Tips for choosing nicknames for large breed male dogs. The East European Shepherd is a versatile breed

So, you have decided on the choice of breed - this is a shepherd dog. Found a club or kennel, or agreed with friends who will give (sell) a puppy to you. The whole family is excited.

The day has come - and a smart and carefree piece of fluffy energy has appeared in the family! He happily rolls around the apartment in a ball, fearlessly rushes at his enemies in the face of a broom or slippers and still does not look too much like an adult shepherd dog - an intelligent and serious creature.

Everything would be fine: there are bowls, a muzzle, a collar, a leash and toys.

There is only a nickname. What nickname to choose?

Just call me Ball

If a dog is brought in as a funny companion or a guard of a summer residence, then names such as Sharik, Bublik, Bobik are not bad. But not for a shepherd dog!

A thoroughbred princess or a noble prince is waiting for something chic and harmonious. Yet this is a serious dog.

The Sheepdog, as the name of the breed suggests, was bred for grazing sheep herds - flock.

Such a dog's "profession" was necessary in many parts of the world, and therefore the appearance of different shepherd dogs is so different.

Common to all- protective qualities, fearlessness (after all, the task of a shepherd dog is to drive away any, even a very large predator), intelligence (shepherd dogs do not wait for a command in an extreme situation, but make decisions themselves; it is impossible to wait for a slow person to orientate himself: the wolf will not wait!).

Perhaps, to prefer a nickname, somehow connected with the "profession" of the dog? Huntsman, for example, or Hardy?

Nickname constructor

Actually, the acquisition of a purebred dog has another "side effect": there are rules for the selection of nicknames for puppies. There are several of them, and breeders adhere to them.

At first, all puppies of the same litter - boys and girls - must have nicknames starting with the same letter. Moreover, this letter is determined by the management of the club (and in the kennel - the kennel itself). For example, there are 9 puppies in the litter, and they are given the nicknames Lucha, Labzina, Larry, Liang, Lloyd, Lyubim, Laura, Lotos, Leonardo.

Secondly, the nickname should contain a hint of the club (kennel), for example, the first letter of its name.

Thirdly, in the name of the puppy there should be some elements of the nicknames of the parents.

For example, letter -M, kennel "Selena", parents Mars and Sale - Marseille. This is a convenient example, but it might not be so, then the puppy's nickname would have come out of two or three words.

In the case of a purebred puppy, you get a passport, where the nickname is already entered, but it is quite possible that it is like the one you see in our example. It is impossible to click the puppy "Graf Schutz Hund". He needs to be given a "usual" nickname, so to speak, not for an exhibition, but for life. It may or may not be in tune with the "official" one.

There are a number of other rules.

For example, it is not accepted to give to dogs human Russian names: different Alexandra and Veronica do not suit them. But if you want to call your beauty a foreign name - please: Harry, Lisa, Adriano, Jack, Oscar, Jacqueline and others.

Also not accepted use city names... But there are as many other place names as you like: Everest, Missouri, Yukon, Congo, Java, Europe. Here you can also emphasize your patriotism: Baikal, Ural, Yenisei, Dniester, Kazbek, Shuya, Taiga.

In search of self-expression

The name of a shepherd dog - male or female - may reflect the interests and worldview of the owner.

  • Popular, for example, computer nicknames - Byte, Gates, Web;
  • political- Clinton, Castro;
  • musical- Beethoven, Jazz, Harp, Giselle, Lyra;
  • cinematic- Brando, Monroe, Cruz, Noris, Uma, Sharon;
  • literary- Wendy, Laertes, Hamlet, Bagheera, Stalker, Quasimodo.

For those who are strong interested in occultism, - the nicknames Karma, or Chakra, for astrologers and astronomers- Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Sirius, Vega, Alpha, Altair, Cosmos. Don't just call it Black Hole or the Milky Way - you will be misunderstood.

Wide scientific interests of the owner manifest themselves in such nicknames as Quantum or Kant, Default or Oda, Constant or Sigma. However, before calling a dog Inflation or Forest, it is worth considering.

Chanel, Brandy, Porter, Harley, Carat, Sherry, Poker, Zero, Bridge, Eclair, Diamant, Yakhont, Broadway - not scientific, but still interests. This can also include "Money" nicknames: Thaler, Bucks, Currency, Evrik and others. If only not a cent, a penny or a penny!

Obviously, the owner of such a shepherd is hoping for a significant benefit from keeping the dog. Or he dreams that the nickname will attract financial luck. Or maybe this is in case of a crisis, when he can say: “It's okay! We have one Bucks. "

More examples of nicknames for shepherd dogs boys and girls, which brilliantly reflected the multifaceted interests and knowledge of the owners.

