Calculate the gender of the child. Determining the sex of the child using ultrasound. Emotional background of woman

Without a doubt, waiting time for a baby is the most exciting and often parents want to know in advance who they will have a boy or girl. Of course, there is an ultrasound method, which is both the safest and most accurate way to determine the sex of a child. However, he is not always able to help.

First, mom and dad will have to endure until the 15th week of pregnancy. Before this period, ultrasound simply will not show anything. Secondly, there are especially shy kids who disguise themselves and turn their backs to the last. In such situations, it is quite possible to try to find out the sex of the child without an ultrasound.

To be born to you a boy or a girl depends on one single factor - the chromosome, which is carried by the sperm that fertilized the egg. If he carries an X chromosome, then a girl will be born, if Y means a boy. It is impossible to program this in advance, provided that conception does not occur with the help of an extracorporeal method. It is also impossible to influence the sex of the baby after conception.

Folk omens

The easiest way is to determine the sex of a child without an ultrasound scan using various folk signs. Of course, none of these signs and even all of them together are not able to give a 100% guaranteed result, but still their reliability is quite high. They are associated with both mom and dad, and also with taste preferences, character, mood and even the splendor of the hair.

Signs associated with mom

In order to find out the gender of the unborn baby, you need to pay attention to the shape of the abdomen, the mood of the mother and how exactly the pregnancy proceeds. So, it was noticed that:

  • Boys are more likely to be born to young women who are pregnant for the first time, while women over 30 are more likely to have girls.
  • If during pregnancy the tummy is rounded, protrudes at the sides and hides the waist, then a girl will be born. If, on the contrary, it protrudes forward, then a boy will be born.
  • If the first three months are the most difficult, with severe toxicosis and poor health, expect a girl.
  • The kid pushed you to the left for the first time, so it’s a boy.
  • If at an early stage of pregnancy you began to freeze - there will be a girl, on the contrary, throws into a fever, which means that a boy will be born.
  • Mom's appearance has changed for the better, which means that a boy will be born.
  • If my mother fell in love with sleeping on her right side, a girl will be born.
  • In the diet, meat in all its forms began to take the main place - expect a boy. Mothers who wear girls tend to prefer sweets, dairy products and fruits.
  • Mom is in an excellent mood and is happy to demonstrate to everyone around her changed state, most likely a boy will be born. Hides to the last? Wait for the girl.

Signs associated with dad

However, signs with which you can find out the sex of the future crumbs are associated not only with mom, but also with dad. Although there are much fewer of them. It is believed that:

  • In men with receding hairline or completely bald, boys are born more often.
  • If the stronger half of the family prefers loose underwear, then most likely such a couple will have a girl.
  • If the spouse is at least 10 years older than the spouse, then the first child will be a boy.

By the blood of parents

Folk omens are far from the only way by which you can determine the sex of a child without an ultrasound scan. There are methods based on the characteristics of the parents' blood, or rather, on its Rh factor and the cycle of renewal. Of course, they do not have guaranteed accuracy either, but in combination with other signs, they can give a result in excess of 50%.

By update date

The blood is periodically renewed in each person, but the period of this renewal is different for men and women. According to the theory of blood renewal, the spouses will have a baby of that sex, whose blood on the day of conception is younger, and therefore stronger. It is quite easy to figure this out using ordinary mathematics.

For men, the renewal process takes four years and three for women. Therefore, the age of a man should be divided by four, and a woman's - by three. Whichever number is less, the blood of that spouse is younger. For example, the age of the spouse is 27 and the spouse is 25. Divide 27 by four and 25 by three. We get the result for dad 6.75, and for mom 8.3. Only the last figure is taken into account, that is, 5 and 3. The pope has more balance, which means that his blood is younger and stronger and this hypothetical couple will have a boy.

When using such calculations, one should take into account the blood renewals that may occur in the case of donation or large blood loss, for example, after trauma or during surgery.

In this case, the calculation must be made not from the date of birth, but from the date of donation of blood or surgery or any other situation that led to the loss of blood. If, after dividing, the same values ​​are obtained, then perhaps you will have twins.

Rh factor

Most people have heard about the Rh factor at least once in their lives. Its definition is one of the main tests that are prescribed to a pregnant woman when registering with a consultation. They do this in order to identify the Rh-conflict as early as possible and avoid complications associated with it. The Rh factor is a special protein that is located on the surface of red blood cells. If it is, then the blood is considered Rh-positive, and if not, then Rh-negative.

It is believed that the presence or absence of this protein in parents will help to find out the girl or boy they will have. So, with a positive rhesus in the mother, a boy will be born if the father has this indicator negative and the girl, if it is positive. If the mother has a negative Rh factor, then, with the same Rh factor in the father, a boy will be born, and the girl will be with a positive one.

By date of conception

Methods for determining the date of conception are well-deservedly popular and boast a fairly high, almost 80%, degree of reliability. There are three variations of this method, based on the month of conception and the age of the father and mother. Using these methods, you can not only try to find out the gender of an unborn baby, but also plan it in the future by choosing a specific date for conception.

Chinese table

According to legend, this table was created a thousand years ago by Chinese scientists, and modern archaeologists discovered it during excavations of a temple in Beijing, on the grave of one of the emperors. However, later it turned out that this is nothing more than a legend, and the table itself is based on the calendar that is used in China today and is quite modern. Nevertheless, she is quite capable of suggesting the gender of your baby.

