Woman attention signs. Signs of special attention

Sometimes we desperately want to know whether the man liked it in us. Alas, the myth that representatives of the powerful floor in the literal sense of the word "take Nakhpom" are tightly exaggerated. We are all different, on our own on the floor, and where one direct text will express its sympathy, the 2nd will fall into a stupor at the form of an object of his adoration.

Therefore, it is impossible to equate any men to the only correct and "laid".

How to identify a man in love?

Is it worth saying that many of them probably cannot express their sympathy verbally, according to certain circumstances?

However, there are also non-verbal manifestations of sympathy and interest from a person who are easy to "consider", knowing that they really mean. The gestures of sympathy from men to a woman are diverse, and if you want to know everything about them, we will gladly tell you how to identify the "male" in the company!

It is generally written that the manifestations of female love is quite colorful - the charming lady literally "blooms", a light blush arises on her cheeks, and her eyes shine with happiness. Some women are even powerful losing weight during the period of love and addiction to a certain man! And what is the male sympathy of external "signs"?

It turns out that the man's passion may also appear externally, and it is quite obvious and specifically, which is impossible not to notice when appropriate attention. If you have a doubt that someone fell in love with you, or you want to recognize this from a certain person, we will gladly tell you about the non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy to a woman!

Gestures, views, facial

A loved one is quite difficult to hide his sympathies, and this is no secret. When we feel that someone is powerful for us, we experience something like euphoria, heart-raising, internal harmonics. Of course, all this is difficult to "mask" from third-party eyes. Men behave in fact just like us. Therefore, there are many signs of sympathy from men, which are easily recognized by the "naked eyes".

What can give a person interested in your attention?

  • Sight. The man in love is invariably in a special look at his new passion. Be among him a whole row of attractive girls, he highlights it. Often, his look becomes exclusively close, even, with the permission to say, "looped". When you answer the same, a man, as usual, assigns the eyes to the side. When a love man looks at you, his eyes seek "shine", they can see the very "sparks" that they write about in women's magazines. Due to his inborn intuition, a woman probably cannot miss such out of sight;
  • Gait. Another metamorphosis happens with a gait. It becomes easy, as if flying or even dancing. Completely, a man begins to sing melodies and scribble. What, you see, it is not completely uncharacteristic for classical pilot power in traditional life;
  • Most freight and worldview. The guy in love is radically changing in front of the surrounding. It becomes more fun, movable, "easy to lift". He is dominated by raised well-being and vigorous arrangement of the Spirit. It is said that in such a state he is the Mountain Mountains Mountain, and this statement is entirely justified. By the way, it was during the period of love the men often make risky and reckless acts, at all unexpected for them. They can go to certain exploits, causing powerful amazement and bewilderment from the people around;
  • Gestures. Even in the children's "encyclopedias for girls" it was said that the interested young man invariably exposes his leg sock towards the object of lust. And this is truly so - the man invariably turns his leg to where the lover is worth. And here it is important not to make a mistake - if you become a witness of other signs of hidden sympathy of a man to a woman, but his sock is not sent in your direction, respectively, he sends them at all. Fabricating you, he is trying to fuck - touches his hair, straightens the tie, shakes "noticeable dust" from clothes. Another main "sign" is a strong interest is the laying of large fingers for the belt of the trouser in the front, as if the man is about to cry out. Moreover, this gesture is purely instinctive and uncontrollable, tea in the wilderness of the male is invariably trying to demonstrate his genitals to designate its obvious advantages over competitors. Another similar "natural" gesture is to lay the hands into the pocket pockets close up. Thus, a man is learned to show his determination, freedom, hardness of the lava;
  • Posture. If a man is in love, he is learned to show the object of sympathy all his "power" and "power", which is given to him by nature. He stands smoothly, crashes his shoulders, as if trying to demonstrate the width of the back. Often holds hands on the hips and extensively spreads the legs, as if showing its physical data. When talking, he turns to the beloved every case and the duke is observing the fact that she says.

