Removal of age spots with folk remedies. Are homemade scrubs effective? Creams and ointments

The color of our skin directly depends on the amount of melanin contained in its cells. It is a dark pigment that is produced by exposure to ultraviolet rays. Melanin protects against the harmful effects of the sun.

Thanks to the coloring pigment, our body tanns in the summer. Sometimes unaesthetic darkening appears on some areas of the skin. They are called pigmented. This phenomenon is due to increased synthesis of melanin and its deposition in the epidermal cover.

Pigmented spots on the skin are a collection of certain cells that contain pigment. During the period of increasing solar activity, the production of pigment increases. Small clusters merge and form large ones. In addition, the appearance of pigmentation can be due to a number of reasons.

Reasons for the appearance of pigmentation:

  • heredity;
  • low immunity;
  • pregnancy;
  • worms;
  • taking antibiotics and tetracycline drugs;
  • improper functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • some female diseases.

Considering the above, we can safely say that the appearance of age spots on the skin, as a rule, indicates some malfunctioning of the body. Before proceeding with the treatment and elimination of this cosmetic defect, the cause of its appearance should be eliminated.

There are many modern methods of cosmetology, medicines that will help to cope with pigmentation. There are also a lot of folk remedies for age spots. They help to lighten them and make them invisible. However, remember that homemade recipes can only be used for freckles and flat spots (chloasma).

Plant sap

The simplest but most effective way to remove pigmentation, especially freckles, is to rub the skin with lemon juice. It is also used as an additional ingredient in whitening masks.

To whiten age spots, wipe them with birch sap several times a day. The brown areas gradually discolor and then disappear.

Japanese geisha recipe will help get rid of dark areas on the face and body. The peel of one or two lemons was poured with water and cooked over low heat for about 20-30 minutes. Then it was rubbed to a mushy look and this mixture was used to wipe problem areas on the face.

Fresh cucumber juice will help to discolor age spots. It is necessary to wipe your face with slices of this vegetable more often during the day. Whitens parsley juice just as effectively.

Parsley infusion is also an excellent natural bleach. To do this, it is crushed and poured with boiling water. Let it brew and wipe the age spots on the face and body.

You can also grind the roots and leaves of parsley in a blender, add a little honey to the mass and make 10-15 minute masks.

To remove pigmentation on the face and body, use such a mask. Squeeze one tablespoon of grapefruit juice, add cottage cheese, a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide 3% and the same amount of ammonia. The resulting mass (it should be the thickness of sour cream) is applied to the face or age spots on the body. Exactly after 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.

Since ancient times, sour homemade milk or sour cream has been used to whiten dry dermis and age spots.

Recipe: A teaspoon of yogurt is mixed with an identical amount of lemon juice to rid the skin of ugly stains. Add a spoonful (full) of oatmeal. Mix and apply to problem areas. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

At home, get rid of dark spots on the skin with sauerkraut brine. With this product, problem areas are simply wiped several times a day.

Mustard mask effectively whitens. To prepare it, take a little mustard powder and pour in water to make a mixture that is not thicker than sour cream. Apply the mask to the face. Wash off as soon as an unpleasant burning sensation appears. Lubricate the face for 20 minutes with a fat cream, after which the excess is soaked.

Excellent discoloration of age spots and such a folk remedy. Take (best of all blue), add soda to it, a little talc and hydrogen peroxide (3%). Prepare a creamy mass. Apply the mixture to the face and décolleté and let stand for about 20 minutes. After the procedure, the mask is washed off with warm water. Repeat the treatment daily until the desired result is achieved.

You can get rid of pigmentation with this recipe. You need to mix: one tablespoon of boric alcohol with 15 drops of ammonia and 30 drops of a 3% solution. Wipe problem areas with a moistened swab in the prepared composition. After 20-30 minutes, the product is washed off with warm water.

An effective whitening mask can be made with bell pepper. To do this, take a yellow variety of pepper (indalo), grind and apply the mass on the skin for half an hour. Wash off. Lubricate the face with a fat cream, which is soaked after 20 minutes.

Take one full tablespoon of almond seeds and soak them in warm water. Then remove the skin and grind it into a mushy mass. Add honey (1 spoon) and the same amount of lemon juice. Apply the mixture in the form of a mask to the problematic pigmented dermis.

Fresh tomatoes or juice from them have a good therapeutic and cosmetic effect on age spots on the skin. Slices of this vegetable are placed for 30 minutes on dark areas or moistened with cheesecloth in tomato juice (diluted 1: 1 with milk) and applied to the face.

