Quick ways to speed up the growth of your nails with your own hands. Incredibly fast nail growth: home remedies with vitamins and healthy baths

Well-groomed, discreet manicure with medium-length nails is in fashion today. However, the main thing is that it is natural. Already seem to be vulgar old-fashioned extended nails with thick plates and their own nails visible under them. To look natural and well-groomed, you need to apply varnish to your own nails, without resorting to unnatural designs. In addition, modern technologies in the form of shellac (helium varnish) allow the coating to last for a long time, even on natural nails.

However, nature does not endow everyone with long and strong nail plates. Someone's nails are so hard that they have to be cut with hot baths to soften them. But someone suffers from thin, exfoliating and soft nails that do not grow even a few millimeters. Our article will help you strengthen your nails and accelerate their growth when an important event is on your nose, where you need to look perfect.

Why nails break and grow slowly

  1. Nutrition is of great importance for the health of nails. It must be balanced and complete. The lack of some vitamins first of all affects the condition of the nails.
  2. Nails can break and be brittle due to cosmetic procedures such as extensions, gel polish. The fact is that for better adhesion of the varnish (or tips) with its own nail, the nail plate is grinded down to obtain a rough surface layer. Frequent grinding will result in thinning and soft nails.
  3. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to notice regrown nails, because he gnaws at them. An unpleasant habit forces you to "grind" your nails to the very base. With such a problem, it will be difficult to grow nails even of medium length. In this case, you must definitely contact a neurologist.
  4. Several factors in a woman's life can affect her hormonal levels and, as a result, the growth of nails. Growth, as a rule, slows down or, conversely, increases during pregnancy, menstrual cycle, with menopause.
  5. Over the years, the growth of nails decreases - this is a factor that, unfortunately, cannot be changed.
  6. Nails grow more slowly if adrenaline is often high in the body. That is, if you are constantly nervous, you will not see long nails.
  7. The condition of the cuticle also affects the growth of nails. The presence of the cuticle on the nail plate inhibits the growth of the nail itself, since a thin build-up of skin blocks nutrition at the very base.
  8. It has been proven that nail growth slows down in spring, as fewer vitamins are supplied to the body.

It is very important to know the reason why the nails began to grow much slower. Especially if it is contrary to the normal state of the body. But how can the situation be rectified?

Normally, a person's nail grows by about 1 mm per day. However, the negative factors that we described above can reduce this speed. To increase the rate of nail growth, you can use the following tips.

  1. Pay attention to nutrition. Every day, the diet should be lean meat, vegetables, fruits, a lot of dairy products, cereals. Milk contains calcium and iron, which strengthens the nail plate. Season salads with natural oils so that the body gets enough fatty acids and lipids. Selenium, essential for growth, is found in green onions and spinach. For the strength of nails, vitamins A and B are needed, which are abundant in the liver, blueberries, cereals, green and yellow vegetables. With iron deficiency, you need to eat apples, and to replenish silicon reserves, you need to lean on seafood. For nails to be strong and grow quickly, you need to eat pumpkin seeds and drink its juice, eat different nuts. It is the foundation of a nutritious diet for nail health.
  2. Keep your hands in the water for more time. Wash dishes often, take a bath, clean kitchen utensils. Moisture helps to accelerate the growth of the nail plate.
  3. You can accelerate the growth of nails and increase blood circulation in the tissues with the help of massage. Take a nourishing cream or cosmetic oil, apply to the nail plates and start massaging your fingers along the cuticle growth zone. This will allow you to improve blood circulation and activate metabolic processes.
  4. To get rid of vitamin deficiency, drink multivitamin complexes, especially in the spring.
  5. Discard the build-up. When applying shellac, ask the master not to grind the upper part of the nail plate, or to do it minimally. Let the manicure last for less time, but you will finally be able to grow your healthy and strong nails.
  6. Plain toothpaste contains a lot of calcium and fluoride. Lubricate your fingernails with it and leave it on for a while. This will not make your nails grow faster, but it will make them much stronger.
  7. Tap your nails on the table surface regularly. This is how the nail plate is trained and strengthened. In nature, animal claws grow as they wear off. Tapping on the table, you act on the active points and, as it were, signal the body about the need for a new portion of strong "claws".

