DIY winter crafts at home. DIY winter crafts for kindergarten and school from natural material (photo)

Winter has come merry
With skates and sleds
With a sprinkled track,
With a magical old tale.
On a decorated Christmas tree
Lanterns swing.
Let the winter be merry
It doesn't end any longer!

Winter crafts

Winter has come! Snow, frost, sledges, skates - WHERE? Our Latvian weather again unpredictably canceled winter. Well, let's make the winter ourselves, with our own hands. And create a festive New Year's atmosphere! And to help you I offer a small selection of ideas.

There has already been a lot about postcards, so I won't go deep into this topic, I'll just post a few new ideas. Yarn, buttons, threads, ribbons, paper, pencil shavings and some magic!

Last year there were Christmas trees made of stripes, this year we will make the Christmas trees a little more voluminous - we will twist the tubes from colored paper.

Unusual candlesticks are obtained by simply cutting out a black and white picture of a city or castle and wrapping it around a jar. You can make a whole fabulous city. And candlesticks made of tin cans, on which an openwork pattern is pierced, will support the fabulous atmosphere.

The pine cone is already a tree in itself. And a lot of cones is a big tree.

Since we are talking about Christmas trees, here is such an option. Elegant and original. And by the size and number of Christmas trees, it will be possible to understand how big a wine lover you are.

And finally, I propose to remember about our smaller brothers and make such unusual feeders. Gelatin dissolves in water, then the food is poured, laid out in molds and cooled in the refrigerator.

I hope some of the ideas will come in handy and your winter evenings will be filled with creativity!

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Joint creativity with the child allows him to discover talents, love handicrafts, or even improve relations with parents if they have deteriorated. The winter season contributes to this: you can create many interesting crafts, collages, drawings. Often, children are instructed by the teacher to bring something made with their own hands. This article is a cheat sheet for parents and children, what kind of winter craft to make, how to implement it with your own hands and at the same time arouse the child's interest.

One of the most popular themes that are chosen to create a thematic craft is "Winter's Tale". She is close to both children and adults, because on the eve of the New Year, I sincerely want to believe in miracles.

A winter fairy tale is associated with a decorated Christmas tree, snow-covered landscapes, gifts and lanterns - garlands. All this can be brought to life within the framework of winter crafts.

winter's tale in the bank

Everyone is familiar with a New Year's souvenir - a ball with a Christmas tree or other themed attribute in the middle. When shaken, snowflakes or sparkles begin to swirl. You can recreate a winter fairy tale in such a craft.

The process will not take much time, and the necessary material will not result in a lump sum. Therefore, such a craft can be considered budgetary and effective.

What will the young creator and his parents need:

  • transparent glass jar (it is possible from under the baby food) with a tightly screwed lid;
  • small souvenir trees, snowman, etc .;
  • sequins or artificial snow;
  • glycerin, water;
  • hot glue.

The jar must be sized so that the tree, for example, can easily fit there.

Detailed description of the process:

  1. First you need to make a fitting: put the tree in a jar, screw the lid on, make sure that the craft looks beautiful.
  2. Now pour a little glue on the bottom of the lid and glue a Christmas tree or some kind of winter character. You can use the symbol of the coming new year. Let grab.
  3. Pour water and glycerin into a jar in a 1: 1 ratio and mix.
  4. Add sequins or artificial snow.
  5. Put some glue on the thread of the neck of the can.
  6. Screw on the lid (the tree looks upside down).

Let the craft stand for a while so that the glue adheres well to the surface of the lid and the jar. Now you can shake the container and enjoy the winter wonderland.

A similar craft can be done without liquid. If you use a beautiful container for storing bulk products, then you will also get a good option.

For this, in addition to the container, you will need sugar and decor. The algorithm of actions is very simple:

  • pour a little sugar into the container;
  • lay out the figures neatly;
  • close the lid.

The creative process will take no more than 15 minutes, and the result will surely please others.

winter's tale on cardboard

You can make a beautiful craft using simple improvised means: cardboard, glue and cotton wool. The advantage of this option is that it gives a wide scope for creativity. The child can build a composition himself, choose the main characters, etc.