Masks made from berries have a whitening effect. For this, strawberries, wild strawberries, red currants are chopped in a blender. Add some honey and mix. Apply the mixture to the pigmented face and leave it as a mask for 30-45 minutes.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of unaesthetic age spots, you should regularly take care of your skin, consume more vitamin C, include in your diet: citrus fruits, kiwi, apples, currants, green onions, parsley, Brussels sprouts, wild garlic.

Rosehips, cranberries, sea buckthorn, strawberries and papaya are also considered to be a rich source of this vitamin. Enough Vitamin C: Tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, turnips, carrots and beets contain enough vitamin C.

Do not forget to apply a cream with high protective properties from UV rays to your face and exposed areas of the body before leaving the house.

Freckles, chloasma, age spots are types of hyperpigmentation caused by different reasons, but having the same treatment principle. How to get rid of age spots on the face? There are many methods for getting rid of age spots: from folk recipes to modern aesthetic technologies. Whitening, exfoliating, reducing melanin production are properties that an effective remedy for uneven skin coloration should have.

The tone of the epidermis is given by melanocyte cells. It is they who produce the pigment, the color of which is determined by heredity and depends on the intensity of ultraviolet radiation. If, for some reason, more melanocytes are concentrated in one area, in the presence of provocative factors, they can form a skin defect - a spot that differs in color from the surrounding surface. Most often, melasma appears on the face and areas of the body exposed to sunlight. Promote increased pigmentation:

If hyperpigmentation occurs during pregnancy, this should not be a cause for concern. It is pointless to fight chloasma at the moment of its occurrence. It is a reversible phenomenon and goes away by itself after childbirth. In addition, aggressive agents that help against age spots are not recommended for expectant mothers.

The ability to eliminate hyperpigmentation depends on the nature of the spots. Naturally freckled skin is almost impossible to turn into uniformly white, without resorting to radical methods. Even in this case, a satisfactory result is not guaranteed.

If the spots are triggered by hormonal imbalances, they must be corrected. It will be difficult to get rid of dark areas without eliminating the cause, you can only achieve temporary skin lightening.

It is difficult to treat and senile pigmentation. Age-related changes in the skin cannot be reversed, however, visually making the spots less noticeable is quite within the power of both cosmetic and folk methods.

It is important to pay special attention to the prevention of new elements and re-darkening of the already treated epidermis:

  • protect yourself from direct sunlight (closed clothing, hats, visors);
  • saturate the skin with ultraviolet filters (cosmetics with UVA and UVB factors);
  • include in the diet foods rich in vitamins A, C and B-groups;
  • stop using creams with ANA acids and salon peels from spring to autumn.

“Grandma's” recipes are the most popular remedies for getting rid of age spots on the face. When used systematically, they show a good effect, and most importantly, they are available and found in every home:

  • citric acid or fresh lemon juice;
  • parsley juice;
  • dairy products;
  • cucumber juice;
  • onion juice;
  • tomato gruel;
  • grated potatoes, etc.

A few simple homemade whitening recipes:

With the task of getting rid of age spots on the hands, it is not masks and creams that do better, but lightening compresses. Unlike the face, the skin of the hands is not as sensitive, and more aggressive products can be used on it:

Reviews of the results of treatment with home methods are controversial, but despite this, folk recipes are still the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of age spots.

It is not always convenient to use home recipes for everyone, especially since they do not take into account modern scientific achievements. Industrial products include ingredients not only with whitening and peeling properties, but also blocking the synthesis of melanin in the skin:

  • hydroquinone - causes the death of melanocytes;
  • arbutin - prevents the maturation of melanosomes;
  • Kojic acid - damages pigment cells;
  • azelaic acid - stops the production of pigment;
  • ascorbic acid - destroys melanin molecules.

Whitening creams for age spots are convenient to use, but you need to use them regularly, otherwise you may not expect good results. Before applying the cream to dark areas, you need to conduct a sensitivity test and read the instructions. Each remedy has its own dosage, regimen and contraindications.

Among the popular cosmetics for hyperpigmentation are:

The first effect is noticeable after 2 weeks. When the spots lighten, treatment should be continued to avoid relapse. Creams give a good result, but it depends on the nature of the pigmentation and the characteristics of the skin: the same remedy acts differently on different people.

Salon treatments for age spots

In the problem of how to quickly get rid of age spots, one cannot do without the methods of modern cosmetology. Beauty salons and aesthetic medicine centers offer a whole arsenal of treatments that can cope with the "leopard" color of the skin in a few sessions and prevent its recovery in the future.

Almost all skin defects are subject to laser technology. The method of laser therapy itself is based on the absorption of light beams of different lengths by pigment cells. If an impulse of the desired spectrum is sent to the problem area, the melanin cells are instantly destroyed, while without heating the surrounding tissues.

