DIY starch powder. Home-made powder: we make a natural, healthy and safe face powder at home. How powdered sugar differs from sugar

How to replace powder? It turns out that you can use natural products instead of this cosmetic. Which? Our article will tell you about this.

What can replace face powder?

A girl may have a situation when she needs to look 100%. But what if you don't have a cosmetic bag with you at the moment? Or is it all of a sudden that something from decorative cosmetics is over? If the whole problem lies in the powder, then it turns out that it can be replaced:

  • baby powder;
  • ordinary flour;
  • starch;
  • talcum powder.

All of these products are harmless to the skin. You can use them even every day, without thinking about the usual powder. But there is a significant disadvantage of these natural remedies - their effect is short-lived.

So how do you use all these powder substitutes? Choose a loose shade of natural color and add it to the flour. Instead of shadows, you can take blush. After mixing homemade powder, you need to make sure that the resulting tone matches your complexion. Try dabbing a small amount on your skin, and then decide whether to color the flour more or leave it that way.

How to replace powder: a recipe for natural rice powder

What can replace face powder? At home, you can make yourself a natural powder yourself. It does not provide as many different shades as store cosmetics. But its main advantage is that it is environmentally friendly. Therefore, girls with sensitive skin should take a closer look at our recipe.

How to make rice powder:

  1. Rinse white rice under running water and pour into a clean jar.
  2. Fill with cold water, close the jar with a lid and refrigerate.
  3. Rinse the rice and change the water every day for a week.
  4. After the allotted time, pour the rice into a sieve, and when all the liquid drains, pour it into a bowl.
  5. Grind the rice so that it crumbles into small pieces. The easiest way to do this is in a stone or wooden mortar.
  6. Cover the rice with water and let it stand for 5 minutes. Drain the water and repeat the procedure. Do this until the water becomes clear after five minutes of settling.
  7. Place the white residue on a clean cloth and let it dry.
  8. Pour the resulting powder into a small convenient jar and use as a powder.

Face powder

Matting powder is one of the key makeup elements of a modern woman. Thanks to her, the skin acquires a uniform tone, minor imperfections and oily sheen disappear. The benefits also include the firming effect of the powder, allowing the makeup to stay on the face longer. It would seem that an ordinary product that is in demand among 80% of women, but how much do we know about it?

What does face powder consist of?

Powder is a homogeneous loose (or compressed) mixture, the main function of which is to improve skin color, eliminate minor defects and protect against the harmful effects of external factors. Its composition may contain mineral or organic components and a natural dye (if the manufacturer is conscientious and worries about the quality of its products).

To consider in more detail the composition of modern powder, let's go back several centuries. In those days, gorgeous ladies in luxurious lace dresses and wealthy nobles (yes, men too) used lead carbon dioxide to mask their own shortcomings. This substance corroded the skin, so by the age of 30, their appearance was significantly removed from the ideal. Later, the formulation of the matting powder was slightly corrected, replacing the toxic component with ground wheat and corn starch. But even such a product was not safe enough for the delicate female skin. clogged pores and absorbed the necessary moisture. And now, several decades later, they invented the perfect recipe for powder, which included mineral talc, various types of dry clay, potato starch and flour, vegetable oils and natural flavors, kaolin and zinc oxide (an alternative to toxic lead). These ingredients are still used in the manufacture of quality products.

What is the difference between mineral powder

Mineral matting powder contains a powder of ground mineral stones. Unlike conventional powder, it is absolutely harmless to the female face and is suitable for all skin types.

It is also worth noting that even the dyes in the composition of such a product are made exclusively from natural hypoallergenic materials (for example, clay). The cost of a good mineral powder is much higher than that of an ordinary one and can be bought only in specialized cosmetics stores. This is due to the use of more expensive ingredients such as pearls and mica. Thanks to them, the skin acquires natural freshness and shine.

Why is face powder harmful?

A variety of natural cosmetics on the shelves allows you not to think about the dangers of a particular product. Manufacturers offer us a huge selection of powders that are not only safe for the skin (for example, mineral), but also take care of it (antiseptic). If the powder is of high quality, there can be no harm from it (except for clogging the pores, perhaps, but this is the sin of all tinting agents).

Another thing is cheap powder from an unscrupulous seller. Trying to save money

women often forget about the benefits of expensive cosmetics. When purchasing natural powder from a trusted manufacturer, you can always be sure that it will not harm your skin. But cheap cosmetics do not give such confidence. Preservatives, toxins, refined products - this is far from the entire list of hazardous substances that are found in low-quality powders. Don't skimp on the health of your skin.