What is useful for work:

  • PVA glue for plastic;
  • cotton wool;
  • any decor to your liking;
  • New Year's rain;
  • scissors;
  • a brush for applying glue.

First you need to find a suitable cardboard base. To do this, you can use the bottom of the cardboard box.

Compare roughly where the decor will be located.

Grease the surface well with glue and spread the cotton wool evenly. It will snow. You do not need to glue it only where you plan to place the figures.

Apply stronger glue to the bottom surface of the figures (Christmas tree, snowman, penguin and others) and stick to the cardboard.

Break the rain into small pieces and sprinkle on the craft. Lay out bead tracks.

You can also use special effects - candles. You need to place a few pieces around the perimeter of the craft and light them. Isn't it a winter fairy tale?

winter's tale and bumps

Cones are often found in winter crafts. They are easy to handle and will fit well with any idea.

You can convey a winter fairy tale if you make snow-covered Christmas trees from cones.

To do this, you need to prepare:

  • corks from open bottles;
  • cones;
  • white paint and brush;
  • foam or cardboard;
  • glue.

The craft is very simple:

  1. A little glue is poured onto the cork and a bump is glued.
  2. Take white paint and paint the bump so that it looks like snow. You can sprinkle with sparkles.
  3. A star is cut out of foam or cardboard and glued to the "crown".

You can make several of these trees and stick them on a board. Such a composition will be a wonderful decor in the interior.

Children's crafts winter fairy tale, pictures

The theme "Winter's Tale" gives a great opportunity to choose a creative direction. The choice of the required option should be based on the skills of the child. After all, it is the child who should do most of the work. The task of the parents is to help him and remove the shortcomings.

Several options for interesting crafts "Winter's Tale":

cardboard craft is suitable for older children

craft - an applique made from materials of different textures looks very impressive

pasta can also be part of the composition

Ice skating rink and fun, what is not a winter fairy tale for many children?

Crafts from cotton pads are in every direction of creativity.

A winter's tale can also be embodied with the help of plasticine.

To develop your child's creative talents, you should try a few techniques and do a few different crafts.

Application winter fun, detail with photo

The application "Winter Fun" is especially popular with children. This is because they can portray what they especially like to do in winter: play snowballs, make a snowman, skate or ski.

There are many ideas for this kind of creative work. Let's highlight two of them.

The advantage of this application is that several techniques are used, and this option also involves cutting out small details. That is why it is suitable for the middle and senior group in kindergarten.

For work you will need:

And also cotton wool to make the snow realistically.

The process will be time consuming because there are many small parts to be cut out and glued. First you need to cut out all the elements that will be on the canvas. In this case, trees, children, birds and a snowman.

Then you should, without using glue, attach everything to the sheet in order to understand how to make a beautiful composition.

After that, you need to pour some glue into some container and take a brush. This is necessary so that there is no excess of glue, because the elements are all small.

Glue all characters to paper. Where there will be snow, also spread with glue. Pinch off the cotton wool and lay it out evenly.

The craft is ready. The most difficult thing is the preparatory stage, when you need to cut out the decor. And then the creative process will go faster.

Another version of the application on a given topic:

Here the base should first be painted with paints. To do this, take a blue watercolor and draw a background. Above you can draw the sun and clouds.

Then comes the turn of the application. As usual, you can't do without colored paper, glue and scissors.

You will also need several pieces of cotton pads and dry leaves, which need to be broken into small pieces.

The hardest part of this app is to make the boy ski. To simplify the task, it can be cut from the magazine or printed first, and then cut and simply glued.

Then you need to tackle the trees. For this, the surface is greased with glue and dry leaves are poured out.

Finely chop the cotton pads and lay out the mountain on which the skier is riding.

The composition is positioned at an angle. It is important to observe this in order to obtain a descent effect.

Applique winter landscape, step by step

Application is impossible without the child's personal vision of the object of work. The theme "Winter landscape" makes you appreciate the beauty of this time, highlight the important for yourself, and then transfer it to paper.

The child must choose for himself what he wants to portray: an urban winter landscape, a rural, snow-covered grove or mountains.

