Itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy. Varicose veins of the genital organs during pregnancy. Causes of edema of the labia during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child is accompanied by many changes in the body of the expectant mother. Most often, a woman in position is faced with a pathological accumulation of fluid in the lower and upper extremities, in the face, neck and genitals. Such changes disturb the girls and it is quite a logical question why the volume of soft tissues increases, is it dangerous for the child's health and how to return oneself to its previous shape.

Edema of the labia during pregnancy is a common occurrence that can be both physiological and pathological. For the timely detection and elimination of pathology, the expectant mother should know which symptoms are the norm and which are deviations. It is about these nuances that you will learn in this article.

Causes of swelling

After fertilization of the egg, the woman's body begins to undergo serious changes. Vital systems begin to work in an accelerated rhythm, hormone levels change, menstruation disappears, immunity weakens, the size of the uterus, abdomen increases, etc. All these factors affect the condition of the female body, including the shape, color and size of the labia.


If a woman is pregnant, then the swelling of the external genital organs may be of a physiological nature - this is normal (especially in the early stages of gestation). The labia are swollen as a result of:

  • An increase in the embryo and, accordingly, the uterine body - puts pressure on the lower part of the female body, slowing down the process of blood supply, due to which puffiness develops;
  • During the period of bearing a child in a girl's body, a rapid deposition of adipose tissue begins - this process also provokes an increase in the external genital organs;
  • A change in hormonal levels causes an expansion of the vascular lumen. Due to this, a large amount of blood gets to the area of ​​the small and large lips, and they, in turn, increase and acquire a bluish tint.

Developed in the course of physiological processes, it should not cause any unpleasant sensations. This condition is considered normal and does not require therapeutic action.


In addition to natural causes, swelling can develop as a result of the progression of pathogenic microorganisms. During pregnancy, the performance of the immune system deteriorates, and the girl is more likely to develop such infectious diseases:

  • Thrush (Candidiasis)- fungal organisms of Candida are constantly in the body of a woman, but with a serious immunodeficiency they begin to manifest themselves as curdled vaginal discharge, itching and edema;
  • Bartholinitis- inflammatory processes in the bartholinic glands. The disease manifests itself with a burning sensation in the perineum, the release of a grayish secretion, swelling and blue discoloration of the labia;
  • Gandarella, chlamydia, trichomand, etc.- the progression of such organisms causes burning, itching and secretions that have a fetid odor;
  • Vulvovaginitis- the area of ​​the external genital organs can swell due to this pathology, which develops due to inflammation of the vagina.

Diseases can be dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the subsequent formation of the fetus. That is why, in the presence of unpleasant sensations, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, who will prescribe an effective and safe method of therapy.

Other factors

In addition to the physiological and pathological provocateurs of edema, the external genital organs also often swell as a result of:

  • Incorrect and inconsistent adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • Wearing underwear made from synthetic materials. Uncomfortable panties can also adversely affect the girl's intimate area;
  • Psycho-emotional disorders, constant depression and stress;
  • Violation of the microflora in the vagina;
  • Individual intolerance to personal hygiene products (soaps, gels, pads, tampons, etc.);
  • Allergic reaction to certain foods.

If the genitals have increased for the reasons described, then the woman needs to make some changes in her lifestyle. Doctors recommend consulting a specialist in order to deny the presence of gynecological diseases for sure.

What symptoms are accompanied by

If the stagnation of fluid in the intimate areas occurred for natural reasons, then unpleasant symptoms should not be observed. The labia can change shape, color, and size.

Sometimes the presence of unobtrusive itching is considered the norm.

Pathological processes are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Intense burning sensation;
  • Excessive, unnatural discharge
  • Fetid odor from the vaginal cavity;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back;
  • Itching and burning in the anus;
  • Redness of the genitals;
  • The appearance of small formations in the intimate area.

Such signs indicate that a dangerous disease is progressing in the body and you should immediately visit the gynecological office.