Small "fresh" spots can be removed in 1 session; to remove large formations, a course of several procedures is required at intervals of 15 - 20 days. In addition, with short-term laser heating, self-rejuvenation mechanisms are triggered, collagen is actively synthesized. In addition to whitening, the patient receives an additional "bonus" - a denser, smoother skin structure.

Laser cosmetology has a number of contraindications:

  • age under 18;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • serious systemic diseases in decompensated forms.

In addition, the course time is limited by the cold season. If done on sunny days, melasma may reappear. If the procedure is carried out correctly and the patient adheres to all recommendations, the reduced age spots disappear forever without the risk of recurrence, since at this place the melanocyte cells die completely.

The effectiveness of the laser method has been proven, but among its disadvantages is a rather high cost. On average, removing one surface element costs from 500 rubles. If there are a lot of age spots, and they occupy a significant area, treatment is paid separately for each area on the face and body.

Today, laser therapy is considered the best method for getting rid of melasma, as evidenced by the positive reviews of dermatocosmetologists and their clients.


, like a laser, has a selective effect on pigment cells. Light pulses with a length of 550-1200 mn penetrate directly to the areas of hyperpigmentation and destroy melanin molecules. The skin at the site of a local burn darkens, then sloughs off.

On average, the course of treatment includes 8 sessions with a rest of 7-14 days between them. The limitations on the use of phototherapy are the same as for a laser, the effectiveness as well as the cost are much lower.


Is another procedure offered by cosmetologists to combat excessive pigmentation. The impact on melanocytes occurs in two phases: heat and radio wave. Bipolar wave current and infrared rays penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, where they destroy pigment cells. This allows you to successfully remove old stains in 2 - 3 approaches once a month.

Elos, laser therapy and photorejuvenation are similar in their mechanism, have the same contraindications, are painless and safe.

Salon peels have been used to treat age spots and sun spots for many years. However, it makes sense to do it for the purpose of general rejuvenation and elimination of extensive areas of pigmentation. Medicinal preparations are applied to the entire face, and not to individual elements, causing a burn of the epidermis, followed by exfoliation.

The trauma of the procedure depends on the depth of the pigment:

  1. Superficial peeling (glycolic, almond) is performed with low pigmentation. The concentration of acids is 50 - 70%, the course is every 7 - 10 days for 1 procedure, in total 3 - 6 times.
  2. Medium peeling with salicylic acid or retinoids removes old stains in 3 to 4 sessions, one every 2 weeks.

After the procedure, redness and swelling may persist; after a few days, intense peeling begins. Excessive pigmentation disappears along with the upper layer of the epidermis, at the same time the skin tone evens out, wrinkles, scars, and acne disappear.

None of the methods of dealing with pigmented defects gives a 100% guarantee that they will disappear once and for all. The result of treatment can vary from a slight lightening and reduction of the area of ​​the spot to maximum fusion with the basic skin tone. However, relapse is possible at any time, since melanin synthesis cannot be completely stopped.

Any procedures to remove pigmentation should be carried out during periods of low sun activity - in late autumn and winter, without ceasing to use creams with UV protection every time you go outside. If, despite prevention, the spots appear again with the onset of spring, cosmetologists advise against lightening them - all bleaching agents are quite aggressive and are not designed for long-term use.

Age-related changes in some areas of the face, freckles, moles are called age spots. This process is caused by an excess or lack of melanin in the body. Age spots on the face are common in the summer after sunburn. There are many branded and folk remedies to help combat this phenomenon. Consider this in the article below.

Video: Useful recipes to help remove age spots

Reasons for the appearance

Depending on your skin type, allergic reactions and health conditions, you need to analyze your body before choosing the appropriate method. Skin color is dependent on three coloring substances: melanin, carotene and hemoglobin. Depending on which pigment is the main one, the method of getting rid of age spots is determined. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to consult with specialists and find out the cause and type of color changes.

The reasons for the appearance of age spots:

  • Hormonal Disorders.
  • Age-related skin changes.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Mechanical damage (after depilation).

Folk remedies against pigmentation: masks, lotions, decoctions, peels

Since ancient times, parsley has been known for its beneficial properties, for example, improving potency, eliminating bad breath. With this plant, you can quickly and easily eliminate pigmentation on the face: around the eyes, on the forehead, on the nose and above the lip.

