Dear colleagues, congratulations on your promotion at work. Congratulations on your promotion

Taking off a career is not a miracle?
How nice it is to be aware of everything!
It means that people appreciate you very much
All perfectly. What more could you want?
Congratulations on your promotion today
We hug you very warmly.
We wish you new progress.
Remember, we are a reliable shoulder!
Let the work go as it should,
And the bosses value it highly
There will be a bonus with a salary on time,
And the work is simple and easy!

Congratulations on your promotion
And a fair appointment.
Let good luck await in business,
Let the task be on the shoulder.
Your work will be a joy
And the burden will not touch the heart.
Let the world surround you, comfort.
And may they always wait for you at home!


A new star tonight
Added shoulder straps to yours
And we wish that always
Such updates were pouring in.
Our congratulations are the sweetest of all,
He gives happiness and good luck.
It gives joy and success,
And maybe the general's dacha!

Today is an important holiday, no doubt
There is no place or reason for sadness.
I hasten to congratulate you on your promotion,
It is worthy of such a great feast!
Another star plus for shoulder straps.
In honor of feats and wisdom, of course.
I wish that today and in the future
Everything in life was only perfect!
I also wish you health, patience,
Good luck, happiness and forward movement,
So that the mood does not leave the house.
Let luck accompany everything!

Congratulations on your appointment,
With a welcome promotion
And we wish that a career
Served as an example for everyone!
So that employees love
Everyone praised the work,
So that there is order in the family,
You lived in love, contentment!
Subordinates - only obedient,
And not indifferent to you!
Such a toast with cognac,
And our congratulations to you!

For the fact that the work was given entirely,
For working for a common cause,
I finally found a hero's reward,
And we are all unrestrainedly happy about this!
Colleague, accept congratulations soon
With this promotion you deserve.
So that in the new position he was a "fish in water",
He mastered quickly and was "on horseback"!

Career growth is important for life,
And so today we
Congratulating you on your promotion,
We wish you new heights!
Reach in the shortest possible time
And do not lower the bar in life,
About this, our congratulations
We'll read it early.
We also remind you, our friend,
So that you don't forget about your friends
Let a lot of people around
Only with them sadness is not terrible.

Your career is growing rapidly
And there is nothing surprising in this.
Your charisma, intelligence, talent
Will punch its way everywhere!
The blind only will not notice the gift -
Solve matters confidently and quickly!
Very few years will pass -
You will receive a Master's degree!
Such as you can count on your fingers -
You don't know the word flattery!

What happened in the heavenly government
In the inaccessible heights,
What took, finally, and rightfully
This post, (which is doubly pleasant!),
Our erudite, silent - workaholic,
And not someone's brother, godfather and not a matchmaker ?!
Eco, friends, will this happen ?!
So let's shout: "Vivat!"
And may our friendly congratulations
Rides above the rooftops
And let everyone know in advance
How strong you stand!

May this day shine with mood
You can be proud of him,
We congratulate you on your career advancement,
Let the new rank bring joy and honor!
Let the subordinates bow obediently,
Everything will be easy in the new position,
And let it remain a bright memory in your soul,
The moment when you ascended high!

Congratulations on a promotion in prose

Sincere congratulations to our comrade! A new step has been taken
career ladder, and now we can only wish that
further path was not difficult and thorny. With the rise and let
it will only be the beginning. Good luck and all the best in your new role. And with a new

Finally, the management appreciated you. We sincerely
congratulations on your promotion and wish that your career growth is not
stopped at this stage. With the promotion of you, our most
fair and good boss!

You got promoted - hurray! We congratulate you on your promotion and wish you
further career advancement. But don't be arrogant and
remember us, your faithful and sincere friends! We are glad for you

Congratulations on your promotion! It's always nice to know that bosses are
are also people and can also get promoted. Let it not be
the last and humble boss will become the Most Important Boss.
Successful further progress and, of course, do not forget about us,
mere mortals.

Hooray, you finally got the long-awaited and well-deserved promotion!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Hope you don't bully
nose, and we'll all be spending Friday nights at the bar for
glass of beer.

Congratulations on your promotion

Congratulations on your promotion

And if there are troubles and worries

With a long awaited promotion!
Take my blessing:

Swiftly from year to year,
Fly on vacation to the Riviera
And the path in love is lucky for you!

