Touching congratulations to his daughter in prose. Beautiful birthday greetings to daughter prose. Suggestions by e-mail

Daughter! Sweetheart, I sincerely congratulate you on the day that made me the happiest person, because I have you! I wish you to be open and kind towards other people, enjoy every moment you live and laugh more! I love you very much and will always be there!

Dear daughter! I remember your first birthday as if it was yesterday, when you were a little bundle of joy and happiness for us parents. Today we are faced with an almost completely grown-up girl who is taking the first steps on her own life path. Of course, we are not going to lead you by the hand, as we did a few years ago, but know that behind your back there is always reliable support in the person of your parents who love you.

Today I am absolutely happy, because I see that I have raised a wonderful daughter. Your birthday is a great occasion to tell you that I'm proud of you. Sometimes I even allow you to boast of your achievements and successes in front of my acquaintances. Forgive me this innocent maternal weakness. I hope your success in your profession and in your personal life will not be a reason for human envy, but will become just an example to follow. I thank God that I have you. Be happy.

What do you usually want on your birthday? That for which we live - bright, serene, kind and pure, like a blue sky, like a gentle sun, like a multi-colored rainbow. We call it happiness. And my happiness is you daughter. And my happiness today is …… years old. I wish you a long, serene and loving life. May your dreams always become reality, troubles bypass your house, and only kind and sympathetic people will be around you. Happy birthday!

Time is relentless - only yesterday you were a little girl who followed her mother like a tail. And today I see an interesting, adult, self-sufficient girl in front of me. Of course, you have not become worse, but you have become different and this is natural. And even though you have long since changed your snowflake costume for an evening dress, children's sandals for spectacular shoes, and two braids for a fashionable hairstyle, for me you still remain a little daughter. May childhood remain in your heart as long as possible and childhood dreams of a fairy-tale prince will finally come true. I wish that the young man whom you will definitely meet becomes your soul mate and is ready for anything for you. After all, you are a little adult princess, and you deserve female happiness!

This festive morning even the sun congratulates you on your birthday with its merry rays. Everything is ready for the holiday. A bouquet of fragrant roses stands in a crystal vase. I baked your favorite apple pie and set the reception table. You are already an adult, but I so want to surround you, my girl, with care and attention. Moreover, today there is such a wonderful reason for this. I am pleased to be the first to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you that your life will turn into one big holiday - a holiday of love, kindness and mutual understanding. Be happy.

We, as parents, pinned great hopes on you, our girl. We dreamed that you would not repeat our mistakes, get a good education, find a good job, make informed decisions so as not to regret the past. God knows that from early childhood we instilled in you only useful skills and character traits. Today, looking at you, I see that we have succeeded. You are an adult, independent, self-confident woman. We are proud of you and are very glad that you live better than we did at your age. You have justified our hopes and we believe that a bright future awaits you. Happy birthday!

My daughter, beloved! On this day, memorable, joyful and anniversary, I want the warmest words addressed to you to be heard at this table. It is today, at this festive table, that we all gathered together, your close, beloved friends who have been with you throughout your life in moments of happiness, luck and hardships in life. How nice to see you today so happy, beautiful, in such a wonderful mood. Not so long ago you were a baby, behind your shoulders is a kindergarten, a school, and a university in front of you. New friends, acquaintances, a career and a happy future - all this awaits you in the future. I would like to wish you not to be discouraged, not upset over trifles, take care of yourself, be healthy and loved.

Our beloved daughter! Life is unpredictable. It's so nice to know that we have you - our hope, our happiness and our love. On this spring day, at this table are sitting close people who love you, who have witnessed your successes and failures, who are ready to come to your aid in moments of grief, to share joy with you. Many events have happened in your life, you have many achievements. Left behind the kindergarten, school, study ahead. I would like to wish you on this birthday, to remain cheerful, cheerful, happy, beloved and unique, not to be upset over trifles, not to be upset, not to lose heart. The main thing is that the most faithful friends, close people, relatives and loved ones remain with you both in happy moments and in sad moments.

