Professional coloring at home. How to dye your hair bright or pastel colors? Disadvantages of hair coloring at home

Many people know that hair dyes can be divided into two types:

1. Hair dyes for home dyeing (for the mass market);

2. Paints for professional use, which are intended for salon hair dyeing by hands of a professional beauty salon master. Mass market paints are sold in brightly colored boxes with an oxidizer inside, a container in which the paint will be mixed.

Professional paints have a more accurate shade, mix well and dilute with the rest of the shades in the palette. If you know some of the rules and features of paints for professional use, taking into account the peculiarities of the technology of applying the paint, you will be able to dye your hair correctly.

Hair dye number meanings

The numbers used to indicate the tone tell more than the color on the paint box for the mass market.

We will give the numbering using the paint palette. Dye palette numbers consist of three or two digits. Always the first number on the package indicates the depth of the tone of the paint. World practice uses a scale from one to ten. Usually, the higher the number, the lighter the tone.

1 - black

2 - dark brown

3 - brown-haired

4 - chestnut

5 - light chestnut

6 - dark blond shade

7 - light brown color

8 - light blond color

9 - light light blond color

10 - platinum blond

The second number is near the first, after the dot is the main shade. And the third number is a complementary shade.

0 - natural tones

1 - ashy shade

2 - purple tint

3 - golden hue

4 - shades of copper

5 - shade mahogany

6 - red shades

7 - cold shades

8 - chocolate

Choosing a professional hair dye color

Before starting your own hair coloring, we recommend using special tools that will help you choose the perfect hair color that will suit all parameters - skin color, eyes, hair type, face.

The main helpers for us are the color wheel and the color chart. These things need to be on hand when choosing a color, since we will bring it from point A to point B (recolor from one color to another). They will help you understand how your chosen shade will look when applied to an existing one.

Before you "color wheel":

Simplified diagram:

Natural color shades distribution chart:

1.It is necessary to determine what level of tone suits your hair color at the roots and along the length of the hair. If you have natural hair color, choose the same or a little lighter. If you already have dye on your hair, also determine the color of the length, but using other tabs. If there is gray hair, determine its amount on the crown of the head, temples and the entire head of hair.

2.After you have chosen 2 colors, determine what is the difference between the tones. If you have dark blond hair, lifting one tone higher is not enough to get a caramel color. Based on the difference, we select the correct oxidizing agent, consisting of hydrogen peroxide.

1.5% - suitable for bleached hair that needs toning. With the help of toning, you can get rid of the yellow tint, close the scales, make your hair shiny.

3% - suitable if you want to dye your hair a little darker to add shine to your hair.

6% - if dyeing is necessary without changing the tone, lightening one level, dyeing gray hair.

9% - to dye your hair two to three levels lighter. Much depends on the thickness of the hair.

12% - lightening by four levels with the use of special shades of blond.

To clearly explain to you how to understand the final color of the paint by its number, we follow the natural diagram (it is higher) and the same example 8.3 - 8 is the main color, we look above, we understand that we have light blond, 3 is dark chestnut, respectively the color is light brown with a shade of chocolate. Usually natural shades are numbered the same for all manufacturers, but be careful.

Something like this it will look like, why we will analyze it below:

Darkening blonde hair. How to dye your hair from blonde to brunette

First: we get rid of the thought that you just need to buy paint and dye your hair!

Small exam, test yourself

Having already learned the color wheel, answer the question: What happens if you take the 3rd level of dark brown and apply it to the 12th level of blonde hair?

We look at the wheel and understand that our hair color will be gray-green-brown, to put it simply - terrible.

We gave this example for those who think that you can “just buy paint” of the color you want and paint - you can, of course, but such actions will lead to the fact that you will be surprised with the result not for the better.

Remember coloring - this is filling the hair with pigment, so the intended result will not always be achieved the first time, especially when the color is completely etched out and the hair is completely empty, as is the case with blondes.

For example, the transition from light, never bleached hair to dark occurs in two stages. The first stage is primary filling. Filling the hair means replacing the pigment, first we nourish the hair a few levels below what we want to get (a lighter shade from the one we want to get in the end).