We wish to gain momentum,
And enthusiasm for work

One more step up
And the salary went up ...
And today we are all of you
We are very happy to congratulate!
Let the new position carry
Your income is stable
Let success come to you
Swiftly! Stay strong,
Assertive and businesslike.
Let the chef be proud of you!
Let bad luck go up in smoke
Today it will turn!

And in everything to succeed!
To continue to appreciate you
And so that this step is yours

Do not forget about those

We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
There are reasons for this.
So it happened among men -
To receive a rank for a rank.
That's why they are men.
Important tasks to solve
You have been given by rank.
Another big step
To the shining heights!
Well, straight frost on the skin!
When it really blows
Right up to sky-high heights,
Look at the beauties from the mountains
On the tez, who is at the foot,
In the wilderness,
Those involved in your fate.
You just wave your pen
And smile at us from the bottom of your heart
And we will die of happiness!

New congratulations on the promotion

I congratulate you on your promotion.
And I wish to gain a foothold in a new place.
Let the team respect you
Your superiors approve of your advice!
May you have enough strength to decide all matters.
Let your work not let you get bored.
May your salary grow all the time
And may a new promotion await you soon.
You are one of those people who should not stand still.
Try to conquer new heights all the time.
And then all your dreams will come true.
I wish happiness and you to be inseparable!
I wish you were less disturbed.
And so that they don't stand in your way.
Confidently always stride towards your goal
And don't give up your positions!

One more step up
And the salary went up ...
And today we are all of you
We are very happy to congratulate!
Let the new position carry
Your income is stable
Let success come to you
Swiftly! Stay strong,
Assertive and businesslike.
Let the chef be proud of you!
Let bad luck go up in smoke
Today it will turn!

With a long awaited promotion!
Now you are the boss, the big boss!
Take my blessing:
May what you dreamed of come true
Climb the career ladder
Swiftly from year to year,
Fly on vacation to the Riviera
And the path in love is lucky for you!

Hurray, it happened! Here it is, luck!
Luck smiled! With the promotion!
You have proven with all your work:
You are worthy of promotion more than someone else!
But, with a rapid upward movement,
Do not forget about those
Who started next to you once,
He shared joy, worries and wages!

Congratulations on your promotion

In your career, you again do not know the barriers!
And again you have achieved new heights!
Today you are infinitely happy about it!
We wish you only striving forward!
So as not to stop on the road,
He always strove upwards and only upwards!
And if there are troubles and worries
We give you one piece of advice - always hold on!

Congratulations on the promotion in verse

You worked hard, worked hard.
We missed you during this time,
After all, you rarely walked with your friends.
Here's the bottom line: earned a promotion.
We wish to gain momentum,
Climb even higher in your career.
And enthusiasm for work
Yours will flare up more and more!

Congratulations on your new position

Your work is appreciated at its true worth -
Congratulations on your promotion!
So that you do not know problems at work
And in everything to succeed!
To continue to appreciate you
For your work and success in work,
And so that this step is yours
Was not the last in your takeoff!

Congratulations on the promotion of a man

We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
There are reasons for this.
So it happened among men -
To receive a rank for a rank.
That's why they are men.
Important tasks to solve
You have been given by rank.
Well, comrade, keep it up!
Another big step
To the shining heights!
But is it really a step? Yes, this is takeoff!
Well, straight frost on the skin!
When it really blows
Right up to sky-high heights,
Look at the beauties from the mountains
On the tez, who is at the foot,
In the wilderness,
Those involved in your fate.
You just wave your pen
And smile at us from the bottom of your heart
And we will die of happiness!

Congratulations on your new position at work

NS promotion up the career ladder is what is expected
many applying for jobs. Often in order to achieve
the desired result, a person has to work long and hard,
thereby proving to the bosses and colleagues their professional
consistency. A colleague is promoted at work. Now it becomes
important bird. Well he worked hard for this, now his
efforts are crowned with success. Perhaps this step has been passed thanks to and
including you. In any case, such an event is a reason
rejoice for the one to whom luck is favorable. Congratulations on the new
position at work is a way of expressing your feelings to a person and
emotions regarding his promotion. Having received them, he will
thank you for your ability to rejoice in other people's victories and support
in any situation.

