The problem of child cruelty. Cruelty and aggression in adolescents as a social phenomenon

... Recently, not a day has passed that in news feeds and social networks there have been no reports that adolescents brutally beat or killed a peer, a passer-by, and devoured animals. Despite the angry comments from the public, the indignation of school teachers and parents, the preventive work of the police, such cases continue to multiply. In this article, we have compiled a selection of the seven most high-profile crimes committed over the past two years. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of teenage violence.

1. A ninth-grader staged a shooting in Ivanteevka near Moscow. The tragedy took place on September 5 at the local school # 1.

A 15-year-old ninth grader came to class armed with a traumatic pistol and a hammer. First, he threw firecrackers along the school corridor, and then burst into one of the classrooms, where at that moment his class teacher was teaching the lesson. The ninth grader behaved extremely aggressively.

He ordered the students to sit down and then fired a pistol at the ceiling and at the teacher. The shooter hit the teacher in the head. She was later hospitalized with a gunshot wound. The schoolchildren were frightened and in the commotion that began, they began to jump out of the windows of the second floor. According to news agencies, three adolescents of 14 and 15 years old were injured. One was diagnosed with a fracture of the spine, the other - both legs, the third - an open fracture of the forearm.

The young shooter was detained by the police. Accompanied by his parents, he was taken to the local police station. The reasons why the boy decided on such a thing are still unknown. According to some reports, he prepared the action in advance.

2. In the village of Golubaya Niva, Slavyansky District, Krasnodar Territory, on August 31, a 12-year-old teenager beat a friend to death with a piece of metal pipe.

The investigation established that he hit a peer on the head 6 times, which caused the boy to die on the spot. All this time, there were two more teenagers nearby. They did not intervene in any way, but simply stood and watched their friend die. On the fact of the teenager's death, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Murder”.

A forensic medical examination has been appointed, all the circumstances and reasons for the incident are established. But since the teenager has not reached the age of criminal responsibility, the issue of placing him in a specialized institution for juvenile offenders is being decided.

3. In December 2016, a Moscow schoolgirl staged a public beating of a 13-year-old classmate to assert herself.

The girl beat her peer to the cheers of her classmates for about 20 minutes in the school yard, and the children filmed everything that was happening on the phone. The fight was stopped by a bystander who called the police and an ambulance. The doctors took the victim to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a concussion, contusion of the anterior abdominal wall, various severity of hematomas and contusions. A student was beaten for standing out from the crowd.

As the girl's mother said, her eighth-grader daughter did not drink or smoke, thereby not supporting the teenage group.

A similar incident took place in June 2016 in Korolev. A 15-year-old girl was severely beaten by classmates and posted the video on social networks.

4. In July 2017, a tragedy occurred near Novosibirsk, where four teenagers beat a 40-year-old man to death with sticks.

As the investigators found out, two 16-year-olds, one 15-year-old and one 11-year-old boy beat the man who reprimanded them in the street with sticks from the fence and kicked. A passer-by died from his injuries. The incident took place in the village of Sokur, Moshkovsky district.

The teenagers fled from the scene, but the police tracked them down. Charges were brought against the defendants in the case, and by a court decision they were taken into custody. The 11-year-old participant was not prosecuted due to his age.

5. In October 2016, in the same Novosibirsk, a 13-year-old girl asked 16-year-old friends to deal with her grandmother and little brother.

The murder was prevented thanks to the schoolgirl's mother who returned home early and a neighbor, a commando. On the day of the crime, the teenagers arrived at the crime scene with a knife, bat and keys to the apartment, which the 13-year-old hostess had given them in advance. The teenagers found an ax in the apartment. As the investigative committee officially describes the massacre, "the teenager struck multiple blows with a wooden bat and a knife on the body, while his 16-year-old girlfriend wounded an 11-year-old grandson with a knife and locked him in a room."

At that moment, the 41-year-old hostess returned home. The raider, turning around, on the threshold hit her several times with an ax on the head and body. At the woman's cry for help, a neighbor jumped out in the stairwell - a special forces soldier. He managed to prevent the murder. The teenagers were detained.

It turned out that the 13-year-old customer of the murder had a happy family. A criminal case was initiated under the article “Attempted murder of two or more persons, associated with robbery”. But for a 13-year-old girl - the organizer of the crime - the age of criminal responsibility did not come at that time.

6. In November 2016, in the Pskov region, 15-year-old teenagers fired at police officers and then committed suicide.

The boy and girl opened the safe in the relatives' house and took a gun. With him, they locked themselves in the country house and opened fire on the policemen, whose car was parked at the house, while they turned on a live broadcast on the Internet.

When the group broke into the house, the teenagers were dead. They committed suicide. Romantic interpretations of the tragedy immediately appeared. These teenagers began to be compared to Bonnie and Clyde - the famous American robber lovers or even Romeo and Juliet.

7. In October 2016, news spread throughout the country that three girls in Khabarovsk, under the guise of volunteering, were taking homeless animals from shelters, and then mocking them, and then posting videos and photographs of their atrocities on the Internet.

