Fun games for a 7 year old. Educational games for children at seven months

We offer an overview of the most useful and educational children's games for children 6 and 7 years old. 6 years old and 7 years old are school age. During this period, children are either actively preparing in the 1st grade, or have already gone to school, i.e. psychologically move to a qualitatively different level. But the dominant form of learning and development for them is still the game.

So what are kids playing today? For the most part, at this time they are already active users of phones, tablets, computers and game consoles. Why? First of all, because it is convenient for adults.

In order for the virtual world not to obscure the real world for the child, play regular games with your children, in addition to those presented on all kinds of gadgets.

Children's games 6 years old, 7 years old: Playing on the road

On the road, we encounter all sorts of restrictions in terms of the possibilities of playing the game. But it is on the road that a situation of expectation is created, which is difficult for children to endure and which provokes family quarrels.

Selling a lot now thematic magazines for children of this age, which have both small stories and different games. They are light and you can take them with you on the road, do not forget to grab a few colored pencils. Different tasks from such magazines allow you to switch the attention of the child and do not let him get bored.

If you did not have the opportunity to prepare, you can use the simplest, but very favorite games for children of this age, which do not require equipment:

"Words" First you need to choose a theme. Give the child a choice. Then explain the conditions to him: You name the word on the chosen topic, I - the next one, but it must necessarily begin with the letter that the previous one ended with. For example: The topic is wild animals. The first word is Tiger. The second is Lynx (if the word ends with "b" or "s", then with the letter before the last one). As part of this simple game, it is important not just to mechanically name words, but to communicate with the child, expand his horizons, telling him about new words on the chosen topic.

"Guess the word" Choose a topic together. One person thinks a word for her. The rest ask questions to guess it. Here you can set different conditions. For example, the answers can only be "yes" and "no".

"Write a story" Together with the child, you can compose a whole fairy tale. Choose the name of the fairy tale and the main characters. Then you start a fairy tale: one or two sentences - a child, then - you, etc. This game is very useful to understand the inner world of the child, the logic of his actions. Children often say things that are important to them in this form.

Children's games 6 years old, 7 years old: Playing in nature

In nature with children of this age, you can play all the classic games from the "Soviet childhood": "knocked out"(bouncers), "edible-inedible", "cauldron"(who did not catch the ball - sits in the center of the circle), "classics", "rubber", hide and seek.

If there are many children, break them into teams and organize for them "Fun Starts"

The child will be interested in running with you kite, flying saucer, boomerang.

Teach children to play football, volleyball, table tennis, badminton; to ride on rollerblading and cycling, and in winter skating, skiing, snowboarding.

During the break between outdoor games in summer and early autumn, gather the leaves for the herbarium together, tell the child about different trees and their features.

Children's games 6 years old, 7 years old: Playing at home

Home games can also be mobile, especially if the living space allows it.

If there are several children in your house, you can invite them "Twister"- an inexpensive and very popular game (the easiest way is to buy it in the store). The adult in this case acts as a leader.

Liked by children and "Confusion". The leader is selected, he turns away, and the rest at this time hold hands and begin to “get confused”, without opening their hands (you can crawl under your arms, step over your arms, etc.). Then the leader turns and begins to unravel them without opening his hands. The adult plays the role of a coordinator, who makes sure that the rules are not violated and helps to unravel in an impasse.

"Guess who am I?" On the back of the participants are pinned nameplates within the framework of the chosen topic. The task of everyone is to guess themselves by asking questions to others.

"Crocodile" A popular game even among adults, which you can just start playing at this age. The minimum number of players is two. One thinks of a word (or action) and shows it to everyone else with the help of facial expressions and movements, but without words. The task of the rest is to guess. Crocodile can also be played outdoors. The task of an adult is to direct the thoughts of children in the right direction, to help correctly show what is hidden.

Games with children at this age should be aimed at their socialization and development. They must learn to interact in a team: to help, support, yield, negotiate. Do not forget to praise the child for the results of the game. Please note that it is important not just to say: “Well done”, but to praise specifically for a certain achievement.

Games for baby 6, 7, 8 months

Consider a series of educational games for a child of 6-8 months.

We wash ourselves, we comb ourselves

Game Goals: development of hygiene skills, education of independence.

: bright comb, towel with the image of a toy.

