Faithful helpers - a retriever and a labrador: what is the difference, features of the exterior, skills and history. Difference between a Labrador and a Golden Retriever

Dogs of these breeds are practically the same in height and are equally well kept in indoor conditions and in a private house. Both are classified as retrievers. But, perhaps, this is where their similarities end. We are talking about the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever. For convenience, the golden one is now called simply a retriever, and his other distant brother is simply called a Labrador.

External differences

It is believed that the golden retriever was bred by English aristocrats. The appearance of the dog confirms this completely. The wavy red coat of various shades literally falls down. The tail is relaxed, so are the ears.

The Labrador has long been an assistant to fishermen. His coat is shorter, the tail is more powerful and energetic, the color has more options - from black to fawn.

Differences in character

There is a bike among the dog handlers. Two similar dogs are sitting on the bank of the river. When the owner throws a stick into the water, one dog intercepts it on the fly. And the second one looks where the stick will fall into the water, assess the speed of the current, see where it will be washed ashore. There this dog will pick up a stick.

It is not hard to guess that the first dog is a Labrador, and the second is a golden retriever.

The canine aristocrat fulfills the commands just like that - a little imposingly, after thinking a little. He does not spend his strength in vain, rarely gets involved in fights with other dogs.

Another thing is the Labrador. His character is explosive, impulsive. He understands the commands literally from a half-word. He does not show aggression towards a loved one, but a stranger or a wild predator can attack right away. Proletarian, in a word.

Who is better to choose

The Labrador is a wonderful joyful companion during walks, but small children may not cope with it, it is too impulsive. You can start it where adolescents are already growing and there are active men. He's a good defender.

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These two dog breeds are very popular with hunting enthusiasts. Initially, they were bred exclusively for hunting "pranks", but over time, other advantages of dogs became apparent. For example, they are very friendly. There is a difference between a Labrador and a retriever, and you need to be aware of the key differences between them in order to make an informed choice.

How is a Labrador different from a retriever? The first thing to pay attention to is the origin. To grasp the key differences between the two varieties, you need to look at their roots. As for golden retrievers, the dogs were bred in England.

They were originally used for hunting, but over time they became loyal companions of the English lords. But most of all, this species is still appreciated by professional hunters. The thing is that the dog has a special type of coat. Such physical characteristics allow him to hunt game birds even in water conditions. Labradors were originally bred on Newfoundland Island. Historical information testifies to this.

Purpose of dogs

Retrievers and Labradors differ not only in origin. Their special skills also speak volumes. For example, the Labrador is often called the "dog of the people." This dog can do any kind of work (collecting caught fish, pulling a net or a sleigh team - an unbearable task for such a worker still needs to be found).

As for the retriever, this type of dog is considered to be somewhat more sophisticated. He collects shot game. But his appearance alone indicates that the dog does not cope with physical labor very well. He is not as stocky as a dog from Newfoundland with similar characteristics, and therefore has a limited range of physical capabilities.


To buy a Labrador or to breed a Golden Retriever - any dog ​​breeder can face a similar choice. And it is not so easy to make it, since the rocks are quite similar in external characteristics. But there are points that every dog ​​lover should consider.

Height and weight

The Golden Retriever and Labrador can be a true decoration of the house, your helper and joy. But first, it is worthwhile to study in more detail the key features of the rocks in order to choose the best option as a result. For example, the best way to start exploring varieties is weight and height.

Retrievers are approximately 58–61 cm tall and weigh approximately 32–40 kg. As for Labradors, their height varies between 55 and 62 cm, and their weight is 25-36 kg.


When choosing a retriever or a Labrador, and figuring out what is the difference between them, many dog ​​breeders initially pay attention to the color of the dogs. In retrievers, it takes on golden hues, while in Labradors, the coat color can be of three main options (cream, chocolate or black).


Even a novice dog breeder can tell the difference between a Golden Retriever and a Labrador. It's all about the wool. In the first specimen, it is somewhat wavy and long. As for Labradors, their coat is much shorter and smoother. In addition, the dog's body secretes a special plaque, a bit like wax. It repels water well.