According to the investigation, at least 15 animals and birds became victims of adolescents. By the way, there were also people among the objects of their attacks. Fortunately, the case did not come to murders, but facts of bullying of peers were recorded. In August of this year, the court sentenced the knackers. They will spend different terms in a general regime colony, and in addition, they will be involved in public works.

Many children begin to show aggression at an early age, and, discovering the tolerant attitude of adults, they continue to develop this trait in themselves. Why do violent teenagers appear in society, and is it possible to somehow deal with their aggression?

The influence of the family on the origin of adolescent cruelty

The cruelty of adolescents can arise at once for several reasons, and both the parents themselves and the schoolchild's environment have a negative impact here.

For example, psychologists call one of the main reasons for such aggression the indifference of adults to the child's problems. In adolescence, a student experiences serious psychological and emotional pressure, so he needs the support of loved ones. However, parents, absorbed in career and personal problems, sometimes ignore the interests of their child. Not receiving decent support and help, the student closes in on himself, splashing out his problems in real life in the form of outbursts of inexplicable aggression. Moreover, the cruelty of the child sometimes manifests itself not only in relation to others, but also in relation to himself.

Another reason for the violent behavior of adolescents towards others is the negative influence of the environment in which he has to live. Often in families where one of the parents suffers from some form of addiction (alcohol or drug), children grow up to be aggressive and cruel. Of course, this does not apply to every child who came out of a dysfunctional environment, but the negative example of adults in any case has a negative impact on the child's psyche. Trying to show his indifference to the situation in the family, the child more and more often shows aggressiveness towards those children who are more fortunate in terms of family well-being.

A child can also adopt aggression directly from the parents themselves. If the head of the family often engages in assault, this becomes a serious reason for the origin of cruelty in the heart of a teenager. In the future, the situation will only get worse, and the student's behavior will become even more egregious. That is why, if there are incentives for the development of cruelty emanating from the family, the child should contact a psychologist as soon as possible. Professional help can help you cope with an identity crisis by suppressing excessive aggression.

The influence of social circle on the origin of adolescent cruelty

Teenage violence sometimes has nothing to do with the situation in the family. It often happens that an absolutely prosperous social unit releases a cruel and extremely aggressive teenager into the world. The behavior of a schoolchild can change in just a few weeks: yesterday the child seemed obedient and affectionate, and now he does not react in any way to the caress of adults, showing incredible aggression.

In such situations, the problem usually lies in changing the circle of friends. If a student begins to communicate with not the most decent peers, then he will immediately begin to adopt their habits. Sometimes even the most decent children, once in a bad company, begin to show cruelty towards others, teachers and parents.

Another reason for the emergence of teenage cruelty is the desire to get rid of the old image. Sometimes children who are bullied and ridiculed in class turn into real aggressors and dictators with deep inner trauma. They need urgent help from specialists, otherwise the behavior model will worsen every day, which can ultimately lead to extremely negative teenage changes. Sometimes these downtrodden children turn into ruthless sadists for one single reason: they never saw pity on the part of others.

Often, a child's aggression arises from conflicts with teachers or first failures in love. The child's psyche, which is not fully formed, turns out to be unprepared for such blows of fate. As a result, aggression turns out to be only a means of dealing with one's complexes. If the problem continues to develop, then the student's general behavior worsens, and his aggression towards others increases.

Other stimuli for the emergence of child cruelty

Of course, there are times when child cruelty begins to emerge at an early age, even before entering school, but such cases are extremely rare and associated with serious mental disorders. Most often, cruelty and aggression, as traits of a child's character, appear precisely in adolescence. This is due to elementary internal restructuring of the body. The child changes in a psychological and physiological sense, which turns into complexes and constant depression. Children suddenly encounter the adult world and adapt to it with the help of increased and sometimes unreasonable cruelty.

Constant hormonal surges lead to the fact that children literally have no way to control their fits of rage, and this turns into problems in the family, misunderstandings on the part of friends.

Nowadays, psychologists often talk about how modern culture affects the increase in the level of cruelty in adolescents. Many films are replete with frank and aggressive scenes, and not the most positive musicians and actors with sometimes inappropriate behavior become role models for children. As a result, even with their favorite characters from films or with real actors with inappropriate behavior, children sometimes adopt their habits and nuances of behavior in society.

Modern computer games also strongly influence adolescents. Their excessive cruelty and exaggerated activity makes children feel stressed and angry all the time. Studying this issue, psychologists have repeatedly proved that a great love for computer games and adults, aggressive films leads to violations in the behavior of the child. Teenagers literally have no control over their cruelty, with disastrous results in terms of their normal socialization.

The first signs of incipient aggressiveness are easy to notice: the child begins to study worse, he is no longer so willing to do his homework and is rude to his parents. The authority of the elders does not seem indisputable to the adolescent, and this affects the general model of behavior. However, adults often ignore these early signs of incipient aggression, attributing them to adolescent crisis. That is why the cruelty that has already originated in the heart of the child continues to develop unhindered. If adults do not now begin to take care of the future psychological state of the younger family member, it will no longer be possible to prevent his moral decay in the future.

