Rauchtopaz is a special stone. The magical properties of rauchtopaz - NameWoman. Rauchtopaz - properties of a stone and who is it suitable for

Rauchtopaz is considered. A few centuries ago, horse harness and church utensils were adorned with blotches of it, figurines and inexpensive jewelry were made from it. The crystal's wide range of colors, often referred to as smoky quartz or rock crystal, ranges from a light grayish haze, reminiscent of a cloudy autumn day, to deep brown, brown and even almost black tones. The refractive index of light in Kerngorm (another name for the mineral) is quite high: it sparkles elegantly in bright natural or artificial light.

Medicinal properties

Rauchtopaz is a stone, the properties of which are described quite fully in textbooks on astromineralogy. The mystics call it primarily the stone of tranquility. The chemical composition of the mineral is quite simple. It is just silicon oxide with the correct crystal lattice. But, as you can see, these natural characteristics influenced the special qualities of quartz. First, rauchtopaz is a stone (its properties are varied), which has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the functions of the pelvic organs, the hematopoietic system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and adrenal glands. Wearing it helps to cleanse the blood, improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and remove toxins from the body.

Under the positive influence of the mineral, the pancreas ceases to bother the person, the functions of the entire gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary sphere are normalized. By the way, if we talk about the latter, then rauchtopaz-stone is very useful for both men and women. Its properties make it possible to strengthen and improve the reproductive activity of the female body and have a positive effect on the potency and duration of erection in men. In addition, smoky quartz is a natural, natural analgesic and antidepressant. There is an opinion among experts that he is able to bring a person out of a state of shock, stress associated with severe pain or nervous, mental shock. You just need to pick up a pebble in your hands and hold them in closed palms until the crystals become warm, i.e. they will not take away his negative negative energy from the patient. And, finally, about what else, as esotericists are sure, is useful rauchtopaz. The stone of the properties of its positive healing energy can direct the healing of people suffering from drug addiction. It is desirable to have it as a talisman and in order not to fall into such dependence. In general, lithotherapy with rauchtopaz is quite widespread in many clinics and health centers specializing in the treatment of natural minerals.

Magical properties

Rauchtopaz exhibits magical properties no less vividly. Thanks to a special relaxing effect on the nervous system, it helps to enter a meditative state, disconnect from external stimuli, fully concentrate on yourself, your internal sensations. Those studying spiritual practices of the East need a ring with rauchtopaz, because under the beneficial influence of the stone, a person can quickly soar in spirit and achieve the highest enlightenment and pleasure, called nirvana. Therefore, he is one of the main attributes of sages, prophets and powerful magicians. For those who are engaged in esoteric research and magic, the stone helps to understand prophetic dreams and even contributes to the vision of such, one has only to put it under the pillow. He makes overly emotional ones more reasonable and restrained, irritable ones - benevolent and calm, wise he makes it possible to understand his own subconscious and stimulates intuitive abilities. Earrings with rauchtopaz are useful for women who are seriously engaged in witchcraft, healing, herbalism, fortune-telling, taking part in various ritual activities. The stones will take away the black envy of rivals and envious women from them, because even the ancient Indians knew that a crystal can free the human body from any negative energy.

Zodiac connection

The patroness of Rauchtopaz is the gloomy planet Pluto, which is responsible for the uncontrollable energy of the crowd, for magic and everything connected with it. The signs of the zodiac in which the stone manifests itself most vividly are Capricorn and Scorpio. His native elements are mobile and static: Earth, Fire and Air.

There are not many gems on Earth that can boast a noble brown color. These are:, rare brown and valuable brown.

That is why rauchtopaz, distinguished by its richness of elegant shades, is deservedly popular among jewelers, as well as connoisseurs of spectacular and stylish jewelry.

History and origins

Rauchtopaz, despite the name, has nothing to do with topaz. However, in the distant past, it was precisely this that allowed dishonest merchants to overstate the price of products, albeit with excellent, but incomparable in value with natural topaz.

