Newborn day regimen: an individual approach. Arguments against the daily routine. How to properly organize regime moments

The development of the child and his health depends on the correct organization of the regime, which the parents must deal with. Medical workers, specialized literature and intuition come to help young mothers and fathers.

Recommendations for the daily regimen of infants are based on the change of sleep and wakefulness. We must not forget about the importance of fresh air, that is, organized walks. Their number per day should be 3 times, and the duration should be from one and a half to two hours.

Recommendations on how to organize the daily routine of babies are also given by some specialists, for example, neuropathologists. After all, the neuropsychic health of the baby has a significant impact on the development of his personality in the future.

Here's what they say: Don't forget to develop your baby with toys and exercises. The complex of physical exercises improves the tone of the body, allows you to build small muscles and ensures good health.

During the first three months of a child's life, it is important to develop visual and auditory analyzers. Therefore, in the daily routine, there should be a place for developing games. This usually occurs after sleep, during the waking period.

After the third month of life and up to the sixth, the waking time increases, which must be devoted to the development of motor skills, motor skills. The daily routine of children at this age involves walking in the fresh air in combination with an afternoon nap. An important place in the regimen is given to feeding the baby.

Baby feeding regimen

Up to 4.5 months, the baby eats 6 times a day, and after this period 5 times, about every 4 hours. But modern parenting methods advise feeding the child on demand, and not on schedule. It may happen that the baby lays on the breast to calm down, not to feed.

As for toys, experts believe that a large number of toys next to a child will tire him or her excessively.


Hygiene skills are of great importance. A habit is formed in the process of life. After sleep, you need to wash your face with a cotton swab, before the evening sleep, the baby is bathed, and after he learns to sit, he is planted on the pot.

All this is necessary in order for a conditioned reflex to form. It is possible not to adhere clearly to the time frame, each mother does what she feels.

Daily routine by the hour

Here is a rough daily routine for toddlers of different ages:

Daily routine for a baby from 0 to 3 months.

8.30 - morning toilet, communication, gymnastics, massage procedures.

12.00 - feeding, communication.

12.45 - walk.

15.00 - feeding.

20.30 - swimming.

1.00 - 3.00 - night feeding at the request of the child.

Daily routine for a baby from 4 to 7 months.

6.00 - feeding.

8.00 - morning toilet, communication, gymnastics, massage procedures.

12.45 - walk.

14.00 - feeding, communication.

15.45 - sleep, or a walk in combination with sleep.

18.00 - feeding, communication.

19.00 - communication, sleep.

20.30 - swimming.

Daily routine for a baby from 8 to 12 months.

8.00 - morning toilet, communication, walk.

9.00 - gymnastics, massage procedures.

12.00 - communication, games.

12.45 - walk.

14.00 - feeding, communication.

15.45 - sleep, or a walk in combination with sleep.

18.00 - feeding, gymnastics, sleep.

20.30 - swimming.

Video recommendations from specialists and mothers on how to organize a baby's day regimen

One of the options for the baby's day regimen:

Sleeping and feeding mode:

How to train your child to sleep all night without waking up:

A correctly established baby's day regimen will help mom to relax and gain strength. For a child, order is also necessary for the normal development of the nervous system and all internal organs in general.

The daily routine consists in the sequential execution of actions and depends on the time of day.

  • There will be a certain time for walking, sleeping, feeding. Mom will know exactly when to start cooking or when she can take some time for herself.
  • Supporters of establishing a daily regimen feed the child on a specific schedule. This has its advantages as well. The work of the digestive organs is not overloaded, thereby reducing the risk of developing allergies, overweight. When a mother feeds her baby on demand, the risk of overfeeding increases.
  • The regime favorably affects the comfort and coziness in the family. Mom manages to pay attention not only to the child, but also to her husband and the rest of the family.

Comparative table of the daily routine of children under the age of one year.