Game progress: after playing, before meals and after meals, before going to bed, in the morning and in the evening, teach your baby to wash his hands and wash his face. The child with great pleasure tries to play with water. During the game, show the baby how to wash his hands, wash himself, while always saying: "Now the baby will be clean, hands are clean, nose is clean," etc.

Gradually, the child will get used to it and will wash himself. Hygiene activities are fun so that the baby in a good mood goes with mom or dad to the bathroom and is not afraid of water. You can read the lines from "Moydodyr" by Korney Chukovsky while washing:

My, my, chimney sweep

Clean, clean

Clean, clean.

Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Pure, pure, pure.

Long live scented soap

And a fluffy towel

And tooth powder

And thick scallop.

Show the towel to the baby, say that this is Masha's towel (child's name). The towel should be bright and recognizable by the baby. Wipe the baby only with his towel, while asking him: “Where is Machine's towel?”, Over time, the child will definitely begin to show mom or dad where his towel hangs.

Comb the child in front of the mirror, show him his comb, it should lie in the same place. Show the baby how to comb his hair, while giving him a comb and run his hand in the right direction, later the baby will be able to move independently, you just have to ensure his safety (make sure that the child does not get into his eye, etc.). Praise the child for trying to wash, comb, tell him how clean and tidy he has become.

Take a spoon, take a cup

Game Goals: development and consolidation of purposeful actions, education of independence.

Required materials and visual aids: spoon, two-handled non-spill cup, dolls and toys.

Game progress.

1st option (not quite a game): After the child has eaten, give him a non-spill cup. He can drink on his own, holding the cup with both hands. It does not matter if the cup breaks out of your hands, this happens with adults too. When the child has stopped drinking, praise him for his independence. Gradually, you can teach your baby to hold a spoon, and then eat it yourself (put a small unbreakable plate of food in front of the child). Praise your child for wanting and trying to get the spoonful of food into their mouth. After eating, teach your baby to wipe his mouth with a napkin, wash his face.

2nd option: Place a doll, teddy bear, or other toy next to your baby. Ask the baby to feed the toys, put spoons and plates in front of him. Watch what the child will do. If he takes a spoon and starts bringing it to the doll, accompany his actions with comments: “Eat, Masha, porridge, delicious porridge, you will grow big.” If the child does not know what needs to be done for a long time, suggest yourself: “Let's feed Masha, Masha wants to eat”, show the child how to feed the doll. The child will gradually learn to feed the toys. At the end of the game, praise the baby: "Well done, fed Masha, Masha is happy and smiling".

The clock goes and says "NO"

Game Goals: receiving a negative answer to an adult's question, the development of verbal communication.

Required materials and visual aids: watch clock or a small ball on a short string.

Game progress: go to the clock, show the child how they walk, turn your head to the left, right and repeat: “tick-tock, everything is wrong.” When the child has mastered this movement and will himself depict how the clock runs, read the poem, placing a voice emphasis on the word “no”.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

It's all wrong, it's all wrong

The clock gives the answer

Left, right means "NO",

No no no.

In the future, when a negative action or a negative response of the child is expected, ask what the clock will answer, and repeat: “No, no, no.”

If there are no clocks in the house, you can depict them using a small ball on a string as a pendulum.

The first fairy tales: "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen" in faces

Game Goals: perception of speech, the implementation of the simplest purposeful movements.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toys - characters of fairy tales, folding books.

Game progress.

1st option: home theater. Distribute the roles in the fairy tale, each of the actors must improvise, attract the baby to ensure that he “tells” the fairy tale. Ask the child to show how a grandfather or a woman beat a golden egg, how the characters of the fairy tale "Turnip" pull a turnip. The kid with great pleasure takes part in an impromptu home theater. Praise the baby for his diligence and participation in the play.

2nd option: home puppet theater. Actors are toys that perform the actions they are supposed to do. Encourage your baby to do the same things that the toys do. After playing together, put all the toys back in their place.

3rd option: reading books together with the baby. As you read, ask your child to point out what the book is about. Praise the child for his help.

Magpie. Goat. Ladushki

Purpose of the game: performing purposeful movements at the request of adults.

Game progress: you have already played with the child in the games "Forty", "Okay", showed the child the simplest movements, cooked porridge, clapped your hands. The kid has mastered these games and can show you these movements himself. Ask him about it, while pronouncing the words necessary for the game: "Forty, forty ..." or "Okay, okay ..."