If blonde hair is dyed immediately in a dark color, without primary filling, then it will turn out to be dull and disappoint you. After we have saturated the blonde hair, we can dye it in the chosen dark tone. Pause for 1-2 days between the first and second staining.

How to apply paint

Paint is applied in various ways. But we'll talk about coloring the root zone: a cream is applied along the hairline, the hair is divided into 4 zones: from the forehead to the back of the head, from one ear to the other;

Many people know that hair dyes can be divided into two types:

1. Hair dyes for home dyeing (for the mass market);

2. Paints for professional use, which are intended for salon hair dyeing by hands of a professional beauty salon master. Mass market paints are sold in brightly colored boxes with an oxidizer inside, a container in which the paint will be mixed.

Professional paints have a more accurate shade, mix well and dilute with the rest of the shades in the palette. If you know some of the rules and features of paints for professional use, taking into account the peculiarities of the technology of applying the paint, you will be able to dye your hair correctly.

Hair dye number meanings

The numbers used to indicate the tone tell more than the color on the paint box for the mass market.

We will give the numbering using the paint palette. Dye palette numbers consist of three or two digits. Always the first number on the package indicates the depth of the tone of the paint. World practice uses a scale from one to ten. Usually, the higher the number, the lighter the tone.

1 - black

2 - dark brown

3 - brown-haired

4 - chestnut

5 - light chestnut

6 - dark blond shade

7 - light brown color

8 - light blond color

9 - light light blond color

10 - platinum blond

The second number is near the first, after the dot is the main shade. And the third number is a complementary shade.

0 - natural tones

1 - ashy shade

2 - purple tint

3 - golden hue

4 - shades of copper

5 - shade mahogany

6 - red shades

7 - cold shades

8 - chocolate

Choosing a professional hair dye color

Before starting your own hair coloring, we recommend using special tools that will help you choose the perfect hair color that will suit all parameters - skin color, eyes, hair type, face.

The main helpers for us are the color wheel and the color chart. These things need to be on hand when choosing a color, since we will bring it from point A to point B (recolor from one color to another). They will help you understand how your chosen shade will look when applied to an existing one.

Before you "color wheel":

Simplified diagram:

Natural color shades distribution chart:

1.It is necessary to determine what level of tone suits your hair color at the roots and along the length of the hair. If you have natural hair color, choose the same or a little lighter. If you already have dye on your hair, also determine the color of the length, but using other tabs. If there is gray hair, determine its amount on the crown of the head, temples and the entire head of hair.

2.After you have chosen 2 colors, determine what is the difference between the tones. If you have dark blond hair, lifting one tone higher is not enough to get a caramel color. Based on the difference, we select the correct oxidizing agent, consisting of hydrogen peroxide.

1.5% - suitable for bleached hair that needs toning. With the help of toning, you can get rid of the yellow tint, close the scales, make your hair shiny.

3% - suitable if you want to dye your hair a little darker to add shine to your hair.

6% - if dyeing is necessary without changing the tone, lightening one level, dyeing gray hair.

9% - to dye your hair two to three levels lighter. Much depends on the thickness of the hair.

12% - lightening by four levels with the use of special shades of blond.

To clearly explain to you how to understand the final color of the paint by its number, we follow the natural diagram (it is higher) and the same example 8.3 - 8 is the main color, we look above, we understand that we have light blond, 3 is dark chestnut, respectively the color is light brown with a shade of chocolate. Usually natural shades are numbered the same for all manufacturers, but be careful.

Something like this it will look like, why we will analyze it below:

Darkening blonde hair. How to dye your hair from blonde to brunette

First: we get rid of the thought that you just need to buy paint and dye your hair!

Small exam, test yourself

Having already learned the color wheel, answer the question: What happens if you take the 3rd level of dark brown and apply it to the 12th level of blonde hair?

We look at the wheel and understand that our hair color will be gray-green-brown, to put it simply - terrible.

We gave this example for those who think that you can “just buy paint” of the color you want and paint - you can, of course, but such actions will lead to the fact that you will be surprised with the result not for the better.

