Modern original contests and games for the wedding. Wedding contests for the bride and groom. Wedding script

So that the wedding celebration does not turn into a continuous feast, it is very important to think over cool wedding contests. Usually this task is assigned to the toastmaster. But some couples decide to save money on the presenter. Then the ideas that this article will talk about will help them a lot.

Competitions for sedentary wedding guests

For the celebration to take place in a relaxed atmosphere, you need to come up with unobtrusive wedding contests for guests that can be held at the table. Of course, you can't fill the whole holiday with them, but as a warm-up at the beginning or end of the evening, they are quite suitable.

  1. Contests based on KVN "warm-up" are very popular. For them, you need to prepare several phrases-questions, which the guests must continue. For example: "At the wedding of the prosecutor's daughter, the witness stole the bride's shoe" - the answer: "And received 5 years of strict regime with confiscation." Or: "How to make your wife scream in bed?" - "Climb onto the bed in slippers." It's also worth coming up with funny questions about the wedding invitees. Only they should not be vulgar and offensive.
  2. Very simple contests that do not require props are associated with congratulations. During the feast, when the guests relax a little, the toastmaster or the responsible presenter will invite each invitee in turn to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day. Congratulations should go alphabetically.
  3. The Talking Cap competition is very simple and funny. But it will require some preparation. First, a hat, cap, cap, etc. Secondly, pre-recorded funny phrases, read in different voices. At a certain moment, the toastmaster will bring a hat to the head of the groom / witness / mother of the bride and proclaim: “And now we will read your thoughts!”. At this time, "voice acting" will flow from the speakers, accompanied by cheerful music. A great mood is guaranteed.

You need to choose such wedding contests that accompany the feast, which do not require a lot of props and do not force guests to do something with their hands.

Wedding entertainment for advanced guests

Technology is progressing by leaps and bounds, and wedding contests are now held not only with balloons, but also with gadgets. Almost every guest will have a smartphone. You can also use radio-controlled cars, a projector, etc.

  • If the toastmaster has cars with radio control in the arsenal, it is worth holding the next competition. Attach a gypsy needle to each typewriter with the tip forward, and scatter balloons across the floor. The guests take turns - otherwise it will be impossible to determine the winner - trying to pop the balls, remotely controlling the machine. Chairs can be used to separate the participants to create a "simul" session. So it will be clear who burst how many balloons.
  • For the next competition, you will need a projector and a laptop with a computer game "racing". The rules are very simple - overtake your opponent. Depending on the number of joysticks, from two to five people can participate in the game.
  • The toastmaster writes in advance on the album sheet the mobile number of one of the guests - always with bright paint and large. Then he asks everyone present to get their phones. For a few seconds, he shows the sheet to the guests and gives the command to call. Whoever gets through first won.
  • The most interesting and touching wedding contests will require a projector. A professional toastmaster probably has this device. Have him prepare fragments from wedding films in advance. Guests must guess the name of the movie.
  • The next competition is creative. It will require mobile phones and cameras with video recording function. The toastmaster recruits two or three teams, depending on the guests present at the wedding. Each group is given the task to shoot a video of the love story of the newlyweds, without their direct participation. This should be done not in the banquet hall, but in another room. For the competition to be a success, it is necessary to agree with the guests in advance, as well as give them sample scenarios. Then these masterpieces will be shown through the projector.

Competitions for a witness and a bridesmaid at a wedding

A huge responsibility at a wedding rests with the witnesses. Their duties include not only being in the wings of the young, but also maintaining the aura of celebration and fun. Here are some wedding witness contests.

  1. A friend leaves the hall for a while to hide banknotes on himself. The main thing is to choose unexpected places - a sock, a belt buckle, a fold of a tie, etc. Then, to the erotic music of a friend, dancing, he begins to "gut" him - to look for money. How much he finds, so much will go into the pocket of the newlyweds.
  2. The witness lies down on chairs pulled together. The toastmaster lays out small sweets without a wrapper on it. He always puts one on his lips. The blindfolded witness then searches for and eats the sweets. You can't spit out candy. The toastmaster is actively commenting on the action, directing her friend. The competition ends with a kiss from the witnesses.
  3. A recording with the newlyweds is displayed on the projector. The sound is muted. The task of the witnesses is to sound the "film" as funny as possible.
  4. Toastmaster tells a fairy tale adapted for newlyweds. Witnesses with markers on Whatman paper are trying to immediately sketch a story from his words. It's a lot of fun.