The table itself is a field lined with squares, the vertical of which indicates the age of the mother, and the horizontal of the month of conception. To find out who will appear in a few months, it is enough to find the desired cell at the intersection of these two values.

Wanga table

Created by Lyudmila Kim, one of the disciples of the famous prophetess, this table almost completely repeats the one developed by Chinese scientists. Even outwardly, they look similar. The only difference is that the Wangi table is based not on the lunar calendar, which is so popular in China, but on the usual one, familiar to us. As in the Chinese table, in order to find out the girl you will have or the boy you need to find a cell at the intersection of the column indicating the age of the mother and the day of conception.

Japanese table

Another similar method to find out which chromosomes met at the time of conception is the Japanese sex determination table. This method already includes two tables that help determine a special code number, which will show who will be born to you. Unlike the Chinese method, this method of calculation was developed by Japanese scientists relatively recently.

The first table takes into account the month of birth of the father, indicated horizontally, and the mother, indicated vertically. The number at the intersection of these two parameters will be the same coveted code number. Having recognized it, you can open the second table, where, in addition to the number, the month in which the long-awaited event occurred is indicated vertically. The intersection point will indicate the gender of the child.

In order to get the most reliable result using tables, you need to know exactly the time of conception.

Determination by date of ovulation

Not every day of the month is suitable for the fertilization of an egg. The likelihood that such an event will happen is maximum only on the days of ovulation. After a new egg enters the abdominal cavity from the follicle, it will live for a maximum of three days. In contrast, the lifespan of spermatozoa depends on which chromosome they carry.

Scientists have found that the owners of the Y chromosome live less, but they have a higher speed of movement. Therefore, if sex happened on the days of ovulation, a boy will be born, since the lighter sperm will reach the egg faster. And if several days have passed after ovulation, then, most likely, the more tenacious X-sperm will fertilize the egg.

What does science say?

Until the beginning of the XXI century, medicine could only offer an ultrasound method for finding out the sex of a future baby. Only in 2007, scientists managed to create the first test that allows you to get an answer to this question. It is arranged in the same way as the usual pregnancy test, and the accuracy of the results is 90%. The essence of the method of determination is based on the fact that from a certain period of development, the sex hormones of the baby begin to be released into the urine of the woman, to which he reacts. This determination can be made starting from the eighth week of pregnancy.

Don't take any of the above methods too seriously. After all, even ultrasound and a modern test can be wrong. Who exactly will appear in your family, you will definitely find out only on his birthday.

As soon as a woman finds out about a long-awaited pregnancy, she immediately has many questions, one of which is -how to find out the gender of the unborn child? Today, many new ways to study expectant mothers have appeared, but the question of how to determine the sex of the child in the first weeks (or even in the first days) of pregnancy remains open.

Which of them are considered the most effective and what are they based on?

How is a child of a certain gender formed?

To answer this question, you will have to recall the school course in biology. The woman's egg cell carries the X chromosome, and the male sperm - the X or Y. If the egg is fertilized with the Y chromosome, then after the allotted time, the couple will have a boy, and if X, a girl can be expected.

It is difficult to predict this natural process in advance, to calculate the sex of the child or to influence it in any way, therefore, in the first weeks after conception, determining the sex of the child remains a mystery for both future parents and doctors.

What affects the gender of the baby?

There are many theories about the influence of various factors on the formation of a child's sex, but so far none of them has been 100% confirmed. For example, there is a statement that the future sex of the child depends on the mother's weight and her nutrition.

According to some studies, women who weigh less than 54 kilograms are more likely to give birth to girls, and more fat women mostly have boys. Indeed, for the development of the male body, a little more nutrients are required than for the female, but the weight of the expectant mother still cannot be a guarantee of the birth of a child of a certain gender - there are a lot of cases when small, fragile girls successfully give birth to boys.

The same applies to theories regarding the age of future parents: hormonal changes that occur over the years in the human body can affect the sex of the embryo, but are not a determining factor.

Other studies say thatcalculate the sex of the childit is possible with the help of a certain diet. So, in order to give birth to a girl, expectant mothers need magnesium and calcium, that is, eggs, onions, dairy products, nuts, etc. But you can "order" a boy with the help of such products as fish, meat, legumes and fruits - that is, those that contain sodium and potassium.

In addition, acidic foods and drinks (in particular, natural fruit juices without sugar) are considered quite effective in planning the sex of the unborn baby: nutritionists advise women who want to conceive a girl to regularly consume them immediately before conception. This fact has a completely scientific justification - thanks to acidic products, the environment in the vagina also becomes acidic, due to which sperm with the Y chromosome quickly die.

But in any case, the fundamental role inplanning the sex of the unborn childonly Mother Nature plays, and future parents are unable to influence her decision. The only thing they can do is try to determine the sex of the baby before birth, using existing methods and techniques.

Methods for determining the sex of the baby

The most affordable way to determine the sex of a child today is considered to be an ultrasound scan, but the problem is that this can be done only at a specific date (after about 16-17 weeks of pregnancy). But what to do if, for some reason, you need to know it earlier? To do this in advance with a probability of 100% is practically impossible today, so scientists are not abandoning their attempts to find a method that will allow not only to calculate the sex of a child immediately after conception, but also to plan it in advance.

The most popular and effective are severaltests to determine the sex of the child, which are based on various factors: parental blood, date of conception and special tables (Japanese and Chinese). You can test each of them in practice and make sure of their reliability below.