  1. Help quickly parsley mask... Made with a choice of parsley stems, leaves or roots. The selected element is thoroughly ground in a wooden container to the consistency of a homogeneous porridge. Apply to face for half an hour. After washing off with some water, we nourish the skin with cream.
  2. Whitening product with honey and parsley... The base is the same as in the above option, but a teaspoon of honey is added to the mixture. Gently mix the ingredients and apply on face, hands or back. The same remedy can also quickly and easily get rid of blackheads on the face.
  3. Whitening dry skin... A very meticulous process. Thin, sensitive dry skin of the face will not tolerate chemical attack, therefore, it is necessary to treat with home remedies. Mix the chopped parsley with the dining room a spoonful of sour cream or heavy cream. We keep the mixture on the face for no more than 30 minutes. We wash it off. In the same way, owners of delicate skin can remove wrinkles on the forehead.
  4. Secret of the East... Japanese geisha have always been famous for their exquisite pallor. In this they were helped by a very widespread fruit - lemon. A decoction of the peel whitens even the darkest spots on the back, stretch marks during pregnancy and especially unaesthetic nevi. Boil the peel of one lemon over moderate heat for half an hour, let it boil, stand in a cool room. Three times a day, wipe the problem area with a sponge in lemon water.
  5. Parsley and lemon... Boil dry parsley root, insist in a dark place for one day. With this infusion, you can wipe your face immediately, or mix it with the juice of one lemon. The method of application is the same as for lemon broth.
  6. Starch variant... Depending on the concentration and amount of age spots, we take half a tablespoon of potato starch, dilute it with lemon juice to a thick consistency. Apply on face for 30 minutes.
  7. Effectively lighten the kisses of the sun will also help grapefruit, kiwi, orange, strawberry juice.
  8. Pharmacy. Hydrogen peroxide lightens not only hair. For a cosmetic product, we need a teaspoon of 30% hydrogen peroxide, 2 tablespoons of boric alcohol, 1 spoon of ammonia. The mixture can be applied to the face three to four times daily. The effect will not be long in coming. But be extremely careful when applying.
  9. Glycerol... We mix a portion of glycerin with hydrogen peroxide, following the example above, add boric alcohol, and wipe the skin several times a day. This solution also easily removes stains in the bikini area.
  10. Another similar recipe. Canteen a spoonful of vinegar, two teaspoons of peroxide, a spoonful of vodka... Stir and stretch the face. We will get rid of not only pigmentation, but also oily sheen.
  11. Water- assistant in everything. In a glass of water (50 grams), you need to dilute three tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply to clean face, do not rinse. Such a tincture must be used every day three times during the week, at the end of this time the face will noticeably brighten.
  12. Lazy mask... There is a quick and effective recipe for girls who save their time. One cucumber is crushed (rubbed on a grater, crushed in a blender), and mixed until a homogeneous porridge with a nutritious cream. Apply the mask to the faces, hold for 30 minutes, wash with warm water. The gentle exfoliation and whitening effect will also help get rid of back acne, a very unpleasant and common occurrence.
  13. Yeast on the body... Great homemade recipe: Fresh yeast (a quarter of the package), a spoonful of lemon and a spoonful of milk are mixed until smooth. We put in a warm place for 10 minutes so that the composition begins to ferment. We process the face, leave the mask for twenty minutes, then wash off with warm water. Such procedures can be carried out two to three times a week.
  14. Eggs and Lemon... Whitening can be made with a nourishing egg face pack. Add a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of lemon juice and half a glass of water to it. Stir until smooth, apply on face for 30 minutes. The same method helps to open and unclog pores.
  15. We use blue clay- an assistant in everything. Mix the dry mass with water in a ratio of 1: 2, before applying, do not forget to apply a nourishing cream on sensitive skin. We smear the face with clay porridge and leave for 40 minutes. Wash off with warm water without soap. Regular use of this method will help to noticeably whiten not only freckles, moles and other problems on the face, but also eliminate stretch marks, visible signs of pregnancy, and tighten sagging skin.
  16. Egg and blue clay for the face. We prepare this mask right before use, it must not be insisted. We alter one protein to the state of heavy cream, with sugar. Add 10-15 grams of Cambrian clay, bring to homogeneity. Apply the resulting mixture in a dense layer on the face for 30-40 minutes. Suitable for daily use.
  17. Kaolin Blend... White clay is no less useful than blue. Paste recipe: half a spoonful of kaolin and a tablespoon of lemon juice, bring to homogeneity and apply to the skin. Wash off after 25-30 minutes. Kaolin can also be diluted in other bleaching liquids: yogurt, cabbage juice, hydrogen peroxide, currant juice, etc. - these are ways to effectively get rid of age spots on the body: on the skin, face, back, hands.
  18. Salon almond peeling... A wonderful invention of the cosmetic industry, it helps to fight not only deep wrinkles, but also removes bags under the eyes and whitens the skin in the most problematic areas, gets rid of age spots quickly. A very affordable and effective remedy.
  19. Peeling with almonds at home... Mix chopped nuts with oat flour (1: 1) and half a spoonful of milk powder. Add a little water until you get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to the face with gentle massage movements using a sponge, massage the skin for five minutes, rinse thoroughly. Apply no more than twice in 7 days.
  20. Almonds and apples... The recipe indicated above can be slightly modernized by yourself, and then the almond peeling at home will not only successfully whiten the skin, but also saturate it with useful substances. We leave the base, add one fresh grated apple. Application and recommendations are the same.
    Contraindications for almond peeling:
    Mechanical damage to the skin.
    Allergy to nuts.
    Individual intolerance to almond oil.
  21. Viburnum berry beckoned to us. Very useful berries not only cope with heart ailments and acute respiratory infections. Frozen juice whitens the skin very well. Wipe your face with ice crusts several times a day, at least a week.
  22. Calendula... We grind the leaves and flowers of the plant in a wooden container to a state of porridge. We apply the mixture to the face in its pure form, the same method will help to quickly heal wounds or disinfect them in extreme conditions.
  23. Cucumber skin tincture... Three vegetable skins on a grater, add a glass of vodka, mix well, close and put in a cool dark place. We stand for a week, and we get homemade cucumber whitening lotion for the face.


