The meaning of the latest jolie tattoos. Angelina jolie tattoo

Angelina Jolie White, now known throughout the world as Angelina Jolie, famous actress, fashion model, screenwriter and director, UN Goodwill Ambassador, was born in 1975 in Los Angeles, the son of actors John Voight and Marcheline Bertrand.

Angelina's mother, from childhood, instilled in her a craving for acting and sent her to Lee Strastberg's film school, then to Beverly Hills High School. Since childhood, Jolie amazed with her desire to achieve goals in her chosen profession and acting ambitions. But, being an "ugly duckling", having a bad taste in clothes, non-standard appearance and obscene thinness, she did not immediately achieve any results, for which she hated herself for a long time, more and more developing an inferiority complex.

Today Angelina Jolie is universally considered a symbol of beauty, femininity, the standard of a real woman. Jolie herself considers herself quite ordinary.

Besides being attractive and talented, Angelina Jolie became famous for what is considered the most tattooed actress. No one knows for certain the exact number of tattoos on Jolie's body, since they are constantly changing, reworking and adding. About our jolie tattoo says that each of them carries a certain meaning related to a particular period of life.

They are very varied and are located on almost everyone.

Angelina Jolie Tattoo The dragon does not symbolize wisdom. "Billy Bob" - this inscription denotes the name of Angelina's ex-husband, actor Billy Bob Thornton. After breaking up with Thornton, Jolie was tattooed inappropriately with a laser, but a scar remained and tattoos were made on top with the coordinates of the birth of her adopted children.

N11 ° 33 "0" E104 ° 51 "00" (11 degrees, 33 minutes, 0 seconds north, 104 degrees, 51 minutes 0 seconds east) - Cambodia, Phnom Penh. It was here, not far from the Cambodian capital, that Jolie's adopted son Maddox was born on August 5, 2001.

N09 ° 02 "00" E038 ° 45 "00" - Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. The 2-year-old adopted daughter Zahara was born here.

S22 ° 40 "26" E014 ° 31 "40" - Namibia, where on May 27, 2006, Jolie's own daughter, Shiloh, was born.

N10 ° 40 "00" E106 ° 41 "40" - Vietnam. The 3-year-old adopted son Pax Tien was born here.

The tiger appeared within 2 hours in Bangkok on July 8, 2004, made by the same master as the Khimer signs, after Angelina became an honorary citizen of Cambodia, the homeland of her son Madox. The tiger is believed to bring happiness.

This tattoo Angelina Jolie I came up with it myself. Now in its place flaunts the Arabic script, which means "will", "decisiveness".

In place of the large black cross, symbolizing the active masculine principle, there was previously a dragon with a blue tongue.


The letter "M" on the palm is made in memory of Angelina's deceased mother.

The most famous tattoo of Angelina Jolie is the Khmer prayer, which means:

“Keep your enemies at a distance from you.

Let the acquired riches be yours forever.

May your beauty be like the beauty of Apsara.

May faithful people always follow you wherever you go.

May they serve you and protect you. "

Photo of Angelina Jolie tattoo

1. Latin quote “Quod me netrit me destruit” across the lower abdomen, which translates as “What feeds me destroys me”.

2. The letter "H" on her left wrist was engraved when she got engaged to Timothy Hutton, although Angelina Jolie herself claims to have gotten this tattoo in honor of her sibling James Haven.

3. A large Bengal tiger, made in 2004 in the spirit of the best cave paintings of the Borneo tribe, and another dragon - all this fit on Angelina's lower back

4. Buddhist tattoo Tai begs for protection: "May your enemies be afraid of you, may all your riches be with you, your beauty will be compared with Apsara, and may he protect you, wherever you are." This tattoo has not only a sacred meaning, but also covers the word "death", made earlier in the same place in Japanese.

5. The name of the Clash song "Know Your Rights" adorns the upper back, just at the base of the star's neck.

6. On the right hand is the word "determination" in Arabic.

7. Tattoo with a dragon on the left forearm used to be complemented by the inscription "Billy Bob".

But after the divorce, only the dragon remained, and the name was removed with a laser.

8. On the left hand, a quote from Tennessee Williams: "Prayer for the wild at heart, who are kept in cages." This phrase is set against the background of the Chinese character for “courage”.