It is desirable that the boyfriend and girlfriend have acting skills and a sense of humor and be liberated. Then the celebration will take place in a relaxed atmosphere.

Wedding contests with drinks

Very often, wedding contests are related to drinks. It doesn't have to be alcohol. The contests below can be easily adapted for a non-alcoholic wedding.

  • For the first competition, the host will need disposable cups, a marker and some kind of drink - wine, juice or mineral water. Drinking should not be transparent. At the bottom of the glass with a marker, you need to write various letters or syllables (this will confuse guests more) that make up some kind of catch phrase. For example, "advice and love", "with a sweetheart paradise and in a hut", "husband and wife are one Satan", etc. Then pour the drink into glasses. Divide the participants into two groups. On command, they have to drink and form a phrase. The one who coped faster won.
  • You need to take 5 ingredients for making a cocktail. For example, wine, compote, beer, kvass, cognac. Make 4-5 different "cocktails" - one for each participant in the competition. To make everything honest, write recipes in advance on pieces of paper that you can give to an assistant, for example, a friend. Now the participants have to guess as many components of the cocktail they got. The one who guessed the most won.
  • If the toastmaster has radio-controlled cars, such a competition can be held. On the one hand, put women with drinks - vodka or mineral water. On the other, there are men with typewriters. The task of the representatives of the stronger sex is to "reach" the girls, who quickly pour a drink into a glass and put it on a typewriter, and then carefully, without spilling a single drop, go back. Whoever drinks first is the one who won.
  • Divide those wishing to participate into 2 groups of 5 people. For the first team, you need to take out 5 glasses, 4 of which are water, and in one - vodka. Participants slowly drink through a straw, opponents are watching them. The task of the one who got the vodka is not to give himself away with facial expressions. If it is revealed, the team loses.

Dance competitions at a wedding

Dance competitions for weddings remain very popular. Guests of any age can be involved in them.

  1. Warm-up dance on chairs. Arrange 5 chairs so that the participants do not interfere with each other. At the signal, turn on the music and let the guests dance while sitting, without lifting the "fifth point" from the chair. After the end of the melody, the most sluggish "dancer" is eliminated. The remaining four must dance without legs. When there are three participants left, the rules prohibit the use of hands for the dance. The two most initiative people will have to depict the dance only with facial expressions and shaking their heads. Whoever gets it funnier is the winner.
  2. The dancers must be divided into 5-6 pairs. Tie balloons to the ankles of women. When the music starts, the men in the dance will be obliged to pop the balls of their opponents. The winner is the couple who managed to keep their ball intact or last longer than the others.
  3. Everyone knows the famous dance of witnesses on the newspaper. The task can be complicated by the fact that the boyfriend and girlfriend (or another couple) will have to hold a long candy with their lips ("Major" cookies will do) and eat it at the same time.
  4. Several couples dance at the same time, holding cubes with their foreheads. Those who have dropped the props are eliminated. After each fall, the toastmaster complicates the task for the dancers by adding new cubes. The winners are those who keep the most props.

Wedding contests for active guests

When the guests are well warmed up, it is worth offering them fun contests with a minimum of props. Remember, by the middle of the holiday, the people present get to know each other and become liberated.

  • The host invites several girls - four or five will be enough. Then he gives them the task to bring something from the men's wardrobe: a sock, belt, tie. The woman who is the last to do it is eliminated. Then the tasks get more complicated. For example, bring a guest with gray-green eyes. And so until there is only one winner.
  • For the next competition, women are also required. The presenter puts chairs - according to the number of participants, and puts several walnuts on top. Standing with their backs and not looking at the seats, the girls sit down at the signal of the toastmaster and try to determine how many nuts there are under them. Nuance: the chairs should be soft-seated to make the task more difficult for the participants.
  • Now the men are involved. They must collect as many kisses as possible from the women in the hall. To provide proof of their victory, they should choose ladies with painted lips.
  • Choose three people from the invitees. Fill a large empty space on the floor with chairs and pins, entangling them with threads for reliability so that it looks like a maze. Participants must memorize all the obstacles in a minute. Then they are blindfolded and allowed to follow the "path of memory." The competition is not designed to win, but to entertain the guests.