Determining the sex of the child by blood renewal

Methods for determining the sex of a child by the blood of parents have been known to scientists for a long time, and one of them is based on the date of blood renewal. There is an opinion that the complete renewal of blood, mucous membranes and tissues regularly occurs in the body of every person, and in men the frequency of this process is four years, and in women of the opposite sex - three. That is, if at the time of conception the woman's blood is "younger" than the man's, the couple will have a girl, and if on the contrary, then a boy.

It is rather difficult to say anything about the reliability of this method, since according to some data it "works" in 80% of cases, and according to others - in 50%. But experts say that if the calculations are done correctly, the couple has every chance of getting an answer to their question with a fairly high probability.

To calculatebaby gender by blood renewalyou need to know the date of conception of the baby, as well as the dates of birth of the future father and mother. True, it is important to remember that there are many factors that can speed up the process of blood renewal: these include transfusions, operations, major blood loss or donation. In this case, the countdown should not start from the date of birth, but from the day when the last major blood loss occurred.

Determining the sex of the child by the blood group of the parents

The method is based on the theory that the blood groups of the future father and mother have a great influence on the formation of the baby's sex. In other words, women and men with certain blood groups are more likely to have a baby of a certain gender. Of course, this method has the right to exist, but its reliability is subject to great criticism.

The problem is that the table for determining the sex of a child by blood implies one result for one pair of parents, but after all, each of us knows cases when children of different sexes grow up in the same family.

Determining the sex of the child by the Rh factor of the parents

To determine the sex of the baby in this way, it is enough to compare the Rh factors of his parents. To do this is as easy as shelling pears: if the rhesus match, then the couple will have a girl, and if the indicators are different, a boy.

True, as in the case of calculating sex by blood group, one can strongly doubt the reliability of the result obtained, because he claims that either one boy or one girl can be born to a particular couple.

Determining the sex of the child according to the Chinese table

This method does not have any scientific substantiation, and it is based on the observations and practical experience of several generations of Chinese at once. He says that a woman at a certain age can conceive or give birth to a boy or girl only in certain months of the year.

According to researchers, the first mention of the method dates back to the XII century, anddetermining the sex of the child according to the tablehelped many monarchs from the Middle Kingdom to plan the gender of their heirs. Howfind out the gender of the child according to the table?

It's very simple - you need to know the month of birth of the expectant mother, as well as the month of conception or the expected birth of the baby. By the way, modern parents also talk about its high efficiency of the Chinese table - according to estimates of couples who used this method, the probability of getting the correct result is about 90%.

To determine the gender of the expected baby according to the Chinese table, simply find the corresponding cell in the table - the intersection of the line of your age and the column - the month of conception.

Interestingly, using this table, you can also plan the sex of the child. In the row for your age, select the months in which a boy or girl is most likely to arrive. Subtract 9 months from the selected month, and you will get the estimated month of conception.

mother at the time of conception, years
Month of conception
I Jan II Feb III
Apr IV V May VI June Vii
IX sep X oct XI nov XII
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Determining the sex of the child according to the Japanese table

Determining the sex of a child according to the Japanese calendar, which came to us from the Land of the Rising Sun, is very similar to the determination according to the Chinese table, and is also based solely on practical observations. The difference between them is that the first takes into account not only information about the mother and the month of conception (or the expected month of the child's birth), but also the date of birth of the father. Thus, the Chinese methodology can be called more flexible and, accordingly, more reliable.

The only problem some couples may face is the difficulty in determining the month of conception. For example, if a woman ovulates on the 31st, conception is likely to occur on the 1st and 2nd of the next month, because the life span of sperm is from 3 to 5 days. The accuracy of the method according to various data is from 70 to 90%.

To determine the sex of the unborn child according to the Japanese table, you need to find the number corresponding to your pair in table 1. Then we find this number in the top row of Table 2. In the column of the corresponding date we find the month in which conception took place. Moving along this line to the middle of the table, we determine the probability of having a boy or girl by the number of crosses - the more there are, the greater the probability.

Table 1.

Month of birth
future mother

Month of birth of the future father











but I


table 2

jan feb

x x x x x x

jan feb mar
jan feb mar apr
jan feb mar apr May
jan feb mar apr May june
feb mar apr May june jul
mar apr May june jul Aug jan
apr May june jul Aug sep jan feb
May june jul Aug sep oct

x x x x x x x x x x

jan feb mar
june jul Aug sep oct but I jan feb mar apr
jul Aug sep oct but I Dec jan feb mar apr May
Aug sep oct but I Dec jan feb mar apr May june
sep oct but I Dec

x x x x x

feb mar apr May june jul
oct but I Dec

x x x x x x x x x

mar apr May june jul Aug
but I Dec apr May june jul Aug sep
Dec May june jul Aug sep oct
june jul Aug sep oct but I
jul Aug sep oct but I Dec
Aug sep oct but I Dec
sep oct but I Dec

x x x x x x x x

oct but I Dec

x x x x x

but I Dec

Determining the sex of the child by the date of ovulation or the date of conception

Every woman knows that conception can occur only on certain days of the month: on average, it is two days before ovulation, ovulation itself and two days after it. A technique that allowscalculate the sex of the child by the date of conception(more precisely, the date of ovulation), is based on "behavior" and the characteristics of the X and Y chromosomes.

According to studies, "girl's" sperm (that is, carriers of the X chromosome) are slow enough, but more tenacious, so they can stay in the uterus from 2 to 4 days and calmly "wait" for ovulation. But spermatozoa with the Y sign, on the contrary, are very mobile, but their lifespan is very short.