Interestingly, the Retriever's tail is somewhat feather-like. It has a characteristic dewlap. The Labrador is also different in this respect from the previous breed. On the tail, it has a characteristic waxy coating that has water-repellent properties.


The Labrador and the Golden Retriever breed differ not only in the above features. When you look at their heads, the key differences are immediately noticeable. Since the Labrador is considered a somewhat stockier dog, its head is also larger. According to these indicators, the retriever lags behind, because its primary purpose is to hunt small game, and not large one.


Should you choose a Golden Retriever or a Labrador Retriever? If you don't want scraps of wool to be constantly scattered around the apartment, it is better to opt for the first option. Retrievers moult no more than twice a year, which cannot be said about Labradors - dogs molt almost constantly. If you prefer the latter option, get ready for regular grooming.

Behavioral features

Two varieties of dogs have been in great demand among dog breeders for many years. Both breeds can successfully serve humans as rescuers, guides, bloodhounds or even hunters. But retrievers have one significant advantage in this regard - they are not only able to perform such tasks, but in addition are very artistic.

Dogs are also easy to train.

So who is better

Every dog ​​breeder wants to choose a good, promising breed. To the question "Who is better?" it is difficult to answer unequivocally. Much depends on your lifestyle. The fact is that Labrador owners need to be prepared for daily vigorous walks, as dogs are very athletic and active. Retrievers prefer a more measured life, although in this case they often need to be walked.

In general, both types of dogs can live in an apartment, they have good contact with children. What's interesting: very often, families with children who are mentally retarded are strongly advised by doctors to acquire golden retrievers or Labradors. With constant communication of a sick child with such dogs, his condition will soon improve markedly.

Video "The difference between a Labrador and a retriever"

In this video you will learn about the difference between the Labrador and Retriever breeds.

Let's take a look at such a group of dog breeds as retrievers today. What are these dogs? Who are they suitable for? How to train retrievers? And what is their character?

What were these dogs bred for?

They were brought out in order to bring beaten game. They had to carefully find the wounded animal (beaten game) and, without damaging it, bring the owner completely whole prey. That is, they have an innate soft mouth - they very carefully take prey and bring it in (an innate desire to appotate - to bring abandoned objects). They have a very developed instinct. They love water. Basically, all retrievers love to swim and love to swim.

By nature, retrievers are very kind and sensitive dogs. For centuries, dogs have been bred without aggression, gentle houses, tireless on the hunt.

They are fine-tuned to the owner, to work with him.

These qualities are now appreciated in them - they are easy to learn and love to work with the owner. Therefore, these dogs have become one of the most beloved and popular in our time. They are used not only as companions, but also to work at customs, as a drug search engine, as a rescue dog, as a guide ..

But!! They are not guards, these dogs have for centuries reinforced a kind attitude towards people, and it is very difficult to make them bite someone, roar at someone. They adore children, so they are ideal dogs for those people who want a companion for a family with a child.

Now let's look at the differences between the most common dog breeds - Golden Retrievers and Labradors. Many people often confuse them and call them the same breed. In fact, there is a huge difference between the two. Yes, they are both retrievers, they are very kind, they are made to bring game. But that's where the similarities end

Even starting from their appearance, they are very different ...

The Labrador has three colors: fawn, black, chocolate. Golden has only one. It can be white to auburn in color.

The Labrador has a double coat that does not allow water to pass through, while the Golden has a soft, silky, flowing, beautiful coat.

They are very different in structure. Just look at the photo below and you will understand for yourself =)

And most importantly, they are very different in character.

I liked the comparison, read in the Internet, that Labradors are so-called footballers. They are active, bright, emotional, they go ahead. These are dogs that express emotions very openly and vividly. They are suitable for people who are active, like to play sports, and walk a lot.

