Common problems in newborns and how to solve them. Possible problems with breastfeeding. Organic causes of the condition in question

I am not a doctor, I will not write about the causes of depression and how to treat it. I will only write about a situation when you have depression and you have to live in it for some time. I am writing only from my own experience, because all these articles about what depression is, what a horror-horror it is, and how urgently it is necessary to drag oneself out of it by the hair - they, frankly, upset with their inefficiency. People in depression should write articles about depression - then at least the recommendations will be adequate.

So. There is a Spoon Theory (highly recommended for reading). Depression is easier to illustrate with batteries, but on the same principle. At normal times, you have, say, 10 batteries every day. You can spend them on a lot of things. For example, for work, for household chores, for raising children, for sports, for hobbies. In each of these cases, you invest a battery, or even two, and for all the cases you have the strength and inspiration.
When you are depressed, out of 10 batteries you have 5-4. If there is 1 left, which is only enough to support life, it is better to immediately get to a specialist.
In order to survive depression as productively as possible, without letting it destroy your life, the remaining batteries must be rationally distributed, that is, learn to live on 5-4 batteries instead of 10. The approach requires some awareness and planning.

How to do it:
- Stop torturing yourself for depression.
- Reduce your activities and responsibilities to the minimum necessary for survival.
- When you need to do something with force, do it very slowly.
- Live within one day.
- Communicate with those who support you without trying to remake you.
- Make it your responsibility to do things that charge your batteries.
- Use the time of depression to get to know yourself better, learn to take care of yourself and develop healthy selfishness.
More details:

1. Stop kicking yourself for being depressed. Stop kicking yourself in order to get yourself out of depression this way. Self-beating for depression takes 1-2 batteries, so you will be left with nothing at all.

2. Make a list of all your affairs, responsibilities, necessary contacts that you make in a non-depressive state. Let's say you go to work, raise a child or study, do housework, meet friends, take time out for hobbies, spend time with your parents, participate in social activities, or go to the gym. Then cross off anything that is not essential to your survival from the list. As a result, there will remain, for example, a source of income, because you need to feed yourself and your children, because you cannot leave them. Communication with friends, hobbies, social activities - all this should be crossed out and postponed until the depression ends. You still will not have the strength to do this, but if you make a conscious decision and do not waste, do not force yourself and do not bother, then you can save a battery and a half.

3. Stop kicking yourself for being depressed. Stop kicking yourself in order to get yourself out of depression this way. You will be left without batteries at all.

4. After only the tasks and responsibilities necessary for survival remain on the list, analyze how much effort you usually put into each of them. For example, at work at normal times you make a career, come early, hand over projects 150% completed, constantly strive to look for new ideas, after work read literature in your specialty. Now rewrite the list of your work tasks and responsibilities: what is absolutely necessary to do so that you don't just get fired? Return to your career after depression. In order not to be fired, it is necessary, for example, to arrive on time, projects should be delivered on time and projects should be in a fairly well-done form. Everything. For times of depression, focus only on doing your job well enough so that you won't get fired. For the rest, you still will not have the strength and force yourself - this is to take away the rest of the strength that is set aside for other things necessary for survival. For example, for raising children. It's the same with upbringing: for the time of depression, be a good enough parent, postpone the desire for the ideal until the depression ends.
This will also save you 1-2 batteries.

5. Stop kicking yourself for being depressed. Stop kicking yourself in order to get yourself out of depression this way. If it helped, you would have come out of depression long ago.

6. Even after you have reduced your usual volume of affairs and duties to the absolutely necessary minimum, you still will not have the usual strength and vigor, even to a minimum. You will have to force yourself to do even this, because you don't want to do anything, just lie facing the wall. When pushing yourself is especially difficult, do everything slowly. You don't feel like getting up - slowly roll over on your side, slowly put your feet on the floor, slowly lift yourself out of bed and slowly go to wash. As a matter of habit, you want everything to be as before - jump up, run. And you feel that this is not possible. You become desperate, self-tortured, and lose the confidence that you can function at all. First, self-torture wastes batteries. Secondly, you can function simply at reduced speeds. If you allow yourself to do everything slowly, dull, slow down, do a teaspoon per hour, you will be able to accomplish many things that seem impossible. At least you will get to the bath, you will be able to get dressed for work, arrive on time and fulfill the required minimum of your duties.

