Preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils of the dow application of health-saving technologies. Good health of our children in kindergarten

Health care is the most important work of the educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence depend on the vitality and vivacity of children ...

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


Health is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society. Life in the twenty-first century poses many new problems for us, among which the most urgent today is the problem of maintaining health.

According to the data published in the State report on the state of health of the population of the Russian Federation, 60% of children aged 3 to 7 years old have functional deviations in their state of health, and only 10% of children come to school absolutely healthy. Therefore, the problem of health should be considered in a broad social aspect.

From this position, the focus of work on the full physical development and health promotion of children should be, firstly, the family, including all its members and living conditions; secondly, a preschool educational institution where the child spends most of his active time, i.e. social structures that basically determine the level of children's health.

Therefore, in the preschool educational institution it is necessary to search for new approaches to the improvement of children, based on a multivariate analysis of external influences, monitoring the health status of each child, taking into account and using the characteristics of his body, individualizing preventive measures, and creating certain conditions.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education - technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of pupils. These technologies occupy one of the most important areas in psychological and pedagogical support in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Health-saving technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of impact on children's health. Their main feature is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, approaches to solving emerging problems. They can be divided into three subgroups:

● organizational and pedagogical technologies that determine the structure of the educational process, contributing to the prevention of states of overwork, physical inactivity and other maladaptive conditions;

● psychological and pedagogical technologies related to the direct work of a teacher with children (this also includes psychological and pedagogical support of all elements of the educational process);

● teaching and educational technologies, which include programs to teach people to take care of their health and build a culture of health among pupils.

The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on the program that teachers work on, the specific conditions of the preschool educational institution (DOE), the professional competence of teachers, as well as indications of the incidence of children.

Health-saving technologies used in preschool educational institutions

"Magic Points of Health"

Acupressure is an impact on biologically active zones located on the human skin. Stimulation of the bioactive zones of the skin activates the production of its own interferon in the body, which has an antiviral effect. Acupressure has no age restrictions - it can be done by an elderly person and a small child. Parents can teach older children how to massage themselves. Experts note that if a child who has been given acupressure from month to month suddenly falls ill, the disease proceeds in a much milder form.

Massage Su-Jok balls

Children are familiar with it under the name "Hedgehog" - a cute ball with sharp spikes, light and hygienic, easy to handle and available at any time. Its pointed protrusions act on biologically active points, invariably causing an improvement in well-being, relieving stress, fatigue and pain, increasing the overall tone of the body. With the help of balls - "hedgehogs" children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the whole body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby contributing to the development of speech. The main advantages of Su-Jok therapy are high efficiency, absolute safety of use, accessibility of the method.

Self-massage with improvised materials

Self-massage of hands and fingers with walnuts, cones, spruce branches, pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, etc. Self-massage has a beneficial effect on the development of the movements of the hand and fingers, when the active points of the fingers and palms are stimulated with the help of a pencil, a walnut. In the exercises we also use chestnuts, massage hair brushes, balloons (filled with salt, flour, small pebbles), gloves with sewn on buttons. Children perform exercises using non-traditional material with great pleasure, because the classes turn into an entertaining game: “fingers-skiers”, “fingers-magicians”, “fingers walk around the zoo”.

"Health Path"

"Health Path" allows you to prevent the health of children in a playful way. The main tasks of the Health Paths organization are:

Prevention of flat feet

improve coordination of movements;

improve the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

increase resistance to infectious diseases;

improve the emotional and mental state of children;

introduce children to a healthy lifestyle

Gymnastics for the eyes

Gymnastics for the eyes is effective as a means of preventing visual impairment. We often underestimate the use of visual gymnastics, exercises are a kind of relaxation for the child's nervous system, helping the brain to better process the information received through vision. Many parents believe that their children, who have 100% vision, are not at risk. By no means! A child's vision is a fragile instrument that requires care, attention and - above all - constant monitoring. If the child already has deviations in vision, visual gymnastics will help not to worsen the situation, and in some cases correct the problems. Our task is to learn simple gymnastics exercises for children's vision and at first remind the child about doing exercises at home and even join in doing exercises that are beneficial for the eyes.

Finger gymnastics

"Finger games" is a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. In the course of “finger games”, the child, repeating the movements of adults, achieves a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, but also prepares the child for drawing and writing. While exercising, you do not just move your fingers, but are aware and control your actions, so gymnastics increases hand-eye coordination and concentration. Let me explain: the connection of the hands with the brain is crossed, the right hand is connected with the left hemisphere, and the left hand with the right. Thus, the distribution of energy goes evenly (a tired excited hemisphere will slow down, an unused hemisphere will wake up, become more active).

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics at preschool age pursues the following goals: increasing the general vitality of the child and the resistance, hardening and resistance of his body to diseases of the respiratory system.

Technique for performing breathing exercises.