That is, if intercourse occurred 2-4 days before ovulation, then there is a high probability that the couple will have a girl, and if exactly on the day of ovulation (or immediately after it), a boy can be expected to appear.

Method for determining the sex of the child Freiman-Dobrotin

Quite a complicated calculation. But it is considered one of the most accurate. It's good that we have a calculator)

Tables: O - father and M - mother

First, in table O1, we find the intersection of the year of birth of the father and the year of conception of the child, remember or write the number into the intersection.

And so on all tables from the first to the fifth number.

Then we put together the obtained numbers and, according to table O6, we find the final coefficient.

Similarly, we do all the actions for the mother according to tables M1-M6

In the end, we look at who has a higher final coefficient, if mom has a girl, if dad has a boy. If both are zero, there will be a girl

Father tables

Table O1

Father's year of birth Year of conception
1944, 1960, 1976, 1992 0 1 2
1945, 1961, 1977, 1993 3 0 1
1946, 1962, 1978, 1994 2 3 0
1947, 1963, 1979, 1995 1 2 3
1948, 1964, 1980, 1996 3 0 1
1949, 1965, 1981, 1997 2 3 0
1950, 1966, 1982, 1998 1 2 3
1951, 1967, 1983, 1999 0 1 2
1952, 1968, 1984, 2000 2 3 0
1953, 1969, 1985, 2001 1 2 3
1954, 1970, 1986, 2002 0 1 3
1955, 1971, 1987, 2003 3 0 1
1956, 1972, 1988, 2004 1 2 3
1957, 1973, 1989, 2005 0 1 2
1958, 1974, 1990, 2006 3 0 1
1959, 1975, 1991, 2007 2 3 0

Table O2

Father's Year / Month of Birth
jan feb mar apr May june jul Aug sep oct but I Dec
normal 2 2 3 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 3 0
leap 3 2 3 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 3 0

Table O3

Father's birth month 31 days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 2
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 1
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 0
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 3
Father's birth month is 30 days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 1
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 0
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 3
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 2
Father's birth month is 29 days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 0
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 3
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 2
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 1
Father's birth month 28 days
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 3
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 2
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 1
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0

Table O4

Year / month of conception I II III IV V VI Vii VIII IX X XI XII
normal 0 3 3 2 0 3 1 0 3 1 0 2
leap 0 3 0 3 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 3

Table O5

Day of conception
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 1
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 2
3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 3
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 4

Table O6 - grandfather factor

Sum O1-O5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Coefficient 0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9

Mother tables

Table M1

Mother's birth year Year of conception
1944, 1960, 1976, 1992 0 2 1 1
1945, 1961, 1977, 1993 1 0 2 2
1946, 1962, 1978, 1994 2 1 0 0
1947, 1963, 1979, 1995 2 1 0 0
1948, 1964, 1980, 1996 0 2 1 1
1949, 1965, 1981, 1997 1 0 2 2
1950, 1966, 1982, 1998 2 1 0 0
1951, 1967, 1983, 1999 2 1 0 0
1952, 1968, 1984, 2000 0 2 1 1
1953, 1969, 1985, 2001 1 0 2 2
1954, 1970, 1986, 2002 2 1 0 0
1955, 1971, 1987, 2003 2 1 0 0
1956, 1972, 1988, 2004 0 2 1 1
1957, 1973, 1989, 2005 1 0 2 2
1958, 1974, 1990, 2006 2 1 0 0
1959, 1975, 1991, 2007 2 1 0 0

Table M2

Table M3

Mother's month of birth is 31 days
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 0
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 2
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 1
Mother's birth month is 30 days
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 1
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 2
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 0
Mother's birth month is 29 days
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 1
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 0
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 2
Mom's birth month is 28 days
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 0
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 2
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 1

Table M4

Year / month of conception I II III IV V VI Vii VIII IX X XI XII
normal 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1
leap 0 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 2 2

Table М5

Day of conception
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 1
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 2
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 0

Table M6 - final ratio for mother

Sum M1-M5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coefficient 0 4 8 0 4 8 0 4 8 0 4

Determination of the sex of the child by the Budyanskikh method

Calculation method:

1. If you use the mother's date of birth in the calculations, then you need to determine her approximate date of conception. To do this, subtract 9 months (approximately 226 days) from the mother's date of birth.
Next, you need to determine the even or odd year of the mother's conception.
Further, according to the table, find the type of the mother's cycle: in the first column, look for the appropriate month of the mother's conception, and look for the intersection with the type of year (even or odd) - the intersection will be the type of the mother's cycle.

2. By the preliminary date of the conception of the child, do the same steps as the mother. Determine the parity of the year of conception of the child, look in the first column for a suitable interval of dates in which conception is planned and for the intersection of the type of year of conception and the date of conception - the type of the child's cycle will be indicated.

If the type of cycle of the mother and the type of cycle of the child are the same, then there will be a girl, if they differ, then there will be a boy.

Budyanskikh method table

Menstrual months Odd year of conception Even year of conception
type of type of
January 1 - January 28 odd honest
January 29 - February 25 honest odd
February 26 - March 25 odd honest
March 26 - April 22 honest odd
April 23 - May 20 odd honest
May 21 - June 17 honest odd
June 18 - July 15 odd honest
July 16 - August 12 honest odd
August 13 - September 9 odd honest
September 10 - October 7 honest odd
October 8 - November 4 odd honest
November 5 - December 2 honest odd
December 3 - December 31 honest honest

Is it possible to predict the sex of a child with 100% probability?

