Alice - "black mark" (song) (K. kinchev). Pirate phrases and expressions

An attribute denoting an accusation made by the pirate community (or individual pirates) to one of its members (or a group of pirates) in violation of the charter, orders, rules and customs of the Coastal Brotherhood.


For the first time the term and concept "black mark" was introduced by Robert Stevenson in the novel "Treasure Island" (1883). Later it was repeatedly used in literature or cinema, showing the existence of the pirate community.

In fact, in the tradition of the Caribbean pirates, there was a delivery of death cards, which was played by the ace of spades. She was shown to persons suspected of treason. She showed that a person is in danger of death or they do not want to see him here.

Appearance and ritual of delivery

Traditionally, a black mark is shown as a piece of paper or a map with a black circular spot painted with soot. When transmitting such a black mark, the soot stain was imprinted on the palm of the accused pirate, thereby marking it.

The accused are obliged to refute the charges brought against them, or to accept a challenge to a duel if the black mark contains such a requirement or the accused cannot prove their innocence in another way. If the pirate, to whom the black mark was presented, could not or did not want to prove his innocence, or did not fulfill the requirements presented with the black mark, then he was punished, up to expulsion from the ranks of the Coastal Brotherhood or death.

Often, the receipt of a black mark by a pirate already indicated that the pirate had been sentenced and was not subject to appeal. So, Billy Bones, having received a black mark, was so worried that he died of a stroke.

In popular culture

  • In RL Stevenson's novel Treasure Island (1883), the black mark was awarded twice: to navigator Billy Bones in chapter 3, and to Captain Silver in chapter 29.
  • In the film "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" (2006), the black mark is almost literally shown as a black spot. In the form of an abscess, it is present on the palm of Bootstrap-Bill (later Bill transfers her Jack Sparrow), and is a tracking marker for the kraken.
  • The rock group "Alisa" in 1994 released the album "Black Mark" with the song of the same name. In the lyrics, the black mark refers to rock music.

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Notes (edit)

An excerpt characterizing the Black mark (sign)

But he was afraid of the genius of Bonaparte, who could prove to be stronger than all the courage of the Russian troops, and at the same time could not afford shame for his hero.
Excited and irritated by these thoughts, Prince Andrey went to his room to write to his father, to whom he wrote every day. He met in the corridor with his roommate Nesvitsky and the joker Zherkov; they, as always, were laughing at something.
- Why are you so gloomy? - asked Nesvitsky, noticing the pale face of Prince Andrey with shining eyes.
- There is nothing to have fun, - answered Bolkonsky.
While Prince Andrei met with Nesvitsky and Zherkov, from the other side of the corridor, Strauch, an Austrian general who was at Kutuzov's headquarters to monitor the food of the Russian army, and a member of the gofkrigsrat, who had arrived the day before, were walking towards them. There was enough room along the wide corridor for the generals to disperse freely with the three officers; but Zherkov, pushing Nesvitsky away with his hand, said in a breathless voice:
- They're coming! ... they're coming! ... step aside, the road! please go!
The generals passed with an air of desire to get rid of the burdensome honors. The joker Zherkov's face suddenly expressed a stupid smile of joy, which he seemed unable to keep.
“Your Excellency,” he said in German, moving forward and addressing the Austrian general. - I have the honor to congratulate you.
He bowed his head and, as awkwardly, like children learning to dance, began to bow with one or the other leg.
The general, a member of the gofkrigsrat, looked sternly at him; not noticing the seriousness of a stupid smile, he could not refuse a moment's attention. He narrowed his eyes to show that he was listening.
“I have the honor to congratulate you, General Mack has arrived, completely healthy, only a little hurt here,” he added, beaming with a smile and pointing to his head.
The general frowned, turned away and walked on.
- Gott, wie naiv! [My God, how simple he is!] - he said angrily, taking a few steps away.
Nesvitsky hugged Prince Andrei with a laugh, but Bolkonsky, turning even paler, with an angry expression on his face, pushed him away and turned to Zherkov. The nervous irritation into which he was led by the sight of Mack, the news of his defeat and the thought of what awaited the Russian army, found an outcome in anger at Zherkov's inappropriate joke.
“If you, my dear sir,” he began shrilly with a slight tremor of the lower jaw, “want to be a jester, then I cannot prevent you from doing so; but I declare to you that if you dare to play a trick another time in my presence, then I will teach you how to behave.
Nesvitsky and Zherkov were so surprised by this trick that they silently, opening their eyes, looked at Bolkonsky.
- Well, I only congratulated, - said Zherkov.
- I'm not joking with you, if you please be silent! - shouted Bolkonsky and, taking Nesvitsky by the hand, walked away from Zherkov, who could not find what to answer.
- Well, what are you, brother, - Nesvitsky said soothingly.
- Like what? - Prince Andrey spoke, stopping from excitement. - You must understand that we, or the officers who serve their king and fatherland and rejoice at the common success and grieve over the common failure, or we are lackeys who do not care about the master's business. Quarante milles hommes massacres et l "ario mee de nos allies detruite, et vous trouvez la le mot pour rire," he said, as if using this French phrase to consolidate his opinion. "C" est bien pour un garcon de rien, comme cet individu , dont vous avez fait un ami, mais pas pour vous, pas pour vous. [Forty thousand people died and our allied army was destroyed, but you can joke at the same time. This is forgivable for an insignificant boy, like this gentleman, whom you made a friend to yourself, but not to you, not to you.] Boys can only be so amused, - said Prince Andrey in Russian, pronouncing this word with a French accent, noting that Zherkov could still hear it.