9. Roman number 13.

10. Geographic coordinates of the birthplace of all her adoptive children, and now her own children, latitude and longitude.

11. Also, the Oscar winner put the letter "M" on the palm of her hand in memory of her mother, Marcheline Bertrand

Actress Angelina Jolie is that rare case when extraordinary charm and femininity are combined with original and even brutal style elements. Jolie is a passionate fan of tattoos, considering them to be one of the ways of self-expression, as well as an opportunity to remind in an unusual way of people and life principles that are very important to herself.

The number of tattoos on the body of the actress is constantly changing: she easily puts the names of her beloved men on her body, but soon after the breakup, she removes tattoos or interrupts them with new drawings and inscriptions. Angelina puts a serious meaning into each tattoo - there was a place for Sanskrit, Churchill's quotes, sayings in English, Japanese and Arabic on her body. In addition to words, there are also many mysterious drawings and even numbers. At the moment, there are 13 tattoos on Angelina's body, but maybe this is not the end ..

Here's what Angelina herself says about her tattoos:
“For me, tattoos are all the moments of my life. Once I got a tattoo in the middle of the night in Scotland at a tattoo parlor. And I don’t regret it. It will always be a reminder of that moment ".

Angelina's very first tattoo is a Japanese symbol of death.
There is a death sign on the left shoulder. Made in order to remember death and live as if every day is the last. Reduced for fear that the symbol of death might somehow be reflected in her son Maddox. The tattoo is flattened and khimera spells for good luck are applied to it.

Black cross
This tattoo is located just above the left thigh. She does not bear any special symbolism - with the help of the cross, Angelina interrupted one of the very first unsuccessful tattoos (blue dragon), which was made to her by an unprofessional master in one of the salons in Amsterdam.

Quod me netrit me destruit
This Latin quote is written on Jolie's belly, just below her navel. Translated means: "What breaks me makes me stronger."

Letter N
This letter, printed on the left wrist, is made in honor of the actress' sibling, James Haven..

Letter M
Also, the Oscar winner put the letter "M" on the palm of her hand in memory of her mother, Marcheline Bertrand

Big tiger, dragon and window
This whole strange, intricate arrangement of three tattoos is embossed on Angelina's back. It symbolizes the spirit of the traveler and the person open to the world - after all, this is exactly what Jolie is.

Angelina made a tattoo on her left forearm in order to demonstrate that she does not believe in bad associations associated with the number 13.

Know your rights
The upper back, near the neck, is covered with the feminist slogan: "Know your rights." Angelina Jolie decided to get this tattoo after breaking up with Billy Thornton.

Five vertical rows-inscriptions in Sanskrit
The Buddhist tattoo Tai begs for protection: "May your enemies be afraid of you, may all your riches be with you, your beauty will be compared with Apsara, and may he protect you, wherever you are." This tattoo has not only a sacred meaning, but also covers the word "death", made earlier in the same place in Japanese.

Geographical coordinates
This tattoo is located on the left shoulder and covers the old tattoo, where the name of Billy Bob, the ex-husband of the actress, was previously engraved. But the strange symbols are nothing more than the geographical coordinates (degrees, minutes, seconds in latitude and longitude) where all the children of Angelina Jolie were born: both adoptive and family.

The Dragon
The dragon tattoo on the left forearm used to be supplemented with the inscription "Billy Bob".

On the left hand is a quote from Tennessee Williams: "Prayer for the Wild at Heart Kept in Cages." This phrase is set against the background of the Chinese character for “courage”.

Abstract line at right wrist.
Angelina came up with the design herself with Billy Bob Thornton. Now it is superimposed on another drawing in the form of Arabic script, which means "Will", "Determination".

On the right hand, on the inside of the elbow joint, the Chinese symbol of courage.
It was made due to the fact that her first husband Johnny Lee Miller did the same for himself. She did not like the tattoo and she brought it together.

To be continued..

Latitude and longitude (shoulder)

The tattoo, which now catches the eye first, is a listing of the geographical coordinates of the places where her children were born.

N11 ° 33 "00" "E104 ° 51" 00 "" - Cambodia, birthplace of Maddox's adopted son.