How to replace face powder

If there is no money for good powder, then you should not despair, because any cosmetic product can be made independently at home. The advantages of homemade powder are not only cheap but also natural. When buying cosmetics in a store, you do not know if the manufacturer has added anything harmful to it, because often such things are not indicated on the packaging (or are written in small print). Another thing is a homemade remedy made with your own hands.

The main components of homemade powders:

  1. rice starch;
  2. baby powder;
  3. talc;
  4. ground oatmeal;
  5. white flour.

It is impossible to use exclusively the above ingredients as a powder, because they will constantly crumble from the face and roll off. But when mixed with other products and applied to the skin, they are a great alternative to expensive matting products. Here are some good homemade powder recipes:

1. Vegetable starch powder

The fastest and easiest option for homemade powders is corn or potato starch. There are two recipes for this remedy. The first one is much easier, but it cannot be called completely natural, because the composition includes other stale cosmetics. We need:

  1. 1/4 cup corn or potato starch
  2. Remains of unnecessary blush, eyeshadow or bronzer;
  3. Small bowl and mortar.

We sift the starch through a sieve (you can take any thin material, for example, gauze), remove all the lumps and pour it into a bowl. Next, grind the remnants of cosmetics in a mortar and add it to the starch in small portions until the desired shade is obtained.

Such a product perfectly mattifies the skin and evens out the tone. However, one should not expect a long-term effect from it.

The second recipe is a little more complicated, but at times more natural. It contains dry green

  1. clay that cares for the skin and gives the face a natural freshness. We need:
  2. cocoa powder;
  3. dry green clay;
  4. any starch (preferably corn);
  5. a few bowls and a mortar;

Sift all the ingredients to remove the lumps. Combine starch and green clay powder in a 1: 1 ratio and mix well. Then add cocoa in small portions to achieve the desired shade. You can add some golden eyeshadows, they will smooth out all the unevenness and give the delicate skin a natural shine.

2. Oatmeal powder

Preparation of such a product takes longer, but the effect is longer. We need:

  1. 6 tablespoons of large oatmeal;
  2. 1 liter of clean water;
  3. glass jars;
  4. sieve;
  5. gauze and paper towels.

Grind the oatmeal and fill it with cool water for 30 minutes. Then we mix, waiting for the small particles to settle to the bottom, and carefully pour the liquid into the jar. Leave it for a few hours and drain the liquid again. The mixture will remain at the bottom, and when it dries, it will turn into powder. It will need to be sieved before use.

The advantage of such products is a long shelf life, because they are composed of dry products that do not spoil (unlike expensive powders containing fragrances and liquid flavors).

How to apply matting powder to the skin

Powder must be applied to the face with special brushes or sponges. They are sold in a set with the product, as well as separately in cosmetic stores. A large beveled kabuki brush is perfect for loose powder, and a puff or sponge for compressed powder. Some advise you to apply the powder with your fingers, but this is absolutely not worth doing, since the tone is uneven and looks unnatural.

Nowadays, you can choose powder of any composition and color for your cosmetic bag. But even among such a huge variety, it is not always possible to pick up the powder that would suit completely. Either its composition is not suitable for your skin type, or its application makes the complexion not what you wanted. In more complex cases, an allergic reaction may occur to some components of the powder. To avoid this and still not exclude such an important component as powder from your makeup, you can prepare it yourself at home. And it will definitely make your skin seem to glow from the inside out.

How to make herbal powder?

Take 1 teaspoon powder of American elm bark, comfrey root and kaolin, and arrowroot root 100 g. Mix and sieve in a glass dish. Add 1 drop of lavender, orange, or rose oil to the resulting powder. Then stir everything with a wooden spoon. A small amount of beetroot powder should also be added to this mixture. A pinch will be enough to start. To find the right tone, apply the resulting powder to your face and look at the tone. Add more powder as needed until you get the tone you want. Powder should be stored under a carefully closed lid in a glass container.

Do-it-yourself cornstarch powder

To make starch powder, you will need 1/4 cup of starch and leftover eyeshadow or blush. Sift the starch, and grind the remnants of the shadows in a mortar. Remaining shadows should be about the same color you want. Add the remaining eyeshadow to the starch until the desired tone is obtained. If the color is too saturated, add more starch. To make the skin look mysterious, add a golden eye shadow.

How to make do-it-yourself rice powder?

