How to wash clothes for newborns. How to wash baby clothes for newborns: how to do it correctly and by what means. The best concentrated baby washing powders

You often have to change your baby's clothes, as a result of which the wash accumulates. However, you need to know how and with what to wash the clothes of a newborn. What are the rules for washing children's clothes and what powder is needed for this.

Children's clothes are special clothes and should be cleaned correctly. Previously, when there were flannel and chintz diapers, they were boiled and boiled, but now delicate knitwear cannot withstand such a procedure. Therefore, they need to be washed.

Before you wash your newborn's blouses and slides, you need to prepare. First you need to do the following:

  1. purchase a separate container where the newborn's dirty clothes will be stored;
  2. sort the child's belongings into white and color;
  3. buy special baby powder;
  4. remove food and faeces from clothing with running water;
  5. wipe the stains on the newborn's clothes separately.

Using the information below, you can easily bring your baby's clothes to a clean look.

  • It is better to tidy up dirty diapers and baby crawlers right away, while the dirt is fresh and has not eaten into the fabric, then it is well washed;
  • The first two months after birth, it is advisable to treat the newborn's things with baby soap in a basin.

Know! The belongings of the newborn and the belongings of adults must not be put together in the car and stored together.

  • After hand washing, be sure to rinse thoroughly several times until all the soap is gone;
  • It is impossible to starch children's things, otherwise they will become tough and this will bring discomfort to the child;
  • Do not use bleach, even if it is for baby clothes. Chlorine, which is in the bleach, often causes allergies in babies;
  • After cleaning, clothes should be ironed on both sides, spraying them with steam. Such ironing is an additional disinfection;

You probably want to know at what temperature to wash your newborn's clothes. To remove any harmful bacteria, wash your newborn's clothes at a high temperature.

When washing children's clothes in the machine, the water should be 60-70 degrees for items made from natural fabrics, 90 degrees for diapers and bed linen.

  • When hanging things, you need to shake them, so they will dry faster. The best place to do this is on a street or balcony.

How to wash clothes of a newborn

The health of the baby depends on how you choose the right detergent.

The wrong product, getting through the skin, can cause redness, rashes, peeling. When inhaled, household chemicals can cause respiratory allergies and many other consequences.

There are the main types of laundry detergents for a newborn:

  1. Baby soap. It contains emollient and antibacterial ingredients. Safe for the skin and washes easily from the fibers of the fabric;
  2. Laundry soap. It can only be used to remove stains. Such soap cannot be fully used, it is not safe for the child's skin;
  3. Soap nuts. This is one of the popular ways of washing without chemicals. We put the dry shell of the sapindus plant in a bag and place it in the drum of the washing machine.

In addition to the listed products, there is also a powder for washing. And you are now at a loss as to what powder to wash things. There are special powders for a newborn. When choosing a baby powder, pay attention to the composition. It should not contain:

  • phosphates;
  • bleaches;
  • chlorine.

It is advisable to buy phosphate-free powders, its components should be natural, without flavors and additives.

If you want to take a powder with bleach, then it must contain hydrogen peroxide in its composition. Only such bleach is safe for a child and perfectly bleaches laundry, and also destroys all harmful bacteria.

Look for a certification mark on the packaging that says this powder is suitable for newborns. Usually such powders are written "0+".

When buying powder, look carefully at the packaging. It should not be damaged, the expiration date and composition of the powder are indicated. It is advisable to probe the plastic bag - if it is stored correctly, there will be no lumps in it.

By the way! To exclude the development of allergies in a newborn, it is advised to wash mother's clothes with baby powder, as it is constantly in close contact with the baby.

In addition to special baby powder, there are many liquid detergents for washing baby clothes. These are different gels and emulsions. They dissolve well in water and rinse out well.

Once you've decided how to tidy up your newborn's clothes, let's talk about how to do it in the washing machine.

What mode should I wash my clothes? For a newborn, it is better to disinfect clothes in the baby wash mode. Be sure to put the machine on an extra rinse.