  1. Using tanning products.
  2. Nourishing masks.
  3. Control of hormonal levels.
  4. Regular consultations with specialists.

The reasons for the constant interest in home cosmetic methods are clear: folk remedies for age spots on the face are effective, budgetary and affordable. Most of the ingredients for potions are always at hand - in the kitchen, in the medicine cabinet or at their summer cottage.

The predominance of natural ingredients and the transparency of the composition are the advantages of the mixture prepared according to the recipes of grandmothers. Home remedies can not only lighten the pigmented areas, but even out the tone and relief of the face, and improve the tone.

Before using this or that option, it is necessary to agree: we remove age spots carefully, being careful. To minimize the risk of allergic reactions, a small amount of a homemade cream or lotion is first applied to the wrist area. The action of some components, for example boric acid or hydrogen peroxide, is aggressive; they are used only as part of a mask or compress. In turn, ordinary saline for the face is a mild remedy, wiping and lotions from which are indicated for pregnancy or sensitive skin type.

The treated epidermis is very vulnerable, so the best time for lightening treatments is late autumn and winter. In clear weather, sun protection cosmetics with a high factor are required.

Removing age spots on the face with folk remedies is a process that requires patience and time. Those who agree to try are offered recipes for popular drugs.

From the garden, tree and meadow


The delicate action of the spice plant relieves skin problems. Parsley heals and rejuvenates, stimulates blood circulation in tissues and cellular nutrition. For bleaching, fresh leaves, roots and dry mass obtained from delicate greens are used.

Natural tonic

A bunch of parsley

1 liter of boiling water.

The washed leaves are cut off, crushed, filled with water. Insist under the lid until the container cools completely.

Rub the face with tonic in the mornings and evenings. With the help of infusion, compresses are made: a napkin soaked in tonic is placed on problem areas and kept for 20 minutes. The product does not need to be washed off.

Root decoction

1 tbsp. l. chopped root

200 ml of boiling water.

The powder, steamed with hot water, is brought to a boil. Wrap the pot with a thick towel and allow to cool. The product is used as a base for masks or as a lotion that is applied twice a day.

Mask with honey


lemon juice,

chopped parsley leaves - in equal shares.

The ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.


Home remedies for age spots on the face can be irritating, and lemon is an example. Yellow citrus juice, the whitening qualities of which are due to the abundance of vitamin C, must be diluted with water in proportions of 1:10. After the procedure, use a nourishing cream.

Homemade recipes also include citric acid in powder form, but this ingredient is more aggressive than freshly squeezed juice from a fruit.

With egg and honey

A raw egg,

100 ml of water

lemon juice - 1 tsp each.

The drug is applied to age spots. Do not wash off for half an hour.

With apple cider vinegar

Freshly squeezed lemon juice,

filtered water,

natural apple cider vinegar - in equal proportions.

The components are mixed. The agent is applied pointwise no more than twice a day. Homemade chatterbox can dry out or inflame the skin, so preliminary portability texts are needed.

For oily skin

Fresh egg,

a quarter teaspoon of citric acid,

10 drops of hydrogen peroxide 3%.

Keep strictly on areas with pigmentation for no more than 10 minutes, then wash off, lubricate with a moisturizer.