The method of carrying out is based on the use of special static and dynamic breathing exercises with an elongated and enhanced exhalation against the background of general strengthening and general developmental physical exercises with the pronunciation of vowel sounds (a-a-a, u-u-u, o-o-o) of hissing consonants ( w and w) and combinations of sounds (ah, uh, fu). It is advisable to carry out these breathing exercises in a playful way (a bee is buzzing, an airplane is buzzing, train wheels are knocking, etc.). Breathing exercises can be conducted by a teacher, instructor, educator or medical worker of a preschool institution. The load is gradually increased by increasing the number of repetitions and complicating the exercises.

mouth rinse

Rinsing the mouth is both a therapeutic procedure and a preventive one, because during this procedure the mucous membrane of the palatine arches, palatine tonsils and the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the oropharynx is cleansed. Tell your baby how the mouth gets dirty with food, and for more persuasiveness, let him eat a piece of soft bread, currants or blueberries, chocolate candy. Let him look in the mirror later and see how dirty his teeth are. After that, let the child rinse his mouth, passing water back and forth, and again show him his clean teeth. As it should, the baby will master the procedure only after a few months. And you should stock up on patience and endurance in order to control the child during rinsing.

Sand ART Therapy

Have you noticed that sand for kids has some magical powers? At a certain age, they begin to beckon to him: children want to touch the sand, dig into it with a stick, play with toys, dig a hole. First of all, sand therapy for children is a great opportunity for self-expression, development of creative inclinations in a child, as well as a simple and effective way to learn how to express one's feelings, emotions, experiences. Sand therapy gives answers to many questions of parents regarding the inner emotional world of their child, allows you to reveal and see the true causes of conflicts, fears, and in the future to carry out a correction.

fairy tale therapy

Fairy tale therapy is a way to correct children's psychological problems. The meaning is that a fairy tale is told for the child, the hero of which is himself. At the same time, in the very narration of the tale, certain difficulties were invented for the protagonist, with which he must certainly cope. Fairy tale therapy is a method that uses a form to integrate a personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interaction with the outside world.

Invigorating gymnastics

Gymnastics in bed is aimed at a gradual transition from sleep to wakefulness. It is necessary to start gymnastics with the awakened children, the rest join as they wake up. Gymnastics in bed may include such elements as sipping, alternately and simultaneously raising and lowering arms and legs, elements of self-massage, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, etc. The main rule is to exclude sudden movements that can cause muscle strain, overexcitation, a drop in blood pressure and, as a result, dizziness. The duration of gymnastics in bed is about 2-3 minutes. All recreational activities, including gymnastics after sleep, are best done in a playful way. This allows you to create a positive emotional background, arouse increased interest in all wellness procedures. In addition, taking a certain game image, children often better understand the technique of performing a particular exercise.

Relaxation pauses

"Relaxation pauses" are included in the daily routine of the kindergarten. The ability to relax helps some children relieve stress, others - to concentrate, relieve excitement. Relaxation is caused by specially selected game techniques. Each is given a figurative name, this captivates children. They perform relaxing exercises, not just imitating the leader, but reincarnating, entering into a given image. Most children perceive these exercises correctly, relax well. This can be judged by the appearance of the child: the calm expression of his face, even rhythmic breathing, sluggish obedient hands, etc. Experience shows that as a result of the use of relaxation, many children get better sleep, they become more balanced and calm.

Special hardening

Hardening is a scientifically substantiated systematic use of natural factors of nature to increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental agents.

A number of rules must be observed:

· The systematic use of hardening procedures in all seasons, without interruption.

Gradual increase in the dose of irritant action.

Accounting for the age and individual characteristics of the child's body.

· All hardening procedures should be carried out against the backdrop of positive emotions.

It is important to create a favorable environment, create game motivation in combination with music, set the child up for enjoyment, for acquiring vivacity and well-being. The role of an adult is important. He should be a role model to achieve the main goal - strengthening the health of pupils.

color therapy

This is a way to correct the psycho-emotional state of the child with the help of certain colors. This is a special technique based on the effect of color photons of different wavelengths on the brain of a child. Thanks to such a simple technique, the impact of a certain color on a child, one can achieve significant results in the treatment of apathy, irritability, excessive activity, and even incipient child aggression, and manage one's emotions.


Smells surround us everywhere and, one way or another, affect our state and mood. Aromas of plants relieve fatigue, improve memory, strengthen sleep.

Aromatherapy is a natural healing with smells.

Contraindications for the use of aromatherapy products are:

individual psychological intolerance to essential oils;

individual allergic

Music therapy

Music therapy is healing with music. Listening to the right music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing. Great attention is paid to the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds, with which you can have a positive effect on the child's body. This contributes to the overall improvement, improvement of well-being, raising the mood, increasing efficiency.

In the morning it is recommended to turn on sunny major classical music, good songs with good lyrics; for relaxation and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in daytime sleep, you need to take advantage of the beneficial influence of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustle of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the sound of sea waves and the cry of dolphins, the murmur of a stream). Children on a subconscious level calm down, relax; awakening children after a daytime sleep will help: quiet, gentle, light, joyful music. It is easier and calmer for children to move from a state of complete

Love Arndt
A healthy environment in a preschool educational institution is a condition for the physical and mental health of children.

“If you cannot raise a child so that he does not get sick, then, in any case, maintain a high level of health is possible". N. M. AMOSOV

A hot topic at all times is human health. Health can't be cured with medication.

Preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundation child's physical and mental health. During this period, there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body.

Preschool age is a favorable period for developing the right habits and forming healthy lifestyle, which, combined with teaching preschoolers how to improve and preserve health will lead to positive results.