These simple rules will help you normalize your body's metabolism and speed up nail growth. However, there are still many ways to do this quickly and efficiently.

Masks and baths for nail growth

These cosmetic procedures will saturate the area around the nail plate with vitamins and elements that stimulate nail growth.

  1. Iodine-salt baths. This is one of the most effective remedies for the growth and strengthening of nails. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt and a few drops of iodine in a glass of warm water. Hold in the hand for at least half an hour.
  2. Burdock, peach and almond oil. These oils contain a large amount of vitamin E, which is needed for nail growth. The selected oil should be heated and held in this composition with your fingertips. After the procedure, you need to do a light massage to rub in the rest of the oil. Then wipe your fingers with a napkin and do not wash them until morning. The procedure is best done before bedtime.
  3. Decoctions of herbs. It is possible to normalize the nutrition in the nail plates with the help of decoctions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, St. John's wort and oak bark are best suited for this. Prepare a strong broth - a tablespoon of each ingredient in a glass of boiling water. Keep your fingers in the warm broth for at least half an hour.
  4. Lemon juice and lavender essential oil. Mix equal proportions of lemon juice and lavender essential oil. Lubricate the prepared product on the nail plate and the skin around it. This will help make your nails strong and firm. After such a mask, a light floral-citrus aroma will remain on your hands, which will not leave you indifferent.
  5. Beeswax. There is a service in beauty salons - paraffin therapy. It is very effective for the skin and nails - the plate is strengthened, the epidermis becomes soft and moisturized. You can carry out this procedure at home, but an ordinary candle will not work for this. We need to find beeswax. Melt it and soak it in warm hand composition for 10 minutes. This is not only very useful, but also insanely enjoyable.
  6. Mustard. This is an extreme way to naturally "build" nails. Suitable only in extreme cases, when nails are desperately needed for an important event. Mix mustard with a light cream and apply to the skin near the nails. Mustard irritates the skin, causes blood flow, and increased blood circulation leads to the activation of all life processes. Red pepper can be used instead of mustard. But remember, the burning composition cannot be applied to the skin after a manicure - microscopic wounds can react with severe burning and pain.
  7. Iodine. Cover your nails with iodine once a week using a cotton swab. Do not worry - until the morning all the yellowness from the nails will go away, but the fortress will remain. Nails after iodine procedures will stop exfoliating and will grow much faster.

These are simple yet effective and time-tested methods that will help you to strengthen the growth of nails and strengthen their structure in a short time.

The famous singer, famous artist and simply beautiful woman Laima Vaikule says that every self-respecting woman should have her own “living wage” in beauty. In fact, this is the base, without which it is impossible to appear in public. These are decent shoes, healthy teeth, clean skin and hair, well-groomed manicure. Indeed, no matter what you are wearing, beautiful nails can favorably emphasize your status. But vulgar bright nails, too long or unnaturally short, can ruin the whole image. Keep track of the health and beauty of your nails. And then you will not be equal!

Video: how to grow nails in a week

The nails grow due to the lunula. It is a light semicircle that you can see at the base of the nail plate. In fact, lunula is a collection of cells that synthesize keratin. Keratin is the protein that makes up nails.

That is, stimulation of the work of the lunula inevitably leads to the growth of nails.

This effect can be achieved

    Improving blood flow through massage

    Saturation of the cuticle and lunula with vitamins and minerals

We wrote about procedures that stimulate nail growth in.

Surprisingly, nails grow much faster if you are in frequent contact with water. It doesn't matter if you take a bath every evening, wash your hands every 5 minutes, or just do a wet cleaning without gloves.

Although some manicurists claim that this effect is only possible with sea salt water, this is not the case. Many people notice accelerated nail growth over the course of their lives from regular hydration.

Probably, the whole point is that the wetted plate is more plastic. It breaks less. In addition, metabolic processes are better in a moist cuticle and lunula.