Child's age, months0-3 3-6 6-10
ScheduleApproximate time interval, hour
First feeding6 6 7
Washing, massage, gymnastics, playing6-7 6-7.30 7-9
Dream7-9 8-10 9-11
Second feeding9 10 11
Walk, chat, play9-10.50 10-11 11-13
Dream11-13 11-13 13-15
Third feeding13 13 15
Walk, play, socialize13.40-14.40 13.20-14.30 15-17
Dream14.50-16.50 14.30-16.30 17-19.30
Fourth feeding17 16.30 19.30
Communication, game16.30-17.30 16.30-18 19.30-21
Dream17.40-19.30 18-19.30
Bathing20 20 21
Fifth feeding20.40 20.40
Communication, reading books, listening to music20.50-21.40 20.50-21.50
Night sleep21.40-6 22-6 21-7
Night feeding1 1

The table clearly shows that as the child grows up, more time needs to be devoted to spending time together. The routine of basic activities at 10 months becomes close to that of adult children.

Sample daytime schedule

The child must sleep most of the time for the entire first month (about 20 hours a day). Thus, the body adapts to new conditions better. Wakefulness is associated with feeding. The diet should include only breast milk.

It should be borne in mind that children of the first days of life are difficult to teach to eat according to the regimen. They can barely keep up with the hourly interval, especially those who are breastfed.

If the baby is fed with mixtures, then the interval can be up to 3 hours. The mixture takes longer to be digested by the stomach and can be measured accurately. For the first month, the baby needs about 90 ml of milk for each feeding.

Walking not only promotes healthy sleep and appetite. The sun's rays, falling on the baby's skin, contributes to the production of vitamin D, which is so necessary for normal development.

The schedule for the day of a three-month-old child looks something like this.

  1. Sleep - at least four times, lasting about 2 hours. Towards the end of the month, the night's sleep should be up to 6 hours.
  2. The interval between feedings should be about 3 hours. At night, no more than 6 hours. The diet should still consist of breast milk. Mom should not get carried away with new products so as not to cause an unwanted reaction from the baby's digestive tract.
  3. Be sure to be on the street. It is necessary to take into account the weather conditions, but on average they devote at least 2 hours a day.

At the age of three months, the mother develops a lactation crisis. You should not feed a three-month-old baby with mixtures and other complementary foods. You just need to wait out the period a little, and the food will be restored again. It will not work to accustom to the regime during this period.

By the fourth month, the child is already getting used to the established rules.

A night's sleep can already last about 10 hours. The baby sleeps 3 times for 2 hours a day. It should be borne in mind that at this time the first teeth begin to erupt, the child may feel physical discomfort, he becomes capricious, sleep and appetite are disturbed. The regime will go astray at this time. You should not be too strict with him at this time, you can adjust a little to his rhythms.

If the baby is breastfed, then the early introduction of complementary foods in the menu is not allowed.

The baby receives all the nutrients with mother's milk. If the baby is fed with mixtures, it is allowed to introduce a drop of juice into the diet.

The approximate daily routine by the hour in the first months of a baby's life is clearly shown in the table.

TimeBusiness schedule
6.00 First breakfast, sleep
8.30-9.00 Washing. Using a cotton swab or soft towel, wipe your face with warm water, clean the nose. You can drop a saline solution if it is hot at home and there are crust in the nasal cavity. Washing the genitals in the morning is also important.
9.30 Second breakfast, most often a dream again. At this time, mom will put herself in order, gather on the street herself.
10.30 Walk. If it is hot outside, then you cannot walk during the active sun period (from 11 to 15 hours). In this case, it will be necessary to get ready for the street a little earlier. The first walk should not last more than 15 minutes. In winter, you cannot go out with a child in the first month of his life at temperatures below -5 degrees. Walking time should be increased every day.
12.30-13.00 Lunch, sleep. At this time, mom goes about her business.
16.00-16.30 Feeding, walking again.
20.00 Feeding, communication, massage.
22.00 Bathing has a beneficial effect on healthy sleep, so this procedure is carried out in the evening.
22.30 Feeding and bedtime.

It is recommended to put the baby in the first month later than usual. Thus, you can ensure a long sleep at night. If you put your baby to bed early, for example, at 9 pm, the baby will wake up for night feeding at 2 o'clock. This time is characterized by a phase of superficial sleep, and the child may not fall asleep for a long time. If all family members go to sleep at the same time, then by the first night feeding everyone will have time to gain strength.

Children on artificial feeding at the age of five months are allowed to enter mashed potatoes from vegetables and fruits into their diet. After their introduction, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child.

The menu for a six-month-old baby is becoming diversified. By this time, the digestive system had strengthened quite well, enzymes necessary for the digestion of complex food were produced. Cereals, mashed vegetables and fruits, curds are introduced into the diet. Each new product should be fed no earlier than 10 days.