To make rice powder, you need to take boiled water and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of rice. Sterilize the glass jar and rinse the rice. Rice - in a jar and pour boiled water. Place in the cold and cover with a dark cloth. Once a day, you need to get the rice, rinse the jar, then put it back and fill it with new boiled water. After 8 days, the rice should be soft. After that, crush it in a mortar to make a gruel. Pour again with clean water, stir and wait for the sediment to settle. In another jar, drain only white water.

Crush the remaining rice again and get the same white water, and drain it into a jar. After 30 minutes, a precipitate will appear in the jar of water. After 2 hours, when the sediment is at the bottom, drain the water, leaving only the sediment. Then put a napkin in a sieve and pass the remaining sediment through it. When a white coating remains on the napkin, put it on a towel, leaving it to dry in the shade and in the air. After about 14 hours, the sediment will dry out. Pour it into the mortar again and start crushing. Then sift the resulting powder through nylon and put on white paper. It is necessary to give the powder a little time to completely dry out. After mixing it, pour it into a suitable jar.

Rice powder can be applied to problem skin as a mask overnight. It helps to cleanse the face, give it a matte finish, and even out the skin tone. At the same time, rice powder does not dry out the skin. Stored like regular powder.

How to make do-it-yourself oatmeal powder?

To make oatmeal powder, take 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal. It needs to be ground and soaked for 3 hours. Then heat again and stir. Then drain the precipitate, about 3 times. When the precipitate settles, drain the water, and pass the precipitate itself through a sieve. Dry the remaining plaque, grind in a mortar and sift. Dry the resulting powder and pour into a jar.

How to make mineral powder with your own hands?

For the manufacture of mineral powder, you need to take 6 ml of 30% mickey, but since it is quite expensive, it can be replaced with talc, white clay or chalk. 3 ml of 15% silk powder, 6 ml of mickey "sericite", 1.5 ml of silica-microspheres, 1.5 ml of 7.5% aquafluid and zinc oxide and 0.5 ml of 2.5% mickey of light colored color. Grind these ingredients in a mortar and store in a container under a tightly closed lid.

To give the skin not only matte and even tone, but a certain color, you need to add an additional dye to your liking. It can be yellow, red 1/3 of the amount of yellow and 5% blue of the total amount of color. This ratio will give the most natural skin tone. More yellow pigment will give the skin a warm tone. It is best to apply powder with a brush. It can be used as a basic touch or over foundation.

Mineral powder has a matte effect, makes the skin silky and pleasantly shiny. It will help to keep the skin hydrated at a sufficient level. And all skin defects will be smoothed out. The skin tone will be even. This powder will help prevent the growth of microbes, will have an antibacterial effect and dry the skin. The skin will become even and smooth.

The benefits of homemade powder

This powder is versatile and suitable for all ages. It is indispensable for those with very sensitive skin. The hand-made powder allows the skin to breathe without clogging the pores. It will help reduce greasy shine and inflammation and give your skin a healthy, radiant appearance.

Self-made powder is in no way inferior to powder made by manufacturers of cosmetic products. On the contrary, it has a lot of advantages, because it consists only of natural ingredients. You know what is included in it. Do-it-yourself powder will not cause you allergies. It will give your skin exactly the tone you wanted to achieve. It will hide under-eye circles, blemishes and uneven complexion. Helps to fix makeup, absorb sweat and excess fat. And at the same time, homemade powder will have a healing effect on the skin of your face and even protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Specially forLucky-Girl. ru- Yuliya

It is worth knowing
In order for homemade powder not only to mask the existing shortcomings, but also to be beneficial, you need to carefully select the components for its manufacture:
owners of sensitive skin should use rice and clay, but try to avoid cinnamon, which can cause additional irritation and inflammation;
adolescents with problem skin, on the contrary, are advised to add a little cinnamon to the finished product;
clay and starch powder will help to cope with oily skin;
dry skin will be less stressed by using rice, cinnamon and blue clay as a powder base.

Body powder
Making body powder is pretty simple. Main leaving

- rice,
- starch in equal proportions

- to improve the quality, you can add a little essential oil, such as tea tree.

Grind the rice in a coffee grinder or blender to flour.

Mix in one container.

Until smooth.

The powder is ready.
It will help not only mask skin imperfections and give a shimmery glow, but also reduce sweating, help relieve irritation, inflammation, and remove unpleasant odors.

Face powder

For the face, powder is used more often than for the body. We will prepare it based on:
- rice,
- the most ordinary water.