Automotive: Honda, Lexus, Ford, Audi, Opel.
Mythological: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Naiad, Undine, Odysseus, Penelope, Ajax, Achilles, Nymph, Muse, Faerie, Fairy, Troy, Siegfried, Arjuna.
Historical: Hannibal, Bagration, Caesar, Horace, Scythian.

Name and type of shepherd

Another option is to give the dog a “traditional” nickname - from a book, a movie.

This is not the best way out: Well, how many German shepherds Rex, Mukhtarov, Dzhulbars can run along the streets! However, in extreme cases, this option for a shepherd is better than Quintessence or Micron.

You can turn to the breed of a shepherd dog and somehow associate a nickname with it:

  • collie(Scottish Shepherd) may be called Kilt or Scotch;
  • - Kurt or Brunhilde, Otto or Gerda;
  • - Abrek or Shaitan, Ali Baba or Bai;
  • - Kanga, Austra;
  • australian kelpie(which, apparently, has a wild dog among its ancestors) - Dingo, Dynamo;
  • (there are 4 different types, all are very nimble and active) - Best, Hercule;
  • bergam shepherd(used in the Alps, wool with "ropes") - Alp, Cord;
  • (bred in Great Britain) - Brita, Milord, Lady, Nanny;
  • (bred in England from dogs that arrived with the Vikings) - Viking, Kunigunda;
  • bearded collie(except for sheep breeding, it was used to search for truffles) - Truffle, Rapunzel;
  • welsh corgi(the smallest shepherd dog) - Wales, Malysh, Berkut;
  • Hungarian kuvasz- Matthias, Cherry;
  • (often silver or golden) - Arctic fox, Gold;
  • (Hungarian Shepherd Dog of exceptional intelligence, wool with cords or ribbons) Socrates, Lama;
  • bullets(originally from Asia, jumps beautifully) - Froggy, Pamir;
  • (bred in Crimea) - Crimea, Abrau, Whitey.

A few words about the nicknames of boys and girls shepherds

In general, there is more than forty species of shepherd dogs, although not all can be found in Russia. Nicknames may reflect the features of their appearance or origin, or they may not have anything to do with the breed characteristics.

Often seeking a successful nickname, the owner's gaze turns to flora(Palm, Rose, yes the same Flora) or fauna... Here, of course, there is room for creativity. Tigger, Leopard, Tur, Panther, Bars, Eagle, Berkut, Vulture, Kit, Cobra - if only the brave disposition, strength, swiftness inherent in shepherd dogs are reflected in the nickname.

Finally, it is often the focus of attention dog's appearance... Here, too, there is a complete variety, because shepherd dogs are very different. The nickname can be reflected shepherd color- Noir, Black, Brown, Gray. If you are not a polyglot, clarify what does english or german word with which you want to make the dog happy as a name. No, the puppy will still love you, even if you call her, for example, Klein (small).

Among the owners of shepherd dogs, a passion for "Aristocratic" nicknames: Rex, King, Count, Sultan, Shah, Prince, Regina, Shahinya, Kaiser. This is not surprising, because these dogs are so majestic and noble!

Does the nickname affect the character of the dog? Probably yes. Scientists say that dogs are very sensitive, willingly adjust to their beloved owner. And for us all words mean something, and we involuntarily put all these meanings into our understanding of the nickname. The dog just catches what its name is: with humor (Broom), with admiration (Griffin), or imposing aggressiveness (Cobra; in general, many "growling" sounds in the name make the dog more aggressive).

The nickname should, if possible, meet the requirements related to. It shouldn't be long, preferably two syllables.

She shouldn't be consonant with the commands: Pound - "Fu!", Fax - "Fas!" and the like. She must pronounced well so that the owner does not stumble over the letters, and the dog immediately understands that this is her nickname, and not a complex word similar to it.

In general, a sonorous, beautiful name is desirable. You will have to yell it many times in the dog playground. Perhaps names like Pfennig are best avoided.

It is considered a bad omen to call a puppy. by the nickname of his deceased predecessor... And there is no need. That dog is no more, and, having kept the nickname, you will involuntarily see in the new pet that, the old one.

Of course, no matter how you name a shepherd puppy, he will be your most beloved dog, and you will be your most beloved owner for him. But still, it is better to take the choice of a nickname seriously.

You have become the owner of the dog, and you probably have a question about what nickname to give it, unless, of course, you have invented it in advance. As for people, there is a huge list of names for animals, which can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • by breed (for example, nicknames for huskies, for pugs, and so on);
  • by (for bitches and males).