In the distinction from the women's signs of sympathy for a man, the 2nd expresses its location more "caution." If a woman in the presence of his newly well-friendly hero often begins to stumble, talk to the nepopad and primitively carry a frank dog, a man seems to seem more than balanced, powerful and reasonable. There is a male tea in nature, which means that he does not have any such weaknesses!

Colleague: How to recognize the signs of its location to you?

It happens that in the team there is a lonely, young, promising, and, besides, a glorious colleague, the one that immediately becomes the "target" for women. The case often ends with "official novel", if a certain girl is promptly recognized by his sympathy signals with respect to it.

Male employee: What are his signs of sympathy for you?

  • He highlights you among all. And it can do it openly, say, praise you for brilliantly done work, put as an example, admire your skill, skills and knowledge. He is learned to be closer to you, and interested in conversations with you. It often appears in those places where it can "inadvertently" meet with you, even if its localization is absolutely inappropriate in them;
  • He looks at you. Terrible gaze is consistently a sign of addiction. However, he can be directed not only to your eyes. Interestedly interested in the powerful floor can often pay its view where yours is directed. If a man piercingly looks at your lips, it signals sexual interest. In psychology, it is often said about "devouring eyes", i.e. detailed viewing of each of your body in order to memorize the details of the image;
  • He "undresses". No, of course, not fully! However, if a man wants to give you a certain signal, in your presence he can shoot a jacket or vest, weaken the tie, unbutton the watch strap. All this suggests that he wants to attract your attention to himself;
  • It breaks into your personal space, and in the literal sense of the word. In the whole person, there is a so-called intimate zone, which is not further the distance of the elongated hand. In it, we usually admit only relatives and canceled familiar people. If a man is in it to be in it - this is a wonderful sign talking about what he wants to get close to and start a relationship with you;
  • He is learned to make tactile contact. Your employee is continuously learned to touch you, to enjoy the waist, put your hand on the chair or a chair, where are you sitting? This speaks of his serious interest. And thus, he subconsciously shows other "males" that you are its territory to which it is impossible to encroach;
  • He shines in society. If a young man is continuously learned to demonstrate his sharp mind or a sense of humor in your presence - you probably like it hard. However, this signal should also be regarded in the complex, from the fact that it can be directed towards at all a lady.

Symptoms of sympathy are multifaceted and typed, and in your case it is significantly evaluating them combined. It is impossible to rely only on one signal, considering it the only right. And then, do not forget that the guy has theoretically there may be other objects of attention, enthusiasm in which he is inappropriate to express in your society.

Loving supermen, shy melts and eloquent erudites, as well as windy seductive, modest features and fatal hearts, reunite! Communicate in the desire to turn the court process in real art, in the desire to delight and amaze your loved ones, give attention and enjoy the response feelings!

In one language

Times are changing, we change with you. A man who kisses a lady hand looks funny and archaic. And see the guy who, turning on one knee, loudly and penetrately declares the lady of the poems, it's like to see a live dinosaur. Next could follow the phrase: "Now, if our today's men ..." But it will not be. At least in this paragraph. Because the "movement" in the relationship should be bilateral, and the objectivity of the sake of it is worth recognizing: very much depends on us, women depends on us. In the fact that times have changed, there is nothing wrong. The main thing is to remember that courtship is not only beautiful gestures and the right words. This is a subtle sphere of manifestation of feelings in general for two love languages. And in order to master it, you need to try to understand the chosen one's preferences, find out as much as possible about his "love" and "I do not like". Let's try to place points together together, as well as questioning, exclamation and other signs in this elegant and damn pleasant process.

Women's point of view

We do not like...