Fill the rice with water overnight, drain in the morning.

We do this several times so that the cereal gives the water all its useful properties.

The resulting infusion must be poured onto a handkerchief or strainer, which will be lined with a paper napkin and allowed to dry.

The result is a mass that looks like toothpaste.

It must be additionally rubbed through a thick strainer and left to dry completely.

The powder is ready. And so that it becomes the desired shade, it can be tinted with a small amount of blush or shadows.

If you use it without coloring additives, the powder will not be white, it will simply acquire a natural complexion after a short period of time.

Hair powder

Recently, powder has been used not only for the face and body, but also for the hair. The main goal is to remove oily shine and give the hair the desired texture and healthy appearance.

To make hair powder you will need:
- two tablespoons of oatmeal,
- glass of water

Cover the oatmeal with water and let sit for a few hours.

Drain the resulting liquid

To obtain the required sediment we need a handkerchief and a strainer. Drain the liquid with them.
The result is a mixture that looks like a cream.

Use it by brushing along the hair roots along the parting, and the hair will retain volume and look healthy for much longer.
Now you know how to make your own face, body and hair powder. Use our tips, cook

Today, there is an abundance on the shelves of cosmetic stores - the choice of care products, in particular face powder, is huge. Among the many expensive trending products, you can also find budget options. Although, it is not always possible to be sure of the quality of the ingredients included in their composition, and it is quite a difficult task to choose among all this variety what is right for you. Therefore, self-made cosmetics are becoming more and more common. In this article, we'll look at how to make powder at home, what ingredients are needed, and how homemade face powder is superior to store-bought powder.

The disadvantages of creating powder at home include the fact that this process is slow and requires some effort. But the effect of the created product will delight the most discerning beauty. After all, the powder created with your own hands is universal - it will suit women of any age with any skin type. You can be one hundred percent sure that such a powder is safe, because you prepared it yourself! And, of course, it will cost you significantly less than its store counterparts, and can be yours.

Homemade powder has many wonderful properties:

  • does not clog pores
  • evens out complexion
  • prevents pimples and inflammation
  • eliminates greasy shine
  • masks dark shadows under the eyes
  • protects the skin from the effects of harmful ultraviolet radiation and aggressive environment
  • fixes makeup

Types of homemade powder

Powders that you can create at home yourself are divided into two types:

  1. Herbal powders
  2. Mineral powders

The first ones are created from what almost any housewife has in the kitchen cabinet - rice, oatmeal, starch, various herbs. And mineral powders, as the name implies, contain minerals - miki sericite, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide.

Herbal powders

Herbal ingredients have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, treat acne and acne, make the skin matte and moisturized. Due to the presence of trace elements and vitamins in its composition, herbal ingredients make the skin more elastic, fresh and visibly rejuvenated.

Starch powder

In cosmetic products, corn starch is often used, which is excellent for treating various skin diseases. It is a milky white powder obtained by special processing of corn. On its basis, you can make homemade face powder. The recipe is extremely simple.

We need:

  • 2 tbsp corn starch
  • 2 tbsp green clay powder
  • cocoa powder (just a little to add shade)
  • mortar and pestle
  • strainer


Gently sift the starch, green clay powder and cocoa powder through a strainer. Then mix starch and clay, rub with a pestle in a mortar until smooth. Now add the cocoa in small portions to give your mixture the shade you want. After that, thoroughly grind the resulting powder again. Ready! It remains only to pour our mixture into a jar.

Green clay is an excellent absorbent. It absorbs excess sebum and sweat, leaving your face completely matte.

Herbal powder

We need:

  • larkspur powder
  • arrowroot (arrowroot powder)
  • white clay powder
  • red elm bark powder
  • beetroot powder (for shading)
  • lavender or orange essential oil
  • wooden spoon


Mix 1 part of the powders of larkspur, arrowroot, clay and red elm bark, add 1 drop of the selected essential oil, mix. Then create the shade you want by adding beetroot powder in small portions to the resulting mixture. Pour the product into a jar and screw the lid back on tightly.

Zhivokost has the ability to stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, which leads to natural tissue rejuvenation. White clay has excellent absorbent properties. Arrowroot powder is a natural thickener, gives a soft, silky texture to powders, mattifies the skin and is an excellent alternative to talcum powder. The bark of the red elm has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Rice powder

Rice powder is just a salvation for the skin! It accelerates the healing process of minor lesions, giving the skin a matte finish, has good absorption, and cleanses the pores.