In this article we will talk about what you can give to choose nicknames for a dog - for a German shepherd.

Where to begin?

When choosing a nickname for a German shepherd (girl or boy), it is important to remember that the dog will live with it all its life, so you need to at least take a responsible approach to this event. So, firstly, the nickname should be sonorous and well-remembered, and you shouldn't make it too long (2 syllables will be enough).

Secondly, the nickname should be a kind of symbol of your pet and reflect its character. The German Shepherd is a strong and self-confident dog that is very loyal to its owner and can fulfill several roles at once: be a friend of the family and guard the house or territory. Under no circumstances give your pet a Russian name (Sasha, Gena, Masha, Natasha). So, what are the suitable nicknames for a dog - for a German shepherd?

Choosing a name

Names of German Shepherd Boys Dogs and Their Meaning

Nicknames for German Shepherd girls and their meaning

Chief in the world

Gorgeous, brilliant

Noble dog

Hard worker

Fast, active

Always first

With a wide kind heart

With a brave heart

Smart and noble

With a strong character and will

Rich, flamboyant

In honor of the brave goddess

Leader, king


Main, dominant


Brave warrior



Brave warrior

Burning, effervescent (in honor of the drink)

Of course, these are not all nicknames that can be given to a German shepherd. There are many more. You don't necessarily want to take any of them. After all, every owner is able to come up with a name for his pet himself. For example, the names Mukhtar and Rex are popular. That was the name of the dogs from the series of the same name, loved by the audience. You can also take names from Scandinavian). The most important thing is that you and your pet like the name, because he will continue to live with him. If you take from a cattery, then, perhaps, he already has a name, since breeders are obliged to give names to their wards. But when you have a four-legged friend, then you have the right to change your nickname.

Rare nicknames for a dog (for a German shepherd)

For girls

For boys

The experience of domestication of animals for mankind began many millennia ago with the appearance at the tribal bonfires of the ancestors of the modern dog: jackals, wolves, wild dogs, foxes. Schooling animals with a clearly delineated hierarchy turned out to be useful neighbors for ancient man.

Whose ingenious head first came up with the idea to bring a tiny puppy into the cave, who still does not understand where are friends, where are enemies? It is clear that the hunter, who committed such an extraordinary act, was well fed and complacent, since he not only did not eat his squeaking prey, but also allocated a piece of meat or a bone for it. And what did he expect from the baby? Perhaps he had a chance to see how a pack of wolves herd their prey and wanted to raise themselves an assistant for hunting? Or a vigilant watchman who vigilantly guards a human settlement? Or just a soft toy for kids?

Hunting and home guarding became the first "professions" of a dog in its centuries-old partnership with humans. Many generations passed before humanity moved from hunting and gathering to agriculture and herding. And it was here that the potential of the dog was fully revealed - an irreplaceable assistant in the difficult shepherd's work.

Shepherd dogs - community and diversity

Speaking about the nicknames of shepherd dogs, it is necessary to remember: shepherd dogs are one of the largest breed groups. All of these breeds originated as shepherds. At the same time, the area of ​​human settlement covers such a variety of natural zones that the appearance of the representatives of the shepherd tribe, formed in different conditions, is radically different. This group of breeds includes prim and strict German Shepherds, and South Russian Shepherd Dogs resembling a huge lapdog, and bear-like Caucasian wolfhounds, and miniature nimble Shelties ...

The commonality of character traits for the majority of representatives of this breed group is determined by the unity of the tasks set during the selection. In general, most shepherd breeds are characterized by independence in behavior, the ability to assess the situation without waiting for the owner's order. In fact, while you wait for the command, the flock will scatter, or the wolves will have a tasty supper ... Therefore, in the ratings of canine intelligence, most shepherds are included in the second half of the list. This is especially true for ancient breeds that have retained their original purpose. At the same time, there are at least three shepherd dogs in the top ten smartest dogs: Sheltie, German Shepherd and Border Collie. Such are the shepherds ...

What factors influenced the formation of the character and appearance of shepherd dogs? First of all, strength and courage, because the main task of the shepherd is to protect the herd from predatory animals. Hence the large size. The only exception is, perhaps, the Shetland Sheepdogs. Well, there were no large predators on the Shetland Islands, and the four-footed assistant was required not to let the herd scatter and give the owner a signal about disorder in time. Hence the appearance of the Sheltie, somewhat atypical for shepherd dogs. However, their courage is quite typical, and does not depend on growth at all.

Another factor common to most shepherd dogs is the need to withstand fairly harsh weather conditions. All year round, in any weather, thousands of herds of sheep are in the pasture, and next to them are their faithful guards - shepherds. Apparently, therefore, almost all representatives of this breed group can boast of a luxurious fur coat. By the way, thick long hair protects not only from bad weather, but also from sharp teeth of predators.

