Urine therapy treatment. Treatment of skin diseases with urine therapy. Urine cleaning of internal organs

Urine therapy and female diseases

Women's diseases are mainly the result of non-observance of elementary rules, namely, emptying on time. Constipation, insufficient stool, a scourge of modern women, the result of their improper diet of refined food, unnatural foods, etc. As a result, the contents of the large intestine accumulate, compressed, rotting and poisoning nearby organs and all the blood. From this, the organs adjacent to the large intestine become inflamed, and various female diseases begin. The first step is to cleanse the colon, then the liver. / Cleansing the body. /. Then, drink your own urine in one gulp once a day, 50-100 grams; douche with it, inject tampons (first from fresh urine or children's urine, then from urine). It is useful to use hot half-baths with the addition of 500-1000 grams of urine to the water. Additionally, tampons from various types of urine can be used at night. If there is a violation of the menstrual cycle and other hormonal disorders (for example, the growth of facial hair on the male type), then drink 3-4 times a day, 100-150 grams of urine, lubricate the body with urine (diuretic). In stubborn cases, after changing the diet, you can consume 50 grams of diuretic orally in the morning on an empty stomach. All these activities will allow you to even out hormonal imbalances and get rid of troubles. Example: “I am 45 years old, I was operated on for an ovarian cyst. I drank urine for three months. The menstrual cycle returned to normal, the pain disappeared. " Example: “Erosion of the cervix. The method of treatment is to warm up the baby's urine to a boil, cool it sharply to the temperature of fresh milk and do douching. " Comments and recommendations. The urine should be from a child under 10 years old (the younger the better). When it heats up and cools sharply, it is strongly saturated with energy. Example: “A woman had an enlarged uterus (fibromyoma), with pain. She was treated unsuccessfully by doctors and healers. She was advised to drink urine and put cotton swabs soaked in urine in her vagina. After a while, it all passed. " Example: “Patient I. is 20 years old. Married. Has a child. Inflammation of the ovaries. Launched erosion of the cervix. Very bad tests ... The patient began to make night tampons from her urine and morning douching. I couldn't drink urine. She was treated in this way for 14 days. Then I went to the attending physician. Analyzes showed that the ovaries are at the stage of healing, there is almost no inflammatory process there. Erosion has become much less. There is only a very small area left. " Comments. Your own urine is an excellent remedy for the prevention of female diseases. First, it normalizes the acidic environment, which kills parasites, etc .; secondly, if there are pains, then it relieves them with its analgesic effect; thirdly, urine can be a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Example: “It was discovered by accident: the daughter got married, there were no children for a long time. At some point, the daughter and her husband got into such conditions that they could not wash with urine and soon became pregnant. " Later on, other women also spoke about the contraceptive properties of urine. Comments and recommendations. It is necessary to douche with urine after intercourse. For this, the urine is harvested in advance. The acidic environment paralyzes the sperm. Example: “A woman was diagnosed with fibromatous nodes of the uterus, ovarian cystoma, endocervicitis. Urine was used once a day for a month, douching and tampons with urine daily at night for a month. Result: during functional examination the diagnoses were withdrawn. " (Sent by the doctor.) I really liked the section "Women's Diseases" from the book by A. N. Maslennikov "The Secret of the Drink of the Gods." The section is purely descriptive, but I decided to combine it with my explanations and, I think, it turned out what I need. Example: “Several women reported to me about successful cases of healing of uterine fibroids. The method of their treatment turned out to be even simpler than the previous one: in the morning, once a day, do douching with your fresh, still warm urine. In the same way, bilateral inflammation of the appendages is cured. Here is what S. from Komsomolsk-on-Amur told: With bilateral inflammation of the appendages, she did douching with her son's urine. -How many days were you treated? - A week. In the morning, once a day. If relapses occur, when a sheet is applied, then