A quick surprise for your loved one. Photo ideas for original gifts. Birthday surprise ideas for your loved one

Surprise is a great way to express your love for a guy no matter how long you've been dating. To show him that you care and to make your boyfriend happy, you can do something nice: prepare a special gift, organize a party, or plan something more piquant.


Consider an idea

    Consider a few ideas. Your relationship, like your boyfriend, is unique. Think about what your boyfriend likes and enjoys. Think about what he likes activities, events, activities and things. Pay attention to what impresses him, what makes him happy and laughing.

    • If you're new to a relationship, you can give him hints by asking questions during the conversation. Do not fully disclose your plan so that it will be a surprise to him.
    • Ask a friend or relative of your boyfriend if he has any ideas.
    • Consider ideas that you're not sure about, but that have a high chance of making a good impression on your guy.
  1. Pay attention to what he likes. You will have many ideas if you carefully observe what he says, what he does, how he talks to others. Pay attention to what he orders in restaurants, what makes him happy, what he watches on TV. Listen carefully when he talks about what he likes when you hug nicely. Think about what makes him smile.

    Make a list. Write down everything that he likes (in your opinion) there. Write as many points as possible so that there are more ideas for a future surprise. In addition, when writing down some things, you may suddenly come up with something new, which should also be included in this list.

    Don't frame yourself. If you do not pay attention to the unexpectedness of the surprise, it will not turn out to be spectacular. If you just buy a gift for Valentine's Day, for example, it will be expected, so it won't be as impressive as an unexpected surprise. If you come up with a gift or surprise that is special for just the two of you, it will be just perfect. This is your chance to show (not just say) how much this person means to you!

    Pay attention to what your boyfriend does NOT like. It is very important to observe what your man does not like: what he does not like from food, what places he does not like. You don’t want to cook a gourmet dish with salmon and asparagus all day for a guy if he hates asparagus. The thing is, the guy is likely to eat this dish so as not to upset you, but it obviously won't make him as good an impression as you would like. Therefore, pay attention to his negative reactions to certain foods, to his experiences, to events and activities that cause him a negative reaction.

    Pleasant trifles

    1. Give him a gift for no reason. An unexpected gift? He always makes an impression! If you know that he really wants some thing (for example, a game or some kind of sports equipment), buy it if possible.

      • If you don't know what exactly he wants, or if it does not fit into your budget, you can surprise him with something else that he will also like. For example, you can give him a book or a DVD (depending on his interests).
      • If you are too young to exchange big gifts or various expensive items, just leave a cute note in his jacket pocket. This is also a pleasant surprise!
      • If you do not inflate a great event with your surprise, it will seem even more amazing! If you give him something with the words: "Oh, I was just thinking about you lately ...", he will be overwhelmed! Guaranteed.
    2. Buy him tickets to events he likes. For example, a sports event, a concert, a beer festival, or some other interesting event that your boyfriend would like. You need to buy tickets and arrange everything in advance. Find out what other activities are nearby and what else you can do. Make this day unforgettable for both of you!

      • If you don't really like what he likes, you can still try doing something together. This is a sign that this person is important to you, even if you are not interested in watching the progress of a sports game. Think and decide how you would like to have a good time together.
      • Alternatively, you can organize a bachelor party for him. Buy him and his friend tickets to a concert and send them out all night long. Stay at home and spend time alone with yourself.
    3. Treat him well throughout the day. Being royal all day long is a great surprise for any guy. If you want to surprise your boyfriend, wait until he has a day off, and then tell him that he gets privileges and can make any decisions that day. Let him be in charge.

      • Give him a day off from chores (or plan something yourself). The main thing is to help him relax. Let him choose what he wants to do. If he wants to go for a walk, do so. If he wants to stay at home, stay.
    4. Think about how to treat the guy. It is said that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Most likely it is, and this saying is true for many people. So cook a delicious dinner - it's a great surprise no matter how long you have been dating.