N09 ° 02 "00" "E038 ° 45" 00 "" - Ethiopia, birthplace of Zakhara's adopted daughter.

S22 ° 40 "26" "E014 ° 31" 40 "" - Namibia, the city of Swakopmund. Jolie's first child, daughter Shiloh, was born there. In Hebrew it means "peace". Jolie's 2006 decision to have a baby in Africa was seen as a whim of a pregnant woman; the actress said that she fell in love with Namibia at first sight.

N10 ° 46 "00" "E106 ° 41" 40 "" - Vietnam, birthplace of the adopted son of Pax.

N43 ° 41 "21" "E07 ° 14" 28 "" and N43 ° 41 "21" "E07 ° 14" 28 "" are identical coordinates of the place in France where the twins Knox and Vivienne were born.


And before, there was a dragon at the coordinates. When Jolie married for the second time in 2000, to the actor Billy Bob Thornton, she added the inscription Billy Bob to the dragon. But the marriage only lasted three years.

Bengal tiger (lower back)

The tattoo was made on July 8, 2004 in Bangkok by a master named Sompong Kanphai in the traditional Thai style - by hand, without the help of a special machine. They write that Jolie celebrated her receipt of Cambodian citizenship in this way - but the actress became an honorary citizen of Cambodia only in August 2005. The king of the country rewarded her not for adopting a Cambodian boy, but for deciding to spend $ 5 million on protecting the local nature. She fell in love with Cambodia after she starred there in the first "Lara Croft ...". And it is this film that continues to attract crowds of tourists to the ancient temple complex of Angkor Wat, who previously did not suspect of its existence.

Photo: REX

Digit XIII (left hand)

It is believed that the actress originally tattooed the Roman numeral XIII to prove to herself and others that she was not subject to superstition. Later she added the Roman numerals V MCMXL to the tattoo - it turned out "13.5.1940". On this day, more than eight months after the outbreak of the war, Winston Churchill delivered his first speech as Prime Minister in the House of Commons. She is famous for the words: "I have nothing to offer but blood, hard work, tears and sweat."

Next to the numbers - the words "Prayer for the wild hearts, which are kept in cages." This is the subtitle of Tennessee Williams' play "Stairway to the Roof". Williams is Jolie's favorite author; at least he was when she got the tattoo in 1999. The actress said: "I pray for everyone who does not live life to the fullest, who is unhappy."

Know your rights (on the back under the neck)

The phrase Know Your Rights is the title of a song by British punk rockers The Clash. It lists "human rights".

"Rule # 1: You have the right not to be killed. Murder is a crime if it is not committed by a policeman or aristocrat!"

Rule # 2: You have the right to get money for food if you don't mind investigation, humiliation, and, if you're lucky, rehab.

Rule # 3: You have the right to free speech if you're not an idiot enough to use it. "


Prayer in Sanskrit (upper back)

Initially, there was a Japanese character for "death" - Angelina's first tattoo, done at the age of 18. Passion for death pursued Jolie for a long time. As a child, she loved to hurt herself (dripping wax on her hand). She dreamed of becoming a funeral director. It was the role associated with death that brought Angelina her first successes: in 1998, in the drama Gia, she played Gia Marie Carangi, a popular fashion model who contracted AIDS in the mid-80s and died in agony. Jolie received a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild Award. She began to be treated like a serious actress, and not like a girl from movies like "Hackers".

After Jolie adopted the Cambodian boy Rath Vibola (now Maddox) in 2003, she applied a Sanskrit prayer on his back. "Let your enemies flee from you. If you acquire wealth, let it remain with you forever. In beauty you will be like an apsara (apsaras are beautiful spirits in Hindu mythology. - Ed.) And everywhere in your wandering people will approach you so that surrounding you on all sides, serve you and protect you. "

Black cross (lower abdomen)

The cross was filled in 1996 before Jolie's first marriage to actor Johnny Lee Miller. The marriage with her partner in the film "Hackers" was generally spectacular - the bride was wearing a T-shirt on which she wrote the name of the groom in her own blood.

Next to the cross is an inscription in Latin Quod me nutrit me destruit - "That which feeds me destroys me." This phrase has been linked to anorexia; it is known that Jolie suffered from her in her youth and to this day remains surprisingly thin.