The Tibetans and Hindus called the gem the "Stone of Buddha", the Scots called the "Kengorm" generously decorated their national clothes, and the ladies of the court under Catherine II wore jewelry with striped brown-yellow rauchtopazes, called "Hair of Venus".

The stone has earned its popularity due to its spectacular colors and a number of healing properties used by ancient healers to get rid of various ailments, including quite serious ones.

Increased attention was paid to the mineral in the old days and is being paid today by practicing magicians who were able to reveal the magical power of rauchtopaz and learned to use it filigreely for predicting the future, love spells, communicating with the spirits of the dead and other occult practices.

Place of Birth

Smoky quartz is found on all continents, but the most noteworthy deposits of the mineral are located in Brazil. More than half of all gems of jewelry value are mined here.

Stones of excellent characteristics are mined in Madagascar and Namibia, in the USA and Germany, in the Alps (Switzerland) and in Spain. The minerals that are found on the territory of the Urals, the famous homeland of gems, are also famous.

Physical properties

A spectacular natural stone has nothing to do with its chemical and physical properties, despite its eloquent name. The mineral belongs to the quartz family and has all the qualities inherent in any quartz.

FormulaSiO2 is a type of quartz.
ImpuritySometimes Al, Fe
Density2.52-2.65 g / cm³
FragilityVery fragile.
SyngoniaTrigonal, trigonal-trapezohedral type of symmetry.
ShineGlassy to greasy at break.
BreakCrusty, uneven.
CleavageUnclear from the rhombohedron.
ColourVarious shades of brown.

The healing properties of the gem

If you choose jewelry with a stone for your own jewelry collection or want to please a loved one not only with a beautiful, but also a useful gift, then you should find out in more detail what healing properties the mesmerizing smoky quartz has. Lithotherapists recommend using a gem:

  • harmonizing the work of the pancreas and kidneys;
  • improving the function of the adrenal glands;
  • increasing libido and potency;
  • normalization of reproductive functions;
  • relieving pain (headache, menstrual, articular) and cramps of a different nature;
  • recovery from mental disorders, including suicidal tendencies;
  • reducing feelings of anxiety;
  • cleansing the body of accumulated toxins and toxins;
  • getting rid of negative energy.

Even the ancient Indians practiced treatment with rauchtopaz bowls carved from a gem. They insisted on water and regularly gave a sick person to drink. A simplified treatment option that can be used today is to take a jewelry with a mineral or an untreated stone in your hand and hold it in it until you feel better.

The healing stone helps to get rid of addictions - alcoholic, nicotine, narcotic.

It is necessary more often to seek help from a unique mineral, wearing jewelry with it regularly or simply periodically holding the rauchtopaz in your hand and enjoying the healing warmth emanating from the gem.

Magical properties

Fascinating smoky quartz has always attracted the attention of not only jewelers, but also magicians who attribute magical properties to the stone. The power of the stone was used in their practices by oriental sages, Buddhists and ancient Hindus. It is believed that the magic stone rauchtopaz:

  • helps to see prophetic dreams if you put it under your pillow;
  • allows you to reach nirvana (the peak of superconsciousness) during meditation;
  • can be used to communicate with the souls of dead people;
  • popular among magicians and sorcerers who practice love spells and conspiracies.

Dark-colored gems have special magical power. The lighter the gem, the weaker its energy and the degree of influence on a person. The magical and astrological properties of jewelry are enhanced if the gems are set in silver. Gold somewhat reduces the energy potential of rauchtopaz.

To comprehend the secrets of the universe or to bewitch a loved one is possible only when using a large and unprocessed crystal. Jewelry processing significantly reduces the energy potential of the stone and makes it ineffective for magical practices.

Jewelry with mineral

Jewelers use rauchtopaz quite widely, as the stone looks impressive, and is relatively inexpensive. Natural stones adorn pendants and brooches, necklaces and bracelets, earrings and rings.