Separately, I would like to note the rules for washing diapers. In order not to buy new ones every time, you'd better learn how to make clean diapers. For newborns, when washing diapers, you must follow certain rules:

  1. to clear urine, pre-rinse the diaper;
  2. soak the diapers in a previously prepared soapy solution (the water temperature should be 40 degrees);
  3. Hold the diapers in soapy water for 15-20 minutes, and then rub them;
  4. then rinse well four times in warm water;
  5. rinse one last time in cold water.

When washing the diapers in the washing machine, select the baby wash mode.

Better to wash by hand or machine

Now there is a washing machine in every home, but many young mothers prefer to wash baby clothes with their hands. Let's try to note with you all the pros and cons of hand and machine washing.

  • Hand washing takes a lot of time and effort, and a mother can devote this time to her baby (by the way, you will find a lot of useful information about caring for a baby in the course Happy Motherhood >>>). You cannot wash things with your hands at the required temperature, which affects the quality of the wash;
  • The machine makes life much easier. Many models have a baby wash mode that allows you to wash things at a high temperature. This wash perfectly removes germs, removes stains well and does not damage the fabric.

The advantage of machine washing is that you can rinse and wring out things well, which you cannot do with your hands.

Good to know! If your washing machine does not have a children's wash mode, you need to choose a suitable temperature for washing, taking into account the degree of dirtiness of the items and the composition of the fabric. Then rinse additionally.

What to wash is up to you. On my advice, it is better to wash stubborn stains with your hands and machine wash. And the time that you save should be given to the baby.

For the birth of the baby, the parents picked up children's things, bought a stroller, arranged a cozy nest for the baby. Sometimes the question remains without proper attention: "How to wash children's clothes?"

For newborns, careful removal of liquid feces and urine from diapers, undershirts, slips is required. It is important to choose a “soft”, hypoallergenic product without irritating components for washing children's clothes. Explore the range of safe washing powders and gels, learn the rules for washing a newborn's wardrobe by hand and machine.

How to wash clothes for newborns

In supermarkets, there are names of household chemicals with hypoallergenic properties. Imported and domestic samples are good at removing pollution from the things of a newborn, but do not irritate the delicate skin of the baby.

Manufacturers offer special gels and powders without aggressive components. ECO-formulations of foreign manufacturers are in demand. Non-toxic, safe products are more expensive, but there is a guarantee that the powder or gel will not provoke allergies.

How to choose the right product

Requirements for powders and gels for baby clothes:

  • the delicate detergent is produced by a well-known company with a good reputation. Quality formulations, especially those with the prefix "bio", never come cheap;
  • minimum or complete absence of phosphates, conditioners, optical brighteners;
  • soft, natural surfactants;
  • effective stain control in hot / warm water;
  • lack of a pungent odor;
  • the ideal option is the inscription "hypoallergenic" on the packaging;
  • ECO powders are labeled “biodegradable”. This indicates that there is no harm not only to the baby's skin, but also to nature;
  • the product is sold in a pharmacy or a large supermarket (guarantee that you will not buy a fake).

Note! Hypoallergenic gels and powders are labeled “for washing baby clothes”, “for children” and other similar inscriptions on the packaging. Some brands produce formulations of the same line for adults and children, for example GALA (regular powder) plus GALINKA (for babies). Refuse to buy "adult" household chemicals, do not risk the health of the newborn.

10 rules for washing baby clothes

  • always pay attention to the good condition of children's underwear, but do not bring the struggle for cleanliness to fanaticism;
  • Always wash new undershirts, slip-ons, bonnets, diapers, and other items of the baby's wardrobe before putting on for the first time. Things will become softer, they will not rub the delicate skin. After washing, be sure to iron the fabric with a hot iron;
  • use only special formulations without irritating components marked "for washing baby clothes";
  • if the diapers and slippers are heavily soiled, rinse them well under the tap, soap them, soak them, put them in the machine after half an hour or wash them by hand;
  • rinses, conditioners, bleaches - compounds prohibited for use to remove dirt from children's clothes. Excess odors, aggressive components provoke allergies;
  • undershirts, caps, sliders, diapers, and other items of children's wardrobe should always be washed separately from the things of other family members, even older children;
  • always rinse thoroughly things that come into contact with the little body of the newborn, well remove the foam from the bedding for babies. The washing machine gives a better rinse;
  • Mom should wash her things that come into contact with the baby's skin (nursing shirt, bra, etc.) with the same product as for baby things;
  • a hot iron with steam after washing will help to disinfect and soften the newborn's wardrobe items;
  • dry the clothes away from the road: the less dust gets on the baby's things, the lower the likelihood of negative reactions.

