How can you lower the temperature of a pregnant woman? What can be so dangerous for an increased body temperature during pregnancy? Reasons for the rise in temperature

Of course, each of us at least once in our life has definitely faced such an unpleasant phenomenon as hyperthermia - an increase in temperature. And if for an ordinary person it usually ends with the reception of a banal antipyretic, then for young ladies who are in an "interesting position", the situation is much more complicated. Whether to bring down the temperature during pregnancy and how to do it correctly, protecting the unborn child as much as possible - every expectant mother thinks about this first of all.

Why is there a fever?

Besides the common cold, there are other reasons for fever at every gestational age. Therefore, before knocking down the temperature during pregnancy, it is worth finding out why it has risen. The culprit may be various poisonings, infections, diseases of various glands, or even just a nervous breakdown. Depending on the period, most often the reasons are as follows:

I trimester

  • flu, colds, other respiratory diseases;
  • physiological (normal) hyperthermia.

II trimester

  • a variety of upper respiratory tract infections;
  • sudden pyelonephritis of pregnancy.

III trimester

  • viral and bacterial respiratory infections;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • intrahepatic cholestasis.

Therefore, before thinking about how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy, you first need to find out why it has risen, and for this you need to consult with your doctor.

When the temperature needs to be reduced

It is known that hyperthermia is one of the ways that our body uses to fight pathogens. Therefore, not every temperature needs to be brought down at all. However, there are times when this must be done - and the sooner the better. Therefore, remember what temperature it is simply necessary to bring down during pregnancy:

  • if hyperthermia is observed for a long period and does not respond to treatment with non-pharmacological agents;
  • if, without the use of drugs, the temperature rises very quickly and rapidly;
  • when the hyperthermia (fast and sharp) is caused by a bacterial infection, such as sore throat;
  • when the temperature has exceeded 38˚C and continues to rise;
  • if the temperature rises above 37.5˚C in late pregnancy;

Why is the temperature rise dangerous?

Considering the question of how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy without harming the baby, one must also not forget about what exactly hyperthermia can threaten.

  1. A high temperature in pregnant women, and especially one that cannot be reduced for a long time, leads to a violation of the function of protein synthesis. As you know, this is the main "building" element in the body. Not only our own cells are made of it, but also the organism of the unborn child is "built".
  2. Long-term intoxication of the female "pregnant" body gives a strong additional load on the cardiovascular system, and this, as you understand, also does not add health to either the mother or the baby.
  3. Excessive hyperthermia can cause serious disturbances in the formation of various organs of the fetus.
  4. Already starting from 37.8˚C, the temperature can be considered quite dangerous for the mother and the fetus, and after overcoming the 38˚C mark, negative consequences are possible for the formation of a healthy nervous system of the fetus, which can affect the mental abilities of the unborn baby.

1st trimester

So how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy? 1 trimester, oddly enough, differs significantly in this matter from the rest of the term.

The fact is that if in the early stages the hyperthermia is expressed insignificantly, no more than 37.5˚C, then it is not necessary to bring it down at all - this is a physiological norm.

This temperature is called hyperthermia of pregnant women and is observed due to the fact that in the body of the expectant mother there is an increased level of the "pregnant" hormone - progesterone. One of its biological effects is a particular effect on the center of thermoregulation. So the more progesterone - the higher the temperature, it does not need to be treated, as they say, "it will pass by itself." Most often, this effect disappears by the end of the first trimester, but sometimes it persists until the very birth.

2nd trimester

Most often, during this period, the temperature returns to normal, but sometimes it can rise slightly. This is due to the same reasons as mentioned above. However, if you feel unwell, immediately go to the doctor, he will conduct an examination and advise on how to bring down the temperature. During pregnancy, the 2nd trimester is considered the main one - it is during this period that the formation of the main organs and systems of the baby begins, and prolonged hyperthermia can lead to irreparable consequences.

3rd trimester

Now let's talk about later dates. How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy in the third trimester and should it be done? Here, too, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

Too high a temperature can affect the condition and structure of the placenta, cause its premature aging or even detachment. Such an outcome can threaten with premature birth, which means that the baby can be born premature and weak.

There is another danger. In the last stages, under the influence of progesterone, intestinal motility and tone decrease, and constipation often appears. Due to the fact that the uterus significantly increases in size, there is a redistribution of the intestines and there is a risk of developing acute appendicitis. It all starts with a sharp pain in the stomach and is accompanied by vomiting, hyperthermia, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. If you find at least one of them - urgently call an ambulance, delay here is unacceptable.

Alternative to pills

Well, here we come, in fact, to the question of how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy. You shouldn't rush for pills right away - try to cope with folk methods.