Natural juices

Grapefruit and pomegranate, cucumber and strawberries, rowan berries and birch leaves, calendula flowers and dandelion juice - the list of plants whose juice has a brightening effect is extensive. To get rid of hyperpigmentation, rubbing or masks made from fruit and berry or vegetable gruel are recommended.

Currant mix

Berries of black and red currants - 1 tbsp. l.,

50 ml hot water.

Grind the berries, pour boiling water over and leave for 1 hour. The filtered liquid is used to wipe the face.

Lotions with aloe juice

Freshly squeezed aloe juice.

The squeezed liquid is rubbed into problem areas, left until absorbed, then the skin is wiped with a swab dipped in water.


Whitening lotion

1 tbsp. l. fresh leaves of celandine,

200 gr of hot water.

The herb is brewed, the container is covered with a warm towel and left to cool naturally. Rubbing and lotions are the main ways of using celandine solution.

Liquorice root

The plant, which has anti-inflammatory and immunoactive properties, is not indicated for pregnant women, patients with cardiovascular disorders.

Licorice root whitens dark spots, reduces puffiness, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.


1 tsp chopped licorice root

50 ml of vodka.

The tightly closed tincture is left for 2 weeks. Strain it, bring with water to a volume of 250 ml. Lotion is used to wipe the darkened areas of the face.


1 part licorice extract

7 parts water.

A gauze napkin, moistened with a solution, is applied to the pigmented areas, held for up to 10 minutes.

Volatile and conventional oils

Castor oil

The well-known cosmetic product does not bring immediate results, but it has a lasting effect without side effects. Castor oil fights inflammation and microcracks, fights flaking, flabbiness, fine wrinkles. Among the positive changes that occur with the regular use of a natural remedy is the alignment of the relief and complexion.

How to use castor oil for age spots? The simplest thing is to rub into the skin twice a day. To enhance the effect, after the massage, you can cover your face with a warm dry napkin for 30-40 minutes.

Castor oil is also good as a useful supplement that enriches regular cream or milk. 2-3 drops of oil are enough.

With fresh juice

1 tsp castor oil,

1 tbsp. l. fresh parsley, cucumber, lemon or cranberry juice.

The product is applied pointwise. If the treatment area is large, add 1 tsp. honey and use the mixture as a mask, which is washed off after 15 minutes.

Essential oils

Varieties with anti-pigment action - lemon and lavender, tea tree and carrot, vanilla and celery - are combined with a base substance in the form of a cream or vegetable oil. Essential oils and cosmetics based on them are used during periods of low solar activity. The maximum duration of the course is 21 days with a mandatory break of 1-2 months.

Homemade drugs with antipigment oils are required to be tested. If a strong burning sensation is felt during the procedure, the agent is removed with a napkin.


10 ml apricot oil

essential oils of grapefruit, lemon and mint - 5 drops each.

A gauze napkin is soaked in liquid, which is left overnight on the problem area.


2 drops of rosemary essential oil,

1 tsp rosehip or sea buckthorn oil.

The mixture is pointwise treated with age spots 2 times a day.

Revision of medicines from the first aid kit

Hydrogen peroxide

A popular antiseptic in 3% concentration is available in every home medicine cabinet. Hydrogen peroxide from age spots is not used as a monocomponent, but only as a component of the recipe.

Masks with hydrogen peroxide hold no more than 15 minutes, they are used no more than once every 1-2 weeks. Only areas with pigmentation are treated, which after the procedure is nourished.

With soap

1 tsp baby soap shavings,

1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide solution 3%,

2-3 drops of ammonia.

The soap shavings are combined with peroxide, stirred until smooth, then alcohol is added. Hold for up to 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

With cottage cheese

1 egg yolk,

1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese,

5 drops of hydrogen peroxide 3%.

The mass is spread in a thin layer. To enhance the leaving properties, add 1 tsp to the product. liquid honey.

Salicylic and boric alcohols

The use of these antiseptics is indicated for the oily and combined type under the conditions that the procedures last no more than 15 days with a mandatory subsequent break, and the face is additionally protected with a cream with UV filters.

2% salicylic acid is used for spot wipes in the morning and evening. Boric acid in a similar concentration is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 tsp. per 100 ml. The solution is also used for wiping.

The therapeutic effect may be accompanied by itching, burning sensation, excessive dryness, and skin allergies.

With cucumber

Grated cucumber,

0.5 tsp boric acid 2%.

The mask is applied for 15 minutes and applied no more than once a week.


A cheap drug, which is prescribed when there is a lack of vitamins C and P, also copes with cosmetic deficiencies. The medicine will improve the complexion if taken orally, 1 tablet 2-3 per day. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, persons with blood vessel pathologies.