A baby's diet at five to six months will help you see the graph.

  1. First breakfast - kefir, breast milk, mixture.
  2. Second breakfast - porridge, cottage cheese, natural juice.
  3. Lunch - vegetable puree.
  4. Dinner - kefir.
  5. Second supper - mother's milk or mixture.

At 6 months, milk is in the foreground on the menu, and complementary foods are on the second. Therefore, after each complementary feeding, it is worth giving a mixture or milk. The diet of a seven month old baby continues to expand. You can enter fermented milk products, try to feed with meat puree.

At 8-9 months, the child still sleeps three times a day, but during the waking period he actively explores the environment. The intervals between feedings become longer and go up to 5 hours.

At 9 months, the baby's diet is supplemented with fish dishes. At this time, you need to teach the child to hold the spoon on their own. Breast milk is no longer the main food on the baby's menu.

At 10 months, a table of an approximate daily routine might look like this.

Regime establishment rules

In order to develop a daily routine for breastfeeding, the mother herself needs to learn the discipline and teach other family members to it.

Schedule of accustoming the baby to the established regime.

  1. Getting up after a night's sleep should be at the same time. Even if the night turned out to be sleepless, the baby could not fall asleep for a long time after feeding, he needs to be woken up for hygiene procedures.
  2. You yourself need to set a convenient time for feeding, sleeping, walking, bathing, and repeat daily. In a few days, the baby will get used to such a schedule, and the mother will feel relief.
  3. It is necessary to refuse feeding on a free schedule. If the child has eaten recently and again reaches with his mouth to the breast, he may just be thirsty. In this case, you can offer some water.
  4. The rituals will help the child quickly get used to the regimen. For example, before going to bed, you can sing songs or read rhymes, before bathing, you can walk around the room and look at objects or listen to music.

Throughout the entire time of accustoming to the regime, the mother will need to be patient, not to get angry or nervous if the child cannot get used to the routine.

On average, it is possible to establish a daily regimen in 10-14 days.

What should a mother do if the child confuses day with night, and how to teach him to sleep continuously all night?

  • A similar problem may arise due to the child's poor health (teeth teething, colic, colds). You need to see a doctor for advice on treatment.
  • Dry, hot air in the room. The air temperature in the room where the child sleeps should be 20-22 degrees, humidity - no more than 70%. Before going to bed, the room must be ventilated for at least 30 minutes.

  • The day needs to be filled with action. Play more, communicate with the child, do massage, gymnastics. Before going to bed, you can bathe in a large bathroom, where he will be able to actively move.
  • The feeding ration must be set correctly. Breast milk or a mixture should be included in the menu no earlier than 22 hours, if complementary foods are introduced, then you can offer porridge for dinner.

After the birth of a child in the family, the usual way of life changes. It is important not only to feed and put the baby to bed on time, but also to maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere in the family.

The daily routine is a whole system that ensures the correct functioning of the whole organism. The daily routine is different for each child. Some doctors claim that the baby can choose his own regime, that his body knows how much and when he needs to sleep, eat and stay awake. This is true, however, each person lives in society, which means that the child's regime is influenced not only by the work of his biorhythms, but also by external factors, in particular, the conditions formed by the parents.

Every mother knows how important it is to maintain the correct daily routine for children. The kid, whose daily routine is maintained every day, behaves and feels better. Let's learn how to properly organize the daily routine for children.

Determine the baby's willingness to live according to a given daily routine

When your child is just born, all the systems and processes of his body are not yet mature enough. It takes time for them to mature, to adapt to the rhythms of the world around them, before the baby is ready to form a certain daily routine. This stage takes about 4 months. The main task of the mother at this moment is not to interfere, but to listen carefully to the signals that the child gives. Surely you already understand when the baby is hungry, when he is cold or hot, when he wants to cuddle or sleep. Watch him to recognize how biorhythms work and to understand how to plan his sleep and wakefulness.

It is helpful to keep a diary in which you can record information about the child's behavior, activity and duration of rest, by the hour. This approach will help you to correctly analyze the events and understand the dependence of the baby's behavior and the quality of dreams on his day structure.

Pay attention to what time the dreams occur. When does your baby sleep longer and when does he sleep shorter? At what time does he fall asleep more willingly, and when does he resist? Does this time repeat from day to day? Is the waking time kept constant? Notice those events that repeat at about the same time every day.