The behavioral feature of many shepherd dogs is very peculiar - the tendency to "gather in a heap" a scattering herd. It is interesting to observe the behavior of a collie on a country walk in a large company: as soon as the people go about their business, the dog starts running around barking, trying to bring everyone together. Moreover, she was born and raised in an apartment and saw sheep, at best, from the car window. But age-old instincts are in the blood, nowhere from them!

What's your name, dog?

Let's go back from the breed as a whole to the shepherd you brought home. Or they haven't brought it yet, but have already chosen, met and now carefully prepare for his appearance in a new home.

The choice of a nickname for a shepherd dog, a boy of a serious breed, must be taken seriously. Many dog ​​breeders believe that the name as a program sets the further fate of the animal. We will not once again quote the well-known phrase about the direct relationship between the name of a small passenger floating craft and its navigable qualities, but it has been noticed long ago - you call a dog a Coward, and you will get a coward; call Eagle- and ... No, under the heavens, spreading its wings proudly, it will not take off, perhaps ... But the eagle's courage and pride will carry through life with dignity!

Coming up with nicknames for boys shepherd dogs is very simple - and very difficult. On the one hand, a huge number of books and films about heroic dogs - service and search, border, simply living next to a person and at the same time regularly saving him from a thousand misfortunes, can serve as an inexhaustible source of ideas. On the other hand, after the release of such a film, the choice of a nickname for German shepherd puppies is generally not worth it: the imagination of most of the owners seems to stall and dozens of Rex or Mukhtarov go out to training grounds and exhibition courts.

How to get rid of the obsessive stereotype and come up with something original and at the same time reflecting the essence of a four-legged friend and protector? How to name a boy, a shepherd puppy, in order to fully reflect all your love and admiration for these magnificent representatives of the dog tribe?

The nicknames of German shepherds, males, which are planned to be used in service-search work, in security, as well as in other areas where complete instant understanding between the owner and the dog is required, should be short, clear, well-audible. The consonance of the nickname with traditional commands is not allowed.

For example, the nickname Funtik is not only completely inappropriate for a service dog in meaning, but it can also turn out to be the cause of misunderstandings due to its consonance with the traditional forbidding command "Fu!" Before settling on a name, say it out loud several times, with different intonations.

Another traditional direction when choosing the nickname of boys' shepherd dogs is to emphasize aristocracy. Prince , Graph , Duke , Marquis , Viscount , Herr , Caesar, yes the same Rex will highlight the dignity of your pet.

History with geography

Connoisseurs of history are generally in an advantageous position: take the names of any famous commanders or rulers of past centuries and turn them into dog names, for example, the name of the famous Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar can be divided into three boys at once. and for any other breed, human names are common in your area.

Calling the dog Horace is welcome, but Alexander (even if the great Alexander the Great is meant) - no, no! And then suddenly all the surrounding Sasha will be offended ... Here is a cat Vaska - this is normal, hog Borka - too, and a dog with a human name is taboo! I don’t presume to explain this, just accept it as a fact. Not accepted.

It is also not customary to call dogs the names of cities. Moreover, other place names may well be used as a nickname for a boy's shepherd dog. In particular, such nicknames are often used for "exotic" breeds of shepherd dogs. So sonorous words taken from the map of the Caucasus Mountains are perfect as a nickname for Caucasian Shepherd Dogs: Kazbek , Elbrus , Araks... Or Dniester , Don , Yenisei , Ural- as a nickname for the East European Shepherd Dog. In general, for regional breeds, any sufficiently sonorous word with a local flavor can become a nickname. So when choosing a nickname for the same Caucasian or Central Asian shepherd dogs, boys are often called the titles of eastern rulers: The sultan , Emir , Khan , Bai... Or not so honorable, but no less sonorous words with a local flavor: Abrek , Simoom , Dushman , Ali Baba , Batyr

Is a dog not a man?

What should you call a boy's shepherd dog if you think your dog is quite worthy to bear a human name? You can offer a very simple way out: use foreign names. Diverse Jackie , Jims and others Graham will provide you with the widest field for choosing a nickname for a German shepherd. Here, the use of foreign names, as well as foreign words, is consecrated by tradition.

You can also play with the color of your pet. Gray(Gray), Black(black) or Brown(brown) - and a sonorous and not entirely understandable nickname for a shepherd dog, a dog of the corresponding color, is ready. It is possible and not appropriate, you think, someone will laugh ...