Only healthy the child can be successful in the process of personal and intellectual development, and therefore successful in learning. From how competently organized work with children physical education how effectively they are used for this terms preschool, depends child health.

The relevance of developmental pedagogy recovery is due the creation in the preschool educational institution of effective health-saving, a pedagogical system that will allow timely overcoming violations of the state child health and development.

A healthy environment is flexible, a developing system that does not oppress the child, the basis of which is an emotionally comfortable Wednesday stay and a favorable mode of organization of life children.

Wednesday is one of the main funds development of the child's personality, the source of his individual studies and social experience. Subject-developing Wednesday must provide not only physical activity of children, but also be the basis for their independent motor activity. The role of an adult rationally organize Wednesday in a group.

Each group must have wellness routine of the day contributing to the harmonious physical and full mental development, which provides for a variety of activities throughout the day in accordance with interests and needs, taking into account the time of year, age children, as well as their states health.

allowances should correspond to age characteristics, the space of the motor zone, periodically change taking into account the implementation of the program, interests children and results of individual work. must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements (be safe for children, easy to wash);

Back to main directions wellness activities in kindergarten applies:

Organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime and the creation of hygienic living conditions of children;

organization healthy balanced nutrition;

Security psychological safety of children during their stay in kindergarten;

Organization of medical and preventive work with children and employees; physical education of children.

Modern preschoolers experience significant mental overload. Children are forced to spend considerable time in a sedentary position. To compensate for lack of mobility, health physical exercise.

Necessary wellness work continuously and systematically. All wellness activities should be arranged in a sequential chain and evenly distributed throughout the day. The morning starts with gymnastics. It is important for hardening the body, increasing efficiency children after sleep and regular physical training in order to improve the muscular apparatus, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

While doing gymnastics on the street Special attention give proper breathing. The walk is powerful means hardening of the body. Daily walking time children is at least 4 - 4.5 hours. The walk is organized 2 times a day. day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half of the day - after daytime sleep or before leaving children home. When the air temperature is below minus 15 C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out when the air temperature is below minus 15 C and the wind speed is more than 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years at air temperature below minus 20 C and wind speed over 15 m/s.

An important role of the teacher lies in the correct organization of the walk (we select outdoor games with alternating sedentary games, we carry out gymnastic exercises aimed at developing motor activity, we organize labor activities on the territory of the site, flower garden, vegetable garden, observation of nature and the surrounding world, conversations, organize plot - role-playing games, we carry out individual work with children, taking into account age characteristics).

After a daytime sleep, we do gymnastics "Awakenings". Children in panties perform a series of exercises. This contributes to the hardening of the body.

Also, for the prevention of flat feet, hardening of the body, children walk barefoot on a gymnastic rug, (in the summer on pebbles, grass, they perform a number of exercises, for example: "Pick up the pencil", "Put down the handkerchief", "Roll the ball", Daily procedure time increases by 1 min. and gradually brought to 15-20 minutes. The meaning of walking barefoot is to harden the skin of the feet, which occurs mainly under the influence of low temperatures of the floor and earth.

Children especially like to perform finger gymnastics, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, affects the entire body as a whole.

Children love water very much.

Water procedures excite the nervous system, so they should be carried out after morning or afternoon sleep. Wiping the skin after any water treatment with a dry towel provides a good massage, promotes better blood circulation, and hence nutrition. Washing with water at room temperature has a hardening effect on the child's body. The water temperature is gradually decreasing (from 29-30 to 22-20 for 2 every 5-6 days). Children with great pleasure perform water procedures. First, they wash the face, hands, then the neck and arms up to the elbow.

As a result of systematic hardening, the state of the nervous system is normalized. The stability of the emotional sphere increases, which makes it more restrained and balanced. In addition, the child has an increase in the body's endurance, its performance, and an improvement in mood.

But we must not forget about the principle of individuality (the age of the child, the state of his health, level of hardening, sex).

