The calmest dog breeds of medium and small size for an apartment. Dogs for an apartment - an overview of the recommended breeds and their description

Residents of cities are limited by the small size of their own living space, so the choice of a pet should be approached with special care. For small apartments, small dogs are suitable, which do not need a lot of space for playing and sleeping. It is much easier to organize the normal existence of a baby, and in this case, coexistence with a pet will bring joy to everyone. Therefore, before choosing a future pet, it is important to find out which breed to choose for comfortable keeping in a city apartment.

Before acquiring a dog, each person should think about whether he will be able to ensure the normal existence of a pet in the existing conditions, whether living together with a dog in the same apartment will not be torture for both parties.

Small dog breeds are ideal for residents of city apartments with a small area. But a simple decision to take a small dog will not solve the problem.

For small apartments, small dogs are suitable.

For the best result, you must familiarize yourself with the criteria for choosing small-sized dogs for an apartment:

  • The amount of time to arrange for dog grooming. This factor is the most important because the appearance of the pet and its physical form depends on it. The dog needs daily walking, grooming of hair and body parts.
  • Family members' work schedule. This criterion is directly related to the previous one, since some dogs require increased attention to themselves and are completely incapable of being alone in an apartment for a long time.
  • The character of the dog and the ability to train. Some dog breeds, with the wrong approach to education, can become real monsters, regardless of their small size. The learning ability of the breed is extremely important, since living in an apartment requires adherence to certain rules. If the dog cannot be taught to them, coexistence with her on a small living space will be impossible.
  • Own financial capabilities. Many breeds of small dogs require significant investment in caring and feeding. Therefore, before the final choice, you need to find out which breeds will require financial investments, and which ones are inexpensive in terms of maintenance.
  • The character of the owner and all family members, as well as the presence of allergies in any of the household members. For allergy sufferers, short-haired breeds without undercoat are suitable.
  • The presence of small children in the family. Small dogs for children and apartments are not the same thing. Most small dogs are contraindicated in communication with very young children, since they can harm a fragile creature.
  • The temperament of the dog. An important characteristic of any dog ​​is getting along with humans. The character and temperaments of humans and animals must ideally match in order for coexistence to bring pleasure to both. A playful merry fellow is not suitable for a calm stay-at-home, and a physically active owner is contraindicated to have a sofa, fragile dog.

The description of small dog breeds for an apartment with a photo, given below, will give an idea of ​​each and help you make the right choice.

Review and names of small dogs for an apartment

Small dog breeds do not need long and frequent walks, and it will be much easier to feed a small pet. Having analyzed the features of each of the breeds, the list and photos of which are presented in this article, the future owner of the dog will be able to make the right choice of a pet that suits him.

Indoor and decorative breed, similar to a living toy. It is one of the smallest breeds in the world, with a height at the withers of only 18-19 centimeters. The smallest representatives of the breed weigh no more than a kilogram.

A distinctive feature of the breed is a beautiful, long, silky coat. A cute appearance is combined with a courageous character and the skills of a real watchman. The dog can show aggression towards other animals and strangers that violate its territory.

Yorkshire Terrier is loyal to the owners and literally in love with them. Loves walks and games on the street. The breed needs physical activity, training, accompanied by praise and rewards. It is quite difficult to establish contact with this baby, you need to be able to adjust to him, observing the balance of strength of character and the manifestation of affection.

With perfect grooming, a dog can live up to 20 years. The health of the breed is strong, but it is prone to hypothermia and is demanding on the organization of nutrition. Caring for the long coat of a Yorkshire Terrier is difficult and time consuming. He needs regular brushing, bathing and even a haircut by a professional.

Looking at the photo of this baby, you can take him for a fox. A red-haired dog with a height of 18 to 22 centimeters is suitable for families with children over 8 years old. It is recommended to explain to the child the rules for handling a dog, since she does not tolerate disrespectful attitude towards herself.

The Pomeranian is a great friend and a fun companion. The dog is active, mobile, so it needs regular walks on the street, interesting games and activities. Pomeranians are advised to be fed with high-quality dry food or planted on a mono-diet made from natural products.

The Pomeranian is a lover of barking for any reason, especially when he is alone in an apartment. This circumstance should be taken into account if you have irritable neighbors. Another important point is the difficulty in toilet training. The breed is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders, as it tends to dominate and is difficult to train.

The West Highland White Terrier is a burrowing hunting dog with thick snow-white hair. This breed is a great choice for children and apartments. With its small size, this dog is of a rather strong constitution, so communication with small children is safe for it. The West Highland White Terrier is ready to play and have fun all day. Likes to be in the spotlight, participates in all family events. Vesti is a dog with puppy behavior until a ripe old age. It is quite difficult to accustom him to the rules of behavior in the apartment.

Taking care of your pet's coat will also take some effort. The dog must be washed with a specially selected shampoo once every 2 weeks, combed every other day and cut once every 2-3 months. Improper hair care will ruin the pet's appearance and may even lead to the development of dermatitis. To keep the snow-white coat clean and not wash the dog too often, it is recommended to take it for a walk in special protective suits.

The breed is prone to food allergies, so food for it should be selected with great care. The best feeding option is super-premium hypoallergenic food.

This cute dog with big ears is the smallest of all decorative breeds. The maximum growth of the breed is 23 centimeters, and some individuals grow only up to 15 centimeters and weigh no more than a kilogram.

Chihuahua will be an ideal pet for a person working from home. It is not recommended to have such a pet for people who are not at home most of the day. Chihuahua resembles a small child who constantly needs the presence of his mother.

Moreover, the dog treats the owner exactly as a mother, strives to be near. Chihuahua is a dog of one owner, and only obeys him. Such a dog should not be kept in a family with children. Any attempt to play with her is regarded as a threat, and the dog can bite the child.

Chihuahuas do not need to be trained. The dog is taught to relieve himself on a diaper, teach the commands "No", "Fu" and "Yes". In other cases, the dog learns the inadmissibility of any behavior by observing the reaction of the owner. It is enough to change the intonation, and the pet will react to speech. Not even fully understanding the words. But you can't scream or beat a crumb.

The size of the Bichon Frize breed (up to 30 cm at the withers) is optimal for keeping in a small apartment. The dog practically does not shed, its coat is hypoallergenic, a tray or diaper is suitable for the breed as a toilet.

Bichon needs regular grooming. The dog needs to be bathed, combed and certainly cut. In order for the dog to have a classic look, as in the photo, its haircut must be entrusted to a professional hairdresser. Such care is quite costly, so before buying a Bichon, you should evaluate your own financial capabilities.