Unfortunately, none of the methods listed above can give 100% accurate results. Even specialists in ultrasound diagnostics sometimes make mistakes: for example, the fetus can turn so that it will be very problematic to determine the sex of the child.

In addition, until the 18th week of pregnancy, the male and female genitals are very similar, so even an experienced doctor can confuse them.

There are only two ways to find out the sex of a child for sure:

  • ECO. When performing in vitro fertilization (IVF), doctors usually determine the sex of the embryo before transplanting it into the uterus. But doing such a study only at the request of parents in most countries is considered unethical, therefore it is carried out only in order to exclude genetic pathologies characteristic of men and women.
  • Intrauterine tests... These most commonly involve amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling and are performed between 15-18 weeks and 11-14 weeks of gestation, respectively. But since these analyzes carry some risk, they are also performed only in

Determining the sex of the unborn child worries many parents. The most effective way remains a medical examination, in particular an ultrasound scan.

But in the early stages, immediately after conception, it will not show a result, and even more so it is not effective for planning. The most curious parents will be helped by tables by which you can find out the gender of the child.

There is an opinion that the age of the parents influences the sex of the unborn baby. Focusing on him, you can predict who will be born - a beautiful daughter or a smart little boy. There are several options for age tables.

The most common ones are those in which only the mother's years are taken into account. But there are those who are guided by the age of both parents or only the father.

By mother's age:

How to find out the gender of a child using the age table? In fact, using any of them is quite simple, it is enough to have it in front of your eyes, to know the years of one or both parents, as well as the month of conception. Next, you need to find the desired age in one of the columns, and in the other month of conception and at the intersection of the columns, see the sex of the future baby.

Wanga table

One of the unscientific, but according to mothers, a fairly accurate method for determining the sex of a baby is the Vanga table. It was not composed by the fortuneteller herself, but by her student Lyudmila Kim. Based on the knowledge gained from Vanga, she observed a pattern between the age of the mother, the month of conception and the sex of the unborn baby.

How to use it:

  1. In the column "Mother's age" find the required number;
  2. Find the column with the month in which conception took place;
  3. At the intersection of the mother's age and the month of conception, you will find the gender of the baby.

This plate can also be used to plan conception, so that the child is born of the gender that you want. Without even delving into it, it is immediately clear that the probability of having a boy is higher in women from 22 to 30 years old. At a different age, there are more chances of conceiving a girl.

Japanese pregnancy chart - how to find out the gender of the baby?

This method offers to determine the sex of the future baby in two stages. In fact, not one Japanese table is used here, but two.

The first is based on the month of birth of both parents, and the second on the month of conception of the baby. They are used in combination. If you try to determine the gender only one at a time, alas, nothing will come of it.

How to determine the sex of a child using the Japanese method:

The Japanese table, like the one proposed by Lyudmila Kim, allows not only predicting the sex of the baby in the first weeks of pregnancy, but planning it. To do this, you need to calculate the coefficient of the parents' ages in the first plate. Then, having found the column with this code, look for which month the baby of the desired gender is more likely to be born.

It looks like the Vanga tablet described above. How can you find out the sex of the unborn child using the Chinese table? To determine the age of the child, you only need the date of conception and the age of the mother.

In the first column on the left, you need to select the number corresponding to the age of the mother. Further, in the top line, you must select the column with the month of conception. At the intersection of two columns, the gender of the child will be indicated in the box: D - girl; M is a boy.

An interesting feature is the discrepancy between the results of the Wanga table and the Chinese one. For example, Vanga at the age of 19 is more likely to conceive a girl.

At the same age, the Chinese promise a boy. Which of the techniques is more correct, no one knows. Perhaps the difference in the results does not indicate the inaccuracy of one of them, but simply takes into account the characteristics of people of different nationalities.

Find out who will be born by the date of conception

The date of conception is one of the most important elements for determining gender. It is present in each table described, and, in relation to the age of the parent, helps to determine who will be born: a boy or a girl. The exact date is not needed to determine, it is enough to know the month.

With the help of tables, you can also plan a good time to get pregnant. To do this, in the table you like, find the desired result and see when you need to conceive. Take a Chinese table as an example. Find your age and find the cages with the desired gender of the baby. Now look at which months will be favorable.

Blood renewal table - how to find out the gender of the child?

There is another method for determining the sex of the baby. This method, associated with the renewal of blood, it is believed that the newer it is, the more it affects the sex of the child.

What does this mean: if the blood of the future mother is "newer", then a girl will be born, if on the contrary, then a boy. And in order to determine the gender, you first need to find out the update index. To do this, look in the first table for the code opposite the age of each parent.

In the second table, you need to find the coefficient between the parent's age (looks separately for mom and separately for dad) and the month of conception. Now it's time to find out who will be born.

To do this, in turn, you need to add first two coefficients (from two tables) obtained for mom, and then for dad. The gender of the crumbs will determine the smallest number that a parent with younger blood will have. For example, if dad has a lower number, then there will be a boy.


To find out the sex of the child according to the table, for any of the options, you will definitely need the date of conception of the baby and the age of the mother, in some cases the father. By resorting to determining the sex of the child according to the table, you can get a fairly reliable result.

But do not rely on these data completely, they are just one of the additional tools. A more accurate result can be found on an ultrasound scan. The main thing is not to be upset prematurely, because even an examination does not give a 100% guarantee.

And a little more information on the topic of the article - in the next video.

