Christmas games for teens. When and by whom the holiday of Christmas is established. Cozy family holiday

To understand the meaning of Christmas, the children will have to turn first into spectators, then into masters and painters, actors and decorators. To make it more interesting, along with calm games, mobile contests are held.

At the end of the event, children are encouraged to taste a Christmas treat.

Target: to acquaint with the holiday, to help understand its meaning.

Registration: Decorated tree, tinsel, rain, Christmas wreaths, figurines of angels, illustrations from Christmas stories.

Required attributes:

  • Dolls and stage for staging a Christmas show;
  • Bells for children;
  • Material for making crafts "Angel";
  • Bird feeder and grain;
  • Snowman decorations;
  • Snow sledges;
  • Material for making a Christmas card;
  • Identical sets of clothes for each child: T-shirt, pants, mittens, hat, socks and other necessary attributes;
  • Treats for children;
  • Wings;
  • Whatman paper, snowflakes, clouds, yellow circle and rays for the relay;
  • Toy star.


  • Leading

Event progress

Leading: Hello kids! Do you know what holiday is today? What joyous occasion do people celebrate on this day? Today ! Let's take a short trip to this wonderful holiday in order to understand why it is needed. And we'll start with a very interesting story. Now we are becoming spectators. Imagine you are in a puppet theater. Watch the performance of the actors carefully, and then tell us what exactly we are happy about this day.

The presenter arranges a Christmas nativity scene for children in order to explain the essence of the holiday to children in a playful and accessible way.

Leading: What happened on this day many, many years ago? That's right, the baby Jesus was born, who saved all mankind from destruction. In some countries, Christ was greeted with cheerful bells ringing. We're going to be the bell ringers now! Tell us what we need to do our job?

Children: Bells.

Leading: Everything is correct. But since you are still small, your bells will be small too (handing out bells). Let's celebrate the birth of Jesus together.

Children are ringing bells.

Leading: Guys, remember who predicted the birth of the future savior?


Leading: Well done! Do you know that every person has a guardian angel?

And in order not to forget about it, let's make our own angel. To do this, we now need to turn into masters and go to the workshop.

They go to the table on which the necessary material for making angels is located (cardboard, scissors, threads, glue). The host conducts a master class on creating angels.

Leading: Guys, look at your beautiful angels. Now you can hang them on the Christmas tree so that everyone can see your work. Now we will become decorators who are engaged in decoration.

Children go to the tree, hang the resulting figurines of angels.

Leading: Guys, not only people are happy that Christ has appeared. All living beings on this day try to share joy with each other. We must not forget about our smaller brothers - birds and dogs. They should also have a holiday today to make the house fun. Do you remember what you need to feed the birds?

Children: Bread, wheat.

Leading: Let's prepare a rich table for our birds.

In a pre-prepared feeder, children gradually pour grain, dress, go out into the street, and help the presenter install the feeder.

Then the Christmas games are held

and contests on the street:

  • "Making a Christmas Snowman" - children sculpt a snowman, decorate it with tinsel, rain, Christmas decorations.
  • "Sanya in a sleigh"- kids ride each other in turns on a sled, avoid obstacles.
  • "Angels"- children make figures of angels in the snow (lie down on the snow, wave their hands, "drawing" wings in this way).
  • "Snow tags" - to grease, you need to hit a friend with a snowball.

After the snow fun, the children enter the house.

Leading: Guys, you know that you can congratulate others not only with words. How else do you think this can be done?

Children: Make a postcard!

Leading: That's right, and now we will be artists. We will make our own postcard. We need to go to the workshop again.

Children go to a table on which there are the necessary attributes: white cardboard and pencils or felt-tip pens, and a ready-made coloring card. First, a conversation is held on the topic of what can be drawn on a postcard, and then the children start to work.

Leading: Well, now, we have made very beautiful postcards. Now we will congratulate each other. Let's give memory cards to each other. Guys, who delivers postcards and letters to the right addressees?

Children: Postman!

Leading: Right. And now we will play postmen.

Children sit on chairs in a circle. One child is a driver. The driver calls the names of two children. Those whom he named should quickly switch places. The driver at this time is trying to take the place of one of them. The child who did not have time to take a seat becomes a driver. After the game, the children exchange postcards. The facilitator should make sure that each child gets a card.

Leading: On Christmas Eve, people dress up in different costumes and go caroling, wishing happiness and goodness. And in response, the owners, who were presented with congratulations, give various gifts. Let’s also be a fan of ours. But first you need to change.

For children, bright clothes of a larger or smaller size are prepared in advance: T-shirts, hats, mittens, socks and so on. Each child is given the same amount of clothing. On command, they have to put on all things on themselves - who will cope with the task faster?

Leading: So we got dressed up! Now you can make a splash! Do you know any Christmas carols? No? We'll have to learn. So now we will be actors. We will have to congratulate the owners so that they do not doubt our sincerity!

The leader reads the carol line by line, the children repeat the words and movements behind him.

Leading: Now you can go caroling!

Children come up to their parents, sing a Christmas carol to them. For this they receive treats.

Leading: Well, now - a Christmas tale. Guess what role you need to play now?

Children: Role of listeners.

Leading: Everything is correct. A miracle can happen on Christmas Day. Even if it seems that there is nowhere to wait for help, it still comes from where it was not expected at all. This is what the Christmas tale tells about. Are you ready to listen? Then sit back and listen.

The host reads a Christmas tale. Asks questions about the content, understanding of the work.