You can also play the lottery to keep the mood up. This will not only amuse the guests, but also allow them to take with them a part of the holiday as a souvenir.

Guests at the wedding need not only to be fed, but also to be entertained. Among the wedding entertainment there are traditional ones that are associated with rituals, giving gifts and congratulations to the newlyweds. Also, if the budget allows, you can invite professional artists to conduct spectacular show programs and beautiful pop performances, it will be spectacular, touching and beautiful. But it is even better to involve the guests themselves to participate in the original greeting numbers, games and fun, this always arouses keen interest and then is remembered as the brightest moments of the wedding celebration. We offer our collection - fun wedding contests and entertainment for guests, which will supplement the game program at any wedding or

1. Drawing of guests at the wedding "Cutting the shirt"

At any wedding there should be a moment when the master's abilities of the young wife are praised. However, the toastmaster draws attention to the fact that any of us does not like to do something. The bride confirms this by talking about her terrible dislike of ironing shirts. Then the presenter replies that he is a master in this area and will now teach the girl how to cope with this problem.

The newlywed is given a man's shirt and scissors instead of an unloved iron. Further - according to the instructions of the presenter:

1. Buttons - neither go around nor go around! (we cut everything mercilessly)

2. Sleeves are always wrinkled and it takes too long to put your hands in there! (cut both sleeves at the shoulder)

3. It is completely incomprehensible why a shirt needs a back - you tuck it into your pants and you remember right away! (cut at the level of the shoulder blades)

4. They cut off from the back, and what is worse from the front? (cut, even with the back)

5. Well, and a collar, which is absolutely impossible to iron calmly! (carefully cut from the neck)

We produce "ironing" to the accompaniment of cheerful, rhythmic music. We distribute the cut off parts to the guests for good luck. In addition, we preliminarily change into the same "shirt" of the witness, who demonstrates how comfortable and good it is in it. But everything is "spoiled" by the witness, who is trying to reason with the bride and prove to her that in a shirt after such "ironing" her husband will be taken to a madhouse or taken to the police. To buy the newlywed a new shirt instead of the “ironed” one, the witness suggests that all those present should throw themselves off, “at least half a ruble”. So unobtrusively the game moment can be added to the “money” moment.

(Naturally, all the conditions of this are negotiated with them in advance - this is a surprise from the heroes of the occasion for the guests to cheer them up)

2. Wedding competition "Family Panties"

This fun game will bring the wedding day to life. For her you need to prepare a pair of huge family panties - they are very easy to sew by yourself. A witness and a witness are invited as the main participants in the game, everyone is given these wonderful things. The task of the players is to put as many people as possible in their "pants", and the witness is allowed to let only men into the "pants", and only women are allowed to the witness.

For everything about everything - two minutes. Cheerful music turns on, and people begin to stuff themselves into this garment. By the way, it is absolutely not forbidden to take each other or children in your arms. However, the presenter must monitor the integrity of the panties: they, of course, will tear in any case, but the participants in the game should not abuse this for their own ends and stuff themselves into a torn piece of underwear. In honor of the winners, everyone raises their glasses, and for the toastmaster this is an excellent occasion to propose a beautiful toast to the newlywed friends and their well-being.

3. Wedding entertainment "Three steps from happiness"

As the host of this competition, that is, the one who will hold the bottle, you can choose the hero of the occasion or the groom and the bride. To this bottle - champagne, vodka, wine, beer - we tie three to five multicolored silk ribbons at least three meters long.

Those who wish are called from among the guests. Moreover, always with their own dishes from which they drink. Their task, taking the ribbons in their hands and standing up from the bottle at a distance of the "elongated ribbon", at the signal of the presenter, begin to approach the hero of the day, winding the ribbon on their vessel. Whoever accomplishes this faster takes the bottle with "divine nectar" from the hands of the hero of the occasion. In fact, it is very difficult to do this, because glasses and glasses are sometimes not at all designed for winding slippery tape, so everyone's fun is guaranteed.