It is much easier to deal with child cruelty in the event that a trusting, close relationship has reigned between the child and the parents. In this case, mom and dad should talk to the teenager, explain that his behavior hurts others and gives them a lot of inconvenience. In the early stages of the development of the problem, such a conversation can still help.

If the relationship between the child and adults leaves much to be desired, you will have to seek the help of professionals. Psychologists know how to carefully influence the role models of a teenager, fundamentally changing his daily behavior. Constant conversations with a teenager will eventually lead to the fact that he will give up baseless cruelty and aggression.

Often the emergence of this problem is associated with the appearance of feelings that were previously unfamiliar to the teenager. So, for example, if a second baby appears in the family, the student may experience burning jealousy, which will result in increased cruelty. Having identified the cause of the incipient problem, adults need to try to make the older child an important part of the younger's life. Once a teenager realizes that his parents also love and respect him, his excessive aggression will subside.

Often, due to their own employment, parents do not even try to control the interests of their child, they do not try to talk to him, introducing only groundless restrictions. Do not forget that in adolescence, children strive for independence, they do their best to prove their worth as individuals. By introducing permanent restrictions, adults will only ensure that the child's behavior continues to deteriorate. Excessive pressure from others will result in a real wave of rage, which is sometimes impossible to cope with. That is why you need to act carefully, day after day, proving your child your love and desire to support him.

Gradually, as you grow older, aggression will fade into the background, in fact, like cruelty. It can be extremely difficult for a teenager to cope independently with such internal demons, so it is great if understanding parents are next to him, ready to support in any, even the most controversial situation. Without adequate attention to the problems of the younger family member, his violence will continue to progress.

Child aggression is a real scourge of modern society, and it is extremely difficult to deal with this problem, especially if the child's parents are not interested in helping him. At the age of 14-17, a teenager needs additional attention from loved ones, and without him the child will simply withdraw into himself, and the level of his cruelty will grow day by day, worsening relations with both adults and peers.

The teenager set the man on fire for his unwillingness to talk to him ... the 14-year-old "ordered" his parents ... The older schoolchildren raped the younger with the handle of a shovel ... The girls in a perverted manner mocked their classmate ... Every year there are more and more criminals under the age of 18. What is the reason for the brutality of adolescents? Why do they become rapists so easily? Moreover, they record their own actions on mobile phone cameras and post videos on the Internet? Without even realizing that they themselves provide evidence against themselves to law enforcement agencies.

No matter how everything is veiled there, you can always calculate. What is this bragging about your own savagery? What stupidity, if you can speak of intelligence at all!
And the most absurd thing is that parents are paying for the crimes of quite sexually mature idiots. They, of course, are also involved (without their upbringing, or rather, his absence), it could not have done. But let the teenagers pay. Not a criminal punishment (if it comes only from the age of 14 for especially grave and if after the colony they are released only more matured), but physical labor (as difficult as possible) with the payment of moral and material compensation to the victims.
Our experts argue about this: Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist, Vladimir Slyunyaev, Social worker, Daria Lebedeva, jurist, Zoya Polyanskaya, teacher, Anna Pinaeva, sexologist.

Emotional incompetence

- In the US state of Florida, 12-year-old boy Christian Fernandez is being tried. He is charged with the brutal murder of his two-year-old stepbrother. This article provides for the punishment of life imprisonment. The trial of Christian Fernandez is unprecedented, since the American Themis has never brought such serious charges against teenagers before. In Russia, there are also enough terrible crimes committed by minors, but most often they are not threatened with anything serious for this.
Daria Lebedeva, lawyer:“Moreover, if earlier it was the norm for young criminals to repent for their deeds, to understand that they caused pain and grief to their victims, now there are very few of them. Society has withdrawn itself from educational functions, including from the suggestion of such a fact as the irreversibility of punishment.

- I think the fact that the birth of modern youth fell on the difficult 90s played an important role. It was during this period that the institution of marriage cracked at the seams: one of the men drank himself to death, someone decided that it was easier for one. As a result, the number of single-parent families has increased dramatically. This played a critical role - there were boys who could not take responsibility for themselves.

- I agree that the factor provoking aggressive behavior comes from intra-family relations and the process of family education. Increasingly, cruelty comes to the fore in the educational process. More often than not, it is the cruelty of parental influence that destroys the personality of the adolescent.

Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- Modern adolescents do not understand either themselves or people, this is confirmed by trainings for aggressiveness. Interestingly, boys and girls who are capable of killing and rape often do not even know how cruel and terrible they are. Today, the majority of the younger generation has emotional incompetence - the inability to understand their own emotions and the emotions of other people.

Daria Lebedeva, lawyer:“And as a result: there are more and more murderers and rapists from 14 to 18 years old, that is, those whose age has approached the mark when their actions can be prosecuted by law. Today's criminals are different from the hooligans of the 70s and 80s. In 2000, the first HIV-infected people appeared. The number of adolescents who use drugs began to grow. Today, 90% of those in custody are there for especially grave crimes, more than 30% for rape. And most often for rape and murder. Teenage cruelty will grow as attitudes towards children in our society only get worse. And there are more and more crimes committed against children.

Not loved?