Leading: Guys, remember who we did today at the very beginning of the holiday?

Children: Angels.

Leading: Do you want to become angels for a while? What do you need for this?

Children: Wings!

The presenter distributes wings to the children and conducts the torch of the angels:

  • "Fly over" desired distance.
  • Collect snowflakes fallen to the floor.
  • Light up everything around - glue as many rays as possible to the yellow circle to make a lush sun.
  • Remove all clouds from heaven: clouds and a sun made in the previous competition are attached to a sheet of whatman paper, the children in turn run up and remove one cloud at a time.
  • Finish painting - glue the beautiful snowflakes that you collected on whatman paper.

Leading: All good things come to an end someday, and it's time for you to land. Take off your wings and turn into children!

Children take off their wings. They sit down on the chairs.

Leading: Guys, do you remember who showed the way for the wise men to the baby Jesus?

Children: Star!

Leading: Right. And now we will try to find such an asterisk in the room. Carefully inspect the room and try to determine where it is!

Christmas games will help make the holiday unforgettable and fun not only for a child, but also for an adult. In the old days, a lot of time was devoted to games, many of which, unfortunately, have been forgotten by our generation. Let's remember some of them.

As a rule, Christmas is celebrated in a close family circle, but in this case, you can make it unusual. A small costume show will delight everyone. It can be a small story about the creation of the world. After the mini-scene, you can invite everyone to take part in Christmas fortune-telling. Continuing the theme of creating the world, treat everyone, for example, with apples, in which you must first hide notes with cheerful wishes and predictions like:

A star hangs over you, you will always be happy.

Do not be sad and smile, treat yourself to a pie.

You will soon be rich if you eat grapes.

A big surprise awaits you, you are going on a cruise soon.

If you eat an orange, you will be filled with strength.

And many, many others. Moreover, it is not necessary to write funny wishes in poetic form. It can be in prose. The main thing is that they bring a smile to the face of those present and be able to create an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness.

If there is a Christmas tree left in the house before Christmas, you can update its outfits by hanging new toys, while telling the children the fairy tale about the Christmas tree, the meaning of which is that when Jesus created many trees, he began to decorate them. He decorated the apple tree with bulk apples, the plum with blue cream, and the mountain ash with bulk red berries. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The trees in turn approached Christ, and he decorated them, only one modest tree remained on the sidelines and was ashamed to approach God. Then Jesus, seeing this tree, approached him himself and said that for her modesty, 2 times a year this tree would be decorated with the most beautiful toys, shiny balls and sparkling garlands. That is why twice a year - on New Year's and Christmas, the Christmas tree becomes the most beautiful tree in the world.

Christmas in Russia began to be celebrated after the adoption of Christianity in the 10th century. At this moment, people celebrated Kolyada - the holiday of Christmastide, carols. Although the tradition of carols has been forgotten in large cities, carols are still being celebrated in the villages.

Among the fun Christmas winter games are the following:

The game "Frozen". Fun children's game, although adults can take part in it. The essence of this game is as follows: parts of the body are written on small pieces of paper: forehead, nose, ear, hand,. ... etc. All the leaves are folded into a bag. The participants in the game take turns taking out the leaves and "freeze" to each other with the body parts indicated on the sheet. it turns out to be a very funny chain.

A game of "riddles". For young participants of the holiday, you can hold a riddle competition. You just need to make a selection of riddles on the winter theme.

The game "sour cream": put sour cream in a shallow plate. Children are tied behind their hands and offered to eat sour cream at speed without hands. The very first wins.

Game "marksman thrower". This game is played outside. Its essence lies in the fact that the participants are divided into 2 teams. Buckets are placed at a certain distance from the participants. At speed, you need to blind a snowball and throw it into a bucket. the team whose members are the most accurate wins. At home, this competition can also be held, only paper balls can be made instead of snowballs.

Modern entertainment "key chains - fortune tellers". For this game, you need to purchase a variety of key rings - with the image of a car, different animals, banknotes, kids. ... ... The key rings are folded into one package. Each of the participants in turn takes out one of the souvenirs and interprets what was received as a gift. If, for example, someone pulled out a typewriter, it means that in the coming year he will definitely buy a real one. Someone pulled the baby out - a child will be born in the family, a monkey will symbolize a trip to distant countries, a banknote - sudden wealth. It all depends on the imagination of the participants.

The most important thing is not to forget to encourage children regardless of their victory or defeat. Christmas games for children should only bring positive emotions, and not bring out the best of them.

Without forgetting old traditions, you can learn short carols with children. This old pagan tradition will undoubtedly bring joy to children, especially if their efforts are encouraged by something very, very tasty, or small souvenirs.

A little boy sat down on a glass

a glass of crumb, come on a ruble.

We will carol and glorify Christ to you

open the chests, get out the snouts.

An angel came down to us from heaven, and said: "Christ was born",

We came to glorify Christ, to congratulate you all on the holiday.

We sow, we sow, we sing,

Merry Christmas!

Angels sing and bring us joy,

and we accept joy,

and congratulations to all of you.

Kolyada, kolyada, open the gate,

Get out the chests, and give me piglets,

At least a ruble, at least a nickel, we will not just leave.

Give us a candy, you can also a coin,

Don't spare anything on Christmas Eve!

We are little children, we broke on a branch,

They stood in the fence, they glorified Christ,

Paradise was opened, Christ was born.