Young people and guests are looking forward to one of the most important and interesting parts of the wedding celebration - a festive feast with fun contests and dances. A lot of interesting things happen in the banquet hall: giving gifts, touching wishes of family and friends, as well as a delicious banquet and a long-awaited wedding dessert! However, the most fun part of the celebration can be safely called wedding games and fun contests, which the newlyweds prepared together with the host to create a cheerful and warm mood in the hall. All games selected by the toastmaster for the wedding must be coordinated with the bride and groom. They should be kind and funny, and be sure to match your taste. Avoid stupid and vulgar contests that only show a lack of tact: your task is to leave a good impression of the holiday with loved ones.

On the wedding portal site, you will learn about what games for a wedding will be especially fun and memorable, as well as how to properly organize contests and what props to prepare!

Active wedding games: three fun ideas

The wedding feast lasts quite a long time, so all guests feel the need to move a little. Take on several active guest and witness contests that will allow participants not only to have fun, but also to exercise a little. If girls take part in the games, the presenter may invite them to take off their shoes for a while.

Mother-in-law pancakes

  • Participants: two teams of 5 people.
  • Props: frying pan, pancakes.

Games and contests for a wedding can be not only fun, but also delicious. Two mixed teams of 5 people are invited to participate in the team game. Also, teams of men and women can compete with each other. Participants line up and receive props - a heavy cast-iron pan with a fresh pancake on it. The participant's task is to run with the frying pan to the designated point, where you need to toss the pancake so that it turns over, and go back to the starting position, passing the frying pan to the next participant. Do not be upset if your pancake falls to the floor: in the game it acts only as a props, so quickly pick it up and run to the rest of the participants. The team that cope with the relay faster becomes the winner and receives a delicious pancake dessert as a gift.

Let's dance?

  • Participants: two couples.
  • Props: not required.

Dance games for a wedding always evoke a storm of emotions among guests, as it is always unusual, creative and fun. Two couples in love are invited to participate in the competition (a guy with a girl or a husband and wife). The host plays music in different styles, and couples need to quickly change their dance style, trying not to interrupt it. So, starting with a waltz, the participants can end with a belly dance. The couple whose dance was the brightest and most daring will receive a funny prize, for example, a children's microphone. The losing couple must dance their last farewell dance - "Swan Lake". Such dance contests will cheer up and cheer up even the most gloomy and sleepy guests!


  • Participants: 10 guys.
  • Props: 100 colored rubber bands.

Wedding games for guests can be very diverse, the main thing is that they have a share of humor and creativity. Participants of the "Lovelace" contest are selected 10 men, to whom the presenter gives 10 elastic bands, each in a different color. The task of the participants is to put elastic bands on the ring fingers of the ladies in the banquet hall. The more girls the participant "rings", the more chances he has to win. Each girl in the hall can wear only one elastic band on her finger. The winner receives kisses on the cheek as a gift from all girls with elastic bands of the same color.

Wedding Party Games: Three Fun Competitions

Tired after active games, guests can sit at the table for a while and taste delicious festive treats. To maintain a cheerful atmosphere in the hall, the host can offer some fun wedding contests right at the banquet table.

Who is louder

  • Participants: all guests.
  • Props: phone with a program that measures the sound volume.

A fun and unusual game for guests at a wedding will be to check the volume of the voices of your family and friends. It is best to divide the participants into two teams, for example the right table and the left table. The presenter stands in the center and turns on a special program on the phone (for example, "Sound meter"), which will measure the volume in decibels. Each team will be asked to sing a line from a song as loudly as possible: the loudest will win!

Strong chain

  • Participants: all guests.
  • Props: not required.

The guests are divided into two large teams, for example, the right and left half of the table. The essence of the game is for the guests to form a strong chain, grabbing the part of the body of their neighbor on the table, which the host calls (for example: nose, arm, leg, elbow, knee, ear). The teams play in turns against the clock. The presenter quickly names the parts of the body, and the participants must grapple with each other as quickly as possible. If the chain breaks, the team automatically loses. If both teams can easily form strong chains, the fastest of them wins.

The smartest

  • Participants: three guests.
  • Props: cards with tongue twisters.