Bichon Frize can be companions of all ages, including families with small children. The breed is obedient, easy to train, but loves to frolic and bark over trifles. The dog will have to pay a lot of attention, otherwise it will get bored and begin to behave aggressively. Leaving your pet alone in an apartment is not recommended. If the main owner of the pet is not in the apartment for a long time, you can entrust the care of him to any member of the family. Remaining completely alone, the dog will suffer, which will certainly affect its health.

The pug is a dog for lazy people. These dogs spend most of the day snoring peacefully on their own bed, snoring rhythmically and sweetly. During periods of wakefulness, this dog is a real clown. The pug loves to be the center of attention, amuses family members with funny snorts, sneezes and grunts. Most of all, pugs love children, experiencing real pleasure from communicating with them. They do not growl or snarl, even when handled roughly enough.

The pug is fed with freshly prepared natural products or high quality dry food. You shouldn't overfeed your dog, as it is prone to weight gain, especially with a lack of exercise. You can determine the amount of food needed by the dog's ribs: if they are felt, then there is not enough food for the dog.

Dog grooming includes the standard procedures required by shorthaired breeds. Pet's eyes will require special attention, because due to the structure of the muzzle, the breed is prone to the development of their inflammation.

Until the beginning of the last century, only emperors could start this breed, but over the past centuries the Shih Tzu has spread throughout the world. The attractiveness of the appearance is explained by the presence of a long, truly luxurious coat, reminiscent of the real hair of an oriental beauty.

It is the need for careful grooming of the coat that causes a lot of trouble for the owners of the breed. The dog needs to be brushed daily and very carefully, using special aerosol conditioners. Tangled hair should only be cut as a last resort., otherwise the dog's hairstyle will lose its appearance. It is necessary to bathe the Shih Tzu once every 1-2 weeks, using shampoos for dry hair and a balm with vitamin E. The Shih Tzu also needs a regular haircut in a dog salon.

Food for the Shih Tzu must be selected with great care, since the breed is prone to allergies. The ideal option is super-premium hypoallergenic food. The transition from one brand to another must be carried out gradually, following the pet's reaction.

According to the classification, the breed is classified as a hunting one, but it is practically not used for its intended purpose. This strong, muscular dog, about 30 centimeters tall, is used as a decorative breed for an apartment and children. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an active, inquisitive, friendly dog. Suitable for young and old people, adolescents, people with an active lifestyle, capable of providing the dog with the necessary physical activity.

This dog takes up little space in the apartment. It is enough for her to equip a bed and set aside a place for feeding. In caring for wool, the breed is unpretentious. It is enough to brush the dog 2 times a week and daily during the moulting period. You need to bathe your spaniel every 2-3 months.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has an average learning ability and can be difficult to train. The best motivation for executing commands is treating a treat. A well-bred and well-trained dog behaves in public with dignity and restraint.

The growth of the Prague krysarik is 20-23 centimeters, the appearance resembles an English and. It differs from its counterparts in a more muscular and coarse physique, movements similar in style to pinschers.

The Prague ratter is able to become a wonderful companion, thanks to intelligence, quick wit, endurance and unobtrusiveness. In behavior, the ratter demonstrates the instincts of a hunter: gambling, courage, the ability to fight even with a large dog. Due to the presence of a hunter's instinct, it is impossible to keep a rat and rodents in the same house. Without appropriate socialization, the rat pup becomes aggressive towards strangers.

The maintenance of the Prague rattle will not cause any special problems. He needs active walks, but a litter box can serve as a toilet. The rat-man eats little. It is most convenient to feed him with premium dry food. The breed belongs to short-haired, so caring for it is also quite simple. Representatives of the breed live for 12-15 years. Most often they suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and injuries.

Small lion dog (Louchen, Leuchen, Bichon-Leon) is a rather rare breed of decorative indoor dogs originally from Europe. With its extravagant haircut, the breed resembles a lion. The breed is twice recorded in the Guinness Book of Records: as the most expensive and as the rarest. The price of a lowchen puppy reaches 8-9 thousand dollars.

The Little Lion Dog is intelligent, affectionate and sociable. She gets along well with children, takes up little space in the apartment, behaves with restraint and delicacy, and is easy to train. This dog is boundlessly loves and respects all family members, seeks to protect from strangers. When a stranger appears, the louchen begins to bark almost heart-rendingly.

The dog is complex in terms of grooming, which requires regular brushing, washing and trimming to give the breed characteristic appearance. It is necessary to feed a small lion dog with high quality dry food or fresh natural products. Feeding the dog with leftovers from the master's table is not permissible. The weak point of the breed's health is the joints, so they are not exposed to excessive stress.

The Zwegpinscher looks like a small copy of a Doberman. It was bred in the 15th century in Germany with the aim of fighting rats. It is currently used as a small dog breed for an apartment. This breed is ideal for keeping in a city apartment. The short coat does not require special care, and the shedding of the Zwegpinscher is practically invisible.

Despite its small stature, the Zwegpinscher is an excellent watchdog, and the instinct of the guard begins to manifest itself as early as 3-4 months. By nature, the dog is cheerful. Likes to fool around and make a person laugh. Zwegpinscher loves active games with children, long runs, is ready to follow the owner anywhere.

Such a breed is not suitable for a too soft owner, since it will feel the weakness of a person and take over him. You need to educate a Zwegpinscher persistently and firmly, then he will be obedient and easily controlled. The breed is jealous and domineering, so keeping in an apartment with other animals is not recommended. At the same time, you can have several pets of this breed at once, then they will build a special relationship with each other and will feel like a real team.

Jack Russell Terrier is a small hunting breed quite suitable for keeping in a city apartment. The breed is cheerful, active, physically hardy and nimble. The dog has earned the nickname "flying dog" for its passion for constant jumping. Jack Russell Terrier will need long regular walks, otherwise he will begin to pour out his irrepressible energy in the apartment.

Left alone, Jack Russell will chew on everything he can. Due to this this breed is not recommended for older, too busy, people who like quiet rest. The breed is ideal for families with children who will love the tireless, ready-to-play pet at any time.

Jack Russell Terrier is unpretentious in grooming, but subject to regular hair trimming. The procedure can be carried out in the salon or on your own, having mastered certain skills. It is recommended to feed the Jack Russell Terrier with lean meat in combination with vegetables and cereals or premium dry food. The dog should not be overfed as it is prone to obesity. Excess weight, in turn, can cause heart disease.

Affenpinscher, with its appearance, resembles a funny monkey or an awake little imp. The breed comes from Germany, where at one time it was a thunderstorm of rats and mice. Nowadays, the breed is ranked among decorative dogs, and now it plays the role of a companion and a pet.

The Afenpinscher is a fearless, active, nosy and inquisitive dog. She cares about everyone and everything, she tries to find out everything, climb everywhere, smell everything. Such a restless dog is not suitable for calm and elderly people, families with small children.