Teach your child to play the game "Goat", depicting horns with your fingers, say:

There is a horned goat

For the little guys.

Legs top, top,

Horns clap, clap,

It hurts, it hurts.

At the end, depict how the goat butts with horns, lightly touch the baby, which causes him laughter and joy. In the future, the child himself will portray a goat and touch you, which will also cause him a storm of delight.

One two three four

Game Goals: performing purposeful movements, developing a sense of rhythm, strengthening the muscles of the back, arms, legs.

Required materials and visual aids: a blanket.

Game progress: spread a blanket on the floor, put the baby on it. Counting, raise and lower the baby's hands, saying:

We strengthen our hands

We pull our hands up

Hands down

Three four,

To rest

Three four.

Let the baby get used to performing movements with his hands, then just count and sentence, let the child perform the movements on his own.

Help the baby to stand up, let him hold on to your hands. Lower your arms a little - the baby crouched, then pull your hands up - the baby stood up, while also counting:

One, two, sit down

Three, four, stand up.

In the future, just count and watch what the child will do, obey his attempts to sit down or stand up.

If the baby does not perform the movements proposed to him for a long time, repeat them with him again and again. Praise for the right attempts, keep score in a joyful voice, cheer up the baby, encourage in every possible way with your voice.

Learning to speak

Purpose of the game: development of articulation, "babbling" speaking during games and in communication with adults.

Game progress: while playing, the baby makes sounds, accompanying their actions, the actions of mom or dad. Actively enter into a conversation with the baby, repeat his syllables and words, copy intonation, agree or not, conduct a conversation emotionally. Approve the baby's attempts to express his opinion, smile at him, achieve a return smile. After the dialogue is over, take the child in your arms, hug you, throw it up, which causes a lot of positive emotions in him.

➣ The sooner the child begins to perform simple actions with a spoon, a cup, try to wash himself, the sooner he will learn to perform these actions on his own.

➣ The patience of parents is the key to the further success of children in their endeavors.

➣ The kid easily repeats simple movements after you, performs simple actions after several repetitions.

Every mother wants to grow a genius out of her child and help him master the world around him. The latest fashion trends advise you to start conducting educational activities for your baby literally from the cradle. How to help a child in this difficult process, what methods and toys to use?

What to do with a 7 month old baby?

The choice of activities for the baby should be based on his skills and abilities that need stimulation and development. It is necessary to form in the child the so-called objective activity. Exercises will help you learn how to navigate and manage your actions, analyze the consequences and all the possibilities.
The example is simple, take any two different toys, place them in front of the baby. Show and tell a little about each item, and then ask for the right one. Features of the development of children require patience, and you may have to repeat the material covered repeatedly. As soon as the baby learns to correctly navigate in his mother's requests, we can already talk about objective activity.
On a personal example, it is necessary to show the baby all the actions that can be performed with toys and what the result will be. For example, fold pyramids of rings, play with nesting dolls, etc.
At the same time, educational games for children of 7 months will be shifting objects of different sizes and textures from side to side. For example, when collecting a pyramid, teach the baby to remove the rings and put them in a bucket, or simply spread them out in front of you. Such a simple exercise will not only cause a storm of emotions, but also teach you to imitate adults.

Educational activities for children 7 months

Since the hearing and vision of the child is fully formed, it is necessary to develop and stimulate them. Take several cups of different sizes, bringing each of them to your mouth, say the baby's name or any familiar word. The spoken word will sound differently, which will arouse the interest of the child. It is important to diversify the vocabulary, the more sounds the baby pronounces, the faster he will begin to repeat.

Give your child objects that change shape, such as a dense balloon filled with water or sand. Tactile study of the subject will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, therefore, stimulate the development of speech.

What can you teach a child at 7 months?

In addition to learning to crawl, walk, it is necessary to develop other skills in the child. For example, look for items. The baby still does not understand that if the object is not visible, then it continues to exist. You can hide your favorite toy so that only its edge is visible, for example, cover it with a diaper.
Seeing a familiar toy, the baby will grab onto it and hold on to the visible part, but will gradually understand and learn how to pull out hidden objects.
By the same principle, you can hide small objects in your hand, clenched fist, and let the baby try to find the “lost” thing. If the child is difficult to navigate, you need to help him.

What toys does a 7 month old baby need?