When you do something very slowly, keep track of your condition. For example, how your muscles contract when you get out of bed. During depression it is very helpful to "move into the body" from the head. How I breathe, how I lie, what my left heel feels. First, it's refreshingly interesting. Secondly, riding in my head on a black steam locomotive "oh-god-I-have-depression-some-horror" and mentally whipping yourself with a belt for depression takes energy, and there will be nothing left for work, a child and minimal self-care.

7. Do not jerk yourself with constant attempts to do something about your depression and get out of it as soon as possible. Yes, preferably right now, fell down, did a push-up and ran to be a productive member of society. Live one day. We got up in the morning - think only about what needs to be done today within the required minimum. Don't ponder when the depression will end. And what will happen if it does not end. And how much you miss when you are depressed. And how to live on, since life is so terrible. You will spend a whole battery on worries, and in the evening you will have nothing left for household chores or a child.
Why do people in depression start their appearance, stop washing their hair, washing clothes, taking a shower? Because the few remaining batteries were gobbled up by a black steam locomotive in my head. Well, he would have brought it somewhere else, because he runs in a circle and spends resources into the air.

8. If possible, reduce communication with those who are trying to convince you that life is great, to prove to you that you are wrong in your depression, humiliate you for your depression and try to stir you up and bring you out of this state with all their might. Some of them act with the best intentions, they just themselves have never been depressed and do not know what it is. Most of them solve their problems at your expense. This all wastes batteries and intensifies your self-torture for depression, which generally leaves you exhausted. And you still have to carry out the duties necessary for survival. If you succeed, communicate only with those who support you, without trying to remake you.

9. Usually the literature on depression also advises to go in for sports, drink vitamins, go out to people and not concentrate on bad thoughts. In my experience, there is no energy for sports, but to fight thoughts is to waste batteries. In general, as you read an article on depression and methods of "dealing" with it, you don't want anything at all. Fighting takes too much energy.

Depression is a good time to get to know yourself better, listen to your dark thoughts and feelings and accept them. There is no need to try to stop the black steam locomotive in your head, to disassemble its rails, to derail it. Take a closer look at him. What is the design and model? Which pipe? And the wheels? And who built this decadence? Through binoculars.

Yes, there are such thoughts and feelings. So what? It is good to write them down, draw them, present them in the form of artistic images. You can have a depressive blog - usually, it attracts more readers than a positive one. Why is a mystery, but your depression on the Internet will receive more response, sympathy and support than your posts about how beautiful the world is.
If you have used your batteries rationally and have been able to ease the self-torture of being depressed, you will find that depression has its own beauty and aesthetics. During depression, very interesting, deeply felt and vivid thoughts come. Your world has shrunk to a penny, much of the external has ceased to be of interest and is, as it were, behind glass, but within the penny everything is very lively, sharp, filled with deep meaning. There will be no other such opportunity to touch this piece of the inner world, with this unique, deep perspective. It seems that Proust said that his best years were years in depression?

10. If you find any activity that allows you to recharge the batteries, consciously and daily give him time. Not for pampering, but for the purpose of producing energy for living. If a walk in the fresh air gives you strength, go for a walk in the evening. Yes, you have a girlfriend or mom on the phone, homework or whatever. Hang up firmly and go for a walk. It used to be that you could waste your batteries, but now is not the time. A friend or mom won't die, and for you it's a matter of survival and functioning.
11. Depression usually ends. By themselves, or by the correct selection of antidepressants, or as a result of psychotherapy, or as a result of restoring hormonal balance, or something else. So, just as soon as you get used to it, you understand the charms of healthy selfishness and the exclusion of everything superficial, unnecessary and secondary from your life, you finally decide to collect all your depressive notes and drawings and publish a bestseller, how bam - and it's all over. You wake up in the morning and you understand - that's it. All 10 batteries are at hand, strength and vigor over the edge, sad thoughts have disappeared, life is beautiful and amazing, there are huge prospects ahead, a beautiful day outside the window.
And even somehow sad. But nothing, because she will come back someday? And we will meet her fully armed. At the same time, we will add the bestseller.

