Influence of the physical development of the baby on his intellect. In play, as in the leading activity of preschoolers, mental processes are actively formed or rebuilt, ranging from the simplest to the most complex. Between the ages of four and seven, according to me

During the first three years of his life, the child manages to go a long way in his development, and at the end of the third year he is ready to rise to a new stage of child development.

The most important developmental achievement of a 4-year-old child is that the child's actions become purposeful. Being engaged in various activities - playing, drawing, designing, as well as in everyday behavior, children begin to act according to the set goal, although due to instability of attention they may forget about it, because they are distracted, leaving one thing for another. But with the gradual mastery of the technique of actions, the child becomes bolder and more independent; this is facilitated by daily practice. At the age of four, a child can already do a lot on his own, without waiting or requiring help from adults (for example, he sees that water is spilled on the table, he takes a rag and wipes it off).

The general picture of the physical development of a four-year-old child can be depicted as follows: compared to the first three years of life, the growth rate slows down, the baby does not gain so quickly in height and weight. During the year, body weight increases by 1.5-2 kg, growth by 5-7 cm; at four years old, the child's body weight is about 16.5 kg, height is about 102 cm.

It is from this age that a noticeable accumulation of muscle strength begins, endurance increases, and mobility increases. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the skeletal system still retains the cartilaginous structure in some places (hands, lower leg bones, some parts of the spine). This indicates how important it is to constantly monitor the correct position of the child's body during sleep, etc.

The baby's nervous system is also the most vulnerable and requires careful treatment from adults.

At the age of four, significant changes take place in the nature and content of the child's activity, in the development of individual mental processes, in relations with people.

Creative games are of great importance in the development of the child, when the child takes on a certain role and subordinates his behavior to it. In these games, the child's interest in the adult world, which is a model of behavior for him, is manifested. Joint games of children begin to prevail over individual and side-by-side games, however, there is still no sufficient coordination between the participants, and the duration of the game is short. Games at this age retain the same plot for a long time. It changes easily and quickly. Should the child see how someone of the same age plays with a toy or remember how the last time, for example, they decorated a Christmas tree or engaged in "loading firewood" on a car, or some other event, after the started game stops , then the child quickly forgets what he recently played. The game goes in leaps and bounds, one plot is quickly replaced by another. The life around is reproduced in the games of children very closely and inseparably. (For example, depicting an airplane, a child sits on bricks, holds a cube of building material in his hands and “hums.” Here, the image of the airplane, the image of the pilot, his actions and the sound of the engine merged together (it is still not clear what the child showed in your game?).

This fusion of images in the game is very typical for toddlers. We find it in other types of child's activities, for example, when reproducing complex plots of a drawing or telling something.

In the games of babies, the instability of their attention, increased emotional excitability is clearly manifested. The ability for volitional efforts is still very poorly developed in a four-year-old preschooler. But playing a pilot or a policeman, a doctor or a salesman, the child is forced to restrict, restrains himself with the role that the game requires, and this is how he exercises strong-willed endurance. The listed features testify to the peculiar psyche of the child. Knowledge of these features prompts both the educator and the parents what to do, how to manage children's games in order to provide the best conditions for the development of young children. A child often does not yet know how to play, he is not born with this ability, so an adult needs to teach him this activity. The role of the educator and parents here should be more active (you need to stimulate, suggest the topic of the game, organize the child's activities and include it in a common game with one of the children, etc.).

In visual activity and in construction, children move on to a deliberate depiction of objects, although the means of implementing the plan are still imperfect. In drawing, the child's capabilities begin to be determined by graphic images, ideas about what the depicted object should be on paper.

Gradually, the number of graphic images increases, and the range of objects depicted by the child expands accordingly. In the process of playing, drawing or designing, the child gets acquainted with the properties of objects, his perception, thinking, imagination and the like develop.