* Summaging and narcissist workers who do not get tired to demonstrate their own exclusivity. When every evening you have to listen to the three-hour monologues about the exploits and the accomplishments of the "hero". There would be friends without him, women would go crazy from longing, in a word, the world would have collapsed, do not be in it such a smart, bold and resourceful guy;
* Those who in an hour after dating are confident that it's time for sex. In general, the most common error in courtship is the absence of the period of courtship itself. Sometimes the fan seems to be that his obscene proposal he is trying to more thanks to the woman, and he does not doubt it for a second that she will divide his passionate desire without unnecessary words;
* Male confidence is that one wide gesture: "Garson, a bottle of champagne for a table with that blonde" - obliges to respond reciprocity.
* Verity, salinity and endless conversations about sex. As well as frankly evaluating views on the first date. There is a feeling that you are bought;
* Gentlemen sets from the series: Traditional bouquet of roses (like two drops of water similar to the previous one) and a box of candy. Immediately you feel "face in execution", which is trying to bring a bribe. Not much please us and gifts to utilitarian purposes: Mop, vacuum cleaners, mixers. Of course, the farm will come in handy, but the elevation of the feelings and the romanticism of relations is questioned;
* beaten phrases and brought compliments like "you have beautiful hair." My hair is just the most ordinary, but the voice ... Do you really hear? And eyelashes? This is the subject of my special pride! Yes, it is unlikely that I like it to really. Or maybe he is just primitive and stupid?
* When in your presence, the fan is considering outsiders. And if it makes it possible to evaluate their advantages aloud, everything - in nascent feelings you can put a fat cross;
* ridiculous and meaningless actions similar to blackmail. You have not remembered as it follows my name, and he is already hanging on the railing of the eighth floor balcony and is ready to jump down, proving his insane love;
* When our categorical "no" persistently accept for "maybe" or "yes." We, of course, the mysterious nature, but thirty three times said "No" - it is still no "no" and nothing more;
* If we are trying to manipulate. Pretty ravine reception in some representatives of the strong floor - suddenly sharply cool down to the girl and take care of her girlfriend. They say, the smaller the woman we love ... maybe it acts on someone and there is a magnetically, but most cause irritation.

We love...

* Eruded and attentive interlocutors who can not only speak, but also listen. At the same time, it is important for us that the fan does not just make a look, but was truly interested in conversation. Men are not suspected that any, even the most skilled demonstration of feelings is calculated by a woman instantly;
* Pleasant and gentle words designed to us and only to us. When a favorite commemorates, guessing, finds something that others do not see, but they have said sincerely and reminds more revelation than compliments. And when he says you are the best, the smartest, the most beautiful! And it seems to understand that the "most-most" you are only for him, but you begin to feel so everywhere;
* Extravagant and unexpected gifts that are invested not only money, but also the proportion of ingenuity. They may not have a long-term value and leave only bright memories, but how cool to hear under the windows a serenade performed by the orchestra officer or in the evening in the radiance of stars to see on the roof of the house opposite the portrait of the portrait;
* Surprises by which, by the way, it is easily determined by the degree of its interest in relationships. You go on a date, and you get to the concert of your favorite artist. "How did you manage?! After all, the tickets were bought two months ago!" It is nice to realize that the chosen one was preparing, did not regret the time, showed quite understanding, wanted to conquer, touched, surprise, and it did it;
* Galanament and warning. No matter how trivially sounds, but we like it when a man gives a hand in transport, opens the door and misses us forward, it's interested in whether you have frozen and, without waiting for an answer, removes the jacket;
* When your favorite wear us on your hands. In the literal sense of the word, without fear to seem in the eyes of those surrounding funny and old-fashioned;
* Feeling yourself sexually attractive and desirable, and we prefer to learn about the feelings of your beloved to recognize on a special look, intonation, touch, smile. When in an innocent, a distracted conversation lies something that makes the waiting excitement in anticipation of something more;
* When the chosen is remembers the main (and less significant) events in the relationship - an anniversary of dating, the day of the first kiss, recognition in love - and marks their signs of attention. It is incredibly touching even a bauble as a gift - we know that there is a special meaning in it;
* Listen again and again: "I love you." We want him to speak them more often, do not hesitate to seem unnecessarily sentimental. True, provided that we experience the same feelings.

Men's point of view

We do not like...