Figurines and other decorative items are decorated with brown minerals. Balls or eggs cut from a gem look spectacular and stylish, worthy of decorating the most refined interior or becoming an integral part of the office of a practicing magician.

The cost of jewelry with a stone is low and largely depends on the type of metal in which the rauchtopaz is framed. For example, graceful gold earrings with noble gems can be bought today for 15,000-25,000 rubles, and a silver ring that can become an effective talisman - for 2,000 rubles.

Varieties of rauchtopaz

In nature, rauchtopases are found in several shades, the intensity of which depends on the factors of natural irradiation of the mineral or the method of its subsequent processing. It:

  • A light gray gem that can be turned into by thermal action (up to 300 ° C).
  • A mineral that ranges in hue from purple to green. With a certain treatment, it has the effect of pleochroism, in which the color of the stone changes when rotating, when the rays of light fall on its face at different angles.
  • Dark brown rauchtopaz. This shade is most often found in nature and is used by jewelers to create elegant jewelry, the price of which is low. Correct cutting allows you to turn smoky quartz into transparent or golden, giving it the properties of pleochroism.
  • Almost black rauchtopaz, often called. It is a favorite of witches, magicians and warlocks, since the darker the mineral, the stronger its mystical properties. The use of a black gem helps to communicate with spirits, see the past and correct the future.

How to distinguish a fake?

It is extremely simple to distinguish the original rauchtopaz from a fake. Firstly, the stone is inexpensive and it makes no sense to create artificial analogues. And secondly, there is a simple way that you can use when buying jewelry. It will take a magnifying glass and a minute of time.

It is necessary to consider the stone, or rather, the bubbles inside it. In a banal glass, air inclusions will have a standard round shape. In a real gem, you can see small droplets of unusual shapes and different sizes. It is best to purchase jewelry with minerals from official manufacturers rather than trust unknown jewelry companies.

Care of stone products

Smoky quartz does not differ in finickyness. Due to its hardness, it is almost impossible to damage it mechanically. The only thing that can deprive a stone of its natural beauty is the scorching sun.

It is necessary to keep jewelry with rauchtopaz in a special bag that prevents direct sunlight from falling on the mineral and protects it from contact with other stones in the jewelry box.

The gem is cleaned with a soft brush dipped in soapy water or in water in which a few drops of ammonia are dissolved. After the water procedure, the mineral must be completely dried indoors, avoiding direct sunlight.

It is especially important to cleanse the mineral after participating in magical rituals. To do this, it is enough to hold it under a stream of cold running water every time after a session and let it rest for several days before the next use. This neutralizes the negative energy accumulated by the gem.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

When choosing jewelry with gems, many of us pay attention to the compatibility of the mineral with the zodiac sign. Jewelry rauchtopaz is no exception. The stone is not shown to everyone. It is important to take into account who is suitable and who is not suitable will be a spectacular gem covered with mystical legends.

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion-
  • The mineral is most suitable for Capricorn. To the representatives of this zodiac sign, the stone will demonstrate all its best sides - healing and magical, help to cope with stress, save from negative energy, and become an excellent talisman that allows you to make the right decisions.
  • For Libra, especially for women, rauchtopaz will give a sense of balance and calmness, will allow you to find answers to the most important questions, and will charge you with a positive mood.
  • Astrologers do not recommend for Cancers to wear jewelry with a gem. Representatives of this zodiac sign are distinguished by their sensitivity and emotionality. A stone with a strong energy can disrupt the mental state of a person, bring disharmony into it. The zodiac sign enters into such an imbalance with rauchtopaz that it is impossible for Cancers to even store products with rauchtopaz at home.
  • , Sagittarius and Leo are also not worth choosing talismans with rauchtopaz. People born under these signs of the zodiac are distinguished by impulsiveness, with which the pacifying energy of the stone is not combined.
  • The rest of the zodiac signs can wear jewelry with rauchtopaz, but dosed. If Virgo or Taurus sometimes wear a pendant with a spectacular gem, this will not bring any significant changes to their lives.