      • If you're new to a relationship and you've never cooked for him before, the dinner you cook will be a particularly pleasant surprise for him (no matter what you cook). You can then make him breakfast in bed the next morning.
      • Organize a picnic or reserve a table at your favorite restaurant. Having lunch together is a great idea, but if you go to the exact restaurant that he likes, it will be a sign of attention to him.
      • Go on a food tour within your city limits! Visit a local brewery to sample different beers (in which case you are driving), go to a café, or let him barbecue meats and cucumbers himself. Choose what he will definitely like. Be sure to think over the route.
      • Surprise him with a delicious lunch at work. Even if he's too busy to dine with you, put in a little effort and surprise him - it's a great way to show him that you care and love, even when you can't spend time together.
    5. Don't forget the little things. A lot of guys are interested in things that don't seem to matter to you. Planning some overly intricate surprise (for example, a "quest" you have invented may seem boring to some guys). But things that seem trivial to you can often make guys incredible. So, consider the following ideas:

      • Borrow the car from him and refuel it.
      • Offer to watch an action movie he likes together.
      • Make him a big tasty sandwich while he watches TV.
      • Clean up his apartment.

    Organize a surprise party

    1. Organize a party outside your home. A party is a great surprise, especially in a public place where you don't have to spend a lot of time cleaning. The guy will like it a lot more! You can organize a party at a friend's house, in a bar or restaurant that he likes.

      Consider soft drinks. Again, this definitely won't be superfluous! All guys love to eat and drink deliciously. If you're planning on having a surprise, stock up on food that he'll definitely enjoy. Find out what he loves and be sure to order or make these party snacks and drinks.

      • If your boyfriend is simple and unassuming in taste, organize a barbecue in the country or in the park. Invite a friend of his who is good at grilling meat, and make sure there is enough food for everyone.
      • If your boyfriend loves healthy food, go with him to a cafe where he hasn't been before. Book a table for friends, order them from the tasting menu, and plan ahead.
    2. Forget jewelry. You don't need any decorations to surprise a guy. However, if you like it, why not. But if it takes too much time and effort, you shouldn't focus on it. In any case, the guy is unlikely to appreciate how much time and effort you spent on these jewelry.

      Don't give the guy any hints. You can even pretend you don’t remember his birthday, or you can arrange a surprise for him on a normal day. Of course, you can congratulate the guy on the holiday so as not to spoil his mood, but do not make any hints, the guy should not guess that at home he is already waiting for a party among friends, delicious food and gifts.

      • In addition, you can organize a party on another day or for another occasion, when usually such gifts are not provided. For example, it could be a promotion at work. This happy event is rarely celebrated, but you can surprise it by hosting a party and celebrating its promotion.
    3. Invite his friends to the party. The friendliness of the guy is a huge plus. Surprise your man by bringing his friends together to play a video game or watch football together.

      • In addition, you can invite his friends to a cafe, restaurant or sports event. You will definitely surprise the guy by coming to the meeting with his friends!
    4. Chat with your boyfriend's family. If your partner has a good relationship with your parents, talk to them and be sure to invite them to take part in the surprise. It's pretty impressive, and it's also a sign that you are in a serious relationship.

      • It doesn't have to be a huge noisy party, just invite his friends over to dinner or lunch together, or ask your boyfriend if he would like to go out for dinner. The guy will appreciate the fact that you are interested in his surroundings.

    Surprise your man with adult tricks

    1. Meet him from work in something sexy. Pick some sexually explicit outfit and greet him in it as soon as he gets home from work. This is a very pleasant home greeting, especially if you know your boyfriend has had a long and difficult day at work.

      • You don't have to wear something too revealing. Any outfit you look really good in will be a sign that you've made an effort to pleasantly surprise your boyfriend.
      • The main thing is to make sure that he comes home from work alone. If he is not alone, an awkward situation can occur.
      • Better yet, forget about the corridor. Wait for him in the bedroom.
    2. Try a new pose. Is sex becoming commonplace? Do your research and try a new technique or pose that will drive him crazy the next time it comes to sex. Such a surprise will definitely satisfy him.