three days were enough for the mend. These douching, as I noticed, has a beneficial effect on the entire female genital area. (Does it surprise you why the female genital area is connected to the urinary system? Nature itself took care that this place was reliably protected by the beneficial effects of urine from infections and other disorders. own "hot" properties. Urine, combined with other substances, further enhances the healing effect. For example, this is what Avicenna wrote: "Human urine, boiled with leek, if you sit in it for five days, once a day, is useful for pain in the uterus ".) Now let us examine the question of infertility of a woman. What can urine do in this case? FIRST. If infertility is the result of a disease of a woman's genital area, then douching, cleansing the large intestine, tampons will bring everything back to normal. SECOND. If infertility is caused by a violation of hormonal regulation or underdevelopment of the female genital organs, then massaging the body with urine and using it inside, as well as doing sitz baths, you can remove these problems. Urine, due to feedback, will establish hormonal regulation and make it possible for a normal pregnancy to proceed. THIRD. In difficult cases, to stimulate fertility, you need to fast on urine for two to four weeks. This is especially true for those women who have one child, and the second, with all their desire, can not give birth. And finally, some women conceive, but there is no full-fledged gestation - spontaneous miscarriage. What should you do in this case? First, go through a complete cleansing of the body. Next, massage your own body several times with activated types of urine (diuretic) and regularly consume sprouted wheat or wheat bread on an empty stomach. (Bread from sprouted grains is made as follows: washed grain is poured into a large cup, poured with clean water so that the grain is very wet, covered with a cloth and placed in a warm place. refrigerator, so that it does not grow further.As needed, they take grain from the cup, grind it in a meat grinder, make "cutlets" 0.5-1 centimeter thick and fry in butter for 30-40 seconds.) Before conception, actively engage in physical education, run, take contrast shower (warm-cold-warm-cool-warm-cool.) You can drink your own urine during pregnancy once in the morning for 50-100 grams. Here are some more tips for dealing with infertility. “Elephant urine, which is given to a woman to drink, belongs to drinking substances with special properties in this case; it is a wonderful remedy to induce conception and should be done shortly before intercourse or during intercourse. Ivory sawdust is also given to drink - they immediately help. " (Avicenna.) Urine activated by cold (its own urine is kept in a dark, cold place at a temperature of +2, + 4 ° C for 4-5 days) stimulates the body incredibly strongly. It is better to apply it on the skin. Massage her for a week and you will feel her powerful influence. And now an example from the book of A. N. Maslennikov: “After reading Avicenna, I remembered one of my acquaintances. Young woman, 18 years old. Just got married. Cyst. Ovarian rupture. Urgent operation ... Inflamed, swollen suture ... Medical diagnosis: “A relapse is possible. Reoperation is possible, removal of the second ovary. It is very likely that you will not have children ... ”Autourinotherapy (drinking, compresses on the seam, douching) Now this woman is doing well. “As good as I haven't felt in a long time,” she said. Along the way, she noticed that she stopped suffering from colds, especially in the frosty winter time, although she used to get sick every year and several times a winter. She also noticed that if before the menstruation was so painful that almost always had to resort to pain relievers, now the menstruation is completely painless, although their days have increased by one day. But most importantly, now she is pregnant ... And in April 1990 she came to visit us, happy and ruddy, with her eleven-month-old son. " Comments and recommendations. Lovely women, girls, girls! Monitor your bowel movements. If it does not work well, then first of all it poisons your reproductive organs. The first signs of this are colds and painful periods. Taking painkillers only worsens the general condition of the body, gives additional medicinal slag. An increase in menstruation by one day is quite normal and good - your body has begun to cleanse itself more completely, work better (this is indicated by painlessness). Remember-URINA will help you in solving such problems, otherwise you may be faced with a life catastrophe.