  • Lecture 2. Features of cognitive processes in children with intellectual disabilities
  • 1. Cognitive activity and cognitive processes
  • 2. Features of sensations and perceptions of a mentally retarded child
  • Lecture 3. Features of the activities of children with intellectual disabilities
  • 1. General characteristics of the activity of mentally retarded children
  • 4. Labor activity
  • Lecture 4. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere of a student of a special (correctional) school viii type
  • 1. Emotions and feelings
  • 2. Will
  • Lecture 5. Moral education of students of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type
  • 1. The main tasks of moral education in school of Viii type
  • 2. Moral education of students in the classroom for extracurricular reading
  • 1) The main directions of extracurricular reading in school of the VIII type in primary grades
  • 2) Conditions for the effectiveness of moral education in the classroom for extracurricular reading
  • 3) Tips for the class teacher, educator
  • Assignments to the topic:
  • Lecture 6. Aesthetic education of students of a special (correctional) school viii type
  • 1. Theoretical foundations of aesthetic education at school
  • 2. The essence and features of the aesthetic education of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities
  • 3. The tasks of aesthetic education
  • 4. Features of the visual activity of mentally retarded schoolchildren
  • 5. Features of musical education of mentally retarded schoolchildren
  • 6. Aesthetic orientation in working with natural materials
  • 7. Aesthetic education in reading lessons
  • 8. Aesthetic education at physical education lessons
  • 9. Fostering a culture of behavior among schoolchildren of the Viii type
  • 10. Conclusion
  • Assignments to the topic:
  • Lecture 7. Children's collective of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type
  • 1. Education of schoolchildren in a team
  • 2. Psychological characteristics of the school class
  • 3. The relationship of schoolchildren in the team
  • 4. The relationship of the teacher to the children's team as a factor in the formation of interpersonal relationships
  • 5.Tactics of the teacher in relation to children in different positions in the classroom
  • 6. The combination of play, work and cognitive activities in a team
  • 7. Techniques for involving schoolchildren in collective activities
  • Assignments to the topic:
  • 1. Psychological preparation for work
  • 2. Practical preparation for work
  • 3. Socially useful work
  • 4. Industrial training and productive labor
  • Tasks to the topic
  • Classification of excursions
  • Excursion preparation
  • Defining the goal
  • Choosing a theme
  • Selection and study of excursion objects
  • Route planning
  • Preparing the text
  • Teacher's speech
  • Using methodological techniques
  • Natural history excursions
  • Correctional and educational value of the excursion
  • Approximate development of a natural history excursion1
  • Preparing the teacher for the excursion
  • Preparing students for the excursion
  • Excursion
  • Consolidation of the acquired knowledge.
  • Tour results
  • Lecture 10. Physical education of students of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type
  • Features of physical development and motor abilities of students of the auxiliary school
  • The importance of physical education at school
  • The connection between different types of education in the process of physical education
  • The unity of moral and physical education
  • The connection between mental and physical education
  • The unity of labor and physical education
  • Physical education tasks at school
  • Lecture 11. Organizational forms of extracurricular work in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type
  • 1. Tasks and main directions of extracurricular educational work in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type
  • 2. Joint correctional and educational work of an educator and teacher in a special (correctional) school of the viiI type
  • 3. General comments on the conduct of extracurricular and extracurricular educational activities
  • 4. Circle work and its importance in the education of students of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type
  • 5. Some conclusions
  • Lecture 12. On some topical problems of modern oligophrenopedagogy
  • Lecture 13. Pedagogical ethics of a teacher and its features in working with students of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type
  • 2. Pedagogical ethics of the teacher and its features in working with students of the VIII type of school
  • B i b l i o g ra f i i
  • The connection between mental and physical education

    In the aspect of the tasks of mental education in the process of physical education, it is provided:

    Enrichment with special knowledge related to the field of physical culture, sports; their systematic expansion and deepening, the formation on this basis of a meaningful attitude to physical culture, sports activities, assistance to the formation of a scientific worldview;

    Development of cognitive abilities, qualities of mind, promotion of creative manifestations of the personality, including in self-knowledge and self-education by means of physical culture, sports.

    The implementation of these tasks in the process of physical education is associated, first of all, with physical education, and the pedagogical basis is didactic principles, means and methods.