When choosing "your" stone, you can focus not only on the date of birth. Much more important for a person are their own feelings from communication with the mineral. If, holding the gem in your hand, you feel warm and peaceful, it will benefit you regardless of your zodiac sign.

Combining stone with names

The stones should be in harmony not only with the zodiac sign, but also with the person's name. This allows you to choose a gem that will demonstrate all its best properties.

The compatibility of a mineral with a name should be taken into account when buying jewelry for yourself or a loved one. A stone suitable for the energy of the name can become a reliable talisman, protect from rash acts and protect from the negative energy of others.

  • Catherine (Greek - immaculate). Best of all, the gem reveals its qualities if it is worn by Catherine. The name rewards its owners with sociability, incontinence and ambition. Jewelry with a stone "extinguish" excessive nervousness, make Katya more restrained and balanced, develop imagination and imagination.
  • Nina (Greek - regal). Independent and at the same time very feminine Nina Rauchtopaz will give peace of mind, relieve the change of mood characteristic of girls bearing this name, and help to cope with depression.
  • Tatiana (Greek - lady). Smart, conservative, obligatory and fearless Tatiana often suffers from misunderstanding by others and excessive irritability. Smoky quartz will bring harmony to the soul, help curb nervousness and bring luck to life.
  • Victor (Latin - winner). The man who bears this name is distinguished by his principles, unbending will and determination. However, Victor is subject to pernicious passions, conflict and inability to compromise. Smoky quartz helps to soften Viti's iron temper, takes away from bad habits, makes him attractive in the eyes of female representatives.
  • Peter (Greek - stone). Boundless will, a brilliant sharp mind, hard work and a desire for self-improvement - these qualities distinguish men with this name. As a talisman, a ring or a pendant with a rauchtopaz is suitable for them, absorbing the external negativity, relieving the pride and jealousy inherent in Peter. The stone bestows wisdom, drives out bad thoughts and pacifies an explosive disposition.

In addition to the zodiac sign and the name, minerals are also chosen according to the type of human activity. Rauchtopaz is best suited to representatives of creative professions, as it develops the imagination and allows the muse to be more often next to the artist or poet.


Strong and filled with restrained energy, rauchtopaz is an excellent choice for people who value not only spectacular, but also useful jewelry. A talisman with exquisite smoky quartz will reveal magical and healing properties to its owner, help to cope with problems and ailments.

Fascinating shades are in perfect harmony with everyday looks, make an evening dress sophisticated, add attractiveness to girls, and increase male magnetism.

Rauchtopaz - the magic of smoky quartz

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Even in the old days, Rauchtopaz was called smoky quartz, and until now this name of a magic stone is extremely popular among jewelers and buyers. Along with mysterious rock crystal, mysterious amethyst and citrine, this stone is one of the most amazing types of quartz available. Its golden brown crystals with rutile inclusions look especially beautiful, creating the effect of star rays scattering in different directions. NameWoman invites readers to get to know more about the magical properties of rauchtopaz and find out exactly how to get its power and help.

Mystics believe that rauchtopaz has the unique property of raising thoughts from the deep darkness of the subconscious into the area of ​​illumination ... It is rauchtopaz that is called “the stone of Buddha”. Even ancient Hindus firmly believed in the healing properties of this stone, believing that it is able to remove negative energy, toxins and toxins from the body. It is still believed that jewelry with rauchtopaz relieve irritability and neutralize anger, cleanse the soul, relieving us of resentment and misunderstanding .

If you are contemplative and dreaming, turn your attention to fine smoky quartz jewelry. This stone looks especially impressive in evening lighting, charms, pleases the eye with the play of reflections and reflections. You can admire the vivid performances of rauchtopaz almost endlessly, finding in it new shades of beauty every time. Yes, you can give it not only to a woman - for a man, a ring with rauchtopaz will become an unexpected and luxurious present symbolizing wisdom.