Below is a variant in the style of "Urban winter landscape":

This applique is based on cotton pads and colored paper. It is also suitable for children of the younger group of kindergarten, because it does not have too small details and all the shapes are correct.

For the creative process you will need:

First, preparatory work precedes: you need to cut out larger multi-colored rectangles from colored paper - these are at home. And also smaller - these are windows and doors.

You also need to cut out snowflakes and cut cotton pads in half (but not all).

Now comes the crucial moment - you need to glue everything. It is better to take cardboard as a basis, so the craft will last longer in an integral form.

Then dip the brush into the glue and smear each element one by one and glue it in place.

You can see the process in more detail in the following video:

Winter sports application, step by step

For many, winter sports are associated with figure skating. The applique in the shape of skates will be an excellent souvenir for the New Year's holiday, and can also turn into a Christmas tree decoration.

The wizard's set is small:

  • glue;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • paper clips.

Beads, sequins, etc. can also be used for decoration.

First you need to make a blank: draw a sketch of skates on paper. Then - cut them out.

The paper must be folded in half so that later you can attach paper clips.

Now you can do the decor and decorate the skates as you see them. After that, a paper clip is taken and one edge is threaded between two layers of paper.

Such an application can arouse interest in the winter sport of figure skating.

Winter applique senior group, step by step

In the senior group of kindergarten, children are already good at wielding scissors, they understand how to correctly compose a composition, what technique to apply in a particular case.

Educators should teach children:

  • correctly place objects of different shapes on the sheet;
  • in parallel, select synonyms for the subjects with which the child will work;
  • new terms in the field of drawing;
  • the process of socialization must go through, so the heroes of the application should not be alone.

Considering that children in the older group can independently decide what to take as the basis of their application, the older ones can only remotely correct.

This option combines several techniques for creating an applique, so it will be useful for children to make it.

To implement the plan, you need to prepare:

  • peas;
  • glue;
  • cotton pads;
  • colored paper;
  • white paint for painting;
  • brush.

First you need to cut out the elements of a snowman and a tree from colored paper. Then take a blue sheet of paper and glue the barrel. Lay out the pea herringbone on top. To do this, each pea must be dipped in glue. The Christmas tree should be decorated with a star.

Then the cotton pads should be cut in half. Lay out the snowman from whole and cut discs. Supplement it with colored paper elements.

You need to make snow around from cotton pads. Use paint and a brush to create a snowfall effect.

The hardest part in this applique is to make a herringbone, because the peas do not stick to the paper the first time.

Winter application preparatory group, step by step with a photo

Children in the preparatory group also have high creative skills, they can choose their own technique and application theme.

It is important to improve your skills, because light applications should be postponed and a complex complex option should be chosen.

This option is multi-level. Elements are angled to create a realistic effect.

If you place items incorrectly, chaos will result. This is exactly the task for children from the kindergarten.

You will need a little materials: only glue and colored paper.

It is important to cut trees beautifully, because they set the tone for the work. To do this, you need to use the technique of cutting out a snowflake: fold the paper in half and make cuts on one side.

If the child cannot do this, then you can use ready-made templates. One has only to cut them out and attach them to colored paper, circle them and also cut them out.

When the trees are ready, you need to cut out the elements of the house, fence, clouds. The main canvas will consist of two colors - blue at the top and blue at the bottom. This will also visually delimit the appliqué.

Lay out the elements in the correct order at the desired angle and glue.

Winter applique middle group, step by step with photo

Creating a winter applique in the middle group is a must. This develops the child's aesthetic perception, teaches how to correctly combine colors and shapes, and observe the measure.

You can take this option as a basis:

It combines regular shapes and carved, different textures. But at the same time, the application has one level, which makes it easier for the child.

Also, on this option, it is easy to get acquainted with the process of gluing not only paper, but also cotton pads, which is a more difficult task.

To create an applique you need to buy:

  • colored paper;
  • cotton pads (2 - 3 pcs);
  • glue and scissors;
  • eyes with a bead in the middle or can be pasted out of paper.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

Step-by-step execution will avoid mistakes.