    Mastering them in a specific application, i.e. in unity with practical skills and abilities, constitutes the main educational line in physical education. This line should be closely related to the education of cognitive activity and qualities of the mind, such as curiosity and inquisitiveness, dynamism, flexibility and subtlety of mental operations (sharpness of thinking), for which there are considerable opportunities in the process of physical education.

    Transferring knowledge directly within the framework of physical exercises, the teacher uses unique methods, the features of which are due to the specifics of physical education (laconic explanation, instruction, accompanying explanations in the course of motor tasks fulfillment, operational analysis of the results of their fulfillment, etc.). This gives the dynamism of the cognitive activity of the trainees.

    Many scientists-defectologists pointed out the connection between physical and mental education (A.S. Samylichev 1, A.A. Dmitriev 2, N.A. Kozlenko, etc.). So, A.S. Samylichev conducted research to determine the relationship between the development of mental performance and physical qualities in students of an auxiliary school. As a result, it was found that in the overwhelming majority of cases there is a direct dependence of the studied indicators - children with higher mental performance are distinguished by better development of physical qualities, and vice versa. That is, by increasing the level of development of physical qualities in mentally retarded children in the process of physical education with the help of targeted individually dosed exercises, we will thereby indirectly influence the development of their mental abilities, which is one of the most important tasks of correctional and educational work in an auxiliary school. So, the development of mental performance and the level of physical qualities in mentally retarded children are in a certain relationship, which is evidence of a connection between the physical and mental aspects of upbringing. Physical and mental education are two complementary aspects of the educational process in schools for both normal and mentally retarded children.

    The unity of labor and physical education

    Labor education is, in fact, not so much a separate part of education as the main applied direction of all aspects of education. The labor orientation of the physical education system in our country is clearly expressed in its goals, objectives, fundamental principles. The role of physical education in labor education and the main lines of their relationship are characterized by the following provisions:

    1. Physical education has a general preparatory and directly applied value for labor activity. The importance of physical education for labor is primarily due to the objective unity of the body's functions. No matter how different individual types of useful labor or productive activity may be, from the physiological point of view, these are, in any case, the functions of the human body, and each such function, whatever the content, is essentially a waste of the human brain, muscles, sense organs and etc. Physical education, providing an increase in the functional capabilities of the body, thereby creates the most important prerequisites for high performance for all types of work, where similar functional capabilities are required.

    This is the basis, in particular, of the effect of professionally applied physical training. If physical education forms motor skills and abilities that are directly applicable in the chosen labor activity, then it is in this case, in essence, one of the forms of practical labor education.

    At the same time, physical education has a broader significance for work. Comprehensively developing physical abilities and creating a rich supply of various motor skills and abilities, it guarantees general physical fitness as a prerequisite for high productivity in any type of work.

    2. The path to physical perfection is the path of many years of hard work to transform oneself, one's "nature", it goes through overcoming increasing loads, often very heavy, requiring maximum self-mobilization. In such voluntary daily work, an attitude towards work in general is also developed, especially when the physical is inextricably linked with the moral by other types of education. Then it is one of the main factors in the upbringing of industriousness, forming the habit of working with full dedication and developing creative abilities.

    3. In the physical culture movement of our country, a large place is given to the voluntary and gratuitous participation of physical culture teams in public work and socially useful affairs related to specific labor operations.

    4. Labor education in the process of physical exercises is also facilitated by the systematic fulfillment of practical duties for self-service and maintenance of the group (preparation and cleaning of places of employment, equipment, care of sports equipment, equipment, etc.).

    It is important that the system for performing such duties is associated with the satisfaction of not only personal needs, but also the needs of the team. Thanks to this, those engaged not only master the elementary techniques of everyday work, but at the same time they learn to responsibility, conscious discipline, organization, coordination of actions in a joint business, and also acquire the ability to lead and obey, enjoying a well-established, albeit everyday, but necessary and useful work for the team.

    So, we see that physical and labor education are inextricably linked. The connection between physical and labor education of mentally retarded children was pointed out by such scientists-defectologists as D.I. Azbukin (1943) 1, A.N. Graborov (1961), G.M. Dulnev and others.