Your promotion is not new to us,
We knew you would be appreciated and understood
You stay at work until the night
Entertainment then, labor comes first.
Let me congratulate you, my friend,
Put all your business aside today
I wish you happiness and good luck
Have fun, have fun with your friends until the morning.

You got promoted today
I deserved it, I tried, I didn't work in vain.
On the career ladder, you are one step higher
Your friends are disinterestedly glad for you.
I congratulate you on your career advancement,
I wish, my friend, happiness, peace and kindness,
At your height, you never be arrogant
Always be fair to your colleagues.

You were promoted by order
After all, the authorities know better there from high,
You did not climb the career ladder in vain,
May you have a lot of luck and success.
For you, my friend, I am glad and congratulations,
Never be arrogant, I beg you
Always be simple with colleagues
And remember where your roots come from.

As a team, we offered all your position,
So that the top will be appreciated with dignity, approved,
After all, you deserve a promotion not in vain,
You have always achieved your goal.
Congratulations on your promotion, colleague,
We wish you success and luck in your new position.
So that the career step is not the last,
May you have a lot of joy, prosperity.

In a new position, colleague,
With you now we are in a whisper, to you,
But this is all a joke, we believe in you,
It was not in vain that I got into the leadership with my work, diligence.
We congratulate you on your promotion,
We wish you even higher career growth.
May any difficulties be solved easily
And everything will be fine and bright in your personal life.

You gave yourself constantly and completely to work,
And from this, the result is as follows -
That the offer for a new position,
With dignity, colleague, you are ready to accept.
I am very happy for you and congratulations,
I wish you always to strive upward
Do not stop at what you have achieved,
Let luck always accompany you.

Long-term work was not in vain,
You were promoted in your position,
Colleagues and friends are happy for you,
May the promotion be a success for you.
You are in charge, and we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Don't let the power scare you, your colleague,
Let everyone appreciate you, respect you,
And they are awarded a gramme for merit.

There are no barriers to your career growth,
You yourself managed to reach the height of the sky,
The whole team, colleague, is insanely happy for you,
You have overcome one more step of the career ladder.
I congratulate you with great success,
I wish you new high speed
Happiness in your personal life, good luck and kindness,
So that fate is favorable to you.

You deserve the trust of the authorities in full,
You gave yourself completely to work,
Today you got a new position,
God grant that with a new change you will not be arrogant.
I congratulate you on your new position,
Well-being, prosperity and kindness,
Family comfort and warmth.

You always strove upward, and did not achieve your goal,
And on top of your zeal, colleague, they were able to appreciate,
Let you be a small boss, but still in power,
We wish you to be in power justly.
Congratulations on your new position,
I wish you great success in your new position,
So that the step of growth is not the last,
May your cherished dream come true.

Your work is appreciated at its true worth,
A new position found you
With joy, we congratulate you to the entire department,
Home-grown you are our boss, honor and praise to you.
We congratulate you on a joyful event,
We wish you good luck, joy from the bottom of our hearts,
Great success in the labor field,
May the guardian angel always be with you.

You climbed up the stairs of the office,
Now you hold on to it for a long time,
May you have a lot of success
Let luck always accompany.
Let me congratulate you on your position,
Wish you well-being, prosperity,
I always wish to be honest and fair
Go through life boldly, never lose heart.

Finally, the management appreciated you. We sincerely congratulate you on your promotion and wish that your career growth does not stop at this stage. With your promotion, our fairest and nicest boss!

Dear you are our boss,
Congratulations on your promotion.
Only up and only forward,
We wish you to go to your goal.

You are a fair leader
Now your holiday hour has come.
Accept congratulations soon,
Each of us is sincerely happy for you!

Congratulations on your promotion, our glorious boss. We wish you never to stand still and constantly move only forward. Let every step on the manager's career ladder be confident and successful, let every new day give you a lot of ideas and opportunities for improvement and self-realization.

Our reliable leader,
We congratulate you on your promotion!
Your career path has been very difficult
And you have reached the peak now!

You are sensitive, moderately severe,
But it does everything better than you.
You are a worthy leader in life!
The best boss for us.

Thank you for your work and respect!
We wish you many years of life.
We wish you a little more patience
And let's say all together: Hurray!

Our boss is dear,
We want to congratulate you.
With a worthy promotion,
You are an example for all of us.