Washing baby clothes in the car:

  • only put underwear and clothes of a newborn in the drum;
  • load the machine in moderation: in a full drum, things are washed and rinsed worse;
  • use only baby powders or soap shavings dissolved in water;
  • if the machine has a program for washing baby clothes, use only this type of treatment. In the absence of a program, set the “delicate wash” mode;
  • while the baby is not older, do not wash heavily soiled adult things, rugs, shoes in a typewriter;
  • Always use the Extra Rinse program to remove powder residues perfectly.


  • Pour hot water into a basin, put on thin cotton gloves to protect your hands, then rubber gloves. The hotter the water, the better;
  • use baby soap or special powders. Soap foam acts more delicately on the skin, does not cause allergies;
  • pre-soak heavily soiled items in soapy water for 30–60 minutes, water must be hot;
  • after washing, rinse the laundry several times with hot and then cold water: particles of powder or soap irritate the skin of the newborn;
  • hand wash is harder and longer. If possible, buy a washing machine: while the device is working, you can relax a little, take time for your baby or husband.

The best washing powders and gels for baby clothes

Look out for popular brands of stain removers. The products are designed taking into account the characteristics of the skin of a newborn, do not contain toxic substances and fragrances.

Amway baby


  • phosphate-free concentrated product SA8 ™ Baby;
  • country of origin - USA;
  • hypoallergenic product with delicate action;
  • the BIOQUEST Formula ™ mark confirms the hypoallergenicity of the product;
  • all ingredients are obtained only from natural sources (throne mineral and grain);
  • things are easy to rinse, the composition is quickly removed after washing;
  • there is no pungent smell;
  • the product is ideal for sensitive, delicate skin of children;
  • concentrated washing powder is allowed for use from the first days of life;
  • not suitable for heavily soiled, does not always wash off the remnants of juice or stains from food;
  • water temperature during stain removal - from 30 to 90 degrees;
  • the average cost of an organic product is 2,000 rubles, the weight of a package is 3 kg. This amount is enough for 85–88 washes.

Burti baby


  • safe components, an environmentally friendly product based on natural soap;
  • phosphate-free powder, concentrated product;
  • the composition contains enzymes, components that prevent the color from being washed out;
  • fraction - small, but there is no "dust effect" when placing a washing machine in a container;
  • softens linen well, perfectly removes biological pollution;
  • removes "difficult" stains without aggressive effects;
  • after processing by hand or in a typewriter, the pleasant softness of the fabrics remains;
  • country of origin - Germany;
  • the approximate cost of a package weighing 900 g - 490 rubles;
  • the volume is designed for 28 hand wash or 18 machine wash.

Eared nanny


  • a product of the Nevskaya Cosmetics company;
  • well washes various dirt;
  • concentration of phosphates - less than 30%, surfactants - from 5 to 15%;
  • economical consumption;
  • packaging of different volumes - from 400 g to 9.0 kg;
  • suitable for hand and machine wash;
  • unobtrusive smell;
  • often you have to rinse things additionally;
  • causes skin irritation in some babies;
  • there is no measuring cup in large packages;
  • the powder cannot be called hypoallergenic;
  • the average cost of a 400 g package is 55 rubles, 2.4 kg - 355 rubles, 4.5 kg - 580 rubles, 6 kg - 720 rubles.