It is good to hold this competition closer to the middle or the end of the feast, when all the guests not only ate well, but also drank a little. During the evening, the presenter observes the guests and selects the most cheerful and not very sober guys for the competition. The task of the participants is to pronounce as many tongue twisters as possible written on the prepared cards. Three attempts are given to read, after which the queue is passed to the next participant. The smartest and most focused guest wins. Such a game will cause a storm of positive emotions and a sea of ​​laughter among the guests.

On the site you learned about what wedding games and contests can be held at your celebration, that the wedding was remembered by the guests as a fun and bright event!

    To make the wedding memorable and fun, you should carefully choose the competition for the celebration. Games must be selected for honeymooners, witnesses, parents and friends.

    A good time for wedding contests is the middle of the evening, because all guests are accustomed to the surroundings and can be involved in the entertainment. Let's take a look at some of them.

    Contests for newlyweds

    "The Story of a Wedding"

    You will need: a pre-prepared text of the story.

    The text of the story is passed on to the groom, his task is to enter the words spoken by the guests in the missing passages of the text. The guests' task is to name the witty epithet in turn. For example, snuffed, headless, delightful, riotous ... Then the story is read by the groom or the host.

    "In the maternity hospital"

    You will need: compiled questions.

    Young people and witnesses participate. Men are invited to pretend that their wife has given birth to a child, but they are not allowed into the ward. All that remains is to communicate with gestures that can be shown out the window. The husband's goal is to find out from his wife what interests him, the wife’s goal is to answer them.

    Questions: How are you? I have a stomachache? Who was born? How much does the baby weigh? How tall is the child? Did you hurt during childbirth? Will we have more children? Want to eat? Aren't you bored? What shall we call the child? Happy for my visit? When will you be discharged? I am going home!

    "Who will be born"

    For the competition, children and guests will be needed. The kids stand in a circle, the newlyweds stand in the center of the circle, they blindfold them and turn their backs to each other. The music turns on and the presenter gives the command to the children to scatter, and the goal of the young is to catch one of the children. Depending on whether a boy or a girl is caught, the newlyweds will have a future child of this gender.


    You will need: a ball and pins.

    The bride takes part in this competition. Pins are placed in front of it, on which there are already glued notes with a list of household chores. For example, washing dishes, washing, vacuuming, ironing, etc. What kind of pins the young woman will take, such troubles she will take upon herself in the subsequent life together.

    By analogy, you can hold the same competition for the groom.

    Games for parents

    "These chains"

    You will need: dolls - 2 pcs., Diapers - 2 pcs., Diapers - 2 pcs., Bottles - 2 pcs., Ropes - 2 pcs.

    Parents of the bride and groom are invited. Couples' hands are tied (dad's right hand with mom's left hand). The host announces that this competition is evaluative and will show how future grandparents will look after their grandchildren. The task will be: to put a diaper on the doll, to drink from a bottle and swaddle. You can perform actions with only one free hand. Which pair will cope faster, that will become the best in the title of "Granny and Grandpa".

    “Where are you, son-in-law? Where are you, daughter-in-law? "

    Need: A blindfold.

    Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are blindfolded. Several girls are invited, including the bride. And also a few guys with the groom. Everyone is in a row. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law must guess where the son-in-law and daughter-in-law are by their voice. Girls and boys take turns saying these words: I am here, dear mother.

    "Who are you?"

    You will need: clean sheets, pens.

    The presenter puts a piece of paper and a pen in front of each parent and asks to write five animals in a column. The quality inherent in the written animal will apply to newlyweds. For this, questions are read out by the toastmaster, and the parents call the animal in turn. Questions might include, for example, who are you at work? Who are you when you are hungry? Who are you in bed? Who will you be after the wedding? Etc.

    Competitions for guests

    "A raw egg"

    5 eggs are laid in front of each player, the goal of the competition is to break them on the forehead. However, the attention of the participants is drawn to the fact that one of the eggs is raw and the rest are boiled. The winner is the one who breaks a raw egg on his forehead, not afraid to get dirty. The rewards for this competition must be substantial!

    Except for the leader, no one should know that there are no raw eggs, all are boiled. And the winner is the one who is not afraid to break the remaining egg.


    Need: flower pot, blindfold.

    The player is offered to take a stick, put a pot in front of him and then unwind it to lose orientation. His goal becomes to break this pot.

    "Grandma - hedgehog"

    You will need: a bucket and a mop.