It is believed that the amazing rauchtopaz stone is able to introduce a person into the world of illusions and a variety of fantasies. Put it under your pillow at night - it is quite possible that you will have prophetic dreams. ... Advice from NameWoman: Going into the world of Morpheus, ask a question that worries you in your mind. When you wake up, try to remember everything that dreamed you at night, it is best to write down images and dreams. Try to decipher them, finding the answer to the question you asked, using your intuition and personal associations with what you saw.

Another property of the rauchtopaz stone is the gift of tranquility, the skills of meditative contemplation transmitted to a person. Working with the subconscious, rauchtopaz soothes overly hot-tempered and emotional people, relieves them of jealousy, pride and resentment, and as a talisman protects against external, negative magical influences. However, keep in mind that jewelry such as earrings with rauchtopaz is located very close to the cerebral cortex, which means that the influence of the stone on the subconscious in this case will be especially strong. Are you ready for this? Feel free to buy earrings.

You can use rauchtopaz to calm your soul as follows: firmly squeeze the product or a sample of the stone in your hand (best in both hands), imagine how the stone sucks out negativity and anxiety from you, unclench your hands when you feel that it has warmed ... Another option is to meditatively examine the deep reflections of the stone through the flame of a candle.

Rauchtopaz stone is not a type of topaz, as the name suggests. Although the mineral received such a name due to an error, after all, it was initially considered topaz with a smoky color. Later it was found out that rauchtopaz is a kind of quartz. The stone is also called smoky quartz, smoky topaz, Buddha stone. The first notes about the smoky mineral were found in ancient Hebrew manuscripts, and it gained popularity already in the 19th-20th centuries. During this period, it was worn by men, cufflinks and rings were created from the mineral.

The stone has the following characteristics:

  1. It is a kind of crystalline quartz.
  2. Has a glass luster.
  3. The size is different, there are minerals weighing up to a ton and miniature pebbles.
  4. Mohs hardness - 7.
  5. Transparent.
  6. The color ranges from light gray to dark brown.

Artificial stone can be created from glass, but this is not necessary, because it is inexpensive, and there are many of its deposits.

Rauchtopaz stone

Healing properties

The healing properties of the mineral were discovered in ancient times. It is known that the stone was sharpened and operated on, believing that this way the wounds would heal faster. Now the mineral is used in folk medicine.

Rauchtopaz has a calming effect, with regular wear you can get rid of stress, nervous breakdowns, panic attacks and insomnia. It allows you to learn how to keep your emotions under control and get rid of the depressive state. Experts have found that smoky quartz helps to overcome addictions, such as alcohol, drug or gambling. This is a popular method of dealing with this kind of subordination among non-traditional methods.

Rauchtopaz has a positive effect on the work of the adrenal glands and the digestive system. This stone can solve the intimate problems of men. Wearing the stone increases libido and is also used to treat impotence and infertility. Women also use the stone for the treatment and prevention of infertility. Smoky quartz improves immunity, cleanses the skin and protects against radioactive radiation. The mineral has a variety of healing properties. Legend has it that a person who drinks water charged with rauchtopaz will be cured of all diseases.

Magical properties

The magical properties of the stone were noticed by the magicians of India and Tibet, which is why it has another name - the Buddha stone. The magicians of India considered the mineral sacred, and used it to cleanse negative energy. And it was also believed that it allows you to clear the mind and achieve nirvana. In Tibet, it was often used for meditation to distract from worldly concerns and get in touch with the astral worlds.

In the Middle Ages, the stone was considered dark, and many were afraid of its impact. Magicians used it in their rituals, and used it to damage them. But it was also used to combat black magic. The stone has a very strong energy, so only experienced magicians can work with it. It is used for love spells, as well as communication with the other world. It has always been believed that the darker the mineral, the more energy it contains. For magical rites, raw stones are always used, because they have more energy.