It happens that ordinary, absolutely healthy people suddenly have a premonition of their imminent death and tell their loved ones about it. I did not think about this mysterious phenomenon, although I read about it until such a tragic incident happened in the family of my relatives.
Last year their daughter Svetlana called me and said that her mother, Lydia Olegovna, had suddenly died. This news fell like snow on your head.
For her incomplete sixty, the deceased was a relatively healthy woman, at least she was not seriously ill, she was always energetic and cheerful, she ran the entire household, since her daughter and son-in-law worked until late at a foreign company, and her retired husband worked as a watchman. At the memorial service, Sveta told me about the unusual circumstances that preceded the death of my mother.
In the evening, a week before, the mother had shown her daughter where various documents and things were, which she had put in perfect order, and handed over a list of groceries with notes on where to find what. Surprised Sveta asked: why all this? To which the mother calmly replied that she would soon die. The daughter began to convince her to throw this stupidity out of her head, she will live for many more years and will nurse her grandchildren and granddaughters. Lydia Olegovna did not object, and the conversation was forgotten. And exactly a week later, day after day, the father, returning from duty, found his wife already cold, sitting in an armchair in front of a working TV. The cause of death, as established by doctors, was a heart attack, although the deceased never complained of heart.
After that, I decided to find out what esotericists and scientists know about this mysterious phenomenon and how they explain it. It turned out that there are a great many such examples, from ancient times to the present day. Moreover, parapsychologists and researchers of anomalous phenomena have been struggling unsuccessfully to solve it for many years. It was found by our scientists from the Experimental Laboratory of Energy Information Security at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientists of different directions work in it - physics, mathematics, bio- and geophysics, among whom there are candidates of sciences, professors and even an academician.
For several years, with the help of unique devices, they investigated the energy-information fields or, as they are also called, the auras of people who became victims of disasters, received serious injuries in accidents and then were ill for a long time, being on the verge of life and death. As a result, scientists made a sensational discovery. They found that in the aura of these people there is certainly an energetic "mark" that is associated with the misfortune that happened. And most importantly, it does not appear after, but long before the disaster happened! This means that first a subtle reason arises, and only then its physical consequence. On photographs of the energy-informational field, this fatal "mark" looks like a black spot. Therefore, it was called the "black mark".
But that's not all. Scientists have come to the conclusion that some people are able to suddenly begin to accumulate the so-called energy of destruction. “It looks like a pathogenic microbe or bacterium, only at a subtle energy level,” says one of the founders of the Experimental Laboratory Valery Nikolaevich Sokolov. - In any case, it is a living and even, perhaps, a thinking substance. Microbes and bacteria, getting into the human body, immediately begin their destructive activity, but its consequences, i.e. the disease itself does not appear immediately, but after hours, days or even weeks. So it is with the "black marks". Perhaps this is a kind of energy microbes carrying a program of destruction, which are introduced into the energy-informational field, that is, the human aura ... Moreover, unlike ordinary microbes, the “black mark” does not begin to act immediately, but first, as it were, “looks closely” and “sniffs” "To the aura, then, having already penetrated into it," settles in "in a new place, gets used to it. And only after that begins its destructive work. "