First of all, you need to drink as much warm (not hot!) Water as possible, preferably with lemon. It helps to improve sweating and keep the body from dehydration.

To combat hyperthermia, it is also good to use teas or decoctions of fruits and herbs that have an antipyretic effect: raspberries, lindens, strawberries, chamomile and others.

Here are some recipes:

  • 2 tbsp. l. flowers, as well as leaves of wild strawberries, pour 1 liter of boiling water and warm up in a water bath for 10 minutes; then remove from heat, close the lid more tightly, wrap and insist for one hour; take one glass after meals;
  • 1 tsp linden blossom pour a glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for 20 minutes; drink instead of tea during the day;
  • take 1 tbsp. l. lime blossom, burdock root and raspberries, mix; 2 tbsp. l. pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes; cool, strain through cheesecloth or strainer; add the resulting broth to a glass with boiled water, divide into 4-5 receptions; drink after meals;
  • mix chamomile + linden + thyme in equal parts; 1 tsp the resulting collection, brew with a glass of boiling water, take warm instead of tea;


If the "grandmother's" methods do not help, there is no choice but to bring down the temperature during pregnancy with pills. The most "safe" in this case is considered to be "Paracetamol" and other drugs created on its basis: "Panadol", "Efferalgan", "Tylenol". It is also considered acceptable to use the medication "Indomethacin" and its "clones" - "Metindol" and "Vramed".

When deciding to resort to medication, remember that to start, you should still limit yourself to the "child" dosage or take half of your usual "adult" dose.

What absolutely must not be done

Before starting to engage in "self-medication", you need to clearly understand how you can bring down the temperature during pregnancy, and what methods should not be used in any case.

If you decide to use medicines, remember - some of the medicines we are used to should NOT be taken under any circumstances. These medicines are recognized as one of the most dangerous for a pregnant woman:

  • Aspirin - lowers blood clotting and can cause severe bleeding.
  • "Analgin" - promotes disorders in the formation of the cardiovascular system.
  • "Tetracycline" - provokes a delay in the development of the unborn baby.
  • "Streptomycin" - promotes the development of deafness in the fetus.
  • "Levomycetin" - provokes changes in the child's liver.
  • "Nurofen" - causes contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage.

Let's go through the "grandmother's" methods used when you need to bring down the temperature. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to use oregano, coltsfoot, calendula, St. John's wort, ivan tea and sage. If infusions from these herbs are quite useful for an ordinary person, then in pregnant women they can cause serious consequences for the body.

It is also forbidden to use rubdowns and compresses using vodka, alcohol or vinegar. Of course, these remedies are very effective, but such aggressive additives penetrate your body through the skin and can harm the fetus. If you nevertheless decide to wipe off - do it with clean cool water, the effect will be slightly less, but the harm will be reduced to zero.

And finally, one more warning: do not wear thick woolen socks and wrap yourself in three blankets, and even more so do not try to soar your feet! Such procedures will only make you feel worse - the body must "breathe" and freely release excess heat into the environment.

Bearing is not always a wonderful and happy period of waiting for the birth of a baby. Throughout the entire 9-month period, a lot of dangers await mommy. One of these threats is considered to be an increase in temperature during pregnancy in the second trimester. Even minor ailments can indicate the development of serious diseases, and even signs of hyperthermia make you panic. What can happen to the temperature in the middle of gestation, what explains its deviation from the norm, and how a girl should act in such a situation.

Taking medications on your own is very dangerous.

The period of the second trimester is considered, in fact, the calmest, in contrast to stages 1 and 3 of gestation. Its terms are 13-24 weeks.

  • Toxic manifestations in the 2nd trimester no longer bother the girl, headaches and dizziness also disappear.
  • Mom's tummy is already noticeably rounded, but under clothes it can still remain invisible. That is, mommy has not yet acquired the awkwardness characteristic of late terms, she is quite capable of walking and yoga for pregnant women.
  • During these weeks, the intraorganic structures of the baby are actively formed.
  • His brain has already fully developed, he is slowly starting to move, although Mom still does not feel these movements.
  • The baby can already feel pain, learns to perform swallowing and sucking movements, begins to breathe periodically.
  • At the 16-week period in pregnant women, the formation of placental structures ends, which completely take on the provision of the fetus with nutrition and oxygen, as well as protection from negative factors such as infections, etc.

The changes in general are significant, so the immune system can respond to them with hyperthermic reactions.