Garden kids


  • high-quality powder is made on the basis of baby soap;
  • silver ions kill harmful bacteria;
  • the composition does not contain irritating ingredients, fragrances and bleaches;
  • components: baby soap, silver citrate, soda;
  • an eco-friendly product must be poured directly into the drum, set the temperature to 60 degrees;
  • dissolves quickly, washes away dirt well, easily rinsed out of various types of fabrics;
  • biodegradable composition;
  • the product disinfects things;
  • concentrated product is a replacement for three standard packages;
  • the average cost of 400 g of powder is 135 rubles.

our mother


  • a high-quality product made of soap shavings of the "Extra" category;
  • delicately washes baby clothes;
  • hypoallergenic agent;
  • does not dry out the skin of the hands;
  • can be used in a typewriter or washed by hand;
  • no pungent odor;
  • packages of different weights, economical consumption;
  • the average cost of 500 g - 270 rubles, 900 g - 480 rubles, 2200 g - 1000 rubles.

Hypoallergenic products

High-quality compositions of well-known brands have earned positive reviews:

  • Our mother, Mir Detstva, Garden Kids (Russia);
  • Amway baby (USA).
  • Baby Born, Burti Baby, Frosch (Germany).

Traditional methods

Good results are obtained by using natural remedies:

  • soap nuts. Order online or buy from a phyto-pharmacy. The soap tree fruit contains a high concentration of saponins, which are safe natural foaming agents. Miracle nuts are suitable for hand / machine wash, give a generous foam, delicately take care of things, do not cause skin irritation and allergies;
  • you can whiten diapers with baking soda or hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to rinse things well.

Your apartment is filled with new sounds and smells - a child has come to the house. And I want to give the baby all the best, but how to wash the clothes of a newborn so that it smells nice, is good for the skin, and washes well? What powder or soap should I use for children's clothes?

When the baby is still a "puzzler"

Preparing for a meeting with a newborn begins long before he comes into the world. Someone believes in signs and leaves the main purchases for later, someone is ready to fill the house with children's trinkets from the first days of pregnancy. But everyone is sure to prepare clothes for the baby.

It is not enough to buy tiny undershirts and overalls. New things need to be washed before going to the hospital. New clothes may contain starch (added to give the garment a better look), and baby clothes should not be worn with starch. The fabric lay in the warehouse, then it was in the hands of cutters, seamstresses, packers, resellers and even the most unpredictable people. It is imperative to wash it. Strictly speaking, it is advisable to wash any new thing in the washing machine after purchase, but the clothes of a newborn - for sure.

For the first contact of delicate baby skin with clothes, you need to choose exclusively natural fabrics and baby soap for washing. Then we will argue in what way they make things better - after washing with soap or powder, but for now the expectant mother has time to lovingly wash the "toy" pants with baby soap. It rinses out worse than washing with powder, so you need to repeat the rinsing procedure 2-3 times. What kind of water? Flowing and warm.

Ironing washed clothes for a newborn on both sides is not an empty tradition. It is the steam iron that finally kills possible germs. Until the umbilical wound is completely healed (and this is the first month of a child's life), it is not recommended to neglect enhanced ironing. All bacteria die at temperatures above 100 degrees. Diapers, clothes (underwear and upper) - washed separately, dried separately, stored separately.

Familiar soap

Our grandmothers also washed baby clothes and diapers with soap and hands. True, then there were no typewriters, and it was tight with washing powder. But even now, when the stores are full of household "helpers", there are those mothers who prefer to wash their newborn's clothes with soap. And this has its own reason.

The first reason is the minimum of chemicals included in the composition, especially if it is baby soap. Ideal if it doesn't smell or has a minimal herbal aroma. This means the soap is fragrance-free and fragrance-free.

The second reason is the softness of the fabric. A rare powder can wash newborn diapers so that they remain soft and pleasant to the touch. Therefore, they came up with rinses (which, by the way, cannot be used for a newborn). The soap gives an amazing effect of lightness and softness.

The third reason is the delicacy of the fabric. Since the composition of baby soap contains a maximum of natural ingredients, it retains the original look of clothes longer.

Modern powder for newborns

Of course, it is good to plan to wash children's clothes only with soap, when mom has a whole squad of helpers at her side. But, more often than not, the mother alone performs all the household functions. She physically does not have time to wash the baby's linen and diapers by hand, so she even has to wash new things in the machine. And technology is very capricious about soap and soap shavings, so you have to find compromises.

Washing powder can be an alternative to baby soap. You just need to choose the right one. Make sure that the package has not just a mark "for baby clothes", but the inscription "suitable from the first days of life." It's better and safer that way.