By the way, in general, when using as a nickname for dogs, any, not only shepherd dogs, foreign words, as well as just the consonances you like, check first if this set of sounds means something not entirely censorship, or just something like that, which you would not want to hear either in your address or in the address of your dog. It is clear that you will not be able to trace all the languages ​​of the world, but it is quite possible to check if there are any matches in English or German.

What else can you call a puppy, a boy of a German shepherd? Quite often, associations from the kingdom of nature are used as a nickname for German shepherd males. Proud like an eagle, swift like a golden eagle, agile and strong like a leopard - and now your pupil becomes Barsom , Berkut , Tiger etc. And let us also remember the formidable phenomena of nature: Typhoon , Buran , Hurricane... With such a nickname, your puppy will certainly grow up powerful and invincible.

Saluting His Highness ...

The pet name puzzle is no match for the breeders or kennel owners who are forced to come up with names for pedigree puppies in a multitude of traditions. How to name a puppy, a German shepherd boy, if there are up to six or eight of these boys in the litter? And at the same time, do not break many written and unwritten rules.

  • Rule one: if the puppy was received in a kennel, then the name of the kennel (or its "business card") must be included in the official nickname.
  • Rule two: it is customary to start the nicknames of all puppies of the same litter with one letter. This letter is assigned by the club during the registration of the litter, for kennels it is determined by the kennel itself.
  • Rule three: it is customary to include pieces of the names of the father and mother of puppies in the official nickname. This is not necessary, but kind of a good form.

Well, the puppy's own nickname.

The resulting multi-storey structure fits into the puppy's official document - the puppy card. This name will accompany the dog at all official events: exhibitions, competitions, will be inscribed in the pedigree of the dog itself and in the pedigrees of its descendants up to the fourth generation. No one forces you to use an official nickname in everyday life, but you can push off from it when inventing a nickname for a German, Caucasian, Scottish or East European Shepherd, an adorable four-legged boy who entered your house.

Directories are everything

You can do it easier. Log in to the Internet (or go to the library), find the "Dog Names Guide", and for a long time and with pleasure sorting out thousands of nicknames for dogs, trying on each of them for your puppy, and at some point suddenly understand that the question is how to name your the dog, your boy, the shepherd of any breed imaginable, is no longer worth it. Of all the variety of nicknames, one will stick to the baby - the one that will become the name for your pet for life.

German Shepherds are large canines, known for their search and guard qualities. Many representatives of the breed serve in the police, troops, and customs. Therefore, when choosing a nickname for a German shepherd, priority should be given to the character traits of the dog: Brave, Faithful, Fierce, Terrible, Buyan, etc.

Pedigree puppies are given an official name 1.5 months after birth. It usually consists of two parts: the proper name and the geographical name of the place where the dog is from. Owners often come up with a new, "home" name for the pet, which is used on a daily basis.

It is advisable not to call the animal by human names. Foreign uncommon homonyms may be an exception.

There are rules, in accordance with which, nicknames for dogs are selected:

  1. The name should be short. Optimally 2-3 syllables.
  2. Do not contain hissing and whistling sounds, repeated repetition of the sound "r".
  3. Corresponds clearly to masculine or feminine gender.
  4. Emphasize the appearance or character of the pet (video author Dmitry Kuzmin).

Nicknames for German boys

German Shepherd Boys will need the names of the German Onomasticon. Their value will emphasize the special qualities of the pet.

  • Axel is the father of the world;
  • Alar, Alard - the sovereign;
  • Amos is a porter;
  • Arman is hard;
  • Ahard is a strong man;
  • Bruno is dark-skinned;
  • Waldo is the king;
  • Welf is a cub of a wild beast;
  • Vil - will, desire;
  • Wolf is a wolf;
  • Ged is a hunter;
  • Gert is strong;
  • Hertz - heart;
  • Hugo is a healthy mind;
  • Gunther - the fighting army;
  • Ditmar - glorified by the people;
  • Siegward - guarding the victory;
  • Irmin - reward;
  • Lothar is an excellent military man;
  • Luben is a wolf;
  • Otto is the owner of the estate;
  • Rainer is clean;
  • Ralph is a glorious wolf;
  • Roland / Rolland - glory of the country;
  • Rudolph is a glorious wolf;
  • Freed is peaceful;
  • Harald is a general;
  • Hugo - the desire of the soul;
  • Caesar - Tsarevich;
  • Ewald is dominant;
  • Evold is a forest.

Quite often, instead of nicknames, the names of geographical objects are used: Baikal, Yenisei, Amur, Kazbek, Elbrus. The owners are happy to give their pets the nicknames of popular movie characters: Buddy, Jerry Lee, Jim, Rex, Frank.