Honestly achieved this,
And they stubbornly went towards the goal.
We wish you that in work,
Found only the best!

Chef, congratulations
With your new appointment.
So that on the career ladder
There have been many promotions.
Motivation is always
To be true.
May good luck always lie ahead
Accompanies you on the way.
Love, enthusiasm, fire,
And your life will be easy!

Only through work, stubborn zeal,
You got your way
So, congratulations on your promotion,
We wish you everything, boss:

So that the new chair is cozy,
Nobody distracted from business.
So that the leadership is sensitive,
After all, change it soon.

Chief, with a promotion -
You deserve it
Will not be worried
Let things get better
Let luck come
Let everything be easily solved
And better - every year,
We wish you well-being
And we wish you joy
For no reason or occasion
All dreams come true
Fate, easily measured
May the sky be clear
We want to be sure
To you in the beautiful future!

We've never been bored under your wing
You led the whole department forward without a doubt,
We worked perfectly, not knowing laziness
And now you got a promotion ...

We wish you a loud and glorious career,
And meet a lot of luck along the way.
And even though you are not yet in charge,
But success is definitely ahead of you!

Your team is a friendly family.
Everything works reliably
Nice, right, careful.
And we, on this bright day,
Congratulations on your promotion
We wish you happiness, joy,
Always be strong, courageous,
And, of course, skillful.
There is nothing not to retreat before,
And solve all the problems!

Congratulations on your promotion! It's always good to know that bosses are also people and can get promoted too. Let it not be the last and our humble boss will become the Most Important Boss. Successful further progress and, of course, do not forget about us, mere mortals.

A promotion is always an exciting and enjoyable event. We wish that your worries were only pleasant, the work brought a stable income and moral satisfaction!

We wish you success everywhere in your professional field. Let all creative ideas always be successfully implemented and appreciated by the authorities. So that colleagues respect and listen to your opinion. With the rise!

We sincerely congratulate you on your promotion. We wish you enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Develop creatively and never get upset over trifles!

We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful event. Thanks to your persistent patience and impeccable work, you have become one step higher. We wish that with the promotion of your position, your confidence in yourself will grow, working conditions will improve, and your salary will reach unprecedented heights. So that the bosses would be supportive, and the work collective would become a second family for you!

It does not matter what the weather is outside the window, let it always be clear and sunny in the heart, it is warm and cozy in the family, and at work it is comfortable and safe. Let your health allow you to work to the fullest, achieving excellent results!

Congratulations on your promotion in prose

Well, you have achieved your goal, you have been promoted! Let me congratulate and rejoice with you. I would like to wish that the authorities would always appreciate your professionalism, that relatives and friends would support and help you to grow further in every possible way. So that you always go to work with pleasure, and from work with a sense of accomplishment. May a good salary inspire you and allow you to spend unforgettable holidays in the most wonderful corners of our planet!

We wish this promotion was the starting point on the way to your amazing career! May every day pass easily and joyfully. The work team atmosphere is inspiring and stimulating. Good luck in your new position!

Someone will say that fate decreed this, but we know that your promotion is the result of fruitful work and extraordinary dedication. We wish you not to lose your grip, to move on, conquering new peaks. Let inspiration not leave you for a minute, and your strong-willed character will never be broken by difficulties and obstacles. Only the best go to a decent job. You are the best in what you do! Congratulations!

With the rise! Always be optimistic and charismatic. Charge your colleagues with positive, please your bosses with new achievements. I wish you health and well-being.

Congratulations on your promotion! You honestly and fairly deserve this position. The work is not always easy, but let it become feasible for you. I wish you a good mood, vigor, prosperity. May your favorite work bring you joy and a considerable salary!

It's nice when your irrepressible thirst for work, talent and perseverance are appreciated. Let this be only the first step of your career ladder. Fear and uncertainty are left far behind, and experience, success and new achievements lie ahead. I wish you more such meteoric take-offs.

Congratulations on your promotion. Let the work be a pleasure - easy and interesting, and pay always on time and on top. Strive for new horizons, create and develop. I wish you patience, fortitude and eternal success on the path to your dream.

There is a reason to congratulate you today. Finally, your painstaking, diligent and selfless work has borne its sweet fruits. Never stop at what you have achieved and boldly go forward, crushing all visible and invisible obstacles on your way.