One of the irrefutable confirmations of the tragic consequences of the appearance of the "black mark" was the disaster of the American shuttle Columbia in February 2003. A month before its launch, scientists from the Experimental Laboratory of Energy Information Security revealed a critical concentration of destruction energy in the auras of all seven astronauts and in the energy information field of the spacecraft, which foreshadowed the inevitable death of people and the destruction of the shuttle.
An official letter was sent to NASA with a warning of an imminent catastrophe and its scientific justification. But the Americans ignored the alarming forecast of Moscow scientists. As, incidentally, the fact that at the end of December 2002 the famous magazine Babaji, the official body of Indian astrologers, published, in fact, the same warning: “In the United States, a major scientific project will fail, most likely related with space exploration ".
One can imagine what the creators of the Experimental Laboratory, Valery Nikolaevich Sokolov and Gennady Mikhailovich Martsev and their colleagues, went through when they knew for sure that seven American astronauts would definitely die along with the ship! They knew and understood that the tragedy was inevitable, but they could not do anything to prevent it. For the inertia of thinking of high-ranking officials is stronger than any scientific arguments.
Unfortunately, the forecast soon came true: on February 19, 2003, during its descent from orbit, the Columbia shuttle exploded.
Where does the "black mark" come from, scientists do not yet know. Maybe this is a creature from yet unknown to us parallel worlds, the inhabitants of which have a completely different energy-informational essence than people. Another thing is important. Namely, the destruction energy is recorded by instruments as a variable. At a certain concentration, the self-destruction mechanism of the subject, that is, a person or a device, begins to turn on. In other words, when critical values ​​are reached, negative energy necessarily begins to manifest itself. For a person, these are serious illnesses, accidents and disasters, or even death, and sometimes in completely unexpected situations.
Although the origin of the black mark remains unknown, researchers at the Experimental Laboratory have established why it appears in the aura of a particular person. It turns out that the reasons are fairly common. He could wish harm to his neighbor, betrayed him or envied him with black envy, committed a vile act, even just thought very badly of someone. By doing this, he weakened his protective biofield and thus enabled the "black mark" to penetrate into it.
The second reason for its appearance, as scientists have found out, is the sins of our ancestors, that is, karma. Their consequences can affect through generations and lead to the fact that a destructive energy-informational entity in the form of a “black mark” “settles” in a person's aura. That is, although they say that the son is not responsible for his father, in fact he is still responsible! And not only for him, but also for the grandfather and for the grandmother, and sometimes even further into the depths of the centuries, if the sin that was once committed was very serious.
Finally, the third reason, at first glance, seems completely unscientific, but scientists cite it. It happens that the "black mark" is brought on by the evil eye, damage, black magic, in general, the materialization of negative thoughts and emotions of one person in relation to another. In such cases, the expression "send a curse" has not a mystical, but a physical meaning.
As for the premonitions of imminent death that arise in doomed people, it can be assumed that our subconscious mind fixes the penetration into the aura of an uninvited guest in the form of a “black mark”. When the concentration of the energy of destruction reaches a critical level, information about this appears already in the mind. And then the man says to himself: my days are numbered