Baths are the best way to grow

Be that as it may, baths are the best way to grow nails. During the procedures that you carry out at home according to folk recipes, useful substances are added to the baths. These can be essential oils, plant juices and vitamins. All these ingredients take care of the health of the cuticle and nail plate. As a result, nails grow strong and healthy, and this process is faster.

But most importantly, folk recipes contain sea salt. This is a unique component. Unlike ordinary table salt, sea salt contains a large amount of minerals. Among them are calcium, potassium, magnesium. All of them help to strengthen the nail plate. A good structure of the nail is the key to its healthy growth.

It is better to buy sea salt for baths at a pharmacy. Here you can be sure of the quality of the product. But read the label carefully anyway. Salt from common salt sources is sometimes sold under the name "sea". She does not have the same impressive list of useful components in the composition.

Prefer salt without additives and flavors - this will reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

5 easy-to-repeat recipes at home

We have collected 5 recipes for nail baths that are easy to repeat at home. With their help, you can organize full-fledged care of the nail plate, strengthen it and accelerate the growth of nails.

All baths contain natural herbal ingredients, and therefore can cause allergies. Before starting the procedure, make sure that your allergens are not on the list of ingredients. If you are unsure of any ingredient, apply a drop of the product to the inside of your elbow. Observe the reaction of the skin over the next day. If you notice any signs of allergies, including:

  • Raising the temperature


And other symptoms, the use of the remedy must be abandoned.

Simple Salt Bath

The simplest sea salt bath is suitable for many problems. It strengthens nails, accelerates their growth, and takes care of the cuticles. It's easy to make.

We need:

    2 cups warm water

    2 tablespoons sea salt

Dissolve the salt in water and put your hands in the bath. After 15 minutes, rinse off the remaining solution from the skin with running water. Be sure to apply a nourishing cream, as the salt dries out the skin.

Milk bath for strong marigolds

Milk contains calcium, which is essential for a healthy nail structure.

We need:

    A glass of milk

    Glass of water

    2 tablespoons of salt

Mix water and milk. Heat the solution on the stove or in the microwave for 4-5 minutes. Add salt and stir until dissolved.

Dip your hands into the bath and leave for 10-15 minutes.

After the procedure, rinse off the remains of the product with running water and apply a nourishing cream.

Hot bath-growth activator

The effect of this bath is based on the acceleration of blood flow. Due to this action, metabolic processes and the saturation of nails with useful microelements are improved.

To prepare the bath you will need:

    2 cups warm water

    A teaspoon of hot pepper tincture

    3 drops of cinnamon essential oil

    2 tablespoons sea salt

The water should be nearly hot, but not scalding. Dissolve the sea salt in it and add the remaining ingredients. Stir well. Dip your hands in the bath for 7-10 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your skin with running cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Herbal iodine bath

Herbs are used to care for skin, hair, and nails. They cleanse, strengthen and have a tonic effect. Chamomile in this bath acts as an antiseptic and promotes the healing of small wounds on the skin of the hands.

To prepare the bath, take:

    A tablespoon of dry chamomile

    A tablespoon of dry mint

    A tablespoon of dry nettles

    5 drops of iodine

    2 cups boiling water

    2 tablespoons sea salt

Dissolve salt in boiling water and pour herbs over it. Let the liquid sit for 1 to 2 hours. Strain the broth and heat it slightly in a water bath or microwave. Add iodine. Dip your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse your skin with running water and moisturize with a nourishing cream.

Vitamin bath

This bath is completely based on vegetable and fruit juices. It will saturate your skin with vitamins and heal the nail plate. To achieve a real effect, you need to use only freshly squeezed juices.

We need:

    Half a glass of carrot juice

    Half a glass of orange juice

    Half a glass of lemon juice

    Half a glass of apple juice

    Two tablespoons of sea salt

Mix juices and heat slightly in a water bath. Dissolve sea salt in the mixture. Dip your hands in the bath for 10 minutes. Rinse your skin with water and apply a moisturizer.

