday hairstyles that you can easily do for yourself!

As you know, the hairstyle creates a festive stylish image, but, unfortunately, not all girls and women think that they can do it for themselves. Yes, yes, I think that they cannot, because among the huge variety of festive hairstyles and styling, you can easily find your own version!

Rules for choosing a hairstyle for the New Year

  • Of course, the hairstyle should be in harmony and complement the overall image.
  • Choosing a hairstyle is also worth choosing to celebrate the New Year. For example, if you are going to a ski resort, you are unlikely to be comfortable with curls or high buns, when in a restaurant or a festive home atmosphere with a beautiful evening dress, they will look elegant and gentle.
  • Don't forget that with this hairstyle you will have to go through the night to avoid the urge to loose it or wash your hair by midnight.
  • Since the holiday involves a delicious feast, dancing and active entertainment, the hairstyle should not fall apart throughout the evening. Also refuse to design with curls that they will climb in your face.

How to make a hairstyle for yourself for the New Year?

Braids. Starting from the classic French braid, ending with all kinds of various weaves in four strands, with ribbons or with falling curls. For example, see for yourself how many hairstyles you can do yourself based on two French ones.

Night hairstyles. At the mention of hairstyles, tough and extremely uncomfortable curlers immediately appear in my head, after which my head hurts terribly in the morning. Now you can easily replace curlers with soft papillots, neatly braid your braids at night, or even make an extravagant and bright hairstyle with afro curls!

Curls. A win-win option that suits absolutely all girls and women! The most popular are by far the stylish and feminine! By the way, there are many variations to do without injuring your hair with a curling iron, iron or hairdryer, for example, on a simple regular one.

A bundle. The bundle is collected both from your own hair and with the help of various devices, you can easily quickly and neatly collect the hair on.

Tail. If played correctly, then it easily and quickly turns into a festive hairstyle. For example, supplement it with side volume, make a tourniquet or bouffant.

Accessories. Do not forget about such a magic wand on New Year's Eve, as various accessories for hairstyles - wreaths, hairpins, flowers, bows and other elements. Handsome can easily transform a simple hair style into an elegant and romantic hairstyle.

In a word, choose, try and on New Year's Eve you will certainly be the most charming, charming and beautiful lady!

Hairstyles for the New Year

Hairstyles for the New Year will allow you to remain the most fashionable and beautiful at a festive party.

New Year's styling on strands

Short hair is not at all a reason to give up beautiful and elegant New Year's hairstyles. Don't believe me? After following the master class, repeat these quick styling on yourself.

Laying from knots

  1. On the side of the parting, where there is more hair, separate two thin strands and tie them together.
  2. Connect both ends, add another strand to them and tie the knot again.
  3. Continue braiding to the back of the head. Tie the tip with a thin silicone rubber band.
  4. On the other hand, separate another section of the hair, throw it over the back of the head and connect it with a braid of knots.
  5. Raise the hair at the crown a little to make the styling more voluminous. Pin the resulting malvinka with invisible hairpins or a decorative hairpin.
  6. Twist the ends of your hair with an iron.

Flagella hairstyle

Who would have thought that simple braids could turn into such a stylish and elegant hairstyle. And that's exactly what happened!

  1. Wind the strands with a curling iron with a corrugated nozzle.
  2. Separate part of the hair in the middle with two vertical parting - you get a mohawk.
  3. Comb it well with a thin thick comb.
  4. Pull the fleece down and roll it into a shell all the way to the base of your neck. Secure with hairpins and smooth the top layer.
  5. Divide the side parts into three strands.
  6. Twist each into a bundle.
  7. Lay all harnesses in a crisscross pattern over the shell.
  8. Tuck the ends of the last pair in the middle and hide inside the shell. Use pins or invisible pins to fix the harnesses.
  9. Spray the styling with varnish.

Short strand buffalo

Another very light, but incredibly delicate and feminine option. We are sure that with this styling you will be the most noticeable at the New Year's party.

  1. Separate a small section of hair at the crown of your head.
  2. Twist it into a large ring and secure with small clips on both sides.
  3. Separate another section of hair above the ringlet and comb through it with a comb.
  4. Pull the bouffant back, hiding the ring and clamps completely. Smooth the top layer with a brush.
  5. Raise the strands a little up and stab the resulting malvinka with invisible crosswise.
  6. Roll the hair near the face with an iron.