- What is the reason for the increase in crime?
Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- With a lack of contact between parents and children. Unfortunately, the mothers of future criminals were unable to cope with their main duty - to give them love. From how much love the child received in childhood, character traits such as the ability to sympathize and empathize are formed.
The family is a self-regulating system: if it fails and one of its members is uncomfortable, it will definitely manifest itself. If parents show aggression towards the child and the relationship between fathers and children is built on fear, then the child can accept this behavior and apply it when communicating with peers. Or, on the contrary, to accept the point of view that it is he who is to blame for everything, that he is bad. That it is useless to defend oneself and there is no escape from the cruelty of peers, it is deserved.
- That is, domestic violence is a direct cause of aggression?
Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- Not always! Overprotection can also create a sense of permissiveness: “I am the best, and I must be obeyed. Everything I want should belong to me. " A child who has not been taught to respect in the family will not learn it anywhere else. A person who does not know how to respect does not cost anything to humiliate another.

Zoya Polyanskaya, teacher:- Children, like a sponge, absorb information from the outside, and the main source of information is the immediate environment and family. The way parents behave in a given situation, how they communicate with each other, is perceived as the norm. In the future, everything learned at home is melted into its own system of values ​​and beliefs.
The unhealthy environment in the family gives rise to a teenager's negative attitude towards the world, a lot of negative emotions and, as a result, cruelty - a way to avenge the hurt and humiliation caused.

Daria Lebedeva, lawyer:- Out of 100 cases of violence against children in families, about 1 - 2 end in the death of the victim from beatings.

Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- At the same time, behind external aggression there is always an internal one - an emotional state that arises as a reaction to the experience of the insurmountability of some barriers or the inaccessibility of something desired. In practice, spontaneous aggression is accompanied by additional strong emotions - anger, hatred.

Vladimir Slyunyaev, social worker:- Child abuse shortens the period of full-fledged family socialization, the role of parental authority is weakened.

Zoya Polyanskaya, teacher:- Often an adult, punishing, only humiliates the child. Blocking the right to self-defense leads to aggressiveness. Subsequently, violence becomes an end in itself for the adolescent.

Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- Aggression is usually developed by the "severity" of upbringing.
- But listen, in that case the parent should be either dumb or super-affectionate, that is, allow everything? I was punished, but I never felt the desire to kill my mother, father or teachers!
Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- Punishment can lead to a decrease in aggression in adolescents who identify with their parents. If there is no such identification, then punishment, on the contrary, is associated with aggression.

Perpetrator or victim

- Is it possible to distinguish a useful punishment from a harmful one?
Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- Confused relationships are typical for a conflict family. This is a family with a father or stepfather on the periphery of the family field. Or a family with constantly conflicting parents, or with chronic hostility between its individual members, as well as relatives on the maternal and paternal lines. In such situations of aggression, it is easier to win the soul of a teenager.

“These families often have problems with alcohol. Because this is a way to get away from the unwillingness to discuss intra-family problems with someone around, such a family actively avoids support from the school, social protection services, just neighbors. Problems that arise frequently are resolved on an emotional level. Such families are characterized by a mismatch between words and actions; between some messages from parents like: "I love you" - and others - repulsive: "Go away, tired, do not interfere" - which causes contradictory feelings and reactions on the part of the child.
In such families, children are worried about the uncertainty of the future, as a rule, they are not comfortable at home, they tend to spend more time on the street. Statistics show that 95% of these children have a tendency to vagrancy, to theft - in 94%, to hooliganism - in 60%, to early alcoholism and drug addiction - in 41%, to sexual disorders - in 4.5%.
- And what happens in prosperous families?
Vladimir Slyunyaev social worker:- In prosperous families, they are also worried about the beginning of an independent life for a child. For these families, confrontation over the influence of peers, friends in class and in the yard is no exception, that is, the dominant attitude towards isolation from the child and adolescent environment, which is virtually impossible, and does not prevent various forms of problematic, risky behavior and self-destructive drug experiments or abuse of them.

Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- Children strive to transfer the style of intrafamilial patterns of behavior to their relationships with others. In such situations, the teenager begins to use alcohol or drugs faster. And his justification for such behavior is iron: I am a hindrance in the life of his parents. After all, both emotional rejection and hypocrisy are a style of upbringing in which the child is left to himself, and the child's abuse is identified with negative moments in the life of the parents.
- What does emotional rejection mean?
Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- This is when inattention to the child comes to the fore, which is perceived as a hindrance in life. In case of cruel treatment, emotional rejection is combined with unjustifiably harsh punishments in the form of deprivation of pleasure and beatings. This style of upbringing leads to the formation of neurotic disorders and increased emotional volitional instability or
impulsivity. This is often the reason for the use of drugs by adolescents. Another reason for the onset of drug addiction is the child's lack of psychological defense methods that allow him to cope with emotional stress.

Daria Lebedeva, lawyer:- Criminological and psychological studies show that due to the peculiarities of age, personal lack of formation, minors have an increased predisposition to become both victims of crime and criminals.