    Physical education plays an important role in preparing auxiliary school students for work. Physical education contributes to all-round physical development and health improvement, corrects mental and physical development deficiencies, forms the correct skills of vital movements and expands motor capabilities by correcting motor deficiencies, develops readiness to master new skills and abilities.

    Graduates of the VIII type school after graduation must find a job. The problem of social and labor adaptation of school leavers of the VIII type is currently one of the most important special problems of defectology. On how successfully a mentally retarded schoolchild will master the working profession, his further social status and, consequently, successful adaptation in an independent life depend. In this regard, considerable attention is paid to the physical education of schoolchildren, which allows to identify and develop the interests and inclinations of students, their potential.

    So, from all of the above, we can conclude that moral, aesthetic, mental, labor and physical education are interrelated, complementary aspects of the educational process in an auxiliary school.

    Exercise is undoubtedly very good for a child's mental development. It is possible to stimulate the child's body with the logical mind for the first time in the years of study, and this will be a great victory for your child, but if you do not develop physical health, then these benefits will diminish over time. In the future, due to the emergence of chronic diseases, the mental development of children will be greatly reduced.

    The child develops and grows up. Physical activity is very beneficial for this. Therefore, you do not need to constantly force the child to sit at the table and not perform any movements, but only to teach, read, etc. And children will not be able to sit in a calm state for a long time, if before that they did not run, that is, did not perform physical activity. But it is very important that the child does not overdo it, because he does not control his fatigue. It is very important for parents to stop the child in time by changing the type of activity.

    There is an interesting fact that if a child can control his body more well, then he memorizes the theory better, and can apply it in practice for a long time.

    For a school-age child, exercise in the morning, outdoor games, and not very heavy loads in the evening are quite enough. Even if this minimum is not met, it is not very good, it will have a good effect on the mental development of the child. For example, the metabolic process will worsen, this leads to the fact that the child becomes not attentive, unable to think logically.

    Many sports have a good effect on the mental development of a child. Gymnastics is considered the best. But there are others, for example, football, basketball, swimming.

    Parents who have the opportunity have a chance to enroll their child in some kind of exercise and sports section. Professionals usually work there, and for your child they will select an individual type of robots, a schedule of classes. This will play a big role, and when he comes home, he will be able to immediately sit down to carry out his assignments.

    The impact of exercise on the mental development of children requires a lot of attention and requires a lot of strength and patience. For example, if a child needs to learn something, it is better to start with a physical warm-up or let him play outdoor games with other children. This will help not only to learn the verse more easily, but also to study well at school. Also, the child will improve health.

    It is necessary to remember that an active lifestyle has a good effect on blood circulation, therefore the elements that are so useful for a young preschooler are dispersed throughout the child's body. There are receptors throughout the child's body, from which signals are sent to the child's brain. If you perform a sufficient amount of exercise, then the child will be well developed, both physically and mentally. For a child to be well developed, he needs to eat normally. And you can get a sufficient amount of nutrients only through the digestive system, which necessarily requires not very great physical activity. In this case, there will be a healthy appetite, a normal robot of the digestive system.
    There are many factors that have a positive effect on the mental development of children. The most important thing for parents to watch this process, and to stop it if the child overdoes it, to find out how much exercise is right for him. And then your child will be smart and healthy and physically developed.

    Grow healthy!

    Let's talk not just about the mental development of the baby, when through play activities he develops such qualities as the ability to write, read, and count, but also about the physical development of the child, which directly affects mental development. It is customary to call it - the physical and mental development of children.

    Each of the parents can observe with their own eyes how strong the craving for knowledge of the surrounding world is in each child. From the first months of life, he begins to turn his head, following moving objects, he develops grasping movements of the handles, because the baby wants to try each object by touch and “tooth”, and therefore pulls every thing into his mouth. It is the craving for knowledge that stimulates the child's desire to move, roll over, crawl, sit and, of course, walk. And by the age of one year, the baby is able to move independently and walk or crawl to the subject of interest. Learning something new, the baby develops his thinking, which means that in the first year of life it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate the physical development of the child, his freedom of movement and dexterity. This is the manifestation of the physical and mental development of children.

    The process of physical and mental development of children is a consistent and progressive process. After all, every baby initially learns to raise his head, therefore, when helping a baby, parents must choose the ideal position for this, that is, lying on their stomach. While helping the baby learn to roll over on his stomach, adults, placing the baby on their back, should attract his attention so that he turns his head in your direction. Then you need to help him position the arms and legs so that the child is comfortable to roll over. It is equally important not to rush the child to walk. If parents are in a hurry to put the child on their feet, it harms the development of general motor skills, the development of the shoulder girdle, and the orthopedic functions of the body are impaired. It is more important for us that the child crawls actively. This is necessary for the development of brain symmetry. Prolonged crawling contributes to the active physiological and psychological development of the child, which in the future will certainly have a beneficial effect on all the functions of the baby's body. And only when the baby gets stronger - first get on your knees, and then start walking.

    Physical and mental development is impossible without the development of fine motor skills. It begins when the child learns to coordinate the movements of the hands and eyes. The kid learns to move his fingers, learns to hold a toy and other objects in his hand, squeeze them and throw them. As a child develops, he will learn to turn the pages of a book, hold a spoon and eat it on his own, seeing how adults do it and trying to imitate them, and will also learn to hold the phone receiver, bringing it to his ear, and smooth his hair with his hand. But most of all, fine motor skills develop when the baby learns to draw with both fingers and a brush, sculpt from plasticine or clay, and also write. For the development of motor skills, it is very good to play games with the baby where you need to clap your hands, offer the child fabrics with different textures, games with fingers - songs, fairy tales, the simplest counting rhymes. Musical instruments, sticks, balls, etc. are great for the development of hand motor skills.

    At an early age, the foundations are laid for the further development of the baby. The actions of parents should be aimed at ensuring that the baby's fine motor skills develop fully, because the physical and mental development of children largely depends on it.

    A new study by researchers from Finland suggests that being active plays a key role in a child's mental development, especially in primary school. Researchers have found that good academic performance can be linked to physical well-being. Good physical fitness among boys is important.


    Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland found that boys had better reading and counting skills in their first 3 years of school, who were physically fit and active. By the concept of activity, scientists meant both walking or cycling, and behavior during recess.

    The risks of a sedentary lifestyle are increasingly being documented. A sedentary lifestyle during childhood increases the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular problems in adulthood.

    In 2012, the Mayo Clinic reported that 50-70% of Americans spend 6 or more hours sitting in a full day, and 20-35% of people spend 4 or more hours sitting in front of the TV.

    The authors argue that physical activity is declining, while a sedentary lifestyle like watching TV is not to be expected. Previous research has also suggested that low physical activity negatively affects children's school performance.

    Other studies have found a link between physical culture and academic performance, but the authors say the data are limited, since it takes more time and effort to analyze and classify data from people with different levels of activity, with completely unique habits.

    Physical activity versus passivity

    In their study, published in PLoS ONE, the authors write that "there are no prospective studies comparing the relationship of different types of physical activity (PA) and sedentary lifestyles to the learning skills of children."

    They have already studied different types of behavior among first graders and tried to link the results with the performance of children in arithmetic and reading. The test was attended by 186 Finnish children who took part in the first three years of schooling.

    They found that high levels of physical activity did affect the children’s arithmetic ability, and exercise only improved the results on math tests.

    Improvements in academic achievement were most pronounced among boys. Those who preferred to run and jump during their free time did better than boys who spent time sitting after school. Good learning outcomes are also associated with moderate computer use.

    Scientists could not reach such conclusions regarding girls. Perhaps this can be explained by gender differences, but the relationship between physical activity or passivity and mental achievement is not so prominent among females.

    “Children need to move more during change. They sit at the school desk for a long time, so vigorous activity will not hurt anyone, but will only help. Besides, this style of behavior will only improve personal success. "

    Research has shown that there are significant differences between boys and girls in terms of the impact of the role of physical activity. In addition, too much physical activity among women only worsened school performance.