Stars according to the zodiac sign cancer. Astrological cafe - predictions and predictions

Great people born under the sign of Cancer confirm the dreamy, intellectual and mystical nature of this sign. Many great people born under the sign of Cancer are related to literature, poetry, art, acting, philosophy, music, inventions.

Cancer is a flexible and sensitive sign, endowed with subtlety, vivid imagination and the ability to penetrate deeply into the souls of other people.

Famous Cancer writers: Marcel Proust, Franz Kafka, Ernest Hemingway.

Famous artists born under the sign of Cancer: Edgar Degas, Camille Corot, Peter Powell Rubens, Marc Chagall.

Evgeny Yevtushenko is an outstanding Soviet, Russian poet, prose writer, director, screenwriter, publicist and actor. Born on July 18, 1932.

Vladimir Mayakovsky is an outstanding Russian Soviet poet, playwright, screenwriter, film director, film actor, artist. Born on July 19, 1893. He is considered one of the most shocking and scandalous poets of the early twentieth century.

Nikola Tesla is a physicist, engineer, inventor. Born July 10, 1856. Nikola Tesla discovered alternating current, fluorescent light, wireless transmission of energy, first developed the principles of remote control, the basics of treatment with high-frequency currents, built the first electric clock, solar-powered motor and much more, having received 300 patents for his inventions in different countries. Tesla invented the radio before Marconi and Popov, received a three-phase current before Dolivo-Dobrovolsky. All modern electric power industry would have been impossible without his discoveries.

Erich-Maria Remarque is an outstanding German writer. Born June 22, 1898. He is one of the famous German writers of the twentieth century. His most famous works: "All Quiet on the Western Front", "Black Obelisk", "Life on Loan", "Three Comrades".

Anna Akhmatova is an outstanding Russian poet, writer, literary critic and translator. Born June 23, 1889 in Odessa. He is a recognized classic of Russian poetry. The most significant and famous works of Anna Akhmatova are: the poem "Requiem", collections "Rosary", "White flock".

Mireille Mathieu is a famous French singer. Born on July 22, 1946. She sang in front of a wide variety of audiences, in many countries. M. Mathieu was the first Western performer to receive permission to perform in China.

Antonio Gaudi is a world famous Spanish architect. Born June 25, 1852. Renowned for his bizarre architectural works, most of which are located in Barcelona.

Pavel Nakhimov is a famous Russian admiral. Born on July 5, 1802. He led the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-55.




Cancer is receptive, sensitive, endowed with imagination and empathy, he is kind and emotional, has an active, discerning and intuitive mind.

RULING PLANET Moon, the only satellite of the Earth. The moon periodically rises and falls, exerting a powerful effect. She controls emotions and intuitive behavior.

SYMBOL Cancer or crab. An impenetrable carapace protects the soft flesh inside. At the first sign of danger, the crab hides under its shell and throws itself into the water, where it feels safe.

Glyph (GRAPHIC SYMBOL) xxx A pictogram depicting the claws of a cancer, as well as the human chest (the part of the body that Cancer rules). The symbolic meaning is two solar circles connected by a pair of crescents. The moon symbolizes Cancer's desire to keep memories and personal belongings. The circles connected by crescents represent strength and energy expressed through emotion and imagination.


POLARITY Capricorn

Cancer is a sign of home, family life. Cancers strive for intimacy, they are most happy in a familiar environment, among those they love. Capricorn, opposing Cancer, strives for social recognition and high position. Those born under the sign of Capricorn care about their image, looking for power and self-realization in the outside world.

PARTS OF THE BODY RULED BY CANCER Chest and Stomach: Cancers love to eat and struggle with obesity as they get older. They are prone to digestive ailments caused by tension and stress.


DAY Monday


STONE Pearls. He turns failure into success, disagreement into harmony, and brings the support of influential people.

COLORS Turquoise and silver are the shimmering colors of the water and the moon.

CITY Venice, Amsterdam, New York

COUNTRIES Scotland, Holland, New Zealand

FLOWERS Spur and bear paw

TREES Species with succulent wood

METAL Silver

ANIMALS RULED BY CANCER All species with a shell.

DANGER Cancers are prone to injury in the home. They are often the victims of theft.


No one will say that Cancer is easy to understand. You may seem like a gentle, kind person, compassionate and patient listener. Then someone asks you for advice, and you get annoyed, become harsh, completely indifferent to other people's problems, remembering only about their own affairs. You can swim in an ocean of self-pity, complain endlessly about how unfair the world is to you. But the next day is on the calendar, and you are again responsive, sympathetic, ready to do whatever you are asked to do.