Ascorutin is used as a component of masks and cleansers. To do this, the tablets are ground into powder, adding green tea, dairy products, vegetable oil to it.

Dry mix for cleansing

Powder of 15 Ascorutin tablets,

3 tbsp. l. chopped oatmeal,

5 drops of tea tree oil.

The mixture is applied to a wet face for 5 minutes, then washed off. To lighten the tone and remove irritation, it is enough to wash your face once a day for 2-3 weeks.

Lingonberry mask

Powder of 2 tablets ascorutin,

starch and clay - 1 tbsp. l.,

yolk of 1 egg.

Apply for 15-20 minutes. The recipe is suitable for dry skin.


The well-known antipyretic refreshes aging skin, dries up inflammations, to which oily and combined types are prone, brightens the tone. Aspirin for the face is prohibited for pregnant and lactating mothers, it is undesirable in case of hypersensitivity and a tendency to rosacea.

Burning and tingling sensations must be tolerated, otherwise the procedure is stopped.


10 crushed aspirin tablets

100 grams of water.

The solution is used to wipe the pigment spots 2 times a day. After three days of use, take a break for the same period.

Zinc ointment

Cheapness and a minimum of contraindications are the obvious advantages of a thick suspension, a sure remedy for prickly heat, with bleaching properties. Zinc ointment is applied 4-6 times a day to cleansed skin until a satisfactory effect is achieved. The drug is able to simultaneously correct post-acne.

If the drying effect of the ointment is unpleasant, you can add baby cream or vegetable oil to it.

Other useful finds


Cooking powder is used only as a solution. Baking soda for age spots appears in a simple recipe that eliminates a cosmetic flaw: lotion liquid is prepared from 6-7 teaspoons of the product and a glass of water.

Oatmeal mask

20 grams of chopped oatmeal,

1 tsp soda,

50 grams of hot water.

The components are mixed, left to swell and cool. Apply on the face, keeping for 10-15 minutes.

Clay white and blue

Cosmetic clay not only brightens the tone, but is used to heal and heal the epidermis. This natural remedy tightens the oval, eliminates unwanted shine, irritation, scars and rash marks, improves barrier properties, and stimulates regeneration.

Clay for age spots on the face goes well with the juice of cucumber, parsley, mountain ash. Honey is added to masks for oily skin, sour milk and yogurt for dry skin.

Base mask

Blue clay,

water in proportions 1: 2.

Sensitive skin is nourished with a cream, then a ready-made gruel is applied. Leave for 40 minutes, wash off with warm water without soap.

With lemon juice

0.5 tbsp. l. white cosmetic clay,

1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Diluted to a thick paste. Wash off after 20 minutes.

The color of human skin depends on the pigments it contains: carotene (yellow), oxyhemoglobin (red), deoxyhemoglobin (blue) and melanin (brown). The latter protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and determines its shade. A violation of the concentration of this substance leads to the formation of darkening, which are called age spots. These include moles, senile and birthmarks, freckles and some other neoplasms. Cosmetologists offer many effective face whitening products, including homemade ones. However, before proceeding with lightening procedures, you should find out the reason for the appearance of pigmentation. It can be caused by internal problems in the body that require deeper treatment.

The main reasons for the appearance of pigmentation

Before proceeding with the "removal" of age spots, it is advisable to consult with an experienced dermatologist and find out the cause of the color changes. Dark spots on the skin can be caused by internal disorders in the body, such as:

  1. Disruption of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract.
  2. Diseases of the genitourinary organs.
  3. Hormonal imbalances caused by certain contraceptives, pregnancy or menopause, thyroid problems.
  4. Deficiency of substances necessary for the body: vitamin C, folic acid.

External causes of the formation of age spots include:

  1. Long-term exposure to the sun, sunburn.
  2. Using face creams that contain ingredients that are irritating to the skin.
  3. Incorrect cosmetic procedures: the use of potent agents, aggressive scrubs and peels, squeezing out acne.
  4. Applying essential oils, perfume or cologne to exposed areas of the body in hot or sunny weather.

What are age spots and how to get rid of them in the "Housekeeping" program

Getting rid of pigmentation - where to start?

The problem of age spots is solved in several stages:

  1. Visit a doctor and find out the reason for the appearance of pigmentation on the face.
  2. Start treating internal disorders, normalize hormonal balance, eliminate vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
  3. Refuse sun exposure and use strong protective creams (SPF at least 40).
  4. If unwanted pigmentation is caused only by external factors, then proceed with the use of bleaching agents.