It is also important to pay attention to psychological environment in preschool. One of the basic human needs is the need for security and protection. Feeling safe is the most important condition interpersonal communication. When we say this, we mean psychological safety. Man being in psychologically dangerous situation experiencing anxiety and fear. The most common source of a child's emotional experiences is his relationships with other people. Sincerity and openness in relationships largely depends on the emotional state. In the absence of a benevolent psychological climate in the children's team, it is easy to detect obvious signs of embarrassment, discomfort in the child - he speaks in a low voice, avoids eye contact, shifts from foot to foot, pulls clothes, holds his hands to his mouth. Frequent absenteeism for no reason can testify to that the child does not want to be in the team. A lot of useful information about the emotional state of the child is provided by observing his posture in certain situations. So, crossed arms and legs during communication is a defensive reaction. If a child covers his mouth with his hand while listening, this testifies to that he doesn't trust whoever he's talking to. Clenched fists indicate a state of hostility. Feelings of fear and insecurity conditions the emergence of protective reactions that can manifest themselves in various forms of behavior. Under the influence of fear, a person sometimes strives to become invisible in order to attract the attention of those who are the source of his anxiety as little as possible. Another form of defensive behavior that is often encountered is aggression. Expression "Attack is the best means of protection» most accurately characterizes this type of behavior. Unfortunately, children, and even adults, rarely manage to determine their own feelings. For example: "I am angry", "I'm sad", "I feel calm". In fact, we rarely use these seemingly simple expressions, which testifies to that we are not used to talking directly about our feelings. Each child comes to us from his own family, from his own home. So what makes a home different from any other place? The house is, theoretically, the space where the child can show his individuality as much as possible. At home, in the family, there are customs and rituals that bring its members closer together. The safest in psychological in terms of the place for the child is his home. If this is true, these children are happy. In order for the kindergarten to become the place where the child feels at home, and maybe even better, the employee needs to make a lot of effort and ingenuity. Such a personality can be formed in conditions of such a psychological space, where the child from the first day of the visit is given the opportunity to express his "I", make choices in accordance with their value orientations, where they are encouraged to put forward various kinds of initiatives, make interesting proposals, where they develop the willingness and ability to take responsibility, where they create terms for self-affirmation of the child, taking into account the strengths of his personality. chief condition for such a psychological space is safe Wednesday, atmosphere psychological comfort, which is both developing and psychotherapeutic, because barriers disappear in this atmosphere, and energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but on learning activities and creativity. Creation psychological comfort is one of the most important tasks. It is necessary to encourage the creative manifestations of the child. It is important that children are not afraid to make mistakes. The task of the educator is not to suppress the desires, creative impulses of the students, but to support and guide them. Each educator, undoubtedly, has its own arsenal of methods and techniques that allow you to create a comfortable psychological environment for pupils.

It is possible to identify the main: -

No monologues during GCD. Only dialogue, lively, in which everyone participates.

It is advisable to plan daily work in groups. At the same time, children learn to communicate in a small team, argue, ask for help and offer it. The most important and most difficult thing to achieve is the positive emotional attitude of the educator. It is not easy, but it is necessary for him to manage his emotions, and to teach children to the same.

All activities carried out in kindergarten are impossible without the participation of the family in this process, since a number of wellness activities should be continued at home conditions. The participation of parents is very important in all the work of a preschool institution. In the groups, we designed stands for parents, we regularly hold consultations, parent meetings, and joint sports holidays are organized. After all, only thanks to the joint activities of teachers and parents, it is possible to achieve the most significant results in solving the problem - reducing the incidence of children, strengthening them health.

List of sources used

1. Evdakimova E. S. Designing as health-saving technology in the preschool educational institution // Management of the preschool educational institution. 2004. N1.

2. Nazarenko L. D. Wellness basics of exercise. - M., 2002.

3. Pankratova I. V. Rastim healthy generation // Management of the preschool educational institution. 2004. N1.

4. Sukharev A. G. The concept of strengthening health child and adolescent population of Russia // School health. 2000. Vol. 7. N2. P. 29 - 34. Fomina N. A.

5. Chebotareva O. V. Theoretical seminar "Using health-saving

The protection of children's health and its strengthening is one of the main tasks of each preschool institution. At the same time, they take care not only of the physical, but also of the mental and social well-being of the kids.

Basic concepts

Health-saving technologies in kindergarten are a set of medical, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed not only at protecting children, but also at forming in them a valuable and conscious attitude to their health.

Increased attention to them is due to the fact that the incidence of babies increases from year to year. This happens despite all the achievements of modern medicine. At the same time, many kindergarten students suffer from chronic diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, they have problems with posture.

Health-saving technologies in the educational process are divided into those aimed at:

  • stimulation and preservation of health;
  • teaching healthy and proper lifestyle;
  • correction of the condition of children.

The effectiveness of all technologies primarily depends on how the learning process is organized in the preschool educational institution, whether it harms the kids.

The purpose of their use is very clear. They are necessary in order for the pupils of kindergartens to become more viable, they form the right attitude towards their health, they can independently preserve, protect and support it. Even preschoolers should be educated about the rules for providing basic medical care and, if necessary, self-help.

It is necessary to involve parents of pupils of kindergartens in the process.

Description of technologies

It is important that health-saving educational technologies be used on a regular basis in every preschool educational institution. For example, as children get tired, dynamic pauses should be used.

Technologies aimed at maintaining health and stimulating it include various outdoor games, including sports, gymnastics, warming up for fingers, eyes, breathing, and the use of health paths.

To instill in kids a love for the right way of life, daily morning exercises, organized sports holidays, and educational activities aimed at developing physical culture are important.

Corrective technologies include music therapy, fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, logorhythmics, and art therapy.

Gymnastics for fingers

For the development of fine motor skills and entertainment for children, it is important to regularly warm up their hands with them. Scientists have proven that it is the stimulation of the fingers of the crumbs that contributes to the development of speech. In addition, it is necessary so that the baby copes better with drawing and writing and is less tired during classes.

Children 4-5 years old can do many exercises quite independently. From fingers, you can offer to fold glasses, make a bunny, a dog or a mask. These are fairly simple health-saving pedagogical technologies, but their benefits can hardly be overestimated. Their regular use in the garden and at home will help the child develop fine motor skills and, accordingly, stimulate speech.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Such exercises are necessary in order to preserve the eyesight of babies. After all, 90% of the information comes just through the eyes. They work throughout the entire time the child is awake, sometimes experiencing a colossal load. Eye exercises that can be done with babies are quite simple. It is necessary to blink with them, ask them to close their eyes, open their eyes wide and look into the distance. It is also interesting for children to follow the finger, which either approaches the nose, or moves away from it. Such health-saving technologies in kindergarten should be used constantly.