The expectation and birth of a child is always a joyful event in the life of parents. Any woman expecting a baby would probably like to know in advance what gender she will have a baby. But is it possible to know in advance the sex of the unborn baby?

Today, it is highly likely to determine the sex of the unborn baby with the help of ultrasound examination (ultrasound), which is the most well-known and used scientific method. A more accurate ultrasound result can be obtained during pregnancy over 23 weeks. And only in rare cases, you can find out the sex of the child at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy.

There is another scientifically based method that can be used to determine the sex of a child - chorionic biopsy. This procedure makes it possible to find out the sex of the child with one hundred percent probability. This procedure is done during pregnancy at 6-10 weeks and only for medical reasons, since it can pose a threat to the life of the child. The essence of a chorionic biopsy is to extract the cells of the future placenta from the uterus using a special needle. This procedure is not recommended for women who just want to know the gender of the child.

I would also like to note another, very interesting theory developed by our compatriots, the theory of changing the mode of sexual activity. According to the conducted studies, it was found that the sex ratio depends on the active sex life of men. In the course of the experiment conducted with the participation of animals, experts noticed that when animals of one sex or another decrease or increase, males react to an imbalance by increasing or decreasing sexual activity. This pattern is inherent in people as well. Therefore, if you want to have a female child, you need to have less sex, and in the case of a boy, you need to forget about work and other problems and start working hard on procreation.

You can find out the sex of the child using statistics. This method of determining the sex of a child is based on many factors, including the woman's age, number of births, social status, etc. This method can also be used when planning the sex of the child. The age of a woman is not the least important if she decided to become a mother, because the older she gets, the less likely she is to give birth to a boy. The number of births is the same: each subsequent one reduces the likelihood of conceiving a boy.

There is another method for determining the sex of the unborn child, amniocentesis - a procedure for identifying (presence or absence) of genetic abnormalities, in which a small sample of amniotic fluid is taken.

Another modern technique that allows you to determine the sex of the unborn baby is hormonal research. Everything is simple here, the sex of the child is determined by the level of the hormone contained in the mother's blood. This method can be used already in the first weeks of pregnancy.

It is also widely believed that there is a certain dependence of the conception of a child of one sex or another on the even and odd age of the woman. It is possible to conceive a girl for a woman at an even age in even months of the year (February, April, June, etc.) and at an odd age in odd months (January, March, May, etc.). For the conception of a boy, the opposite is true: an even age of a woman in odd months, an odd age in even months of the year.

It is possible to determine the sex of the child at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy using the fetal heartbeat: with a fetal heartbeat of more than 140 beats per minute - a girl, if less than 140 beats - a boy.

I cannot get around the well-known method of planning the sex of the unborn child, based on the so-called French diet. This diet should be followed in the last period of the menstrual cycle before conception, since scientists have established a certain relationship between the diet of parents in the period before conception and the desired sex of the unborn child. It is believed that the effectiveness of this technique is about 80%. The diet for boys involves a diet rich in potassium and sodium ions and limited in calcium and magnesium ions (for example, you need to eat all types of meat, fish and seafood, cereals and bread, legumes, potatoes, any fruit, sausage, smoked products, any drinks and more salt.). For girls - an abundance of foods containing calcium and magnesium ions, and limiting those that contain potassium and sodium (for example, eating herbs, spices, limited amounts of meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, except for potatoes (limited amount), not salted nuts, sugar, honey, exclude any smoked foods, salt, yeast).

In addition to the above, another method of determining the sex of the unborn child, by the date of ovulation, based on the difference in sperm, is popular. It is no secret that the spermatozoa carriers of the Y chromosome (male) are more mobile and agile than the spermatozoa of the carriers of the X chromosome (female), they are the first to get to the egg during fertilization, and therefore the sex of the child turns out to be male. However, if ovulation has not yet occurred at the time of fertilization, then the spermatozoa carriers of the Y chromosome die very quickly (they are active during the day). But the spermatozoa carriers of the X chromosome are active for another 2 - 3 days. Therefore, in this case, you should wait for the girl.

No less common is the method for determining the sex of the unborn child, taking into account the blood group of the mother and father:

The "Blood renewal" method is also widespread in determining the sex of a future baby. A woman's blood is renewed approximately once every three years, and a man's blood is renewed every four times. To determine the sex of the unborn child, the main thing is to know exactly which of the parents at the time of conception had more “young blood”. For the calculation, it is necessary to divide the age of the expectant mother by 3, and the age of the dad by 4. For example: dad is 29 years old, mom is 23 years old. We divide 29 by 4, we get 7 and the remainder is 1, 23 we divide by 3, we get 7 and the remainder 2. As a result, 2 is greater than 1, therefore, the sex of the unborn child is female. In the case of obtaining equal residues during division or one residue equal to zero, twins may appear. I cannot assert the plausibility and accuracy of this method, but in practice I have come across both positive and negative options.

Women have always dreamed of determining the sex of the unborn baby, therefore, at a time when there was no ultrasound or other, now known methods, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers tried to determine the sex of the unborn child using the so-called "folk methods".

The most famous and widely used method (not uncommon even today) is determining the sex of the child by the shape of the abdomen. The round shape of the abdomen spoke of the birth of a girl, and a sharp one - there will be a boy. Of course, this technique has no scientific justification, since doctors unanimously deny the existence of a relationship between the shape of the abdomen and the sex of the unborn baby.

Often the sex of the child was predicted by the appetite and well-being of the expectant mother: if a woman suffers from toxicosis, therefore, a girl will be born, and if her health and appetite are normal, a boy should be expected. This method also does not stand up to scrutiny.