You cannot have other animals in the house together with the affenpinscher, the dog will terrorize the cat, the parrot, and the rodent will completely destroy. This aggressive behavior is typical of the breed towards everyone except the immediate owner. His dog adores and adores, tries to please with all his might and protect from everyone.

Affenpinscher needs standard hair care: combing, bathing, trimming. It is recommended to organize meals using dry holistic food.

For apartment maintenance, two types of American Eskimo Spitz are most suitable: miniature (up to 38 cm tall) and toy (height from 23 dollars to 30 cm). Appearance of both types. Toy is a rare species that has recently become fashionable, so the price for it is much higher.

The cutest appearance of these creatures is combined with a rather developed guardian instinct. Spitz closely monitors the order on his own territory and, in the event of a threat, announces his dissatisfaction with a sonorous bark. Eskimo Spitz needs regular physical activity, during which he spends his irrepressible energy. It is more expedient to train the breed in a playful way. Even a beginner can handle the upbringing of this dog, the main thing is to apply the method of encouragement and correct motivation. Cruelty and harshness are not allowed.

In terms of grooming the coat, the dog is quite problematic: it needs to be kept clean by regular brushing 2-3 times a week, daily during molting. Frequent bathing of eske is contraindicated, you can wash it no more than once every 6 months. In slushy weather, the pet's snow-white coat will be protected by special clothing.

The Pekingese is one of the most popular small dog breeds for an apartment at the moment. The baby is only 20 centimeters tall, but thanks to the long hair that frames the muzzle, it resembles a lion. The character of the dog is similar to this animal: proud, restrained, arrogant. The dog requires attention to itself, is offended when treated roughly. He loves the owner infinitely, always follows him. But it is almost impossible to force the Pekingese to follow the commands unconditionally, even with persistent training.

The breed is not suitable for families with children. Pekingese reacts sharply to children's crying, screaming and whims, in this case, shows aggression towards them. In fact, the dog is not aggressive, but this behavior of children instills in him a sense of anxiety and danger, and the baby begins to defend himself.

Pekingese wool requires careful maintenance: brushing daily, washing once a month. In the summer, it is recommended to cut the dog for the summer, so that it does not overheat in the heat. The dog naturally loses a large amount of hair, which remains on furniture, carpets and even clothing. Therefore, people who have a negative attitude to this, it is better to refuse to buy a Pekingese.

The correct choice of a small dog breed with an orientation not only to your own taste, name and photo, but also taking into account the main characteristics will ensure a comfortable existence for the inhabitants of the apartment and the pet. In this case, communication between a man and a dog will bring both parties exclusively joy, and will not threaten the development of negativity.

Anyone who says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy.
Wilfred Lampton

Every child at least once in his life said this phrase: "Mom, let's get a dog." At that wonderful time, we did not think about such things as, for example, whether we can provide the necessary conditions for the pet or whether we are able to properly care for him. We just wanted to get a dog and that's it.

Now the choice of a four-legged friend for us is a very important step that needs to be thought out. No wonder they say that "a dog is like a child." Choosing a pet for yourself, you should know for sure that you will be able to make his life happy and joyful. Let's determine which dogs will be comfortable living in the apartment.

Pug and Pekingese

The advantage of these breeds is compactness: the maximum growth of pugs and Pekingese is only 30 centimeters. For these favorites, the space of a two-room apartment is more than enough.

Pugs they often bribe us with their touching appearance: even as puppies, they look so cute that it is simply impossible to pass them by.

  • Pugs are very difficult to tolerate heat, because of it, they can have trouble breathing. It is undesirable to arrange long walks for the pug in hot weather, and ideally, in the warm season, show the dog to the veterinarian as often as possible.
  • Most pugs (although, of course, there are exceptions) are inactive. These pets prefer active rest to sleep in a warm place, they love to sit on the arms. So, if you have a child, he is unlikely to be delighted with the "sleeping handsome".

Pekingese. Although Pekingese are ideal for living in an apartment, not all people will be able to coexist with Pekingese in the same space.

First, the Pekingese snore - very loudly and very humanly. And secondly, Pekingese are very proud dogs (their pride can be compared to a cat's) and come to you only when they themselves want to be cuddled. At any other time, all your attempts to understand them Pekingese (especially males) will be greeted without much enthusiasm.

Pekingese are quite easy to get along with other breeds of dogs, and some individuals even get along well with cats.

They are very big beggars: no matter what you eat, their cute faces will always ask for something edible. In this case, you need to be very careful. Remember they are not allowed sweets (only special treats for Pekingese).


Small-sized, friendly and affectionate dogs, they get along well with children.

Beagles are very smart and easy to train, curious and active - they will be good companions for you on trips and trips, you can safely take them with you to the country.

The Beagle, as I already mentioned, is a very active dog, the ideal place for her is a private house where she can walk on her own. But if you are sure that you can provide her with a sufficient number of walks and will in the apartment, feel free to make yourself this four-legged friend.


Maltese lapdogs are decorative dogs, quite small (from 20 to 25 centimeters). Ideal for "apartment life". Maltese lapdogs require constant care: their long hair must be constantly combed in order to avoid tangles.


This miniature pet is very attached to its owner. But do not equate a Chihuahua with a kitten and hope that these dogs will go to the litter box - you need to walk with a Chihuahua three or four times a day, like with any dog.

Miniature Pinscher

Cheerful, active, eternal puppies (their height is from 25 to 30 centimeters) - this is how dwarf pinschers can be described. They are very intelligent pets, easy to train and do not like to sit around.


Dachshund is primarily a hunting dog. Like her ancestors, the hound dogs, she is smart, fast, has a keen sense of smell and immediate reaction. Dachshunds are quite self-willed and independent, do not forget about this if you want to have a dachshund as a pet.

We are used to short-haired dachshunds, but besides them, there are also long-haired and wire-haired dachshunds.

Miniature poodle

A miniature representative of the poodle we are used to. The owners note their incredible ingenuity. Miniature poodles often perform at circus performances, they are real artists. They are friendly and easy to train.

Yard terrier

Anna Bogush /

Mongrels are the most unpretentious dogs in food, the most adapted to life. They have better health than purebred dogs. Perhaps, because of its large size, the mongrel is not very easy to keep in the apartment, but think, maybe it is your caring hands that are needed for that mongrel puppy who now lives in your yard.

Adopting a dog is a very responsible decision, and you need to think here not only about having fun with your pet. Weigh everything rationally and think, can you really provide the conditions suitable for your pet? Remember that by getting a dog, you become responsible for a lifetime.

List of the best dogs for kids.

Children often beg for pets from their parents. But many mothers refuse such a request to their babies, citing the fact that the puppy needs to be fed and looked after. And at first all this will fall on the shoulders of the mother.

There are many opinions about whether a child needs a dog. Almost all psychologists answer this question in the affirmative.