Toys for a boy and for a girl at 7 months are no different, while it is too early to focus on gender differences. The first toys in a child appear from six months, these are various rattles, soft books made of matter or thick cardboard, a toy teether is required.
It is necessary to diversify the arsenal with educational toys for children of 7 months, for example, cubes, nesting dolls, tumblers, pyramids, sound toys - rattles, a drum, tambourines, musical and ordinary books in a bright design.
The main thing is to choose them correctly. Firstly, they should consist of large parts, pyramids with a thick rod. This condition provides an easy grip of objects with a child's hand. Secondly, so that the items are easy to wash, not fragile.
The colorful coating of toys must be durable and non-toxic. When choosing a toy made of wood, it is necessary to pay attention to its weight and quality of processing; it should not be allowed that there are splinters or notches that the baby can get hurt on. Before offering a toy to a child, it must be properly and properly processed - rinsed under running warm water. Only by observing these conditions, games for girls and boys of 7 months will be safe and beneficial.
Many people think that tumblers are outdated, but, according to most psychologists and experienced mothers, this is the best tandem of sound and appearance. The very face of the tumbler is open, kind and predisposing. Many kids actively communicate with the toy, touch it and even smile.

You can take a child at 7 months in many ways, the main thing is that the process is informative and interesting, and brings pleasure to the child and mother. You should not immediately load the child, you need to focus on his desires and skills.

Educational games for a child at 6-7 months. Even more movement

Games with a 7 month old baby

6 months is a big milestone in a baby's life. He is constantly learning new movements, more interested in toys. Games with children after six months become much more interesting.

You can already share your impressions. Chat with your baby during games, say something to him, and he will answer you with different sounds and learn to imitate your intonation.

Do not worry if your baby at 7 months is not yet able to do what his peers have learned. The main thing is that it constantly develops. And your games with the baby will help with this.

Games with a child at 7 months are largely aimed at the physical development of the baby. Each time he becomes a little more independent.

Game 1. We teach the child to turn from back to stomach

The child grabs your finger, you hold his palm from the outside. Take the child's hand to the side of his other hand, prompting him to pull up behind it with his whole body. The baby will move its legs, trying to turn around.

Often the child's hand, through which he rolled over, remains under his stomach. Don't rush to get it. Stroke the baby on the back, let him try to get it on his own. And if he fails, give him a little help.

Later, you can offer the child to grab onto a wooden or plastic ring. It is interesting and convenient to play with it, for example, to scratch your teeth or look into it like through a window.

Game 2. Roll over from stomach to back

The child lies on his stomach. Place your palm under the cheek, towards which he will turn. With your other hand, push the child by the hip and gently roll over onto their back.

When playing with a child of 7 months, do not forget to talk to him, pronounce all your actions. Games of 7 months are very mobile. And it's never too early to develop a sense of rhythm in children. Accompany the game with fun songs to the beat of the movements.

Game 3

The baby holds you tightly by the index fingers. This game is suitable if the child holds his head well and does not let go of your fingers.

Slowly pull the baby towards you until he sits up. Gently put him back on his back, smile at him, kiss him. After all, you are playing with a child! And the game not only develops, but also brings pleasure.

Pull the child stronger, then by the left, then by the right hand. Do not leave the baby to sit if he does not already know how. The kid will be able to do everything on his own if he holds your index fingers.

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Game 4

For a child of 7 months, it will be enough to hang two toys of different colors, textures, shapes over him. The baby will reach out to them and take turns studying, comparing. Educational games with a child can be very simple, and the benefits for kids from such games are priceless.

When offering a game to a child, calculate the time so that the baby has time to master new movements. If you give the baby a ball, he may not immediately hit it with his legs, but simply turn on his side with him, press him to himself. Don't force your rules on your child. Any interaction of a child with a toy develops him.

Have you noticed that now the child is more likely to calmly walk, waking up? Children's games with different objects not only develop fine motor skills, but also give the kids an emotional experience.

Game 5. Support the child with his back to you

Place the baby on your arm. Hold it firmly with your other hand, pressing your back against you so as not to burden the spine. Walk like this with the child around the room, walk, name and talk about the things that he touches. For a child of 7 months, an excellent overview of the world around is very important, which opens from this position.

Closeness to mother is very important for children while getting to know new objects, people, environment. In this position, the child feels your support, without losing sight of the interesting.