Are you waiting for the birth of your son, or are you already a happy mom of a tiny gentleman. Caring for a newborn is not only a pleasant responsibility, but also a great responsibility. What should the boy's parents know, what should be paid special attention to from the first days of his life?

Parents should take into account that the genitourinary system of children, in this case the testicles of newborn boys, are at risk. Carefully observe the development of the child, detecting possible urological problems in a timely manner and solving them in time. The slightest suspicion is a reason to show your son to a specialist.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, testicles (testes) are laid. This process takes place in the abdominal cavity of the fetus. In babies born on time, the testicles should descend into the scrotum. In premature babies, they are usually located in the inguinal canal and eventually take the desired position on their own.

A slightly enlarged scrotum in a born boy is considered the norm. A slight swelling, and a slight pigmentation of the skin of the scrotum, is the result of a hormonal crisis, inevitably experienced by the body of a baby who has left the mother's womb.

The testicles of a newborn are elastic to the touch. The testicles are a paired male reproductive gland, but their sizes are slightly different: one (usually the right one) is larger than the other.

Missing testicle in the scrotum

For various reasons, the prolapse of the testicles is not always completed by the time of birth. And cases where one or both testicles in an infant have not descended by the time of birth are quite common. An anomaly (cryptorchidism) is diagnosed in the maternity ward at the first examination.

It is worth noting that now many experts do not consider the absence of one or even two testicles in the scrotum of an infant to be cause for concern.

In most cases, the problem is resolved by the sixth week of life without intervention. But the process can drag on for up to a year. Children need constant supervision in order to prevent accompanying complications. You will need a consultation with a urologist, and, if necessary, an endocrinologist.

During the swaddling of the boy, mom is able to control the presence of testicles in the scrotum by herself, gently feeling it on both sides.

There is also a phenomenon, false cryptorchidism. Baby's testicles are very mobile. In some babies, from cold or muscle tension, they hide in the peritoneum or inguinal canal, but soon return to their proper place. False cryptorchidism disappears during adolescence.

There are times when cryptorchidism requires surgery. Depending on the medical indications, the operation is prescribed in the period from six months to a year. Experts strongly recommend not to postpone it. At a later age, it usually gives only a cosmetic effect, the testicle will not be able to perform the functions of the sex gland.

Large testicles

Another situation is often observed: a boy is born with swollen testicles. Large testicles in an infant are not a cause for concern. This condition usually goes away quickly. And although postpartum edema of the membrane of the testicles does not require treatment, it is better for the child to be under the supervision of a specialist. Enlarged glands can be symptoms of a condition such as dropsy.

Dropsy of testicles

Dropsy of the testicles occurs quite often in newborns. A disease when fluid accumulates and retains in the membranes of the baby's testicles. The result is that the entire scrotum or one of its halves is enlarged.

The floor of the crumbs is laid at the moment of conception in the womb of the mother. At the final stage of the formation of the scrotum, a septum is overgrown between the testicles and the abdominal cavity, which prevents the penetration of fluid. If even a small cavity remains between the peritoneum and the scrotum, it gradually fills with serous fluid. In medicine, the disease is called hydrocele. The pathology of the membrane can cause dropsy of the testicles.

How to recognize a dangerous anomaly? The scrotum begins to enlarge due to the pear-shaped seal. Sometimes the swelling takes the shape of an hourglass. Sign of trapped water in the seed canal.

The size of the dropsy ranges from a small tubercle to a ball-sized edema.
The skin structure of the scrotum does not change. It is elastic, mobile and clean, sometimes redness appears. Dropsy does not obstruct urination, does not cause pain.