Remember coloring - this is filling the hair with pigment, so the intended result will not always be achieved the first time, especially when the color is completely etched out and the hair is completely empty, as is the case with blondes.

For example, the transition from light, never bleached hair to dark occurs in two stages. The first stage is primary filling. Filling the hair means replacing the pigment, first we nourish the hair a few levels below what we want to get (a lighter shade from the one we want to get in the end).

If blonde hair is dyed immediately in a dark color, without primary filling, then it will turn out to be dull and disappoint you. After we have saturated the blonde hair, we can dye it in the chosen dark tone. Pause for 1-2 days between the first and second staining.

How to apply paint

Paint is applied in various ways. But we'll talk about coloring the root zone: a cream is applied along the hairline, the hair is divided into 4 zones: from the forehead to the back of the head, from one ear to the other;

The topic of hair dyeing raises many questions, "how to paint with professional paint?", "How to match hair color to your face?", "How to care for dyed hair?" These and many other equally interesting questions inspired us to create this article.

Read how to color your hair with professional dyes yourself, without being a specialist. Follow the colouristic rules described in detail below and you will flawlessly overcome the difficulties of dyeing, become a real expert in this matter, dye your hair painlessly, and also save a lot.

Let's make a little introduction - The concepts of "level" and "shade" are often confused, remember, when we talk about the level of hair, we are talking about the degree of darkness, when we turn to a shade, we are talking about color.

Before starting your own hair coloring, we recommend using special tools that will help you choose the perfect hair color that will suit all parameters - skin color, eyes, hair type, face.

The main helpers for us are the color wheel and the color chart. These things need to be on hand when choosing a color, since we will bring it from point A to point B (recolor from one color to another). They will help you understand how your chosen shade will look when applied to an existing one.

Before you "color wheel":

Simplified diagram:

Natural color shades distribution chart:

With the help of this table, you can easily figure out the shades of colors that are presented in the wheel.

How to understand what the numbers on the paint mean and how to choose a color from them?

Formula: primary color (first digit) + tint that is added (second digit) + additional tint (it is minimal, usually considered a glint).

Natural colors color chart:

Natural colors always have their own tone from 1 and higher (if you see, for example, tone 8.3 - this means that the natural color will be with some shade (in the palette of each brand, the shade values ​​may differ, so when buying paint you will need to compare everything again).

1 is black
2 is a very dark chestnut
3 is dark chestnut
4 is chestnut
5 is light chestnut
6 is dark blond
7 is fair-haired
8 is light blond
9 is blond
10 is light blond

To clearly explain to you how to understand the final color of the paint by its number, we follow the natural diagram (it is higher) and the same example 8.3 - 8 is the main color, we look above, we understand that we have light blond, 3 is dark chestnut, respectively the color is light brown with a shade of chocolate. Usually natural shades are numbered the same for all manufacturers, but be careful.

Something like this it will look like, why we will analyze it below:

It is also very important to follow the simple rules for combining hair color with skin color, an incorrectly selected shade can give the impression of a pale or tired look, which will not suit us at all. Therefore, remember simple tips:

How to match your hair color to your skin color:

How to match your hair color to your eye color:

The choice of color according to the color type - winter, summer, autumn, spring:

Observe the tonalities indicated in the picture and you will choose the right hair color for yourself.

How to choose the right hair color according to your eye and skin color?

Let's move on to the next stage of our training. Now let's talk about hair developers.

Oxidants (oxidants, developers) how to choose them correctly?

"What is a developer?" Answer: A developer or oxidant (oxidant) is a peroxide or oxidizing agent that works to develop color on the hair. The oxidizing agent removes the natural color, which makes it possible for the artificial paint color of our choice to appear. That is, the desired color is achieved precisely thanks to the oxidizing agent.

Tip: Better to use the same brand of paint and oxidizer.

You need to choose an oxidizer according to its power, it depends on the percentage of hydrogen peroxide contained. It is designated as - volume. It is easy to determine the power of the oxidizer, it will depend on the chosen color. Use the table below to determine the oxidant for you.

If you are still not sure that you yourself have correctly decided on the color and oxidizer, contact the consultants in the store where you will buy paint for recommendations.

Tip: Buy professional paint from professional cosmetics and tool stores.

