The words at the presentation of the loaf to the guests of honor. Meeting young people with a loaf

Variants of the scenario of the meeting of the newlyweds with and without a loaf.

The old tradition of meeting newlyweds after the wedding and (or) solemn registration of marriage has survived to this day. Of course, the very ceremony of meeting has been significantly transformed in something simplified, but has not lost its mysterious charm and brilliance, and most importantly, symbolic significance: parents for the first time meet young people already in a new status, as husband and wife.

Toastmaster advice: Dear newlyweds, the wedding is your holiday - it is up to you how to spend it. Traditions - traditions, but there are a great many options for scenarios of a beautiful meeting. Traditionally, parents meet newlyweds with a loaf, but if for some reason you are not satisfied with the "meeting with a loaf" or you are holding a European-style wedding, do not be puzzled, a bright and memorable meeting can be arranged without it.

Nowadays, more often than not, the style and scenario of the wedding is determined by the newlyweds themselves, and no one would think of condemning them for "non-observance of tradition." Next, we will tell you about the different options for holding a meeting, both with and without a loaf.

A bit of history.
The tradition of meeting newlyweds with bread most likely has a thousand-year history, as evidenced by the commonality of this tradition among the Slavic peoples:

Wedding bread among the Slavic peoples was necessarily divided at the end of the wedding dinner. This honorable duty was performed by an elder friend or "headman". The "senior" part was given to the newlyweds. The following pieces were received by parents and relatives, the soles of a loaf, into which coins were often baked, were handed to the musicians, and the rest were given to the "Cossacks" - children and adolescents who remained "outside the door" during the wedding. Most often, the division of the loaf was combined with the gifting of the young. Having received a piece of loaf, the guest put money, linen on the plate, or promised a heifer, sheep, piglet. The Slavic principle of "reflection" has always worked - "Give and you will be gifted", therefore, the newlyweds tried to distribute the loaf to the maximum number of guests.

But the meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf became widespread in Russia only in the 19th century, before that, each locality used its own versions of wedding bread, which, however, are still alive.

But back to our time.
Now, traditionally, parents meet newlyweds with parting words and wishes. The groom's mother (mother-in-law) has a loaf in her hands on a tray covered with an elegant painted towel. The bride's mother (mother-in-law) blesses the young with a family icon. It may be the image of the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker. or a saint - the patron saint of the family. The bride's father (father-in-law) holds a tray with two glasses, and the groom's father (father-in-law) can solemnly present the bride with a certificate that she is happily accepted into the family. But first, the guests stand on both sides of the path leading to the threshold of the house (restaurant), where the parents are waiting for the young. The newlyweds, getting out of the car, pass through a row of guests who, with the words of congratulations and wishes, arrange an extraordinary beauty "rain" of rose petals. By the way, rain on the wedding day is considered a happy omen - to an easy life together, family well-being.

Here is an example scenario, ( we discuss specific scenarios and agree with the newlyweds individually):

The toastmaster or the host of the wedding celebration meets the newlyweds, addresses them:

"Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the most dear people - your parents - greet you here. Mom has a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of prosperity and prosperity.
Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and salt it well! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange pieces of bread. Look at each other fondly and feed each other. "

To the cheers of the guests, the newlyweds "feed" each other.


"Well, we have found out who will be the breadwinner in the family. Well done, groom! And now the parents' parting words before family life.""

The groom's parents say parting words to the newlyweds.

Toastmaster advice ("What to say when meeting newlyweds?"): Dear parents, to meet the newlyweds with a loaf, you do not need to prepare long parting speeches - save them for a banquet, because the newlyweds and guests are returning from a wedding walk and, most likely, are already tired of the road and are probably hungry. It is not worth keeping them on the doorstep for a long time.
From experience I will say that memorizing speech in advance is also not worth it, it is best to say a few words from the heart and from the very heart. If you are afraid that the prepared warm words from excitement may be forgotten, write them down on a piece of paper and keep it with you - it will be calmer.
And the last, possible question: "What to talk about?" Once again, I want to make a reservation, not a single blank sounds so sincere and touching as the words spoken impromptu and from the heart, but I think it is still worth giving examples here:

"I want that warmth in your hearts,
which this loaf keeps in itself.
Let your house be full of this warmth,
welcome guests and children.
Advice and love to you! "

You can also say that in the person of your daughter-in-law you have acquired a daughter, respectively, in the person of a son-in-law - a son.