      • If you don't feel like trying new positions or adding novelty in a different way, wake him up with one of the old positions. It's always a pleasant surprise!
    3. Give your boy a relaxing massage. When the guy is going about his business or relaxing, surprise him with an erotic massage. This will not only relax the young man, but also really excite! Who doesn't like a surprise like this?

      • Massage does not always mean sex. Even if you are not at that stage of the relationship yet, back massage is a good way to show attention to your man.
    4. Use vulgar, stimulating phrases to him. If you usually behave rather modestly, a man will be surprised if you suddenly start expressing yourself like a star from an adult movie. Not to mention offering to watch such a movie together. If you feel like you can embarrass your boyfriend or make him feel uncomfortable this way, just don't overdo it.

      • If the dirty phrases confuse you, try asking the guy to say a couple of those phrases to you. Give him a chance to try something new if he's interested.
    5. Exchange vulgar text messages all day long. If your boyfriend is having a tough, stressful day, showing that you think of him erotically will drive him crazy. Don't forget to give hints of what you want to do after work.

      • Be careful with photographs. It's one thing if you're in a serious relationship and trust your partner. It is quite another matter to exchange messages with a person whom you do not know so well, who may in the future use these photos against you if you suddenly break up. So think twice.
    6. There are things that you are used to doing. If you are already in a serious relationship, chances are you have already gone through the flirting and teasing phase. Remember how you flirted with each other, what you said. Do it again! Have you ever forgotten to wear your underwear under your tight black dress when going out to dinner at a restaurant? Remind him of this by repeating this dress trick.

Every man wants from his beloved pleasant moments, surprises, affection. But how to guess his desires. Even the strongest couples in terms of the duration of dating each other do not always guess the desires.

What kind of surprise to arrange for your loved one?

If you want to please your loved one, you can always. Fortunately, ideas for creation are now provided in different sources. And you need to find a little time to implement them.

How to arrange a surprise for your loved one?

First of all, you need to decide what a man might like - what are his interests, hobbies and, in general, what could touch his soul, since not all men are romantics and a simple postcard can hardly be surprised.

Options for surprises for loved ones

1. Picnic in a picturesque place. What you need for this is to find a suitable place in nature, a picturesque forest, a river bank, where you could only be together. Organize a picnic meal by preparing something light that your companion loves. You can combine two surprises together and plant your own "tree of love" in nature. Take seedlings and supplies for planting. In the future, the tree will need to be looked after and you, thinking that this is your symbol of love, will strengthen the relationship even more.

2. Sky lantern. While walking around the city in the evening, suggest launching a flashlight into the sky. It can be of different shapes, in the form of a heart. You can attach a piece of paper to it on a thread, where your most unpleasant days, quarrels spent together will be written. This will be the personification of the fact that you release all problems and troubles into the sky. The same can be done by placing everything in a bottle and letting it go downstream. it all depends on the location of the surprise.

3. Gifts with your own hands - will always be more meaningful because you spent your time, invested your love, warmth. Tie a man with a warm sweater, scarf, socks in the cold season, making an unusual ornament with designations familiar only to you. Make a personal certificate, a medal from scrap materials with declarations of love.

4. On your computer, you can make a slideshow of personal photos by adding music that only you two are familiar with. Of course, men are not such touching creatures, but anyone will surely be pleased to look, remember how everything was.

5. Buy a ticket to a football game with his favorite team, hockey, a concert, depending on his hobbies. Even if you are not very interested, all the same with your whole appearance you should show how happy you are with your beloved.

6. In a private setting, dance for him an erotic dance, striptease. You don't even need to have any special training for this. When everything comes from the soul, the body itself will help you to orient yourself. And what man doesn't like that. Choose slow music, otherwise your dance may make your partner laugh, watch the video lessons on the Internet, there are now a huge number of them and everything will work out.