Asymmetric styling

This elegant hairstyle is capable of transforming even a short haircut. With her, you will become incredibly sexy and seductive.

  1. Comb the hair with a deep side parting.
  2. Leave some of the hair on the side and tie the rest.
  3. Twist the ponytail into a bun and secure with hairpins.
  4. Divide the strands on the side into several thin sections and curl with an iron.

Christmas crown

You can even braid braids on short strands! And not just braid, but settle with a crown - such as in this photo.

  1. Comb the side parting.
  2. Curl the strands with an iron.
  3. Beat them lightly with your hands.
  4. Leave the curls near the face to lie free.
  5. Divide the rest of the hair into two parts.
  6. Twist a tourniquet from each and lay them on the back of the head, hiding the ends inside.
  7. Divide the loose curls on the larger side of the parting in half.
  8. Braid two French braids, regular or reverse.
  9. Hide the ends of both braids in the bundles at the back of the head and fasten securely.
  10. The curl on the other side, simply twist into a tourniquet and attach to the hairstyle.
  11. Spray the styling with varnish.

New Year's hairstyles for medium hair

Not sure what to style on medium strands? Let's try to help you with this easy master class!

Lush braid of flagella

1. Separate a small section of hair at the crown of your head and comb it carefully with a fine comb.

2. Pull the bouffant down and smooth the top layer.

3. Divide the strands remaining near the face with a side parting.

4. Divide each part in half and form tight strands.

5. Connect them at the back of the head with a thin silicone rubber band.

6. Immediately below these strands, separate two more strands of exactly the same width.

7. Divide them in half and rewire harnesses.

8. Connect them with an elastic band under the first pair.

9. Continue to weave until the end of the hair.

10. Tuck the ends of the last bundles down and secure with an invisible one.

11. Decorate your hair with flowers.

Low braid bun

Beautiful styling doesn't have to be complicated. For example, you will be able to create such a bundle without the help of masters in order to defeat everyone on the spot!

  1. Comb back and braid a loose braid, moving it slightly to the side.
  2. Wrap the braid in a circle and secure with hairpins.
  3. Hide the tip inside.
  4. Stretch the braid with your hands so that the bundle is loose.
  5. Also, very gently stretch a couple of strands at the back of your head and crown.

Bundle with braids

Fashionable New Year's hairstyles are unthinkable without buns. You can decorate them with weaving on both sides.

1. Comb your hair and curl it with a curling iron. Temporarily pin the bangs or front strands with a crab, and divide the rest of the hair into 4 sections (top, bottom and two on the sides).

2. Comb the top section of hair with a fine comb.

3. Pull the bouffant down and form a neat shell, trying to maintain volume. Stab her with invisible ones.

4. Divide the hair in the lower section into thin curls.

5. Lift them up in random order and place them in a free bundle. Pin it with hairpins and sprinkle with varnish.

6. From the right section, braid a French braid by tying the end with a silicone rubber band.

7. Braid the same braid on the left side.

8. Wrap both braids around the bun and hide the ends inward.

9. For reliability, pin the braids with invisible ones. Style your curls beautifully around your face and spray your hair with varnish.

Fairy braid

Celebrating New Year 2019 will be like a fairy tale in which you simply have to be a real princess. And this braid with a hairpin will definitely help you with this.

Elegant hairstyle

This beautiful bun is just the perfect choice for a restaurant party. Easy to do and looks great!

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Divide the hair into two parts with a horizontal parting.
  3. Tie the top into a tail.
  4. Divide it in half and braid it tightly.
  5. Place the tourniquet in a bun and pin it with hairpins.
  6. Braid a French spikelet from the bottom, picking up loose curls on one side only.
  7. Complete the braid to the end and wrap the bundle around it. Pin the tip of the braid.

New Year's "Lanterns"

When choosing a hairstyle for the New Year, take a closer look at this option. Hair lanterns look just gorgeous!

  1. Comb the hair in the side parting.
  2. Take a thin part from each side of the parting.
  3. Divide them into three strands and braid loose braids.
  4. To make them fuller, stretch the weave with your hands.
  5. Tie the rest of the hair into a lush ponytail.
  6. Wrap the tail first with one and then with the second. Fix them with invisible ones.
  7. Step back 2-3 centimeters from the base of the tail and tie another elastic band (silicone, matched to the hair color).
  8. Stretch the strands slightly with your hands, forming a round flashlight.
  9. Repeat step 7-8 as long as the length allows.