You can invite the children to go to a party at a party. In order for the children to become the most unforgettable moment of the holiday, it is better to prepare for this event in advance. Indeed, in the old days, carols were performed by mummers - wolves, hares, bears, Baba Yaga, a goat and others. Preparing costumes will definitely become a fun pastime, especially since it will help the development of imagination and creativity in kids. It is better for people to whom it will be planned to visit all mummers in advance of their visit. For children, it is desirable to keep this moment a secret and try to portray sincere surprise on their faces.

When creating a holiday for children, it is necessary to think over everything in the most careful way, in no case to single out winners and losers. Indeed, on the bright holiday of Christmas, the most important thing is a warm atmosphere of love.

Ekaterina Shutova
Christmas games for preschoolers

Target: to maintain children's interest in the origins of Russian national culture; reveal the meaning of the holiday Christmas Christ and the importance of this event in the life of every person.


Instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of your country. To intensify speech through oral folk art.

To cultivate friendly relations with each other, love for one's neighbor, creating a positive mood.

They will help to make the holiday unforgettable and fun for children christmas games... In the old days, a lot of time was devoted to games, many of which, unfortunately, have been forgotten by our generation. Let's remember some of them.

Good afternoon, fun hour!

Glad to see you again!

Congratulate everyone on the occasion -

Happy New Year, with Merry christmas!

Happy days have come

Lights are burning on the tree

Ringing laughter is heard everywhere -

It's time for fun!

For jokes and fun

Cool mood

For funny carols

Such is christmas order!

The game "Pie"

(to the Russian folk melody)

rules games: children stand in two lines opposite each other. In the middle - the driver "pie"... Everything sing:

Yes, he is so tall,

Yes, he is so wide,

Yes, he is so soft,

Cut it up and eat it.

After the words "Cut it and eat it" To "Pie" run one participant from each line. Who will be the first to touch "pirogue", takes him to his team, and the loser is left to portray "pie". Group wins taking more "Pies".

The game "You roll, roll the snow".

The guys stand in a circle, betray the snow to each other with in words:

We will stand together in a circle

We will roll a snowball

Who will freeze the snow

That one will dance for us.

Whoever has a snowball comes out and dances.

"Trintsy-bryntsy, bells".

We blindfold one participant. We stand around him. We pronounce:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells.

The daredevils rang:


Guess where the ringing comes from!

After these words, the “blind man” should guess by the sound of the bell and catch the participant with the bell who dodges him. When the participant with the bell is caught, he becomes "Blind man's buff" and the previous one "Blind man's buff" turns into a regular player.

What doesn't happen on the tree?

To conduct this game, the presenter must learn the following simple rhymes in advance and address them to the players. Task so: when you hear the name of the Christmas tree toy, you need to raise your hand and to tell: "Yes!" When they name something that does not happen on the tree, one must restrain and keep silent. And this is not always easily: Someone is bound to make a mistake, causing everyone to laugh. The presenter reads, not letting the players especially ponder:

So the holiday is coming

Everyone decorates the tree.

Who guys will confirm:

Hangs on its branches:

Soft toy,

A ringing firecracker


Old tub,

White snowflakes

Bright pictures,

Torn shoes

Chocolate bars,

Horses and horses

Bunnies made of cotton wool,

Winter tents,

Red lanterns,

Bread croutons,

Bright flags

Hats and scarves,

Apples and cones

Colin's panties,

Tasty candy,

Fresh newspapers ?.

Manage to convey

The players stand in a circle. To the music, they pass from hand to hand a small toy (for example, a plastic Snow Maiden)... As soon as the music stops, the transfer of the toy is stopped. The one who has the Snow Maiden in his hands is eliminated from games... After that, the game continues. Music should be cut off often and suddenly, but at different intervals. The one who remains the last wins.

You can make this change to the game.

Whenever the music stops, the one who has the toy in his hands, as well as the one who handed it over to him, take a step forward, put the toy in front of him on the floor, stand with his back to each other next to it, and, at the sign of the leader, each run to your side. They run around the circle and try to catch the toy in time. The one who succeeded takes his place, the unsuccessful one drops out of games... This option is used when few children participate in the game.

What changed?

This is a game that develops visual memory. Drivers take turns offered this exercise: for a minute, examine the toys hanging on one or two branches of the Christmas tree and remember them. After that, those who will guess: “What has changed?”, You have to leave the room. At this time, several toys (three four) outweigh: some can be removed, some can be added. Entering the room, you need to examine your branches and say what has changed. Depending on the age of the children, tasks can be either complicated or simplified.

How is the number known?

Numbers are pre-written on paper cards. The cards lie at the driver in a small bag or laid out on the table (numbers down, like examination cards. Players take turns drawing cards and quickly try to figure out what number known: in what stable phrase, biblical dictum, proverb, riddle it is mentioned.

For example, drawing out a card with the number “3”, you can recall the three wise men who brought to the newborn Savior his gifts, remember the three-times crowing of the rooster and the denial of the Apostle Peter, and then about the three-time questioning of him Savior: "Simone Ionin, do you love Me?" - and the apostle's threefold affirmative answer.

Taking out a piece of paper with the number “4”, you can think of four evangelists, four days of fasting throughout the year.

And looking at the card with the number “7”, say about the Seven Days of Creation, about the seven sacraments of the Church, seven days of the week, seven colors of the rainbow.

However, it is worthwhile to think in advance which numbers are better to exclude from the tasks, since quickly coming up with an answer to them may be too difficult.