If there are discomfort in the vaginal area, and the labia is swollen during pregnancy, then the doctors carry out the following diagnostic procedures:

  • General laboratory examination of urine and blood fluid;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Study of the secretory fluid;
  • Colposcopy.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor determines the ongoing disease and prescribes treatment.

How to treat swelling

Therapeutic measures for swelling of the intimate zone are selected individually for each patient. Therapy depends entirely on the progressive disease, the health of the expectant mother, the gestational age and the state of the embryo.

If, when carrying a fetus, the labia is swollen as a result of any gynecological disease, then the doctor, first of all, prescribes treatment to eliminate it, and then prescribes drugs to relieve symptoms.

During the period of childbearing, the fight against pathological processes should be as safe as possible for the fetus and the mother; doctors, in such cases, give preference to products that include natural ingredients (herbs, flowers and fruits).

The use of pharmacological drugs is prescribed only in emergency situations.

To eliminate symptoms, doctors prescribe local or oral use of folk decoctions, ointments, suppositories and infusions based on:

  • Chamomile;
  • Cranberries;
  • Melissa;
  • Celandine;
  • Calendula;
  • Sequence.

The use of any folk remedies should be agreed with the treating doctor. Self-medication often turns out to be ineffective or, conversely, only lead to a deterioration in the condition of the expectant mother and her baby.

Preventive measures

To prevent excessive accumulation of fluid in the external genital area, experts recommend adhering to the following prevention rules:

  • Monitor your intimate hygiene carefully;
  • Eliminate overly salty and spicy foods from your diet;
  • Give preference to comfortable underwear made from natural materials;
  • Use only high-quality, hypoallergenic hygiene products;
  • See your gynecologist periodically;
  • If the slightest deviations and unpleasant signs appear, immediately visit the gynecological office;
  • Monitor your psychological state: spend more time outdoors, in pleasant company, attend calming events, listen to your favorite music.

One of the signs of pregnancy is the moment when the labia are swollen during pregnancy. The situation is associated with changes in the body, changes in hormonal levels and an increase in fetal pressure. Another cause of edema is infectious processes that adversely affect the normal development of the child.

Why do labia swell during pregnancy?

As soon as the egg is fertilized and the fetus begins to form, the body adjusts to this process. Increased production of female hormones begins, edema of the labia appears during pregnancy, and slight itching is possible.

If the labia has increased, then the physiological reasons for such a reaction can be:

  • The growth of the uterus and fetus, which put pressure on the circulatory system of the pelvic organs. Thus, a decrease in blood flow occurs, causing an edematous reaction;
  • Swelling due to fat deposition, which is normal during pregnancy
  • A change in the hormonal background is manifested in the fact that the edema spreads to the large and small lips.
The manifestation of puffiness due to the physiology and formation of the fetus does not require special medical treatment. Over time, the external organs will return to their normal state on their own.

Infectious causes of puffiness

The enlargement of the labia during pregnancy is accompanied by various infectious diseases. In the first days after conception, a woman's immunity decreases, a sharp restructuring of the body contributes to the development of fungi and harmful bacteria in the microflora of the vagina, which provokes the occurrence of:
  1. Candidiasis or thrush, manifests itself only with a lack of the immune system. Candida mushrooms are always present in the vaginal mucosa, but under certain circumstances they begin to multiply, which causes abundant cheesy discharge, itching and swelling of the lips.
  2. Gandarella, Trichomanada and other pathogenic diseases manifest themselves in a weakened organism. These pathologies are characterized not only by swelling, but also itching, as well as discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  3. Vulvovaginitis is caused by an inflammatory process in the vagina and is characterized by severe burning sensation in the perineum, gray discharge and external edema.
  4. Bartholinitis occurs due to inflammation of the Bartholin glands. With such a pathology, the lips not only swell, but also acquire a brown color.
If an infectious process in the vagina is suspected, urine and blood tests are prescribed, a smear is taken from the vagina. You may need to consult a highly specialized endocrinologist and urologist.