Our beloved daughter! It doesn't always work out the way we want. BUT today we are all gathered together to rejoice together with you. Although life is full of hardships and surprises, this is not a reason to be upset. There are many pleasant moments in our life - the most memorable is your birth. It's so nice to remember those moments when you took your first steps, said the first word, sang the first song. How happy we were for you when you received your first award, a diploma. You are the best, we are glad that we have you. Therefore, I wish you to be ready for the vicissitudes of fate, good health, success and good luck in business, fulfillment of desires, love, joy, fun, luck, happiness and good mood.

Our beloved daughter, clever, beautiful, our sweetheart, Sunny! It is so nice to gather at the table on this joyful day for all of us and for you - your birthday. Here are those who love you, those who saw how you grow. You have become very, very adult: you have learned a lot, you know a lot. Daughter, you are the best, beautiful, kind and charming with us. We wish you on your birthday: health, love, less grief, more joy, smiles, laughter, fulfillment of desires, good luck and success, find faithful and devoted friends, meet your love, and also choose the right path in life, become the best mother , wife, stay beautiful, young, cheerful, cheerful.

I wish you, my dear daughter, that Fortune will kiss you on the forehead and give you wealth and success. I wish that tears and guilt never enter your life. I wish you a carefree and fun life that will lift you to the very heavens. I wish all your desires to come true, and dreams were prophetic and sweet. I wish that only tears of joy would roll down my cheeks. Thanks for all! ©

My magic fairy, my beloved daughter - today is your holiday, today is your birthday! I want to congratulate and wish you more colorful and joyful moments in life. I wish you to find reliable and loyal friends. Let only good and kind people surround you in life, and only bright and joyful moments remain in your memory!

Our priceless treasure! On your birthday, we want to wish you: may your life be a beautiful fairy tale, may only truly worthy people come across on the way, may everything work out and everything will work out, may dreams become reality, may decisions always be correct, actions weighed, thoughts pure , and the victories are brilliant! Our pride, our joy, our happiness, daughter, happy birthday!

Dear daughter! So you have matured one more year! We look at you and are proud of what you have become - beautiful, smart, independent. We look at you and do not believe our happiness - that we have raised such a wonderful daughter! We want to wish you that there are as many smiles in your life as there are stars in the sky, so that joy is such that it does not fit into the universe, and happiness is so immense as our planet!

To the dear, beloved, dearest daughter today, these congratulations! On your birthday, my sun, I wish you great luck, pleasant events, loyal friends, good prosperity, wisdom, beauty, warmth and kindness! May everything that you have set for yourself as a goal certainly come true, and may a generous fate be favorable to you!

How to face you with a bow, daughter! On your birthday, the sun smiles playfully. Grow and blossom day by day, our little flower. Bright life to you like balloons and amazing, like magic gifts.

My daughter, happy birthday! How proud I am of how the best feminine traits are manifested in you, such as tenderness, kindness, charm and femininity! I am sure that soon you will find your prince who will be able to appreciate your outstanding qualities!

My dear daughter! Today I hug you tightly and understand that you have not matured for me at all ... For me you will always be the baby that my father and I dreamed of so much and whose birth painted our life with new colors. I know that you are already big and you have your own family ... But I will always love you as passionately as on your birthday, when I saw you and understood - my angel was born! I love you, my angel, I hug you and I am sure: you are worthy of happiness!

Our dear little daughter, cheerful! We congratulate you on the Day of Cooking! We wish that your lips always laugh and your eyes shine with happiness, that your mood is good all year round, that your pants are full of joys, and your wishes come true - one after another! Let your outfits be the most beautiful and your braids the longest! Make your mom and dad happy, be an obedient girl and get only good grades! Your loving parents.