Goldens are Poets, they are a little more calm and dreamy. It's easier with them, they are more thoughtful, more tender. If the Labr goes straight, then Golden will make a detour, He is calmer.

They also love to play, they are mobile, but they are not such a fountain of energy as Labradors

That is, when you choose a dog, think - if you are very active, impulsive, like to play sports, go hiking, like to play football or just prefer active games - get yourself a Labrador, you won't be mistaken.

But if you are softer, more gentle and you have small children - take golden - he is softer, he feels a person thinner, he is more thoughtful. And Golden's smile is just something.

There is one caveat - you need to look after the golden coat, comb, cut, so that the dog looks neat

And wool, by the way, is poured from one and from the second dog in the same way.

You will have to clean and care for this dog a lot.

Regarding health: dogs, in principle, are very healthy. They are bred as healthy dogs and in addition to hereditary diseases that you should be aware of, that is: hip dysplasia and several other diseases. When you adopt a puppy, make sure the parents are tested to be free of these inherited diseases.

As you already understood, these are ideal companion dogs, which are very easy to teach, active, mobile, will work with you with pleasure, will accompany you on all walks.

There are also other breeds of retrievers. They are rare in our life. It is a chunky-coated retriever, it is a Nova Scotia straight-haired. About them, if you want to know more, you can read on the Internet or ask the breeders. It's just that there are very few of them and they are turned on by those people who understand why they take this breed of dog.

In this article, I will talk about the main differences between the two breeds: the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever. I will describe the origin of both breeds and their appearance. I will tell you about the purpose of these dogs, I will describe how they can differ, what is the difference and how they are similar, which of them is called golden, I will give the differences in content.

Both breeds, and (or golden), and the Labrador belong to the group of hunting dogs - retrievers. These animals have a similar appearance, but some differences are still present. There is also a difference in the behavior and temperament of dogs.

Origin of both breeds

It is believed that the golden retriever descended from two breeds: the tweed water spaniel and the fawn straight-haired, which has a setter and a diver (Newfoundland) in its ancestors. In the course of breeding work, breeders have added bloodhound blood to Golden. This contributed to an improved sense of smell and an increase in chest volume.

The Golden Retriever was officially recognized in England in 1913.

The ancestors of the Labrador Retriever are local dogs from the island of Newfoundland, who lived there in the 19th century and helped fishermen, as well as curly-haired retrievers. It is believed that the setter and the English Foxhound were used in the breeding.

In 1903, black Labradors were recognized in England, and later two more colors were approved - first fawn, and then chocolate.

Golden labrador

Differences in appearance and purpose

Both types have the following differences in appearance and purpose:

Name Golden Labrador
Dimensions (edit) Bitches - from 51 to 56 cm, males - from 56 to 61 cm. Bitches - from 54 to 56 cm, males - from 56 to 57 cm.
Color and type of coat The coat is long, soft and slightly wavy, the undercoat is very thick and water-repellent. The color ranges from light fawn (almost white) to rich golden. A small white spot on the chest is acceptable. The coat is not long (no more than 5-6 cm), dense, well attached to the body. The line is straight and stiff. The undercoat is thick, water-repellent. Three colors are allowed by the standard: chocolate, black and fawn of different shades. A small white spot on the chest is acceptable.
Head, eyes, ears, teeth The head is harmonious, not coarse; the skull is moderately wide. The length of the muzzle is medium. The ears are triangular, drooping. The bite is strictly scissor bite. Eye color is only dark brown. The skull is wide, rather voluminous. The muzzle is of medium length. Eye color - hazel or dark brown. The ears are triangular, drooping. Scissor bite only.
Frame Strong, but not coarse skeleton. The back is broad and straight, the sternum is deep. The chest is deep and voluminous, the loin and back are wide and strong.
Tail Straight, of medium length, well pubescent. In an excited state, it rises no higher than the back. The tail is not very long, thick at the base, covered with dense short hair. In an excited state, it rises to the level of the back or slightly higher.
Movement The characteristic type of movement is a light gait. Strong thrust from the hindquarters.
Purpose of the breed The direct purpose of the breed is hunting on water and land, searching for and carrying game. Currently, dogs are used in search work, at customs. Used for hunting birds. Finds prey and raises it on the wing, and then brings the shot bird to the hunter. She is successfully studying the search for drugs and explosives.