Holiday hairstyles for long hair

Long hair is the dream of every girl, because you can create unique styling on it. Look out for yourself something for the New Year!

Unusual fish tail

In shape, this hairstyle resembles a fishtail, but is woven in a completely different way.

How do you like that ponytail? Looks great!

Rose on loose strands

Do you love curls? Why not decorate them with a cute flower made from your strands? See how easy it is!

  1. Comb the hair in a straight or side part.
  2. Curl it with an iron.
  3. Separate two thin strands near the neck and tie them into a ponytail.
  4. Stretch the hair above the elastic with your hands to make the hairstyle look fuller.
  5. Braid the tail into a braid, tying the end tightly.
  6. Stretch the braid with your hands.
  7. Roll the pigtail in a circle to form a beautiful flower.
  8. Lay it on the base of the tail and pin it with an invisible one.

Luxurious curls

Many girls prefer loose hair, curled with an iron, romantic and incredibly beautiful to collected styling.

  1. Comb and divide the hair into thin strands.
  2. Wrap each of them with a curling iron or iron. Start twisting the strand from the roots, holding the device vertically.
  3. Roll up the side sections first, then go to the back of the head and crown.
  4. Comb the curls with a wide-toothed comb and spray the finished styling with varnish.

New Year- the most fabulous celebration. Women prepare for his meeting with special trepidation and responsibility. The pre-holiday worries of young ladies are not limited to finding a suitable outfit. By all means, every beauty starts choosing a hairstyle for the New Year 2018. This is not an easy task, but very entertaining. It is necessary to take into account many important factors, to think over the image to the smallest detail.

Actual hairstyles for the New Year-2018 (Year of the Dog)

There are no strict restrictions or recommendations regarding hairstyles for the New Year 2018 (Year of the Dog). Still, stylists have identified several of the most relevant ideas:

Hairstyles for the New Year-2018: fashion ideas and photos of new products

Recently, it is very fashionable to cut bangs. For this reason, New Year's hairstyles 2018 with bangs - straight or asymmetric, but always thick will be very relevant. The choice of the image depends on the imagination, the peculiarities of the outfit and the style of makeup, as well as on the general atmosphere and scenario of the event.

Hairstyles for the New Year 2018 look at the photo - new items are presented below, of which any girl can choose the styling that best emphasizes her individuality:

What women's hairstyle can be done for the New 2018 year

What hairstyle to make for the New Year 2018 is up to the girl herself - there are a lot of styling ideas. It is not customary to combine a delicate romantic dress with a daring "mohawk" or to construct an intricate grandiose structure of hair if the New Year will look like a youth party with cheerful dances. In real life, there may be a "combination of incongruous", but when choosing an extremely extravagant image, you should be prepared for the fact that others will not understand the overly original idea.

The upcoming 365 days will be patronized by a yellow earthen dog - a faithful, courageous and quite active animal. This low-growing year will bring harmony, stability, peace to families and states. It is desirable to celebrate the holiday in a dress of yellow, brown or green. The same tones should be preferred when choosing accessories for women's hairstyles for the New Year 2018 - the year of the Earth Dog:

  • hairpins, elastic bands;
  • bantam, ribbons;
  • New Year's tinsel;
  • brooches, pins with rhinestones, etc.

All kinds of hairdressing accessories that are used to decorate hair will generally be in demand throughout the next year, and not just on the night of its coming. Hair should become a motley attribute of the New Year's image in order to appease the patroness of the year. Particularly courageous individuals can use colored tonics (reddish-yellow, chocolate, emerald, etc.) in order to give the entire shock or its individual strands the appropriate color.

Beautiful hairstyles with bangs for the New Year 2018

The basic rules of New Year's styling include the fact that they are simply obliged to emphasize the dignity of appearance, to hide its flaws. The hairstyle for the New Year 2018 with bangs (asymmetry is appropriate here) and large curls will go to a square face. Lush, but undersized ladies are advised by experts to take a closer look at high styling, framed by several curled curls. For the owner of a thick mane, you can straighten the curls with an iron, then lightly sprinkle with green, yellow sparkles - such a simple approach will not be boring at all if you make a very bright makeup. New Year's 2018 hairstyles for thin hair involve the creation of bouffant and lush curls, but the main thing here is not to overdo it with styling products. It is important that the strands look natural and not bulky.