I wish you a wonderful sincere love, success, a sea of ​​happiness on your birthday. I wish, my wonderful daughter, that you boldly walk through life with your head held high, so that you appreciate every day that God gives you. I wish you everything in your family to be wonderful, to warm all your loved ones with her beauty and kind heart. Happy holiday kitten! ©

On your birthday, I want to wish you, my daughter, that you fly through life with a light feather, so that you succeed in everything in the world. I wish you not to be discouraged and not to stop believing in good, good and eternal. May all your friends leave you in their hearts forever and be able to help you in a difficult situation. On this day, the stars in the sky will paint a picture of a happy life for you. ©

I wish you, my dear daughter, that Fortune will kiss you on the forehead and give you wealth and success. I wish that tears and guilt never enter your life. I wish you a carefree and fun life that will lift you to the very heavens. I wish all your desires to come true, and dreams were prophetic and sweet. I wish that only tears of joy would roll down my cheeks. Thanks for all! ©

My magic fairy, my beloved daughter - today is your holiday, today is your birthday! I want to congratulate and wish you more colorful and joyful moments in life. I wish you to find reliable and loyal friends. Let only good and kind people surround you in life, and only bright and joyful moments remain in your memory!

Our priceless treasure! On your birthday, we want to wish you: may your life be a beautiful fairy tale, may only truly worthy people come across on the way, may everything work out and everything will work out, may dreams become reality, may decisions always be correct, actions weighed, thoughts pure , and the victories are brilliant! Our pride, our joy, our happiness, daughter, happy birthday!

Dear daughter! So you have matured one more year! We look at you and are proud of what you have become - beautiful, smart, independent. We look at you and do not believe our happiness - that we have raised such a wonderful daughter! We want to wish you that there are as many smiles in your life as there are stars in the sky, so that joy is such that it does not fit into the universe, and happiness is so immense as our planet!

To the dear, beloved, dearest daughter today, these congratulations! On your birthday, my sun, I wish you great luck, pleasant events, loyal friends, good prosperity, wisdom, beauty, warmth and kindness! May everything that you have set for yourself as a goal certainly come true, and may a generous fate be favorable to you!

How to face you with a bow, daughter! On your birthday, the sun smiles playfully. Grow and blossom day by day, our little flower. Bright life to you like balloons and amazing, like magic gifts.

My daughter, happy birthday! How proud I am of how the best feminine traits are manifested in you, such as tenderness, kindness, charm and femininity! I am sure that soon you will find your prince who will be able to appreciate your outstanding qualities!

My dear daughter! Today I hug you tightly and understand that you have not matured for me at all ... For me you will always be the baby that my father and I dreamed of so much and whose birth painted our life with new colors. I know that you are already big and you have your own family ... But I will always love you as passionately as on your birthday, when I saw you and understood - my angel was born! I love you, my angel, I hug you and I am sure: you are worthy of happiness!

A clear morning came, and the sunbeams danced merrily on the windows, as if they also wanted to have fun at our holiday. There is a bouquet of your favorite flowers in a crystal vase, and I will very soon serve your favorite cake. Although you have grown up completely, I still want to surround you with care and kind attention. Before the guests gather and the noisy celebration begins, I want to hug you and say “Happy birthday, daughter! Be happy every day of your life! "

A clear morning came, and the sunbeams danced merrily on the windows, as if they also wanted to have fun at our holiday. There is a bouquet of your favorite flowers in a crystal vase, and I will very soon serve your favorite cake. Although you have grown up completely, I still want to surround you with care and kind attention. Before the guests gather and the noisy celebration begins, I want to hug you and say “Happy birthday, daughter! Be happy every day of your life! "

Our dear little daughter, cheerful! We congratulate you on the Day of Cooking! We wish that your lips always laugh and your eyes shine with happiness, that your mood is good all year round, that your pants are full of joys, and your wishes come true - one after another! Let your outfits be the most beautiful and your braids the longest! Make your mom and dad happy, be an obedient girl and get only good grades! Your loving parents.