Sergey Dyomkin
Journal "Sports Life of Russia"

Pirates! The spirit of freedom and rebellion! Who among us did not love them in childhood? And even after many years, sympathy and interest in their persons and among the older generation does not wane. In this material, we will recall, and maybe learn new, original, inspiring and funny pirate phrases and expressions.

Idea for a children's party

"Thousand devils! Piastres! Anchor me to the bay! " So, let's begin. Robbers and romantics, brutal and brave at the same time, traveling the seas in search of prey, making their living by robbery and raid. As you know, the sea is a harsh friend and being in captivity at sea leaves an imprint on pirates. "And the sailors remember God when the sea hugs them tightly." Therefore, most pirate expressions and phrases are rather rude, as well as the robbers themselves.

Bright and extraordinary costumes of pirates, strong and sometimes very rude expressions complement their image. What is not a reason to throw a party or a birthday party for your baby in the spirit of piracy? And some pirate phrases for children can be simply memorized and used in various contests. And their encrypted or veiled meaning is easy to explain to children.

International Pirate Day

“Palundra! All hands on deck!" "Smite me with thunder!" Famed laureate Dave Barry wrote about a small circle of people who celebrate Pirate Day. This idea was enthusiastically picked up and supported by journalists. And now September 19 is celebrated In the original, this day is called "Speak like a pirate!" The founders of this holiday - John Bauron and Mark Summerson, who at one time just for fun decided to use pirate slang at the party, it all started back in 1995 on September 19.

Examples of the most famous pirate expressions

Let's give examples and analyze the meaning of some pirate phrases.

"Swallow the black mark." This expression implies deep resentment, silence, unwillingness to talk.

"To fill the hold." The meaning of this phrase comes down to eating, eating a heavy meal.

"Mooring in a quiet harbor." Pirates were still those romantics and connoisseurs of female beauty. And that means ... getting married! That's what!

"Wet your throat." In slang, it means to get drunk. "To stir up a storm in the hold." This expression also expresses the pirate's desire to drink something strong and intoxicating.

"Shake the bones." It just means dancing.

"To fraternize with the sea devil." The meaning of this pretentious expression is reduced to the manifestation of anger, rage or discontent.

"Strumming with gold or throwing piastres." Buy something.

Jack Sparrow. Capt. Jack Sparrow

Wonderfully and unforgettably managed to create the image of the pirate Johnny Depp. His character turned out to be distinctive, original and unlike anyone else. Jack Sparrow, sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow has significantly added to the list of pirate phrases. Here are some of them.

“No place for everyone! I dropped my brains ... "Or, for example:" You need to beware of honest people: you won't even notice when they throw out some stupidity. " “My hands are clean! Hmm ... figuratively. " Captain Jack Sparrow is a famous pirate who prefers to resolve issues mostly in a peaceful way, using all his unique store of eloquence and wit. This quality sets him apart from the images of traditional pirates. And he is also charming, sweet, cunning, careful and only gets into a fight when absolutely necessary.

Pirate slang, black mark and more

Pirates are a thing of the past, and if individual ships appear today, claiming to be pirates, then not for long. The pirate slang has been preserved, acquired some comicism and innocence. For example, such funny pirate phrases.

"Full sails and dry sailing!" Here are the wishes of a successful voyage, good luck and a good journey. "Captain's daughter". This phrase meant a nine-tailed whip. Or such a quote from the famous Jack Sparrow: “You are either a madman or a genius! Although these are two extremes of the same essence! " “A woman on a ship - to great trouble! If you don't take it, it will be worse! "

In addition to pirate phrases, the concept of "black mark" is used. She served the pirates as a certain calling card, was also a warning sign, and passed the death sentence for her brothers. It was received by those pirates who did not abide by the code. Yes, everyone knows that pirates had a pirate code. It was a set of rules that every self-respecting pirate was obliged to respect.