What's your secret? Cancer, ruled by the Moon, an inhabitant of the water element, is like the sea with its ebb and flow. It is a sign of powerful forces moving below the surface. It is very difficult to penetrate deep into it, since Cancers tend to erect strong barriers behind which they hide their emotions and heightened sensitivity.

Complex, fragile, unpredictable, emotional Cancer needs constant support and encouragement. You need love and approval, but you are angry with yourself for the need. By receiving them, you are giving back the best of what you have. Someone who gives you a sense of security can count on your eternal devotion. If you really love someone, no one’s slander will affect you. You are blind to the faults of your loved ones.

You are prone to anxiety and silent sadness. People can pour out their souls to you, but this flow never goes in the opposite direction. You keep your secrets carefully. If you are offended, you do not retaliate with a frontal blow. You take revenge by darkening and withdrawing into yourself, and often this method is very effective. It resembles a merciless flogging of a dozen boiled spaghetti. Cancer, the symbol of this zodiac sign, has a durable carapace that protects soft, vulnerable flesh. The same is true for a person born under the sign of Cancer. He is often harsh, irritable, but has a heart of gold. Sentimentality and softness are hidden behind your rigid facade; you will sacrifice everything for the sake of the one in trouble. If someone asks you for a favor, your first reaction will probably be a rejection, but in the end you will always say yes. You should be judged by your actions, not your words.

You are the owner. A person who has become a part of your life loses complete freedom forever. You try to keep in touch with friends, ex-lovers and wives, business partners, people you have known since childhood. If you release someone from your life, you do it reluctantly and not completely. This reflects your preoccupation with the past. You live in an aura of nostalgia, events and people from past years continue to inhabit your memory and usually become even more dear to you over the years. You are committed to your family, to your home, and to continue to share the old-fashioned concept of the eternity of marriage - even if your personal experience conflicts with it.

It is difficult to deceive you, because you are able to grasp the subtlest nuances of behavior. You have an almost supernatural intuition. Photographic memory and keen powers of observation allow you to skillfully decipher the motives of other people.

Those born under this sign are like a crab moving towards its intended target in a zigzag fashion. Watch a crab crawling along the shore. You will see a strange kinked trajectory along which he approaches the target. Cancers avoid straightforward approaches. They take a step one way, then the other, even turn in the opposite direction. But in the end they end up in the right place.

If you channel your exceptional sensitivity in the right direction, it can be a powerful source of strength. When you overcome shyness and resentment, deal with seething emotions, your intellect and imagination will enable you to succeed in almost any endeavor. Contrary to the impression you make, you are capable of being dexterous and cunning in business. Cautious and conservative, you have an antenna that quickly picks up people's tastes and changing conditions. This business instinct, combined with imagination, is evident in famous couturiers such as Bill Blass, Oscar de la Renta and Pierre Cardin.

Cancers cling to money as tenaciously as to everything that belongs to them. For you, money means security, but whatever fortune you make, it will not bring you a sense of complete security. The same is true for your emotional security. Cancers are always lacking in love and approval, you always need more. It is easy to fall in love with this devoted, loyal, loving and caring child of the Moon.


Alexander the Great Susan Hayward Nelson Rockefeller

Louis Armstrong Ernest Hemingway Ginger Rogers

Polly Bergen Al Hershfeld Linda Ronstadt

Bill Blass Leena Horn Francoise Sagan

David Brinkley Franz Kafka Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Yul Brynner Helen Keller George Sand

James Cajney Rose Kennedy Carlee Simon

Pierre Cardin Chris Kristofferson Neil Simon

Marc Chagall Anne Landers Isaac Bashewitz Singer

Gover Champion Gertrude Lawrence Barbara Stanwick

John Chancellor Janet Lee Isaac Stern

Van Cliburn Ann Morrow Lindbergh Irving Stone

Jean Cocteau Gina Lollobrigida Donald Sutherland

Tom Cruise Mary McCarthy Sylvester Stallone

Olivia deHaviland George McGovern William Thackeray

Oscar de la Renta Marshall McLuhan Henry David Thoreau

Princess Diana Amedeo Modigliani Mike Tyson

Duke of Windsor Bess Myerson Abigail Van Beren

Harrison Ford Clifford Odette James Whistler

Stephen Foster George Orwell E.B. White

Earl Stanley Gardner Joseph Papp Billy Wilder

Cynthia Gregory Marcel Proust Andrew White

Merv Griffin Erich Maria Remarque

Among famous people there are many representatives of this zodiac sign. Which famous person was born under this sign? Among Cancers, there are overweight, but most of them are still thin and even bony, and the arms and legs of many are disproportionately longer than the body.