Find and kill

- Where does such ease to robbery, murder, violence come from? After all, even 20 - 30 years ago there were no ideal families, but the teenager's crime was an emergency.
Zoya Polyanskaya, teacher:- Not only intra-family relationships provoke violence, it is shown in abundance on television or cruel games that children play on computers from an early age. And then in our country at the state level there is no policy of educating young people. After all, the psychology of adolescents requires unification, for them the desire to gather in groups is a need. Once this function was carried out by a pioneer organization, children's youth sports schools, but now there is nothing.
But if adolescents do not have a musical, sports union, it will still be, but with a minus. That's where gangs come from, that's why teenagers kill just for the sake of new experiences.

Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- Not everything is so simple. Teenagers do what they love the most. After practicing swimming for a month, they declare that this is not quite right, and with the same passion they switch to computer games, the task of most of which is to find and kill.
Moreover, popular culture gives rise to the myth that everything is easy. I bought a product - won a million, ate a pill - lost weight, bought a fashionable thing - and everyone loves you. You don't have to make an effort to get what you want. In fact, it doesn't work that way. The reason for the aggression is social inequality. The girl begins to jealously compare her clothes and hairstyle with the samples that she sees on the street and on the covers of magazines, splashing out on her mother about the existing discrepancies. A teenager can experience the absence of a jacket - the same as everyone in his company - like a tragedy.
Any "bad" is looking for a way out, compensation. And aggression is one of the ways to splash accumulated negativity. Parents take it out on their children, children - on their peers. Aggression gives rise to reciprocal aggression, a vicious circle is obtained.

Zoya Polyanskaya, teacher:- For a teenager, cruelty is one of the few ways of self-expression at this age. The main talents have not yet emerged, and there is no value for raising one's own authority in the eyes of others. This can give rise to a desire to climb to the highest possible level of the school hierarchy. Simply put, the cooler you are, the safer you are. A teenager may well be convinced that force must be used to get to this stage.

Vladimir Slyunyaev, social worker:“Moreover, they are constantly fighting and killing on television. This contributes to the growth of aggression.

Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- It is not easy for an adult to cope with such a flow of negative information, let alone a child with a fragile psyche. Outwardly, nothing changes in a teenager: he studies in the same school, lives in the same family. All the same in the family, the child is treated like a little one. Parents give food, drink, dress, and for good behavior they can even reward with pocket money, a trip to the sea, going to the cinema, a new thing. The child objectively cannot be included in adult life, but strives for it and claims equal rights with adults.
Hence the attributes of pseudo-adulthood: smoking, parties at the entrance, trips out of town - I also have a personal life. External copying of adult relationships is a variant of adolescent socialization. The teenager has his own position. He considers himself an adult and treats himself like an adult. At the same time, he demands more rights than he takes on responsibilities. And he does not want to be responsible for something at all, except in words.
At this age, the opinion of the group to which he belongs is important for a teenager. His position in the group, the qualities that he acquires in the team, affect his behavior.

Teenage complex

- Is that why crimes are committed in a pack?
Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- In addition to the family, a circle of friends and company have a great influence on the behavior of a teenager. Once in an asocial environment, a weak and weak-willed person cannot establish his own rules, few find the strength in themselves to break out of the vicious circle. In a bad company, the crowd effect easily works - the crowd is faceless, which means that no one is responsible for their actions. And in a person who feels impunity, instinct often prevails over reason. Therefore, most of the crimes are committed precisely by groups of adolescents.
The age of 11 - 16 is called the adolescent complex. What is he like? First of all, sensitivity to outsiders' assessment of their appearance, extreme arrogance and peremptory judgments in relation to others. Moreover, attentiveness sometimes coexists with amazing callousness, painful shyness with swagger, the desire to be recognized and appreciated by others - with ostentatious independence, the fight against authorities, generally accepted rules and common ideals - with the deification of random idols

Anna Pinaeva, child sexologist:- The reason for many psychological difficulties is associated with puberty. This age is characterized by emotional instability and sharp mood swings from exaltation to depression. During the day, a teenage girl modestly sits with relatives and talks about virtue, and in the evening, piercing her ear with a dozen earrings, she goes to a nightclub, saying that "everything in life must be experienced."

Elena Tretyakova, school psychologist:- Aggression is a form of protection from those who interfere with understanding themselves, and the same adolescents. When a flock kicks someone who has fallen to the ground, then they protect themselves from something. Everything comes from life: what teenagers see around them, they copy with their actions.
Children do not understand what consequences cruelty can entail, they do not think that they can be punished for it, therefore they easily administer "justice". In most cases, violence occurs with the aim of establishing power and control over the victim, rather than seeking gratification.

Larisa Sinenko

P. S. Somehow everything is very correct, smooth and boring. Because again all the words, words, words. And in our time, unfortunately, they have lost their power, there are too many clear examples when words are at odds with deeds - quite often there is such a discrepancy among adults. Here's an example to follow. And no propaganda of beautiful values ​​will work anymore.
And the only desperate way out comes to mind: if you have committed a crime - violence against someone - go to a mine or an oil platform, away from civilization, even as a cleaner, even as a loader, even as a dishwasher. And work hard, getting what you deserve for negligence from strangers, temper in the absence of those who can intercede. Learn to do something other than violence with your own hands. And also, how to wean teenagers from video PR of their own idiocy?
We will definitely continue our conversation on this topic ...