At the moment, the positive and negative properties of the mineral are distinguished. The positive include:

  • getting rid of negativity;
  • protection from the evil eye;
  • purification of thoughts;
  • help in identifying people with poor energy.

And also the stone allows you to see prophetic dreams, for which it must be placed under the pillow at night.

Negative properties include:

  • the appearance of laziness;
  • bringing in trouble;
  • intensification of diseases.

Negative properties can appear if the mineral is incorrectly selected according to the sign of the zodiac, if the owner has bad thoughts or does not treat him correctly.

Rauchtopaz colors

Smoky quartz is in demand among jewelers for its richness of shades. The most popular is a transparent mineral with a brown tint, but there are many other variations.

Krystal rauchtopaz

Light gray

Light gray rauchtopaz is found in nature, and it was originally taken for a kind of citrine. It was revealed that when heated above 350 degrees Celsius, the mineral loses its color and becomes transparent like rock crystal.

Purple to greenish

Sometimes in nature there are stones with the effect of pleochroism. These change their color when rotating, and at a certain angle you can see a green tint and even purple. These stones are striking in their color, so they are often used by jewelers. But for the effect to be noticeable, it is necessary to carry out the processing in a certain way.


Rauchtopaz, which has a black color, is called morion. It has always been considered a dangerous stone with a strong, negative energy. But in fact, the black color is due to the admixture of aluminum or iron.

Dark brown

Brown is considered the most common color of rauchtopaz, and this is what it most often occurs in nature. After cutting, it can acquire a golden color, it is often used for jewelry.

Talismans and amulets

A small, uncut stone worn around the neck is usually used as an amulet. In order for it to come into contact with the body, but not to deteriorate, it is straightened with metal. As a talisman, coins or figurines are created from smoky quartz. This requires special skills because quartz is quite fragile. You can also use a pebble as a talisman by putting it in your wallet or pocket.

Rauchtopaz beads

The talisman is able to protect against negative influences, give calmness, fill the chakras with energy and improve immunity. If you wear an amulet or talisman every day, you can strengthen your intuition and develop magical abilities. A stone with a dark color is considered the most powerful, but there is an opinion that it can have a negative effect. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a pebble with a light brown or golden hue.

Rauchtopaz is notable for its low cost, which allows you to purchase an amulet in the form of a chain or ring. The mineral is best combined with silver, silver chains with a pendant made of smoky quartz look great.

How to distinguish a fake?

Rauchtopaz is much cheaper than topaz, because it is not considered a gem, and you will have to pay about two hundred rubles for one carat. Since rauchtopaz is widespread and inexpensive, counterfeits are extremely rare. If doubts have arisen, then you should pay attention to the following details. There are air bubbles in the fake smoky quartz, which means that you are most likely fake. The overpriced price should also alert, because smoky quartz belongs to semi-precious stones.

The natural mineral is transparent and rich in color. The artificial stone has grooves that indicate the growth process. Sometimes sellers present rauchtopaz as smoky topaz, saying that it is an expensive and rare stone. In fact, such a mineral does not exist in nature.

Who is it suitable for?

The Buddha stone has a strong energy, so before purchasing it, you need to make sure that it does not harm. This mineral is suitable for creative people, holding it in their hands, they get inspiration. Yogis use it for meditation, and magicians for various rituals. Women who work with children are advised to wear earrings with this mineral. For businessmen, cufflinks or a ring with smoky quartz will help to avoid mishaps at work.

It is important to take into account the sign of the zodiac; rauchtopaz is best suited to Capricorns and Scorpions. He will help the representatives of these signs to find calmness and self-confidence, to achieve difficult life goals. But it is better to avoid stones with a dark color, they have a negative effect. It is also suitable for Virgos, when worn regularly, they become calm and cheerful.

Ring with rauchtopaz

Representatives of the fire element, that is, Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, wear this stone is contraindicated. He is able to harm their mental state. The stone is also not very suitable for active Cancers, they will feel discomfort and become more constrained and slow.