In the third stage of training, we will look at specific examples of staining.

Darkening blonde hair. How to dye your hair from blonde to brunette

First: we get rid of the thought that you just need to buy paint and dye your hair!

Small exam, test yourself

Having already learned the color wheel, answer the question: What happens if you take the 3rd level of dark brown and apply it to the 12th level of blonde hair?

We look at the wheel and understand that our hair color will be gray-green-brown, to put it simply - terrible.

We gave this example for those who think that you can “just buy paint” of the color you want and paint - you can, of course, but such actions will lead to the fact that you will be surprised with the result not for the better.

Remember coloring - this is filling the hair with pigment, so the intended result will not always be achieved the first time, especially when the color is completely etched out and the hair is completely empty, as is the case with blondes.

For example, the transition from light, never bleached hair to dark occurs in two stages. The first stage is primary filling. Filling the hair means replacing the pigment, first we nourish the hair a few levels below what we want to get (a lighter shade from the one we want to get in the end).

If blonde hair is dyed immediately in a dark color, without primary filling, then it will turn out to be dull and disappoint you. After we have saturated the blonde hair, we can dye it in the chosen dark tone. Pause for 1-2 days between the first and second staining.

What tools will you need to use and how to paint step by step instructions ⇒⇒⇒ Learn more

How to go from blonde to brunette?

If your hair is pre-lightened with blonde or after washing, and you want to make it darker or completely black, first of all we will eliminate the non-dyed. To do this, the first step is to protonate the hair.

Tip: You will practically not harm your hair if you use 10 volume oxidizer for a light golden color (7-8 natural tone according to the diagram).

Aligning the color in one tone, dry your hair and only then proceed to the 2nd step - we apply the paint of the desired color.

Step by step:

  1. Align the color transitions with toning (do not use "tonic" at all, they are not compatible with professional cometics). Homemade tonic recipe - 30 grams of paint (2 tones lighter) + 20 grams of shampoo + 10 grams of balm.
  2. Wash your hair.
  3. Dry your hair, let it rest for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Apply the color you want your hair to be.
  5. Wash, style, enjoy the result.

How to go from a brunette to a blonde?

Brunettes can really become blondes in several stages, it all depends on the original color, if it was black, then it will have to be lightened at least twice, if chocolate, before and once may be enough.

Step by step:

  1. Decolorize (for black color, do it 2 times with a break of one week).
  2. After the second wash, take a break a day and tint your hair or paint over to the desired blond with permanent paint.
  3. Rinse dry.

The fourth step is to consider the issue of hair washing.

How to bleach hair yourself? How to make a wash?

Bleaching or washing hair is done in order to make the hair light or wash off a boring color for a transition to a new one.

Hair whitening, or rather the result will depend on the chosen oxidizing agent. All oxidants, when mixed with blondoran bleach, will lighten the hair, the only difference is in the speed of the process. For example, if we mix blondran powder with 40 volume oxidizer, the lightening effect will happen quickly, but you should not choose it if you have thin hair, it is not suitable for this type of hair. 10 volume oxidizer will give the same result, but you need to keep it on your hair a little longer, but this combination is suitable for all hair types.

Tip: The proportions of blondeoran and oxidizer are 1: 1.5 or 1; 2 (1 measuring cup of powder to 2 or 1.5 measuring cups of oxidizing agent)

Hair bleaching steps:

Hair washing differs from bleaching in that shampoo is added to the mixture of blondoran and oxidizer. This is done for a gentle effect, the shampoo will envelop the hair and the rinse mixture will work more gently on the hair.

Hair remover recipe: Mix oxidizer, blondoran powder and add shampoo (oxidizer and shampoo are added 1 to 1). Apply the resulting mixture evenly to the hair and leave the development time depending on the selected oxidant. This type of wash will give the desired result without damaging your hair.

The fifth stage of our training is hair tinting after washing or dyeing.

How to tonic yourself correctly?

We can tone our hair in two ways - with paint and toners, the word toner is understood as a corrector. If you need to change the color level to make it neutral or brighter, we will resort to their help. For example, after bleaching your hair, you get a yellow color, but you want to get a real blond. Select the toner or ink of the desired color.