(example for mother-in-law)
We had one son (only sons), and now, we are doubly happy,
having received such a beautiful daughter.
Your union for us is just great happiness.

And also, just in case, have the following words in stock:

"Dear children!
We congratulate you, bless your marriage, wish you happiness.
Advice and love to you! "

After all the parting words have been said, the presenter, on behalf of the newlyweds, invites everyone to the table:

We invite everyone to the feast,
To the wedding hospitality.

The newlyweds go to the banquet hall and take a place at the wedding table.

Meeting the newlyweds without a loaf.

If the newlyweds decided that they would be greeted without a loaf, then there is a huge scope for developing scenarios - everything is determined by their own wishes.
You can hold a meeting according to the scenario outlined earlier, excluding the loaf - an experienced presenter will be able to fill the resulting "scenario gap", in addition, to decorate the ceremony, you can give the guests creating the corridor multi-colored ribbons (you can see what happens at the same time).
When holding a celebration in a European style, the meeting of the newlyweds takes place, most often, directly in the banquet hall, accompanied by solemn music, thunderous applause from all those present and the host's words of greeting. The young go to the banquet hall, receive congratulations from the guests, take pictures with them and take a place at the wedding table (by the way, do not forget - the bride sits to the right of the groom).

Previously, everyone knew about traditions, so there were no questions - everyone knew what and when he needed to do or say at the wedding. Now the old rules are forgotten, so parents do not always know how to meet young people with a loaf correctly. Many parents of newlyweds have questions: how to cook and decorate a wedding loaf, how to meet the newlyweds, what to say when meeting the groom's mother?

The role of rituals

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Such customs form the invisible frame of the wedding scenario. Even if the bride and groom do not realize this, many of their actions are also a kind of tradition. A white wedding dress, a kiss fixing the marriage - all this has passed through the centuries, only minor details change.

Compliance with tradition does not mean that the wedding will be the same as everyone else's. Now there is a tendency to either carry out weddings in the Western manner, or completely abandon any customs in favor of a calm celebration in the family circle. Those couples who at the wedding observe the long traditions of their people always look more original and natural.

This move not only makes the wedding cozy and harmonious, but also allows you to create the right atmosphere for a stylized celebration. If the wedding is held in accordance with the theme of a country, then the future newlyweds can adopt several of its customs to make the celebration more lively and interesting. This applies not only to Slavic themes, but also to European ones - English, French, Italian, Spanish - since these countries also have a rich history, rich in traditions. you can learn more about the wedding traditions of European countries.

The role of baking in the holiday

Nowadays, it is customary to treat guests at a wedding with a large and richly decorated cake, and earlier homemade cakes of all shapes and sizes were used. The newlyweds themselves were also treated to a culinary masterpiece from the stove - a round, large, shiny loaf with patterns in the form of ethnic ornament. Each element of this pattern has been carefully thought out and:

  • braids and weaving - fastening the destinies of newlyweds and their future children into one common;
  • viburnum and roses - a wish for mutual love and respect;
  • two swans - a symbol of the newlyweds themselves, who vowed eternal fidelity to each other;
  • grapes are a symbol of fertility, a wish for a speedy, strong and healthy offspring.

The loaf itself is an unsweetened white bread, most often round in shape, since it symbolizes the sun. These wedding baked goods represent the unity of two hearts, as well as fertility, prosperity and prosperity.... It was with the loaf that the feast on the occasion of the wedding began, and the salt served to it symbolized a comfortable life.

The wedding celebration begins with a meeting of the young people with a loaf and the words of their parents. Newlyweds, after their formal wedding ceremony, must break off or take a bite from this traditional wedding baked goods. It is believed that the one who has more will be the head of the family. With the rest of the loaf, you can do it at your discretion: give it to guests, take it home with you to eat it whole or dry it.

In another variation of this tradition, the bride and groom break off a piece of pastry, sprinkle it with salt and feed each other. It is believed that at this moment they can "annoy" each other for the last time, and after that they must live in harmony and peace. After that salt can be poured into a cloth bag to keep as a keepsake.