Many people think that urine therapy is the use of urine by mouth. Alas, they are greatly mistaken. Urine therapy is a whole branch of traditional medicine and it does not end with drinking urine. There are many forms of its manifestation and varieties, it is used both internally and compresses, baths, rinsing and many other procedures, which we will tell you about in this article, are made. We will talk about its types and forms of manifestation, we will also touch on the benefits and harms of these procedures.

What is treated with urine therapy? Uses and forms of urine treatment

The urinotherapy supporters poke all the holes at her. Everywhere they do not pour urine for themselves - in the ass, in the mouth, in the eyes and even ears. They wash her hair, gargle her throat and brush her teeth with a lobe.

So, if you run out of toothpaste, it doesn't matter, you can put it in your mouth and rinse it out. Experts in urine therapy claim that after urine your teeth will be much cleaner, moreover, it has a whitening effect. And why give money to dentists for a Hollywood smile? After all, you can be provided with snow-white teeth.

Conditionally, urine therapy can be divided into two groups:

  • Internal. In this case, they drink urine, do various kinds of rinsing, rinsing, enemas, etc. in order to cleanse the body from the inside.
  • Outdoor. This variety includes various kinds of baths, compresses, washing, and there was also a place for cosmetology in this matter.

In general, with the help of urine, almost everything is treated, from colds to gangrene. Although official sources and medical practice claim the opposite. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Urine treatment methods

Now let's talk about the main methods of urine treatment. How to properly use this miracle drug that can cure all diseases.

Urine therapy in the treatment of internal organs

For urine therapy, it is recommended to use a medium stream of urine. What does it mean? First, you need to flush a little into the toilet, and only then collect urine for preventive action. It should also be used immediately after collection. Also, you should not start urine treatment if you are using medication. At the very least, you need to completely stop taking any medications, and only after 3-4 days you can start urine treatment.

  • Oral.
  • Anal.

With the oral method, gargle and.

There is nothing special about rinsing. Collect fresh urine in your mouth and rinse for 2-3 minutes. If you want to treat your teeth with your own medicine, then rinse your mouth for 30 minutes. The main thing is not to vomit, otherwise you will upset the acid balance and you will have to start all over again, but only the next day.

When drinking, you must follow a diet. And prepare the body before the course. You need to take urine on an empty stomach in small sips, savoring a little. You don't need to swallow right away and you can't drink in one gulp either. You need to fully experience all the delights and tastes of urine.

In the case of the anal method of introducing urine into the body, as well as in the oral method, fresh urine must be used. To flush the intestines with urine, we need an enema. Before the introduction, the urine must be boiled and cooled so that it is barely lukewarm, but not cold. As a rule, it is administered from half a liter to a liter of urine per procedure. A urine enema should only be done after you have emptied. The course lasts a month, 15 repetitions every other day. This is followed by a second rinsing step. One stripped off urine is already used here. The course begins with 100 ml of evaporated urine, then each time we increase the dose by 50-100 ml. Having reached 500 ml, we begin to reduce the dose in the same steps as when increasing. Gourmets of urine enemas in the second course add herbal tea to the urine, and add seaweed in time for the residue.


Urine therapy experts believe that urine can cleanse the brain. To do this, you need to bury 10-20 drops of urine in the nose. You can even make various kinds of urine cleansing supplements to your liking. This recipe, in addition to cleansing the brain, is suitable for the restoration of sight, smell and memory. However, if you decide to resort to urine therapy, the cure of the former is not guaranteed.

External urine treatment

The external form of urine application consists in various types of trays and compresses. You can piss in the bath and lie down to sour, thereby having a complex effect on the body. For one bathroom, you will need about 500 ml of sack if you want strict adherence to the recipe. In such a bath, you can steam from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Just do not be surprised later if the people around you begin to sniff at you and turn up their nose at your approach.

Urine massages are also actively practiced - rubbing with urine. Moreover, if irritation appears on your skin in the form of a rash, then this is considered a good sign. If the rash is too severe, then the procedure should be stopped - over doses.

Hands and feet float in urine trays; for this, the lobe is pre-evaporated.

If you have pimples on your face, then do not be disappointed, this does not mean that you need to run to the store or to the beautician. Urine therapy has succeeded here as well. Lubricate your face with urine and it will go away. But don't be surprised if the rash gets worse, this is just the flip side of the coin. If you just got irritated, then be glad that it is not an infectious infection.

In the phases of the first and third lunar cycle, it is better to drink urine. And in the second and fourth phases of the moon, the area of ​​application of urine migrates outward - we rub and bathe.