Your goal is phosphate-free powders. Here is a list of the most famous laundry detergents:

  • Dally Med is a hypoallergenic phosphate-free powder for newborns, created according to the original German recipe. Good: natural composition, a wide variety of products. Bad: there are optical brighteners, there are fragrances.
  • Stork - there is a gel with herbal extracts and silver ions for newborns, as well as natural soap for washing. Good: no fragrance, hypoallergenic. Bad: optical brightener. Diapers washed with such a powder will prevent the skin from breathing.
  • Soap powder for newborns produced by Mir Detstva is a natural powder suitable for hand and machine washing, soaking. Antibacterial and disinfectant properties, does not cause allergies.
  • Eared nanny - a large assortment of products for washing baby clothes and clothes for newborns. The quality is confirmed by the Research Institute. R.R. Harmful.
  • Toddler for newborns - does not contain harmful additives, it is ideally washed out with water when rinsing.
  • Means for washing clothes for newborns "Nasha Mama" - effective for any stains, copes without boiling. Created on the basis of water enriched with silver ions with extracts of medicinal plants.
  • Gel for washing baby clothes Domal. German natural detergent for machine and hand wash with natural chamomile extract and no harmful impurities. Additional dermatological testing has been carried out so that the newborn's diapers and belongings will be in order.

What type of wash to choose

The spots are coming. And retreat

When the first complementary food comes in, new chores are added. And if store jars of homogenized puree for babies remove the problem of preparing special food, mom will have to deal with stains alone. And the spots will be daily. How to get rid of?

The main commandment is no chlorine! Any chlorine-based whitening product is allergic to a delicate newborn baby, and this special bleach scent is almost indestructible. Also among the prohibited are any products containing soda and fluorescent substances. They are designed to remain on the surface of the fabric, giving the appearance of whiteness.

The best remedy is hydrogen peroxide. It has a number of advantages:

  • safe for the skin of newborns;
  • easy to rinse out of fabric;
  • removes almost any stains, whatever their origin, especially if they are not old;
  • Along the way, it disinfects tissue from microbes.

At high temperatures, almost all stains also come off. But it is not necessary to boil the laundry, especially since this makes it gray. A temperature of 60 degrees is already enough.

Whatever ratings you are guided by, the baby will definitely make his own adjustments. Only his sensitive skin is able to choose the right approach to his clothes. Therefore, proceed from the safest means, and from them choose the most suitable one.

General washing rules

  1. All baby accessories should be washed separately from those of adults. The same rule applies to the storage of laundry.
  2. Colored and white items must be washed separately. It is also advisable to sort the clothes according to the density and texture of the fabric.
  3. Instead of washing only the soiled areas on your little ones' clothes, wash the whole thing. In this case, unlike the first one, it will turn out to be well rinsed, and it is washed off better.
  4. Before washing the diapers, rinse off faeces and food debris under a pressure of water.
  5. It is recommended to use only products marked "from the first days of life".
  6. Conditioners and bleaches should not be used for children's clothes.
  7. At the end of the hand wash, the laundry must be rinsed several times.
  8. The best place to dry your baby's clothes is on the balcony or on the street.

Subtleties of machine wash

On some washing machines it is possible to set the "Children's wash" mode. When this function is activated, the wash water heats up to the maximum temperature and rinses more thoroughly than usual.

If there is no such function, when choosing a mode, be guided by the type of fabric and start a second rinse at the end.

In order not to overdo it with the amount of powder or gel, follow the recommendations specified in the instructions.

When washing bedding and diapers for newborns, it is recommended to set the temperature to 80-90 ºС.

When washing clothes made of delicate, light fabrics, you can set a lower temperature, but not lower than 40 ºС.

Features of hand wash

The recommended temperature regime is the same as for a machine wash. But it is not possible to withstand the temperature of 90 ºС when washing by hand. Two pairs of gloves, one on top of the other, will help to get out of the situation. The first is cotton, the second is rubber.