The cause of the disease is not always a violation of the septum. Sometimes the membrane is overgrown, but the scrotum fills up anyway. Congenital dropsy of the testicles develops due to a malfunction of the lymphatic system of the baby. The membranes of the paired glands secrete a special fluid that reduces their friction. The excess should be absorbed back, but the lymphatic system often cannot cope with this task in the first months of the baby's life.

As a rule, this disease involves constant monitoring by a pediatric urologist. The signs of dropsy usually disappear up to a year. If, nevertheless, the edema has not gone away and continues to increase, then after two years such children are operated on. There is also a possibility that dropsy of the baby's testicle can develop into a hernia.

Hernia of testicles

Boys are at increased risk for testicular hernia. A serious and dangerous phenomenon that threatens the life of the crumbs. Similar to torsion, a hernia can lead to testicular death. The disease negatively affects the bowel function.

A hernia of the testicles is a congenital malformation. There is a unilateral testicular hernia. The right is at risk three times more often than the left. The only way to get rid of the problem is surgery. It is carried out even in the first days after birth.

It is easy to detect a hernia visually. It manifests itself in the form of a bulge in the groin area and is clearly visible when crying, crying a child, during physical exertion. The hernia is felt on palpation. Mom should not neglect to regularly check her son while changing and bathing.

Torsion (volvulus) of the testicle

When your boy starts crying abruptly, do not rush to attribute the pain to ordinary colic. Check the touch response in the groin area. If the focus of pain is there, doctors strongly advise you to go to the hospital promptly. Perhaps a rather dangerous complication of cryptorchidism, called torsion, volvulus, or entrapment of the testicle. With torsion, blue skin of the scrotum is often observed.

The bloat causes the boy very severe pain and can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Only a qualified doctor will help in this situation. If help is not provided in a timely manner, then after a few hours the testicle can be damaged, and after about a day the changes will become irreversible. Typically, testicular entrapment occurs during infancy or between 10 and 14 years of age. Unfortunately, operations with such a problem cannot be avoided.

Do not try to treat this ailment yourself. Ointments and compresses will not help here. You just miss the time that can cause serious complications, such as necrosis (death) of the testicle.


Torsion can also lead to testicular atrophy: a decrease in size and gradual death of its functions. Atrophy can develop after some infectious diseases.

Redness, rash and spots on the scrotum

Sometimes parents complain about the red testicles of the child. In fact, this is a reddening of the skin of the scrotum. The cause of the trouble is often the usual diaper rash. Irritation occurs in the folds of the skin with excessive moisture, caused by increased sweating at high temperatures or inadequate hygiene.

The boy's genitals must be clean and dry. This will relieve many inflammatory processes and dangerous diseases. Urologists are unanimous in their opinion: many male health problems begin in the first five years of life. One of the reasons is violation of hygiene rules. This is important to remember for the parents of the little gentleman.

If you are not sure that the redness is caused by diaper rash, it is better to consult a pediatrician or dermatologist: redness of the scrotum is a common symptom of diseases:

  • Testicular torsion: redness of the testis, an increase in its size, an increase in body temperature, vomiting.
  • A hernia can cause reddening of the testicles. Constipation is a consequence and one of its symptoms.
  • Injury. Redness or bruising from trauma in infants is rare.
  • Infection. In addition to redness, it is sometimes accompanied by a rash.
  • Hydrocele. Red testicles can be one of the symptoms of dropsy.

It happens that a rash and spots on the scrotum indicate an allergic reaction to diapers or food allergies. Skin dermatitis is also accompanied by the appearance of spots and rashes on the body, including the genital area.

Summing up

The testicles of a newborn boy should be in the constant focus of his parents. Not only the health and proper development of the baby, but also its ability to lead a normal sex life and have children in the future, depends on proper child care, hygiene and timely treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

If you punctually and regularly examine the baby, take into account the advice of doctors, do not neglect hygiene, then the risk of male problems and inflammatory diseases will be minimal.

  1. Pathologies of the scrotum and testicles can be hereditary, but the course of pregnancy is also of great importance for the normal formation of the fetus. Colds, infectious or viral diseases of the expectant mother can cause problems in the development of the fetus, including delayed prolapse of the testicles and dropsy.
  2. Smoking, especially during pregnancy, is a direct path to the development of such pathologies. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to approach the period of waiting for the birth of a child very responsibly.