When choosing a concealer, look at your hair.

Answer 2 questions for yourself: What defect do you want to get rid of? Is it slightly coppery or too yellow?

Check your color with the color wheel. So that the unwanted shade goes into the desired beautiful tonality. Choose opposite color tones. Blue and purple toners are great for removing gold tones. Yellow and green toners are suitable for removing red.

We remind you that shades are located in the color zones

Add the corrector for the hair to the paint, for example, for 60 grams of paint, about 10-15 grams of the corrector will go. Use the instructions, as each company will have its own rules and dosages.

Homemade tonic recipe without corrector consists of shampoo, balm and paint. Average dosage - 60g paint + 20g shampoo + 10g balm or mask. The main point is to mix well.

Extra bright colors is our sixth stage of training.

How to dye your hair bright or pastel colors?

Bright pink, blue, green, purple, orange yellow or pastel hair is the result of discoloration and color dye. You won't be able to get a juicy color without bleaching your hair, the same goes for bed hair color. Do not be afraid to take the risk of a gentle bleaching method, we already know, but such paints will not harm. The image will be breathtaking!

  1. Make a wash (possibly several times).
  2. Feel free to dye your hair, the pastel will be taken the first time, and bright 2 times.

Hair in pastel colors:

Fashionable gray colors for gray hair

It is logical to move from pastel colors to the seventh, final stage about dyeing gray hair.

What oxidizing agent to use when dyeing gray hair?

Gray hair is harder to pigment on, but it's possible. Remember a simple rule, for dyeing gray hair, use an oxidizer of at least 20 volume.

If there is a lot of gray hair, for example, you want a cool white color, you need to use a neutral or golden shade to compensate for the natural color that is missing. If the gray hair does not go away, then we increase the power of the oxidizer to 30 volume to help the hair absorb the new color.

And the most important final stage of training, we will not number it, you need to remember it in any case!

Colored hair care

The healthier your hair, the easier and faster it will absorb the dye. Love them and take full care of them.

  • Maintaining colored hair healthy and rich is not difficult, do not use shampoo to preserve color, it does not help, but on the contrary washes out the color. Instead, try a cleansing cream that will cleanse your hair and keep it looking good.
  • Comb your hair, do it correctly by choosing a comb for your hair type.
  • If your hair does not respond to dyeing, drink protein preparations, and return to dyeing, focus on moisturizing your hair, without this, there is no way - moisturizing is the basis of hair care.

Use conditioners and masks. Pamper your hair with masks made from natural ingredients - organic.

.:: 10.04.2011

Every woman can change hair color for the holiday, in accordance with the mood, in order to attract the attention of a loved one or raise self-esteem.

Some periodically go to the salon to see a colorist, others immediately run to buy paint that is fashionable in the current season and paint at home, while others are stopped by prejudice: paints only harm, hair will be damaged, or the result will be far from expected.

Disadvantages of hair coloring at home

The easiest way, it is also the most reliable and expensive, is to dye your hair in the salon. However, in order for the hair to get a perfectly even and desired color, for the money spent, you need to find a very good master, this is not just a hairdresser - this is a colorist whose specialization is hair dyeing. Why such subtleties?

This is because you can dye your hair perfectly only once. Until the hair grows back and is cut off, all subsequent dyes can have a rather unpredictable result.

There are dyes that are never washed out of the hair, such as henna, basma or coloring tonics. If you have long hair dyed in the recent past, you can walk up to the mirror and in daylight, lifting a strand of hair above your head, you will see how the shade changes along the entire length of the hair.

So, if you are achieving the perfect result, or want to have a complex coloring (in several shades or colors) - go to the salon.

How to choose a dye for self-dyeing hair

You can dye your hair with great success at home, but then there is something to pay attention to:

Choose professional hair dyes. What we see in advertisements and on the shelves of cosmetic departments or hypermarkets is non-professional cosmetics. Professional hair dyes can only be purchased at specialized stores or at a hairdresser.