7. Invite your half to play exciting doubles games. It can be anything - strip games, writing a letter with your lips on the body, coming up with riddles with body parts and guessing them, kissing this place.

8. Prepare an envelope in an envelope, where the very last one will have the following inscription: “So I also searched for you for a long time and still found you”.

9. You can play an exciting game of roulette - write down your desires with numbers on paper and roll the usual dice, which number comes up, then the desire comes true. The whole thrill is that desires can be the most unusual, and it is very interesting to fulfill them, especially when the atmosphere is full of romance and warmth.

10. Distribute sweets and other love notes in all his pockets. Once your boyfriend discovers, they'll be pleasantly surprised.

You can come up with a huge variety of original ideas and this is not an exhaustive list. It is important to feel each other and everything will work out.

Maya Taturevich September 29, 2018 11:36 pm

The birthday of a beloved man is a special holiday in which you want to give him what he dreams of more than anything else. Vivid emotions, a festive table, a lot of friends will create a festive mood, but without a carefully thought-out presentation, the celebration will be a little incomplete.

Do you want to make this day truly unforgettable? In this article, we will show you how to surprise your loved one for his birthday: we have collected the best ideas especially for you.

How to choose a gift for your beloved man?

Before you go to the store for a present, it's worth making a list of what your lover is fond of. You can fit anything into it: from reading books on electronic media to comics or Marvel toys. Do you think that such surprises are not serious, and it is worth giving something global? Nothing of the kind: it is not the value of the gift that is important, but the emotions that you put into it.

Remember: adult men are the same boys who will enjoy a radio-controlled car or quadcopter more than a cool watch from a global manufacturer.

It is in your power to make a little surprise for a guy - the main thing is to know his preferences. Let's think about what you can give to the most beloved man in the world?


Here are some great ideas for what to present to your significant other: based on his interests:

  1. The sportsman will be delighted with a mountain bike, a cool snowboard, carabiners and equipment for mountaineering, goods for fishing or hunting.
  2. A traveler who dreams of walking a hundred roads will be delighted with cool trekking shoes, a map of the world, a globe - bar, a tent or a cool backpack.
  3. The gamer will be delighted with a cool video card, a powerful gaming laptop, headphones or a special computer mouse.
  4. The motorist will like massage cape or covers for seats, video recorder, speaker system or sippy cup.
  5. A musician should present a musical instrument, a waterproof speaker for a shower, tickets to a concert of his favorite artist.

But lovers of modern technologies will like the latest smartphone model, smart watch, game console, camera. Just remember what he has long dreamed of.

Men's watch on a metal bracelet, OKAMI(price by link)

In addition to gifts of interest, there are a number of gifts that will not leave indifferent any man:

  1. Impressions. Present a flight in a hot air balloon or paragliding, an ATV race, a trip to a climbing wall, a trip to another city, a mysterious quest - this will be an unforgettable holiday.
  2. Books. As you know, this is the best gift. Check out his favorite authors in advance and donate their latest masterpiece.
  3. Sweets. All men are big children who eat candy and cakes at night. You can buy ready-made cake, but even better, bake it yourself. As for chocolate, there are now many sites on the Internet where you can order handmade chocolate wrapped in personalized covers.
  4. Decorations. Cufflinks, a beautiful watch, a stylish gold pendant will be a great surprise for those men who are accustomed to dressing up fashionably.

Gold pendant with diamonds, SL(price by link)

Remember: perfume, money, stationery and tools are not a gift! Show imagination and creativity - your loved one will appreciate it and will love you even more. However, if you want to give something intangible, you can arrange a day of surprises - no one has ever given him such a gift before you.