Positive effects of the dog:

  • Instills in the child a love of nature. The kid and the dog will spend more time on the street than at the computer.
  • Makes the child attentive. A pet teaches a child to be caring and considerate. At the same time, the baby learns to listen to the needs of the animal.
  • Family cohesion. Thanks to the pet, family relationships are strengthened. At the same time, the dog will unite family members and improve mutual understanding.
  • Fosters kindness. It is best if the dog was taken from a kennel. Accordingly, the parents will set an example of kindness and compassion for the child.
  • Sport. With a dog, you need to move and run a lot. In this way, you can instill in your child a love of sports.
  • Discipline. The child will be forced to walk with the dog and take care of it. This will make the child disciplined.

Below is a list of breeds that are ideal for a child:

  • Labrador
  • French Bulldog
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Poodle
  • Border Collie
  • Irish Setter
  • German Shepherd
  • Sheltie
  • Beagle

A home guard dog should be calm, balanced, capable of making decisions on his own. In addition, such pets should be indifferent to birds and pets. It's not bad if the dog can withstand severe frosts. A prerequisite is tolerance towards family and children and distrust towards outsiders.

Review of the best home guard dogs:

  • German Shepherd
  • Belgian shepherd
  • Leonberger
  • Giant schnauzer
  • Russian terrier
  • Moscow watchdog
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Psychologists advise buying a dog for a child 6-7 years old. This age can be considered the minimum. It is at the age of 7 that the child will already be able to take care of the dog and walk with him. At the very beginning, it is advisable for the baby to acquire small dogs with a calm character.

Small and kind dogs:

  • Pygmy terrier
  • Dachshund
  • Poodle
  • Pinscher

These dogs are small in size, so they won't take up much space in the house. They are also affectionate and patient.

If you have a very tiny child, but you really want to have a dog, then in this case choose a nurse breed. Such dogs are very calm, reasonable and patient.

List of nursing dogs:

  • Collie
  • German Shepherd
  • Poodle
  • Retriever
  • Labrador

If you live in an apartment and have a very small living space, then you should take a closer look at small dogs. They will not take up much space, eat little and require a minimum of effort to train.

Small dog breeds:

  • English bulldog
  • Poodle
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Dachshund

If you have an allergic child in your house, this does not mean that you should not have a pet. There are breeds that do not shed and are not prone to skin ailments. Allergies are usually triggered by skin flakes during shedding and a large amount of hair that comes out. Of course, dogs without hair at all would be ideal, but they need special care. In addition, they are quite temperamental and will not tolerate playing with children.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds:

  • Chinese Crested
  • Mexican nude
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Border Terrier
  • Portuguese water
  • Maltese
  • Shih tsu

Among these breeds there are also long-haired breeds. Despite this, they do not moult.

Companion dogs are those breeds that do not like to be alone and constantly strive to be with the owner. These are the kind of dogs a kid should have. These breeds include:

  • German Shepherd
  • Golden retriever
  • Labrador
  • Rottweiler
  • Belgian shepherd
  • Japanese Spitz

But the best companion is a mongrel dog, that is, a mongrel.

The peculiarity of living in an apartment is the limited space and small area. In addition, there is no own yard, so the dog needs to be constantly walked. It is worth choosing small animals for an apartment.

Breeds for an apartment:

  • Beagle
  • Welsh corgi
  • Bichon Frize

These small dogs are distinguished by their playful character and mobility. You won't be bored with such pets.

If you live in a private house, then you can safely start a large breed. If you want the dog to make friends with the child, then choose a non-fighting breed. They are sometimes aggressive. The best choice is watchdogs and nannies. Moreover, such dogs should not only get along well with children, but also guard the house.

The best breeds for a private house:

  • Bulgarian shepherd
  • German Shepherd
  • Giant schnauzer
  • Bullmastiff
  • Black terrier

These breeds are wary of strangers and get along well with children.

  • The toddler may inadvertently push or pull the dog by the tail or ear. The dog can instinctively growl or snarl. This is a completely normal reaction. You need to show the child and the dog that this should not be done. Command the dog "Place" or "no". Explain to the kid that the pet is unpleasant and painful.
  • Dogs often conflict with children, as they perceive them on an equal footing. The dog has one owner. Therefore, children should, in the presence of their parents, give commands to the dog, and that one should carry them out. Reward your dog with a treat. In this case, the parents should praise the dog too. Thus, the dog will understand that the baby is also the owner and must be obeyed.
  • Usually children 5-6 years old will not be able to give commands hard. Therefore, parents must constantly tell the dog how to behave, stop all attempts to bite or growl at the baby. For the correct behavior of the dog, you need to praise. If there are errors in behavior, then punish. By the age of 7, the child will already know how to behave.
  • The dog can be jealous. Therefore, try not to pamper the dog, but it is often not worth punishing either. Be fair. The dog should not see prejudice.
  • If all attempts to make the dog and the baby friends are unsuccessful, then contact the dog handler.

As you can see, you shouldn't start a breed that you just like externally. Be sure to consider the characteristics of the breed and the ability to make friends with babies.

VIDEO: Dogs for children

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Are you planning to get a dog or want to know if you did everything right by choosing a certain breed? We have selected the best!

A dog is a sincere friend, a reliable companion. Small and beautiful decorative breeds are often chosen for city apartments. It is easier to keep such pets, and they bring joy no less than their large counterparts.

Yorkshire Terrier

Doggie bred in England (height up to 22.5 cm, weight within 3 kg), sociable and cheerful.

The owners love to pamper the Yorkie with interesting haircuts. Almost non-shedding, ideal for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

But you need to take care of the wool - wash, comb, cut.

Yorkshire Terrier is smart, but it is not easy to train it - the dog is independent.

Important: in cold weather, you should dress your pet; weak points - teeth and gums, there may be allergies, dislocation of the patella happens.


Ideal dogs for an apartment are short-haired and long-haired Mexican Chihuahuas. The growth of an adult dog reaches 22 cm, weight does not exceed 2.5 kg.

Chihuas tend to single out one owner, become attached and jealous. Other features include:

  • the ability to stand up for oneself;
  • suspicion and vigilance towards strangers;
  • ringing "voice".

The dog is simple to care for - it is enough to examine the ears and eyes, brush the teeth and regularly do a "manicure". Long-haired dogs are combed with a furminator. A Chihuahua maintains a soft fontanelle on the skull throughout its life.

Toy Terrier

This little dog is good for keeping in an apartment. The dog's weight ranges from one and a half to 2.6 kg, it grows up to 26 cm.

Basic care procedures:

  • cleaning eyes, ears, teeth;
  • claw clipping
  • combing (smooth-haired ones can be scratched with a rubber mitten).

The toy needs walks, although it can get accustomed to the tray, like the Italian greyhound.

The dog is quick-witted, but willful, therefore education is needed from childhood.