The names of deities from Germanic-Scandinavian mythology are suitable as sonorous nicknames:

  • Bragi is the patron saint of poetry;
  • Welund is a blacksmith god;
  • Njord is a sea god;
  • Odin or Wotan is the main deity;
  • Freyr or Fro - the god of creativity and fun;
  • Thor or Donar - the god of inclement weather;
  • Tyr or Tiu - god of battles and battles;
  • Hermod is a heavenly messenger.

Significant for male German shepherd dogs will be the names of famous dogs that have demonstrated the best qualities when performing official tasks.

  • Antaeus - caught 100 criminals;
  • Ajax - rescued a group of students in the mountains;
  • Balto - delivered a medicinal vaccine to residents of a city in Alaska
  • Ber - contributed to the disclosure of St. 50 crimes;
  • Derik - flew into the stratosphere;
  • Dick - helped to defuse 12 thousand German explosive devices;
  • Ingus - detained over 100 border violators;
  • Leo - worked at customs in Amsterdam and assisted in drug discovery;
  • Rin Tin Tin - famous film actor dog;
  • Tref - identified over 1.5 thousand criminals;
  • Gypsy - made a flight into the stratosphere.

Beautiful names for shepherd girls

Beautiful female homonyms of German origin will be a good choice for naming girls-dogs.

  • Adele is noble;
  • Alma is noble;
  • Biruta is a child;
  • Gazelle - arrow;
  • Gemma - adorned with precious stones;
  • Dita - folk;
  • Easter is the goddess of the rainbow;
  • Linda is a linden tree;
  • Rainis is clean;
  • Frida is the world;
  • Helga - light;
  • Hilda - armor;
  • Elodeya is the owner;
  • Elga - sacred;
  • Elda is brave;
  • Ermena is the goddess of war.

The list of famous shepherd dogs, famous for their traits and behavior, includes:

  • Albina - flew into space;
  • Blondie is the best police dog;
  • Doira is the best bloodhound;
  • Palma - for several years faithfully waited for the owner at the Vnukovo airport.

What's your German Shepherd's name?

Sheepdogs are probably one of the most popular breeds in the world. Almost anyone who sees them will love them.

These are perhaps the most trainable dogs. They are used in many professions. Sheepdogs are excellent search engines.

If you have a puppy and you can't choose a nickname for him, refer to this article. Perhaps she can help you find something perfect for you and your pet.

How to name?

From what name is chosen for the dog, its future will depend. This is the same as with a person: what name you choose for a child, so he will go through life. Often times, the name of a dog depends on the character it possesses. So, you need to choose the right nickname and not be mistaken. Put all your love for your pet into this. All my soul.

So, how to name a German shepherd puppy or any other breed:

The name should appeal to both you and the dog. Otherwise, nothing can be changed.

There are basic rules for choosing a good name for a dog. How to choose a nickname suitable for your German Shepherd:

  1. For starters, choose a name that sounds easiest. It can be as monosyllabic ( Rex, Bucks) and two-syllable ( Alba, Jackie). But if you want to choose something more complex and pretentious, then choose one that can be shortened later. For example, Maximilian - Max.
  2. It is worth avoiding nicknames that are consonant with the commands for the dog (Sidi or Fars). It will be difficult for the dog to distinguish between such similar words. What will affect your training.
  3. The name should be not only sonorous, but also suitable for you. However, in this case, you should be careful - after all, this can look strange. Calling some kind of Christina or Marat in the park - they can look at something like that badly.

Reference! It is worth giving up nicknames with hissing letters. The dog may not perceive this and not respond to such nicknames.

In general, ideas can be drawn from various sources: from books, from name directories, from films, TV series, cartoons. Or out of your own fantasy.

You can also use such a thing as anagrams of letters that are included in the names of the owner of the dog or any member of the family ( Adinre, for example).
When purchasing a purebred dog, there are some rules.

  1. All puppies of the same litter, both girls and boys, must have nicknames that start with one letter. For example, all dogs' names begin with "G": Hecate; Thunder; Gerda; Gulnara and so on.
  2. The name should contain an allusion to the club or kennel in which the animal is located.
  3. The name must contain elements of the name of the puppy's parents.
  4. It is not customary to give dogs human Russian names. Foreigners are always welcome.
  5. City names are not used. Precisely cities.

Depending on the destination

Service and police

Such dogs, as a rule, are taken from kennels, and there they are already assigned nicknames. But if you have a puppy and you want to make a service dog out of him, then the names listed below can help you - choose something suitable.