How to treat edema of the labia during pregnancy?

If a situation arises as a result of which the labia is swollen during pregnancy, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment of infectious processes involves the use of topical preparations (ointment, suppositories) to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and destroy pathogens. The use of antibiotics during gestation is not recommended, as they can harm the formation of the fetus.

If untreated, diseases lead to the development of defects in the child, and can also provoke a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy. Therefore, you should not wait for the symptoms to pass on their own so as not to cause negative consequences.

To reduce swelling before visiting a medical institution using folk methods, you can use trays with the addition of a small amount of soda. Medicinal plants - chamomile flowers, string or calendula - have an anti-inflammatory effect.

To prevent edema, regular intimate hygiene is required, adherence to a rest and activity regimen, it is worth wearing only natural fabrics so as not to irritate delicate skin.

During pregnancy, the female body becomes prone to the occurrence of pathological conditions. The most common complaints are swelling, itching and pain in the labia.

Swelling of the labia during pregnancy can be caused by a violation of the outflow of blood in the great vessels or inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Swelling of the labia during pregnancy can be due to physiological reasons:

  • Enlargement of the uterus and compression of venous blood vessels, which leads to impaired venous outflow;
  • An increase in the labia during pregnancy is also associated with the formation of fatty accumulations in the genital area to facilitate the passage of the fetus through the birth canal;
  • Changes in the general hormonal background.

If the reason is physiological, that is, a variant of the norm, then the uncomfortable sensations disappear after childbirth and complications are not observed.

However, the labia during pregnancy can swell due to the following diseases:

  1. Phlebeurysm. Due to changes in the local blood circulation system, varicose nodes form in the small pelvis, in addition, the veins on the labia during pregnancy lose their elasticity. With varicose enlargement, there is swelling of the labia majora and labia minora, redness and cyanosis of the skin, pain that intensifies during the act of urination, the act of defecation and during sexual contact.
  2. Vulvovaginitis is a pathological inflammatory process that affects the vagina and external genitalia. With vulvovaginitis, patients are observed: swelling of the labia, pain in the perineal region (increases during walking, intimacy), serous-purulent discharge.
  3. Bartholinitis - (located on the eve of the vagina in the walls of the labia majora). In the pathological process, there is a pronounced swelling of the gland and labia, hyperemia and erythremia of the skin.
  4. Candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal infection of the mucous membranes. The causative agent of the pathology is conditionally pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida albicans. Candida activation can be triggered by a decrease in the general immunity of the body, disorders of mineral metabolism and dysbiosis. Candidiasis is accompanied by edema and an increase in the size of the labia, itching, profuse whitish discharge of a thick consistency.

Treatment of pathologies that provoke swelling of the labia during pregnancy

Treatment of diseases due to which the labia is swollen during pregnancy requires an individual approach and a thorough diagnosis of the cause of the discomfort.

If the appearance of edema and swelling of the labia is associated with varicose veins, then special treatment is not required. Only in the case of a severe course of the disease is it recommended to use drugs to activate local blood circulation (Troxevasin, Heparin in the form of ointments). In uncomplicated cases, compliance with the rules of intimate and personal hygiene, the exclusion of mechanical traumatic effects, is required.

When diagnosing vulvovaginitis, therapy is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and the microbial pathogen. An irrigation procedure is prescribed (medicinal herbal preparations: string, calendula, celandine, chamomile), ointments (containing tetracycline). Antibiotic drugs are rarely used due to adverse effects on the fetus. If absolutely necessary, penicillin drugs can be used.

When bartholinitis is detected, surgical tactics are used (opening an abscess or cyst) or the use of local antibacterial agents. Systemic antibiotic drugs are used only when the benefits to the pregnant woman exceed the risk of exposure to the fetus.

Prevention of edema of the labia

Prevention of labia edema includes:

  • Use of underwear made of natural cotton, linen, choice of free-cut models;
  • Compliance with intimate hygiene;
  • Rational alternation of activity and rest.