About the dangers and benefits of urinotherapy

A lot has been written about the benefits of urine therapy and its miraculous medicinal properties. You can find quite a few articles on the Internet about miraculous recoveries and the like. But this information is united by one important fact - the absence of any evidence base and logical explanation, at least at the level of school chemistry and biology.

Perhaps, the negative consequences of urine treatment are much more than cases of miraculous healing. Think about it, people who practice urinotherapy all their lives are treated, but for some reason they will not be cured.

With the help of feces and urine, harmful substances are removed from the body. Although uriopractors claim that it contains vitamins and other beneficial substances. Yes, they are, but their content is so scarce that it will have absolutely no positive effect on your health. At the same time, it contains various kinds of toxins, salts and metals that can harm your body. Especially if you use any medications, your diet is not correct, and considering other external influences on the body, the content of toxins in urine can be significant. The same guidelines on urine therapy say what to drink, and in general, you can only be treated with the urine of a healthy person. Also, it is not recommended to use someone else's. And if you are going to be treated, then you are sick, isn't it? And your urine isn't the best quality either. And all the infection that your body is trying to remove away you pour back. Paradox.

Going to treat acne with urine, you run the risk of getting an infection that can lead to immediate surgical interventions. Of course, this will leave a mark and a reminder of yourself for life.

If you are going to treat the intestines with urine, then there is reason to think about it. The intestine has its own microflora, introducing urine there, which is rich in various kinds of bacteria, you risk disrupting the intestinal microflora. That will entail a number of other consequences in the form of digestive disorders and dysfunction of internal organs.

There is also a medical practice where there are cases of gangrene development as a result of urine treatment and various complications of many diseases.

And finally, urine therapy is effective only if a number of conditions are met, up to the lunar phases, which already raises doubts about the effectiveness of treatment.

But she still has one positive property - it is self-hypnosis. It then heals you, despite the fact that the body is poisoned with urine. You are programming yourself for recovery by truly believing in healing.

As you can see, urine therapy is a rather complex set of procedures that requires a thorough approach. In addition to basic knowledge and 0.5 liters of urine, you will need a lunar calendar, otherwise the treatment may be ineffective.

Judge for yourself about the expediency, effectiveness and safety of urine therapy. There is an evidence base for the negative effects of these procedures, but the useful qualities have not been scientifically confirmed. The doctors' comments are also not in favor of urinotherapy.

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What does urine therapy help with? This question is asked by people who cannot or do not want to find salvation from their ailments in the means of official medicine. But how much can urinotherapy - urine treatment - justify their hopes? Could it be of any benefit or would it be more harmful?

Urine therapy - what is it? This is a urine treatment, and it belongs to the methods of alternative medicine. Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support its effectiveness, urine healing is used by humans to treat many diseases. But for even more people, it is an object of ridicule and a reason to twist a finger at the temple to the fans of the method. However, if we ignore the emotional-sensual side of the question - what does urinotherapy cure? What does it help from when it can come in handy?

Drinking urine is a perversion or ... is it still the norm?

Urine therapy is a highly controversial method of treatment that goes back to the so-called traditional, alternative medicine. Many are inclined to think that this is an invention of modern pseudo-healers who do not disdain the most sophisticated ways of speculating on the desire of people to part with their sores. Not at all. Even in Ancient Egypt, China and India, it was believed that urine can cure almost everything - from inflammatory processes on the skin to such serious diseases as, for example, cancer.

The essence of urine therapy is the use of urine for ailments - as a rule, "own production" (the so-called autourinotherapy). According to this theory, such human secretions can be applied in different ways: externally - for rubbing, soaking, rinsing, compresses and irrigation, and also internally - you can drink urine or even inject it with it.

The attitude towards such therapy is not only determined by the personal degree of disgust and despair, but also, to a certain extent, is laid down by genes. In our, European, culture, the thought of using their own urine is simply disgusting for many and causes a gag reflex. Meanwhile, in some other places in the world (for example, in India or in Mexico) this is something completely natural, or at least not associated with the loss of the remnants of common sense.