After a few days of keeping such a diary, you will understand how much your child is ready to live according to the regimen.

Set a wake-up time in the morning and keep it constant

If you decide that the baby is ready to follow the daily routine, then the first thing to determine is the time of the beginning of wakefulness in the morning. Of course, we remember that every child is different. However, there are some similarities in the daily routine for children of the same age.

The baby's biological clock is set for sunrise. This means that the daily routine of a 6-month-old child, for example, assumes that he wakes up between 5:30 and 7 in the morning. And in a year, and in two, and in three, this pattern will remain the same. And only when the manifestation of the child's psychological characteristics and the impact of external, social stimuli begin to outweigh the natural ones, the child can start to get up later.

Don't let kids sleep longer than 7:00. Controlling the start of the day will help keep your day consistent and predictable.

Time your daytime dreams right

During the first 2 years of a child's life, the number of daytime dreams is constantly changing. From 4 months, the baby sleeps about 3 times a day, from 6-9 months - 2 times, and the daily routine of a one-year-old child can become unpredictable for every mother: at about 15-18 months, the baby will be ready to switch to 1 sleep. However, this transition may start earlier, at 13 months, or delay up to 24 months.

When organizing daytime dreams, it is important for a mother to understand what is right for the baby: a guideline for the duration of wakefulness or for a precisely specified sleep start time. And the criterion for the quality of rest will be its duration: after 4 months, we want the duration of daytime sleep to be at least 1 hour. With a shorter daytime sleep, the child does not have time to regain his strength, which means that his possibilities of being awake are reduced. A short nap indicates that the timing of the onset of sleep is not chosen correctly, or there are negative associations for sleep that prevent the baby from continuing it.

Keep your nighttime sleep flexible

Remember that another important point in the formation of the daily routine in children is the time of the beginning of night sleep. And here the main rule will be the absence of rules.

The recommended start time for night sleep for babies from 6 months to 6 years old falls between 18: 00-20: 00. This guarantees them a sufficient amount of good rest. In addition, the day regimen for a 2-year-old baby, as well as the 6-month-old baby's day regimen, involves going to bed at the same time. By the way, it is very convenient for parents of children of different ages.

However, this time is very conditional - the main signal for the mother should be the baby's behavior after 16: 00-17: 00. If the child is capricious, intractable, crying or overly active, this is a sign that he has already managed to overwork himself and must be put to bed early. If the child is calmly playing and is in a good mood, this means that the time of dreams you have chosen meets his needs for rest.

Remember that the main guideline in shaping your child's daily routine is his well-being during the day, as well as the quality of his rest. Listen to your baby's cues and enjoy your time with your baby every day!

Rise 7.00

The most favorable time for a child to get up after a night's sleep is 7-7.30 in the morning, thus, the total duration of a night's sleep of a younger student is 10.5-11 hours.

Hygiene procedures, morning exercises 7.00-7.30

A younger student should start his day with morning exercises. It shouldn't take long. Morning exercises allow the body to move from sleep to wakefulness, it improves the blood supply to the brain, strengthens the nervous system, and creates a cheerful, good mood. After charging, it is advisable to take a shower. After that, get dressed, make the bed and have breakfast.

Breakfast 7-30-7.45

For the proper development of the body, maintaining high performance, children need to follow the diet. Changes in the interval between meals often lead to poor appetite in children. Eating food without appetite causes disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, contributes to the development of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

School stay (working hours) 8.30-13.05

It is very useful to take a walk for 20-30 minutes before starting classes, this increases mental performance and ensures the productivity of assimilation of educational material. A student must come to school in 10-15 minutes. Before class and prepare for the lesson. This will allow you to focus on the material of the upcoming educational activity.

13.05-13.30 It is advisable to provide for walks before lunch, lasting 40 minutes - 1.5 hours. Staying in the open air is the most effective form of recreation, restoring the body after exhausting exercises, increasing its efficiency to the level necessary for the full preparation of homework. During walks, an increase in blood oxygen, improves metabolic processes. Staying in the air helps to harden the body, prevent ultraviolet deficiency and physical inactivity.

Lunch 13.30-14.00

For elementary school students of educational institutions, the organization of two meals a day is provided. It involves organizing lunch and afternoon tea (mandatory for long day groups).