* When the girl's eyes remind the calculator scoreboard, which scans and counts your "dignity": "Boots, hours, mobile - not bad, not bad ... And how much? How much? Is it a month or day? per hour?! I am you I already love! "
* comparisons with rivals. Especially when glasses are clearly not in our favor. "You would have seen what Sasha's car! Jurika Ta-ahu Erudit, and the bear is terribly funny ..." If these guys are so good, why do you spend time at meetings with me?
* Sex on the first date. That is, we will not give up from him, but from the girl - probably;
* Being Delphic Oracles. No, there must be some kind of mystery in a woman, but you will agree when you regularly drive her to rock concerts, give roses, treat Martini, and in half a year it turns out that it does not endure heavy music, Roses considers flowers to be vulgar and banal, and From Martini her heartburn, then how not to be confused? What are you silent, honey? Was afraid to offend? Well, you almost managed it;
* When we arrange loose. Allegedly accidentally, the girl comes on a date with a friend, and you begin to feel the lot at the auction. If the opinion of friends is so important for her, it means that the beauty is far from being confident in its choice, and this is not the best start of relationship;
* Abnormative vocabulary from the mouth of a gentle young beauty. However, from unreamed and not very gentle, it is also unpleasant to hear speech turnover from the vocabulary of a drunk shoemaker;
* Insisitious desire to quickly get married, which can manifest itself on the first date. Better in the old man - let's get to know closer, and there I myself ...
* questions from the category: "And what are your plans for the future? Who do you see yourself in five years? And after ten?" As if you are hired and want to be confident in the prospects of this decision;
* When someone else except me. Friend? Just called to find out how are you? Yeah. Believe. Oh, how it is unpleasant to feel a spare option.

We love...

* Be the best! The best. Let only now and only on a separate territory of a small coffee house, but for this shine in his beloved eyes, we are ready to minimize the mountains!
* Feel strong and indispensable. At least once a week, hear the confirmation of this indisputable fact from the Choices of Choices and think with pleasure: "How did she live, the poor thing, see you with me?"
* Do surprises. Did not expect that I will come? Pleased? Tough? And who is it there in the closet? In fact, all sorts of surprises for us - this is not only a way to manifest individuality and shine fantasy, but the reason to show the girl that you are capable of everything.
* To surprise it with extravagant gifts, for example, a luxurious dinner on board sparkling ship lights or a trip to the warm sea in the middle of winter.
* shine with erudition, feel at least a little, but smarter, more prudent, resourceful and see confirmation of it in its reaction. What to do, so we are arranged;
* Conquer your chosen. Overcoming barriers to achieve the desired. After all, by and large, we are all hunters. Do you pay attention to me? Okay. Let's see what you say so? From here and insane deeds - without insurance for the tenth floor or climbing Martam snowdrops growing exclusively on the river bank;
* To be in her eyes Macho. Strong, passionate, slightly rude ... Well, we flirt, of course, with whom it does not happen ...
* Pink to her whims and whims. Reliability and predictability relaxes, and unexpected, sometimes conflicting desires of beloved make us feel almighty. You wanted at three nights avocado? This moment! All you wish, honey. And here is still mango, dates and papaya. So, just in case;
* To know that you are the first to whom it will appeal for help in a difficult moment. I am pleased to take the problems with your beloved and under her admiring look easily deal with them. If you're lucky. But when you love, usually everything turns out.

Loving supermen, shy mushrooms ... Do you remember the beginning of this article? So, if you think well, it becomes clear that all of us are men and women - want the same thing: to understand us, appreciated and gave those signs of special attention, without which real love is impossible. So why do neither combine efforts?

If a man wants to attract the attention of the woman's favorite, he must do it correctly, so as not to push it with his obsessiveness or stupidity, but there is no more than yet. But it is important how to correctly recognize male sympathy, without confusing it with the manifestation of friendship, banal goodwill and politeness.

There are very tactful men who will never tell a girl something unpleasant, will not refuse help, etc. But it happens that a woman, because of his impressionability, decides that this is a manifestation of sympathy.

What are the signs of attention men to a woman?