You can get rid of pigmentation on the face at home. However, the effectiveness of cosmetic treatment depends on the characteristics of your body and the reasons for the formation of age spots. It is worth remembering that natural masks and creams are not always able to completely "erase" the darkening on the face. But they perfectly brighten the skin, improve its natural shade and make age spots almost invisible.

Home remedies for age spots

Traditional medicine knows many means for "whitening" age spots. Natural ingredients of natural cosmetics are available and are much milder than store products. Products such as kefir, sour cream, cucumber, lemon, parsley, banana, potatoes, currants have a lightening effect. On their basis, you can easily prepare remedies for the face: ice, lotions or masks that will help remove age spots quickly and effectively.

Lotions are hygiene products that are a mixture of active ingredients. The following recipes will help to cope with age spots on the face:

  1. Parsley lotion perfectly whitens and cleanses the skin. To prepare it, you will need 50 g of crushed plant roots. They should be poured with 1 liter of alcohol and insisted in a dark place for about 2 weeks. Use a facial cleaner in the morning and evening and store in the refrigerator.
  2. Cucumber lotion is prepared in a similar way. Fresh vegetable juice should be mixed with vodka in equal proportions and infused for 24 hours in a dry and dark place. The finished product should be used to wipe the face for 10-12 minutes. The procedure can be performed every morning for 30 days.
  3. A water infusion of viburnum or currant is also used as a lotion. Pour boiling water over a large spoonful of berries and leave for about an hour. A piece of gauze is dipped into the resulting product, then the application is transferred to the face. After 8-12 minutes, the napkin can be moistened again in the infusion. Continue the whitening session for up to 30 minutes. The procedure can be repeated daily until the age spots are less visible.

The recipe for the preparation of cucumber face lotion from Ekaterina Plescheva.

Ice is actively used for toning and rejuvenating the face. If you use "whitening" products for its preparation, it will be no less effective against age spots:

  1. Ice with parsley. First you need to prepare a herbal decoction. To do this, take a small bunch of parsley and pour half a liter of boiling water over it. When the mixture has cooled, it must be poured into molds and frozen. Use ice cubes to rub your face morning and evening.
  2. Ice with lemon juice. The extract of one fruit should be mixed with a glass of boiled water and frozen. Lemon ice can be used daily in the morning. After "cryo-procedures" do not wipe your face immediately. Wait for the healing moisture to be completely absorbed by the skin. Then dab your face a little with a napkin, do not wash your face and apply the cream.

Folk remedies for age spots in the program "All will be good"

Homemade face mask recipes

Homemade masks are the best allies in the fight against age spots on the face. To restore the skin even color and health, the following recipes will help:

Curd mask.

Can be used on all skin types. The product effectively "whitens" age spots, improves complexion.

Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp.
Hydrogen peroxide - 10 drops.
Ammonium alcohol - 10 drops.

1. Grind a large spoonful of homemade cottage cheese through a sieve. It should be well crushed - no grains.
2. Add the same amount of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
3. Thoroughly knead the mixture until a creamy mass is obtained.
4. Apply the product to the face, except for the lips and eyelids, keep it for about 12-15 minutes.
5. Remove the mask with warm water and lubricate the face with moisturizer.

Yeast mask with exotic fruits.

The mask is suitable for oily skin. It whitens and cleanses well, nourishes and dries a little.

Dry yeast - 15 g.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Grapefruit juice - 1 tsp

1. Combine yeast with freshly squeezed lemon and grapefruit juice and let them dissolve.
2. Stir all the ingredients until a homogeneous gruel is obtained.
3. Apply the mask to the face for 20 minutes.
4. We wash with water without soap and lubricate the skin with cream.

Potato mask with milk and butter.

The product has a pronounced whitening effect, nourishes and moisturizes. Used for all skin types.

Potatoes - 1 pc.
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Bran - 2 tsp
Milk - 1 tsp

1. Peel and grate a small raw potato.
2. Add olive oil and fresh milk.
3. Pour in bran (oat or wheat). You should wait 15-20 minutes for the bran to swell and absorb some of the liquid.
4. When the mixture has thickened, it can be applied to areas with age spots.
5. Keep the mask for 17-20 minutes and wash off with water.

Honey mask with parsley.

Honey - 1 tablespoon
Parsley - 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice - 1 tsp

1. To prepare the mask, you will need parsley leaves and stalks. They must be thoroughly crushed so that the juice stands out.
2. Add the same amount of thick honey to a tablespoon of parsley gruel (with juice).
3. It is recommended to infuse the mixture for about 45 minutes.
4. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply the resulting composition to your face.
5. The mask should be kept for at least 15 minutes and washed off with water.
6. At the end of the procedure, apply a cream for your skin type on the face.