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1 Yu.V. Mazeina, assistant of the department of legal disciplines of FSBEI HPE "ShSPI" Yu.A. Bulygina, student of the 3002 group of the Faculty of History and Law of the FSBEI HPE "ShSPI" Adolescent cruelty: reasons, solutions, prevention Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of child cruelty. The reasons and factors of its occurrence are revealed. Ways of solving this problem are also suggested. Key words: cruelty, adolescents, school, family, state The problem of teenage cruelty is becoming one of the most urgent. Every year more and more cases of cruelty among children are recorded. Schoolchildren beat their peers, filming the action on a mobile phone and posting videos on the Internet, drive classmates to suicide, insult passers-by, teachers and parents. If not so long ago, for most adolescents it was the norm to repent for what they had done and understand that they caused their victims physical and moral pain, now the opposite is true - there is a tendency for adolescents to be unaware of their atrocities, do not understand and do not feel guilty for themselves ... According to psychologists and sociologists, the symptoms of adolescent "approach" to aggressive behavior include: - smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs; - absenteeism from school; - entry into informal subcultures; - friendship with offenders and criminals; - impulsivity, irritability, conflict. 1

2 There are many factors that trigger aggressive behavior in adolescents. First of all, these are intra-family relations and the process of family education. It has been proven that most often children, whose parents pay little attention to them, show aggression. The manifestation of cruelty in the family, both moral and physical suppression of the child, leads to the same result. In this case, the child takes revenge on others for his injuries and moral humiliation. Not the least role was played by the fact that the birth of modern youth fell on the difficult 90s. The weakness of the institution of marriage in modern society, a healthy understanding of a complete family, has led to an increase in the number of divorces, single-parent families and has played a critical role in the emergence of adolescents who are not taught to take responsibility for their actions. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, every 7th child under 18 in Russia is brought up in an incomplete family. The majority of single-parent families are mothers with children (94%). Single dads are extremely rare, more often there are even orphans raised by grandparents. The most common single-parent family model is the parents / parent of a single mother and the mother herself with a child or even several children. But even a prosperous family is not a guarantee that a teenager will not feel permissiveness. For example, the persistent silence and reluctance of the leadership of educational institutions to admit that there is a problem of child aggression at school, and even more so, to do this, questioning the competence of teachers and class teachers in the ability to somehow control adolescent aggression and cruelty. In addition, society itself dictates violent behavior, shows examples through the media. Children and adolescents are in such a position that they do not understand how to behave, because in educational institutions they are told about social norms of behavior, but in real life they see 2

3 is completely different. Instability and injustice in society, the spread of computer games and movies, where heroes solve all problems exclusively from a position of strength, all this leads to the fact that adolescents consider aggressive behavior to be the norm. Thus, the manifestation of aggression in adolescents is influenced by: - ​​family relations, upbringing; - dishonesty of employees of educational institutions; - society, mass media; - informal associations; - lack of spiritual values. According to psychologist E. Tretyakova, modern adolescents do not understand themselves or people, this is confirmed by trainings for aggressiveness. Today, the majority of the younger generation has emotional incompetence, the inability to understand their own emotions and the emotions of other people. For the purpose of psychological support and social adaptation of difficult adolescents prone to aggressive behavior, it is necessary to strengthen the directions of correctional work that contribute to the formation of new behavioral stereotypes among young people, the upbringing of positive feelings in relation to older generations, peers, and oneself; development and enrichment of forms of communication with peers; the formation of the need for self-realization. Particular attention should be paid to adolescents from disadvantaged families. The most important thing is to find a favorite thing for such children, therefore it is important that psychologists and teachers guide and motivate the teenager. Realization of creative possibilities, improvement of morality are the most significant tasks in the learning process. 3

4 colors and big victories. The use of works of art, techniques and methods of art pedagogy in working with adolescents can make it more effective. It is also important that teenagers respect the faith and the Orthodox Church. After all, the church does not condemn adolescents for their actions, but helps to embark on the path of correction and repentance. Much attention should be paid to reading. It is necessary to create libraries that contain books for all age categories of children staying in the institution. Works of fiction have a great educational, cognitive and emotional impact on adolescents, contribute to the formation of a worldview, aesthetic tastes. In schools and orphanages, there should be ongoing subscriptions to children's periodicals. For example, in Europe, juvenile offenders are required to read books. In the German city of Fulda for more than a year there has been a project "Read instead of ...". Difficult teenagers voluntarily and compulsorily get acquainted with modern literature. The program participants are selected by Judge Christoph Mangelsdorf. The list of literature includes works written in youth slang. They are about adolescents who have faced sexual crimes, drugs, alcohol and mobbing (group bullying of one student by the rest, as a rule, if he is distinguished by something). Sports are an outlet for many teenagers. But there are a lot of problems here too. Mainly for games and sports, small asphalt grounds are set aside, fenced off on all sides. Only a few childcare facilities have gyms. So, special attention in working with difficult teenagers should be paid to: - psychological support; - art pedagogy; - sports; 4