(From folk games recorded by V.I.Dal)

Children sit down to play. One of them puts a basket on the table and says neighbor:

- Here's a box for you, put what you have in it, if you mention it, you will give a deposit.

Children take turns speaking words in rhyme on OK: “I'll put a ball in the box; and I am a scarf; I am a lock, a knot, a box, a boot, a slipper, a stocking, an iron, a pie, a bun. ”Anyone who cannot name the words or is mistaken puts a pledge to the basket - a small object (handkerchief, candy, ring or something else).

At the end, are played out pledges: Taking them out of a basket covered with a handkerchief, the children assign a ransom to each pledge - to make a riddle, read a poem, and sing a song.

Relay race "Collect a snowman" with parents

Two teams participate in the relay "SNOWFLAKE" and "ICE", are built in columns one after another. Each of the members of the two teams is given paired pieces of a snowman cut out of cardboard. (Three circles - large, medium and small, arms, legs, eyes, nose - carrot, bucket, broom). At the command of the leader, the players of both teams, in pairs, run up to a certain place, put their part and return to their team. Team wins, who collected the snowman the fastest and gets a token.

Well done mischievous

Lights shine in my eyes.

For the year to go well

Let's remember the winter fun!

(speaks and shows movements and asks children to repeat)

Snowflakes are quietly falling (Children clap quietly at palms)

Santa Claus freezes ice (Clap loudly)

It covered a large snowdrift.

In it - jump-yes-jump! (Jump)

Prepared skates

Do "Swallow" could ... (Show)

And now we get up on skis.

We can race to Paris. (Move to the tree and back)

We continue to have fun

You need to take a ride down the hill. (We got up as a train and ran)

Who's got cold feet?

Mash them up a little! (Jumping in place)

"Golden Gate"

Two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. It turns out "Collars"... The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the one in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should go under the gate.

"Vorotiki" pronounce:


Golden Gate

Not always missed!

The first time he says goodbye

The second time is forbidden

And the third time

We will not let you pass!

After these words "Collars" drop their hands sharply, and those children who were caught also become "Collars"... Gradually the amount "Gate" increases and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children become "Gate".

Fun is called -

"We will go to the right before ..."

Let's stand together in a round dance,

Repeat after me, people!

All get up in a round dance and repeat the movements after words.


We'll go right first. One two Three!

And then let's go left. One two Three!

Let's get together in a circle. One two Three!

And then we'll go our separate ways. One two Three!

We'll all sit down quietly. One two Three!

And we'll lie down a little. One two Three!

Let's all slap in palms... One two Three!

Dance our legs. One two Three!

(Any funny music sounds here and everyone dances.)

Light christmas star

Gives a holiday again

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

WITH Merry Christmas!

Christmas contests

Game - Contest "Pass the Orange"

All the guys line up in one line. The essence of the game is to pass an orange (small ball) along the chain, provided that it cannot be touched with the hands (that is, you can pass it using your shoulder, chin, etc.). If an orange (ball) falls to the floor, then the game starts over (or the player is out of the game, the 2 remaining players win).

Competition "Hold the Snowflake" (The game develops agility and endurance)

The facilitator gives each child a small ball of cotton wool, which he designates as a "snowflake." Then the children loosen their lumps, and at the command of the presenter, throw them up and begin to blow, so as to keep their "snowflakes" in the air for as long as possible. The winner is the player who was the last to keep his "snowflake" in the air.

Game "Guess and Think of a Rhyme"(children and parents play)

The presenter reads riddles, the children guess, and the parents come up with a rhyme for the answer word. The winner is the one who said the last word.

She covered the ground with a duvet

Chained rivers with strong ice

Drawn patterns on the window

Sparkling white silver. (Winter)

Caught on the cornice
The head hangs down.
The acrobat is a tiny little girl,
Winter candy - ... (icicle)

He's made of snow alone
From carrots his nose.
A little warm, she will cry instantly
And it will melt ... (snowman)

Whose drawings are on the window
How is the pattern on the crystal?
Pinches everyone's nose
Winter grandfather ... (frost))

An asterisk circled

A little bit in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake)

She whirls snow along the streets,
Like the feathers of white hens.
Winter-winter friend
Northern visitor ... (blizzard)

I lay all winter
And in the spring he ran away. (Snow, snowball)

Competition "Show without words" (children and parents play)

For the competition, you need to prepare notes with winter phenomena or things. For example, wind, sledges, skis, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. The essence of the competition boils down to the fact that the participants of the competition must draw out a note and dance, with movements, depict what is written on it. The most original dancer is presented with a gift. (Parents show, children guess.)

Competition "Snowballs"

Make "snowballs" out of cotton wool (paper), distribute them to two teams. The task of the guys is to get into the bucket from a short distance. Which team has fewer misses wins!

Game - warm-up before the competition "Dress up the Christmas tree"

The guys and I will play an interesting game: I will tell the kids what we decorate the tree with.

Listen carefully, and be sure to answer.

If we tell you correctly, say "Yes" in response. Well, if suddenly it is wrong, say boldly "No!"

Colorful firecrackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Cots and cots?

Gummies, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Wooden chairs?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Multicolored beads?

Are the garlands light?

White cotton wool snow?

Satchels and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Are the candies shiny?

Are the tigers real?

Are the cones golden?

Radiant stars?

Well done, you did a great job. And now the competition "Dress up the Christmas tree".

Competition "Dress up a Christmas tree"

Children decorate the Christmas tree with toys and tinsel (parents play the role of the Christmas tree). 2 couples decorate the tree, 2 other couples, on the contrary, discharge it.