After birth, follow the instructions of your pediatrician and be sure to consult with specialists in case of the slightest deviation from the norm.

Each mother closely examines her newborn baby and almost everyone finds a reason to worry. And the baby's skin peels off, and pimples on the nose, and diaper rash appeared on the very first day. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the alarm is false. Well, what real skin problems of newborns can a young mother face?

Newborn Skin Problem # 1 - Newborn Erythema

Most often, young mothers are faced with this skin problem in newborns, as toxic erythema of newborns. Despite the scary name, this is a benign condition that does not require treatment and goes away on its own by the 3rd week of life.

Toxic erythema of newborns is a kind of allergic-like reaction that can occur in response to various stimuli (cooling, the first intestinal microflora, etc.). Rashes often occur on the first or second day of life in the form of dense white nodules, which are surrounded by a red or pink corolla. Can be single or multiple. Located on the buttocks, chest, less often on the tummy, face and around the joints.

In addition, a child may experience physiological erythema, which manifests itself from the first hours of life in the form of a diffuse redness of the skin. It persists for 3-7 days, and then pityriasis peeling replaces erythema.

Newborn skin problem # 2 - "whiteheads"

"Pimples" that most mothers notice with horror on the skin of a newborn are milium (whiteheads). These white-yellow nodules measuring 1-2 mm, which protrude above the surface of the skin and are most often located on the forehead, wings of the nose, chin, less often throughout the body, are formed in 60-80% of newborns in response to the release of a large amount of maternal hormones before childbirth. ... "Whiteheads" (milium) are sebaceous glands with excess content and clogged excretory ducts. After 1-3 weeks, with the beginning of active bathing, they disappear on their own.

Newborn skin problem # 3 - reaction to temperature changes

Since the body of the newborn has a minimal ability to thermoregulate, the violation of the temperature regime is also the cause of the problems of the skin of the newborn.

So, with a lack of heat, the mother may face such a problem as marbled skin - a transient benign spotting of the skin associated with the reaction of blood vessels to internal hypothermia, which passes when heated.

Another skin problem in newborns, on the other hand, is associated with overheating of the baby. This is a sweat girl. Miliaria is a small rash, usually bright red, or small, clear fluid-filled blisters (clogged sweat glands). It appears in those places where the child sweats the most: under clothes, under a diaper. Often appears in children who are carefully swaddled, wrapped tightly.

The solution to this problem of the skin of newborns is simple: do not overheat the baby, do not swaddle, often leave him without diapers, maintain a normal temperature in the room (200 C), bathe every day and in no case lubricate the entire body of the baby with oil or cream (this can increase rashes). Diapers should be changed as soon as they become dirty, preferably every 3 hours. If pustules appear in the place of prickly heat, you should consult a doctor.

A popular skin problem in newborns is the "milk crust" on the head

Quite often, young mothers are worried about such a problem of the skin of newborns as the appearance on the scalp of a "milk crust" - oily thin scales in the fontanel area, on the scalp.

In mild cases, these scales on the scalp are soft and gentle washing of the scalp once a week with baby soap or shampoo is enough to eliminate this skin problem in newborns. More frequent shampooing with detergents can dry out the skin and worsen the situation.

If the crusts cover the scalp abundantly and are not easily washed off, you can use vegetable oil or a special tool to soften the crusts. Apply a thin layer of the product to the newborn's skin affected by the "milk crust" and wait for 10-15 minutes. Use a soft brush to gently remove the scales and wash off the remaining oil well with baby soap or shampoo. Sometimes, to completely eliminate this skin problem in newborns, the procedure must be repeated several times.

A common skin problem in newborns and babies is diaper rash

Diaper rash is a skin problem in newborns and babies that most mothers face. Diaper rash usually occurs for the same reason as prickly heat (that is, from overheating), although it is a more serious skin problem in newborns. Diaper rash is manifested by redness and swelling of the skin in places of its contact with urine, feces, rough diapers. The skin of the buttocks, armpits, groin and popliteal areas is affected. Children with overweight, allergic and endocrine diseases are most prone to the appearance of diaper rash.