5 - reading; - faith, moral education. Thus, it is important to use a wide range of measures to educate and develop the personality of adolescents, from family to educational institutions, while not forgetting about spiritual values. REFERENCES 1. Gusev, A. Adolescent cruelty: causes and increase in its level. What can modern Christianity offer in response to this modern challenge? // ROSKHVE, 2013 [Electronic resource] URL: 2. Child and adolescent cruelty // Gossip. [Electronic resource] url: okost (date of reference :) "I": family statistics. Institute of marriage. // State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Family and Women's Committee. [Electronic resource] url: (date of reference :). 4. Sinenko, L. Children-animals. // Everything a woman needs to know, 2013 [Electronic resource] URL: 5. Yakovleva, I. Good will respond with kindness. [Electronic resource] URL: (date of reference :). 6. Prevention of deviant behavior of PU students. [Electronic resource] URL: (date of reference :). 5

6 7. "Shakespeare in court", or: How to re-educate a difficult teenager. [Electronic resource] URL: (date of reference :). 6

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Goals: educating students in order to develop their own moral views, judgments, assessments; comprehension and analysis of psychological and sociological research.

Tasks: the development of moral personal qualities: kindness, a desire to help, sympathy, the ability to admit one's mistakes, analyze them and draw conclusions, the ability to forgive and be forgiven.

Preparatory work: questionnaire survey of students.

Equipment: presentation, multimedia projector, computer.

The class hour begins with reading a fragment of a poem, at which time there is a demonstration of photographs showing scenes of violence on the slides. (Slide 1)

To our common world, to our common home
Cruelty and weariness entered.
And I only regret
That pity for existence has disappeared.
We have forgotten how to distinguish
Good from evil and darkness from light.
And, having conquered people,
Cruelty celebrates the bride
Backhand hits enemies, friends,
Hearts and faces and windows.
And it seems to us that we cannot see
This whole life is one-sided
Since there is only one in the souls
Her Majesty is CRUELY.

The teenagers beat the man in response to his remark; girls scoffed at a classmate just because they “didn't dress” expensively and fashionably; A 12-year-old beat his grandmother, demanding money. It can take a very long time to list examples of teenage cruelty that we hear a lot in the news or read about them in the newspapers lately.

Teenage cruelty is a topic that is becoming relevant in Russia. Every year there are more and more criminals under the age of 18. What is the reason for the "brutality" of adolescents?

According to sociologists, over the past 10 years, the level of communication between adolescents has changed dramatically. Rudeness has become the norm, now obscenities from adolescents are heard at every step, and anyone can be “sent”, regardless of age and position.

I wanted to talk about why this is happening to us today. So the topic for our class hour is Teenage Violence. (Slide 2)

Psychologists and sociologists, studying this problem, identify the following possible reasons for the aggressive behavior of adolescents (Display all the reasons on the slide). (Slide 3).

  1. A family.
  2. Surrounding the teenager outside the home.
  3. Contemporary film distribution.
  4. Lack of authority (especially positive).
  5. Impunity.
  6. The desire to establish oneself at the expense of a weaker person.
  7. Inability to put yourself in the victim's shoes.
  8. Lack of tolerance (tolerance) in society, including among young people.
  9. The popularity of computer games - shooters.

Is it really so, we adults are interested in your opinion. Let's talk about it. So family. If parents, older brother or sister allow themselves the use of physical force in relation to the child, then in the future the child himself, as a rule, follows their "example". To test this opinion in preparation for the class hour, I asked you to answer the questions of the questionnaire. Let's take a look at the results of the survey, and at the same time let's not forget that you do not always answer honestly, even if the questionnaire is anonymous.

Results of the questionnaire (Slide 4).

  1. Do your parents often quarrel with each other? Yes - 1, no - 19.
  2. Have your parents used physical measures against you (a slap, a slap, a belt ...)? Yes - 0, no - 20.
  3. Have you gotten away from your older brothers or sisters? Yes - 8, no - 2.
  4. Have you used physical force against your younger brothers and sisters? Yes - 8, no - 12.
  5. What do you think, could you do without physical measures in these situations? Yes - 10, no - 10.
  6. Has it ever happened that you got it from your parents simply because of their bad mood? Yes - 5, no - 15.

Analyzing the results, we see that family relationships really affect our behavior and our actions. Aggression gives rise to reciprocal aggression. Do you agree with this? (Discuss with students the question of physical punishment of children in the family, about whether they will also punish their children in the future).

Consider the following reasons: the teenager's environment outside the home and the lack of authority (especially positive ones). I think that some of you have already had to be in a situation where you have to make a choice, and you lack a simple life experience. Who did you turn to in such cases for advice? (Discuss). It's no secret that there are people who easily succumb to other people's influence. This means that they can simply fight for the company, not realizing that the responsibility for the fight will lie with all its participants. (Discuss this topic with students about the following questions, ask for their opinion by asking them to raise their hands).

Have you ever fought?

Can you, just passing by, hit a person?

Did you enjoy the fight?

Have you ever been the instigator of a fight?

Was it possible at that moment to do without a fight?