The woman's appearance also served as a sure sign by which the sex of the child was determined. If a woman became “faint” during pregnancy, it was believed that a girl would be born, but, on the contrary, a boy. Regarding the birth of a girl and the not particularly blooming appearance of a woman during pregnancy, there is some relationship that has a scientific basis: a scientific "foundation": for the correct formation of a female fetus, female hormones are needed, which affects the appearance of the mother.

It is worth mentioning the formula by which you can supposedly find out the sex of the unborn child: 49 - X + 1 + Y + 3, where X is the father's age, and Y is the month of conception. If you get an even number when calculating, wait for a boy, an odd one for a girl.

And finally, in the old days, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers determined the gender of the child based on the mutual feelings of the spouses. That is, if a woman loves a man more, then there will be a girl, but on the contrary - a boy.

It is not so important which method you choose to determine the sex of the child, today there are plenty of them. The most important thing is the birth of a child, who should be desired and loved, regardless of whether your expectations met or not.

/ About what every super-mom knows /

The question " how to determine the gender of a child? ", People have been interested for a long time. And they were not only interested, but made many attempts to determine the sex of the child, based on various methods. Different peoples at different times had their own ways of how to determine the sex of the unborn child.

How to determine the sex of a child by blood

There is a theory about the dependence of the sex of the child on the cyclic change of blood. It is believed that:

  • in men, the blood is replaced once every 4 years;
  • and for women - once every 3 years.

The counting must be carried out from the date of birth.

The essence of this theory is that the "new" blood is stronger and overcomes the "old". The child will have the sex of the parent whose blood at the time of conception is "stronger" - newer.

Determining the sex of the child using the diet

There is now a widespread theory about the effect of food intake on the future sex of the child. It follows from it:

  • eat more acute and salty and you will have a boy
  • and eating rich food calcium and magnesium will lead to the birth of a girl.

Determining the sex of the child according to the ancient Chinese table

The Chinese, for example, believed that the birth of a male or female infant depended on from the day of conception... Nowadays determination of the sex of the child for free can be produced by correlating two table parameters:

  1. The date of conception.
  2. Age of the expectant mother at the time of conception.
Mother's age Month of conception
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M M D D
20 D M D M M M M M D M M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D D M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D M M D D D
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D M D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Determination of the sex of the child table Lyudmila Kim *

As in the previous table, you need to know the age of the mother and the month of conception.

* Lyudmila Kim is Vanga's student.

Table part-1

Table part-2

The blue box corresponds to the boy, and the pink one to the girl.

How to determine the sex of the child for free and in advance?

For this you will need guess the moment: to conceive a boy requires that sexual contact occurs immediately before the expected period, and if you want to give birth to a girl, work hard after the end of the critical days.

You can follow this or that method if you really want to compete with nature, or rather to satisfy your curiosity. Still, it's real surprise!

None of the methods for determining the sex of the child has yet received the status of verified and unequivocally guaranteeing the desired result on the "order" of the future sex of the child.

Only nature is able to regulate the birth of a man - a little boy or a baby girl.

Nature has somehow made sure that more boys are born.

This is evidenced by statistics... She also shows that boys are less resilient and more of them die at an early age.

Is it necessary to try to change the situation and learn how to order a certain gender of the child, because such uncontrollable human desires can disrupt the natural balance. This is an ethical dilemma.

A scientific look at the gender of a child

The sex of the child is determined by the set of chromosomes that the egg will receive during fertilization. The female ovum contains the XX sex chromosomes, and the male contains the XY chromosomes. Sex is determined by the fusion of one of the female sex chromosomes with one of the male sex chromosomes.

When connecting two NS chromosomes, a girl is born, and if the female chromosome is connected to the male chromosome Y, a boy will be born.

Boys - Girls ... In fact, the most important thing is that the baby is born healthy, will you agree?

And yet, what theory of sex determination worked for you, can you share?

What do you think?

Comments (83)

  1. Mommy

    My relatives, whom I calculated, matched the results according to the Chinese table.

  2. Fashionistka

    100% the main thing is that the little one is healthy, and the rest will follow!

  3. Nastya

    according to the calendars, two children go out girls, 2 boys grow up. for whom it is suitable means a coincidence

  4. Svetlana

    According to the first theory, a boy was born to me, as she foreshadowed. I knew about her for a long time, since school. I've heard that it works a lot.

  5. Olga

    but mine didn’t coincide, according to the plate, a girl, but I’m waiting for a boy. well, of course I have a girl - a mischievous girl disguised as a boy))))

  6. Kate

    I planned a pregnancy by ovulation and looked at the tables in advance, as the girl wanted. Now I'm thinking about my sister!

  7. Helga

    I coincided with both children, the boy is 11 years old and the girl is waiting now. I used this table to check myself and all my acquaintances, everything was accurate. I planned my daughter exactly according to it. And I checked my son a few years later, when I found out about the table.