Features of tradition

The wedding loaf was always baked in the groom's family, and specifically this business went to a married relative who was happily married and had several healthy children. If the mother was suitable for the description, then she took upon herself the responsibility of making a wedding masterpiece. Widows, single or childless relatives were not allowed to this important stage, since it was believed that they could pass on some of their troubles to the newlyweds. While kneading the dough, the woman sang funny songs about love, happiness and peace, and when the bread was going to the oven, she read prayers over it.

Sometimes the male groom's relatives also got involved in making a loaf. When the dough was ready, a happily married man with numerous and strong offspring sent it to the oven, and then the woman again came to the fore.

Who holds the loaf when they meet young people? The ceremony of meeting young people with a loaf after the wedding was organized by the groom's parents. His mother was holding a loaf in her hands on a towel (towel) specially embroidered for this day. Most often, the decoration of this accessory was entrusted to the bride during the preparation for the wedding, and the pattern could be made by anyone. Doves were often depicted as a symbol of love, or roosters, as the personification of the beginning of a new life for newlyweds.

Previously, the meeting of the young with a loaf after the wedding took place on the doorstep of the groom's parents' house, since it was there that the married couple was to settle. This is also related to the fact that the baking was entrusted to the family by the newlywed. Now the newlyweds in most cases, after the official registration, go to the banquet, but do not live with their parents at all, therefore, the parents of the young people with a loaf meet, as a rule, at the entrance to a cafe or restaurant.

Guests also take part in this tradition: they form a kind of living corridor, standing on both sides of the road to the doors of the establishment, and shower the newlyweds with millet, oats, rice, coins, sweets or flower petals. So friends and relatives wish the newly-made spouses happiness and prosperity in the family.

The words of the mother-in-law when meeting young people with a loaf must be prepared in advance, since the congratulatory speech should be foldable and come from the heart. It is not forbidden to read the text according to what was written, but it will look more effective if it is memorized.

Other parents also have roles in this tradition. The bride's mother holds two glasses of champagne or soft drink in her hands. After the newlyweds taste the loaf, they empty the glasses and break them, throwing them over their left shoulder, for good luck. The mother-in-law can also accompany this process with words of congratulations. The words of the bride's mother for meeting the young with a loaf can also be prepared in advance. The groom's father usually holds an apple on a tray so that the newlyweds can have a snack of champagne, and the bride's father holds an icon for a blessing.

Toastmaster's speech

If at a wedding, then he needs to accompany each stage of the celebration with comments, including the meeting of the young at the door of a cafe or restaurant.

A professional toastmaster knows how to meet young people with a loaf, what to say. After the registry office, the bride and groom usually go to a photo session, and the guests are waiting for them at the banquet hall. The presenter makes sure that everyone stands in their places, knows what to do and say during the meeting of the young with the loaf. The words of the toastmaster during the performance of this tradition can be as follows:

“Dear newlyweds (names of the bride and groom)! At this solemn hour, you are greeted by the people dearest to you - your parents. The groom's mother has a delicious loaf, baked as a symbol of love and prosperity, with the warmest feelings on a lovingly embroidered towel.

Newlyweds!Looking into each other's eyes, break off a piece of this wedding bread, salt well and feed each other. You have a unique opportunity to annoy each other for the last time, moreover, to the cheers of friends and relatives. And whoever gets the bigger piece will be the head and breadwinner of the family! Well done, the groom (or the bride), therefore, you will get a difficult burden. "

Wedding planner

When young people meet with a loaf, the words of the groom's mother have a special meaning. The mother-in-law must say how glad she is to the union of her son, to wish the young people love, happiness and prosperity.

Elena Sokolova


During the congratulatory speech, parents should not say too much. A few sentences will suffice, as the main toast will be said later.

Gennady Glushakov

Parents' speech

The words when young people meet with a loaf mainly consist of congratulations and parting words. The mother-in-law can say her little speech in prose or poetry. It is desirable that the text comes from the heart, without pretense.