Winter applique younger group, step by step with a photo

Winter application in the younger group is impossible without the help of educators. Often it is based on a blank (for example, a tree trunk), and children only need to supplement it.

At the age of 3-4 years, it is preferable for children to deal with plasticine than with scissors. Therefore, the option presented below will be the most optimal for this age category.

Necessary materials:

  • colored cardboard:
  • plasticine of different colors;
  • cotton wool.

Step-by-step course of action:

  1. Use colored cardboard as a base.
  2. Make details for the applique (man, tree, slide) from plasticine.
  3. Decorate the tree with "snow" (cotton wool).
  4. Also, don't forget about the snowfall. White plasticine will help to realize this idea.

Such work also develops hand motor skills, which is very beneficial for the development of the brain.

Winter tree applique, step by step with photo

The child's understanding of a winter tree can be different: with an armful of snow on the branches, or, conversely, standing sadly without foliage. It is difficult to imagine a more "winter" tree than spruce or pine. In festive attire, these trees are a symbol of winter, holiday, fun.

The work algorithm will be as follows:

  • cut out their colored paper two Christmas trees (larger and smaller) of different colors;
  • first glue a large template on the base, and a small one on it;
  • cut a star and glue it to the top of the tree;
  • take buttons, apply glue to them and glue them on a small Christmas tree;
  • rhinestones can be glued around the perimeter of a large Christmas tree.

When a child is working with buttons and other small objects, an adult must be nearby so that the child does not swallow these elements.

The process of creating such an application is presented in the video:

Volumetric craft winter forest, step by step with a photo

The volumetric craft "Winter Forest" will take a lot of time. But this is a good opportunity to develop a child's vision of volumetric details, teach them how to properly position them in space, and measure them in size.

For example, you can take the following work:

There are two options for creating it:

  • simplified (if there are ready-made figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, souvenir Christmas trees and a house);
  • more complex (all elements must be done manually).

To implement the first option, you need to take a cardboard base. Prepare all the elements that will be located on it and glue it one by one. Large objects such as a house will require more glue.

All the space that remains free, also spread with glue and lay out cotton wool - this will imitate snow.

The fence can be made of cardboard, ice cream sticks or candles. The last option is very interesting because they can be lit and the craft will look spectacular. But at the same time, do not forget that it is dangerous. Vata can quickly catch fire, so you need to do this only in the presence of adults.

How do I attach candles to the base? You can make small slots in the cardboard and carefully place the candles there.

If there is no ready-made decor at hand, then Christmas trees can be made from plasticine.

And the house is made of matchboxes, as in this video:

Winter applications from cotton pads, in detail with a photo

Cotton pads are frequent guests of winter applications. They are very reminiscent of snow drifts, they are easy to shape, and can also be easily painted with paints in the desired color.

A large selection of possible crafts is sure to inspire your unique creation.

Example # 1:

All elements on this applique (except for snowflakes) are made of cotton pads:

  • the sun and clouds are carved from them;
  • to create a snowman, you need to take a full-fledged cotton pad, and also cut out smaller circles;
  • to make a herringbone, you need to twist the disks.
  • This applique combines cotton pads and colored paper:

    • the face of Santa Claus, his hat, eyes and nose are cut out of colored paper;
    • the beard and pompom are made from cotton pads.

    Everything is held together with glue.

    A similar technique is used in such an application:

    In more detail, the creative process can be viewed in the video:

    Creative work develops the child's potential, helps him see the beautiful. Whichever type of creativity is chosen, the child should like it, bring pleasure and reveal his talents. It is also important to show that the child can do beautiful things with their own hands.

Crafts for the kindergarten on the theme of winter and New Year are again becoming in demand and relevant. However, if you do not have a tradition of making crafts for kindergarten for the New Year, you can do needlework at home. This is a great opportunity for an interesting affair.

DIY winter crafts for the garden: funny snowmen

Crafts in the garden on the theme of winter and New Year: Christmas trees and snow-covered trees

Fir-trees, of course, are green and elegant. Snow-covered trees are white and delicate. To make this beauty, cardboard, colored paper, thin paper napkins, video tutorials, and other ideas for garden crafts on the theme of winter and New Year from our selection will help you.