Cancer celebrities - who are they?

They look different: some have a rounded and beautiful face, delicate skin, a smiling mouth, almost round eyes and a childish facial expression.

Another type of celebrity among Cancers, more common, is characterized by high cheekbones, protruding superciliary arches, eyebrows that converge on the bridge of the nose, an extended lower jaw, and small eyes.

Cancers are extremely secretive, they do not talk about their secrets and innermost thoughts, they do not like to discuss their personal life with others, but they themselves are reliable keepers of other people's secrets and secrets. By virtue of their intuition, compassion, ability to compassion, they dispose other people to frankness.

Even romantic Cancers who have dedicated their lives to art understand the full value of money.

Celebrity Cancer Men

Ernest Hemingway, born July 21, 1899, is a renowned American writer who won the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Pierre Cardin, born 7 July 1922, is a celebrity in the fashion world that is of Italian descent.

Andrey Myagkov, born on July 8, 1938, is a famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the USSR State Prize.

December 19, 2013 11:09 pm

Cancer women are characterized by increased sensitivity, romance, sentimentality. They are very touchy because of their excessive impressionability: an unfriendly look, a gesture, not to mention verbal attacks, can hurt them painfully. Rich imagination throws them plots and pictures, which often have nothing to do with reality.

It is common for a woman born under this zodiac sign to yearn for a better life all the time. She constantly rummages in her past, reproaches herself for missed chances, experiences old grievances. In her soul there are always fears that at the present time she is doing something wrong; it seems to her that others perceive her as not at all what she really is.

She does not abandon the desire to be always young and beautiful, loving and loved. But sometimes it also happens that tears flow by themselves, without any serious reason, and indeed for no reason at all, but simply because the heart is anxious and uncomfortable.

However, like all children of the Moon, the mood of crayfish women is variable. Affability is replaced by aggressiveness, tears - laughter, fun - gloom, etc. The onset of a new lunar phase entails an inevitable change of mood, and it happens that even within one day, a Cancer woman will be both an irrepressible optimist and a misanthrope several times.

People in whose environment there are Cancers should know that their mood can be transmitted to everyone else, and not fall into irritability and melancholy with the representatives of this sign. To help a Cancer woman maintain a good mood, a loved one should take care of a benevolent, calm atmosphere, friendly people next to her, a comfortable environment in which bright colors should be present.

It is unacceptable to scold this impressionable nature, over-criticize or allow oneself to ridicule her. But the most important thing for her is the attention of loved ones, the confidence that they love her and are not going to leave.

Cancer women are very possessive. The very thought that they can expect some kind of loss is painful for them. They are especially afraid of losing what gives them protection and warmth.

At the same time, such fear does not mean that the Cancer woman is weak. She can boldly meet face to face with all the problems and troubles, protect herself and those who are dear to her, sacrificing everything she has for their well-being and health. Close women, born under the constellation of Cancer, can safely count on the fact that in difficult times she will never betray them and hide behind other people's backs. Cancers have a tremendous amount of patience, especially when it comes to their loved ones.

Cancer woman has such a trait as the ability to keep other people's secrets. She treats them as anxiously as her own, which she never reveals to anyone. She is silent not only about her secrets, but also about her feelings, preferring to remain a mystery to everyone.

She likes to give the impression of a strong, independent person, so she often prefers to remain inaccessible when men try to get closer. For her, to look approachable and to be defeated are the same concepts. If a Cancer woman has a fleeting intimate contact, or if she simply considers that she has revealed more than necessary to someone, then further relations with this person will not follow, she will avoid them in every possible way.

In general, women born under this constellation are very faithful wives, and fun like flirting and entertainment on the side is not at all for them.

Cancer woman has a very strongly developed maternal instinct, and therefore her children can always count on ardent love, care and support. Her affection for them is very strong, so it is not surprising that the Cancer woman is always very attentive and suspicious of the youthful hobbies of children.

In their beloved home, like all Cancers, the representatives of this sign hide from the hardships of the world around them. Housework is not very attractive for them, but they are usually good housewives: they look for protection and peace in their nest, and therefore one cannot do without creating comfort there.