For example, congratulating the newlyweds during a meeting with a loaf may look like this:

“Our dear children! We sincerely congratulate you on the starting point in your new life, on the birth of your family. I bless you for a long and happy married life, may there always be peace and order in your house! "

There is another version of the congratulation text:

“Dear children! We are immensely glad that in this vast world your hearts have found each other and merged together, and today we all witness the triumph of your warm feelings for each other. Previously, I had only a son, but now I also have a wonderful daughter. I wish that harmony and mutual understanding reigned in your home, so that ringing children's laughter would not stop within the walls of your family nest. Love each other and be happy! "

You can associate congratulations directly with the loaf itself:

“Dear children! We bless you on your joint path and wish that the warmth in your hearts, as in this loaf, does not fade away, but warms you yourself and everyone around you. Let your home be full of joy, love and welcome guests. Happy holiday, my dears! "

Who makes the baked goods

If desired, the groom's family can respect the old tradition and independently engage in the production of wedding baked goods. Of course, this process has not been accompanied by songs and prayers for a long time, but it is better to observe the condition for a woman happily in marriage. Many people believe that positive energy is transmitted to baked goods from the person who prepares it..

Now there are options and it is much simpler - anyone can order a loaf in a bakery or in a special store for a relatively low price. At the same time, you can be sure that the pastries will turn out delicious and beautiful. Any decorations can be made on the loaf, it all depends on the wishes of the customer. In order not to additionally purchase a salt shaker, you can order a loaf with a special notch in the middle, where salt is poured. You need to order a loaf in advance so that the baker was able to bake it on the very day of the holiday. In this case, it will be fresh, soft and aromatic.

Wedding presenters can tell from their own experience how best to observe this tradition at a wedding: meeting young people with a loaf. The parents' words can be short, or you can prepare a small congratulatory speech. In this video, the meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf is considered as one of the options for meeting the newlyweds at the door of the restaurant. A professional toastmaster gives recommendations on how best to meet newlyweds after the registry office.

Each stage of pre-wedding preparation has certain nuances that must be taken into account so that everyone is satisfied. The following tips are given regarding the tradition of meeting newlyweds with a wedding loaf.

  1. Parents are not always present at the wedding in full force. If necessary, the mother-in-law can be replaced by any relative from the groom's side or any person close to the newlyweds.
  2. The loaf does not cancel the wedding cake, despite the fact that earlier it was this pastry that was used for the dessert part of the banquet.

What to say when young people meet with a loaf? When serving a loaf, it is not so important what the mother-in-law says, but how she does it is important. Even simple words can warm the soul if spoken with warm feelings and intentions. You can choose a ready-made version or write the text yourself, the main thing is that it pleases the newlyweds.

On the eve of the wedding, the parents of the young have a lot of questions in their heads. Including how to meet young people with a loaf, what to say in this situation. It is recommended that you prepare at least a minimum for such a meeting in advance, so that the right words can be found at the right time.

Despite the fact that the meeting of young people with a loaf has little in common with modern traditions, it is important to give respect to the traditions of the old and Slavic wedding rituals. The feast begins only after the young have cut the loaf, they are the first to enter the festive hall and sit down at their table, and only after that the active seating of the guests begins.

History of tradition

Once in Russia, it was the loaf that was the main grain product, which symbolized the satiety and well-being of the family. Therefore, the festive feast on the wedding day symbolically began with a loaf. As a rule, they baked it themselves a few days before the wedding. Wheat flour was taken as a basis, cones, spikelets of dough were made as decorations - this symbolized wealth and fertility. The top of the loaf was decorated with doves, which personified love.

How to meet young people with a loaf, what to tell parents on this day in modern times? Honestly, traditions have changed little here. Already before the arrival of the wedding cortege from the registry office, parents should stand at the entrance to the restaurant with a tray on which there will be a loaf. As a rule, the groom's mother should present the young people with a towel with a loaf and salt - this is a symbol of prosperity, harmony in their future life together.

There are no special rules of what to say when young people meet with a loaf. It's just that each parent should express wishes, parting words and blessings.

The first word, as a rule, goes to the groom's mother, and the father stands modestly with glasses of champagne for the newlyweds nearby and quietly agrees with the mother's words. Of course, if dad is a real man, then he should say the parting words and blessings, and mom adds congratulations in verses and says her blessing. Usually there are difficulties - What can I say? We will give several examples of the speech of the groom's father (mother) for this occasion. The moment is exciting, so you need to speak from the bottom of your heart, for poetry you definitely need to have a cheat sheet, and the words of blessing are better to say on your own behalf, in your own words. But you still need to rehearse your speech before the arrival of the newlyweds.