  8. Irina

    I decided to try on the first child and it coincided
    . I will hope that it will coincide with the second

  9. Anastasia

    past calculations showed a girl in all respects, gave birth to a boy. now I'm counting again - again a girl ... let's see, there was no ultrasound yet. so you can see 50/50 who gets out, but no coma

  10. Moldir

    I was told on the ultrasound that a girl, but according to the test I have a boy

  11. Kate

    The blood turned out to be a girl, according to the rest of the other tables, a boy, but the ultrasound showed nothing at all

  12. Autumn


  13. Autumn

    At the moment of intercourse, whoever you want to think and represent will be. TESTED 1,000,000%

  14. Future mom

    does not match I will have a boy

  15. Nadya

    I have three daughters, I checked the table, everything coincided. Now she is pregnant, of course we really want a boy! According to the table, it turns out that a son will be born, but according to other methods there are discrepancies and now I don't even know what to believe and what not ((

  16. Nadya

    I have three daughters, according to the table everything coincided, now I am pregnant and of course we really want a son! But according to other methods there are discrepancies and now I don’t know what to believe and what not ((

  17. love

    11/19/12 a girl told me on the ultrasound, and according to all the tables a boy comes out I already have two girls I'm just in shock

  18. Yana

    According to Lyudmila's table, Kim checked all her acquaintances, they all agreed. But for some reason, only one friend did not.

  19. Taya

    do not give a certificate of how to give birth?

  20. Lena
  21. Ramina

    I counted boys according to the tables, and I have two daughters. now I am pregnant, according to the table a girl, I hope it will be the other way around and a son will be born ...

  22. Anfisa

    These are just coincidences! My son is 6 years old, but according to Chinese, there must be a girl …….

  23. Anfisa

    THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THAT A HEALTHY CHILD IS. And what sperm at that moment turned out to be stronger and faster - you will find out at the appointed time at birth. Congratulations to all pregnant women with this wonderful state of mind and body! And do not forget that PREGNANCY is not a disease! It's a small life!

  24. Natalia Zorina

    The ancient Chinese planning scheme works flawlessly. I checked it on myself, on girlfriends, on my daughter-in-law. Class!!!

  25. Tonya

    I have a fatigue with age! At the time of conception, I was still 22 years old, a week later, where it became! And what age should I watch?

  26. marina

    I have all the results show differently. advise how to find out the exact gender of the child

  27. Olga

    the Chinese table is complete crap, I have all three on the contrary, there is only one mistake by blood, there are exceptions everywhere

  28. Regina

    just wondering

  29. Jeanne

    I have 3 sons, I really want a daughter, but I'm terribly afraid to take risks. I checked my boys on the Chinese table - it was agreed.

  30. Alyonchik

    I feel that I will have a boy and even agree on all these tables. Even though this is stupid, I think you can believe it !!!)))

  31. Helena

    It showed me that there are two girls, and two boys are growing up. Now I'm waiting for the third show the boy's tables, but I hope there will be a girl!)))



  33. armine
  34. Indira

    boy or girl? the main thing is my baby was healthy!

  35. Shynara

    my first child did not coincide with the table shows that the boy)))) but we have a wonderful girl 3.8 years old. And now the second pregnancy is 16 weeks, it seems to me that the girl is the same according to the table)))) let's see what we see on the ultrasound will say.

  36. Olga

    There is nothing to say because, age 18 and the month of April, in the first boy, in the second girl. I want to know, for 7 months she hides on the ultrasound, and so there are no visible signs.

  37. Helena

    none matched !!!

  38. Olga

    Why are they oriented at the time of conception and the date of birth of a woman, because a girl or a boy will depend on the sperm, the sperm carries the germ cell of the unborn child.

  39. katerina

    according to the table, both in Chinese and according to the table of Lyudmila Kim, I have 2 guys

  40. Alsou

    none of the above (((

  41. Catherine

    Girls, and did not try to check their children in what month were the last menstruation of that and the gender of the child .. all three children just coincided. I constantly have my periods in one month, and conception in another

  42. Irina

    I love spicy! A fire boy was born.)

  43. Alesya

    And why there is no information about the definition of twins.

  44. Marina

    Many have coincided, including me

  45. genar

    I want a boy. first time i do it

  46. Olga

    Conceived in February 2013, age 31 years old, according to the tables, a girl is obtained, and a boy was born.

  47. Wasila

    According to the Chinese table, a boy comes out in September, let's see who God has prepared for us

  48. Irina

    Thanks for helping! Now I have a boy.

  49. anetka

    did not coincide at all. the whole year the girls and according to the ultrasound the boy

  50. Zhanar

    Why do all the tables start from the age of 18? I became pregnant at the age of 15, gave birth to a beautiful daughter, now we are expecting the 4th child and am happy with my only husband

  51. Helena

    Let's see in 5 months on the tables girl

  52. Ainura

    The most important thing is that the child is born healthy, no matter a girl or a boy

  53. Yuliya

    Chromosomes and only determine the sex of the unborn child, everything else is fiction, and if anyone has the same with the tables, then this is pure coincidence

  54. Kristina

    In general, nothing coincided, I'm waiting for the third

  55. Sevinj

    My test shows a boy, but on the ultrasound, for the first time they said that they looked like a boy, and for the second time they said that they looked like a girl. Now I don’t know what to believe, but I would like a boy, because. the girl is already there !!!

  56. Maria

    the mother's age at the time of conception + the month in which the child was conceived + what kind of pregnancy with all the turns if any happened, for example, I got pregnant for 27 years in October, it means to 27 + 10 (month) +5 (pregnancy) = 42 if you succeed a positive number means you will have a girl, if a negative number means a boy.

  57. Olesya

    I have three sons. Starting from the second I planned on all sorts of different formulas to get a girl. The last son, in general, using 5 different methods, specially planned the date of conception for a girl. But in the end, all the boys were born. These methods do not work for me.

  58. Anna

    And they were interested in why it did not coincide, it turns out that whoever has a negative Rh will be the other way around))