The weak point is the eyes, with age, retinal atrophy and cataracts can develop.


The Pomeranian is bred in Germany, as is the larger German Spitz.

An adult dog weighs no more than 3 kg, its height does not exceed 30 cm. A companion for a lonely owner or an elderly couple. But you should not take him to a family with kids - the dog can become angry.

It is necessary to wean the Spitz from barking and aggression.

To reduce the manifestation of molting, you need:

  • comb out daily;
  • remove tangles;
  • wash with a mild (or dry) shampoo, use a balm.

Jack Russell Terrier

Very active, jumping dog. An adult Jack Russell Terrier reaches a height of 30 cm and a weight of 8 kg. The dog is not bad for keeping in an apartment, but not suitable for elderly and inactive people. Main character traits: playfulness; intelligence; independence. A terrier puppy must be brought up persistently and patiently, play, teach commands, tricks.

Health is strong, but may occur:

  • dislocation of the hip joint;
  • necrosis of the femoral head;
  • deafness.


The Chinese Pug is an often chosen medium dog breed for an apartment. The height of an adult "boy" reaches 36 cm, of a "girl" - 30 cm, a not overfed dog weighs 10-11 kg. Distinctive features - a dark "mask" on a folded muzzle and large bulging eyes. Among the advantages: balanced character; sociability; quick wits. The main condition for keeping is the ability to devote time to the dog, to communicate.

Major health problems: being overweight; colds; dental diseases; inflammation of the skin folds (you need to wipe them daily). The pug sheds, so it is not suitable for allergy sufferers. It is necessary to comb the dog out every day and bathe infrequently.

French Bulldog

A small dog up to 34 cm tall and weighing up to 14 kg. Affectionate, playful, appreciates communication. These are great dogs for living in an apartment without small children. Many confuse them with Boston Terriers due to their visual similarity.

Bulldogs are very loyal, they love leisurely walks - it is worth wearing them on a harness.

Bulldog hair care is minimal, it is enough to comb out dead hairs every 2-4 days and wash the animal once a month.

Among the health problems:

  • a skin fold on the face requires regular treatment;
  • paw pads become inflamed;
  • there is a turn of the century;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • obesity.


Bred in Germany "hunter". There are dwarf dachshunds (up to 5 kg), rabbit (up to 4 kg) and standard (up to 12 kg), short-haired, wire-haired, long-haired - good dog breeds suitable for an apartment.

The character is energetic, friendly. The dog is distinguished by its courage, sense of humor. She has a bass loud barking, should be taught to "quiet" behavior. Loves walks, trips, outings. Like a burrowing dog, he loves to dig holes. Good health can be overshadowed by: problems during childbirth; epilepsy, injuries and injuries of the vertebral discs, diabetes mellitus.


The Maltese lapdog grows up to 25 cm, weighing up to 3.5 kg. Unlimited love and loyalty to the owner is manifested in reactions to strangers. It is important to wean you from barking. Maltese: smart, trainable, playful.

A good companion for an elderly person, it is undesirable to have a family with a baby. For the beauty of wool you need: every day to comb "in the middle" on the back; remove tangles; trim the hair between the pads of the fingers. The dog does not need heavy loads.


Bred in China, this breed was the property of the emperors. The breed has an external resemblance to the Japanese Chin - also a favorite of the emperors, but already of the Japanese. A small (height up to 23 cm, weight up to 6 kg) fluffy doggie is good for apartment life.

Among the main traits: pride and independence; affection for the owner; willingness to fight for attention and love. Pekingese is not very suitable for a family with children, well - elderly or single. Doesn't like to walk, can "master" a diaper or tray. Heatstroke is possible in the heat! It is necessary to comb the dog well, bathing it a couple of times a month - for this breed, grooming is a mandatory procedure. You can make a doggie a haircut with a machine. Ears, folds on the face and eyes of the dog - constant care.

Shih tzu

The Chrysanthemum Dog is a decorative Chinese breed up to 28 cm in height and weighing up to 8 kg. Very affectionate and tame, they adore their owners.

Suitable for families with children, friends with other dogs and pets. The Shih Tzu is one of those dogs that cannot live without attention, so a doggie is not suitable for a busy owner.

To make the coat beautiful, the dog:

  • comb every day;
  • bathe once a week;
  • you can do a haircut.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the eyes, trim the claws, look after the teeth and ears of the pet.

Chinese Crested

This original dog can grow up to 30 cm and weigh about 5 kg. The Chinese Crested is well suited for an apartment. The most common Chinese hairless dog, with hair on the tail, head, ears and legs. Loyal friend, loyal companion. Loves caress, stroking and hugs, can get sick when separated from the owners. Does not fade, suitable for allergy sufferers. Left unattended for a long time, he begins to gnaw things.

Well trained, smart and quick-witted. On a hot day, you should protect your skin with products from burns. Long-haired areas need to be combed, naked ones - moisturized with cream or lotion.

In winter, the dog will have to be very warmly dressed or trained to use the litter box so as not to walk in the cold.


A dwarf (up to 38 cm tall, weighing up to 7-8 kg) and a toy poodle (a dog grows up to 24 cm and can weigh about 5.5 kg) are suitable for the city.

They are not only suitable dogs for living in an apartment, but also cheerful family members. The poodle understands speech well, loves children, becomes attached to the family.

Loves walks, games, stunts. Gourmet, obesity should not be allowed.

Poodle coat requires:

  • weekly bathing;
  • haircuts every two months;
  • combing, removing tangles.

In old age, the dog can be struck by deafness, retinal atrophy, allergies.

American cocker spaniel

An active and mobile dog up to 39 cm tall and weighing up to 15 kg. The spaniel can be kept in the city, but it is advisable to walk with it a lot. The dog has a wonderful character: kind, cheerful, flexible, sociable. The spaniel plays with children and other animals.

He is affectionate and does not like to be alone. Loves long walks, is well trained. Can learn tricks, loves agility. The coat should be brushed at least every other day.

Claws are cut as needed. Eyes and ears need to be examined.

English bulldog

Medium-sized dog (height up to 41 cm, weight up to 26 kg) with a calm character. A friend to an adult, an indulgent companion to children. The English Bulldog takes root well in the apartment, short walks are enough for her. In the heat, you need to beware of heatstroke, and in the cold - to dress. They are well trained and trained, smart.

Prone to: eye diseases; ailments of the gastrointestinal tract; dermatitis; joint diseases. The folds on the face need to be looked after. But the dog's coat requires almost no maintenance - an infrequent massage with a brush or mitten removes the hairs that have fallen out.

Thinking about how to choose a dog and reading the descriptions, it is important not to forget - each dog has its own character, which will help to form the kind attitude and love of the owners.

If you are planning to have a new family member - a fluffy and loyal four-legged, we suggest you consider the ten most popular small dog breeds for an apartment.