To solve this problem of the skin of newborns, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime, bathe the baby every day, moisturize the skin of the child if dryness occurs. Carefully treat natural folds of the skin, and avoid too frequent use of irritating wet wipes and synthetic clothing.

Protective creams and creams containing zinc oxide can be helpful in preventing disease. If the diaper rash persists, treat them with disinfectant solutions (an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine) and, after consulting a pediatrician, pick up a cream or ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect for the baby.

A serious skin problem in newborns and babies - diaper dermatitis

An even more serious skin problem in newborns occurs when diaper rash persists for a long time. In this case, a fungal infection can join them, the inflammation intensifies, large red round or oval areas with fringed edges and a rash with white tops appear: candidiasis, or diaper dermatitis develops.

With the development of skin problems in newborns and infants associated with the addition of a fungal infection, anti-candidiasis (antifungal) creams are used 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. With severe inflammation and infection, antibiotics may be required, so be sure to consult your doctor!

Important! Apply medicinal cosmetics (creams, ointments, lotions) only to the affected areas. These products can irritate healthy skin.

Purulent infection as a skin problem in newborns and infants

The most dangerous skin problems in newborns can cause bacterial infections. The appearance of large dense areas of edematous, reddened skin, pustules, and blisters filled first with a transparent and then cloudy liquid may be a sign of streptococcal or staphylococcal infection.

This is very dangerous for newborns and infants, so you need to urgently seek the advice of a pediatrician!

Quite a lot has been said and written about the benefits of breastfeeding. After all, breastfeeding is not only the saturation of the child with the best food for him, which Nature itself has given, but also close harmonious relations with the closest person - mother. It is during the period of breastfeeding, on the mother's breast, that the baby feels the happiest and most protected.

However, many mothers are worried about defecation problems in infants. What to do if a baby who is only breastfed has a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements, changes in the amount of stool. Is this a serious digestive disorder?
Unlike formula-fed children, the nature and amount of stool in a baby who feeds exclusively on breast milk can be quite varied. The World Health Organization's Breastfeeding Guidelines for Healthcare Providers states that breastfed infants may have stool from several times in one day to once every ten days. The stools can be very soft in nature. If this does not affect the child in any way (the weight and well-being of the baby are normal), then such a stool delay is physiological.

In addition, stool retention can be associated with early supplementation with water or supplementary feeding of the child with various mixtures and rare attachments to the breast. Exposure to drugs: Vaccinations also delay bowel movements. This problem is solved by breastfeeding the baby at his first request. After a short period of time, the stool is usually restored.
It is also worth paying attention to the number of wet diapers per day. After 6 weeks of life, 5-6 disposable and 6-8 cloth diapers are considered the norm. If the child does not gain weight well and rarely urinates, you should consult a doctor.

One of the reasons for delayed bowel movements and weight loss may be that the child does not consume enough "front" or "hind milk". Let's take a closer look at what "front" and "back milk" are. At the very beginning of feeding, the baby suckles "front" breast milk. This milk is sweetish in taste, liquid, translucent. It is good for children because it contains enough carbohydrates and fluids. Decreased consumption of front milk can lead to dehydration or hard stools.
So that the level of front milk does not decrease, the breastfeeding mother must consume enough fluids. It is recommended to drink a glass of water half an hour before or immediately after feeding. Also, at the first signal of thirst, immediately quench it. Carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, milk, kvass are not suitable for quenching thirst. Increasing lactation with hot tea with milk and honey is a myth. Lactation is naturally enhanced during breastfeeding.

Hindmilk begins to be produced during breastfeeding itself. After 15-20 minutes of continuous sucking, a nursing mother may experience a slight tingling sensation in the breast. This is a signal that hind milk is arriving, which is a prerequisite for the digestion of hind milk. Moreover, the "back" milk is more fatty and high-calorie and contributes to the satiety of the baby and his gain in body weight.
If the baby sucked for only 10 minutes and fell asleep for 20-30 minutes, then after he woke up, give him the same breast so that he could finally get to the "back" milk.