Growth baths should be done 1-2 times a week for at least a month. Combine these treatments with nail vitamins from, and be sure to do a weekly manicure. You can also take a course of nail masks from. Soon your nails will be stronger and grow much faster.

Have you grown natural nails? Have baths and other home care tips helped you? Try the recipes in the article and leave your feedback!

Hands are a calling card for any girl.

An ideal manicure will speak of its owner as a neat and well-groomed person. Many girls worried about slow nail growth, because of which there is no opportunity to make a beautiful manicure.

However, in this case, they will help home nail care products, which significantly accelerate their growth.

Aesthetic beauty of long nails

Neat long nails- it is, first of all, aesthetically beautiful. Short nails are more relevant for the strong half of humanity, while girls should stand out long nails.

Beautiful long nails are relevant and necessary for girls of such professions, for example as a consultant in a jewelry salon, models and fashion models, masters of beauty salons.

When working in such areas, beautiful long nails with a perfect manicure are imperative.

Growth rate of nails

There are studies that show that nails grow faster on the working hand.

The season of the year also affects the rate of nail growth - it was revealed that in summer, nails grow a little faster than in winter. With what this is connected, there is still no clear answer. It is believed that in summer the hands are more mobile, which indirectly affects the growth of nails - according to the site's materials.

The longest nail was recorded in a woman and was 601 mm.

But due to individual characteristics, metabolic disorders and various diseases, nails become brittle and fragile. This is the main cause of the short nail problem.

With age, nails begin to grow more slowly. This is due to the fact that the older a person is, the less actively all his structures work, including the production of keratin, the basis of nails.

In children, the growth rate of nails is approximately one and a half times greater than in adults. This growth of nails persists until puberty -

Also nail growth slows down when there is a lack of sufficient protein in the body,.

With a young and completely healthy body, a change in the rate of regrowth of the nail plate can be the following factors:

  • pregnancy (nails can grow both faster and slower than usual);
  • lactation and breastfeeding period;
  • regular washing of dishes with detergents without the use of protective gloves (slows down the growth of nails);
  • active adherence to any diet;

Also regular the use of shellac and nail extensions significantly slows down the growth of nails, due to insufficient oxygen supply to the plate of your own nail.

Unlike the popular belief that nails grow after a person's death, this is not the case. Drying of the skin on the fingers creates the appearance of nail growth.

How to cut the edge of the nail correctly

Before you cut your nails, you need to process them and prepare them for the procedure, for this you need to remove the varnish and thoroughly wash your hands with moisturizing soap. This will significantly soften the edge of the nail.

You need to trim your nails nail scissors or special tweezers... Before using them, the tools must be disinfected. At home, it will be enough to wipe them with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Nails should be cut slowly and neatly, starting from the edge of the nail and moving towards its center. Do not cut your nails too short, this can damage the structure of the nail plate and cause infection.

Move gradually, in small steps. Tweezers are recommended in hard-to-reach places.

After, how all nails will be trimmed to the required length, they should be correct with a nail file... You also need to move the file from the edge of the nail to the center. File processing will make the nail smooth, even and neat, with soft edges.

The use of metal files is not recommended, they are too aggressive on the surface of the nail. In cosmetic stores there is a wide selection of gentle nail files that gently and harmlessly adjust the shape of the nail, for example glass.

Read in our article.

Vitamins for accelerated nail growth

Sufficient content of the required amount competently supports its correct operation.

The most affordable and easiest way to get these vitamins- buy a drug in a pharmacy Aevit... This is the most common and popular, as well as an inexpensive method of enriching the body with the required feeding. Aevit can be taken orally in the form of granules in which the drug is marketed.

To achieve a greater effect, vitamins can be used externally.

To do this, you need to pierce the Aevita granules with a needle, collect the liquid composition in an unenamelled bowl and lower your fingertips there. The vitamin mask will not only nourish your nails, but also make them smooth and beautiful.

After applying the vitamin mask, wipe your hands with a cotton towel without washing off the vitamin base!

Baths and infusions for nail growth at home

On your own, at home, you can prepare a number of trays and infusions useful for nails that have a beneficial effect on nail growth. Consider the most popular and effective recipes.