Having bought one of these puppies, you will not feel inconvenience and embarrassment even in a modest apartment. He does not need a lot of space to realize his energy. And he, in turn, will thank you with dedication, become a reliable friend, and the children - a companion for games.

Let's start our review of the best dog breeds for an apartment with one of the ancient ones - the decorative Chinese crested. These babies reach a height of 0.23-0.33 m. Weight - from two to six kilos.

Did you know? Despite its name,this breed comes from Africa. There is an assumption that it appeared as a result of mutations. From hot countries, the dog came to China, where it became one of the symbols of the good and well-being of the owners. It has been known in Europe since the 19th century.

Chinese Crested can be hairless or covered with soft hair. Hairless dogs have only a bizarre crest on the head, fluffy ears, tail and paws. In puffs, the whole body is covered with hair, they are veiled, flowing, long. A feature of this breed and the advantage for living in an apartment is that these dogs do not smell and do not shed (except for puffs).

They are varied in color, even painted in completely incompatible colors are found.

As for the physique, then, as in the case of hair growth, the Chinese Crested are divided into two types:

  • deer - has a light skeleton;
  • medium - has a heavy body and bones.
The tetrapods of this breed are very active, cheerful, agile, curious, and amenable to training. Perhaps their only drawback is that they are strongly attached to the owner, and therefore painfully endure long separations, they are bored. In addition, they are very touchy and sensitive to rudeness.

Strangers are mistrustful and wary. But they get along well with other animals.

Since the dogs are tiny, it only takes a few minutes to bathe them. Hairless people are washed once every one to two weeks. Fluffy - once every 10 days.

In general, the immunity of the Chinese Crested is persistent, but in cold weather, when walking outside, it is better to wear them. Also, light clothing will be required for the hairless during the particularly hot months with the scorching sun.

From care, combing and cutting of nails is necessary.

Important! Naked Chinese Cresteds require special care for areas of the body that are not protected by hair - treatment with special creams to prevent dry skin, and cosmetic milk to protect from the sun.

These dogs are not picky about food.... They can eat both from a common table - boiled vegetables, fruits, and dry food.

Of the possible problems that may arise with an animal, it should be noted: tooth loss even in young individuals, allergies, Perthes disease, dislocation of the knee caps.

The lifespan of the Chinese Crested is 13–15 years. It is recommended to introduce her to a new home in two months.


Another ancient breed of small dogs for an apartment is the Maltese lapdog, or Maltese. The growth of these dogs is from 20 to 25 cm. The weight is 3-4 kg.

The origin of the breed is not known for certain. There are assumptions that the progenitors of the Maltese were dogs of the Melita breed, which lived on the island of Malta for over 2 thousand years. Experts are sure that poodles and spaniels participated in the breeding of the Maltese lapdog breed.

Maltese are fluffy, with thick long hair that covers the entire body. They are exclusively white in color. Although, according to the standards of the International Cynological Federation (ICF), light staining in ivory.

The ears of the Maltese are set wide. The eyes are lively, large, expressive, slightly protruding. The tail is wide, narrowed towards the end.

Did you know? In the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II, archaeologists found the remains of dogs, in appearance very similar to modern Maltese lapdogs.

Maltese are mobile, playful, inventive... They love to play with children and owners. My favorite game is catch-up. They are characterized by a strong attachment to the family where they live, sensitivity and vulnerability. Separation and indifference are experienced with great stress. They can cry from resentment at the owner's raised voice.

They are unfavorable to strangers... To other animals, including dogs, they are affectionate and friendly.

Care Maltese lapdogs require regular and thorough... The main advantage and decoration of this dog is its wool, which falls in the form of a mantle. It is she who will require daily combing efforts. It also needs to be washed and cut more often.

Maltese eyes will require regular care. The fact is that they are often watery in the dog, so they need to be blotted with napkins in order to avoid the appearance of ugly brown paths of their sour tears.

The most common problems that can arise when raising Maltese lapdogs are:

  • visual impairment;
  • damage to teeth, gums;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • predisposition to bronchial asthma.

Maltese's diet must include dry food, otherwise problems with the digestive tract cannot be avoided. Despite the thick and seemingly warm natural coat, the dog should still be dressed on winter walks, since it does not tolerate low temperatures well.

The life expectancy of Maltese lapdogs is 12-15 years.

Important! When a Maltese lapdog puppy is weaned and brought to a new home, it is advisable not to show it to a large number of people for a while. The kid must get used to new conditions and a new family. This will already be terribly stressful for him.


When reviewing which dog is best for an apartment, you cannot do without describing pugs. These dogs with wonderful flattened muzzles and trusting, slightly sad eyes grow up to 26–32 cm. Body weight gains in the range of 6–8 kg.

This breed is ancient, originated from China. It came to Europe in 1553. There at one time she was on the verge of extinction, but she was saved. Since then, it is considered one of the best decorative breeds that can be kept in small areas.

Pug - a dog with a square build, a large round head and a curled tail... His muzzle is short, dull, with characteristic wrinkles on his forehead. The eyes are large, set wide apart, in line with the nose. The ears are small, close to the head.

The pug's coat is short, soft and delicate. The color can be black, yellow-fawn, silver. Dogs painted in light colors often have dark spots or stripes on the head and back.

The main advantage of pugs is their obedience. They are balanced and at the same time cheerful, playful. Therefore, when characterizing their temperament, the expression "well-bred merry fellows" is often used.

They are well attached to the owner, they are very fond of children, they are able to find mutual understanding with other pets.

The main problems with keeping pugs can be:

  • obesity as a result of regular overfeeding - the weight of the dog should not exceed 9 kg;
  • chronic corneal erosion;
  • heating the folds above the nose (requires regular treatment with chlorhexidine);
  • heavy snoring in sleep.

Pugs do not tolerate cold, heat, and especially temperature changes. Since this dog is well-muscled, he needs regular exercise, but care must be taken not to overwork him.

In the diet of the dog must be present calcium and phosphorus, otherwise there will be problems with nerves and psyche.

Since the pug sheds heavily, regular grooming is essential. It should be bathed rarely - once every 4–5 months. Among the grooming procedures, you will also need to trim the nails, wash the eyes, and clean the ears (weekly).

Improper care and nutrition negatively affects the life expectancy of pugs, which averages 13-15 years.


Pekingese will be excellent dogs for an apartment. Their height does not exceed 23 cm, and their weight is 6 kg.

Pekingese lived 2 thousand years ago. Their homeland is China, where they are called "Fu dogs". Named after the city of Beijing. In ancient times, only emperors and members of the imperial family could have them.

Did you know? The legend, which tells about the origin of the Pekingese, says that he was the fruit of the love of the king of animals, the lion, and his beloved wife, the monkey. Their child harmoniously combined the appearance of the mother and the proud character of the father..