Breathing exercises

It is very important to pay attention to proper breathing. During inhalation, the chest should expand, while the air entering the lungs enters the alveoli, where the blood is saturated with oxygen. It is important that babies breathe not superficially, but with full breasts.

Stimulating exercises are necessary not only for children suffering from frequent colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, but also for relatively healthy babies. Breathing exercises are especially effective in diseases, they can perfectly complement medical, physiotherapeutic and even homeopathic treatment.

For these purposes, the exercise "train" is well suited. When walking, you need to make movements with your hands, depicting a train ride and say “choo-choo”. It is also good to do inclinations - first inhale, then the torso bends to the side and exhale. The “watch” exercise is also popular in the preschool educational institution: the children stand straight and begin to wave their arms back and forth, while saying “tick-tock”.

Physical activity

Active games must be included in the set of activities, which are called “health-saving technologies in kindergarten” in official documents. It can be running in pairs, overcoming simple obstacles. Popular games in which children, divided into 2 teams, must collect certain items for speed. Any other types of active games are also welcome.

Children over 4 years old can easily learn simple rules and follow them. From this age competitions and relay races can be held. Of course, in most kindergartens, the program contains only elements of outdoor games, but they are mandatory. Classes with an average degree of mobility should be carried out daily on walks or in groups.


But not only gymnastics, games and other active ways of spending time are important. A special role is given to rest and relaxation. For these purposes, babies can include the sounds of nature or calm classical music. Responsible for this part of health-saving technologies are educators, psychologists and physical education instructors.

Relaxation pauses help relieve mental, nervous and emotional stress. Timely relaxation can help replenish strength, give rest to muscles and prevent emotions from spilling over the edge. These are very important health-saving technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard).

Relaxation is necessary both with excessive activity of babies, and with their obvious lethargy, which can even be called apathy. A series of relaxation exercises can relieve tension, improve well-being, increase attention and help you concentrate better.

The entire complex should take about 5-7 minutes to complete. Usually children willingly repeat the movements of adults. This can be a “lock” exercise: the lips are pressed so that they are practically invisible and hide for about 5 seconds. You can also stretch your lips so as to expose all your teeth, and growl strongly. After that, you should take a deep breath, smile, stretch, yawn.

To relax the muscles of the neck, the Curious Barbara exercise is suitable. To do this, the kids turn their heads as far as possible to the left, then to the right and return to their original position.

You can stretch the handles by squeezing an imaginary lemon. To do this, the muscles tense very, very strongly, and the palm is compressed into a fist. Then the lemon rushes sharply, and the fingers and hand relax.

For complete relaxation, you can do the exercise "birds". Children "fly" through the meadow, flowers, drink some water, clean their feathers, splash in the stream. The teacher shows what movements all this should be accompanied by.

A popular exercise among children is the snowman exercise. At first, the kids stand straight, like snowmen, their hands look in different directions. But gradually they begin to melt, the arms drop, the neck relaxes, and they slowly turn into a puddle on the floor.

Dynamic pauses

Particular attention should be paid to the rest of children during the educational process. As the kids get tired, you need to take special pauses. They should last about 2-5 minutes. But even such a short rest is enough for health-saving technologies in the younger group to start working. In older groups, children are already more enduring, they can withstand about 15 minutes of continuous training, but they also need rest.

Dynamic pauses are held as needed. The caregiver who monitors the children can independently decide when his wards need a break. With dynamic pauses, you can perform elements of breathing exercises, do exercises for the fingers and eyes. They are carried out on the initiative and under the supervision of educators.

They are usually performed under poetic material with a certain storyline. This helps children to grasp the connection between the action and the movement they are performing. When choosing poems, the age of the kids, their motor and speech capabilities must be taken into account.

Pauses are very important for the development of children. Joint exercises with adults help to get rid of tightness, insecurity, relieve tension after getting acquainted with new material, develop attention and memory.

Invigorating gymnastics

Another element related to the complex of measures aimed at maintaining and stimulating health is the exercises that are performed after daytime sleep. They may vary depending on the conditions of the DOE. They often do exercises on beds, self-massage, extensive washing, walking on ribbed planks, jogging from the bedroom to the playroom, in which a small temperature difference is maintained.

The complex of invigorating gymnastics can include exercises for the prevention of postural disorders, the prevention of flat feet, elements of finger and breathing exercises, and other types. Health-saving technologies aimed at maintaining the health and activity of babies also include walking in circles on toes, heels, and slow running.

After such exercises, hardening is considered effective. This can be stomping in a basin of water, walking barefoot, dousing your feet, or wiping your body with a damp cloth or towel. Such invigorating procedures allow the baby's body to quickly turn on the working rhythm and strengthen his health.