Cancer women can be called delightful culinary specialists without exaggeration. Never preparing a table in a hurry, they treat the preparation of dishes as attentively and reverently as they do to their loved ones, for whom they all do this.

Cancer women cannot be taken away from the ability to organize the life of their family in such a way that prosperity always reigns in it. There is always money and supplies, none of the household is deprived of care and affection. Representatives of this sign are not prone to waste.

Spouses of Cancer women will not have to suffer from the jealousy of their wives. Born under this sign will worry when her man is not at home. She is very frightened by the prospect of being abandoned, not receiving the love and attention that she needs so much.

Nevertheless, she keeps her fears to herself and almost never voices her suspicions and does not throw out negative emotions. The Cancer wife wants to receive constant confirmation of love from her spouse, as well as affection, understanding, consolation in difficult times.

In intimate relationships, women try to take the initiative into their own hands and enjoy to the fullest. At the same time, they often forget that it is necessary not only to use a partner to obtain satisfaction, but also to give him pleasure themselves. Nevertheless, a man for whom the satisfaction of a woman is no less important than his own will receive an excellent partner in the person of a representative of this sign.


Cancer woman - Aries man

The compatibility of representatives of this sign is highly questionable. Cancer's rather conservative views make it difficult to understand and accept the restless Aries' craving for adventure. At the beginning of a relationship, these people are able to bind to each other a strong sexual attraction. But over time, their union will be complicated by the jealousy of Cancer. Aries, in turn, will not be pleased with the proprietary tendencies of the partner. Relationships will be complex.

Cancer woman - Taurus man

A couple with very good relationship prospects. Both partners can find literally everything in their union in order to get pleasure from life together. Taurus will prevent possible disagreements, reacting in time and accurately to the changed mood of Cancer. For her part, the woman of this zodiac sign will make their intimate life more varied and sensual.

Cancer Woman - Gemini Man

It will be difficult for these people to live together. Cancer, already unsure of itself, will worry about the impermanence, unbridled sexual energy of Gemini, will become jealous. Because of this, relationships can be very tense. Nevertheless, the union can be long - provided that mutual trust reigns between the partners.

Cancer woman - Cancer man

If two Cancers meet, then at the beginning of their acquaintance, an extremely sensual relationship is possible between them. They will make the partners seriously get carried away with each other. However, the increased sensitivity will also do them a disservice, leading to disagreements. Both partners will strive for intimate leadership. And yet, if they try to respect each other's feelings, to make concessions, then their union can last for a long time.

Cancer woman - Leo man

A pair with good compatibility. Thanks to Leo, Cancer will feel much more confident, and it is precisely this quality that he lacks in life. In addition, a partner can stabilize his woman's mood, as it is variable. In return, Cancer will need to give Leo the role of leader, constantly admire him, flatter him. A woman who does this will create the foundation for a great relationship.

Cancer woman - Virgo man

In the intimate life of this couple, complete harmony is possible. Virgo will be imbued with full confidence in sensitive, emotional Cancer. Thanks to the restrained Virgo, Cancer will feel more confident. Very deep feelings are possible between them. The only danger that lies in wait for them is boredom, which can settle in their relationship. Life together can last a long time if they do not allow the routine.

Cancer woman - Libra man

Compatibility may be good, but this depends largely on the partners themselves. Temperament, changeability, the need for moral support make people of these signs similar. At the same time, the partner will understand the mood of Cancer, but will prefer not to intervene in the situation, which can give rise to resentment in the soul of a sensitive woman. Libra can get tired of such a relationship and, deciding to take a break, rush towards adventure, with which Cancer will not accept. The union is fragile.

Cancer woman - Scorpio man

Relationships between representatives of these signs are usually very good. Insecure Cancer happily agrees with leadership in their Scorpio pair, because they need support. In an intimate relationship, the passion, stormy temperament of Scorpio goes well with the sensitivity of the partner. She will not provoke Scorpio, make him jealous and hurt his pride, and the partner will appreciate it. The harmony of this union is practically ensured.

Cancer woman - Sagittarius man

The compatibility of people of these signs of the zodiac is not great: they are too dissimilar. Insecure Cancer, who so much needs a reliable shoulder, cannot find support in the mobile, changeable Sagittarius. A woman thinks about the future, and her restless partner prefers not to even look into tomorrow. If boredom creeps into the relationship, Sagittarius will not be happy with this, and he will go in search of entertainment, which can offend Cancer's tender and touchy nature. A long-term relationship is hardly possible.