1. Chamomile and mint. Pour boiling water over fresh chamomile flowers and mint leaves, insist three hours... In the resulting infusion, lower your hands, hold for half an hour. After that, put on cotton gloves and warm them up. Warming up after the therapeutic baths will help the skin and nails to be filled with useful components of the infusion as much as possible.

2. Sea salt. Add a couple of tablespoons of sea salt to warm water. To enhance the effect, you can drop a few drops of essential oils which can be purchased at a pharmacy or beauty store. Put your hands in the bath for half an hour, then wipe your hands dry with a towel, without first rinsing them with water.

3. Soap. A simple and accessible technique for everyone is to add to warm water a tablespoon of salt and a few drops of shower gel or liquid soap... This bath, which must be used within 20 minutes, will soften the skin of the hands and strengthen the nail plate.

4. Olive oil. Heat the olive oil and place your fingertips in the bath for half an hour. An olive oil bath can work wonders for both the skin of the hands and the structure of the nails.

5. Lemon. Melt the vegetable oil in a water bath, add a few drops of lemon juice and use a hand bath for 15 minutes.

Nail sealing technique

After chemical damage to nails, regular filing, building and correction, as well as the constant use of washing powders and detergents, they make the nails brittle and rough, breaking their plate, causing the nails to exfoliate intensively.

This problem can be solved by the modern method of sealing nails.
1. Sealing with wax. The wax is heated in a water bath, after which pre-prepared nails (cut and filed) are covered with it. Every nail waxed, after which it is covered with fortified oil using a sponge. Rub the oil into each nail for half an hour, with an interval of two minutes. This technique is called wax sealing of nail flakes.

2. Sealing with biogel... Biogel for nails is widely available in pharmacies and cosmetic stores, so it is not difficult to purchase it. To begin with, process the nails, clean them of varnish, sharpen and file. After that, cover each nail with a thin layer of biogel, let it dry and apply a second layer. Sealing with biogel is a common and effective way to accelerate nail growth. It is actively used both in beauty salons and in independent home use.

Effective mask for nail growth at home

Nail masks do not have to be bought in cosmetic stores, they can easily be prepared at home using natural ingredients.

1. Black currant. Mix black currant berries, cream and a small amount of flour until smooth. Apply the mixture to your hands, covering the nail area liberally. Wrap your hands in a cotton towel or put on gloves, hold the mask for two hours. After that, rinse off the mask with warm running water and wipe dry.

2. Chamomile. Heat olive oil, add chamomile flowers to it, boil for five minutes over low heat. Cool to room temperature and distribute the resulting composition to the skin of the hands and nails. For a greater mask effect, warm up your hands by covering them with a towel or wearing gloves. After two hours, wash off the mask from your hands with warm water and wipe it dry.

3. Mint. Pour mint with half a glass of boiling water, insist two hours... After that, strain the broth, mix the boiled mint leaves with vegetable oil and a small amount of flour. Apply the mask to your hands, hold for half an hour.

Mint infusion can also be used to strengthen nails. To do this, you need to lower your hands in the infusion and hold for half an hour.

4. Dandelion and nettle. Boil dandelion flowers and nettle leaves in a water bath, cool the resulting gruel mix with maximum fat cottage cheese... Apply the mask to your hands and hold for half an hour, wearing special gloves.

Nail wrap

Wrapping nails in order to strengthen their plate and accelerate nail growth is used exclusively in nail salons.

The wrapping technology is as follows:
1. Preparation of nails. The nails are cleaned of varnish, the shape is corrected, the nail plate is cut off with a special file with dusting.

2. Wrapping with material. Linen, silk or special paper is most often used to wrap nails. The tip of the finger is wrapped with material so that the nail is completely covered. Carefully spread the material over the nail using a wooden stick. Before using the stick, it is abundantly moistened with nail polish remover. Residual material is removed.

3. Securing the wraps. Each nail is covered with a special primer, then enamel. The final stage of the nail wrap is covered with nail polish fixer.