A game of mindfulness.

- We answer "yes" or "no".

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?

He arrives at seven sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

Wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus is coming soon, right?

He'll bring gifts, right?

The trunk is good at our tree, right?

It was felled with a double-barreled gun, right?

What's growing on the tree? Bumps, right?

Tomatoes and gingerbreads, right?

What, our tree is beautiful, right?

Red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Well, the answers are given to the questions, You all know about Santa Claus. And this means the time has come, All the kids are waiting for it. Let's call Santa Claus! ...

Additional contests

Competition "Who is the most agile?"

The presenter lays out New Year's toys on the floor. All children walk to the music in a circle behind the presenter and, at his command or a scroll, try to take a toy from the floor (table). The one who did not get the toy is eliminated from the game. Then the game continues again. The winners will receive toys as a gift.

Game "Choose your gift"

Option 1: A clothesline with gifts hanging from it stretches across the room. Each blindfolded participant cuts a gift for himself. The host comments on each gift. If the gifts are in the wrong place, you can change, with the consent of the participants.

Option 2: Put gifts in identical boxes, 2-3 boxes leave empty. Whoever chooses which box will receive such a gift.

Gemini competition

Two people come up to each other and embrace with one hand (one takes the partner's waist with his right hand, the other with his left) It turns out that each of them has one free hand. Then they receive a task, which they must perform as if it were two hands of one person. For example, cut out a shape. The 1st participant with his left hand holds a sheet of paper and guides it correctly, with the other right hand he cuts with scissors. I like the following variant of the task more: to lace up a shoe, put it in a box, pour flour from a bag into a jar, close it with a lid, put it again in a box, and close the box and tie it with a ribbon. For the successful completion of the task, 2 sweets are given ...

Competition "Catch the Snowball"

The game involves two teams. One child from each team has an empty bag in his hands, which he is holding wide open. Each team has a few paper snowballs. At the signal, everyone starts throwing snowballs into the bag, partners also help, trying to catch them. The winner is the team with the most snowballs in the package ...

Proverbs competition. (For parents)

Invite your guests to say the usual, familiar text of the proverb instead of the one that will sound:

1. They do not discuss the gift, they accept what they give ...

(They do not look at a given horse's teeth.)

2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless.

(Live and learn!)

3. If you took up any business, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do it!

(Took up the tug, don't say you're not hefty!)

4. Trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile.

(Where it is thin, there it breaks.)

5. As you yourself treat another, so they will treat you.

(As it comes around, it will respond.)

6. Do not take on unfamiliar business.

(Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.)

Competition "Our Little Brothers". (For parents)

Every insect, every animal has its own motto. Invite guests to guess which one:

1. "Repetition is the mother of learning!"(Parrot)

2. "Hold your pocket wider!"(Kangaroo)

3. "Tears of sorrow will not help!"(Crocodile)

4. "There is safety in numbers!"(Locust)

5. "Go toe-to-toe!"(Caterpillar).

Christmas - what do you know about it?

At its core, this competition is a big quiz with a Christmas theme.
1. In which city was the Virgin Mary born? (A small town in northern Israel - Nazareth.)
2. What was the name of the archangel who brought the good news to Mary about the birth of a son named Jesus? (Archangel Gabriel.)
3. Why did Joseph and Mary have to go to Bethlehem? (At the direction of the Roman Caesar Augustus, a census was carried out, according to the terms of which all residents were to be in the city of their ancestors. Mary and Joseph were the heirs of the family and house of King David. Bethlehem was the hometown of David.)
4. Where exactly was Jesus Christ born? (All the hotels in Bethlehem were occupied by the census, so they had to stay in a cave where the shepherds brought their cattle. Mary gave birth to a baby in this cave and put him in a nursery.)
5. Who was the first to know about the great event, the birth of the Savior? (The angel appeared to the shepherds from Bethlehem, so they were the first to know about it.)
6. Why did the shepherds hurry to Bethlehem? (The shepherds knew that the Savior had come and wanted to worship him.)
7. What exactly were the gifts that the wise men presented to Jesus? (The first offerings to the Son of God were: myrrh (because he was mortal, and any deceased at that time was rubbed with incense), incense (for he is God) and gold (for he is the king of all people)).
8. Why is there always a star on top of the tree? (This is the memory of the guiding star of Bethlehem.)
9. What do the gifts under the tree for children represent? (They repeat the gifts of the Magi to the Christ Child.)
10. What are these lanterns worn by Christos? (They also remind of the Star of Bethlehem.)
11. Who knows what a manger is, where the Virgin Mary put the baby? (represent a feeder where animal feed is placed.)
12. Why is the Nativity of Christ called "the mother of all existing holidays"? (The birth of Jesus on earth marked a new era. Therefore, the modern chronology completely sounds like such and such a year from the Nativity of Christ.)
13. Who knows what the word "nativity scene" means? (A nativity scene is a small box, which was carried around by carollers or, in the old way, by carolers. Also, a nativity scene is a theater where carolers showed scenes from the Bible. Each such performance was accompanied by Christmas songs and carols.).


"Christmas nursery rhymes" - game program

14-00 hours.

2. Exit Klyukovka and Solka
3. The game "If this holiday ..."
4. Making fireworks
5. Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
6. Angel's exit
7. The game "Snowflakes are quietly falling"
8. The game "We are good"
9. Questions about customs at Christmas
10. We learn a Christmas carol
11. dancing "Macarena"
12. Game "Golden Gate"
13. Riddles
14. Dance of the Ducklings
15. Play ball
16. The game "Wicker"
17. The game "We'll go right first"
18. Remembering magic items
19. Gifts from an Angel
20. Farewell to the artists!