Congratulations on entering a new serious chapter in my life - a new position. I hope this chapter will become the most exciting and interesting page in your life. Just do not dwell on it for a long time, gain experience and feel free to flip to the next one. Let your self-improvement and self-development know no boundaries.

You worked long and selflessly before achieving such a high result. And the one who believes in himself and works with such dedication cannot go unnoticed. I really want to congratulate you on your promotion and wish that this lightning-fast spurt was just a warm-up before a serious climb up the career ladder.

Dear colleague. Please accept my sincere congratulations on your appointment to your new position. I am convinced that your professional experience, energy, managerial talent and organizational skills will allow you to achieve significant achievements in this high and responsible post. With all my heart I wish you success in your difficult and responsible work!

Poems congratulations on the appointment to the position of the head

Being a boss is not easy
Pull all the load, which are few.
Overcoming all obstacles
Tirelessly legs and arms,
It works like a plow ...
We congratulate from the bottom of our hearts
With a high purpose,
We wish you great victories
And the right decisions!

It's great that the position has become higher,
You found your niche at work!
I achieved success and sometimes
You came home too late!
You worried and did not spare your strength,
He conquered all obstacles, overcame them!
And here you are, now you have a reward,
Career has gone up, and that's the way it should be!
And this, believe me, suits you,
I also want to get out like that!
The salary is higher, and the honor grows,
The boss will come with a smile!
As equals he will ask: "How are you?"
And brighter - a guiding star!
Well, well, you prosper and don't get old,
And let the door open in happiness!
Good luck, achievements, new meetings,
To achieve a lot and only succeed!

Congratulations on taking office

The day today is one of the main
In your destiny and your career.
May it be a holiday today
From now on, all doors are open for you!
We wish you prosperity in everything,
To accompany success in life.
We know that everything will be just fine
After all, you are super with us, you are the best!

Congratulations on your appointment

You got your position by right,
You are worthy to occupy a high post.
We all noticed your successes,
Now it's time to collect your own fruit.
In a new place, we wish you
To achieve success without problems.
Everything will be right, we all know about it,
You can get everything you wanted!

Congratulations on the promotion to a colleague

You rise higher
So you will soon reach the roof!
After all, the steps go up
All your decisions are waiting!
How do you distribute the budget?
And what advice do you give!
Everyone respects the opinion
The instructions are being followed!
Become what you dream
At work - they love it!

Congratulations to the position of the chief

Finally, this long-awaited day has come! Day of summing up the work results, definition and evaluation of results. It's nice to know that you have been noticed, appreciated and duly rewarded. Let's drink to justice, dedication and the right choice! May your new position bring a sense of satisfaction and self-sufficiency!

Congratulations on your promotion

Yesterday we ran to the canteen together, sat in the smoking room, and today you are the boss, you were promoted. I must admit that communication skills, responsibility, a businesslike approach to what was entrusted, thoughtfulness, the ability to think analytically, be principled and objective - all these qualities contributed to your appointment to a new position. No sycophancy - congratulations on your promotion. Do not turn up your nose, do not put on airs, and do not be arrogant. Stay the same - sweet, kind and warm-hearted, a new job will not replace your old and trusted friends. I love you!

Congratulations on obtaining the desired position

Dear colleague, congratulations. You have dreamed of getting this position for so long, but if you really want to, you will always succeed. Let this new step become happy for you, and you can walk further, higher and higher, to the very top of your dreams.

Congratulations on your appointment

Happy to congratulate you on your new position
We are a colleague with an open mind!
Let there be no mistakes and abrasions
Let him go boldly through life!

Congratulations on the promotion to a colleague

I became taller today,
It's not easy to achieve
All confessions of things
You look ahead bolder!
You enter the restaurant proudly
And you invite your colleagues with you!
You can treat us soon
After all, the salary is growing!

Congratulations on your promotion
The most correct decision.
Let things go great
And success will become a habit.
Let there be no place for sadness
Happiness, joy will be together.
Let the career grow further
Will bring prosperity to your house!

Congratulations on your promotion
With you Cola and biscuits.
Just don't turn up your nose
Help your colleagues.
Be persistent, accurate
Pleasant in heart and face
And then, it is not even the hour,
You will become the main one with us!