Tea with fennel seeds helps to stimulate the arrival of "back" milk, which, by the way, helps to relieve the baby from colic. To brew tea, take 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds, cover with 1 glass of cold water and simmer for 5 minutes after boiling. Cool, strain, add sugar, honey, lemon and drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day.
Walnuts, onions, broth and other protein-rich foods also increase hind milk production and make it more nutritious. Feed your baby in a relaxed atmosphere and on a full stomach. Even if at night you have a desire to have a snack, do not torture yourself, have a snack. Eat a sandwich, some fruit, drink a glass of milk or juice. Remember, you are feeding a baby, so you don't need diets right now. But overeating is also not worth it.

If you put on a lot of weight during pregnancy, do not increase your diet. Make your portions smaller and the number of meals larger. By the way, milk, kefir is food, not drink. In one of the meals, you can replace solid food with a glass of milk or kefir.

A contrast shower, massage of the mammary glands, positive emotions, varied nutrition and feeding at the first request of the child contribute to increased lactation.
Change during one breastfeeding to give your baby a chance to eat. During one feed, do four breast changes. Thus, the baby will be able to receive a sufficient amount of "front" and "back" milk. Moreover, such feeding will save a nursing mother from a possible aesthetic defect when one breast is larger than the other. Full and correct breastfeeding of young children contributes to the emergence of the necessary microflora in the intestine, its growth, physical and mental development.

If the baby, while breastfeeding or mixed feeding, experiences pain during bowel movements, "goat", dry stools, profuse frequent regurgitation and poor weight gain, seek help from a breastfeeding doctor.
Solving defecation problems with enemas, gas ducts and other stimulants is not justified and should be used as a last resort.

Note: Dear mothers, if you have any questions about breastfeeding, please contact us in the comments or via PM.

Well, we waited for the birth of the baby. What are the first problems that arise and how to deal with them?

Lack of milk

Breastfeeding is not as easy as it seems. The rate of natural milk production depends on many factors. A baby may not have enough milk for the following reasons:
  • Incorrect feeding technique - it is very important to feed your baby correctly and on time. Due to a violation of the regimen, lactation worsens.
  • Lactation crisis - with each month of the baby's life, the need for large amounts of food increases. Sometimes the mother's body does not have time to produce enough milk. A similar crisis lasts for several days. With the right behavior, everything will return to normal without outside interference.
  • Not adherence to sleep and wakefulness - not only for the baby, it is important to adhere to sleep and wakefulness. In order to produce sufficient milk, the mother needs at least 6 hours of sleep a day.
  • Psychoemotional stress - in the postpartum period, many women develop a depression, constant anxiety and nervous tension. Any psychological discomfort can negatively affect lactation.
  • Certain drugs can reduce the amount of milk produced, especially hormonal drugs.
  • Chronic diseases of the mother. For example, diabetes mellitus, disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system can significantly affect the volume of milk produced.
  • Complicated labor or caesarean section. After difficult childbirth and surgery, lactation may be impaired.
Problems with lactation can also arise due to diseases of the child, which do not allow to fully suck out milk from the breast.
To enhance lactation will help:
  • Recommendations from breastfeeding specialists.
  • The correct regimen and method of feeding.
  • Special medicines, homeopathic remedies, vitamin preparations, folk methods.
  • Breast massage.
In case of irreparable violations of lactation, the baby should be fed with special mixtures or completely transferred to artificial feeding.