The tabloids spread information that with a height of 176 centimeters, she allegedly weighs only 44 kilos. Breakfast is limited to a handful of muesli and a spoonful of coconut oil, then Jolie snacks on nuts or gummy candy. Lunch - lean steak and a glass of red wine. On average, 600 calories per day. But Angelina did not fall into hungry faints in public.

Letter h (wrist)


The stylized latin letter h is stuffed in 1997. It was believed to be in honor of one of her boyfriends, British actor Timothy Hutton. But Jolie explained that it was in honor of the older brother, James Haven. He is also an actor, but in his filmography of titles the cat cried (in three films he starred with his sister). The most famous episode with the participation of James - when he and Angelina kissed on the lips at the Oscars in 2000. Then it turned out that this was not incest: they spent the day before the ceremony in the hospital - their mother, Marcheline Bertrand, began to be treated for cancer. Actress Marcheline Bertrand died in 2008.

All of us - both men and women - are crazy about Angelina Jolie, right? She is a versatile actress and a world-renowned style icon. Her creativity has also been evident in her numerous tattoos.

Taking into account that Jolie's body is covered with a dozen tattoos, and some of them she even removed in order to make room for new ones or so that they would not cause unpleasant memories, she can definitely be called a long-time adherent of this art form.

1 Know your rights

This tattoo is in Gothic script between the shoulder blades. It reads: "Know your rights." This is the name of the song of one of the favorite musical groups of the actress. She perfectly illustrates how much music influences the way of life and its perception!

2 Geographic coordinates

These number images appear on the site of the dragon tattoo and the name of her ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton. Under the numbers are the designations of the latitude and longitude of those geographical points where Angelina Jolie gave birth or met her children.

  • The first number indicates the place in Cambodia where her eldest son Maddox was born.
  • The second is in Ethiopia, where Angelina's daughter Zahara was born.
  • Namibia. Here Angelina Jolie gave birth to a daughter from Brad Pitt, Shiloh.
  • Vietnam is the birthplace of her son Pax Thien.
  • The 5th and 6th lines are France for twins Knox and Vivienne.
  • Angelina also added a 7 line with coordinates - this is the birthplace of Brad Pitt in Oklahoma.

3 Runic tattoo

The rune tattoo makes us move to Norway. The runic design on Jolie's wrist is the letter "h". As they say, the actress got it in memory of her "former" Timothy Hutton or brother James Haven.

4 Tattoo in the form of a cross

Initially, Angelina got the tattoo in Amsterdam - it was a small dragon with a blue tongue, but later she got rid of it and a cross appeared in its place. The inscription reads: "Quod me nutrit me destruit", translated from Latin means: "What feeds me, that kills me."

The cross tattoo appeared on the actress on the eve of her marriage to Johnny Lee Miller (1995).

5 Buddhist mantra in Pali

The tattoo, which is located on the left shoulder blade of the actress, was applied at a hotel in Pathum Thani, 26 kilometers north of Bangkok. It is a Buddhist mantra in the Pali language (the language of Cambodia), performed in Khmer script. This tattoo should protect Cambodian son Jolie Maddox and himself from evil doom. It is as follows:

“Let the enemies run far from you. If you become rich, may wealth never leave you. Be beautiful like Aspara. Wherever you go, let people from all sides please, care and protect you. "

6 Bengal tiger tattoo

A tattoo in the form of a Bengal tiger 30 cm long and 20 cm wide is located on Angelina's lower back. It was completed in Bangkok in 2004. The procedure took 2 hours. The tattoo artist blessed the creation of his hands with the recitation of an ancient mantra. Thus, Jolie celebrated the acquisition of Cambodian citizenship. The tattoo was done in traditional Thai style with a special needle.

7 Inscription in Arabic script

The tattoo in Arabic is located on the inside of the right arm under the elbow and means "determination" in translation. It is in place of an abstract linear tattoo from the Billy Bob Thornton period.

8 Roman numeral 13:

Tattoo "XIII" is on the inside of Angelina's left arm and is intended to show others that the actress does not believe in superstition.

How do you like Angelina Jolie's tattoos? Are you planning to go to a tattoo parlor? Share your thoughts with us.