Cancer woman - Capricorn man

The relationship between these people will exist only as long as they will feel a powerful physical attraction to each other. Cancer will feel growing irritation due to the practicality of Capricorn. In turn, the partner will not be able to devote all his time to Cancer, since he is interested in so many things. Passion will disappear - an already unstable union will disintegrate forever.

Cancer woman - Aquarius man

The compatibility of these partners is poor. Cancer's sincerity, openness does not go well with the love of Aquarius for all sorts of adventures: it will bite the partner's pride. In addition, Cancer needs a partner to constantly confirm his feelings for her, and Aquarius is not ready for this. After the attraction between them disappears, they are unlikely to find other points of contact.

Cancer Woman - Pisces Man

The prospects for relationships are very good, which is explained by the similarity of the natures of the representatives of these signs: they are distinguished by attentiveness, responsiveness, devotion to the people to whom they are attached. Pisces are more changeable, eccentric, and therefore, in a pair, a more mentally stable Cancer will most likely dominate. Difficulties that would hinder the development of relations are not foreseen between them.

Cancer personality, lifestyle, career, love


If you dream of a man with character traits such as tenderness, caring, loyalty, romance, then Cancer is just your lucky ticket. Even if at first glance he seems to you to be withdrawn and silent, let his old friends, taking you aside, whisper to you that he is a stingy and inveterate bachelor, do not believe: all this is just a false impression. Yes, the Cancer man is not a windy rake. who is chasing every skirt and for whom marriage is just another gamble, but maybe it's for the best? By the way, it is the Cancer man, being an esthete, who knows how to appreciate the beauty of the female body, mind and soul like no one and is able to shower you with the most refined compliments.


Cancer Woman is as mysterious as the Moon itself. Did you think that she was practical and rational, but when you got to know her better, did you discern her romantic nature and tender, vulnerable soul? Previously, it seemed to you that she is calmness itself, but next to you her mood changes every now and then, showing either joy, or thoughtfulness, or sadness? Believe me, this is completely normal, just very few people a Cancer woman allows to see herself as she is: she carefully hides her vulnerable inner world from strangers. How to conquer a Cancer woman


Emotional, impressionable, sensitive to external circumstances, the Cancer child has a rich imagination and changeable mood. Infinitely attached to his home and loved ones, he needs support and unconditional love, which gives him confidence and a sense of security. In an atmosphere of mutual understanding and kindness, the Cancer child develops an agreeable, sensitive, caring character, and his delicate mental organization becomes fertile ground for the development of creative abilities. Cancer baby


Need to resolve a serious issue with Cancer? When entering into a dialogue with him, be sure to take into account the mood in which he came to meet you. If he has a drooping gaze, restless behavior and a slightly trembling voice, you should first find out the cause of his condition, and if this is not possible, it is better to postpone the conversation altogether. Cancer will not be able to think about the global as long as the particular is in the way. It is useless to describe to him the benefits that he will receive in the future until he decides how to pay off today's bills.


Cancer is very frugal and therefore a very monetary sign. He is completely devoid of career aspirations and ambitions, but in his work, his tactics of thoughtful decisions and careful steps bear fruit over time. Thanks to her, he makes few mistakes and wins over many of his much more zealous (and more reckless) colleagues. This allows him to find his niche in the professional field, which no one else can claim. Cancer can realize itself in a variety of areas, especially those related to trade, food industry, real estate, banking. His aesthetic view of the world can manifest itself in professions related to art: design, photography, music, literature.


Can you describe Cancer's love in a few words? Unlikely. Cancer's love is as incomprehensible as the infinity of the universe. He loves deeply, strongly and recklessly, as he can love the mother of his child. On the one hand, this is great. Agree, there is nothing better than realizing that a loved one loves you more than himself. But, on the other hand, such love often develops into addiction and gives rise to fears and complexes, which Cancer already has more than enough.


Cancer's sensitivity affects their health as well. They are prone to pain in the chest and knees, diseases of the skin, kidneys, bladder, and stomach and digestive organs. They are often reproached for suspiciousness, but Cancer's nature is so emotional and subtle that their health really largely depends on the change in their mood: problems and depression can put Cancer to bed for a long time, but good news will cure him in no time. Maintaining good spirits and optimism, Cancer is able to live to the very old age.