So, in order to understand the marks of attention of men to a woman, first need to classify them:

  • Non-verbal:
  1. This is the very first thing to pay attention to, because it happens unconsciously. When a man wants to like, he instinctively tries to show himself in a more advantageous light - walking, posture, his whole species says that he is trying to look as attractive as possible. Pay attention to his poses, gestures, facial expressions. An interested man will turn to all the corps to you, and his feet will be sent to your side.
  2. "Cooling" your gestures and facial expansions, adjusting to your speech - all this means in favor of the fact that you are pretty like this man.
  3. Sight. This is a very important point. The interested guy will not avoid your view, on the contrary, he tries as close as possible and look into the eyes longer. Pupils are expanded, and in his eyes it can be seen, or he just looks good, or with interest or even lust.
  4. Attracting your attention to your person, which lies in abundant jokes, the man becomes talkative that for the male is unusual, some begin to even boast, trying to show themselves in as far as possible light. Well, compliments to your address is a completely straight line indicating on its sympathy, especially if the praise concerns the appearance.
  5. Interest in your hobbies, questions about a personal life, etc. From the side of the man - a true sign of his sympathy. When he shares with you something personal, tells something only to you, it can also be considered a sign of attention.
  6. Trying to enter your "intimate zone", it is pushing at a conversation, leans closer.
  7. It often shows outdoor palms, puts "hands to Boki", touches his own thighs - it rages a sexual desire.

  • Body contact: unambiguously you are pretty to the young man who is trying to take you at hand, when talking about the conversation, like an inadvertently, your hand, corrects clothes on you, removes a dust, constantly hurts, passing by, even acquiring when meeting, takes the hand - All this men's tricks.
  • Hints. It can be both very blurred and completely unequivocal. In the first case, you need to seek confirmation with your guessings in your other actions, and in the second better, after all, make sure that you correctly interpreted these hints.
  • He remembers well what you talked about, praising your taste, can say something that he says that he is not sensible to you, for example, thank you for anything by adding what was counting on your help. Always responds to the first call, ready to help, never refuses. At the same time, you know that he does not behave with everyone.

But all this psychology. In fact, everything can be completely wrong. If you notice that the guy holds his hands all the time in his pockets, looks around, nervously tires anything, moves away from you - you are not interested, and he wants to stop communication as soon as possible.

Every woman in communication with the opposite sex should, of course, rely on his intuition, because sometimes men simply do not know how to show the girl that he likes it, it happens more often with young guys who have no such extensive experience with communication with opposite sex.

Video on the topic


Intelligent abilities, an outstanding mind, a set of positive personal qualities and human talents are the verge of domestic potential hidden from the surrounding world. We pass on the street by thousands of people every day, without thinking about their preferences and hobbies, without presenting a complex of skills, melting in the minds of strangers. It is not surprising that finding like-minded people and the second "half" is a time-consuming and energy consumption for which a long period of time is required. Often in everyday fussy and everyday hurry, women do not notice the obvious signs of attention from men expressing sympathy with gifts and household care. In order for the abattom and inattention, do not miss the fate of a person, it is important to notice the increased interest of the guy in time.

In search of truth, it is necessary to rationally assess the behavioral signs and the usual means of communication, see the changes in the voice of the voice and reveal romantic symbols among friendly gestures. Often, love unions become a logical continuation of a friendly relationship between a man and a woman, so the appearance of excessive warmth can be directly associated with the appearance of a sympathy for a beautiful sex man. How not to become a "hostage" case, without learning of the birth of a gallant, but a modest man of a light feeling? How to recognize among the diversity of kavallar friends? What signs of attention is the guy girl? In search of personal happiness, various methods are relevant, so it is important to evaluate the girls in detail to evaluate fans, separating the workers on promising options and insincere lets.

Common signs of attention from the guys

To learn about the sympathy of the guy, you need to pay attention to his behavior by tracking the facial expressions and gesticulation of the cavalier. Imitation or, excessive self-sufficiency or talked heroism - manifestation of manifestations makes it possible to easily calculate the Highup. However, the most popular method of determining interest in your person is personal sensations. The girl consistently feels when you like a man. Associated by the behavior of a love guy can various marks of attention provided to the chosen. Common versions include:

A man is conscious looking for meetings with a woman who is pretty. Do not be surprised if you start more likely to see the cavalier in in public places. He can learn from the girlfriends girls about the upcoming plans and regulations of the day of chosen, waiting for it at the appointed time not far from the conditional location.
Uncomplicated SMS messages and short-range calls - another reason to think about the manifestation of interest from the guy's interest. Male representatives are not supporters of empty conversations, so the countless attempts to support the conversation with you become a distinct sign of the Cavallar sympathy.
Pleasant gifts and unexpected surprises who are waiting for a girl in everyday course of events - a common version of manifestation of male interest. If you like the guy, then it will surely try with the help of a bouquet of flowers or boxes of sweets to call on the face of the wisp sincere smile.