With a promotion, colleague!
Let it not happen often.
This post is like a reward for you,
After all, he did not work in vain.
Everyone congratulates you today
From the bottom of their hearts they wish good luck
Earn the respect of your superiors
And a big salary to boot.

Congratulations on your promotion,
A fair appointment.
May good luck await in business
And there is always a task on the shoulder.
Your work will be a joy
And the burden will not touch the heart.
Let peace and comfort surround you.
And may they always wait for you at home!

I sincerely congratulate you, friend,
With your promotion!
And I wish you success in your work,
To make a career soon!
May your health be strong
And let the ideas be bold
And the business approach will be tenacious,
Come true, so that your plans!

Your work is appreciated at its true worth -
Congratulations on your promotion!
So that you do not know problems at work
And in everything to succeed!
To continue to appreciate you
For your work and success in work,
And so that this step is yours
Was not the last in your takeoff!

The title is given only to the best.
You are one of the lucky ones already.
Congratulations on this! Improve your life
Had a chance. We are happy for you in our hearts!
With the rise comes seriousness
And responsibility for their actions.
May a colleague not miss happiness
In a team, let him work in love.

You've been promoted, congratulations!
Let your career take off.
And we wish to reach the bosses
Not a dozen years, but a maximum of a year.
Today is a holiday, it is undoubtedly!
Work colleagues and friends congratulate.
Manners have become somewhat sedate,
And much is already impossible now.
The path to prosperity will be easy.
We wish you to pass unhindered,
Be wise, charming and persistent
You must find a place under the sun.

Let's congratulate today
Who gets the title,
Who became a lieutenant colonel, and therefore
Today the sun is shining.
Now young, that young major
Became a position higher, larger.

Our dear mother!
You are very stubborn with us.
If you decide anything,
You always stand on your own.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Strength to you! A lot of patience!
Do not scold your subordinates,
Don't forget about your family.
Well, and we always do what we can,
We will help you, Mom.
In general, be always stubborn
Our dear mother!

What was the purpose of life has come true
You are leaving us for a promotion
And we wish you all the best
So that the fire of striving does not go out.

Did you get a promotion for great service?
For a simple attitude, for love for a big cause,
For the greatness of nature, and simple respect,
For striving and honesty, beauty and meek disposition, -
That's why you got this super promotion!

We are happy to congratulate you
With a big rise,
All deserved awards
We are in a hurry to wish
To continue to be so strengthened,
Grow above yourself in everything
Don't be embarrassed by success
And always go forward!
So that successful moments
Were good at work
So that the competitors are sad!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

We are in a hurry to congratulate our colleague,
With the promotion of you!
We wish you a great job
We will support you, of course, at the beginning!
And let the world sparkle with bright colors,
Let the soul sing with happiness.
And we wish you further promotions,
Grow in your career every year!

We congratulate you on your promotion
Today we were in a hurry.
With this attitude to work
You definitely got yours!
You worked hard and honestly,
And they forgot a restful sleep.
But life is so interesting for that,
That you deserve the award.
And here we are with your career growth
Congratulations today.
New heights with new toast
With all our hearts we wish!

Career growth is important for life,
And so today we
Congratulating you on your promotion,
We wish you new heights!
We also remind you, our friend,
So that you don't forget about your friends
Let a lot of people around
Only with them sadness is not terrible.

Our military is support, protection!
And your ranks are formidable for the enemy.
To you - to the unyielding parts of the monolith
We will always trust Russia and life!

Congratulations to the one who, having passed the test,
He showed himself as an excellent soldier.
Congratulations to him on the title award!
He is the best example for the green guys.

Let us arrange a merry holiday.
Be "At ease!" the command is rather audible.
And so we will wash the insignia,
That our native country will not forget us.

Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
With a promotion - you deserve!
You worked very hard
And they put in a lot of effort!
You are an example for all of us,
Here - take a gift,
May there be more bright days
And luck will be near!

You worked hard, worked hard.
We missed you during this time,
After all, you did not go out with your friends often.
Here's the bottom line: earned a promotion.
We wish to gain momentum,
Climb even higher in your career.
And enthusiasm for work
Yours will flare up more and more!

Congratulations on your appointment,
With a welcome promotion
And we wish that a career
Served as an example for everyone!
So that employees love
Everyone praised the work,
So that there is order in the family,
You lived in love, contentment!