Breast refusal

Signs of a baby's refusal to suckle breast milk:
  • During feeding, crying, whims, anxiety, turning away, arching begins.
  • Taking milk only in a sleepy state, during wakefulness, complete ignorance of the breast.
  • The baby sucks milk from one breast, refuses the other.
Also, the child may not react at all to the presence of the breast, this is very rare, but it happens.
Main reasons:
  • Application of a teat with a hole from which it is easy to suck milk or water.
  • Severe stress experienced by the baby.
  • Excessive amounts of complementary foods. The baby has no need for breast milk.
Sometimes breastfeeding is due to insufficient milk production.
What to do in such cases:
  • Continue breastfeeding.
  • Do not use nipples.
  • More often take the baby in your arms and hug it, stroke it and make contact in every possible way so that it feels the presence of its mother.
  • Seek help from a specialist.
In case of impossibility of full-fledged breastfeeding, it is better to switch to artificial.

Improper grip on the nipple

The quality of breastfeeding depends on how the baby grips the nipple correctly. Signs of improper grip:
  • The nipple hurts and cracks.
  • The baby's lower lip is wrapped inward, sometimes the upper one.
  • The position of the tongue is incorrect, the child must cover the lower gum with it. Due to the short bridle, it is difficult to correct the position of the tongue.
  • The baby does not open his mouth wide when grasping the nipple.
Correct attachment technique will help to correct the situation:
  • Comfortable mother posture.
  • Positioning the baby as close to the mother's body as possible.
  • The baby's head should not be limited in movement.
  • Frequent breastfeeding.
  • If the baby himself cannot fully capture the nipple, help him with his hand - "fold" the nipple and put the baby deeply in his mouth so that it touches the palate.
  • When feeding, correct the baby's posture so that he swallows the nipple into his mouth as much as possible.
  • At the beginning of feeding, press the chin slightly so that the mouth opens as wide as possible.
For a baby, the feeding process is quite laborious, he sweats, sniffs, sometimes pauses, and may cry. With the correct grip on the nipple, it is much easier to suck the milk out.

Profuse regurgitation

Given the specifics of the structure of the esophagus of a small child, regurgitation is inevitable, but the volume and frequency matter. Frequent and abundant return of eaten milk can be for the following reasons:
  • Untimely birth, most often ahead of schedule.
  • Binge eating.
  • A lot of air gets in with food.
  • Bowel problems (colic, cramping).
  • Pathologies in the development and work of the digestive system.
If the baby is not gaining weight well, then it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist. Also try these ways to alleviate the situation:
  • Avoid overeating.
  • Make sure that less air gets in with milk when feeding.
  • Turn over on tummy before eating.
  • After feeding, hold in an upright position for at least 10 minutes.
  • It is better to sleep so that the head is slightly raised and on the side.
Usually, regurgitation continues for several months, if they persist or threaten the baby's health, show the child to the doctor.

Intestinal colic

Found in all newborn babies. They arise due to the fact that the microflora in the intestines of a small child has not fully formed, as well as due to the ingress of air into the gastrointestinal tract during feeding. This problem is temporary and usually resolves by 3 months of age. Signs:
  • Sleep disturbance, especially at night.
  • Convulsive pulling of the legs to the tummy.
  • Loud crying and restless behavior.
In some cases, the baby refuses to eat.
To help your child deal with the problem, try:
  • Use dill water and special medications (according to medical prescription).
  • Adjust the feeding schedule.
  • Apply the baby to the breast correctly.
  • After the baby has eaten, gently massage the tummy or apply a warm diaper.
  • After some time after feeding, turn over on the tummy, and also put it briefly in this position before feeding.
The posture "column" after eating also helps to get rid of colic and gas.

Inflammation of the umbilical wound

Proper care of the umbilical wound begins in the hospital, immediately after the child is separated from the mother by cutting the umbilical cord. After discharge, the mother needs to continue treatment to avoid inflammation. With the right approach, the wound on the navel heals in no more than a week. In case of violation of the rules of hygiene and wound treatment, inflammation or infection is possible.
To avoid the troubles associated with the umbilical wound, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
  • Long before giving birth, complete your home first-aid kit with brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, cotton swabs or discs.
  • When processing, first use peroxide to soften the formed crusts, then remove them with a cotton pad and cover with brilliant green.
  • Treat the wound every day.
When bathing, try to protect the wound on the navel or postpone water procedures until it heals completely. In the event of an inflammatory process or suppuration, you should immediately consult a doctor.