It is not suitable for Aquarius, as it will cause excessive nervousness and anger. But Pisces, on the contrary, will allow you to become calmer and more benevolent. Libra will be more confident in itself, such a talisman will protect them from trouble. Gemini is advised to use the pebble for medicinal purposes. Taurus is allowed to use it only for the treatment of addictions, but if they do not exist, then it is worth giving up the talisman.

Care and storage

Jewelry made of rauchtopaz is perfect for women over 30 years old; jewelry made of silver with a brown stone looks the most advantageous. They look luxurious and unusual, while at an affordable price. The stone does not require complex care; it should be cleaned if necessary. It has good strength, so you can carry out the procedure with a brush.

For cleansing, the jewelry is placed in a solution of water and ammonia, after which it is washed under a tap and left to dry. It is advisable to keep the mineral in the sun, so it will absorb the solar energy. Powder is also used for cleaning, but soap is not suitable, it can leave a white coating on the surface. The pebble should not be exposed to high temperatures so that it does not lose color saturation.

Rauchtopaz is a semi-precious stone with a long history, around which myths and legends circulate. Some admire him, others fear his strong energy, but he has positive properties. And its beauty was noticed in ancient times even by men, and now the mineral is often used to make men's accessories. A variety of shades and sufficient strength allow you to make original jewelry, talismans, and interior items. Rauchtopaz is able to improve the physical and mental condition, it is worth choosing the right one, taking into account the zodiac sign.

Rauchtopaz is a transparent smoky stone. It is distinguished by a specific color and carries a special energy. The mineral is actively used by psychics and magicians for contact with "higher powers".

For a long time, people loved to decorate themselves with a smoky gem. For the first time, Rauchtopaz was mentioned in the writings of Jewish chroniclers. The Indians called it the Buddha stone. The Scots, in turn, called the mineral Kengor in honor of the mountain with its rich deposit.

In our country, rauchtopaz was used by the Ural jewelers. They came up with a special method of processing in order to get golden from the muddy shade of the stone. To do this, it was wrapped in dough and baked. Even today, this technique has not lost its relevance.

Rauchtopaz stone with rutile inclusions was quite popular under Catherine II. Since the beginning of the XIX century, the gem has been used for magical purposes. His presence under the pillow while sleeping caused prophetic dreams. In those days, it was believed that the mineral is capable of affecting the subconscious, therefore it was used in problem situations.

Place of Birth

Smoky quartz is formed by the action of aluminum and iron in geothermal conditions. Rauchtopaz has deposits in many countries of the world:

  • Scotland;
  • Madagascar;
  • Switzerland etc.

In Russia, the mineral is mined in the Urals. The largest sources are in Brazil.

Physicochemical properties

Rauchtopaz, unlike ordinary topaz, has a brown tint. The most valuable specimens are considered to be golden minerals. The color range is extensive - from light gray to dark chocolate.

Sometimes smoky topaz has a complex hue. There are samples with golden and purple blotches. A more intense color is observed at the base of the stone, so some specimens have a color stretch effect.

The main properties of Rauchtopaz stone:

ColourBrown, gray, brown
ShineGlassy to greasy
TransparencyTranslucent, transparent
Break characterCrustaceous
The formHex prism
Mohs hardness7
Density2.52-2.65 g / cm³
ImpuritiesIron and aluminum
Mechanical propertiesPiezoelectric
Optical propertiesPleochroism
Additional titlesTalianchik, smoky quartz, Scottish topaz, resin, smoky crystal

The smoky color of the mineral is unstable. It disappears immediately after exposure to temperatures above 300 ° C.

Scope of application

Rauchtopaz is used for magical rituals and jewelry production. Many items with a mineral that are suitable for the title of a work of art are on display in museums and exhibitions. The gem is popular with collectors.

Since the nineteenth century, rauchtopaz has become a material for all kinds of jewelry. Rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants with smoky quartz look elegant. It is allowed to use an uncut mineral as a talisman.