For a service dog, the nickname should be short, clear and clear. At the same time, one should avoid coincidences with titles, names of divisions, and so on. Plus, the nickname must be suitable for the status. And don't look too soft. So, how to name a German shepherd dog and bitch:

  • Frank
  • Jerry
  • Roxanne, Roxy
  • Vic, Victor
  • Draco or Dragon
  • Conrad
  • Jacobs
  • Bella
  • Caspar, Casper (ghost)

Security guard

For dogs that will be designed to guard a house or a person, slightly different nicknames will do. Here you need to select something formidable and significant - in order to indicate with just one name that the dog is evil. And not only this - everyone should immediately understand that the animal is dangerous and it is better not to come close.

  • Dumster
  • Bagram
  • Lecter, Lecturer
  • Storm
  • Pride - flock (suitable for gregarious breeds)
  • Admiral - rank
  • Ramses - Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
  • Imp - devil
  • Irbis - snow leopard
  • The fox is a canine mammal
  • Rome is the capital of Italy
  • Rambo is a fighter
  • Cerberus - for formidable pets
  • Eden - Garden of Eden
  • Nordi

Showroom with pedigree

In this case, the names of all kinds of kings, the names of precious stones, constellations are most suitable. Also, Greek and Latin names. In this case, the length of the name does not matter - the longer and more regal the name, the better.

Most often, in the pedigrees, initially, one or another name is spelled out - and there is no longer a choice. But if you are going to take a puppy from a dog with a pedigree, then you can choose a name for it, which will be spelled out in it.

  • Adonis - Shepherd and Hunter
  • Diamond is a jewel
  • Aladdin is a thief and a vagabond
  • Ambassador - high-ranking diplomatic representative
  • Boniface - commander of the Roman-Western Empire
  • Balthazar is a demon
  • Walter - German composer
  • Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes - Doctor and Detective
  • Horatio, Horace. The first is the island. The second is a poet
  • European - race
  • Casanova is a hero-lover


In this case, nicknames that reflect the personality of your pet are more suitable. Rely on the choice so that you like the name yourself. Nicknames may be suitable in relation to your pet. There may be pet names as well, including.

Brothers acrobats

Show how much you love your dog. After all, a nickname is the first thing that puppies of any breed begin to perceive. However, it is also - as with people.

  • Buddy
  • Bambi - fawn
  • Squirrel
  • Betty
  • Egoza
  • Bug
  • Cloud
  • Kashtanka
  • Bounty - chocolate
  • Delilah
  • Donna
  • Blackberry - berry
  • Naomi
  • Michelle
  • Lagoon - shallow body of water
  • Erika
  • Jurmala - a city in Latvia



Let's find out how you can call a puppy or an adult dog, a girl of the most famous variety of the breed - German. Names for a German shepherd girl are sonorous, beautiful, tender names, maybe some kind of abbreviations. Choose them from various sources and what the eye falls on will be the name that will be attached to the animal forever. If the bitch looks cute, gentle, kind, then nicknames like Daisy are more suitable. If she is closer to the formidable - then something like Hera.

How to name a German girl: beautiful names with meaning


What can you name a puppy or an adult dog of a German shepherd boy, is there a ready-made list of names? Everything here is rougher, more powerful, stronger and harder. Do not confuse a boy with a girl and do not call a dog what you would call a girl. In this case, there can be no pet names. For the simple reason that it will not look too beautiful if, for example, you go out into the park and call: "Funtik, come to me!". It will look pretty weird.

How to name a boy beautifully - beautiful and Russian names for a German shepherd dog (suitable for a puppy too):

All in the game 🙂

  1. Abu the fidget monkey
  2. Aladdin is a character of the cartoon of the same name
  3. Bobby
  4. Zeus - god of thunder
  5. Hades - the king of the underworld
  6. Adonis
  7. Azazello - demon of the waterless desert
  8. Woland - "prince of darkness"
  9. Empire style - classicism style
  10. Aramis - Royal Musketeer
  11. Achilles - ancient greek hero
  12. Apollo - god of light
  13. Dexter - remember the series of the same name? This nickname is for formidable dogs
  14. Diamond is a jewel
  15. Gaston - "Beauty and the Beast"
  16. Logan - Wolverine. Man with claws
  17. Golden eagle - bird of prey
  18. Yenisei - river
  19. Siegfried - Freud
  20. Xayrus
  21. Parker (pen)
  22. Raphael is an angel
  23. Rolf
  24. Thunder is a weather phenomenon
  25. Terrible - the nickname of Tsar Ivan
  26. Demon or Damon
  27. Joker - clown
  28. Danube - river
  29. Rambo - pugnacious and vicious
  30. Romeo is a romantic, selfless dog
  31. Cahors - a variety of red wine
  32. Kronos - god of agriculture
  33. Luke ("Luke! I'm your father")
  34. Fergus
  35. Frodo is the hero of the book "The Lord of the Rings"
  36. Magnet
  37. Marseilles
  38. Michelle
  39. Narcissus - flower
  40. Nord (north)
  41. Newton is a scientist
  42. Orion - constellation
  43. Orpheus - singer and musician
  44. Osman
  45. Roger
  46. Lucifer is the devil
  47. The sultan
  48. Tutankhamun - Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
  49. Fog
  50. Tushkan
  51. Batman is a superhero
  52. Bassoon - wind musical instrument
  53. Hilton
  54. Cerberus - Hellhound
  55. Chibris
  56. Cherry - mini tomatoes
  57. Yamal is a peninsula in the north of Western Siberia.