Stir detergent or soap shavings in hot water until foamy. Separately treat heavily soiled areas with soap or powder, if any. Immerse the laundry in water and leave it on for 15 minutes or longer (the exposure time depends on the degree of soiling). After the required period of time, rub things with your hands, this should be done especially carefully on areas with spots. Then rinse the laundry by changing the water 3-4 times. In this case, the water temperature must be lowered.

Before giving birth, every expectant mother should figure out how to wash baby clothes for newborns. Why is this so important? The fact is that it is impossible to wash diapers and baby's undershirts with ordinary powder and even special baby clothes. Baby's skin is too thin and tender, therefore, she can react with allergies to any chemistry. Often, nursing mothers go on a strict diet, trying to eliminate the "allergen" from the diet, and do not know that the problem is in the crumbs' clothes washed with an aggressive agent.

"EasyPolishno" will tell you how to properly wash baby clothes so that they are soft and safe for the newborn.

Why regular baby powder is not suitable

It would seem like a bright package with a painted baby, a convincing advertisement, a pure white powder with a pleasant smell - but from it the skin of the little one becomes covered with a rash. Why? There are several reasons.

Safe detergents for washing baby clothes

So, to the question of which powder is better to wash things for a newborn, the answer is none. For the safety and health of the child, it is worth looking for other ways to wash clothes. What is the best way to wash the clothes of a newborn? There are several options.

Now you know the best way to wash things for your newborn. Follow these simple guidelines and your baby's clothes will always be clean, soft and safe for health!

I don’t know about you, but in my environment there are more and more allergic children. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from food to ecology. But very often allergic reactions appear on the detergents for washing children's clothes.

Why is this happening? What is it about them? And how to choose a product that will wash the linen qualitatively and will not harm the baby? I will try to understand this issue.

Harmful substances in detergents

Any synthetic laundry detergent is harmful to both humans and the environment. But this is too broad a topic, I will dwell only on those components that are especially dangerous for the health of a newly born baby.

These certainly include:

  • Anionic surfactants (A-surfactants) are salts of fatty acids. Baby detergent should not contain them at all or contain very small amounts (no more than 5%). And this quantity is easy to determine on your own: the stronger the powder foams, the more A-surfactant it contains... They are poorly rinsed, especially from fabrics with a complex fiber structure: wool, flax.

  • Phosphates. They act as hard water softeners to increase washing performance. By themselves, they are not so dangerous, but in a company with A-surfactants, they increase the toxicity of the latter and facilitate their penetration into the body through the skin. According to European standards, their content should not exceed 5%.
  • Optical brighteners. These are substances that have a reflective effect and turn ultraviolet rays falling on clothing into a bluish tint. In other words, they do not bleach things, but only create such an illusion, visual deception. Optical brightener does not rinse out of the laundry at all, otherwise it would not work. The point is to keep it on the fabric. But, striving for such "fake" cleanliness, we harm the newborn with our own hands, since harmful substances easily penetrate into the body and accumulate in it.

  • Zeolites. Along with carbonates and silicates, they are harmless substitutes for phosphates. Yes, they do not pose any health risks, but they make the fabric hard and rough to the touch, since they do not dissolve in water. But it is better to wash the clothes of the newborn with a product with zeolites, rather than phosphates.

The listed substances in one amount or another are contained in most detergents. You can't get away from this if you don't want to dress up your baby in gray clothes with spots.

However, you should always carefully study the composition of the soap or powder before buying, choosing those in which there are fewer or no harmful components. Especially if the child is prone to allergies.

In order not to waste time on this in the store, let's explore some of the popular tools right now.


Older people believe that they know better than modern lazy youth how to wash children's clothes correctly. And they argue that soap is much safer than powder, and hand wash is better than machine wash.

Whether to agree or not is up to you. I think that you still need to look at the composition and compare. Modern eco-friendly powders are much safer than baby soap, and even more so household soap. Well, I see no reason to give up the benefits of civilization.

The main active ingredient of any soap is fatty acid salts. That is, those same surfactants. Baby soap for newborns also contains them. If they are of plant origin, it is normal. If the origin is not specified, it is most likely refined products.

In this case, it is better to use powder without PVA, and wash only stains with baby soap. And while the baby is only breastfed or formula, any soap can handle them. But after the introduction of complementary foods, a special one will already be required.