Hairstyles for the New Year-2018 with curls for long hair (with photo)

Owners of luxurious long manes are given the opportunity to boldly experiment with styling, choose almost any technique they like. All types of weaving, as well as small and large curls, perfectly "play" on long shocks.

To make sure that New Year's hairstyles for long hair 2018 are incredibly cute, take a look at the photo:

You can curl strands using curlers or a curling iron, and dissolve the curls over the shoulders, after sprinkling with varnish. Although this is the simplest approach, hairstyles for New Year 2018 with curls are still popular among fashionistas. The lightness, playfulness and romance of the image are what attracts girls in these styling. In addition, during the celebration, beautifully curled skeins can be collected and fixed with a bright hair clip, or you can make a high tail out of them. Such an elementary action will allow you to radically change the look in a matter of minutes, transform it into a more convenient, but no less elegant option.

How to make a hairstyle for a girl for the New 2018 year

So, how to do your hairstyle for the New Year 2018 if your hair is lush and long enough? The girls really like babette, the execution algorithm of which is presented below:

New Year's hairstyles-2018 for thin medium and long hair (with photo)

The described version of the hairstyle for long hair New Year 2018 is suitable even for girls with thin hair. The strands must first be treated with a “corrugation” nozzle to give them additional pomp and volume. After that, they are laid as described above. Sometimes they use overhead strands made from natural or artificial materials. Styling looks great with flared skirts, fluffy dresses.

If the conversation concerns such a topic as actual hairstyles for the New Year 2018, then weaving cannot be ignored. There are unlimited possibilities here. A braid with a tail will be the best solution for romantic, young women. The hair is divided in the front with a side device, and in the back with a horizontal parting. Further, part of the hair is collected in a ponytail, and from the free strands weaving is performed using the “Dutch braid” technique, in the direction from the auricle to the back of the head. The finished braid is securely fastened with invisible hairpins. After that, they loosen the hair that was tied in a ponytail, comb it well. Gather the mane in a tail (together with a scythe) and fix it with an elastic band. Decorate the top with a thread of small golden beads.

Evening hairstyles for the New Year-2018 for medium hair

Average length- the perfect soil for creating all kinds of festive styling. The strands can be loosened by first twisting them with a curling iron, or you can sculpt original evening hairstyles from them for the New Year 2018. Everything will depend on the aesthetic preferences of the model, the shape of her face and the style of the festive outfit. Young girls choose lighter ones, not weighted down with unnecessary curls or cosmetics. Older ladies like more complex styling. If such hairstyles for the New Year 2018 for medium hair are done correctly, taking into account the individual characteristics of the model, then there is a chance even visually to become younger than your age.

How beautiful New Year's hairstyles 2018 look for medium hair, look at the photo:

New Year's hairstyles-2018 at home: an idea for a corporate party

One of the very interesting styling is the shell bundle. The following is a description of this hairstyle for the New Year 2018 step by step, so that you can do it yourself:

Light hairstyles for the New Year-2018 in the Greek style

Instead of a hair clip, you can use a ribbon, beads or even New Year's tinsel - just one small thread. Light hairstyles for the New Year 2018 in the Greek style will be relevant - thanks to their sophistication and elementary execution.

Combed hair is parted in half. The side frames are twisted towards the back of the head, picking up loose strands along the way. The same is done on the opposite side of the head. At the end, two curls are connected with an elastic band, forming an "inverted" tail. The free part of the hair is twisted inside the structure, fixed with elegant hairpins.

Hairstyles for short hair and squares for the New Year 2018

Making New Year's hairstyles 2018 for short hair is not at all difficult.- the dog, as a symbol of the year, will like the lightness and ease of haircuts. Stylish asymmetry or traditional "bob" will not become an obstacle to the flight of imagination. To give your image a festive mood, it is enough to decorate the hair with an original decoration in the form of a rim, hairpin or brooch, and tie it with a ribbon. It is desirable that the coating or at least some parts of the accessories have golden, green sparkles.