Music, Doll Klukovka and Clown Solka appear.

Good afternoon, fun hour!
Glad to see you again!
Congratulate everyone on the occasion -
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Happy days have come
Lights are burning on the tree
Ringing laughter is heard everywhere -
It's time for fun!
For jokes and fun
Cool mood
For funny carols
This is the Christmas order!
What is Christmas?
This is a miracle, magic!
Merry Christmas carols!
Interesting riddles!

The game.

CL:... If this holiday is bad, then you are the TOP! (Stomps)
S-ka .: And if the holiday is good, let everyone clap their hands! (Claps)
CL .: What is Christmas? One chagrin! (Stomps)
S-ka: Not right, Klyukovka, you! These are songs and poems! (Claps her hands)
CL: This miracle is coming to us! (Claps)
S-ka: The people are sitting in their homes! (Stomps)
CL: Everyone will find happiness! (Claps)
S-ka: All roads will be swept away! (Stomps)
CL: This holiday will be bright! (Claps)
S-ka: It's a prankster frost outside! (Stomps)
CL: It's a sled fast run! (Claps)
S-ka: Every person is happy! (Stomps)
CL: This Angel is coming to us! (Claps)
S-ka: Good news! (Claps)
It's time to start the fun
And the Christmas Angel, on the holiday has not yet appeared,
Probably lost on the way!

To find the way
Into this bright New Year's hall
You need to prepare
And meet him amicably!

I propose to meet him with fireworks! Do you agree? Let's rehearse then.
The left side of the hall is red fireworks, you will clap your hands. The middle part of the hall is yellow fireworks, you will stomp your feet loudly. And the right side of the hall is blue fireworks, you will shout "Hurray!" Ready! Red! Blue! Yellow! Now all together!
Again! A game is played with the audience.
We have prepared for the meeting of the Angel, it remains only to call him. Who knows how to call an Angel? (children suggest)
A merry song!
Let's all sing together: Let's imagine how the animals would sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
The bear slept soundly in the den,
His legs were chilly.
He woke up, roared,
He sang in a loud voice ...
The children, imitating the bear, roughly and dullly sing the first verse of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
A mouse came out of the mink
In your gray pants
Squeaked, whistled,
She sang very thinly….
The children sing the second verse high and thin. (A blizzard sang a song to her)
Here is a fish in the aquarium
Sings to everyone with a smile -
Very quiet, barely audible.
Well, we will sing inaudibly ...
The children whisper the next verse. (Little gray bunny coward)
Here is a horse very cleverly
Ringingly beats with his horseshoe.
Galloped, danced,
She whinnied very cheerfully ...
The children abruptly sing the next verse. (The horse is carrying the woodwork ..)
All bears, fish, bears,
All the girls and boys
They immediately supported the song,
They screamed very loudly ...
The children sing the last verse loudly and cheerfully. (Now she's smart ...)
In the whole world, a celebration -
It's Christmas!
Live for you, live,
To acquire good fame!
And meet the Angel with fireworks!

Red! Blue! Yellow!…

An Angel enters to the music.

Many guys have gathered here.
It took me a long time to get to you,
From a distant country
On the road, along the wide
Through the snowy fields
I am in a hurry, guys, to you.
Happy New Year
I wish you happiness, joy
All smiles and kindness
Christmas Eve!

Good Angel, while we were waiting for you, we played a little with the guys. Do you like our fireworks?

Well done mischievous
Lights shine in my eyes.
For the year to go well
Let's remember the winter fun!
(speaks and shows movements and asks children to repeat)
Snowflakes are quietly falling (Children clap their hands quietly)
Santa Claus freezes ice (Clap loudly)
It covered a large snowdrift.
In it - jump-yes-jump! (Jump)
Prepared skates
They were able to make a "swallow" ... (Show)
And now we get up on skis.
We can race to Paris. (Move to the tree and back)
We continue to have fun
You need to take a ride down the hill. (We got up as a train and ran)
Who's got cold feet?
Mash them up a little! (Jumping in place)

You can immediately see that the guys
Exercise in the morning.
I know, study well,
Take care of dad, mom.
You are always obedient in everything,
Cheerful and good-natured.
That's right, I say guys,
Or was I wrong once?

And now I want to know how good and handsome you are. I will say a sentence, those on my right will shout in chorus “We are good”, and those on the left “We are good-looking”.
One side shouts "We are Good", the other says "We Are Good"
Kingisepp kids
They never spoil books ... (Guys shout)
They do not sit idle.
They will tell us about themselves boldly ... (Guys shout)
Friends are not forgotten
And in trouble they are helped ... (Guys shout)
Brush your teeth thoroughly
And diligent in everything ... (Guys shout)
Don't paint on the fence
Do not break desks at school ... (Guys shout)
Not lazy, not boring,
They wash their dishes ... (Guys shout)
It's nice to look at the diaries.
So what are you guys? .. (Guys shout)

Here the New Year has come to us
Noisy and funny
He will bring good luck
To cities and villages.

The light of the christmas star
Gives a holiday again
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Merry Christmas!
Guys, how many of you know what folk customs are associated with Christmas?
(if in the hall no one was found what to answer, we call the customs)
In the old days, they used to carol for Christmas - the mummers went home, sang carol songs, and asked for food. It was a whole performance. Usually mummers portrayed animals. Here you have a bear, a goat, a wolf and even a devil.