After all the parting words for a happy and long life together have been said, the young should break off a piece from each side of the loaf, dip the bread in salt and treat each other. This mila tradition is a symbol and personification of how young people in marriage should take care of each other.

It is believed that whoever breaks off or bites off a larger piece of a loaf will be the head of the family. Salt in this case means that the last time the young people spite each other and in the future they promise to live only in peace, harmony, not to quarrel. As for the groom's father, during the ceremony, he holds in his hands either the icon of Nicholas the Pleasant, or the icon of the Mother of God. This is a symbol of spirituality, that the family will adhere to family traditions and Christian values.

It is clear that the bride's mother and father do not stand empty-handed. After the ritual with a loaf, they bring honey and champagne to the young. This is a symbol of a sweet life and the beginning of a beautiful period - the honeymoon. Having drunk champagne to the bottom, the young should break the glasses.

By the fragments from the glasses, the people calculated who would be the firstborn in the family. If the fragments are large, then the young ones will have a boy first, small fragments are a symbol of the birth of a girl.

At the end of the loaf ceremony, the young must necessarily bow to the ground with their parents three times, kiss each of the parents three times on the cheeks. After the ritual is over, the loaf is placed on the table for the young, where it is until the end of the wedding day. It was customary among the people to leave the upper part of the loaf young, and give the rest to the guests in exchange for gifts and good wishes.

Approximate words from the groom's mother to the loaf (it is she who holds the towel with the loaf and salt, she is the first to meet the young):

  • Children! Happy wedding day and the birth of a new family. I want to bless you for a long and happy life by presenting this loaf as a symbol of prosperity. Advice and love!
  • Our dear children! Please accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding day. Let this salt be the last in your life, and from this moment begins the honeymoon for the rest of your married life.
  • Children, we are extremely glad that in this huge world you found each other and were able to create a new family. Take care of your feelings and your love, appreciate everything that is between you and trust each other. We hope that your home will be a full cup, and resentment and adversity will always bypass it.
  • Our beloved children! We are very glad that you found each other and united your sincere feelings, forming a new family. Love, appreciate and trust each other! May your house always be a full cup, and let resentment and adversity pass you by!
  • Dear children! Glad to your conscious choice! We bless you for a happy marriage with sincere mutual feelings of love! Show respect and care for each other. Share all the ups and downs, joys and sorrows together! Advice and love!
  • “Dear (Names of the newlyweds), I also want to congratulate you on your wedding. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Protect the warmth of this day all your life. Preserve your happiness and multiply it many, many times. Oh, you are my doves. What happiness. They arrived beautiful, smart, happy. Let me kiss you on both cheeks. "
  • “Dear children! Congratulations on your legal marriage. We wish you happiness, health and many years of married life. Welcome to our home - your home. Taste our bread and salt, and we will see who is the boss in the house. "

Father's example words:

  • Our children, we congratulate you - now you are a lawful husband and wife. We bless you and your mom for a long and happy life, live in harmony and happiness. Live in such a way as to thank God for every day you have lived next to, love each other, give birth to our grandchildren rather, do not forget us - come to visit more often, Advice and Love to you! " In the name of the father, son and holy spirit ”, - with these words he baptizes the newlyweds.
  • “Our beloved doves, so you finally became husband and wife. A long and happy road has now opened before you, along which you will walk together to the very end. Congratulations on completing the first important step in your life. And then we expect many more such steps from you! The birth of your first child, his first step, building your own house - all this you have to go through. Until then, you are the happiest couple on this earth. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, swam through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy"!

In business, how to meet young people with a loaf, what to say, nothing depends on whether they are the parents of the bride or groom. At this moment, parents say parting and kind words to their children for their future family life, but everything is done quite shortly and quickly. Long congratulations and gifts must be saved right before the festive feast.

A wedding is a magnificent celebration rich in a variety of customs and beliefs. One of the favorite ancient wedding ceremonies that have come down to our days is the meeting of the young with a loaf. What words need to be spoken at this moment? How to organize it? And what is the essence of the ceremony? Consider below.