If you still prefer this option, but do not want to waste time on hand washing, then you probably use a grater for preparing soap shavings. Indeed, otherwise washing things in a typewriter with soap will not work.

But now there are ready-made shavings on sale, including for children's things. It is better to use it, since it is very difficult to determine the dosage of a homemade one. And the finished packaging has instructions for use.

Compliance with the dosage affects not only the effectiveness of the wash. The fact is that if you pour more than necessary into the machine, the foam will turn out to be too much, and it will crawl out of it.


Do not think that if a cute picture is drawn on the pack and the word "childish" flaunts, then this is already a guarantee that the powder does not contain harmful substances and is fully adapted for babies. Very often this is not the case, and some phosphate-free powders without child labeling are much safer.

Therefore, I will repeat once again: be sure to study the composition of cleaning and detergents! Let's start right now with the example of the most popular brands. For convenience, I will highlight especially hazardous substances in bold.

Child Tide

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Phosphates – 15-30%;
  • Optical brighteners;
  • Polycarboxylates;
  • Nonionic surfactants;
  • EDTA less than 5%;
  • Enzymes;
  • Chamomile extract;
  • Odorant.

In my opinion, it is obvious that the composition does not inspire confidence. This was also noted by Roskontrol, recognizing Tide children's laundry detergent toxic and dangerous for babies.

By the way, you can also compare the cost of one wash by different means. Since prices are constantly changing, and they differ in different regions of the country, I will give the amount of powder needed for one wash, and you yourself can calculate how much it will cost based on the weight and cost of the package.

For example, the same Tide at one time needs about 150 g. At the cost of a six-kilogram pack of 850 rubles, one wash will cost about 21-22 rubles.

Eared nanny

Not so long ago, many media outlets trumpeted about the dangers of this means of Ukrainian production. Opinions were also expressed about the political background of the ban on its import into Russia. However, it is enough to study the composition to make an independent conclusion.

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Phosphates – 15-30%;
  • Optical brighteners;
  • Sulfates - 15-30%;
  • Oxygenated bleaches;
  • Silicates - 5-15%;
  • Carbonates - 5-15%;
  • Nonionic surfactants;
  • Enzymes;
  • Defoamer;
  • Odorant.

Well, what kind of laundry detergent is it for newborns? True, later I came across information that he was rehabilitated. Perhaps the manufacturer has corrected the composition, so again: we study it carefully.

The amount of this product per wash is 160 grams.

our mother

Quite another matter! Judge for yourself:

  • Enzymes - up to 5%;
  • Sodium citrate;
  • Sodium carbonate;
  • Sodium percarbonate;
  • Biodegradable non-ionic surfactants - 5-15%
  • Sodium sulfate - 15-30%
  • Functional polymers.

This is a real baby powder for newborns. In addition, it is very economical: it only takes 50 grams per wash.

Baby spesi

There really are no phosphates in this product, let's look at the rest of the composition:

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Zeolites - 15-30%;
  • Optical brightener;
  • Nonionic surfactants - up to 5%;
  • Polycarboxylates;
  • Soap.

The phosphates have been replaced with zeolites, which is good. But anionic surfactants and optical brightener are present. Moreover, it is not clear what is meant by the general name "soap".

The price of this powder is quite high - I met 1.8 kg for 580 rubles. If you count 115 g at a time, then one wash will cost 37 rubles.


I'll tell you right away: this is not a baby powder. Plain, versatile. But compare its composition with at least the same Tide or Eared Nanny and, as they say, feel the difference.

  • Natural salts of fatty acids - 30% and more;
  • Soda - 60% and above;
  • Citric acid - up to 5%.

Everything! So isn't it better to wash children's clothes with them, and not with advertised means, the whitening properties of which are "optical"?

Consumption per wash - 60 grams.


  • Anionic tensides – 5-15%;
  • Non-ionic surfactants - up to 5%;
  • Zeolite - 15-30%;
  • Polycarbonate;
  • Enzymes;
  • Soap.

In addition, the powder contains substances that preserve the brightness of color, which makes it convenient for washing colored items. And the composition is not particularly frightening, and the consumption is economical - 50 grams.