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Games for children from 5 to 7 years old, aimed at the formation of the correct model of behavior in children.

First, consider the behavior of children from 5 to 7 years old.

Children who celebrate their fifth birthday consider themselves smart enough, independent and adults. They strive for intellectual, cognitive communication, have their own point of view on what is happening around, they will gladly explain even what they are not very good at - just ask. It is important for them to receive praise, to be good. Children of this age have developed a desire to help others and a desire to maintain good relations with others.

During conflict situations, talk to your child as a person who understands everything. Keep calm and composure, then the child, looking at you, will begin to calm down. In three or four sentences, explain your position, try to make it clear that you want to do the same thing as the child, but you can’t due to objective reasons. Suggest an alternative: “You and I have a lot of fun and it's fun to play here. But I'll have to go home because it's going to rain soon. We get wet and sick. And at home we will play your favorite hide and seek.

To bring the child to his senses, distract him from the subject of the dispute and be able to move in the direction you need, use the games below.

Attention switching games


Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Ask your child different questions, and let him answer. Then switch roles.

Note. Choose questions that are simple and funny, such as “Does a cat have five tails? And how many?.. Can dogs fly? Does Santa Claus have a green coat?


Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Call yourself different names of vegetables and fruits, so much so that it is funny: “You are a radish!”, “And you are a cabbage!”. At the end of the game, come up with some kind word for each other.

The best

Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Organize competitions - who will jump further, who will jump longer on one leg (in the direction of travel), who will run faster to a place or object, etc.

Called - walk

Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Choose a letter of the alphabet. Take turns saying words that start with that letter. The name of the word has the right to take three steps forward.

Traffic lights

Location. On the street.

How to play. Remind your child that traffic on the road is controlled by traffic lights. “Red light – no way, stop. Yellow light - get ready. Green - run, catch up. Say: “Red” and move away from the baby for some distance, repeating: “Red, red, now yellow (the child is preparing to catch up with you), and now green!”.

Change roles.

Outdoor games for children from 5 to 7 years old

Let's gurgle!

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. A basin filled with warm water.

How to play. Gurg with your face in a basin of water.

Note. Clearly explain to the child that you can not drink water, and you can breathe air only by raising your face from the water.

Pillow fight

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Light, small in size, not tightly stuffed pillows according to the number of participants.

How to play. Hold on to pillows. Adults can kneel to be about the same height as the child.

Note. Discuss with the child safety precautions - do not beat very hard, avoid hitting the head.

Physical education minute

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Musical accompaniment suitable for performing rhythmic movements.

How to play. Alternate movements characteristic of charging: swinging arms and legs, squats, spreading arms to the sides, turning the upper body, bending over, etc.


Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Knowledge by the child and you of songs and poems.

How to play. Listen to the words of a song or read a poem aloud, while simultaneously showing gestures and actions what is being said in the text. For example:

Small (Keep your palm parallel to the floor a few centimeters from it.)

Christmas tree (We take our hands to the sides.)

it's cold in winter... (We wrap our arms around our shoulders, tremble as if from cold and chatter our teeth.)


Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Skittles (or plastic cubes), ball.

How to play. Place the pins at some distance from you and try to knock them down with the ball.


Location. On the street.

What is necessary. Medium size ball, basketball hoop.

How to play. Take turns throwing the ball into the ring. First, perform throws while standing next to the ring, then gradually move further and further away.


Location. On the street.

What is necessary. Boomerang or flying saucer.

How to play. Launch a flying saucer or a boomerang.

Note. Choose a suitable place to play away from houses and roads.


As a rule, all outdoor games take place on the street, in the yard. In addition to the games proposed above, it can be cycling, rollerblading and much more. Be careful and careful, teach this to your children.

Games and activities that form a positive model of behavior

Who is more careful?

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Cubes, cars, rope, toys, etc.

How to play. Set up a competition. The one who completes the task more accurately wins. For example, bring the car to the finish line, build a turret of cubes, walk straight along the rope laid out on the floor, put the toys in their places, color the picture, etc.

The most dexterous

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Tablespoon, boiled egg.

How to play. Carry the egg in a tablespoon to the finish line. Whoever drops it loses. This game is not about speed, but about skill.


Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Chairs or other objects that can act as obstacles.