The origins of the rite

This tradition dates back to ancient times. According to legend, after the ceremony of painting the newlyweds had a meeting with their parents. On their hands was an embroidered towel with a loaf. The latter, according to custom, was always placed at the head of the banquet table.

Then they cut it into pieces and at the end of the celebration all the guests had to taste it. Moreover, the group eating of this bread was in strict order. A piece of the largest size was intended for the newlyweds, then parents and close relatives took it, the bottom of the bread was given to a group of musicians, since it contained coins, and the rest of the cake was given to the children and the remaining guests.

This is what the traditional Slavic wedding was about. The modern scenario of greeting young people with a loaf has become easier and reduced to a minimum.

What you need to know when welcoming young people with a loaf?

So, the modern greeting is carried out at the end of the painting. If earlier a loaf of salt was only in the hands of the mother of the bride, today both the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law can perform this rite.

The second important component is the drawing up of a plan for greeting the young couple after the painting ceremony. Those wishing to participate in the event should be organized into a kind of living wall in two rows. This will create a kind of corridor for a young family.

Then they should be given rice or wheat, metal coins, candy and rose petals. All this is useful for shedding a young couple. Traditionally, it is believed that in this way the invitees help to make the future family life of the young sweet, well-fed and rich.

The main roles in this action, of course, are assigned to the parents. There are three variations on this scenario:

  1. Only the mother of the bride holds the cake.
  2. The mother of the bride is holding the cake, and the mother-in-law only needs to be supported.
  3. Keeping the loaf is entrusted to the groom's mother, and the mother-in-law is entrusted with supporting him.

Fathers are supposed to keep a tray with glasses for the young and a bottle of champagne. Among other things, parents are supposed to say parting words when meeting a newlywed with a loaf.

The greeting of a young couple is usually held on the doorstep of the banquet room, where the celebration itself will take place. It is here that parents will hold a towel and a loaf in their hands. When the young couple gets out of the car, two people from among the invitees should come closer to their parents and spread another towel on the ground. The rest of the invitees should form a living corridor and start gifting the young spouses with the above-described sprinkling. At the end of this corridor there should be mothers with a loaf and fathers with champagne and a towel lying on the ground.

One of the mothers should say a welcoming speech, welcoming the young couple with a loaf, and at the end of it invite the young to stand on the towel. Such a ceremony symbolizes the joint path of a young couple, which they still have to go through in the future. It is believed that whoever touches the canvas first will be the head of the family.

Then the newlyweds cross the towel and go to the mother holding the cake. They listen to beautiful congratulatory words and break off pieces of the pie. Then they feed each other with them or present them to the guests. Upon completion of this action, the young spouses enter the banquet room, followed by their parents and the remaining guests.

Words for meeting young people with a loaf at a wedding

The greeting words of a young couple can be in different variations, but the essence remains the same. For example, the mother of the bride may say: “Greetings, our beloved newlyweds! Nice to see you healthy and happy! On a delightful and solemn day for you, we would like to present you with a fragrant and toasted loaf! "

Then it is the groom's mother's turn. Her words: “We are very happy to present this wonderful cake to you! Break it down and let each one take a piece! "

Upon completion of these speeches, a spectacular tasting of the cake begins. A young couple breaks pieces, salt and eat. And at the same time the mother of the bride enters with the words: “What are you wonderful with us! Let this loaf be the first joint meal that you had after the painting! She will give you health and give you all the charm of family life! "

The groom's mother joins in with the words: “So I have a daughter-in-law! I will love her like my own daughter! And my son got a spouse, whom now he is obliged to protect until the end of his days! "

Mother of the bride: “Love and honor each other! May there always be a warm and cozy atmosphere in your home, and the sonorous laughter of children is heard! "

The groom's mother supports these words. Next, the loaf is handed over to one of the bridesmaids or a witness: "And this delicious loaf will bless you and give you family happiness!"

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In the wedding event, traditions that are sacredly venerated by newlyweds have been preserved to this day. A wedding is the birth of a family. And I want the union of two hearts to beat in unison for many, many years. Therefore, the customs that promise only good things for the future family are not forgotten and must be observed. This is also the tradition - a meeting of young people with a wedding loaf. So, how to meet young people with a loaf, what to say, what to do with a loaf later, and much more - further.