A common case is to participate in the romantic occurrence of the male friends, whom he asks to give the girl a gift. Often, pleasures help the guy organize a surprise, performing the functionality of intermediaries in communicating between a woman and in love with a worker.
The proposal for assistance, accompanied by an abundance of compliments, also indicates the interest of the cavalier who wants to take a fundamental place in the life of the girl. The guy tries to find a common cause to spend more time with a woman. By providing moral support or solving pressing problems of the beloved, he dreams of a valuable award - approving "Thank you" or "thankful" kiss.
Particularly decisive men invite the girls to whom they experience sympathy, on a friend of friendly format, allowing you to learn the leader's personal qualities of the guy. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will not be sealed on the number of proposals, visiting the zoo relations and ice arena, cinema and theaters, music concerts with a woman in the romantic period of relations, music concerts and sports events - the main thing, to spend time together.

A typical trick of guys who want to achieve the location of the woman becomes, in the process of which the girl appears the opportunity to take a closer look at the workman. It is easy to predict a similar situation - you need to start talking about your own childhood, indulging in nostalgic memories. The tactful chosen of the sense of respect will not leave the guy at such moments, making it a company.
If a man actively cares for a girl for a long time, then in the attention of the attention of a caring cavalier, expensive gifts and material assistance can be found. At the subconscious level, the guy begins to be responsible for the welfare of the elect. In the current situation, it is important to remember the needs of guys in, not abusing the attention of the Uhager. Becoming part of the daily life of a woman, he counts on reciprocity, so give a report to your actions and actions. If you do not consider a man, as a chosen one, then care his psyche, having saved the lover consciousness from the possible appearance in case of refusal.

Gift coupon in a SPA complex or refined jewelry, a lush bouquet of your favorite colors or a joint visit to the elite restaurant, a romantic dinner on a roof of a high-rise building or rest on an exotic resort, pleasant compliments or recognition in love on the radio - a variety of options for the manifestation of a man's sympathy to a woman. The main thing is to correctly interpret the signs of attention, not distorting the intention of the guy. If he gave you a subscription to a massage interior - this is not a hint of excess weight, from which the girl is recommended to get rid of. The man just decided to please the Choirs.

Typical mistakes of girls

Having revealed interest from the guy, it is important to find the "golden" middle to start a fateful conversation. Answer reciprocity immediately - an inappropriate solution, because a man will think about your chastity. How many cavaliers have managed to conquer you if the location is so easy? Tightening with clarifying relationships, manifesting reciprocity is an unjustified risk, because the guy can "overdo it" during inoperative courtesy. Fend to the decision of the following rules that will help to warm up interest in the representative of a strong sex:

Do not encourage every action of the cavalier who wants to achieve reciprocity. Some surprises are worth rewarding "fiery" thanks, and the other presents to accompany the modest "thank you" - a man should not lose interest in the process of conquering the location of the girl. If a spokesman for weak sex will not show chastity and restraint, then it will not be possible to count on serious relationships - the feelings arising will not be able to keep. To, you need to paramount to create favorable conditions for its "cultivation".
Make compliments and orientation of attention signs that the guy has. If he admires your appearance, hinting for a joint trip to the restaurant, then highlight the time to visit the beauty salon, choosing an elegant evening dress. You must regularly warm up interest in a man, so you will have to dofully relate to our own appearance, behavior and speech.
Refuse the hints, gathering to answer the guy reciprocity. Cavalers who are passionate about the inaccessibility of the chosenness, do not understand the novel statements of the beloved. Speak directly - men need concrete.