Let's look at some more pirate phrases:

  • "Throw away the white flag!"
  • "Hey, elbow to elbow, we'll pass a couple of barrels of rum!"
  • "Anchor!"
  • "Shut up and let me through!"
  • “Cowardly puppy. Port rat! Roll over to Dave Jones! " - that is, go to the dead man who remained in hell.

It is believed that piracy is the lot of harsh men, weathered, on whose ships the black flag or the Jolly Roger fluttered, but among them there were female pirates who, in their audacity, surpassed many robbers and participated in the most incredible adventures. One of these pirates was Alvilda, a Scandinavian princess.

Conclusion. Outcome

Summing up the results of this material, I would like to wish everyone a great mood, feel the spirit of piracy, spend a similar holiday among my friends and have fun for the glory not only for children, but also for adults. I remember a favorite joke of the wonderful Johnny Depp about a polite skeleton pirate who, when ordering a pint of rum in a pub, carefully asks the waiter to bring him a mop!

Included in the album



Black Mark - a fictional pirate attribute denoting an accusation made by the pirate community to one of its members in violation of the charter, orders, rules and customs of the Coastal Brotherhood. The delivery of the black mark in the essence of the case meant a death sentence. For the first time the concept of "black mark" was introduced by R. L. Stevenson in novel "Treasure Island"(1883). See also:

K. Kinchev:

The black mark is a pick, and the one who picked it up is already doomed. For a Russian, rock is a fate that cannot be avoided.

K. Kinchev, newspaper "Segodnya" No. 216 (323) of 11.11.1994:

The black mark is a banal pick, which once you pick up - and is sentenced. Re-read Gumilyov's "Magic Violin"- everything is said about it ...

From the answers of K. Kinchev to the questions of visitors to the official website of ALICE

No name:
What does the paragraph in the lyrics of the song "Black Mark" from the album booklet mean?
It is written backwards:

Myleb and Mynrech are her lizurgan,
Utekar yuushlob liortsop b i.
YiksvokloiTs lyb i only b ilse

Or is it again a mistake of the designers?

This is a poem by Igor Chumychkin. It should be read from right to left.

From the answers of K. Kinchev to the questions of visitors to the official website of ALICE 11/01/2002 .:

Konstantin, explain to the illiterate what "Time" H "from the Black Mark means. I heard this phrase many times, but no one could explain its meaning to me.

The time one second before death ...

Lyrics of the song "Black Label":

Sensitive hour of time "H",
Brocade stars on my shoulder
In the spell of corruption, I fly in the beam,
My black mark, mark ...

Night to the stars, light to the Father,
The dust is dear to my face
To the end dance to the end
My black mark, mark ...
My black mark is ROCK!

If you know how to live
Take the risk of answering me:

I am the bastard of Spring, I am Autumn slag,
I am not your friend and not your enemy, but so.
The roadside poppy sucks my blood
My black mark, black mark

How many were there who stepped out the door
In front of my eyes. Where are they now?
Where are they now, in whom did the beast leave
Your black mark, black mark

Who is better here than you?
Who is worse here than me?
Who in this world suits flowers?
Which one of us will the earth calm?

Utevssar k yaslung
Soap and mynrech her lizurgan,
Utekar yuushlob lyortsop b i.
Yiksvokloitts lyb i only used ils.

My groan is disturbed by the wind.
Your laughter in the mountains gives rise to thunder
Hey, brother! We fly through life like children
When we sing!

Sensitive hour of time "H",
Brocade stars on my shoulder
In the spell of corruption, I fly in the beam,
My black mark, mark ...
Night to the stars, light to the Father,
The dust is dear to my face
To the end dance to the end
My black mark, mark ...
My black mark is ROTSK!

If you know how to live
Take the risk of answering me:
Who could be your guide to the sky?