What is the difference? Hair dye contains ammonia, coloring pigment, hair structure care and preservative. At the same time, in professional paints, the quality and proportion of caring and pigmenting components is increased, ammonia is usually reduced. This affects the efficiency of the dyeing process and the cost of the paint.

On professional paints, the full composition, the percentage of substances, is always indicated. So, for example, the proportion of hydrogen peroxide (oxidant) for home paints should not exceed 6%, for professional paints it can be 6%, 9%, 12%. Therefore, with professional paints, you can immediately dye your hair in a lighter color, as well as completely paint over gray hair.

For example, I take the "londacolor lightening cream" from the local supermarket, ready to "give your hair stunningly expressive lighter shades." The instructions say that the cream will lighten the hair by 2-3 tones, but the amount of the oxidant is not even indicated, it only mentions that the composition contains hydrogen peroxide. This is non-professional cosmetics.

Whichever paint you buy, always check for skin reactions. To do this, apply a small amount of paint in a thin layer on the inside of the elbow and leave for 45 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. If during this time or during the next day there are no signs of an allergic reaction (severe redness, rash, itching), then the paint can be used.

When choosing a dye, first determine what your own hair color is. To do this, you need a palette, or a color card with strands, better than natural hair. There are palettes in which the strands are not fixed, but are held with Velcro, they can be brought to the head and compared. But always do color detection in good daylight.

Choose the right paint color. First, avoid drastically changing your color, especially if you are doing it for the first time. Lightening the hair for several tones can only be carried out by a master in the salon, at home the color of an unripe carrot, an uneven color change and even a scalp burn can turn out. Secondly, in order to successfully lighten it is not enough to know the structure of your hair, and to have high-quality paint, sleight of hand, speed and coordination of work are important. Therefore, it is better to trust the master.

Do not change your hair color to too dark (more than 2 tones), especially if you do not plan to stay that way for a long time. The growing hair will be lighter, and this creates the effect of gray hair even in young girls. In this case, it is advisable to paint over the roots again or repainted tone-on-tone (in its natural color).

To dye yourself with professional hair dye, you buy separately a cream paint in a tube and an oxidant separately.

In this case, the amount of oxidant (expressed in%) directly depends on the contrast of the selected color tone and your hair. So, if you paint 1-2 darker, then 3% peroxide is enough. Coloring with lightening up to 2 tones 6-9%, and up to 3 tones - respectively by 9-12%. When dyeing hair with gray hair about 50% or more, the proportion of the oxidant is 6-9%.

If you paint, tone on tone, then you can choose a paint without ammonia, where the amount of peroxide will be minimal (usually not more than 1.9%).

Do a color test on your hair. There are times when, even after careful selection of paint, after staining, the color is still not the same as we would like. To be sure to protect yourself from surprises, you can conduct a test. To do this, dilute a small amount of dye in a porcelain bowl, enough to color a small section of hair. Then pin up all the hair and separate a section of hair from the face, but not from the edge, but a little deeper. Place a strip of foil under it, apply paint with a brush and wrap. Soak the paint for the time recommended in the instructions, then unfold, wash and let dry. The result should be viewed only on dry hair. If you are satisfied with the result, you can color all your hair.

Which brand should you choose? Among professional paints, the most popular brands are Wella, Estel, L "Oréal, IGORA, Keune, Revlon. Perhaps there is a fairly wide selection !? It is advisable to choose hair care products from the same manufacturer.

When buying a paint, consider the length and volume of the hair; there should be enough paint, in no case a limited amount.

How to dye your hair yourself

For hair coloring we need:

  • Gloves,
  • Comb for separating strands,
  • Barber brush,
  • Hair Clips,
  • Swimming cap,
  • Plastic bowl for mixing paint,
  • Baby diaper on the shoulders,
  • Hand mirror.

Comb thoroughly before dyeing your hair. Dilute the paint according to the instructions. Then, put a diaper (or an old robe) over your shoulders and part your hair in the middle. Separate part of the hair from the back of the head with a comb and secure with clips.

First, color the hair in the front. Separate thin strands of hair and paint over with a brush on both sides of the parting. If the hair is dyed along the entire length at the same time, then the paint must be distributed immediately along the strands. If we paint over the growing roots, then we apply the paint only to them.