Etiology of itching of the labia during pregnancy

Itchy labia during pregnancy is also one of the most common complaints. Basically, itching is a concomitant symptom of any pathology. There are the following etiological causes of itching in pregnant women:

  • The influence of the external environment on the genitals (infectious diseases, violation of the rules of personal and intimate hygiene: irregular shower, use of low-quality and allergenic gels and creams, mechanical irritation, thermal effects: hypothermia or overheating);
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (discharge during inflammation of the cervix, uterus; urogenital fistulas);
  • Pathological processes of other organ systems (anemia, diseases of the hepatorenal system, pathology of the thyroid gland, pancreas - diabetes mellitus);
  • Psychological factors (frequent stressful situations, depressive conditions);
  • Use of medicines;
  • Dysbacteriosis.

Diseases that cause itching of the labia

Most often, the labia itch during pregnancy due to the following diseases:

  • Gardnerellosis. The disease occurs due to a violation of the normal microflora of the genital organs and the introduction of gardnerella into the vaginal mucosa. Pathology is accompanied by profuse discharge with a pungent odor, intense itching and burning sensation;
  • Vulvitis is an inflammatory disease of the external genitals. The causes of vulvitis can most often be infectious agents - streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, chlamydia, viruses, fungi; urethritis and cystitis; allergic reactions to various chemical agents; uncontrolled intake of antibiotics and hormone-containing drugs; violation of the rules of personal and intimate hygiene. Symptoms of vulvitis: hypeemia; itching and burning sensation; pain that gets worse when walking or urinating; the presence of plaque on the inner surface of the large pudendal lips; body temperature can rise to subfebrile. Treatment for vulvitis depends on the etiology;
  • Genital herpes (caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2) - the first manifestations of the disease are itching, hyperemia, the appearance of a blistering rash;
  • Trichomoniasis is an infectious venereal disease. The causative agent of this pathology is Trichomonasvaginalis. Symptoms of the disease are: vaginal discharge, mostly yellow with an unpleasant odor; hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the pudendal lips; slight bleeding of the mucous membrane in the presence of erosions or ulcers; pain during the act of urination, sexual intercourse; burning sensation; intense itching;
  • Pediculosis (pubic);
  • Helminthic lesions - itching and burning in the anus, perineum, external genitals.

Diagnostics and principles of therapy

The main diagnostic tests are:

  • Gynecological examination;
  • Blood tests - not only clinical, but also biochemistry;
  • Pathogenic flora smear;
  • Coprogram;
  • Scraping and analysis of feces for worm eggs;
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist (to exclude thyroid diseases), urologist (consultation will help to exclude diseases of the urinary tract), a therapist.

In order to prevent the development of pathologies, pregnant women are advised to prevent the appearance of itchy pain in the labia:

  • Regular examination by a gynecologist;
  • Diagnostics and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy planning;
  • Strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Stimulation of immunity.

If the pregnant woman complains of the already existing pain and discomfort, then therapy is aimed at eliminating the process that causes itching. It should be noted that the treatment of inflammation of the labia during pregnancy involves the use of sparing pharmacological drugs that do not harm the health of the fetus and the pregnant woman. Prescription of drugs is carried out only by a supervising gynecologist.

Perhaps for some it will seem strange, but during pregnancy, changes also occur with the woman's genitals, in particular the labia. And this is quite normal and natural. The change is even one of ... True, a gynecologist can more likely notice such a symptom, unless the woman herself specifically checks the situation, which also often happens. And many at the same time note the darkening (cyanosis and purpleness) of these organs already 10-12 days after conception. But too noticeable changes in the labia, which often cause discomfort, pain and even itching for a pregnant woman, occur in the middle and second half of the term.

With the onset of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is significantly increased, which is provided by nature to facilitate delivery. Each organ undergoes certain changes. The labia minora and labia majora, along with other organs, increase in size (as it were, swell) and become more elastic. The skin in this area (as well as around the nipples and along the midline of the abdomen) usually turns darker in color.