Sleep for first grade students and children with poor health 14.00-15.00

Children with poor health, getting tired quickly, with increased excitability of the nervous system also need 1-1.5 hour naps. Daytime sleep is generally shown to all first-graders. With an increase in mental and physical exertion (during the period of acute adaptation to the conditions of schooling), it is advisable to increase the duration of sleep by about 1 hour in order to mitigate the desynchronizing effect of these loads.

Outdoor games, outdoor entertainment 14.00-15.45

The duration (total) of stay in the open air should be for primary school students - 3 - 3.5 hours.

Afternoon snack 15.45-16.00

Independent study sessions 16.00-18.00

Self-study students are encouraged to begin with assignments of average difficulty, then move on to the most difficult and difficult material, and complete the work with the easiest assignments. This procedure for preparing lessons contributes to a gradual entry into work, the most difficult tasks will be performed against a background of high efficiency, and light ones - during a decline in activity productivity. First, you should complete written assignments, and then move on to oral assignments.

Free time, work of circles, hobby classes 18.00-19.00

In the daily routine of the student, time is provided that he uses in accordance with individual inclinations, desires, interests, the so-called free time. It follows self-preparation and is 1-1.5 hours in the daily routine of a primary school student.

Dinner 19.00-19.30

In the morning, you should use foods rich in animal protein. And for dinner - dairy products.

Housework 19.30-20.00

In their free time, children should provide all possible help to the family by doing certain household chores. Younger schoolchildren are involved in cleaning the room, washing dishes, caring for houseplants and pets, etc. Such work contributes not only to the correct upbringing of the child, but also to his physical development and health.

Evening walk 20.00-20.30

Children can also play outdoors in the evening. A walk after dinner, before going to bed, which lasts about 30 minutes, is especially useful. It relieves fatigue that accumulates towards the end of the day, reduces the excitement of the nervous system, and promotes rapid falling asleep in the future. In total, children of primary school age should spend in the fresh air 3-3.5 hours a day. Unfortunately, in modern conditions, children often disrupt this very important component of the daily regimen, which negatively affects their health and performance.

Hygiene procedures, preparing for bed 20.30-21.00

In the schoolchild's daily routine, sufficient time is provided for hygiene procedures. Personal hygiene includes morning and evening toilet, morning exercises followed by water treatments, changing clothes after school and walks.

Night sleep 21.00 The total duration of night sleep of a primary school student is 10.5-11 hours.

The question of the need to comply with the child's day regimen is still open. And if, with respect to the daily routine of an older child, you can afford a little amateur performance, then what to do if you have absolutely a crumb? How to find out when and how much he should sleep, eat, bathe, etc., as well as how to fit all this into the framework of daily childcare? A young mother comes to the aid of a child's day regimen for up to a year, which will facilitate the mother's process of caring for the baby and will not let her forget about the necessary procedures.

In the first year after birth, the child's routine changes several times. But these changes are not qualitative, but quantitative. The list of activities that make up the child's day regimen for up to a year remains unchanged - only the amount of time allotted for a particular event changes: feeding, sleeping, walking, developing games and activities, hygiene procedures.

Up to 3 months, children are fed with breast milk or infant formula about 7 times a day. From 3 months, feeding becomes 6 times a day, from six months - 5 times a day, and closer to a year, the baby eats 4 times a day.

In the first three months after birth, the baby sleeps a lot, but after 3 months he sleeps less often and less, and more time is awake. On average, in the period up to a year, the baby should sleep 10-12 hours a day. At about six months, the child sleeps 2 times during the day - 2 hours before lunch and after it. By the year, in the child's day regimen, 1 day's sleep remains. But if the baby gets sick or overworked, the amount of sleep may increase.

It is better to engage in games and developmental activities with a child under one year old until he gets tired. Before going to bed, it is necessary to refrain from active games and replace them with something more calm.

Hygiene procedures are also an important part of the child's day regimen under one year old and should include morning and evening toilet. Morning washing should symbolize the arrival of a new day for the child, and evening bathing should symbolize going to bed. In this regard, the systematic nature of hygiene procedures is very important.

Approximate daily routine for a child up to 3 months

A healthy child up to 3 months of age needs 7 feedings during the day (with 1 night), 17-20 hours of sleep, hygiene procedures (with each diaper change, as well as evening bathing) and walks. Sleep time can be combined with walks - sleeping in the fresh air is very useful for a newborn. And the waking time can be used to conduct developmental activities with the newborn.