You have become even a little more important
More serious by an iota, maybe he has become,
A little more experienced means smarter,
We wish you to continue to grow!

May your successes be repeated
With triple strength many, many times,
Let the envious be angry in vain
Let friends rejoice now!

We wish you a basket of things
Didn't become undeservedly empty
Let your role be irreplaceable
And the porridge on your table is thick!

We wish to cope with everything with ease,
The same as now, and continue to be,
Well, that is, we wish not to be arrogant,
When will you start to walk in the chiefs!

Our colleague, we are all very happy,
That you were promoted.
You deserve this award,
We want to congratulate you on her now!
Good luck in the new field,
And there are fewer obstacles along the way.
Always stay exemplary -
You can't find anyone better!

My dear colleague,
With the promotion of you!
Even though sometimes we swore
Know that I am loving.

Congratulations, may victory
It won't be the last one here.
Let the loved ones be proud
Let comfort reign in the house.

You're an ace, everyone knows it
Easy way for you.
May all troubles and adversities
You can easily get through.

It's always nice to be promoted
Although it adds responsibility.
You need to cope with urgent matters,
The bosses notices mistakes and mistakes.
We wish you to advance uphill in your career.
Let it be not difficult for you at all.
You shouldn't climb out of your skin and strain,
Even if it is impossible.

You are now one step higher
You have achieved what you were going for.
Take your time, step a little quieter,
Enjoy your success to the fullest!
You have already reached the top -
Not everyone can achieve it,
Leave the rest for the man
You are a woman! This must be protected!

Chef, congratulations
With your new appointment.
So that on the career ladder
There have been many promotions.
Motivation is always
To be true.
May good luck always lie ahead
Accompanies you on the way.
Love, enthusiasm, fire,
And your life will be easy!

Day and night you are in business
For just one lofty goal:
You are pulling your career up ...
And finally the success came!
Titanic labor is noticed
Support provided for talent!
Please accept our congratulations
And at the same time a warning:
Career is a curve ladder
Get up without yawning.
Do not turn up your nose in front of us,
And then you stumble, so know it!

I'm happy and glad for your promotion
I wish you success, recognition, awards.
I wish you a career almost to heaven
So that you carry with dignity, this difficult cross!

I wish you health, good luck, goodness,
Let this mountain also conquer,
So that you always reach new heights,
You haven't forgotten about your former colleagues!

And we love you, you come to us,
Let our paths not diverge
And if trouble happens to you,
Then you should know, we will help you everywhere and always!

Well my friend let me congratulate
Me with the promotion of you.
Now you have become a great boss.
Accept a gift from me:
I wish you did not relax
And I was always myself -
I remained the same kind
Let happiness shine over fate.
So that the career ladder is exactly
Led you further up.
Hope, faith, definitely
And to wait for success in everything.

Career growth is important
In life and work.
Because we say
On a high note

What we are very proud of
We are yours.
Your calculation was accurate
You took the right angle.

Pursue honestly
Goals and dreams.
Follow, don't give up.
You can! We believe.

Dear, diligent colleague!
We all appreciate your great work.
Congratulations on your promotion! Victory
Let it light up your long journey.

At least there are failures in life,
But you can handle them easily.
Different career ladder
You make money, you get points.

May everything turn out in the best possible way
And new work brings success!
Will you be that leader
Without decay and great hindrances.

The years passed, the work was not in vain,
And I would like to congratulate you on your promotion.
Now you are our boss
Serious, fair,
The whole team is our chosen one,
Courteous, sweet and obstinate.
I sincerely congratulate you,
And I want to wish
Be happy, we respect you,
Try to act according to your conscience in business.

We are in a hurry to congratulate
With a new rise
We will praise you
Let's have a drink with a continuation.

There is a difficult thing
The rule of men
The point here is
What kind of rank is rank.

Career growth is important
Everybody wants him
Otherwise, how can we prove
That the years don't fly

Wasted and aimless
Like a treasure trove of losses.
And here everything is so extreme -
You are the boss now.

May everything be glorious
Quiet, no problem.
Remember the main thing
There are no substitutes for you!

Day and night you worked in the sweat of your brow!
You took overtime work without end!
And now, now, a well-deserved result!
In honor of your promotion, our rhyme!
Colleagues die of envy
Faithful friends congratulate
Finally, for once and for all
Your boss appreciated you!