The body of the dog is densely built, covered with thick long hair. Colors are different however the most common is redhead. The most rare is the white Pekingese. Usually all dogs have muzzles that are darker in color than the body.

The dog has a large head with a wide and flat forehead. The ears are small, in the shape of hearts or poplar leaves. The muzzle is wide, upturned, snub-nosed, with a large lower jaw.

A characteristic feature of the Pekingese is their difficulty in learning.... Taking such an animal into the house, be prepared for the fact that it will do what it pleases. There are even quite stubborn and spoiled people. At the same time, they react sharply to raising their voices.

Their relationships with children and other animals, as a rule, are also not very easy. Pekingese do not like kids feel danger in them. They can get along only with older children. Other animals in the owner's house will be jealous. Strangers are treated favorably.

Pekingese are not demanding for physical activity. They have periods of activity. But mostly they prefer a quiet pastime. They love to bark, often snore and sneeze.

The following procedures will be required from leaving:

  • daily brushing;
  • bathing once or twice a month;
  • haircuts;
  • ear cleaning;
  • processing folds on the nose;
  • regular eye rubbing.

Dogs do not tolerate hot temperatures and are practically indifferent to walks.

Of the health problems, "Fu dogs" are most often observed:

  • kidney and gallbladder stones;
  • eye diseases;
  • heart valve problems;
  • perianal adenoma.

Pekingese live 12-15 years.

The Pomeranian is the smallest representative of the Spitz - its height reaches 18-22 cm. This dog is very light - 1.5-3.5 kg.

Country of origin of the breed - Germany, Pomerania region. She is often confused with the German Spitz. However, a number of differences in appearance still indicate that these are two different breeds.

Among the Pomeranian Spitz, it is customary to distinguish three types:

  • with a fox face (elongated muzzle, tonsil-shaped eyes, narrow lower jaw);
  • puppet (wide muzzle);
  • bearish (round head; short, flattened, wide muzzle; close-set eyes, round).

Only the first meets the ICF standard. Although the other two types are equally popular.

"Pomeranians" come in ten colors: black, tan, dark brown, red with dark, cream, orange, white, two-tone. Blue and blue-tan are considered non-standard.

This kind of Pomeranian is playful, funny, loves outdoor games. You cannot call them shy, they are lively and courageous. At the same time obedient. Children are adored. The Spitz will get along with other animals only if they were introduced before him.

If you do not start education in time, the dog will grow up stubborn and striving to subdue everyone around him.

The breed requires regular grooming. Particular attention should be paid to the wool - it is dense, double in the "orange". You need to comb it out twice a week. But to bathe - as needed and depending on the condition of the coat: from once every seven days to twice a year.

Since it is not uncommon for these Spitz to:

  • dental diseases, care also includes regular cleaning (at least once a week)
  • Dog ears also require periodic processing.

Under favorable conditions, the Pomeranian Spitz lives for 12-15 years.

A hunting dachshund breed is also suitable for an apartment, which is easy to recognize by its elongated body and short legs. The quadruped grows over 35 cm. By weight, it can be from 2.5 to 11 kg.

The origin of the dachshunds is unknown. However, images of dogs, similar in appearance to this breed, have been found in ancient Egyptian papyri. This gave grounds to assert that dachshunds or their progenitors existed 2 thousand years ago.

Dachshunds are divided into three types according to size and weight.:

  • standard (over 35 cm, 7-11 kg);
  • miniature(30–35 cm, 3-4 kg);
  • rabbit(up to 30 cm, 2.5-3 kg).

According to the coat, there are:

  • smooth-haired;
  • long-haired;
  • wire-haired.

The dogs were bred specifically for hunting, specifically for catching prey in narrow burrows - badgers and foxes (the Germans call it “badger dog”). This explains the structure of her body. Dachshunds have strong bones and prominent muscles. Their peculiarity is the legs: the front ones are more developed and stronger than the hind ones. This is also explained by the purpose of the dog - it uses its front paws to dig the ground in order to clear a passage into the burrow.

The dachshund's muzzle is elongated, the ears are long, oval in shape. The dental system is very developed.

In color, they can be monochromatic - most often red of various shades, two-color - black-red, coffee-red, blue, etc., spotted (marble).

The main advantage of dachshunds is that they are smart and quick-witted. Dogs can distinguish up to 500 words. They are extremely active, but balanced at the same time. They are friendly and welcoming. Aggression is considered a vice. They are characterized by a high degree of devotion to the owner. In the absence of proper attention on his part, they can become vindictive and sullen. He can behave aggressively with children, but if he becomes attached to a child, he will never give him offense and will remain a faithful friend for life.

The dachshund requires minimal care, it will be enough to clean her fur with a brush or mitten, occasionally bathe (once every two months), trim claws if necessary, remove mucous discharge from the eyes, clean ears and teeth.

The health and nutrition of the animal must be given serious attention.... Dogs are prone to overeating and gaining excess weight. It is not recommended to give them food from the common table. Quadrupeds need frequent walks (at least twice a day), active movements and games. At the same time, it is recommended to walk only on a leash, since they can easily chase a cat or any small animal.

Dogs are distinguished by persistent immunity, but occasionally they can have back problems, stomach, suffer from diabetes.

The average life span of dachshunds is 14-17 years.

Another breed of dog for apartments and children is the Toy Terrier. This miniature decorative quadruped grows only 20–28 cm. Its weight usually does not exceed 3 kg.

This breed is quite young... She was bred in 1958 in Russia. The origin story is simple. The fact is that at the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian rich people loved to keep English toy terriers in their homes. However, this breed soon found itself on the verge of extinction. And then the Russian dog handlers decided to restore it. The result of their efforts was the Russian Toy Terrier.

Dogs are divided into smooth-haired and long-haired.... They are distinguished by an elegant physique, thin long limbs. Their head is wedge-shaped, the neck is long. Ears set high, protruding, covered with thick hair.

Toy terriers come in many colors: black, brown, blue and tan; red, fawn.

This dog has more than enough energy - it will not sit still for a second. She is constantly on the move, playful, cheerful. She gets used to the owner easily, in the future she is very devoted to him. It is easy to communicate with them both for children and other animals. Usually, they have no aggression.

Important! You should not buy a toy if a small child is still growing in the house. The dog is very fragile, and the awkward movement of the baby can cause irreparable harm to it.

They can be trained easily and with pleasure. The upbringing of a toy terrier is simply necessary, because, according to experienced dog handlers, they easily develop the "Napoleon complex". In case of bad manners, manifestations of aggression, a desire to subjugate a person, and uncontrolled barking are possible.

The advantages of this breed- undemanding care and lack of smell. If you train your dog to use the litter box from childhood, you don't have to walk it every day. It is generally better for them to spend frosty days in an apartment. In cold weather, you will definitely need warm clothes.