Physical education

To maintain the well-being of kids, each kindergarten should have its own Health-Saving Technologies project. In addition to measures aimed at stimulating the immune system, it also includes elements of teaching kids how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Particular attention is paid to physical education. In each preschool educational institution, they should be at least 2-3 times a week and be held not in a group, but in a special sports or music hall. Physical culture and health technologies consist of an established program, according to which children should be engaged with a special instructor under the supervision of educators. Exceptions are made only for the smallest - nursery groups may not have physical education, or it can be carried out directly in the group.

Health-saving technologies of physical culture are more in demand among older children. For the little ones, 10 minutes of physical education is enough. For younger children, the lesson should last up to 20 minutes, the average - up to 25, the older - for 25-30 minutes. Before physical education, the room is ventilated, only after that you can have children in it.

The main task of these classes is the formation of the necessary motor skills and abilities in children, the development of physical qualities. It is also important to create conditions for children to realize their need for physical activity. All this is the basis for their physical and mental well-being.

Communication and problem-play activities

In addition to physical education, it is important to pay attention to how life safety should be ensured. But this direction is relevant only for children of older garden age. Children are given special thematic classes.

Communication games allow you to involve the child in the process of social adaptation, help develop facial expressions, gestures, pantomime. Children learn to control their body, create a positive attitude towards it. In addition, such games contribute to the fact that the kids begin to better understand each other, to delve into the essence of the information received. They try to use speech and expressive movements to show their emotional state. This develops their imaginative thinking, stimulates non-verbal imagination.

Many children love to play ghosts. An adult shows them how to scare (raises his hands and spreads his fingers) and makes the sound "oooo". At the same time, the rules are announced, the children should do this for cotton: if it is quiet, then you need to say “y” quietly, if it is loud, then you can shout a little.

A simple game "sun" can rally the team. The adult holds out his hand, and the children should put their palm on it, saying "hello." This ritual can be used to set the children up for play and gather them in a circle.

Games aimed at ensuring life safety can be played at any free time. Such activities can even be organized unnoticed by the children themselves. The teacher simply joins the game, introducing the elements he needs into it.

Self massage

Active pastime, development of communication skills and the ability to relax are not all health-saving technologies in kindergarten. In many preschools, an important role is given to the development of self-massage skills. It helps not only relax muscles, relieve tension, but also improve coordination. Specially designed exercises can help you learn to switch movements - slow down the extra ones and activate the necessary ones.

Children are taught to massage their palms, forearms, hands. For this, movements such as stroking, pressing, rubbing, patting, pinching, extension / bending of the fingers are used. For such a massage, improvised objects can also be used: pencils, balls, balls. At the same time, it is important that the movements are performed in the direction of the lymph nodes: from the fingers - to the wrists, from the hands - to the elbows. Self-massage of the face is very useful. It increases the intellectual activity of children by 75%.

Correctional work

It is important to include in the work of each preschool educational institution not only sports and health technologies, but also methods aimed at increasing the emotional mood. Music can be used for these purposes. Such corrective therapy can be combined with physical education, and can be carried out separately up to 4 times a month in each group. The musical impact allows you to relieve tension, improve the mood of children, give them a charge of vivacity.

Fairy tale therapy also has a positive effect. True, it is desirable to conduct it in older groups, several times a month for 30 minutes. Fairy tales are used for therapeutic, psychological and developmental purposes. They can be told by an adult or a group of children in turn. The positive impact of such methods is obvious, so many recommend the active use of corrective health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions.

Classes may also include isotherapy. Drawing with fingers or palms can distract a child, make him happy, relieve tension, overcome fear and insecurity. Art technologies used in kindergartens have a beneficial effect on kids. They are based on the perception of different colors and their influence on the mental state of children.

If all the described methods of protecting children's health are used in the preschool educational institution, then you can be sure that children will become healthier, more self-confident, calmer.

Every child who has reached a certain age is enrolled in a kindergarten by their parents. Some act on the basis that the child does not spend his days aimlessly chasing a ball, watching cartoons for hours. In other cases (in almost every family), there is no one to look after the child because of employment. But whatever the reason, the health of children in kindergarten is consistently ensured, which has a positive impact both mentally and physically.

Many mothers consider it right to leave their baby at home, preferring to keep him with him all day and "blow dust off him." They explain this behavior by the fact that when communicating with other kids, there is a chance to pick up various viral diseases. However, the same mothers do not understand or fundamentally do not want to understand that it is impossible to turn a child into a “greenhouse plant”.

And the constant presence of the baby in the home walls and the restriction in communication will make him a notorious, self-contained and uncommunicative egoist. It is extremely important to assign him to a children's institution, giving the child complete freedom of communication and self-development. As much as parents would not like it, in any case they will not be able to devote enough time to their child to play with him and work out.

Moms are busy all day with household chores: washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning and more. Dads, on the other hand, spend most of their time at work, but in the evening they are too tired to engage in children's play or education.

Ensuring the health of children is the number 1 problem for both their parents and caregivers. Therefore, various events are organized and carried out, aimed at both physical and mental development. These can be educational games (riddles, puzzles on various topics), simple physical exercises, staging small scenes, and more.

Taking part in all this, the child involuntarily develops, improves, learns the world, learns to communicate with peers and adults (in this case, with educators, parents of children from the group). And most importantly, he gets acquainted with such life concepts as: independence, responsibility, determination. These concepts play a leading role in the formation of personality.