The wrapping technique is completely safe and does not cause allergies or irritation. The disadvantage of this procedure is its fragility.

Nail massage

Massage is an important method in nail care.

An active but gentle massage of the hands and fingers promotes blood flow, and this, in turn, provides the nail plate with the necessary nutrients, as a result of which the growth of nails is activated.

To receive a massage, there is no need to go to a beauty salon, you can do it yourself at home.

Prevention for rapid nail growth

In order not to face such a problem as short nails, you must follow a number of simple recommendations.
1. Proper nutrition. What we eat is the basis of the state of our entire body. This also applies to nail growth. A prerequisite for acquiring and maintaining their ideal state is to include in your diet foods rich in protein, calcium, iron and zinc. These elements are actively involved in the synthesis of keratin, on which the condition and growth of nails is based.

2. Taking vitamins. The main vitamins for nails are A and E. You can provide the body with the necessary content thanks to the drug Aevita.

3. Protection. Wear protective gloves when cleaning the apartment and washing dishes. This will protect the delicate skin of the hands and the structure of the nails from the harmful effects of chemical components.

4. Home use of creams, masks and infusions. Easy to prepare homemade recipes will nourish your nails, make them long, beautiful and strong.

5. Correct. Proper care and correction of nails contributes to their active growth.

Proper nail care consists in following a number of rules:

for manicure use exclusively quality tools;
before starting the procedure for correcting nails, tools are necessary disinfect;
it is necessary to cut off the nails slowly, carefully, in small steps, from the edge to the center of the nail;
it is recommended to adjust the length of the nails at least once every 10 days;
use gentle nail files, try avoid metal-based files;
after carrying out a home manicure procedure, treat the cuticle and the surface of the nail with a special nourishing cream.

Careful care of your nails, the use of various techniques, will strengthen the nails, make them beautiful, long and strong.

The fairer sex often has a question: How to accelerate nail growth at home? It is quite difficult to deal with natural circumstances that destroy the plate, but if you follow some rules, you can achieve the proper result.


Accelerated nail growth is impossible without the use of vitamins and minerals, and not only those sold in pharmacies, but also natural ones contained in vegetables and fruits. In the first place is retinol, which is responsible for the strength and smoothness of the nail plates.

A large amount of vitamin is found in carrots, bell peppers. However, it should be remembered that it is hardly absorbed without vegetable and animal fats.

Among the vitamins, note the following:

  • Complex "Aevit" containing vitamins A and E is good for marigolds. To these should be added C to aid in their assimilation. Its highest concentration is in sea buckthorn and rose hips.
  • Without B vitamins, the nail plates exfoliate and become fragile, so it is imperative to include in the diet: cabbage of various types, tomatoes, carrots and cereals, without neglecting pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Vitamin H affects the quality of keratin. Biotin is found in egg yolks, mushrooms and nuts.
  • D, which assists in calcium absorption, cannot be ignored. After all, it is he with phosphorus that is responsible for the formation of nails.
  • The lack of iron provokes their fragility. Thanks to zinc, the growth of plate tissues is accelerated.

After mycosis

Nails on hands and feet with fungus look unattractive, in addition, they create a lot of inconvenience. After removing the damaged tissue, a recovery period begins. You should be patient, as a healthy nail will grow back only after 6-9 months. To speed up this process, you need to choose the right therapy.

There are two ways: using cosmetics and traditional medicine. The first assumes containing active ingredients and vitamins.

Beautiful and healthy nails are as much an integral part of a woman's image as well-groomed hair and an even complexion. And if for some representatives of the fair sex nails grow well by nature and require minimal maintenance, others have to make considerable efforts to give them a perfect look.

Nails are derived from skin cells. Each nail plate is located in its own nail bed, and its hidden part has a good blood supply, due to which the nail receives nutrition. On average, the nail grows at a rate of 3 mm per month, and its complete renewal occurs approximately every six months.

Factors affecting nail growth

On nail growth hormonal changes (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy), the summer period, as well as activities that lead to the grinding of nails (working on the computer) or regular massage to improve blood circulation are beneficial.