Details on how to make such Christmas trees with your own hands in kindergarten as a New Year's crafts are in the photo. We cut out a triangle from cardboard - the basis of our future Christmas tree from paper - and string it on a wooden stick or glue it with a glue gun. Then we cut green paper of different shades with the children into strips. The next step is to glue the stripes in random order on a cardboard triangle, and cut off the excess.

And here are the delicate winter trees. You can paint snow with your fingers. If you are looking for crafts on the theme "Winter" or "New Year" for the younger groups of kindergarten, then ideas are useful to you.

And such cute DIY Christmas crafts in kindergarten can be used even as Christmas tree decorations.

If there are trees and Christmas trees under them, Santa's deer can walk, which you can make with your own hands from cardboard.

DIY crafts for the New Year for kindergarten on the theme of winter, many are asked to bring to kindergarten. Of course, the kids themselves already from the end of autumn begin to create beauty in order to decorate the group and the premises of the kindergarten. However, homework is usually given too. For parents, this is a unique moment when you can spend a lot of useful time with your child, and at the same time learn something new and learn to do something unusual.

As a rule, they make them at home and take them to the kindergarten for the Winter Crafts competition, which has been traditional since Soviet times. It is clear that the most popular craft here will be a paper Christmas tree or just a postcard, but in this material we offer several simple, beautiful and original master classes in order to not only celebrate with participation in the competition this year, but also take an honorable prize.

Crafts for the New Year with your own hands for kindergarten on the theme of winter with a photo

"Winter window"

When there is snow outside the window in winter, the houses are always warm and cozy. Such a craft will help create a magical fairy-tale atmosphere, and creating it together with a kindergarten child will also strengthen the kid's skills in using scissors. Even if there is no real snow outside the window, this craft option will always create the right mood.

What is required for work:
* A winter window template that is easy and free to print from the web.
* Cardboard or just high density paper.
* Pouch (as for sandwiches).
* Glue and sugar.
* Spoon and felt.

Cut off the part above the zipper from the bag, but do not cut off the zipper itself. Carefully glue the cut out template to thick paper. On a blue leaf, make a trace around and outside the window. The base should be as strong as a rectangle. Now put one and a half large spoons of sugar in the bag, press on the bag so that all the air comes out of it (if you ignore this moment, you will not wait for snow).

It remains to place the sugar in the center of the bag, and put the bag between two sheets of paper. Pour glue on the edges of the bag, as well as in the front and back, and there should be glue on the top edge of the paper window. Make felt curtains for the window around the template (if it is not at hand, then just use colored paper). Glue all the details of the winter window onto the bag. When the glue is dry, you can play with the window: turn it so that the snow falls.

Christmas tree made of pasta

On any themed video, you can see that the most popular DIY craft for the new year for a kindergarten on the theme of winter is a Christmas tree. The materials for making it can be different, as an option, consider ordinary pasta!

For the base of such a tree, you can take a conical plastic wine glass. If you don't have a glass at hand, you can quickly make such a base yourself from cardboard or plastic, from thick paper. It is important to choose a solid material for the base so that it does not deform under the weight of pasta and glue in the process of creating a unique Christmas tree. For this version of the craft, we take pasta in the form of small bows. But this is not necessary at all! Choose the shape of the pasta as you wish - spirals, horns, even stars.

Interesting! Small pasta of any shape can be painted with ordinary paints and used on a finished Christmas tree as a decor, such as Christmas balls and garlands.

To keep the pasta well on the base, you can use PVA glue. But the ideal option is if you can fix the elements with a special thermo gun. Green spray paint will help make the tree realistic; you can use gold paint to paint small pasta like Christmas tree decorations.

A glass, if it was taken as a basis, has a base leg. It does not need to be removed until the very end of the craft process. Only when the pasta is already dry will the paint hold firmly, the leg can be removed and the Christmas tree can be placed on its natural pasta base. You need to fasten the pasta to the base carefully and close to each other, focusing on the checkerboard pattern. You need to make sure that there are no holes left between these elements, otherwise, the plastic of the glass will shine through. If so, then this distance is also painted over with green paint.