The temperature in pregnant women is normal

The normal temperature during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is 36-37 degrees. Although in some cases, thermodynamic indicators can increase up to 37.5 degrees. If at the same time there are no pathological signs, then it is considered that this is a normal temperature. It's just that the placental structures actively produce progesterone hormone, which provokes the appearance of subfebrile condition.

The water should be warm enough, but not hot

During gestation, progesterone gradually increases, but closer to childbirth, its content decreases. Therefore, a slightly increased temperature during all periods of pregnancy should not cause concern if it is not accompanied by any deterioration in well-being. But to exclude any pathology, you still need to consult a specialist.

It is worth worrying if specific clinical situations occur. For example, when a girl feels ailments and discomfort in the lower abdomen, in addition to these manifestations, the patient is worried about hyperthermia during pregnancy, then it is necessary to undergo examination and ultrasound diagnostics. In the presence of subfebrile condition after conception, ectopic gestation can be suspected.

If a girl experiences a feeling of aches, all signs of a viral infection are present, while hyperthermia is indicators slightly exceeding the 37-degree mark, then you do not need to be particularly afraid. Experts say that such a temperature during gestation is not dangerous for the fetus. The placenta takes an active part in thermoregulation, preventing the penetration of viruses and infectious agents. But you still need to consult a doctor urgently in order to stop the virus and avoid possible complications of the disease.

It is also considered abnormal if hyperthermia during pregnancy exceeds 38 degrees. In such a situation, emergency treatment is necessary, because such a condition may indicate not only influenza or ARVI, but also more serious chronic pathologies. Tuberculosis or intoxication, pyelonephritis or herpes and other severe pathologies may be accompanied by fever. Therefore, an urgent need to contact a specialist.

How to measure temperature

Carrying out thermodynamic measurements in the 2nd trimester (and in other periods) is considered one of the most important studies for diagnosing the condition of the fetus and mother.

  • Girls are encouraged to regularly determine what temperature is in order to determine the general condition of the reproductive structures of the pregnant woman.
  • The most informative is the basal measurements, which are carried out in the morning without getting out of bed.
  • Starting from the third trimester, measurements can be taken in the usual way - in the armpit, because at this time the basal rates coincide with the usual ones.
  • If bearing is proceeding normally, then in the 2nd trimester it is enough to take measurements once every 5-7 days.

Usually, by the 13th week, the thermodynamic indicators stabilize, since progesterone reduces the growth rate, the temperature during this period normally does not exceed 37.5 ° C

Causes of a hyperthermic reaction

It's important to keep your weight in check

If the thermometer reported a temperature rise, then it is necessary to find out the reasons for such a reaction. Usually the most common cause is colds. The fetus as a whole is protected by the placental barrier, but advanced viral pathologies can provoke simply irreparable complications. Experts warn that sometimes such conditions are fraught with fetal hypoxia and miscarriages. Sometimes a febrile condition is due to an infectious effect, an increase in renal loads occurs.

An ectopic is unlikely, because it is too late to detect it in the 2nd trimester, as a rule, it is detected much earlier. But it is still worth checking if only to exclude any pathological conditions. Sometimes a hyperthermic reaction is the result of overheating, which is typical for hot summers. To exclude such a reaction, it is necessary to avoid stuffy rooms, always have water on hand and avoid crowding too many people.

If the thermometer is 37 ° C

If the temperature during the 13-24 weeks of gestation has risen to 37 degrees, then you should not let everything go on the brakes. It is imperative to consult a doctor, even if the causes of hyperthermia are frivolous and not pathological. It's just that sometimes a similar condition is associated with inflammatory processes, beginning viral or bacterial pathologies, etc. The specialist will conduct the necessary examinations, exclude or confirm the presence of the disease and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

If the hyperthermia is above 37.5 degrees, then you need to start treatment. Such a temperature during gestation requires serious attention, it must be brought down, because such indicators can seriously harm the baby. In order for mom and the fetus to always be healthy, it is necessary to periodically carry out thermodynamic measurements, undergo medical examinations and laboratory tests. A girl should be more attentive to her well-being, listen to the signals that the body gives her, then she will timely notice suspicious signs of fever, which is important in case of serious illnesses.

Colds in the second trimester

A decrease in the immune status often becomes a provoking factor in catarrhal pathologies during gestation. Colds are triggered by ARVI or influenza virus. Usually a girl realizes that she has a cold when she has sudden weakness and headaches, general malaise and fatigue. Mom notices the appearance of a cough, sneezes often, her appetite disappears, chills and fever appear.

A common cold is accompanied by 38-degree hyperthermia, but with a flu-like origin of the ailment, all the symptoms become more pronounced and intense.