Have a negative effect on nail growth: metabolic disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, age-related changes.

Nutrition for nail growth

First of all, for healthy and growing nails need to eat right... Eat foods containing vitamins A and B (greens, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, liver, sprouted wheat grains), calcium (dairy products), silicon (seafood, onions, spinach). Be sure to enrich your diet with iodine, sulfur, and iron-containing food. You can additionally drink complex multivitamins.

note that nail growth is slowed down by strict diets low in fat and protein.

Cosmetics for nail growth

The modern cosmetic industry offers a wide range of products to strengthen and nail growth, which, as a rule, contain more or less proteins, minerals and vitamins.

The Swedish-made Oriflame network cosmetics, popular in Russia, offer nail growth agent Nail Growth Booster (120 rubles). It promises to achieve significant results after just one week of use. Panthenol (provitamin B5) included in its composition maintains the water balance of the nail plate, vitamins E and C prevent its delamination, and calcium and wheat amino acids help the growth of strong and healthy nails. To achieve the best effect, the product is rubbed into both the nail plate and the cuticle twice a day, if the nails are varnished, then the product is continued to be applied only to the cuticle.

The French company Aurelia has developed a new generation nail products"Strength and growth of nails with a length of 3 mm" (290 rubles) with a mineral complex. It was created taking into account the characteristics of the nail plate and contains calcium - for strengthening, silicon - for plasticity, sodium and phosphorus - to maintain the natural mineral structure of the nail plate. One course of treatment is designed for 21 days, during which the product is applied to the nails and renewed every three days. From time to time, for preventive purposes, it can be used as a base base or a colorless varnish. German quality can be checked using a special composition for accelerated growth and restoration of nails "Nail Builder" (379 rubles) of the LCN trademark (Light Concept Nails), which produces professional cosmetics for manicure and pedicure. The composition has a vegetable origin and a bitter taste, which is effective in combating the habit of biting nails. At first, it is applied daily before bedtime, and when the desired result is achieved, it is used as a prophylaxis once a week. In some cases, it is allowed to stain the nail plate in yellow, since it contains natural extracts.

Another European brand that is just beginning to gain popularity among Russian consumers is professional cosmetics for nails Sophin. Manufacturing a variety of decorative and medicinal products, the range of its products includes varnish for strengthening and growth of the nail plate NailHardener (285 rubles) with keratin. It not only restores the structure of the nail, but also helps to accelerate its growth.

The original tool can be found in the collection of nail care products from Sally Hansen (USA) - a cuticle pencil that accelerates nail growth "Maximum Growth Cuticle Pen" (379 rubles). It contains vitamins A, E, C, panthenol and aloe extract to stimulate nail growth. The pencil is easy to use, you can carry it with you in a cosmetic bag and use it at any time convenient for you.

Folk remedies for nail growth at home

If you are an adherent of everything natural, you have the time and desire to take care of your nails on your own, then home procedures will allow you to achieve effective results if they are carried out regularly.

The easiest way to speed up nail growth and strengthen their structure is a weekly five-minute warming oil bath. All you need for this is olive or any other vegetable oil, which you need to warm up a little (to about forty degrees Celsius), hold your fingertips in it, and then gently blot them with a dry napkin.

Try baths to strengthen your nails based on sea or table salt. Dissolve one tablespoon in a glass of heated water and hold your nails in the resulting saline solution for twenty minutes, then be sure to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream.

Bath for nail growth

A more complex recipe for a bath includes: milk (125 ml), honey (3 tablespoons), freshly squeezed apple juice (15 ml), freshly squeezed lemon juice (1/2 lemon), salt (2 teaspoons). Heat the milk and add all the ingredients, lower your fingertips and hold for twenty minutes. Take a half hour break, reheat the mixture and lower your nails for another twenty minutes. Then rinse your hands with warm water and apply the cream. The recommended frequency is 3 times a week.

Any baths can be alternated with rubbing freshly squeezed lemon, cranberry juice, as well as red or black currant juice into the nail plate.