"Winter picture"

To make such a picture with a child, you need to prepare blue (you can take gray) cardboard, thick paper and glue, you will also need a pencil, cotton balls and rice, as well as green food coloring, water and a sealed bag with a zipper.

Put a little green dye in a teaspoon of water and send it to a bag. Put half a glass of rice there and seal the bag, mix everything well so that the rice is completely covered. Put a painting on a piece of paper to dry. Once the rice is dry, you can use it further in your craft. This usually takes about half an hour.

On the cardboard of the selected color, draw a line for the border of the sky and snow. Also draw trees, triangular Christmas trees. Apply glue to each shape of the tree, and then sprinkle green rice on it. Now there are thorny pines in the picture, place cotton balls under them, cut out the sun or a month from bright paper, add stars to the sky.

Pine cone hedgehog

Many parents are in search of what to do with their own handicrafts for the new year for a kindergarten on the theme of winter from cones. Consider this ultimately delicious and easy-to-manufacture option. On the one hand, it is just a hedgehog, on the other hand, this animal will decorate any New Year's scene.

To make a hedgehog, in addition to a cone, you also need dry pine needles, as well as brown plasticine, black peas, you also need an acorn cap. Collect dry needles in bunches so that they form 7-9 pieces each, attach a little plasticine to the ends and fix a large cone behind the scales. From the ends, the needles can be trimmed slightly.

Use brown plasticine to make a pointed muzzle of a winter hedgehog; eyes and a nose are made from pepper. Now place the muzzle at the beginning of the cone, and gently put the acorn head with a small amount of plasticine on the needles (this is an imitation of mushrooms).

DIY crafts for the new year for a kindergarten on the theme of winter can be so varied and beautiful. Even more ideas for their creation with a thematic description, step-by-step photos and videos can be found on our festive website. In no case do not take all the responsibility for making such a craft on yourself, involve the children and spend useful and exciting time together. Then the period of preparation for the New Year's holidays will be remembered by children only from the positive side, they at any age will want to return to their father's house in order to revive this feeling and memories.

Winter in our strip lasts a long time. How can you keep your child busy on long winter evenings? Why not start making winter crafts with him ?! In this article, you will find a large number of a wide variety of winter crafts for children.

Winter-themed crafts vary in difficulty. There are very simple winter crafts with their own hands, which even preschoolers can handle. There are more complex winter crafts designed for school children and adults. Many make winter crafts for a competition in a kindergarten or school. But even if you are not faced with the task of winning the competition of winter crafts, we still recommend that you make at least one winter crafts for children from our wonderful selection.

We'll start with some simpler winter crafts for kids. With a preschool child, you can mold a penguin from plasticine, and to make it more interesting to play with the resulting toy, make ice floes for the penguins from pieces of foam plastic. In the process of such games, you can tell a lot of interesting things to your kid about animals living at the North and South Poles of our planet.

With older children, craft a penguin from plastic bottles. For this DIY winter craft, you will need two 2 liter plastic bottles, a stationery knife, a glue gun, and acrylic paints. How to make a penguin from plastic bottles is shown in detail in the photo below.

Be sure to make a snowman with socks with your child. This is a completely simple children's winter craft with their own hands, meanwhile such a snowman looks very beautiful, almost like a purchased toy. Such a snowman can be put under the Christmas tree together with Santa Claus and Snegurochka. You will not be ashamed to present it for the New Year as a present.

To make a do-it-yourself winter snowman craft, you will need:

Two socks (one of them is white)
- rice (round)
- buttons
- beautiful rope
- orange paper or orange pencil

The adorable doll in the photo below is made of an ordinary mitten with a foam ball on its head, and rice as a filler for this children's winter craft.

For such a doll, it is appropriate to make a cute bright hat.

It will also be interesting to make a toy sled for a girl-mittens or any other small toy. This DIY winter craft is made of wooden ice cream sticks or medical spatulas. It is most convenient to fasten the parts of the sled together with a glue gun.