Wellness activities

In any kindergarten, a number of recreational activities are carried out aimed at ensuring and maintaining the health of the baby. Wellness activities include:

  1. Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Physical culture and health work.
  3. hardening.
  4. Prevention.

Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle

This event is aimed at developing in the child the need to lead and strive for a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, special attention is paid to the observance of the daily routine by the baby, the inculcation and development of cultural and hygienic skills, and training in caring for one's body.

Physical culture and health work

This type of recreational activities is no less important than all others. Being engaged in physical education and gymnastics, the muscles, joints, bone tissue of the baby are strengthened. The body acquires the ability to fight various ailments, diseases, and disorders. Thus, physical culture and recreation activities include:

  • morning exercises;
  • physical education;
  • outdoor games and game exercises;
  • physical education in the fresh air;
  • sport games;
  • breathing exercises after daytime sleep;
  • diagnostics of physical development;
  • sports and music holidays;
  • leisure.


Hardening procedures are aimed at strengthening the health of each child, making him strong and increasing his immunity. Before proceeding with the implementation of this event, the presence of any disease in the child is excluded. In general, hardening involves:

  • outdoor games, hiking;
  • taking air baths;
  • implementation of water procedures;
  • water games;
  • dosed sunbathing.

Walking barefoot is both a hardening procedure and a great pleasure. The kids love it.


The child's compliance with basic prevention measures is also part of the health care program. Preventive measures include:

  • ensuring the cleanliness of the environment;
  • creation of a healthy microclimate;
  • rational and balanced nutrition;
  • vitaminization - the use of vitamin drinks, fruits;
  • flu prevention - herbal medicine using onions and garlic;
  • preventive vaccinations to protect the child from such serious diseases as whooping cough, mumps, tuberculosis, chickenpox and others;
  • aromatherapy procedures;
  • medical and physical culture;
  • restorative massage.

The implementation of recreational activities is aimed at ensuring that the child, while in kindergarten, grows up absolutely healthy and strong!

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Federal and regional laws “On Education” “World Declaration on Ensuring the Survival, Protection and Development of Children” The concept of preschool education The Family Code of the Russian Federation “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens” Regulatory legal acts defining the role of parents, Preschool educational institutions, schools, children themselves in preserving and strengthening their health

Based on: "Convention on the Rights of the Child" Part 1, Article 6 States Parties recognize that every child has the inalienable right to life States Parties shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible, the survival and development of the child of the World Declaration on Survival, Protection and Development children"

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 1, 1992 543 Recognize the problem of survival, protection and development of children as a priority for the Government of the Russian Federation, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions: ensure the priority of tasks for the survival, protection and development of children at the federal and regional levels…; To the Government of the Russian Federation: to finalize, in accordance with the action plan for the implementation of the World Declaration on ensuring the survival, protection and development of children, the federal program "Children of Russia" for years

March 21, 2007, in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Target Program "Children of Russia" for years was approved As a result of its implementation, a decrease in infant mortality (by 21.8 percent) and maternal mortality (by 27 percent) was achieved

Objectives of the program Protecting and strengthening the health of children, improving their physical development, increasing the resistance of the protective properties of the body, improving physical and mental performance Forming a conscious attitude towards their health among all participants in the educational process Raising in children and parents the need for a healthy lifestyle, as an indicator of universal culture The development of basic physical abilities (strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility) and the ability to rationally use them in various conditions

Formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities, teaching new types of movements based on the acquired knowledge and motivations of physical exercises Promoting the assimilation of the rules for observing hygiene standards and the culture of life Assisting teachers and parents in organizing recreational work with children aimed at developing their motivation and health, behavioral skills of a healthy lifestyle Creating an optimal daily regimen that ensures hygiene of the child's nervous system, comfortable well-being, neuropsychic and physical development

Conditions for achieving the goal of the program Availability of a regulatory framework governing the activities of preschool educational institutions; Phased implementation of activities related to financing; Compliance with the premises and daily routine of SanPiN; Compliance with safety and fire safety; Activity monitoring; Sanitary and hygienic education of employees; Integration of medical, pedagogical and psychological activities; Interaction with the children's clinic, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, fire service

Monitoring system monthly accounting of children's morbidity, identification of the nature of diseases and causes of morbidity; daily monitoring of food quality, compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in preschool educational institutions; quarterly diagnostics of the level of physical development of children; pedagogical monitoring of physical education and development of children.

Health groups I health group - children with good physical development, rarely ill II health group - children with functional disorders that have not yet passed into a chronic process III health group - children suffering from various chronic diseases, as well as children with poor physical development Health group IV - children with chronic diseases that require long-term treatment and clinical examination Health group V - children with significant deviations in health, excluding the possibility of schooling

A complex of hardening measures carried out in the preschool educational institution Compliance with the temperature regime during the day; Proper organization of the walk and its duration; Compliance with seasonal clothing during walks, taking into account the individual health status of children; Lightweight clothing for children in preschool; Breathing exercises after sleep; Washing with cool water of the hands up to the elbow, neck, upper chest; Rinsing the mouth with medicinal infusions and cool water; A complex of contrast hardening procedures along the "health" track (Game tracks); Contrasting air baths

Rehabilitation methods Walking on wet sand (in summer), on a rug (in the off-season); Contrasting dousing of legs (summer); Dosed recreational running in the air (during the year), including obstacle courses; Stepping from a basin of cold water to a basin of warm water (summer); Walking barefoot in the summer on the sports ground; Relaxation exercises using background music (music therapy); The use of elements of psycho-gymnastics in physical education classes; Massage of the chest with a terry mitten; Gargling of the throat and mouth with medicinal infusions.