How to play. Place a chair in the middle of the room. Blindfold dad. Giving commands, help him go around the obstacle: "Step forward, another step, step to the left ..." Then blindfold the child.

You can complicate the task: put a few items that need to be bypassed. To make it more interesting, come up with a plot. For example, chairs are trees on a desert island. “Now it’s night on the island, it’s dark and you can’t see anything. The islanders have to get to the tent to get settled for the night ... "


Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Crosswords, rebuses, puzzles for children.

How to play. Offer the kid: “I have an interesting crossword puzzle, do you think we can guess it? Shall we try?"

Learning to Observe

Location. At home or on the street.

What is necessary. The object of observation is a bird, a pet, a plant (we observe its growth), a natural phenomenon (rain, snow, hail, strong wind), etc.

How to play. Choose what you want to watch. Draw the child's attention to the subject: "Oh, what is this?!". Watch what happens together. Ask your child questions about what you see: “What is he doing? How? What's going on around? What changed? How was it yesterday (two days ago)?..”

ABC of etiquette

Location. At home and on the street.

How to play. Ask your child questions and ask them to answer them: “What should I say when you enter? How to behave with small ones? ..».

magic drawing

Location. Houses.

What is necessary. Sheets of paper, pencils, markers. How to play. Ask the child to draw his bad deed: “Today you did a bad thing. Draw what you did. Now tear this drawing, and on another sheet draw what you need to do. Let's do this all the time!"

Our best friends are books

Read books to your child. Using the characters in the books as an example, teach him to take care of his loved ones, behave correctly, help others, and think about the consequences of his actions. Ask questions: “Why did it happen, did this boy behave well, what should have been done?”. Help your child draw conclusions: you need to share what you have, help others, be able to make friends, etc.

The choice of children's books is now extremely large. You probably remember your favorite books as a child. These can be, for example, books by 3. Alexandrova (“The Invisible Woman”), L. Voronkova (“What Mom Would Say”), E. Blaginina (“Let's Sit in Silence”), L. Vasilyeva-Gangus (“The ABC of Courtesy”) , B. Zakhoder (“The Gray Star”), N. Sladkova (“Without hesitation, or Zhaleikin’s Affairs and Cares”), G. Shalaeva (“The Big Book of Rules of Conduct for Well-Brought-Up Children”), poems for children by V. Mayakovsky ("What is good and what is bad?").

Evening tale

Even if the child did not always behave well during the day, in the late afternoon, when the excitement subsides, it is time to talk about what happened. Do not turn this into arguments and lectures. Tell a fairy tale about the good (bad) behavior of children and its consequences. You will come up with the most suitable story for yourself. Its plot is quite simple. The main characters are animals or dolls. Any place of action is chosen - a forest, a box with toys, a magical land, a lake. Build the plot so that it looks like an incident with a child. Remember, fairy tales always end well. For example, if a kid took away toys from other children, a fairy tale may turn out to be something like the following.

“Animals were playing in a forest clearing under an old tree. The bear rolled the car, the chanterelles built a tower of cubes, and the hare assembled a pyramid. Suddenly, a wolf cub appeared under a tree. He destroyed the tower that the chanterelles built, and took away the car from the bear. The animals looked at the wolf cub and said: “We will not play with you, you are angry, you offend us.” They collected their toys and went to play in another clearing, and the wolf cub was left alone. He became very bored, he had no one to play with ".

Be sure to add your comment: “You see what happens when you offend others. Nobody wants to play with you. You have to be kind!"

Together with your child, make a memo of rules of conduct. It can be anything: written, in pictures, combined from words and pictures. Choose reminder points based on the characteristics of your child. If he is impolite to others, include the item “Speak polite words - “thank you”, “goodbye” in the memo. If the child is a fighter, write: "Be peaceful." For a reminder, choose clear instructions on how to act, what to be. Try to keep within 7-8 points.

Beautifully design the memo, hang it in a conspicuous place. Each time you follow the rules, draw stars on it or stick stickers on it. For a certain number of stars (for example, 20), reward your child: play your favorite game with him, give him a book or new pencils. Do not forget to note that the child is well done, his behavior pleases you. Follow the written rules yourself.

Rules of behavior

◈ Speak polite words.

◈ Be peaceful.

◈ Share toys with children.

◈ Listen to your grandmother.

◈ Be calm on the street.

◈ Fold toys and books neatly in place.