The loaf on a beautifully embroidered towel is usually held by the groom's mother. This has been the custom for a long time, because the bride went to live in her husband's house. Today, many newlyweds begin to live separately from their parents, so two mothers have every right to keep the loaf at once, thereby personifying the unity of two families. Remember that the wedding loaf is important in how to meet the young. What to say at this moment is recommended to think at least approximately in advance, so that at the right moment you do not get confused and do not forget all the words.

Traditions of how to meet young people with a loaf (what to say) do not leave aside the fathers of families. They take an active part in the meeting of the young. The duty of the groom's father is to hold the icon of the Mother of God (if the families are religious) or two personalized glasses filled with a red drink on a tray, and the father of the bride - a plate with an apple cut into halves, but combined into a whole fruit.

Important! It is better to pour not an alcoholic drink into glasses, but lingonberry juice. It has a beautiful red color and reduces blood pressure, which may increase slightly from anxiety on this day. Options,?

Meeting of the newlyweds

After a walk for the newlyweds, their parents meet them at the venue of the banquet, where the rest of the guests drive up and are handed out cereals, sweets, small coins. They line up in two rows, forming a corridor along which the newly-made husband and wife walk. At the end of the corridor, parents are waiting for the newlyweds with a wedding loaf.

Interesting! Do you want a young family to live in love? Then be sure to decorate the loaf with figures of doves, viburnum or roses - they symbolize love. Do you wish the newlyweds prosperity, wealth? Add ears of wheat to the pattern. Figures of swans are a wish of loyalty and devotion, and the braids symbolize the intertwining of the destinies of two hearts.

Parting words

The first words are pronounced by the mother of the groom, the mother of the bride joins the second in the congratulations. It is not difficult to decide how to meet young people with a loaf, what to tell parents. Words must be sincere and come from the heart.

This is one of the most exciting moments, so memorized speech will be inappropriate. It shouldn't take much time, you can show eloquence when making toasts. And also mothers together can prepare parting words for their children in advance:

  • “Our beloved children! We would like to wish you a happy and long family life. Advice and love to you! "
  • “Dear children! Congratulations on the beginning of a new life path, on which you walk together hand in hand. On the threshold of this happy journey, let me present you with a loaf - a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Break off, please, the children piece by piece and treat each other. Let the warmth that the loaf has saved for you will remain in your hearts. Advice and love to you! "
  • Together with the groom's parents, you can decide how to meet the young with a loaf and what to say to the bride's parents. Words can be said together.

The ritual of the treat symbolizes that the spouses will take care of each other throughout their lives. And also slices of bread must be dipped in a salt shaker. The salt shaker is placed on top of a loaf or kept separately on a plate. It is believed that in this way the spouses "eat up" all the tears that awaited them in their further family life, or they annoyed each other for the last time. The loaf is considered a shrine. Therefore, to arrange any contests with him (for example, who will bite off more from him) is blasphemy.

Then the loaf is passed to the bridesmaids, who put it on the most honorable place of the wedding table - opposite the newlyweds. Since meeting young people with a loaf and what to say (you will find the video in the article) is a whole ritual, then all those invited participate in it.

Then the groom's father presents the glasses with a drink. The newlyweds thank their parents and be sure to drain the glasses to the bottom. Thus, the cup of patience will never run out. Whether or not to break glasses, everyone decides for himself. It is relevant in any situation.

It is interesting! There are two opposite points of view: broken dishes are for happiness and broken dishes with your own hand - to the destruction of the family, way of life.

What to do next with the loaf

Some give the loaf to the church as a donation. It is believed that this promises a young family harmony and peace in the house. And usually the loaf is handed out to the guests, while the bride treats her invited guests and relatives, the groom - his own. Thus showing the hospitality of a young family.

Interesting! Our ancestors distributed pieces like this: the central part went to the newlyweds, the rest of the pieces to parents and relatives. And the "sole" with baked coins was intended for musicians.

So, traditions and customs of how to meet young people with a loaf and what to say have existed from time immemorial. These are whole rituals that promise a long life together for the newlyweds, love and mutual understanding.