    Competition - relay race. The first competitor is given a bucket - a mortar and a mop - a broom. He puts one foot in the bucket, with one hand he takes the mop, and in the other he has a bucket shackle. Thus, he must run to the next player and pass his attributes. The winner is the team of players that finishes the relay faster.


    You will need: jelly.

    The jelly is placed in front of the participants, their goal is to eat the dish as quickly as possible with the help of matches or toothpicks.


    You will need: air balloons, felt-tip pens.

    In front of the players, one ball and a felt-tip pen are laid out. It is proposed to be a discoverer and inflate a balloon with air, and then "settle" people on it, drawing as many of them as possible on your "planet" with a felt-tip pen. Whose number will be greater, he won.


    You will need: cans with a slot or piggy banks, coins.

    Participants are given jars with a slot in the lid or piggy banks, their task is to get coins by shaking the jar. Whoever is faster will win. Foreign objects cannot be used.

    Contests for couples

    "Dance with spaghetti"

    You will need: a pack of spaghetti.

    Participants choose a pair for themselves and their task will be to dance to the music, holding dry spaghetti in their mouths so that it does not break. The music will change from slow to fast. The merry couple, whose straw remains intact, wins.

    "Fight with a rooster"

    The purpose of the competition: checking the prowess of men. They need to split into pairs and take a rooster stance: stand on their right foot, and hold their left with their hand, stretch their right hand in front of them, palm up. Participants need to hit the opponent's palm with their right hand and not lose balance, players can move by jumping on one leg. The winner is the one who made the opponent stumble.

    "Cinderella's Shoe"

    You will need: scarves, chairs, a large cardboard box.

    A woman - a man becomes a pair. The more pairs the better. The girls sit down on chairs, take off one of their shoes and put them in one common box. Their pairs of men are blindfolded with a scarf and asked to find a pair of their lady's shoes. The task is complicated by the fact that blindfolded you need not only to find shoes, but also to find your soul mate. Casual situations are provided.


    You will need: 2 peakless caps.

    Participants are 2 couples. The presenter gives out the caps and says: "If a storm rises at sea, then the sailors tie their caps under the chin with ribbons from the headdress so that it does not fly away." The task of the players is to tie a peakless cap to their partner with one hand.

    Valeria Zhilyaeva 23 July 2018, 10:27

    A wedding is a solemn and fun event. After the wedding, the guests and the newlyweds go to a banquet, where they will spend several hours. To make them as fruitful and memorable as possible, all kinds of wedding contests for guests at the table are used to cheer up, which dilute active dances and games.

    There are a huge number of table games for a wedding. They usually involve everyone present, regardless of gender or age. Table games can be played with various attributes or without them, be of an intellectual or humorous nature. Their plus is that the guests take part in the entertainment without getting up from their seats.

    Cool wedding contests for guests without a toastmaster at the table

    If for some reason it was necessary to abandon the toastmaster, the newlyweds, their closest relatives and friends will have to take on his duties. Someone will need to propose toast, announce congratulations and have fun games at a wedding at a table without a toastmaster.

    The atmosphere at the wedding largely depends on the mood of the bride and groom.

    Interactive at a wedding at the table is extremely popular, in which someone comes up with questions while others quickly and answer without hesitation... A similar one is held in KVN (competition called "Warm-up"). The main thing is not to cross the line of what is permissible, so as not to offend anyone and not to offend anyone.

    We are offering to you five seated wedding contests for adults without toastmaster:

    1. "Georgian Toast".
    2. "Glue the heart".
    3. "Cheerful alphabet".
    4. "Guess: who are you?"
    5. "Apple of discord".

    Let's talk about these games in more detail.

    "Georgian toast"

    Host asks guests name 10 words that would characterize family life. For example, these can be words such as love, mutual respect, home, dinner, children, etc. words are written in large letters on the plates.

    Two people will participate in the competition. They are given props: a cap, a mustache, wine in a container (preferably in a horn). Each of the participants must come up with a Georgian toast with a wish for the newlyweds.

    During improvisation, the presenter at an unexpected moment picks up one of the prepared inscriptions. The task of the participants is not to get confused and to mention the specified word in their toast.