Urine therapy - benefit or harm? Pros and cons of the technique

Treatment with urine therapy has a mass of followers who claim that the main active ingredient contains many vitamins and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In addition, it is a sterile liquid, natural and 100% safe. When it is reintroduced into the body, antibodies begin to be produced in it, which significantly increases immunity. Some even argue that toxic substances that enter the body again acquire healing properties.

According to another theory, the benefits of urine therapy are as follows. The body, exposed to pathogenic factors, begins to produce antigens, which, among other things, enter the urine. Urine therapists believe that if, for example, antigens of specific types of cancer and antibodies produced by the body to fight this disease are present in this kind of secretion, then it makes sense to reintroduce them into the body.

Opponents of urine therapy argue that urine is a metabolic product containing components rejected by the body. Moreover, they are not rejected in order to assimilate them back. Yes, there really is a small amount of useful substances in urine, but there are other - more pleasant and reliable - sources of their receipt. In addition, the harm of urine therapy is that outside the bladder, urine ceases to be sterile, but, on the contrary, is exposed to dangerous bacteria, which, after drinking the liquid, end up in the body.

Who is right? What is more of urine therapy - benefit or harm? If we speak objectively, then, unfortunately, this is unknown. Since there are no reliable studies that would confirm the effectiveness of urine treatment or from which it would follow that this is an ineffective and even dangerous technique for health. However, it is not difficult to understand people who, not finding salvation and help in traditional medicine (especially in the case of severe ailments), begin to look for all this elsewhere - usually fighting with themselves and overcoming the barrier of disgust.

What do we know about urine?

According to the definition from biology textbooks, urine is a fluid excreted from the body, consisting of metabolic products that are useless or harmful to our body. 95% is water, 2.5% is nitrogenous waste (including urea), and everything else is the minimum amount of other substances, for example, natural dyes, glucose, amino acids.

Urea appears to be the main culprit in all the confusion. This is a product produced in the process of metabolism, in particular, protein. The chemical compound is responsible for the proper hydration of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, therefore it is used in cosmetics, for example, in the composition of moisturizing body balms or face creams. The first cream with urea was produced in 1943, and this substance was known more than 100 years ago. As you might guess, consumers are particularly interested in the question of the origin of this compound. And here it should be noted that the urea present in cosmetics is obtained synthetically. However, let's get back to urine therapy.

What urinotherapy helps from: healing effect

According to the popularizers of urine therapy, urine is an "antidote" to almost all diseases. In particular, she:

  • has a beneficial effect on skin problems. Enzymes, vitamins, minerals contained in this biological fluid help get rid of acne, psoriasis, fight fungal and bacterial infections, stretch marks and scars;
  • urinotherapy is also used for hair. Fans of this method of improving appearance pour a little secretion into the shampoo, which, in their opinion, is designed to favorably affect the appearance of the hair;
  • added to the tonic. In this case, urine therapy is useful for the skin of the face in that it is designed to improve its elasticity, hydration and firmness, to help get rid of wrinkles;
  • treats sinusitis and headaches (migraines). To get a similar effect, you need to rub some body fluid into the area of ​​the sinuses or temples;
  • disinfects wounds, treats inflammatory processes, has antiseptic properties. Here, urine is also used externally, and this, by the way, is one of the most famous uses. People who did not have access to "advanced" disinfectants successfully saved their wounds from infection;
  • counteracts periodontal disease, treats sore throat - in the form of a mouthwash;
  • urine therapy in oncology is a separate topic, in view of the painfulness of the topic, causing the most fierce controversy. Under certain conditions, human urine is believed to help fight cancer. In this case, its action is based on the effective cleansing of the body from toxins and a significant strengthening of the immune system;
  • from what else is urinotherapy able to help, according to supporters? It is useful for diabetes, stomach ulcers, makes it easier to fall asleep, treats asthma, colds, hemorrhoids, depression, candidiasis and even infertility and AIDS.

Contraindications to healing with urine:

  • alcohol consumption;
  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • taking psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, as well as painkillers and antibiotics.