We need:

  • 3 tbsp round rice
  • boiled water at room temperature
  • mortar and pestle
  • 2 glass jars


At the beginning, the rice needs to be sorted out and rinsed several times.

Pour the cereal into a sterilized jar, pour water into it, cover with a piece of clean cloth and leave in a cool place. Change the water 2-3 times a day. After a week, drain the water from the jar, grind the rice until mushy, pour in clean water and stir. Gently drain the cloudy water into the second jar so that the rice grains remain at the bottom of the first jar. After an hour, you will see a white sediment at the bottom. By carefully draining the water, strain this sediment through a paper filter. What will remain on the filter is the preparation of our future powder! Dry it for 12 hours, then pass it through a thin nylon and crush the resulting powder in a mortar. Everything! You can pour the mixture into a storage jar and enjoy using it!

Oat powder

Powdered oat flakes help to cope with oily sheen, do not cause allergic reactions and have no contraindications for use. The effect of oatmeal will not slow down your appearance: your face will become soft and smooth, and its color will be even and radiant. Oatmeal powder cooks much faster than rice powder.

We need:

  • 3 tbsp hercules
  • 2 glass jars


Go through and thoroughly grind the rolled oats, pour it into a jar and pour water. Leave the mixture to stand for a couple of hours, and then grind again. Pour the cloudy water into the second jar, pour in clean water and stir. Do this a few more times, pouring the cloudy water into the jar each time. Wait for the sediment to settle in the second jar, drain the water (the thick should remain on the bottom) and filter the residues with a paper filter. Allow the resulting gruel to dry, then gently crush in a mortar with a pestle. Place in storage container.

Mineral powders

Minerals, despite their seemingly scary names, have an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. They provide the skin with hydration, nutrition, treat inflammation and dry out pimples. Mineral-based cosmetics prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation. And what is important, the minerals are absolutely natural and hypoallergenic, which means they can be used for any type of skin. You can find them in specialized stores, in particular, in online stores.

How to make mineral powder at home?

For this we need:

  • 3 g miki sericite
  • 0.7 g titanium dioxide
  • 0.3 g zinc oxide
  • pigments of yellow, red, blue colors (iron or chromium oxides)
  • grinder (or zip-lock bag for grinding powder)
  • measuring spoon
  • toothpick


First, mix the pigments to create a colored base.

There is the following rule for creating an average flesh color: 3 parts of yellow are combined with 0.25 parts of blue and 0.25 parts of red pigments. If your skin is yellowish, then you will need a little less blue pigment. For a pinkish hue, the red pigment should prevail over the blue. For olive undertones, use a little more blue and a little less red.

Once the desired color is obtained, prepare the base by mixing micu sericite, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Grind the mixture in a grinder (a special manual device for grinding substances) or in a bag, tightly closing it and placing it between your fingers (you need to grind it for about half an hour, this process will take less time in a grinder). Then gradually and gently add the colored base to the base on the tip of the toothpick until you get the shade you want. Pour the finished product into a container in which it will be stored.

Additional components

In addition to all the ingredients listed above, you can add to your homemade powder if you want:

  1. Cinnamon which is exceptionally rich in vitamins. It will help to get rid of excessive pallor or an earthy complexion and give it a pleasant shade.
  2. Red clay, which will help to forget about irritations, redness, flaking and itching.
  3. Yellow clay which contains a lot of potassium and iron. They actively remove toxins and oxygenate epithelial cells.
  4. White clay, which has antibacterial properties, tightens pores and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Blue clay to get a whitening effect and lighten even freckles and age spots. Blue clay accelerates intradermal metabolic processes and provides a rejuvenating effect.
  6. Green tea fights toxins and has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Selection of components by skin type

To get the most out of your use, you need to know which ingredients are best for your skin type.

  • for sensitive skin the use of rice, yellow, blue and red clay would be ideal
  • get rid of oily sheen you can use green tea, cinnamon, starch, white, yellow, red and blue clay
  • dry type the use of cinnamon, rice, red and blue clay is recommended
  • if you have problem skin, choose cinnamon, white, red, blue and green clay
  • for tired, dull skin the best choice would be red and blue clay, cinnamon

Storage and use rules

Homemade powder is best preserved in a porcelain or glass container with a wide neck (for example, in a jar of cream) or in a special jar with a sifter - a lid with small holes. Apply the powder with a clean, thick mineral foundation brush to ensure an economical use of the product and an even coverage. Movement during application should be circular and soft so that the powder falls on the face, and does not scatter through the air.