Organization of rational motor activity (Physical education) Increasing the body's resistance to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms and adverse environmental factors; Improving the reactions of thermoregulation of the body, ensuring its resistance to colds; Increased physical performance; Normalization of the activity of individual organs and functional systems, as well as the possible correction of congenital or acquired defects in physical development; Increasing the tone of the cerebral cortex and creating positive emotions that contribute to the protection and strengthening of mental health.

Requirements for the organization of physical education in a preschool educational institution Day regimen, taking into account hygiene requirements (rationing of regime moments in accordance with the age of children) The correct ratio of dynamic and static components in the classroom and in their free time (3.5-4 hours are allotted for active motor activity of children) Implementation in the educational process of various forms of motor load The use of maximum areas for movements, a variety of subject environment, sufficient provision of appropriate gymnastic simulators of the simplest type and complex devices, equipment and manuals Compliance with the air-thermal regime

Physical activity is adequate to the age, sex of the child, the level of his physical development, biological maturity and health Combination of motor activity with generally available tempering procedures Mandatory inclusion in the physical education complex of elements of breathing exercises, exercises to increase endurance Build classes taking into account the health group (subgroup) Medical control over physical education and operational medical correction of identified health disorders Inclusion in gymnastics and classes of elements of corrective gymnastics to prevent flat feet and posture disorders.

Creation of conditions for organizing health-improving regimes for children Organization of a child's day regimen in accordance with the characteristics of an individually developing biorhythmological profile. Stereotypically repetitive routine moments: mealtime, laying down for daytime sleep; the total duration of the child's stay in the fresh air and indoors when performing physical exercises. The remaining components of the health regimen are dynamic. Full implementation (if possible daily) of the following triad: optimal individual motor activity with a predominance of cyclic exercises, sufficient individual mental load and the predominance of positive emotional impressions.

Sufficient daytime and nighttime sleep for children. Its duration is determined not by age, but by the individual manifestation of the activity of a number of brain structures. The organization of the day regimen of children in accordance with seasonal characteristics, therefore, in the kindergarten there should be four seasonal daily regimens with gradual transitions from one to another. The main changing components are the ratio of periods of sleep and wakefulness, physical activity of children outdoors and indoors. Sanitary and educational work with employees and parents.

Work with teachers educational work in the areas of the program "Health"; consultations of educators on the preservation of their own health; consultations of educators on the basics of psychotherapy, neurophysiology; training teachers in the methods of personal self-diagnosis of health in the physical, social, mental aspect, as well as the methodology for teaching preschoolers the methods of personal self-diagnosis.

Organizational methodological measures Acquaintance and implementation of new programs and technologies in the field of physical education of preschool children in the practice of the preschool educational institution. Development of physical education systems based on an individual psychological approach. Introduction of new technological methods of correction and rehabilitation in exercises for children with various types of disorders in mental and physical development. Introduction of modern methods of health monitoring. Development of criteria for a comprehensive assessment of the state of health (psychological and physiological aspects). Diagnostics of the state of health of children of all age groups. Diagnosis of the environment of the child's life, including the educational, psychological, family environment and the ecology of the habitat.

Creation of an information base on the psychological, pedagogical, sanitary-hygienic and methodological components of children's health. Introduction of a balanced and varied diet. Organization of interdepartmental coordinated actions to reduce child injuries and poisoning. Promoting a healthy lifestyle (holding competitions, distributing advertising and information literature). Teaching preschoolers a healthy lifestyle, methods of personal self-diagnosis, self-regulation, psychological training, instilling in preschoolers a sense of responsibility for their health.

Tasks of working with parents Improving the pedagogical culture of parents. Study, generalization and dissemination of the positive experience of family education. Setting parents to work together in order to solve all the psychological and pedagogical problems of the development of the child. Arming parents with the basics of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, through psychological trainings, consultations, seminars. Valeological education of parents in creating an ecological and psychological environment in the family. Inclusion of parents in the educational process.

Forms of work with parents Conducting parent-teacher meetings, workshops, consultations. Pedagogical conversations with parents (individual and group) on problems. Open days. Guided tours of the garden for newcomers. Showing classes for parents (both those who have already attended a preschool institution, and for new arrivals). Joint classes for children and parents. Round tables with the involvement of kindergarten specialists (physical education instructor, psychologist, nurse, doctor). Parental general education: club "Health". Organization of joint affairs.

Expected results of the program implementation Creating favorable conditions for the formation of a healthy personality Improving the quality of preschool education through the use of health-saving technologies Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers on improving children's health Awareness by adults and children of the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its impact on health, mastering self-healing skills Decrease in the incidence rate Improvement of the psycho-motor state of children Positive dynamics of indicators of the physical development of children Providing conditions for the practical implementation of an individual approach to education and upbringing