I congratulate you on the main holiday in your life, Happy Birthday! May you always be good! Today you have become one year older, one more moment closer to adulthood! Health, happiness, family well-being, great love and Longevity! Always make your parents happy and study well!

My beloved daughter, I wish you a Happy Birthday! Today is your day, your holiday! The sun today even shines in a particularly gentle and tender way, probably because you, my clever girl, bestow your close people around you with your warmth and care. On this wonderful day, I would like to wish you with all my heart the most important thing - health, happiness in your personal life, success in your work. After all, when you are in harmony with the people around you, only then can you be happy. My beloved and loving daughter, thank you for having you! Be happy, my sun!

My dear daughter! Today I hug you tightly and understand that you have not matured for me at all ... For me you will always be the baby that my father and I dreamed of so much and whose birth painted our life with new colors. I know that you are already big and you have your own family ... But I will always love you as passionately as on your birthday, when I saw you and understood - my angel was born! I love you, my angel, I hug you and I am sure: you are worthy of happiness!

For the daughter of her dear mother, she wants her to believe in love and not be discouraged, to take her time to live, to perfection, to strive to please her eyes with beauty! My princess, I wish you that life does not offend you, that, without fail, adore, so that happiness is in your house, so that there are all feelings, except offenses! Happy birthday!

Dear daughter, when you smile, my heart is filled with light, and when you laugh, a bright light fills my soul, your happiness will make my world beautiful and sparkling. Happiness to you, my dear, love and warmth in everything.

Dear daughter! So you have matured one more year! We look at you and are proud of what you have become - beautiful, smart, independent. We look at you and do not believe our happiness - that we have raised such a wonderful daughter! We want to wish you that there are as many smiles in your life as there are stars in the sky, so that joy is such that it does not fit into the universe, and happiness is so immense as our planet!

My beloved daughter, I am proud that you combine the best qualities of a woman: kindness, affection, tenderness, and all this is complemented by amazing beauty and prudence. I wish you to meet a man who will be as perfect as you are.

Our dear girl, let everything in life be given to you with incredible ease and luck, we wish to find ourselves a worthy and promising man to create a strong family, and we, your parents, will support you in everything.

Dear daughter, today is the most important day in my life - your birthday. Your birth was a real gift of fate for me. And today I want to wish you only the best. Let your eyes shine with happiness, because for me your well-being is more important than anything in the world. Happy birthday, my joy!

Beautiful birthday greetings to daughter prose

So you have grown up, my beloved daughter! Yesterday I was my father's princess, and today - a real queen! You grew up beautiful, smart, gifted in everything, and? Probably, soon I will have to give such a treasure to your chosen one. Your husband, my daughter, must be worthy of you! Love, giving stars from the sky and never offending, take care of you and your children. My dear daughter, on your birthday, I wish you always to be loved and happy

Daughter, I wish you a Happy Birthday! With all my heart I wish you to be always kind, beautiful, purposeful! Let all the good that is in you develop, and the shortcomings disappear by themselves - imperceptibly! On your birthday, I want to say that the best thing about a girl is modesty, which ennobles her. Happy birthday to you, dear!

Our charm, our charm, our beloved daughter. Today is the brightest holiday on earth - your birthday. Please accept my warmest wishes from the bottom of your heart. Be always happy, and for a long time - please us with your beauty for a long time. Grow healthy and smart. Let all the sorrows and bad weather pass you by. May the road you have chosen be clear and straight. We wish you well, warmth, all the blessings that exist on earth. You look like a princess, so let your life be a fairy tale.

To the dear, beloved, dearest daughter today, these congratulations! On your birthday, my sun, I wish you great luck, pleasant events, loyal friends, good prosperity, wisdom, beauty, warmth and kindness! May everything that you have set for yourself as a goal certainly come true, and may a generous fate be favorable to you!