How are they treated?

Urine therapy treatment is a whole branch of alternative knowledge, about which people write entire books. There are a lot of nuances here, so we will outline the most general points. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to drink a glass of fresh morning urine per day. More sensitive people may dilute it with water or another drink such as juice.

For medicinal purposes, they drink all the daily urine plus one and a half liters of water per day. At the same time, fasting is often practiced. Such a kind of fast, lasting several days, should only be carried out under the guidance of an experienced urine therapist, best of all, in a proven traditional medicine center. In some cases, subcutaneous urine injections are also used.

Is there a grain of truth in urine treatment?

The lack of scientific evidence of the validity of the use of urine therapy in the above cases does not mean at all that this method is in fact absolutely ineffective and belongs to the field of harmful and stupid superstitions. The lack of evidence only means that no one has ever conducted relevant clinical studies.

However, it must be understood that such scientific research is very expensive. Only large pharmaceutical companies can afford them. And those, in turn, will never start them, because there is no point in them. Even if research had confirmed the therapeutic value of urine, the pharmaceutical business would not have capitalized on it. Because it is impossible to patent something that occurs in nature in the most natural way and is available to everyone free of charge.

Thus, conducting such studies is elementarily impractical and unprofitable. Meanwhile, in life we ​​are faced with a variety of situations. For example, with this: not one mother in Western Europe (who is reputed to be the frontline), having come to a pediatrician (and not to some healer!), Heard that thrush will go away faster if you wipe the affected areas with a napkin moistened in the urine of a child…. Therefore, not everything is so simple and unambiguous.

Do not believe either doctors or the rave reviews of healers and ordinary people? Do you want to check on your own experience what urine helps from, but everything is like the saying “I want it and it is injected”? Then try the light version of urine treatment - only its external use, for example, to solve skin problems. Moreover, the body can react in different ways to a repeated meeting with what it has parted with.

There are people in the world (and there are not so few of them) who practice this method of healing every day, referring to the question of what urinotherapy helps, without irony and skepticism. At the same time, they probably hear from others not the most flattering remarks - about both the technique itself and their mental abilities. However, this does not prevent them from being confident that it is thanks to this controversial method that they have conquered very dangerous diseases and today enjoy health in its entirety - often unlike those who "rationally" swallow handfuls of pills and continue to get sick ...

What is urine therapy, the benefits or harms of its health? It is worth familiarizing yourself with this term a little. So, urine therapy is a method of urine treatment that has not yet received official recognition from traditional medical practice. After all, modern specialists cannot agree on one opinion about the meaning and benefits of such a contradictory method of treatment.

Urine therapy: the concept of urine

To understand the question: urine therapy - benefit or harm - it is necessary to consider the concept of "urine". After all, it is this waste product that is in the center of attention of the folk method of treatment - urine therapy. The urine contains:

1. Water, which dissolves in itself all the products of human metabolism, including hormonal and toxic compounds. At the same time, the latter have already worked out their service life. In other words, urine contains those substances that a person no longer needs, and therefore easily gets rid of and removes from the body.

2. In the event that a person has certain pathologies, they necessarily affect the composition of urine. So, for people with diabetes, urine may contain sugar. Those with kidney pathologies can see protein in urine.

3. Uric acids, for example, oxalates, urates, carbotanes, phosphates and other compounds, are sure to be found in the urine of a person who does not follow the recommendations of a proper and healthy diet.

What diseases can urinotherapy cure?

Before answering the question of what kind of urine therapy method, the benefits or harms of it, it is worthwhile to outline the circle of those diseases that, according to traditional medicine, can be cured in this way. After all, a modern person still resorts to such an unconventional method of treatment to cleanse his body, during cosmetic procedures, and, of course, to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys, liver and heart, infectious, colds and skin diseases, as well as eye diseases.

Why is urine useful?

Although most mainstream medical professionals do not approve of such alternative treatments, many of them confirm that the benefits of urine therapy are obvious. Urine contains metabolites of steroid hormones, and therefore urine therapy itself is somewhat similar to hormone therapy. But this is hypothetically possible only if the entire daily volume of urine is taken internally.