However, changes in the labia may have slightly different reasons. The growing fetus presses with its weight, including on the arteries, which impairs blood circulation. This can cause swelling of the labia, but usually the situation is not dangerous. It can also come to varicose veins of the labia, which is quite common during pregnancy. Women note that veins come out on the lips or seals appear. There is no need to worry about this: after pregnancy (and often even before childbirth), the woman's condition improves, and the problem disappears by itself. Varicose veins of the labia, as a rule, are not an indication for a cesarean section, as many think about it. In any case, the doctor decides on the method of delivery closer to delivery.

To alleviate your condition with varicose veins, you should walk more, and also rest while lying on your side. Sitting and standing increase venous congestion and pain. Choose a special compression garment without seams. Consult your doctor - he may prescribe some medications for you, for example, an ointment. Do not be afraid, but sometimes in such conditions, it is possible to develop acute varicothrombophlebitis and rupture of altered veins, fraught with massive bleeding. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, all unpleasant phenomena disappear immediately after childbirth. And attentive obstetricians warn expectant mothers about the possible appearance of these signs in advance.

So if you are experiencing something like this, there are two news for you. The bad thing is that you have to endure it. And good - there is nothing wrong with the increase and soreness of the labia during pregnancy, and everything will disappear without a trace after childbirth.

For those who are going to become a mother, it is important to know that during a certain period of pregnancy, the labia are sore. This process is quite natural and is not considered a deviation from the norm. The life that originated inside the uterus somewhat changes the usual hormonal background of a woman, allowing blood circulation in the small pelvis to somewhat increase its rate.

What a gynecologist must say

These sensations cause discomfort, so the question to the gynecologist about why the labia hurts is quite logical. During the examination, the doctor is obliged to inform the pregnant patient that not only the labia minora, but also the labia majora have increased in size. This swelling is accompanied by a color change to juicy or dark. Tight skin is like a transparent film through which veins are visible. This is a common varicose veins, which should not be shy. After giving birth, everything will return to its place.

What inexperienced girls don't assume

Inexperienced girls do not assume that 30% of the beautiful half of humanity have sore labia a couple of weeks after conception. Writing off the ailment that has befallen them for active sexual intercourse, they do not think about the fact that they may be pregnant.


The labia hurts in the first trimester quite often. An experienced midwife cannot be fooled: she is familiar with the risk of developing varicothrombophlebitis.

How many times had to deal with a ruptured veins, so even during the initial examination at the local clinic, her experienced eye will see something worth thinking about. Varicose enlargement on the labia causes a lot of inconvenience: the husband grumbles, not understanding why your genital organ has become unattractive, and intercourse does not cause joy. To relieve the aching pain, the woman should rest on her side. The sitting position causes blood flow downward, so the discomfort only intensifies.

Syphilis, herpes and swelling symptom

If your labia hurts constantly during pregnancy, then be sure to tell your doctor about it in the antenatal clinic. In the normal course of pregnancy, her interruption or cesarean section does not threaten the expectant mother, but it is still worth taking tests once again. In medical practice, there are cases when a symptom of swelling signaled that syphilis had made itself felt. A rash on the labia minora often causes genital herpes. This is a disease that causes a change in the body of the mother and baby at the genetic level. When the labia aches from the fact that the local lesions do not pass, but intensify, it is time to ring the bells. With herpes, not only miscarriage is possible, but also stillbirth. There is no guarantee that the person born is healthy. 85% of babies have disabilities, for example, hearing and vision impairments.

Chancre for syphilis

Syphilis is terrible for women because of its primary manifestation - atypical chancre. It does not look like a red spot that appears on the mucous membrane of men, as it resembles a dense swelling of one of the labia, turning the latter into a purple-blue "pie". If this happens, then first of all visit the venereologist and only then bother the surgeon. To give birth to healthy offspring, contact the antenatal clinic whenever possible. By these actions, you will protect yourself and the one who is knocking your legs in an enlarging belly from irreversible consequences.