It is always a little sad to let your beloved child go into adulthood, and it’s hard to believe that the time of childhood flew by so quickly, but on your birthday we will not be sad, but rather together we will rejoice at what a wonderful daughter we have! And we sincerely wish her from both mom and dad the very best in life - loyal friends and girlfriends, good luck, health and a whole sea of ​​love that a beloved man will one day bring into her life!

How to face you with a bow, daughter! On your birthday, the sun smiles playfully. Grow and blossom day by day, our little flower. Bright life to you like balloons and amazing, like magic gifts.

Daughter, happy birthday. No matter how much you perform, you still always remain small for me and the same beloved and dear. I want to wish you all the best: health, beauty, luck, wisdom, and happiness. Although the list is endless. I also really want you to achieve all your goals, and all your dreams come true. Happy Holidays!

Our dear baby, beloved daughter! Today we celebrate your birthday and congratulate you as warmly and cordially as loving parents can congratulate you! Now you are still very young, your age is characterized by dreaminess, as if the whole world is open to you! We wish you not only the realization of your cherished desires, but also the ability to always make the right decisions, discretion and rationality, together with which your adult life will be much better!

Beautiful congratulations on the daughter's birthday in prose

My beloved, beautiful, charming and attractive, obedient and generous, affectionate and gentle daughter. You can still pronounce many beautiful words, but still they will not be able to express that joy and delight that I have you. Happy birthday to you, my dear.

Daughter, the delight of our eyes, you are the most precious thing we have. You are our pride. You charm many with your beauty, you please us with your angelic character. On your wonderful holiday, please accept my most sincere wishes. Let you have a little, but everything. May everything on your path be joyful and clear, may reliable friends certainly meet, may your achievements be successful. We wish you good health and all the best. May fate generously endow you. Be beautiful and desirable, may the most beautiful and strong love await you ahead.

I wish you happy birthday and wish you to be the happiest and healthiest! May a smile not leave your face on this bright day, and there will only be tears from happiness. I love you, my dear daughter! Be really happy!

My daughter is alone in the whole world, I know, she is the most handsome, good as an angel, and in the world you cannot find a girl kinder and more sympathetic, no one has the same shining eyes and a melodic voice! My daughter is a real angel, and I wish her to always remain that way, bring light and love into the lives of people dear to her, enjoy every day and believe that there is still a lot of happiness in store for her somewhere in the world!

Daughter, your birth has become a real and long-awaited miracle for us, let many joyful events happen in your life, after which your eyes will be filled with tears of incredible happiness.

My dear, quite an adult baby! You so quickly become an independent, truly beautiful girl, an empathetic, sincere and kind person. Every day, every minute, I never get tired of thanking God for sending you to me. Happy birthday, daughter! I wish you happiness, kindness, peace, light, joy, smiles, health, inspiration, interest, warmth, energy and wishes come true!

A real gift of fate is a beloved child. You, my daughter, grew up to be a clever and beautiful woman, a gentle and kind girl, you are romantic, you believe that miracles happen in our life. But you are by no means a rose in a greenhouse! You are brave, reasonable and hardworking, you have all the qualities for everything to go well in your life! We wish you to always keep good luck with you and know that you have a family that will always support you in everything!

My dear daughter! On this day - the happiest day in the world for me - you were born! That day it was pouring rain, because Heaven was crying for such an angel, and at the same time there was a rainbow - the Earth was glad that you came down on it. And I want to wish you that in your life there would be tears only from joy and laughter, and every day let there be a bright rainbow over you. Happiness to you, my angel!

Today is the best holiday on earth - our beloved daughter celebrates her birthday. We sincerely wish you happiness and good luck. Let all your pink dreams turn into reality. May a kind angel protect you from all failures. Good health to you, prosperity in everything and all earthly blessings. Always be so beautiful and cheerful. May all bad weather pass you by, may you always have a good mood. May spring always bloom in your soul. Let your life be full of bright light.