If we take into account the fact that hormone therapy is credited with an active fight against inflammatory processes, then the benefits of urine therapy are obvious.

Why is urine therapy harmful?

It has already been mentioned that urine therapy is somewhat similar to hormone therapy. Now it is worth dispelling all the myths, since urinotherapy is the benefit and harm in one bottle.

In the process of taking hormones, the human body also begins to suffer. And the harm of urine therapy becomes visible to the naked eye. Since a real threat hangs over a person of a decrease in the volume of production of his own hormones. And subsequently, people begin to feel the coming of old age faster, some have a decrease in the function of sexual activity, you can quickly gain excess weight and even feel a clouding of mind.

Therefore, you should not try to get what the body is already full of. Don't hurt yourself. Say no to urine therapy!

It is worth focusing on the fact that alternative medicine has its contraindications. It is not recommended to use it, for example, if a person is sick with diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, herpes, psychological disorders and other diseases. Also, urinotherapy treatment is unacceptable for women in position.

Treatment of skin diseases with urine therapy

A modern person is very responsible and, one might say, anxious about the condition of the skin of the face. That is why in recent years one can often hear about such a truly popular method of treatment as urine therapy. Thanks to this method, the skin becomes clean, gets rid of acne and acne.

Facial Skin Treatment Recipes

For this, according to the doctors of alternative medicine, it is necessary to follow some recommendations. For example:

1. To get rid of acne, you need to wipe your face with a cotton swab soaked in fresh urine every day. After 20 minutes after this procedure, traditional medicine experts recommend rinsing the skin with warm running water. This method is most successful for teenagers and helps to get rid of various rashes on the face within a few days.

2. In the case when acne has already appeared in an adult, the reason for this lies in the general unsatisfactory state of the body. Here, the usual gadgets cannot be dispensed with, and therefore it is worth treating with urine therapy. More precisely, the course of such treatment will consist of daily urine enemas three times a day. The duration of all non-traditional medical events is two weeks, no less. Here it is worth paying attention to the effectiveness of such a traditional method of treatment.

3. When a person is prone to the appearance of acne on the face, the experts of alternative medicine strongly recommend that you cleanse your body every day, and with it the skin of your face. So, it is necessary to drink 200-250 g of urine twice a day for a month and constantly make lotions from it so that urine therapy for the skin of the face is effective.

How to make your hair soft and silky with urine therapy?

Most people, especially the beautiful half of humanity, are constantly unhappy with the condition of their hair. Therefore, the question: urine therapy - benefit or harm - is especially relevant for them. So, many complain of profuse hair loss, fragility and weakness, as well as dull color. But in almost all cases, the promised positive result from modern cosmetological and therapeutic agents cannot be expected. Therefore, the opportunity to heal your hair in a free and effective way - with urine - is very interesting. Plus, for your health, urine is not harmful and at the same time very effective.

Several recipes for urinotherapy hair treatment

1. Experts of this unconventional method of treatment recommend a head massage with light rubbing of urine into the skin. In this case, it is best to use the old urine, in other words, the one that has already been infused for more than five days. This will have a better effect than fresh urine.

2. If the condition of the hair is simply deplorable, then it is worth making compresses from urine. To do this, twice a week, it is recommended to wash your hair with urine, wrap it in plastic and insulate it. So you need to walk for about an hour and only then rinse with warm water. The entire course of hair and scalp treatment is about three months.

3. If you want to get the maximum result from the treatment, then you must also take urine internally at 200-250 g per day. It is recommended to do this in the morning for the best effect and complete hair recovery.

It should be understood that only a clear guide to all the recommendations of specialists in non-traditional treatment practices with urine therapy will allow you to achieve the desired and promised result. Partial or incomplete treatment will not be able to prove the benefits of these folk procedures.

Authoritative expert reviews of urine therapy

Today it is important to understand what are the benefits of urine therapy. Real reviews of doctors will be of interest to everyone.