    Georgian toast for guests from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

    "Glue the heart"

    It's kind of jigsaw puzzles... You need to prepare a few hearts in advance made of colored cardboard... They are cut into several pieces (but not too small).

    Can be played in teams or individually. Each participant is given parts of one heart. The task is to collect a piece faster than your opponents.

    Heart puzzle for a wedding pageant at the table

    "Cheerful alphabet"

    The essence of the game is to wish the young as possible more good... On one condition - all wishes and congratulations to the bride and groom are spoken alphabetically.

    The first guest says a wish, starting with the letter "A". The second guest congratulates the newlyweds with the letter "B" and so on. As a rule, funny wishes begin with the letters "e" and "e".

    Guests congratulate the bride and groom at the table

    "Guess: who are you?"

    This is one of the funniest table games for a small party at a wedding. Each participant is glued forehead sticker with a written character. All guests will see which of the characters is written by others, but they will not know what inscription does he have on the forehead. The goal of the game is to guess who is written on the sticker.

    For solving, you can only ask such questions, the answer to which will be "Yes" or "No"... For example, "Am I a man?", "Am I singing?", "Am I acting in a movie?" etc. The winner is the one who unravels the character for the first time. In case of an erroneous assumption, the participant must complete funny penalty exercise.

    Anyone can be as characters: Hitler, Kolobok, Jack Sparrow, Winnie the Pooh, etc. The main thing is that the person or hero is known to everyone. You can also use the names of animals.

    Funny wedding game

    "Apple of discord"

    Suspended on an elastic band Big apple to hold over two participants. This is the symbolic "bone of contention".

    Participants of the competition must bite off the fruit one by one, without touching it with their hands. The apple must be eaten completely. You can split into teams and do it in a race.

    And, of course, first you should get to know the guests. Such videos of drinking contests at a wedding can be found on the Internet. See one of them:

    Competitions for the bride and groom at the table

    Traditionally, the program of the feast always includes a place for contests for young people. Comic tests are being prepared for the couple, in which they have to show how ready they are for married life.

    All competition tasks are conducted in a fun way

    The most interesting competition is funny verbal competition type "question answer"... On pieces of paper, it is necessary to write in advance questions about the responsibilities of the bride and groom. They can be very diverse. For example, for the bride you can write:

    1. Do you agree to have many children?
    2. How often will you meet with your friends?
    3. Will you stare at other people's men?
    4. Will you cook for your husband? Etc.

    Answers are also prepared on pieces of paper in advance. For example:

    1. Payday.
    2. Do not put salt on my wound.
    3. I can, but in another room.
    4. Not more than once, etc.

    Papers with answers are laid out on a tray. After reading the question, the bride and groom choose a card and read the answer aloud.

    It is important that all questions are extremely tactful... Do not spoil the mood of the newlyweds or embarrass them with excessive curiosity.

    Bride and groom at the wedding table

    Another funny competition is called “ Love message". On the pieces of paper, you need to write the name of the body parts in advance. The presenter gives the bride or groom a text with spaces, in which you will need to randomly insert body parts written on pieces of paper.

    For example, the groom begins to read the address to his beloved and, to insert the missing word, takes out a piece of paper with the name of the body part. As a result, it turns out something like: "Darling, I want to look into your beautiful ones (and a note with the words" ears "is pulled out)". This elicits loud laughter from the audience.

    Competitions at the wedding at the table for guests will be held with a bang and without a toastmaster, if you use the recommendations below.

    It is best to choose those table entertainment that suitable for people of any age, gender and social status. You need to take into account the specifics of your company so as not to offend or offend anyone.

    Games in progress should not touch on topics“Taboos” in decent society, that is, those that can lead to unnecessary controversy. These include areas such as: politics, religion, national views.

    Guests at the wedding table

    There is no need to conduct contests with indecent tasks. For example, undressing would be inappropriate. It is also not necessary to go too far with the intellectuality of interactions. All contests should be fun and understandable for each of the guests.

    The number of games is determined in advance. A clearly limited time should also be allocated for them. In addition, musical accompaniment is prepared in advance.

    If the guest does not have a desire to participate in the game, do not insist on this. Everything should be voluntary and unconstrained.


    Funny contests and table games will dilute the event, make it interesting and exciting for everyone. Such a pastime will create a warm and pleasant atmosphere for your holiday.