Caroling, caroling
I will go to any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Come on sweets.
And cookies and sweets
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastila and marmalade
Delicious cake
Sweet ice cream.
We will treat each other
And remember the owners with a kind word!

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests,
Meet Christmas!

Kolyada, kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a slice of bread,
Or half a dollar money,
Take it out soon
Do not freeze children.
Don't give me cheesecakes -
Get it on the top of your head!
Do not give a pie -
I'll take the cow by the horns.

And on Christmas night, they played snowballs, sledged downhill, sang funny songs and danced.

Well then, let's dance my favorite dance?

Well guys, let's respect our Angel, let's dance his favorite dance? Do you know what his favorite dance is? It's a fun dance Macarena! We become everything (and adults) in a round dance. Dance moves, let me remind you for those who have forgotten:
"One" - stretch your right hand forward.
"Two" - extend the left hand forward.
"Three" is the right hand on the left shoulder.
"Four" is the left hand on the right shoulder.
"Five" - ​​the right hand behind the head.
"Six" - left hand behind the head.
"Seven" is the right hand on the right thigh.
Eight is the left hand on the left thigh. And they fumbled with their priests.


Now let's complicate the task. We divide into pairs, turn our backs to each other and dance again.

And I know a good old game. The Golden Gate is called. Let's play with the guys!

Come on, come on tell me
Show how to play!

In the game "Golden Gate", two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. It turns out "collars". The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the one in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should go under the gate.
"Vorotiki" pronounce:
Golden Gate
Not always missed!
The first time he says goodbye
The second time is forbidden
And the third time
We will not let you pass!
After these words, the "collars" abruptly drop their hands, and those children who were caught also become "collars". Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all children become the "gate."
(playing "Golden Gate")
Klyukovka, Solka, who do you think is smarter - girls or boys?

Solka: Of course, boys!

And I think both.

And let's give them a competition for quick wits - we will hold a competition of riddles.

I was clapped with a shovel
They made me a hunchback
They beat me, beat me!
They poured icy water
And they all rolled down afterwards
From my hump in a herd.

I have guys
Two silver horses
I drive both at once.
What kind of horses do I have?

Running along the path
Boards and legs.

Downhill - I'm flying
Up the hill - I'm dragging.

What a ridiculous man
Made it into the twenty-first century?
Carrot - nose, in hand - broom,
Afraid of the sun and heat.

Only snowflakes fell
I ran along the path
And they run after me
My entire route is issued. (Footprints in the snow)

Carrot is white
Growing all winter.
The sun has warmed up -
I ate all the carrots. (Icicle).

I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised!
I love beads, sequins - any jewelry.
But on my, believe me, great trouble
They only wear my outfit once a year.
(Christmas tree)

The wind blew and frost
They brought us snow from the north.
Only since then
On my glass ... (pattern)

But guess my New Year's riddle.
The dance is one merry
It is for those who go to school
And for those who go to the garden,
Yes, and an adult is happy to dance.
That dance is called -
Dance of little ducks.

(dancing to the music "Dance of the Little Ducklings")

Had a lot of fun!
Now I want to know
Who can play ball?

We are divided into two teams. The first players in each line hold the ball in their hands. At the command "Attention, march!" the players start passing the ball over their heads (under their feet) from the beginning to the end of the line. The players who close the formation, having received the ball, run and become the first in their ranks, after which the players again begin to pass the ball from one to the other at the end of the formation. When the player who started the game (ball race) is the last, then, having received the ball, he must run forward along his line, become the first in it and raise the ball over his head.
The winner is the team that finishes the ball race faster.

And the team is the loser, we will have bunnies and will dance to us in a squatting dance.

They are playing, the losers are dancing the lady.

We sang, danced
What, guys, aren't you tired?
Well then I suggest
We are going to play "The Wattle" now!

Wattle. The game involves two teams. Children stand in lines opposite each other and learn to weave a wattle fence. To do this, cross your arms in front of you and connect your right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left with the right hand of the neighbor on the right. Both ranks, hands down, go towards each other with the words:

One, two. three four,
The order must be obeyed.
Of course not in the whole world
Friendship is better than ours!

The ranks converge in the center and bow to each other.
Then fast music sounds and all the children start dancing. As soon as the music stops, all participants must return to their places in their lines. The first line to form wins.

Do not rush to disperse
Let's continue to have fun.
Fun is called -
"We will go to the right before ..."
Let's stand together in a round dance,
Repeat after me, people!

All get up in a round dance and repeat the movements after words.
We'll go right first. One two Three!
And then let's go left. One two Three!
Let's get together in a circle. One two Three!
And then we'll go our separate ways. One two Three!
We'll all sit down quietly. One two Three!
And we'll lie down a little. One two Three!
We'll all clap our hands. One two Three!
Dance our legs. One two Three!

(Any funny music sounds here and everyone dances.)

Christmas is coming
Magic comes into the house.
You just need to make a guess -
Fairy tales will come to life.

Now we will see who will remember the most magical items from fairy tales. Who remembered, go to the center and call loudly.
(tips: self-assembled tablecloth, running boots, flying carpet, sword-kladenets, Baba Yaga's stupa, hut on chicken legs, invisible hat, magic wand, magic wand, magic pipe, rejuvenating apples, scallop, magic ball, etc. etc.) Children receive gifts from the Angel!