We are offering to you an approximate daily regimen for a child under 3 months:

6.00-7.00 - Wakefulness

7.00-9.00 - Sleep

9.00 - Second feeding

9.00-10.00 - Wakefulness

10.00-12.00 - Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

12.00 - Third feeding

12.00-13.00 - Wakefulness

13.00-15.00 - Sleep

15.00 - Fourth feeding

15.00-16.00 - Wakefulness

16.00-18.00 - Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

18.00 - Fifth feeding

18.00-19.00 - Wakefulness

19.00-20.45 - Sleep

21.00 - Sixth feeding

21.00-6.00 - Night sleep

24.00 or 3.00 - Seventh feeding

Approximate daily routine for a child from 3 to 6 months

Children at this age already sleep less - about 15-17 hours a day, and food becomes 6 meals a day. By shortening the sleep time, the duration of the wakefulness increases. The list of activities that make up the child's day regimen remains the same.

We are offering to you an approximate daily routine for a child from 3 to 6 months:

6.00 - Waking up after a night's sleep and the first feeding

6.00-7.30 - Wakefulness

7.30-9.30 - Sleep

9.30 - Second feeding

9.30-11.00 - Wakefulness

11.00-13.00 - Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

13.00 - Third feeding

13.00-14.30 - Wakefulness

14.30-16.30 - Sleep

16.30 - Fourth feeding

16.30-18.00 - Wakefulness

18.00-19.00 - Sleep (can be combined with a walk)

19.00 - Fifth feeding

19.00-20.45 - Wakefulness

20.45 - Carrying out hygiene procedures before bedtime (bathing)

21.00-6.00 - Night sleep

23.00 - Sixth feeding

Approximate daily routine for a child from 6 to 9 months

A baby at this age sleeps 3 times a day, the total amount of sleep per day decreases to 14-16 hours. The number of feedings for a child at this age is reduced to 5 with an interval of 4 hours between them. It is now advisable to combine the periods of not only sleep, but also wakefulness with a walk - for the general development of the baby.

We are offering to you an approximate daily routine for a child from 6 to 9 months:

7.00 - Waking up after a night's sleep and the first feeding

7.00-9.00 - Wakefulness

9.00 - 11.00 - Sleep

11.00 - Second feeding

11.00-13.00 - Wakefulness (can be combined with a walk)

13.00 - 15.00 - Sleep

15.00 - Third feeding

15.00-17.00 - Wakefulness (can be combined with a walk)

17.00-19.00 - Sleep

19.00 - Fourth feeding

19.00-21.00 - Wakefulness (quiet games)

20.30 - Carrying out hygiene procedures before bedtime (bathing)

21.00-7.00 - Night sleep

23.00 - Fifth feeding

Approximate daily routine for a child from 9 months to a year

The child sleeps only 2 times a day for about a year, and the total duration of daytime sleep is 5 hours. But, in any case, you should take into account the individual characteristics of your child's body - he may want to sleep less during the day, but he will have a longer night's sleep.

Closer to the year, the child is already awake up to 3.5 hours, so you will have to think carefully about what to do with this time.

Since at this age the child is already confidently eating complementary foods, the diet also changes slightly.

We are offering to you an approximate daily regimen for a child from 9 months to a year:

7.00 - Waking up after a night's sleep and carrying out hygiene procedures

7.30 - Breakfast

8.00-9.30 - Wakefulness (outdoor games and developmental activities)

9.30-12.00 - Sleep (outdoors)

12.00 - Hygiene procedures after sleep, lunch

12.30 - 15.00 - Wakefulness (games in the fresh air or just a walk)

15.00 - Afternoon snack

15.30-17.00 - Sleep

17.00-19.00 - Hygiene procedures after sleep, games and educational activities

19.00 - Dinner

19.45 - Carrying out hygiene procedures before bedtime (bathing)

20.00 - 7.00 - Night sleep

We have offered you only an approximate daily routine for a child under one year old, which should not be blindly followed. Yes, the basic rules for drawing up a daily routine for a child in the first year of life are given here correctly, but perhaps your baby himself decides to make some adjustments to the option you have chosen - thereby creating an ideal daily routine for himself!