So, we painstakingly process strand by strand, securing the already dyed hair with clips. It is more difficult to dye the strands on the back of the head, a hand mirror can be useful here, but it is better to dye your hair before the trellis in order to better see yourself from the side, from the back and have free hands.

When all the hair from the roots is dyed, you need to put on a plastic cap and wait for the allotted time - usually 20-25 minutes. Then apply the rest of the paint to the brush and distribute it over the entire length of the hair.

When dyeing your hair at home, it is very important to do everything quickly, otherwise you can get different shades of hair from different sides of the head. Therefore, it is better to dye your hair for the first time with a tone that slightly differs from your own hair color. Or have a hairdresser ready to correct your mistake.

Alena Tungarova

Home dyeing is, first of all, simple dyeing (oddly enough, there are many “simple” options, and you can dye your hair well without a salon). Simple staining is one color staining. But look how much this concept contains:

  • update the color on the roots and along the length (that is, repeat the color);
  • dye your hair tone-on-tone for shine, saturation and coverage of the first gray hair;
  • dye natural hair 1-2 tones lighter;
  • make hair darker;
  • return your color to dyed, bleached and highlighted hair;
  • paint over a large percentage of gray hair (more than 50%).
  • etc.

Which paint to choose?

Use a good professional paint - it is less aggressive. Please note that you cannot buy such paints in supermarkets or just the nearest stores, only in professional ones. In the article "" I wrote in more detail about how professional paints differ from household paints.

Among the professional ones, you can choose the classic permanent dye with ammonia (it is capable of dyeing lighter). The content of hydrogen peroxide in Oxidante should not be higher than 6%. Less is possible, more at home is dangerous. 6% oxidant allows you to lighten natural hair by 1-2 tones and only he is able to paint over 50% of gray hair. I mean dyes of this type:

Matrix and oxidant 6%; Redken Color Fusion & Oxidant 6%. In order to dye your hair with professional paint, you need to buy the selected color and the oxidant that suits you.

I will not tire of repeating that a very good solution for home coloring are tone-on-tone dyes without ammonia. They do not lighten (the type of staining itself is called tone-on-tone). Not so long ago, more powerful developers appeared - when mixed with them, ammonia-free paints brighten quite a bit, as if they illuminate.

How to dye your hair safely?

If you never dyed their hair- be sure to do the test that all paint manufacturers require. On the elbow or behind the ear. Refrain from staining if you see an allergic reaction. You can try changing the selected color and / or dye brand.

From the necessary inventory, you will need a good wide brush (down with old toothbrushes, after all, the result is important to us), a comb with a ponytail for accurate separation into partings and a non-metallic bowl. There should be a lot of paint. This is very important especially for self-application and / or non-professional application. The amount of paint compensates for the quality of application, which cannot be achieved without experience. By the way, and therefore, too, paint-gel or gel-cream is better than paint-cream. Gel-based colorants have a lighter texture and are easier to distribute evenly.

For additional confidence in the result, do not be lazy to do a color test. Make the smallest volume of the mixture: 1-2 strands (you can also by eye). The strand for the test should be on the face: to see the combination with the skin and eyes. But it should not be the top or edge strand (along the hairline). So in case of failure, she will not ruin your hair.

How to make a test

  1. Pin up the "extra" hair with "crabs" or special clips. Prepare a piece of foil that matches the length and width.
  2. Separate horizontally a strand 5-6 cm wide and 0.5-0.8 cm thick.
  3. Apply the mixture thoroughly to the roots. Apply some of the mixture to the foil.
  4. Place foil under the strand. Apply paint length *. The foil will not fall - the mixture will act like glue. Don't brush your hair! They will still be useful to you. Do not cover the test strand with anything, as this may distort the color.
  5. Stand for the right time. Rinse and pat dry. Only on completely dry hair, see the result. Look at the color in different light, bringing the strand to your eyes and skin.


  • if the hair is natural, apply the mixture to the roots and length immediately (that is, as described in the test);
  • if the hair is dyed, then shorten the holding time on the length so as not to overload the hair with artificial pigment (from this the color darkens) and so as not to injure them once again.