Unusual surprises

Want to impress your lover and create a festive mood right after you wake up? Then you should arrange an unusual surprise for your beloved husband in the morning for his birthday: it is very simple to do this:

  1. Bring breakfast in bed. To do this, you can put on a maid's costume: believe me, no man will refuse such a romantic start to the holiday. And you breakfast then eat together.
  2. Record a congratulations clip. Choose your best collaborative photos, add cool captions and melodies, and edit videos with Windows Movie Maker. You can ask your friends to say a few words about the birthday boy, or you can ask strangers to help them wave their hand and say the phrase: "Happy Birthday!"
  3. Present a jar labeled "100 Reasons I Love You." It's very easy to make them, and your man will love the fact that he is so cool.
  4. Party with friends. While one of your friends distracts your lover, decorate the room with balloons and streamers with congratulations, organize a festive table, arrange decorations, carefully think over the scenario. If the birthday person is a fan of a movie or computer game, try to recreate it in reality. Believe me, he can never forget such a surprise!
  5. Certificate for the fulfillment of desires. You can buy ready-made, but it's even better to do it yourself. To do this, we need a notebook or album, on the cover of which the name of the hero of the occasion and the date of the event are written. Inside, you can write any wishes: "Going to the bathhouse with friends", "Evening of fabulous passion", "New machine on the control panel", etc. If reluctance to make a book myself, you can buy it on websites that specialize in unusual gifts.
  6. Romantic dinner. Have you decided to celebrate the holiday together? Prepare or order his favorite dishes at the restaurant, buy delicious wine or champagne, put on a seductive dress and lace underwear. But remember: this is only one part of the iceberg - it should be supplemented with some cute little surprise.

We hope that the ideas for a birthday surprise for your beloved man, collected in this article, inspired you, and you are already preparing unforgettable for your soulmate surprise.

Photo of a surprise for a loved one on his birthday - a romantic candlelight dinner

The main rule when giving a gift is to give it from the bottom of your heart. And then even a burnt cake or a homemade postcard will become the best and most desirable gift for your beloved man.

We will share with you some ideas:

Oil burner:

  1. Buy an aroma lamp.
  2. Study (carefully) the instructions for it.
  3. Choose your favorite place in your loved one’s room or apartment.
  4. Wait for your loved one from work.
  5. Turn on this lamp when your loved one is with her.
  6. Give him a sincere smile.

Warm scarf:

  1. Buy good (quality) threads.
  2. Buy knitting needles.
  3. Remember if you know how to knit (if you don't know how, learn).
  4. Start knitting a scarf for your beloved.
  5. When you finish knitting, sew three buttons on the scarf.

Leaves on which the words are written:

  1. Buy a lot of colored leaves (better - leaflets - stickers).
  2. Write on each of them some beautiful phrase ("I adore you", "I missed you to madness", "I adore you", "you are the best man", "I am incredibly difficult without you", "you are very pretty "," Thank you for being with me now ").
  3. Place these pieces of paper all over the apartment.

Air balloons:

  1. Buy a sea of ​​snow-white balls.
  2. Inflate all these balloons (be careful not to burst).
  3. Carry the balls to his car little by little.
  4. Decorate it (with balls) as you like.

Matrix (screen) for laptop:

  1. Collect enough money.
  2. Get the matrix.
  3. Take time to go and change it.
  4. Enjoy the result and the joy of your loved one.

Beloved photo session:

  1. Present the guy with the flag of his favorite football team.
  2. Wait until the day when the match of this team will be broadcast on TV.
  3. Invite your loved one to take a picture with a flag.
  4. Tell him to put a photo (the best one) with a flag on the VKontakte avatar.


  1. Get the guy to go out with you.
  2. Take him to some ski center.
  3. Rent some tubing.
  4. Admit to the guy that it was all invented for him.
  5. Have fun every minute of your extreme time.

Shopping for clothes for yourself:

  1. Go to a clothing store.
  2. Buy something cute and seductive from the store (for yourself, but for his sake).
  3. Do a general cleaning at home.
  4. Wait for your beloved from work.
  5. Feed him a delicious but ordinary dinner.
  6. Change into the outfit you bought while he splashes around in the bathroom.


  1. Find some unusual key at your grandmother or in the attic.
  2. Sew a pillow (in the shape of a heart).
  3. Give the guy a pillow and a key.
  4. Tell him that you are giving him your heart and a "master key" from him.