Goldens have a more decorative appearance

Attitude towards a person, temperament and content of breeds

Both breeds are very friendly towards their family and the people around them. It is believed that golden is a more intelligent, calm and sensible dog. Golden rarely barks, communicates carefully with children, has a phlegmatic temperament.

Labradors are more determined and active, and are in constant motion. A young dog can knock a grown man down with joy. Representatives of the breed are very friendly to everyone around, they communicate well with children, but it is not recommended to leave the Labrador alone with small children, as he can drop the child or accidentally push.

Both breeds are excellent learners, strive to fulfill all the wishes of the owner, they love water very much.

Puppy cost

The cost of puppies and Labrador, and golden varies from 10 to 35 thousand rubles.

When choosing a pet, you need to get to know the parents, look at their descendants, and make sure that you have a correctly designed puppy card.

Who is better to choose

When choosing a breed, you must take into account your lifestyle. If you travel often, like long and active walks, and you do not have very young children, you can choose a Labrador.

Both of these breeds have a lot of positive qualities.

If you prefer a more relaxing holiday (picnics, leisurely but long walks, etc.), the golden retriever is more suitable for you. Such a dog can be safely taken into a family with small children.

Both Golden Retrievers and Labradors need proper education and training.

Immediately after the puppy got into a new house, they begin to explain the rules of behavior to him. Both breeds, if properly reared and educated, are excellent family companions.

- these are two similar, one might say, related breeds. Dogs belong to the same canine group, bred as gun breeds and companions. So what's the difference between a Retriever and a Labrador? If you are asking this question without knowing which breed to get, the following comparison will help you.

Companion, guide, hunter - the nature of dogs

Visual differences between Labrador and Labrador do not play such an important role, because many future owners need a friend, and friends are not judged by their appearance. The main and most noticeable difference between breeds is character:

  • aristocrat, noble and calm like royalty or at least a count. Loves games and tomfoolery, but knows how to clearly separate "business and fun." Requires average workload, learns in any discipline and is very attached to the owner. Possesses excellent memory, sharp mind and intuition.
  • workaholic, playful and relatively light-hearted from a puppy to the most venerable age. The dog is a family dog, but shows excellent results, both in sports and in hunting. Loves the company of children and four-legged fellows. Has excellent skills in teaching guide work. Has a highly developed intuition, is capable of making independent decisions. The main goal of any Labrador is to please and protect the owner, therefore the breed is often used to save people.

Output- Labradors are more active and in an amicable way, more carefree than the Goldens.

History of the breed

Many inexperienced owners omit historical data about the breed as irrelevant. In a global approach, this decision is not entirely correct. Instincts embedded deep in the subcortex of dogs originated and were grafted into breeds precisely during the period of their inception.

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  • - a true Englishman, bred in the luxury of palaces. The first purpose of the breed is hunting, and only after that is the decoration of the palace and companionship. Physical data and type of coat allow the dog to work on the water at any time of the year, which is an indispensable quality when hunting for game birds.

  • - the history of the breed is so confusing that it is impossible to speak about it with certainty. Cynologists suggest that Labradors were one of the breed groups bred on the island of Newfoundland. In support of this fact, historical references are given, where the early Labradors are called small dogs of St. John, large, they called modern Divers (Newfoundlands).

Output- Goldens can be called gun dogs, the specialization of Labradors, apparently, was initially broader.

Appearance and anatomy of rocks

Considering that the overall dimensions of both Goldens are within the same framework, the apparent differences between the rocks concern only the width and strength of the skeleton. Further, it is worth noting that both breeds belong to the same group and section - Retrievers, and their differences are more related to visual data.