Beloved daughter! We can't believe our eyes! Yesterday you were just a baby, and today you are already a full-fledged independent lady, walking towards her dream and knowing exactly what she wants from this life! We wish you to always remain the same sweet, and may a charming smile never leave your beautiful lips! We believe that even the highest peaks will conquer you. And you always know that we are proud of you!

Our daughter grew by leaps and bounds, became more and more beautiful, sweeter, spoke and always acted so reasonably that we, parents, could only marvel, she was diligent and diligent in any business ... Probably, from such daughters, the most real princesses bringing a little fairy tale to our world! We wish you a Happy Birthday, we wish you sunny happiness and magical, true love!

Daughter, we want you to know that regardless of the situation, we will always provide you with help and support to the best of our ability, and let your guardian angel help you and protect you from rash decisions.

Dear and dear daughter, I wish you a happy birthday. My joy, my pride, my hope and luck, I wish you with all my heart to always remain strong, never succumb to the influence of negative life factors, be confident in yourself and in your principles, give your loved ones your smile and love, enjoy the gentle breath of nature and light feelings of loved ones.

Dear and dear daughter, I wish you a happy birthday. My joy, my pride, my hope and luck, I wish you with all my heart to always remain strong, never succumb to the influence of negative life factors, be confident in yourself and in your principles, give your loved ones your smile and love, enjoy the gentle breath of nature and light feelings of loved ones.

Light of my soul, daughter! I want to wish my little princess a happy birthday! Let there never be sad and unsuccessful moments in your fate, let your angel always keep you from the bad weather of life, let happiness be for you everywhere, even in small things! And for me you are always my baby, my little angel and I love you!

A wonderful hostess, a caring mother, an intelligent wife and a self-confident woman - it's all you, my beloved daughter. I am not ashamed of you and therefore I am a very happy mother. Today, I want to wish you to preserve and increase your virtues. You become wiser, more tolerant, more judicious - I really like that. Every day you do the responsible work of raising children, maintaining order in the house, you contribute to the family budget. But, sometimes allow yourself to be reckless and impulsive, for example, on your birthday. Today you have the right to drop everything and just enjoy the holiday. Congratulations to my daughter!

Dear daughter, you are our joy, our support and our sun. It's so good that the Lord gave you to us ... years ago. In our relationship there was everything, but the main thing remained unshakable, it is love and understanding. I'm sorry if we've ever been unfair to you. Remember that we have always wanted and will wish you only the best. And today we wish you patience, faith, mutual understanding with loved ones and endless love. Let love become your guiding star, which will protect you from envy, anger, lies, resentment and lead you along the path of happiness.

Daughter, I wish you that your life becomes an ocean of love. Love is the most peaceful, but the most effective weapon against evil. May she protect you from envy, anger and lies. Smile, my girl, in spite of enemies and gossips. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to daughter in prose

Dear daughter, today your house is full of gifts and flowers, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is that they were handed to you sincerely, from a pure heart. This is because you have many faithful girlfriends and friends. You are a gentle and not envious person, which is why people are drawn to you. My gift may not be the most expensive and fashionable, but together with it I give you my love and a piece of my soul. Since your birth, I think about you every day, and even though you have been an adult for a long time and deal with your problems yourself, you will not order your mother's heart, I live your life with you. I congratulate you on your birthday and once again I want to say that for me in the whole world there is no person dearer than you!

Years fly by like birds, and you become more mature, better, smarter and, of course, more beautiful, like a flower reaching out to the sun. I wish you to flourish further, because there is no limit to perfection. Smile and rejoice every new day. Dad and I are so pleased to look at you young and happy. Happy birthday!

Birthday is a sad holiday, birthday is a holiday of childhood - this is how it is sung in an old popular song. I only agree with the second statement. Birthday is fun, it is a reason to bathe in wishes, compliments and congratulations. This is a reason to remember childhood, but not in order to be sad, but in order not to forget what sincere joy and fun are. Daughter, I wish you to keep in your soul a piece of childhood, pure, serene, not darkened by adult problems and concerns. Be happy like a girl on her birthday. Congratulations!