  1. Collect a lot of money.
  2. Buy twenty - thirty (maybe more) bottles of champagne.
  3. Wait for the guy to return from work (or school).
  4. Fill the tub with champagne (instead of water).
  5. Take him to the bath.


  1. Take a large piece of paper (landscape).
  2. Take lots of paints, markers and pencils.
  3. Draw a large and vivid drawing.
  4. Present it when you are sure that it is more than ready.

What gifts can be a real surprise for a loved one:

  1. Plasticine figurine. How to make a figurine? Any. You just need to choose expressive colors so that it is not boring to look at it.
  2. Training apparatus. It can be any (for anything) simulator! But take into account the dimensions so that there is where to put it.
  3. A set of handkerchiefs. Modestly? But he will not think that you can give such a gift! The right thing and never superfluous.
  4. Bike. You can ride it together. This is a wonderful surprise on wheels! The guy will be delighted with him despite the fact that he already has an expensive and beloved car!
  5. Ashtray. It will be relevant if your loved one belongs to smokers. If not, then it's not worth giving it.
  6. Tetris. It will remind you of a distant childhood. The guy will be delighted, even if he is already over thirty in age.
  7. Wristwatch. Don't chase the price! If you see an unusual watch - buy it! True, you still need to take into account the attitude of your loved one to the watch.
  8. Huge pie or cake. Don't have time to stand in the kitchen yourself? Order a similar "charm" in a store or online store!
  9. Notebook. One (which he already has) he will use for work, and the second for everything else. Many guys dream of such surprises!
  10. Anything collectible. Remember (ask) what he likes to collect. Replenishing his collection with at least something small, you will make your loved one very happy!
  11. Constructor. Probably, the guy didn't play enough with them when he was little! And if he played enough, then in his "childhood time" there were definitely no such toys! See how happy and surprised he is with the surprise! The designer will have a pretty constructive influence on him.
  12. Soft toy. There are wonderful toys (oversized) that can be used as pillows, armchairs or a sofa.
  13. Alarm clock (flying). He will be immensely grateful to you for such a gift - a surprise. After all, it is quite difficult for men to get up (wake up) in the morning. And you will make his life easier with your surprise.
  14. Wall mounted TV. Put it in place of the old one that stands and gathers dust in the corner.
  15. Mini - bar or mini - refrigerator. Many men dream about this. After all, they want to relax sometimes.
  16. Board game. Choose any! The main thing is that you present it in an unusual, unexpected way.
  17. Clothes hanger. Let it have at least ten hooks. And it's okay if it is a little "glamorous" (decorated). And men love pretty little things.
  18. What worthy surprise can you make for your loved one? - Ring (gold). Give this to your beloved if he likes gold. You can also give a silver one, if it is more supportive of silver. Feel free to donate a chain too!

Switch over. ... ...

What do you think is more pleasant - to arrange surprises or to be the one for whom they are made? Of course, as anyone. But many girls, without denying that it is always good to receive pleasant surprises from their half, do not forget from time to time to arrange a surprise for their loved one themselves. However, the hundredth note in the bathroom on the mirror or the one hundred and first romantic dinner by candlelight can drive a loved one into melancholy, or even irritate. What to think of?

Special date

By February 23, Valentine's Day or some memorable date for two, you need to prepare in advance, surprises for the holidays are a very painstaking work. In addition to the main gift, which is better to give at the end of the evening, on this day the man needs to be surprised with something:

  1. Record a video or assemble an animated screensaver from shared photos by signing them and sending them by email.
  2. Arrange for him a paragliding flight, piloting a small plane (helicopter) or racing for two on an ATV or jet ski.
  3. Organize a quest around the city or district, having agreed in advance with those people who will have to give assignments.
  4. If a man cannot live without fishing, then a trip to a rented house by the lake so that he can safely fish will be a real surprise for his beloved.
  5. Car enthusiasts should enjoy extreme driving with special maneuvers on a special track.