Nothing is more interesting
Than on such a wonderful day,
Winter festive time
Meet the kids.
Happy New Year to them,
Celebrate Christmas everywhere!

Friends, I wish you happiness
Warm, radiant!
Angel will ward off bad weather
Let the wings be clean!
To make it cornflower blue
The sky, not cloudy,
This Christmas is merry
Well, life is wonderful!

The children sang by the elegant Christmas tree,
But it's time for us to say goodbye to you.
Goodbye, children, have fun!
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Additional outline (optional).

I wish you new strength, good luck,
New Year and Christmas!
May they always expect you in life
Only joy, happiness and goodness!
Let there be many friends, acquaintances
In your life path!
And may the road always be successful,
And let the successes just wait ahead!

Merry Christmas, congratulations
And of course we wish:
Blizzard let for a whole year,
Will outline your health,
The wind will blow out all the ailments
To the cold courtyard.
Let the snow spin like sparks
To brighten your faces
And the crafty moon
On the night of love will rob you of sleep.
Let one of the brightest stars
Will give your talents growth,
Your thought will rise up!
Let your friends decorate your life!

It's Christmas again -
Celestial forces triumph:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evils.
Eternal glory to Him,
To the one who conquers the darkness.
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

I sincerely congratulate
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I sincerely wish you happiness
In this bright hour!
Let the radiance shine on you
From starry heights
And desires will come true
Plans and dreams.
May unexpected luck
Stir up the blood.
And of course they mean a lot
Friendship and love!

Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales! And now, in order for us to move on to the next game, we will have to get over an impenetrable fabulous swamp. You need to jump from bump to bump. Newspapers are spread out on the floor - these are bumps. Jumped on one bump, loudly say the word SNOW. Jumped onto another - loudly name the word derived from the word SNOW. For example, a snowflake. I did not come up with a word - I lost, come out of the swamp. Not participating in the next game.
(game "Bumps". Words SNOW, ICE, WATER, FIRE)- the floor is slippery!

Clown Solka:
Those guys who got over the swamp, we will play "Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells" with you. We blindfold this participant. We stand around him. We say:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells.
The daredevils rang:
Guess where the ringing comes from! "
After these words, the “blind man” should guess by the sound of the bell and catch the participant with the bell who dodges him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes a "blind man's buff", and the previous "blind man's buff" turns into an ordinary player.

When the snow covers the ground
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass for happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
You will live many bright days!
Save comfort, family peace
And respect for friends!

Deeper in the sky is blue
The star flashed brighter ...
Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
Through the snowdrifts
She walked, laughing and having fun,
And to friends and strangers
Knocking under the windows.
And behind the old Kolyada
The carolers have come
We got up in a noisy crowd,
The song was resoundingly led:
“Kolyada was born
On the eve of Christmas ... "
A bright star is shining
Deeper in the sky is blue ...

Night. Freezing. The stars are shining
From the heights of heaven.
Covered in snow, as in ermines,
A quiet forest slumbers.
Silence around. Polyana
Sleeps in the arms of a dream
Floats out from behind the forest
To watch the moon.
The stars are extinguished. From the sky are pouring
Pale rays
Frosty snow sparkled
Brocade silver.
Branches spread wide
In a snow coat,
Christmas tree in the middle of the glade
Upward went like an arrow.
To the beauty of the forest
The moonlight fell
And by the lights of ice crystals
I started playing in the branches.
Diamond strands
Braided in the needles,
Emeralds and rubies
They lit up in the snow.
A clear star by the tree
The chapter is on ...
The great day is coming
The holiday of Christmas!

Snowflakes in a white waltz descend from the sky
And the sleepy forest covered itself with a blanket of snow.
Magic flows from everywhere today
And it always happens at Christmas.
The earth is shrouded in a mysterious fairy tale,
Rivers and fields sleep under a blanket of snow.
Today you quietly make a wish,
Keep it under your heart and repeat it often.
Indeed, on this wonderful evening of crisp beauty
All the most cherished dreams come true !!!

And how does the locomotive hum? How do the trailers make noise?
We all get into the locomotive, take places in the trailers. Has everyone taken their seats? Tu-tu! Wave to your parents! Go! (to the music)
Stop! The first station "Poprygushkino". Who will jump higher!
On the wagons! The train leaves the same! (to the music)
Stop! Station "Prisedushkino". They sat down, got up, sat down, got up, sat down, got up.
On the wagons! We took our seats! Tu-tu! (to the music)
Stop! And this station is called "Myself by the nose of a pinch". They pinched themselves by the nose ... And now they stroked themselves on the head and said in unison: “Oh yes, we, oh yes, good fellows”!
Fast, fast, on the wagons! Let's go, to-that!
Stop! The train has arrived at the terminal station!

Clown Solka:
Do you guys know about such an old Russian game “The goat went the road”?
Let's play. I'll sing you a song:
The goat was walking along the road
On a wide road
I found a hornless goat
Hornless goat.
Come on, goat, let's jump
Let's jump, we'll jump
We open the melancholy-sadness,
Opening up the sadness.
One player comes out. Jumping to the song. With the words "I found a hornless goat" he chooses a mate for himself. One player jumps to the song. Holding hands, they are already jumping together to the words of the song: "Let's jump with you ..., we open the sadness." They start singing again, the couple disperse and each one chooses another player for himself. There are already two couples running to the song. Children part again and each of them invites new children for a pair “walk”. The number of couples playing grows and gradually everyone present is involved in the game.