Below is the technique for performing hairstyles for the New Year 2018 for girls with a short haircut:

Such a variation of the bob hairstyle for the New Year 2018 is suitable for girls of different ages. Curls can be decorated with a headband or other bright accessory.

New Year's hairstyle-2018 "Twist" for short hair

Hairstyle for the New Year 2018 for short hair, called "Hollywood twist", has not lost its relevance. The hair is divided into two parts with a side part. On the one hand, a wide strand is selected, winding it around the phalanges of two fingers. Then the fingers are carefully removed, and a curl is formed from the twisted strand like a roll, secured with invisibility. A similar manipulation is carried out with the rest of the strands, while making sure that all curls are approximately the same size. The finished styling is abundantly sprayed with varnish.

Hairstyles for the New Year 2018 for girls and teenagers

Not only adults, but also children are preparing with trepidation to meet a merry winter holiday. "Hair bow" is a cute and comfortable hairstyle for the New Year 2018. You can do it yourself in just a few minutes, using a minimum of hairdressing tools. The child will definitely like it. The styling will retain its attractive appearance until the morning.

Read the algorithm for performing this hairstyle for the New Year 2018 for girls below and follow the tips:

  1. The hair is combed back, they are made of a high, dense ponytail.
  2. Free curls are divided in half. One part is wrapped around the base of the tail, the end of the skeleton is fixed with invisibility.
  3. The remaining curls are again divided in half, one of the sections is twisted into two fingers, a curl is formed. It is fastened horizontally with hairpins at the root of the tail.
  4. The same loop in the horizontal plane is made opposite.
  5. The result is an original bow-shaped improvisation. At the point where the two loops converge, you can attach a hairpin with bright rhinestones (green or yellow).

Hairstyles for the New Year 2018 for teens allow loose or collected curls. You can pre-curl them, straighten them, and also paint individual strands with a tonic in a bright shade.

Stylists present many non-trivial proposals and recommendations that will be useful in the process of preparing for the holiday. Beautiful hairstyles for the New Year 2018 can be very different, but in any case, they need to be selected in accordance with personal parameters. It is not necessary to run to a hairdressing salon to look irresistible on the night of the solemn chime - it is quite possible to do fashionable hairstyles for the New Year 2018 yourself!

How to look perfect on New Year's Eve? How to style your hair? These questions are asked by every girl, and the closer December 31 is on the calendar, the more excitement about this.

Today we will tell you about the best hairstyles for the New Year for short, medium and long hair.

We all want to decorate for the New Year not only our home and the New Year tree, but also our beloved.

Your New Year's look should be pretty, graceful and sexy. And the hairstyle plays a key role in this. In the Year of the Fire Rooster, your hair is simply obliged to look gorgeous and dazzling!

Stylists' tips on how to properly make a New Year's hairstyle

First of all, the key to the beauty and success of your hairstyle is the health and strength of your hair. Without these factors, no matter how hard you try and no matter what elements and decorations you use, you cannot achieve a good result. Unhealthy hair catches your eye and there is nothing you can do about it. So take care of improving the condition of your head of hair in advance - start right now! Use natural nourishing and moisturizing hair masks and balms.

  • Remember: in winter, the hair is especially weakened due to temperature extremes and the wearing of hats.
  • Apply the shampoo correctly, lather it at the roots, and on still damp hair, apply a balm suitable for your hair type, paying attention to the ends.
  • Look for quality hairsprays and other styling products. Remember: it is not worth saving here, because the quality and durability of your hairstyle for the New Year will depend on these funds.
  • Repetition is the mother of learning. These words of wisdom are also suitable for creating your hairstyle. You will not find that you will be able to create your own unique look the first time a few hours before New Year's Eve. Practice in advance so that by the time of the holiday you will have everything ready - both the means and the skills.
  • Even if you decide to entrust the creation of your New Year's hairstyle to a specialist - try to make different options yourself to save time later - it will be just great if you come to the master with a clear idea of ​​the image that you want to get as a result of his work.
  • Experiment and try new options. Only through trial and error can you choose the perfect hairstyle that suits you. If you liked the photo of the hairstyle, don't rely on it 100%. It may not suit you because of the individual characteristics of your face and head structure. Therefore, before a festive styling or a trip to the stylist, try to recreate the hairstyle chosen in the photo with your own hands.