Like Nasha Mama, this product occupies the first lines of the safety rating, since it contains neither surfactants, nor phosphates, nor even zeolites or dyes. Although not so long ago there were phosphates in it, so we study the label - suddenly you come across a product from an old batch.

What is in it?

  • Enzymes - up to 5%;
  • Biodegradable non-ionic surfactants - 5-15%;
  • Sodium sulfate - 15-30%;
  • Sodium carbonate;
  • Sodium percarbonate;
  • Sodium citrate;
  • Functional polymers.

Consumption - 70 g.


  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Phosphonates(better than phosphates, but also not ice);
  • Ionic surfactant - up to 5%;
  • Oxygen stain remover;
  • Soap.

Attractive with low consumption: only 45 g per wash. If the child does not have special skin problems and allergic manifestations, it is a perfectly acceptable remedy.

Chu chu baby pigeon

An excellent baby detergent without a hint of any harmfulness:

  • Pure soap reagent - 54%;
  • Sodium fatty acids - 3%;
  • Alkaline reagent;
  • Polyoxyethylene alkyl;
  • Water softeners;
  • Carbonates.

Of all the above, this is probably the most expensive powder: in terms of 1 kg it costs about 400 rubles. But you only need 30 grams for one wash.


Aistenok became phosphate-free not so long ago, before these substances were in it. As for the other components, here they are:

  • Nonionic surfactants - up to 5%;
  • Natural fat-based soap - 5-15%;
  • Oxygenated bleach;
  • Optical brightener;
  • Whitening activator;
  • Polycarboxylates;
  • Sodium silicate;
  • Foam regulator;
  • Aromatic additives.

At one time, this powder was banned by Roskontrol due to its increased toxicity. As now - I do not know, I will not lie. There are harmful substances in it, but it costs ridiculous money, so decide for yourself. Consumption 75 grams.


If we talk about which product is better - powder or gel - then I would choose a gel. The size of the active particles in it is smaller, so they rinse out much better. Accordingly, allergies are caused less often.

The price of washing gels in comparison with powders is higher if you bring them to one unit of measurement. But thanks to the economical consumption, they last for a long time. In addition, they become cheaper every year, ceasing to be a novelty on the market.

Let's analyze several types of this tool.

Meine liebe

  • Nonionic surfactants - 15-30%;
  • Enzymes - up to 5%;
  • Soap - up to 5%;
  • Glycerol;
  • Preservatives;
  • Sodium citrate.

All components are harmless or relatively safe. Consumption - 60 ml.

Ocean baby

Here the picture is somewhat sadder:

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Nonionic surfactants - up to 5%;
  • Soap;
  • Fatty acid of coconut oil;
  • Phenoxyethanol;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Glycerol.

Earlier I came across a tool with the same name, but made in Denmark. There was no A-surfactant in it. So we read the label before buying. Consumption - 75 ml.


An old acquaintance - we have already examined the powder of the same company. The composition of the gel is practically the same:

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Nonionic surfactants;
  • Phosphonates- up to 5%;
  • Soap;
  • Preservatives;
  • Odorant.

But inexpensive and economical, this cannot be taken away. Consumption - 40 ml.

Pigeon Act'z

  • A-surfactant – 5-15%;
  • Diethanolamine;
  • Akyl benzene sulfonate;
  • Lauric acid;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Myristic acid;
  • Citron extract.

Consumption - 36 ml.

Perhaps this is the only guaranteed natural remedy, completely hypoallergenic and safe. Unfortunately, soap nuts can only handle lightly soiled laundry. For example, wet diapers and laundry without stains.

But they can be used in washing machines, packed in a cloth bag. It is often included with the product. This product is washed only at high temperatures.


So, how to wash the clothes of a newborn so as not to harm him and get rid of stains? I think this requires an integrated approach and attention to the baby's reaction to this or that remedy. But it is better to refuse powders and gels with a large amount of harmful substances right away, without experimenting. I hope the information provided in this article will help you make the right choice.

And if you have already done it and are happy with the result, it would be interesting to hear your feedback. Rather, see them in the comments to the article.