When the tired and contented lover returns home, it is imperative to feed him what he loves most and give him a gift. Those who are not yet tired of entertainment are invited not only to receive a present, but to solve a crossword puzzle, where the key word will be the name of the gift.

At the behest of the soul

Sometimes you really want to surprise your half, but no holidays are foreseen. How to surprise your loved one without much preparation?


Technological progress, or rather the ability of a smartphone to transfer images, can be connected to the creation of surprises. During the day, you need to photograph all the hearts that meet on the way, and send them to your beloved, accompanied by appropriate words or just emoticons. Where to look for hearts?

  • in the form of puddles;
  • in the form of clouds;
  • in the form of leaves on a tree;
  • on shop windows;
  • in children's drawings on the asphalt;
  • in the color of dogs passing by, etc.

If nothing at all meets on the way, the heart can be drawn independently or folded from improvised objects.

A full jar of love

If you want to arrange a surprise for your beloved on a weekday, there may not be many ideas for him, because both are very busy. However, the girl will certainly be able to collect such a present during the day:

  1. In the morning, on the way to work, you need to buy a small beautiful can.
  2. All day write notes, which tells what exactly attracts her to her lover or what is especially dear to her from their shared past.
  3. All the notes must be put in a jar.
  4. In the evening after work, hand over to your beloved this jar with the words “how many times have thoughts of you visited me today” or “here”.

A man can read such notes before bedtime or leave this jar in order to periodically take out pieces of paper and read them.


How to surprise your loved one for his birthday, except for a good gift? It depends on what the man is fond of.

Football fan

Of course, a trip to the stadium for a match of his favorite team will be a wonderful surprise for a guy who is fond of football. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. In this case, you need to make a video cut of the best moments with the participation of this team (or one player), burn it on a disc and watch it with him in the evening.

Music lover

Concert tickets are a great gift in and of themselves. But for this gift to be a surprise, you need to order a taxi and, without saying where exactly the couple is going, take him to this concert. For greater effect, you can blindfold your beloved.

If this does not work out, then you need to please the music lover at home - prepare a musical number, remaking your favorite song so that it looks like about him, and perform it, depicting the performer to whom the beloved is not indifferent.

Computer warrior

Many boys, guys and even adult men love computer games, but, as a rule, those who live with them do not like this kind of love. A surprise for them will be a disc with a game they have long dreamed of, friends invited to play and a whole room prepared for this occasion (a comfortable sofa, a TV and a set-top box, and a table with their favorite drinks and snacks in front of the sofa).

A car enthusiast will love everything related to cars, and a joint hike is suitable for a tourist. One way or another, you need to know about the hobbies of your beloved in order to make him a truly pleasant surprise. If there are doubts or the girl does not understand anything about the hobby of her half, it is worth consulting with his friends. He, of course, will find out about it later, but he will appreciate such care even more.

Nice addition

If a girl realizes that it is difficult to surprise her man with something, you can try to cheer him up by making a surprise for your beloved with your own hands:

  1. Knitting: you can knit almost anything, as long as the girl has a good command of this technique. Crocheted house slippers and reminiscent of football boots look funny; a scarf where one of his "wise" sayings is knitted, etc.
  2. Bouquet: it is not customary for men to give flowers, but the bouquet may not be made of flowers, but from socks rolled in the form of roses or from small souvenir bottles with collectible drinks.
  3. Photobook: an originally designed album containing photographs from important events for a man (graduation, travel, birth of a child, etc.) can touch even the most seemingly imperturbable and "impenetrable".
When there are no ideas at all, it remains to edit a video consisting of photographs where a girl (and possibly completely strangers) will hold signs with a declaration of love or with the positive qualities of a man written on them: kind, smart, brave, etc. ... Such frames should be replaced by photographs of the beloved himself.

You can think of anything you want, the main thing is to take into account the interests of the person for whom it is being done. If a surprise is made from the heart, a man will definitely appreciate it!