New Year's hairstyle for long hair - photo


New Year is a fairy tale. So why not try on the image of the fabulous Rapunzel on this night?

This look involves a braided braid to the side, with large strands and voluminous fleece. For all its seeming simplicity, this hairstyle will add femininity and unobtrusive sexuality to your look. This image is especially suitable for blondes and the owner of curly curls.

To create a fabulous braid, you first need to take care of sufficient hair volume. Use volumizing products, then comb through the curls thoroughly. For fixing, you can use invisibility.

Then you have to weave a "French braid". Don't be alarmed, it's not that hard. The braid is woven from the back of the head, and towards the end of its strands are slightly stretched, creating a kind of effect of chaos and disorder.

If you are a brunette, do not be discouraged. An alternative option is suitable for you - a hairstyle in a wave of curls also on one side. To do this, using a curling iron, curly curls are twisted, which are then neatly stacked on one side. Again, you can fix the hairstyle with the help of varnish and invisibility.

New Year's hairstyles for long hair for brunettes

Of course, you should not be limited to one version of the French braid. There are no limits for your imagination. You can create the following braid and curl hairstyles:

Side wave

French waterfall

Scythe snake

Weaving a ribbon or cord into a braid or curls

Two braids on the sides

Bulky scythe snail

Ponytail - simple and stylish

But, as they say, not a single oblique! Another stylish element of your New Year's hairstyle can be a ponytail. It will be more relevant than ever in the year of the Rooster, because this bird is famous for its crest. There are plenty of options here too:

Smooth tail

Ponytail - looks feminine and natural. You can use a bright accessory in the form of a large hair clip with it.

Eccentric vertical ponytail bangs

And, of course, as without a fluffy rooster tail. Bright hair of a red or reddish hue will look best here:

Moving on to the beams

Despite all the formality and simplicity of hairstyles with buns, they can be ideal for a festive night. A bundle in combination with good earrings can just work wonders.

Wavy strands combined with a bun create a feminine and romantic look

A crown-shaped bundle - become the queen of the ball!

Carelessness in creating a bun can also look cute and elegant:

A vertical beam directed upwards will undoubtedly draw the attention of all guests to your person:

A bun in the form of a woolen ball - even stars are often used:

Bows - modesty and elegance

A bow in your hair will help create a flirty look. It goes well with a ponytail or a scythe:

Bow with a braid

Bow with a tail

Fancy bows

Hairstyles for medium hair - photo

With medium hair length, you can create an image that is not inferior to long curls.

Classic hairstyles for medium hair length

Weave the braid again and place it around the head. Simple and elegant hairstyle will not leave anyone indifferent.

The retro style in the hairstyle will favorably distinguish you from the crowd, and the use of a hat or other accessory in the form of a flower will enhance the effect:

We combine everything in one - a braid, a bun and curls on the sides. This option will elegantly highlight your face contour.

Even a simple bun with a small hair clip can outshine even the most creative hairstyle:

Loose hair has not been canceled. Simple, stylish and without any special problems:

Curling your curls and giving them volume, you will effectively emphasize your festive style. The brighter the hair dye in this case, the better:

To create a hairstyle in the style of the 50-60s of America is also quite simple, but it looks very impressive:

Modern hairstyles for medium hair

Remember? Year of the Rooster! We copy his "hair":

Shaved whiskey and the back of the head are still trending. If you want to look bold and slightly defiant - this option is for you:

An asymmetrical hairstyle with a combination of curly curls on one side and fixed strands on the other:

New Year's hairstyles for short hair - photo

Bangs are a key element for creating a luxurious look for the owner of short hair.

Long bangs look great:

Asymmetrical styling with side bangs - just spread the strands and secure with varnish or wax:

A very eccentric look with curly locks that covers half of the face:

Slightly tousled hair is another option for a stylish look:

New Year's hairstyles from showbiz stars

With whom to take an example for the New Year, if not from the representatives of show business:

New Year's hairstyles for stars - Ani Lorak

New Year's hairstyles for the stars - Lera Kudryavtseva

New Year Celebrity Hairstyles - Selena Gomez

Easy hairstyles for the New Year - video

Gorgeous hairstyle for the New Year - video