The flawless rauchtopaz with mesmerizing golden splashes is of extraordinary beauty and great demand. Smoky quartz has recently become very fashionable, which influenced the cost. From the category of ornamental stone, the gem passed into jewelry.

The price of one carat today is about $ 5. Stones with darkening, chips and cracks have a lower cost.

How to identify a fake?

The increased popularity of rauchtopaz has influenced the number of counterfeits of the mineral. Genuine copies are recommended to be purchased at jewelry stores. In other cases, you may encounter glass or plastic imitation. Original gem:

  1. Does not get warm from the warmth of the hands.
  2. Has air bubbles.
  3. Does not deform when exposed to high temperatures.

Today, the technology for the production of counterfeits is constantly being improved. Sometimes only an experienced jeweler can establish the authenticity of a stone.

Impact on the signs of the zodiac

Rauchtopaz is not suitable for all signs of the zodiac. Rauchtopaz shows the magical properties of the stone as follows: it endows the owner with poise and leads to a state of emotional stability. In other words, it is capable of "grounding" energy. Thanks to this, smoky quartz is suitable for representatives of the elements of the Earth.

Zodiac signsProperty
AriesConstant wearing causes negative consequences
TaurusDoes not have a magical effect, can be used as a decoration
TwinsHelps to climb the career ladder, promotes the implementation of all ideas
CancerWearing is strictly prohibited! Awakens the worst traits of character
a lionIt is often not recommended to wear, as quartz attracts negative into the life of Leo.
VirgoEliminates negative emotions, improves mood, inspires new achievements
scalesRewards with self-confidence, makes you more decisive and courageous
ScorpionPromotes career advancement, brings financial enrichment, connects with the right people
SagittariusAllowed to be worn occasionally, otherwise it leads to negative life changes
CapricornNormalizes energy, relieves anxiety and bad mood
AquariusSaves in times of melancholy and loss of strength, deprives anxiety and unnecessary worries
FishesHelps to find inspiration for creative people, when worn for a long time, have a negative effect - cause absent-mindedness

Not every representative of the zodiac sign can withstand the powerful energy of the stone. But those who are suitable for rauchtopaz can use the mineral resources limitlessly to improve the quality of life. Read how to find your stone.

Healing properties

The gem is prized for a number of medicinal properties:

  • treats psychological disorders;
  • relieves stress;
  • pacifies pain;
  • protects against radioactive radiation;
  • used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys;
  • restores reproductive function in men;
  • effective in the treatment of infertility;
  • eliminates bad habits - smoking and alcoholism;
  • normalizes the state of the endocrine system.

In contact with the body, smoky quartz takes diseases for itself. He successfully copes with the treatment of various kinds of addictions.

Magical properties

In ancient times, rauchtopaz was considered one of the most powerful stones in terms of energy. What other mineral was able to summon evil spirits? It was used during rituals to communicate with dark forces, now the mineral is actively used during conspiracies and love spells. The unique ability of the gem is the ability to communicate with the souls of the dead.

The magical properties of rauchtopaz help women solve problems in their personal lives. They used the stone for love spells, which influenced the object of adoration.

The darker the color of the rauchtopaz, the more problems it is able to solve. It is recommended for young girls to acquire a light gem, and for older women samples of a rich dark or brown shade.

Experienced magicians warned novices about the dangers of frequent use of smoky quartz in rituals. The power of the mineral is not subject to all sorcerers. Many of them were doomed due to the black energy of the stone and were forever stuck in the world of illusions.

For magical rituals, a large, intact mineral is used. Wizards prefer raw specimens as they are stronger. When processed, such a stone loses a significant part of its strength.

Applying the stone in a positive direction helps to cope with life's difficulties and rewards with fortitude. The owner of the mineral forgets about fatigue and solves all problems. Rauchtopaz displays properties valuable for magic better in a silver setting.