To judge the supporters and opponents of such an unconventional method of treatment, it is worth contacting specialists in the official traditional medical practice. So, surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Svetlana Nemirova does not speak very flatteringly about urine therapy. He even ascribes an abusive word form to this term. Indeed, in her practice, there were cases when a person who self-medicated a speck on his leg with urinotherapy was delivered by ambulance with terrible pain and complete tissue necrosis. As a result, to save the life of such a patient, he had to amputate his lower limb.

Somewhat skeptical and, one might say, hostile, Dmitry Pushkar, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology at Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, refers to the popular practice of urine treatment. He insists that such alternative medicine only destroys the human body. Since it is impractical and even stupid to take internally what the body has already got rid of. Even if these are hormones and vitamins, apparently, they are in excess, since toxins have been excreted in A? They are so dangerous. By getting rid of these harmful compounds, a person only saves himself, and urinotherapy offers to return everything back.

As for satisfied patients who claim that urine treatment allowed them to get rid of rheumatism or other diseases, everything is very simple to explain here. Initially, the effect is similar to hormone therapy, which was already mentioned above. In the end, this method of alternative medicine will not lead to anything good. So think about it: drink or not drink? After all, it is about your health and future life. Maybe you shouldn't risk such important things like that?

Health is the most important resource of the human body, therefore, the issues of maintaining health and restoring the body are one of the most urgent. Today, there are many ways to get rid of certain diseases, one of the popular alternative methods of treatment is urine therapy. Treatment of the body with urine was used in ancient India, from there this trend came to us.

Supporters of traditional medicine believe that urine therapy is a very effective and effective method of treatment, doctors of traditional medicine criticize such treatment in every possible way and say that this method is unsubstantiated (no clinical studies have been conducted to confirm the effectiveness of urine treatment). One of the most ardent advocates of urinotherapy today is G. Malakhov, who has published many books on this topic, which have sold in millions of copies. However, scientists and doctors in every possible way refute all the arguments given by the author in the books and argue that the consumption of their own waste products contradicts both the very laws of nature and common sense.

What does urine therapy treat?

Urine therapy is currently used as a way to cleanse the body, to get rid of various diseases and as a cosmetic product. Adherents of urine therapy make a lot of arguments in favor of this method of treatment.

The water molecules that are in our body, and therefore in the urine excreted from the body, are in an orderly state. In order to bring the water entering the body to such a structure, it is necessary to spend a lot of energy. When urine is consumed, the body is freed from the need to organize water molecules, thereby saving energy, wearing out less quickly and living longer. Urine is a very complex chemical product. It contains uric acid, purine bases, a set of nucleic acids, essential amino acids, as well as hormones, enzymes and vitamins. Thanks to such a rich composition, the use of urine will help and replace most of the drugs and biologically active additives (dietary supplements).

You can not start urinotherapy if you have inflamed kidneys or diseases of the genital organs, since pathogens after being excreted from the body return back together with urine and infect new organs. Also, urine therapy is undesirable for peptic ulcer disease, because of the danger of exacerbation.

The beneficial effect and harmful effects of urine therapy

Official medicine strongly disapproves of urine therapy. Some doctors believe that when using urine therapy, it is more a psychological factor than the influence of urine itself. But some eminent scientists agree that the composition of urine contains metabolites of steroid hormones, which means that hormone therapy and urine therapy are related methods of treatment. If you ingest all the urine excreted during the day, the body will receive an average medicinal dose of homones.

Hormonal drugs work well with inflammation. Here is the notorious positive effect of urine therapy. But taking hormones leads to many side effects. This threatens with a decrease in the production of their hormones. Why try, if the body already gets them in abundance. As a result, you can get a decrease in sexual function, a rapid increase in body weight and disruption of the brain. In general, the most common side effects from steroid medication.

There are also a number of diseases and conditions of the body when the appointment of both hormonal drugs and urine therapy is contraindicated. These include: gastrointestinal diseases (enteritis, colitis, ulcers), diabetes mellitus, hypertension, osteoporosis, nephritis (with azotemia), herpes, pregnancy, mental illness.