Has anyone used physical force against you, that is, have you been beaten?

If you are abused, will you seek help from adults: parents, acquaintances, teachers?

Have you ever wondered why you hit someone? Why did someone say "nasty"?

I think that not everyone can answer these questions. In most cases, violence occurs with the aim of establishing power and control over the victim. Here are the following reasons for you: the desire to establish yourself at the expense of a weaker person and impunity. Teenagers do not always understand what consequences cruelty can entail, they do not think that they can be punished for it, therefore they easily administer "justice". But this is self-deception. By offending a knowingly "weak" we do not become stronger, but on the contrary, we show our weakness, and often cowardice. “Cruelty and fear shake hands with each other,” said O. Balzac. But the author of Don Quixote, Miguel Saavedra, believed that "cruelty cannot be a companion of valor." (Slides 5). Let's watch a fragment of the program “Let them talk” from November 26, 2012 “Girls from Vladik” (slide 6). (Discuss with students).

Another of the reasons listed above is: the inability to put oneself in the victim's shoes. Psychologists believe that today the majority of the younger generation has emotional incompetence - the inability to understand their own emotions and the emotions of other people. In class, you sit mostly with the same person. Do you pay attention to his emotional state when you greet him in the morning? After all, perhaps he does not feel well or simply did not get enough sleep. (Discuss the start of the day, behavior or emotions with students.) Can indifference be considered a manifestation of cruelty? (Discuss).

Look at each other. We are all different. Some people like us, and some don't. What do you think about it? Is it possible to make fun of a person if he is not like you? (Discuss). Lack of tolerance in society. This is the next possible cause of adolescent violence. Tolerance is the willingness to acknowledge, accept the behavior and views of others that are different from your own. (Slide 7)... Moreover, even if these beliefs and views are not shared and approved by you. We will not reveal today whether you have this quality in your character or not.

I suggest you get a little distracted and play. The first game is "Big and Small". (Slide 8). Its purpose: to help participants realize that any description of a person is relative, to develop non-verbal communication skills, to create a fun atmosphere. Game progress: draw an imaginary line in the middle of the room. Stand on this line. Now say, "Let all the tall ones go to the right half of the room, and all the low ones to the left." Ignore the doubts of those children who do not know where to stand. Prevent children from talking during the assignment. If you have time, you can ask the children to divide into those who are good at school and those who are bad. After completing the assignment, discuss it. The discussion should focus on the idea that it is usually impossible to divide people into two groups on any basis. There are no “highs and lows”. It all depends on the situation. Labeling often interferes with communication and collaboration. Issues for discussion:

  • Was the first part of the exercise difficult?
  • Why is it difficult to unambiguously decide which half to stand on?
  • what did you find out when you started doing the second part of the exercise?
  • Are there situations in life when people are inappropriately assigned to a particular group?
  • Have you ever put such labels on others yourself?

The second game is "We must agree." (Slide 9). Its purpose: to entertain the group; focus the attention of the participants; realize the value of cooperation; show that efforts are needed to achieve cooperation; rally the group. Course of the game: 10 people are selected, participants are invited to count to ten. But the whole group must do it. The first participant says "one", the second - "two", and so on. There is only one problem - if the participants say the number at the same time - the group starts over. All conversations are prohibited throughout the game. Questions for discussing the results of the game:

  • how did the game start?
  • what did everyone want first?
  • Why didn't it work at first?
  • how did you manage to count to ten?
  • Did a leader appear in the group, or did the order form by itself?
  • what does this game teach us?

Let's get back to the topic of the class hour. Modern film distribution, television, computer games - this is a huge stream of negative information, into which we plunge every day. According to research, on average, a child can see scenes of violence on television - every 15 minutes, in the evening - every 10 minutes. As a percentage of the total screening of scenes of violence, murders account for 30.3%, beatings - 20.8%, sexual violence - 16.7%, accidents - 11.3%, insults - 9.5%, group aggression (wars, terrorist attacks ). (Slide 10).

The popularity of violent games is also a factor in the assimilation of aggressive forms of behavior. (Slide 11) Play, in a sense, removes restrictions and makes violent behavior safe, not without consequences. However, a dangerous source of this behavior is that people experience humiliation and abuse in everyday life. Let's watch the video clip of the release of the "Week with Marianna Maksimovskaya" program on January 29, 2011 and fragments of the "Profession reporter" program "Children of the Internet - Catastrophic Addiction". (Slides 12,13,14). What do you think of it?

Today we talked about the causes of adolescent violence. The purpose of this conversation was to give you a reason to think about yourself and your friends, about your habits and the actions that follow from them. I was driven by a desire to try again to make you at least a little kinder to each other. And I want to end the class hour with the words:

Let's live without sorrow and sorrow,
Smile, illuminating all friends!
With all my heart, only radiating tenderness,
Let's live and make people happy!


  1. Site materials:
  2. Materials of the class hour "Lesson of Tolerance" Konovalova EN, secondary school № 5 Pechenga.
  3. Presentation materials of the methodologist-psychologist of the Lugansk Methodological Center Taratynova T.V.
  4. You Tube Video: