Japanese slippers knitted patterns country of mothers. We knit and model Japanese-style house slippers. Knitted baby slippers: step by step instructions

Knitting is considered the easiest way to make a thing with your own hands. This process takes time, but it's easy to pick out, especially when watching a movie or relaxing after a hard day at work. True, this process also requires effort and preparation, which we will discuss below.

Preparation phase

Before you start knitting, you need to collect everything in one place so that it is at hand. For successful work we need:

  • knitting needles;
  • wool;
  • scheme;
  • desire and mood to knit;
  • time.

So, when all the components are assembled, we can begin the process of knitting such a wonderful thing as Japanese slippers.

Basic step by step instructions

First, you need to fold the thread in half and cast on 40 loops on both knitting needles. Then we begin to knit Japanese slippers with an elastic band 2 x 2 (front 2, 2 about 18 cm.

The second step is to make the starting piece 2 loops less on each side. Then we apply another type of knitting - garter stitch (we will tell you how it looks later in the article). In the process, we remove one loop on each side, so that as a result, only 5 of them remain on the knitting needles.

The third step is to knit another 20 rows. As a result, you should get a narrow tie detail.

The fourth step is to tie it from the other end of the workpiece. This should also be done with garter stitch and in the process remove one loop at both ends until there are 5 pieces left on the needles.

The fifth step - after finishing the second tie, fold the resulting structure in half and sew on the sides, in the place of the elastic bands. Everything, Japanese slippers can be worn. As you can see, it is not difficult.

Types of knitting

We present to your attention a description of the above two types of knitting, which are used to create such a thing as Japanese slippers.

The classic gum, for example, is used for a variety of products. As a rule, it consists of 2 front and 2 purl loops.

And it is considered basic at all. For this you need:

1. Cast on 2 knitting needles.

2. Taking out one of them, knit the entire row as the front one.

3. After finishing the row, turn the knitting needle over and begin to knit in the same rhythm. We continue the process until the required length of the canvas is obtained.

Creative option

As they say, how many housewives, so many opinions. Earlier we looked at the simplest instruction showing how to knit Japanese.Now we will not see a dry compressed version, but its creative alternative.

To implement this venture, we need lilac threads (two shades) and knitting needles number 14. The process looks like this:

  1. Cast on 34 sts.
  2. We knit the first row with knit stitches, and the second with purl loops, after which 2 rows - garter stitch.
  3. Knit again with the front stitches and the row with the purl stitches.
  4. Two rows of garter stitches.
  5. Next, the part is knitted with front and back stitches, but at the same time from the front side it should be closed in a loop until there are six of them left.
  6. We knit a tie.

In this case, the main part of the slippers can turn out in any color that you choose, and the ropes in a different shade.

After the Japanese slippers are sewn, they can be decorated with beads and flowers. To do this, you need to choose the material to match the color and then weave the decoration into the canvas using a thread.

To decorate the product with a flower, you first need to crochet it from threads of the same color as the Japanese slippers themselves. Once the flowers are ready, sew them onto the strings or socks. How to decorate is up to you.

As a result, you should have some gorgeous fancy Japanese slippers. They will definitely be a great gift for any occasion.


Finishing our step-by-step instructions, we want to note that Japanese knitted slippers look charming, and most importantly, the technology used in this process is available even to those who take up such needlework for the first time. Simple knitting is our main goal when creating beautiful things from threads. Knit with pleasure!

It turns out that if you study the needlework very well on knitting needles, you can find out that there are a large number of options for knitting home slippers. At the same time, they knit quite simply and quickly. Especially if a family celebration takes place the day before, these can be presented as a gift.

This article will discuss how to knit Japanese slippers with a description and video material. Try to knit these sneakers and decorate them in your own way.

To knit original slippers, you need to fold the yarn in three layers, and then dial about forty loops on the knitting needles and knit a simple elastic band, the length of which should be about eighteen centimeters. Then the garter stitch is knitted, only in the front way. Subtract two buttonholes on both sides. Then, continuing to knit the product, reduce one piece at a time until there are 5 elements left on each knitting needle. The work of knitting Japanese slippers continues, but without additions and reductions. Make about twenty rows.

Do the opposite side in a similar way. As a result, you will get a product that will somewhat resemble a folded washcloth. In the middle there will be a rectangle, and on its sides there should be triangles with ribbons that will be tied. The resulting slippers are folded in half and stitched from the sides. Then try it on your leg by tying knitted ribbons.

This was a preliminary description of the progress of work, and now let's take a closer look at how to knit Japanese slippers with step by step photos.

Japanese slippers knitting lesson

Japanese slippers are knitted in an original way, and they look very neat and beautiful on the foot. The uniqueness is that each needlewoman can come up with a pattern for decoration and decoration herself, using her imagination and skills.

Cast on the same number of stitches as used previously in three folds. Knit in the beginning with the same elastic pattern that you are familiar with, and then with garter stitch. Decrease gradually until there are five pieces left on the spoke.

The next stage of work is knitting strings for Japanese slippers. You choose their length yourself, it all depends on your foot volume. In this example, twenty rows are made for one tie. Do the same manipulations with the second side. The photo shows a knitted blank, which should work out for you.

Fold the garment in half and sew the sides with a simple knit stitch. A description of such a seam can be found in another article on our website. The product will resemble a little baby hat.

The photo shows Japanese slippers as they will look on your foot. In them you can not only walk around the house, but also sleep. They are sure to keep you warm on cold evenings.

These wonderful lightweight sneakers can be made in almost one evening. It's much faster than knitting socks. You don't have to buy a new skein of yarn; leftover thread will do just fine. After folding the yarn several times, use one size smaller knitting needle. In this case, the product will be tightly knitted, and the slippers will be much warmer.

Another little piece of advice about knitting such indoor shoes. You should not make such slippers for a small child, as they will look awkward on the leg. You can start wearing them from school age, when the leg grows up. The finished product is decorated not only with lace ties, but also with decorative buttons and pom-poms. We offer you to watch a video material describing the detailed process of knitting such slippers for the house, by the example of which you can knit exactly the same warm shoes for yourself.

Video: Japanese slippers knitting

Almost all of us love a variety of knitted home socks and slippers. This wardrobe item, along with mittens, scarves and hats, is most often wanted by needlewomen to knit, because socks and slippers are extremely comfortable. They do not constrain movement, and also perfectly warm the legs. There are a huge number of techniques and schemes in order to make knitted socks, slippers and footprints. We also add that all these techniques are completely uncomplicated, which means they are available for beginner knitters. If you choose an original and comfortable model, then you can not only wear it at home with pleasure, but even give it to your family or friends.

Features of making Japanese slippers

This model is original and therefore very different from other footprints and slippers. It has long ties, with the help of which the sneakers are fixed at the back of the foot.

The central part of Japanese slippers is a rectangle tied with an elastic band. On the sides there are triangle-shaped figures, ending with long ties for fixing. After finishing the work, the rectangle is folded in half, vertically, and sewn along the edges, forming the inner surface of the sneaker. Garter stitch triangles are wrapped around the foot on both sides and tied at the back with strings. If you wish, you can change the decorations on Japanese slippers to diversify their design and get original models.

Master class on knitting Japanese slippers

This master class will consider knitting Japanese slippers in more detail. In the photo below you can see an elegant and festive version of Japanese slippers. They are knitted in the same way as simple models, but at the end they are decorated with mother-of-pearl beads.

In addition to beads, these elegant Japanese slippers can be decorated with pom-poms or crocheted flowers from the same yarn that was used for the Japanese slippers themselves. Now let's take a step-by-step description of the technique that is used to knit Japanese slippers. This is the basic version, guided by which you can dream up and make variations on the main theme.

Fantasy will allow you to knit original slippers decorated with bows or beads. Let's start knitting with a set of forty loops, and doing a two-by-two elastic band. The length of the elastic should be eighteen centimeters (cm). For needlework, you will need very dense yarn, or threads in several folds.

Having connected such a rectangle, we will subtract two units along the edges, and we make a garter stitch pattern. In the course of knitting in garter stitch, we must reduce the loops (P) in each row by one. We carry out these reductions until there are five units left on the needles.

After that, it remains to knit long thin strings. We perform this technique on both sides of the elastic, after which we get this shape of the canvas.

The Japanese are very fond of slippers. Not even that. The Japanese are obsessed with slippers. On the other hand, the Japanese are probably obsessed with everything they are not indifferent to, and every aspect of their culture over the years is overgrown with strange rituals and rules. (For example, there is a whole etiquette of using chopsticks.) But now about slippers.

And not even about the traditional Japanese wooden sandals-slates with a bench-shaped sole (they are called Geta) - but about the most ordinary slippers.

In any self-respecting hotel, guests will find slippers in their room. Lots of slippers.

If anything, this is in a room for two people, where the "walkable" space is probably about five square meters. Two pairs of "disposable" slippers are provided, and two pairs of stronger slippers - that is, slightly less than one pair of slippers per square meter of floor.

And this is not only in one hotel - it is in hotels all over the country. We even specially went to Kyushu island (it is south of the main Honshu) to check the situation.

It's the same there.

Such love for slippers in Japanese culture came from the clear separation of outdoor and outdoor shoes. The external life of Japan, as elsewhere, was dirty, and the people who loved cleanliness had a lot of conventions so as not to drag dirt around the house.

In traditional Japanese houses and ryokans (old-fashioned inns), there is a special place called Genkan, where it is customary to take off your street shoes. Genkan is somewhat similar to the Russian porch - this space, being inside, is considered "outside". Only for the Japanese, this is not a separate room, but a place near the entrance, where the floor is made on a low, street level.

Photo from Wikipedia

In any self-respecting ryokan, you will be asked to take off your shoes and put on slippers upon entering. According to tradition, the slippers should be toe-in, and the boots - on the contrary, to the exit, so that both are comfortable to put on.

You can then use these slippers to walk around the common areas of the ryokan.

And in your tatami-covered room, another genkan is waiting for you. As you know, walking on the tatami in shoes - even in slippers - is prohibited.

There are also separate toilet slippers.

Since the toilet floor can be wet, ryokans provide special slippers in front of the toilet entrances. They won't always have "Toilet" written on them, but they will definitely look different from the usual ryokan slippers so that guests do not walk in the corridors in them. Although unintelligent gaijins like us do this from time to time.

Besides hotels and ryokans, there are slippers in temples. There, too, at the entrance of the genkan, and you need to take off your shoes - but in most of the temples, visitors walk in socks. However, if the temple consists of several buildings, in order to move from one temple building to another, you will be offered special temple slippers.

Although they are not special - ordinary sneakers are probably made in China. Unless they are specially bright red, so that you can see if someone in them accidentally tries to leave.

And sometimes you can go down to the kindergarten in the church - for this, there will be completely different slippers.

So keep in mind that the Japanese have their own slippers for every occasion.

If you are interested in the peculiarities of Japanese life, read

The Japanese are, as always, original. They offer us such beautiful and unusual slippers.

They knit very simply and look great on the legs.

Features of making Japanese slippers

This model is original and therefore very different from other footprints and slippers. It has long ties, with the help of which the sneakers are fixed at the back of the foot.

And now it is necessary to consider the appearance of the finished Japanese slippers, when they are not yet worn on the foot.

As you can see from the attached photo, the central part of Japanese slippers is a rectangle tied with an elastic band. On the sides there are triangle-shaped figures, ending with long ties for fixing. After finishing the work, the rectangle is folded in half, vertically, and sewn along the edges, forming the inner surface of the sneaker. Garter stitch triangles are wrapped around the foot on both sides and tied at the back with strings. If you wish, you can change the decorations on Japanese slippers to diversify their design and get original models.

Master class on knitting Japanese slippers

This master class will consider knitting Japanese slippers in more detail. In the photo below you can see an elegant and festive version of Japanese slippers. They are knitted in the same way as simple models, but at the end they are decorated with mother-of-pearl beads.

In addition to beads, these elegant Japanese slippers are decorated with a flower crocheted from the same yarn that was used for the Japanese slippers themselves. Now let's take a step-by-step description of the technique that is used to knit Japanese slippers. This is the basic version, guided by which you can dream up and make variations on the main theme. Fantasy will allow you to knit original slippers decorated with bows or beads. Let's start knitting with a set of forty loops, and doing a two-by-two elastic band. The length of the elastic should be eighteen centimeters (cm). For needlework, you will need very dense yarn, or threads in several folds.

Having connected such a rectangle, we will subtract two units along the edges, and we make a garter stitch pattern. In the course of knitting in garter stitch, we must reduce the loops (P) in each row by one. We carry out these reductions until there are five units left on the needles.

After that, it remains to knit long thin strings. We perform this technique on both sides of the elastic, after which we get this shape of the canvas.

Video tutorial on knitting Japanese slippers for home

This video shows knitting house slippers. This type of Japanese slippers is a cross between slippers, socks and socks. They differ from the previous models of the lesson in that they do not have long strings, but are fastened with a button. For work, a knitting technique is used that differs from that used in previous models. We collect with knitting needles three loops, and with them we will start needlework. We knit in garter stitch, adding loops. It is necessary to increase P through a row. We add one loop after the first edging, and the second in front of the last edging in the row. We knit the even rows of the seamy side with knitting needles with purl loops. We will add the number of units until there are twenty-seven loops on the needles. Then we knit with an elastic band 2x2 a canvas fifteen cm long, after which it is necessary to knit the same triangle shape, but in a mirror image. Just as in the beginning we added loops, now we need to decrease them. Having knitted up to one loop with needles, take a hook, and use it to knit a rope for fastening. At the end of the video, it is shown that it is necessary to fold the shape in half and sew it with threads in the part where the elastic is located. Now our Japanese slippers can be considered completely finished.

Video: Japanese slippers knitting