You have become quite an adult and you can do whatever you want. But this is the difference between an adult and a child. An adult doesn't always do what he wants to do. More often you have to do what is necessary. But today, daughter, do whatever you please. This is your holiday. Happy birthday!

Dear, beloved, gentle and smart my daughter, I congratulate you on your birthday with all my heart! I wish you white and fluffy clouds, Yellow sun, joyful warm mood. So that your friends warm you with smiles. So that you are always surrounded by care, attention and understanding

How to face you with a bow, daughter! On your birthday, the sun smiles playfully. Grow and blossom day by day, our little flower. Bright life to you like balloons and amazing, like magic gifts.

We congratulate you on the main holiday in your life, Happy Birthday! May you always be good! Today you have become one year older, one more moment closer to adulthood! Health, happiness, family well-being, great love and Longevity! Always make your parents happy and study well!

My beloved girl, my dear, princess, dear daughter! I love you very much, and today I remember with emotion how you were born, how you came to me, how you illuminated my life! Happy birthday doll! The emotions that you gave me at birth cannot be forgotten and sometimes I remember this joy with tears in my eyes! But these tears of delight and happiness, not otherwise! Just a wave of memories covers your head and it is impossible to remain indifferent at the same time! And today is your next birthday! I congratulate you and want to say that without you my life would be colorless and gloomy! Thank you for being with me, thank you for being my daughter! I wish you unlimited happiness, good health, mutual love, faithful friendship and everything that you dreamed of! May my wish in some miraculous way acquire the power of fulfillment and please your fate! I wish you only happy and contented, cheerful and cheerful, inspired and positive-minded!

My joy, my beloved daughter, my dear blood! I congratulate you on the holiday of the body soul! Be young, beautiful and confident! Let you have enough male attention, courtship and compliments, because a real woman can't do without it! May your life have an abundance of love, understanding, care and affection! We wish you to be the happiest of all daughters on Earth! May it never hurt you, may your heart not know disappointment and resentment! We wish you to come to your parental home more often without a reason, know that parental hugs are the warmest hugs in the world! We wish you to find your destiny and be faithful to your loved one! May your feelings be mutual and lasting, may your children and our grandchildren be healthy and beautiful! We wish you, daughter, the right path in life, a sweet kiss of fate and a confident tomorrow! Happy Birthday!

So many years have passed since my daughter was a baby ... The daughter has matured and blossomed, found her way in life and started her own family in which love reigns, and we, her parents, are no longer young people ... But on her birthday we are young again and seem to have returned to the past! Today we will not change traditions, and again we wish our daughter, as we have wished for all these years, happiness and love, health and good luck - and love again!

Happy birthday greetings to daughter to tears

Beloved daughter! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! There are so few words in the world, and you are so wonderful, how can we express all our parental love and tenderness for you, daughter? But you're also smart! Say congratulations in the simplest words, you will still know how dear you are to us, how much we love you so much! Happy birthday, our beauty, be happy!

My dear daughter! On this day - the happiest day in the world for me - you were born! That day it was pouring rain, because Heaven was crying for such an angel, and at the same time there was a rainbow - the Earth was glad that you came down on it. And I want to wish you that in your life there would be tears only from joy and laughter, and every day let there be a bright rainbow over you. Happiness to you, my angel!

Daughter, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. We sincerely wish you excellent health, fun and joy. May your personal holiday bring you good luck. We wish you goodness, warmth and sparkling happiness. Let your path be clear, and let no obstacles be encountered on the way. Good health to you, success in everything. Always be gentle, affectionate, may your beauty please everyone. May your cherished dream come true, may hope, faith and love accompany you through life, may fate always be favorable

Beloved daughter! We can't believe our eyes! Yesterday you were just a baby, and today you are already a full-fledged independent lady, walking towards her dream and knowing exactly what she wants from this life! We wish you to always remain the same sweet, and may a charming smile never leave your beautiful lips! We believe that even the highest peaks will conquer you. And you always know that we are proud of you!