Do you like children's stories? We are sure that yes. And what about winter (New Year's) children's fairy tales? Without a doubt! Agree, how nice it is, covered with a warm blanket and slowly sipping hot chocolate or lime tea with honey, to read some fascinating winter story with your child. Do you want the fairy tale to become a little closer, or rather even settle in your home? Then do the next winter craft with your baby. Print and cut a mouse in a mink ... Have your child color it with colored pencils. Now glue the mouse to the wall at the level of the baseboard in some secluded corner of your house.

So, on the eve of the New Year's holiday, a little fabulous mouse settled in your house. "What a cute winter fairy tale", you will say without a doubt.

The most favorite and popular winter sports among children are skiing and skating. The theme of winter sports is reflected in children's winter crafts. Interesting winter crafts for kindergarten can be made using magnets.

In the photo below, a paper clip was attached to a paper girl on skates. A magnet was attached to the bottom of the tin box. It turned out to be a wonderful winter craft, or rather a fun toy. The child drives a magnet along the bottom of the box - the young figure skater repeats all the movements of his hand.

We would like to present you another do-it-yourself winter craft for kindergarten. "Ski Track".

This winter-themed craft is also made using a magnet. We make a track for a skier out of a piece of cardboard, place flags (we stick toothpicks with self-adhesive flags into plasticine), stretch the start and finish, plant Christmas trees along the edge (mosaic in plasticine). The skier is obtained from a Lego figure, to which we glue cardboard skis with clips at the bottom. We attach a magnet to a long ruler to control the descent of the skier. Ready! Learning to control a skier, the child will perfectly develop fine motor skills of the hands.

The skier can be done in another way. Draw it on thick paper, paint and cut with scissors. Skis will replace wooden ice cream sticks (or medical spatulas), great ski poles will come from toothpicks or bamboo skewers. Between themselves, the skis are fixed with a piece of plastic tubing, to which they are glued on both sides. Thus, it turns out not only an original children's winter craft, but also an exciting fun toy.

If you want to make with your child a simple, but at the same time, original winter craft with your own hands for kindergarten, then we advise you to pay attention to the photo below. In the photo you see a roller made of paper. Plain high-density white paper was painted with blue watercolor paint and sprinkled with salt on top until the paint was dry. This made it possible to create an ice-covered effect on paper, just like on a real ice rink. The girl and the Christmas trees are also made of paper. The snowdrifts around the skating rink are made of cotton wool.

Scampered all over the Internet in search of a winter DIY craft for school? We have some interesting ideas for you. For example, you can make such a winter bouquet with your child. To do this, find beautiful tree branches while walking in the forest or park. Bring them home. At home, crush a piece of Styrofoam with your hands. Pre-moisten the styrofoam with water to prevent it from sticking to your hands. Lubricate the twigs with glue, then sprinkle them with styrofoam. The winter bouquet is ready!

You can also make just such a winter craft with your own hands for school - a pompom bird.

It is made in the same way as a regular round pompom made of yarn, the only difference is that not two rings of cardboard are taken as the basis, but the silhouette of a bird with a round hole inside. It will be interesting to decorate a bouquet of tree branches with such birds.

It will not be a shame to bring such a creation to the winter crafts competition in kindergarten.

This winter window is made of plain and corrugated paper. A kind of envelope is made of two sheets of thick colored paper, inside which a child's drawing is inserted. Window curtains are made of accordion-folded corrugated paper. With the help of a punch, holes were made in them and put on a thin lace. Here's what happened as a result. By the way, the drawings can be changed depending on the season or the mood of the child.

In our article on winter crafts for children, we also paid attention to children's plasticine crafts. See what a cute Christmas tree you can mold from plasticine using ordinary nail scissors. We will not describe in detail here how to make this winter craft with our own hands, because everything is clear and without further ado.

So our article on winter crafts for children has come to an end. In parting, I would like to tell readers about such winter children's crafts that give us warmth, a fairy tale and coziness on cold winter days and evenings. Of course, we will talk about homemade flashlights. Lanterns can be made from paper. The easiest way to do this is to use ready-made templates (