The magnitude of the cavity of a young man does not depend on the sincerity of the senses of Cavallar, so evaluating guys at the cost of gifts - an inexpitation option. The focus of surprises is determined by the financial capabilities and fantasy of a man.

Galanted Cavallar Clearing, the ego of the girl is an effective way to increase the representative of the beautiful half of humanity. However, think about the feelings of a guy who prepares surprises and spends personal time to search for gifts for chosen. If you clearly realize that the cavalier will not be able to achieve your location - do not tighten, tell him about it.

February 20, 2014.



Male attention signs - Men's sexual signals - primarily affect the line of behavior of a man, his gestures and poses.

Studying an ethology - the science of animal behavior, it can be said that a person left the brothers of our smaller and his nearest relative - monkey. A person is different from the last only the presence of consciousness and the ability to work. And if about consciousness, as the prerogatives of a person is reasonable, you can still argue, then only he creates in the wilderness, and God's Lord.

Most human motives have an unconscious, even subconscious. The mass of actions, like thousands of years ago, are made through the old legs of mothers nature without the participation of free will and mind.

Thousands of quite ordinary and everyday human reactions are innate. They are proposed by evolution and the relationships do not have a relationship. As for the sphere of courtship and male marks, here the specified features are especially clearly and unequivocally.

Male attention signs - Men's sexual signals - primarily affect the line of behavior of a man, his gestures and poses. (Although the body is subject to change in general, including chemical reactions in the brain.) Consciousness such signs are not controlled, but for a careful observer they are obvious and visible, so they can be seen and read. And then, without having heard a word from a man, a woman is able to understand that he was interested in what she likes. A simple list of sexual signals is shown below.

Total line of behavior.Finding a sexually desired object for himself, a man is transformed in his eyes. It seems to be straightened, stretches up, trying to seem attractive, and in this case it does not differ from the prideous peacock sprouting the patterned tail.

A man automatically stops sliding, spreads his shoulders and pulls the belly. At this point, harsh hormonal shifts occur in its body. As a result, the body is strained, preparing for action.

Ploying.In the presence of an attractive woman, a man unconsciously and inevitably begins to enjoy. It can automatically correct a tie or collar, shake out of clothes non-existent and real dust. Courts can also be attributed to the invalid stubbing or disposition of buttons, cufflinks, strap from the clock. A man will smooth out clothes, correlate or smooth hair. In general, he is all forces and, without understanding, will begin to improve its appearance.

Sight. Here there are two types of views: intimate and "undressing". If a man became interested in a woman, his gaze, no matter and involuntarily begins to slide around her body. Such a look is called "undressing". An intimate look is named so because it is unconsciously delayed on a partner somewhat longer than relaxing. At the same time, the pupils of the eye of a man interested in a woman are usually narrowed.

Hand position. A man intrigued man can unconsciously put his hands on a belt or hint, hide the thumbs up behind the belt or in the rosters of pockets.
Such fairly frank gestures indicate the immediate readiness of a man to active actions, called flirting or courting.

Position of the feet. If a man is sitting, he involuntarily puts his feet to wider. If it is worth, his legs are also slightly placed. At the same time, men's leg socks spontaneously turn to the side of the selected passion. A particularly clearly specified property in a situation where there are several women in the room, - a sock of a male shoe, like an arrow of the compass, will indicate the one that he preferred.

Touch - The most frank signs of male interest. Usually a brought up man automatically concerns the palm or a woman's hand below the elbow, which does not contradict the love etiquette and the rules of good tone.

Copy. Another sign of the sexual interest of a man is an instinctive copying of a woman's poses or actions. Such a "bodily empathy" can manifest itself in repetition of signs of consent in a conversation, head slopes, neck turns, and so on.

And on this, the transfer of male marks attention we will end, because when the voice sounds, the time of compliments comes. And speech belongs to the second signal system, which a person is aware of and controlled. Here a man, depending on experience and inspiration, can be empty for any manipulation. The only thing he will issue himself in this case - an insincere person will unconsciously touch during a conversation to her lips or nose.