Depending on the type, the frequency of the brushing procedure will be different. Long-haired ones require it daily, smooth-haired ones - once a week.

It will also be necessary to periodically cut the claws of the dog, bathe once a month (inserting cotton wool into the ear canals), clean the eyes and ears.

Feeding is best done with dry food.

Among the problems that most often arise in toy terriers, it is worth noting:

  • ear infections;
  • cataract;
  • patella dislocation.
With proper care, the Toy Terrier will become a reliable companion for 12-15 years.

The Yorkshire Terrier was bred for hunting purposes, but in recent times its role has become more and more decorative. Dogs of this breed are an excellent choice for an apartment. Their height is 15–20 cm. Weight - up to 3.5 kg.

Did you know? The smallest Yorkshire Terrier with a height of 11.9 cm and a weight of 481 g entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The name of the breed comes from the English county of Yorkshire, where it was bred at the end of the nineteenth century. The Maltese lapdog, Skye Terrier and Manchester Terrier participated in its breeding. At first, "Yorkshires" were used to catch small rodents, in other words, they were rat catchers.

The dog has a long, flowing, even coat. It covers the entire body, including the limbs. The standard color is dark steel with a yellow-gold head.

Her muzzle is not long, with small eyes and ears. There is also a variety with a slightly shortened snout and large eyes.

Sometimes, looking from the side, a dog can be confused with a toy, but its calmness is deceiving. Actually, "Yorkshire" - a dog with character... With proper education, she will not only become a loyal friend, but also an excellent watchdog. The Terrier has a well-developed hearing, there is no fear.

The dog is playful, passionate, loves outdoor games. Can jump like a kitten after a sun bunny, loves to play ball with children, chase birds, beetles and small rodents. Tied to the owner, sensitively feels his mood. He is aggressive towards other animals, but this can be avoided if you begin to acquaint him with them from childhood.

Living in an apartment, the puppy easily learns to the litter box.... Daily walks are optional, but the dog loves them. In winter, he will need to wear special clothes.

Yorkshire Terrier is suitable for cohabitation next to allergy sufferers - it does not shed... However, his coat requires careful maintenance. If you do not cut it, but grow it, then you cannot do without daily combing and special lubrication with oil. Such a dog will need frequent bathing - at least once a week. It will be a little easier to care if the terrier is cut regularly (once every two to three months).

Of the diseases that this breed is susceptible to, it should be called dislocation of the knee cap, Perthes disease, gastrointestinal disorders, cryptorchidism.

Important monitor the state of the animal's psyche. If she is healthy, the dog will live from 12 to 15 years. And with special love and care, and all 20 years.

For small apartments, a small-format fighting dog French Bulldog is also suitable. They are compact in size - the height at the withers is 25–35 cm. But the weight of the dogs is not light - from 8 to 15 kg.

Despite the name, the birthplace of the French Bulldogs is England. In France, they became popular a little later. The breed was registered there. As a rule, representatives of the nobility were the owners of the Bulldogs.

The dog has a massive head, short neck, short blunt muzzle, erect ears similar to those of a bat, large, protruding eyes. The body is muscular and strong. The coat of the "French" is short, hard and shiny. The color is varied. Tiger dogs, fawn, spotted are often found. There are not only pure blacks.

Dogs have a formidable appearance and emit the same formidable sounds in the form of snoring and puffing. However, inside they are kind animals that are able to easily get used to any environment, love people, loyal to the owner's family. They are smart, savvy. They are mobile, active, but not too much. They are well trained. They can be persistent and stubborn. They don't get along with cats. They require constant contact with the owner. Can be good watchmen.

Important! French bulldogs can only live at home, at room temperature, keeping in the yard is unacceptable for them.

The French Bulldog is perhaps one of the most unpretentious dogs... His short coat will need to be brushed once a month. The same amount will need to be bathed and clipped. Ears should be cleaned weekly. After eating, you need to wash or wipe your face with a damp cloth.

From food he loves both dishes from the common table and dry food.

Diseases that often overtake dogs of this breed:

  • inflammation of the paws;
  • hypotrichosis;
  • twist of the century.
French Bulldogs do not live long - 9-11 years.

And we will end our review with a description of indoor ornamental Chihuahuas. They reach a height of 15-23 cm. They weigh 0.5-3 kg.

There is no information about the exact origin of the breed. There are assumptions, legends, theoretical data. They claim that Chihuahua history dates back to the time of the Mayan and Aztec tribes, where animals were revered as sacred.

Those dogs that exist today were discovered in 1850 in Mexico, near the state of Chihuahua. Therefore, they were named so. They quickly gained popularity, which does not leave them today.

Chihuahuas are smooth-haired and long-haired.... They are considered to be square-format dogs with an apple-shaped head and large expressive eyes. Their ears are also large and erect. At the base, they are wide, narrowed towards the end. The tips of the ears are curled. The tail of the dog is held high, its end is curled. Their paws are well muscled.

Chihuahuas are varied in color and. The most rare ones that can be found are blue, chocolate, tiger tetrapods.

The character of the Chihuahua is very good for peaceful coexistence with a person. It is quite rare to find aggressive, hysterical or cowardly dogs. Perhaps we can say that the main feature of this breed is that it has the most persistent psyche among dwarfs.

In addition, these dogs are intelligent, inquisitive, observant. They easily become attached to the owner, loyal to him. They may show outbursts of jealousy, but not spiteful or vindictive. They do not tolerate an unreasonable raising of their voice - they may be offended and not communicate even throughout the day. They do not tolerate loneliness.

In general, these are active, temperamental, funny animals. They love to do a variety of tricks to attract the attention of their beloved owner. They are wary of strangers. They get along better with older children, as babies pose a threat to their fragile bodies. Of animals, representatives of their own breed become the best friends for them.

Both short-haired and long-haired Chihuahuas need to be combed out more often - grooming the coat should be frequent and regular: once a week for owners of short hair and two to three times a week for those with long hair.

Bathing will be easier - they need to be done rarely, as needed, so as not to harm the delicate coat and skin.

The claws should be shortened once a month. Wipe your eyes and brush your ears and teeth once a week.

Because of their mobility, Chihuahuas can suffer from frequent injuries. Among the ailments that can comprehend them, it is often observed non-overgrowth of fontanelle,hypoglycemia, dental problems.

Dwarf dogs must be protected from the cold by wearing warm clothes. Feed in small portions with special food.

The lifespan of a Chihuahua is 10-18 years.

Above, we have described the top 10 breeds with which you will comfortably coexist in the same house. With proper regular care and attention, they will repay you with exceptional affection, affection, brighten up your everyday life and become great friends. After all, they are created specifically for comfort and aesthetic pleasure.