Dear daughter! So you have matured one more year! We look at you and are proud of what you have become - beautiful, smart, independent. We look at you and do not believe our happiness - that we have raised such a wonderful daughter! We want to wish you that there are as many smiles in your life as there are stars in the sky, so that joy is such that it does not fit into the universe, and happiness is so immense as our planet!

The birth of children is the most important stage in the life of every person. But birth is only the beginning of a long journey. After all, you still need to educate a worthy member of society, which is an extremely difficult task, which not everyone is destined to cope with properly. But let's not talk about the sad, today is your daughter's birthday and we have prepared original congratulations in prose that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Short but beautiful congratulations to the daughter in prose

Today is more important than my birth. Today, exactly (indicate the number) years ago, my life has acquired real meaning, because fate gave me you! Congratulations, daughter!

Beloved daughter, you are my joy! Happy Birthday to You! I wish that fate favored you, brought success and the opportunity to realize yourself the way you want!

We sincerely congratulate you, my daughter, on your birthday! Let everything in your life work out, and according to your plan, and not due to circumstances! May your capabilities exceed your desires many times over!

Your well-being is above all for me, therefore I wish you true love, endless strength, irrepressible inspiration, good health and female happiness. Happy birthday daughter, I love you with all my heart!

Daughter, you are so smart, responsive, beautiful and caring! I'm proud of you! You, like no one else, deserve real human happiness, financial well-being and peace of mind. Congratulations!

Happy Birthday! I wish that any of your ideas will definitely come true, and the vicissitudes and surprises of your life's path do not frighten and do not knock you off your rhythm! Remember, you can handle everything!

Congratulations to your daughter in prose in your own words

Daughter, never worry, and even less get upset over trifles! And then you will be able to maintain excellent health and good spirits always. Remember, we make our own happiness. And adversity and problems bypass optimistic people. Live life for your pleasure and enjoy every moment!

Happy birthday, my dear! I wish you Heavenly happiness and prosperity. Let all worries and worries be left behind, and the beautiful and desirable will await you in the future. Remain the same wise, sympathetic, charming, merciful, cheerful, faithful, loving and friendly!

My daughter, happy birthday! I am very proud of the way the best female virtues can be traced in you, such as femininity, devotion, tenderness, perseverance, charm and charm! I wish my princess to find a prince who will fully match you!

You have delighted me since you were born. I was delighted and inspired by your first timid steps, your first obscure words and even your first independent trip to the potty! Your prosperity, happiness and joy to this day excite me more than anything else! I congratulate you, a piece of my soul!

Happy birthday, dear, dear, my priceless daughter. You are always beautiful and modest, shine and shine, flawless in business and unshakable in decisions. I wish you strong health in winter, perseverance in summer, do not lose heart in autumn and do not dream in spring! Always reach for what you want, not for what is closer!

Beautiful congratulations to the daughter in prose

Sunny, when a smile illuminates your face, my heart is filled with joy, and when you laugh, my soul is filled with warmth, because your well-being and happiness is the most important thing for me. If everything goes well with you, then I can sleep well! Happiness, kindness, health to you, my dear, love and tenderness!

Happy birthday and wish you, my daughter, always surrounded by an atmosphere of happiness, joy and prosperity! Love you, confidently step into the future and conquer new heights!

Daughter, we wish you to always remain the same beautiful, stubborn, charming and purposeful. So that no one and nothing can lead you off the intended path, so that original solutions are always found even in the most extraordinary situations, and that fate favors you.

Our beloved daughter, we wish you a happy birthday. We wish you, our radiant sun, to live and not deny yourself anything, believe in the fulfillment of cherished desires and always strive for success!

Daughter, Happy Birthday to you, we congratulate you and together with the whole family we wish you that happiness does not leave your heart, joy is your soul, and fun is your eyes. May success become a faithful friend, and love will be mutual, faithful and sweet as honey!