In this case, you need to choose nicknames associated, in one way or another, with the color of the dog's coat. Try in different ways to draw analogies with black or with its tones. Use a translator. In general, any approach will be correct.

In fact - a black shepherd dog, this is an ordinary German. Unless they are just working dogs: they can easily find explosives or drugs. Will serve the police and the army. This is their main responsibility.

Popular and beautiful names for a black German shepherd dog with meaning (boy and girl): Blackie or Chernushka; Raisin; Darkness; Darkness; Night; Haze; smog; Soot; Black; Pirate; Coal; Gypsy; Gray; Agate; Azara; Andromeda.

Collie (Scottish)

Collie, or as it is also called, the Scottish Shepherd is a herding dog. Which is characterized by friendliness, activity, devotion, intelligence and vigilance. To choose a name for an animal, remember places and things that are interesting to you or just like. They are, perhaps, the kindest of the types of shepherd dogs.

As the name implies, the homeland of these dogs is Scotland. In addition to being a shepherd, the collie is an excellent companion.

Have you ever seen a clipped collie? We're shocked!

An example of nicknames for girls: Lassie, Barbie, Cindy, Sandy, Molly, Jesse, Mira, Charlie, Sheila, Nanny (from the nanny).

Names for boys: Baron; White; Archie; Merlin; Almond; Force; Dandy; Osiris.


This dog is closer to the guard. She is smart, strong, active and hardy. Soft, delicate nicknames are not suitable for this animal. You need to be more selective here. After all, the name shows the character of the dog. One of the oldest breeds. The Caucasus is considered her homeland. Therefore, nicknames from the Caucasian reserves will be ideal.

How to name a Caucasian Shepherd Dog:

Boy: Abdula; Ogre; Caliph; Sultan; Gaston; Abrek; Bad; Baguette.

Girl: Martha; Rajina; Roxanne; Yanita, Hella, Gamma, Hekla, Walda, Valkyrie, Nora, Marcy, Alya, Silva, Tasya, Atlanta, Eola, Melian.

Central Asian

Eastern European

This is a fairly new breed that appeared in the twenties in Russia. The progenitors are the Germans. They are closer to service dogs. Because, they were specially taken out for police and military service.

This breed is balanced, self-confident, distrustful of strangers. Possesses an active-aggressive attitude.

So, what to call the East European Shepherd Dog:

Nicknames for little men: Kim, Asgard, Ruslan, Zeus, Grace,

Girls Gretta, Roxy, Elsa, Jess, Millie, Luna, Bianca, Gerda, Agatha, Jasper.

Interesting video

Informative video about the breed German Shepherd:


Adorable photos of puppies: try to come up with a nickname for each of them!


The main thing is to have inspiration and imagination. And also, feel and know your pet. Feel like this is it. And feel free to choose this particular nickname. If only - you are 100% sure of it.

  1. So. The animal's nickname should not be consonant with such commands as "Fu!", "Fas!" etc.
  2. It should be pronounced well so that the owner does not stumble over the letters every time. The dog must immediately understand that this is her nickname.
  3. It is a bad omen to call a pet the name of a dead dog.
  4. Не стоит называть животное — «беда», «стресс», «демон», «страх» или «нигер». The name should be pleasant, positive.
  5. It is also desirable that the sex of the pet is understood by the nickname. Therefore, do not take a neuter name. This will help you get out of trouble.

The name must be:

- Concise and convenient - no more than a couple of syllables;

- Expressive. Basically, this is the first command for your pet;

- It should please the owner, the family and the dog itself.

And one more thing: do not rush to name your dog right away. Let her show herself. Perhaps your opinion will change and you will choose something else, more suitable for her character and behavior.

That's all. Request: share your opinions in the comments. You can send photos and videos of your pets. Let's help each other - choose the name of your beloved shepherd dog.