It is much more difficult for pregnant women to protect themselves from colds, just the immune system goes down in the first weeks after conception in order to prevent a possible conflict between the mother's body and the fetus. Doctors call this condition immunosuppression, it is absolutely natural, but fraught with the patient's vulnerability to colds. Stress and smoking, contact with a sick person, an unhealthy diet and a long stay outside in the cold can aggravate the situation and increase the likelihood of colds.

Why a cold is dangerous for pregnant women

Only a doctor can prescribe a suitable therapy

If temperature rises are observed often and bother for a long time, then mommy must definitely find out the reason for such reactions. A cold can become very dangerous for the fetus, because it can negatively affect the formation of vital intraorganic structures or cause a miscarriage. A running cold can lead to intrauterine infection and fetal death.

Influenza conditions are dangerous by secondary infection with bacterial microorganisms, which is fraught with malformations and miscarriages. But it is also impossible to panic when cold symptoms appear, it is not at all useful for pregnant women to be nervous. According to statistics, about 75% of patients during pregnancy manage to get a cold, but at the same time, serious consequences occur in less than 1%. The main thing is to start treatment with safe drugs in a timely manner.

If mom ignores the fever, tries to cure it on her own, complications such as hypoxia, malformations or secondary infections, fetoplacental insufficiency and developmental delay syndrome, as well as intrauterine infection may occur. Similar consequences arise as a result of a long-term elevated temperature in a pregnant woman. Therefore, such conditions require therapy.

What not to do

Some mothers, naively believing that they are able to cope with the fever on their own, begin to be treated with home methods or remedies from the home medicine cabinet, while forgetting about their interesting situation. Before bringing down the temperature with any medication, you need to talk to the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

  1. It is forbidden to take Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Analgin, Citramon and Askofen, Coldrex, etc.
  2. With colds, pregnant women are categorically unacceptable to take antibiotics and various dietary supplements.
  3. It is very unsafe to go to the bathhouse or take an overly hot bath while carrying.
  4. With a severe rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drugs such as Naphthyzin or Nazivin, Otrivin or Sanorin cannot be used.
  5. Homemade methods can be far from safe, too. For example, it is categorically impossible to steam the legs when carrying.
  6. If you need to warm them up, it is better to put on woolen socks and wrap your legs with a blanket.
  7. You can not wipe off with alcohol or vinegar, because the toxic components of these fluids actively penetrate the skin and negatively affect the fetus.

You should not risk your baby's health and even his life. It is better to once again consult a doctor and consult with him regarding your further actions, rather than later reap the fruits of your reckless behavior.

How to bring down hyperthermia in the second trimester

It is imperative to observe bed rest

If it was not possible to avoid the disease, and the temperature jumped above 37.5 ° C, then you need to think about how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy. Remember, it is categorically unacceptable to endure even the lightest cold on the legs, especially when carrying a baby. You need to fully rest and stay in bed.

Self-medication is contraindicated, as is self-herbal therapy, etc. Before using any remedy, a gynecologist's consultation is required. It is necessary to avoid any strong medicines to eliminate cough or runny nose, because for women in a position, any drug can be potentially dangerous.

In addition to unauthorized intake of medications, it is also necessary to avoid stressful and overly exciting psycho-emotional situations, and sleep more. And in general, pregnancy is the best time to sleep off, because after the birth of a crumbs of time for sleep, mom will no longer have much. Only the doctor, and not the girlfriends, can recommend a specific drug or herbal infusion.


If, during gestation, a rapid increase in temperature indicators begins, then you need to take care of stopping the hyperthermic reaction with the help of antipyretic medications. Paracetamol is considered the safest and most approved in the second, and the rest of the trimesters. This drug belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory drugs. Due to its ability to affect the thermoregulatory center, Paracetamol is widely used as an antipyretic agent in pregnant women.

Moreover, Paracetamol is indispensable for colds and respiratory tract infections, headaches. But it is precisely this symptomatology that is present with hyperthermia against the background of a cold. Therefore, with the help of Paracetamol, it is possible to eliminate not only the fever, but also a number of other accompanying symptoms. But even such an almost safe drug is contraindicated at all stages of gestation for patients who have problems with the functioning of the liver, renal structures, and also have an allergic intolerance to the drug. Otherwise, the drug effectively helps to cope with hyperthermia in pregnant women.

Home methods

Sometimes it is possible to solve the problem of fever in a pregnant woman without the use of medications.

  • If mommy suffers from a runny nose for a long time, then this condition will affect the fetus extremely negatively, causing oxygen deficiency.
  • And with a strong and long-term disturbing cough, a pregnant woman may develop uterine hypertonia.
  • The use of most antitussive or nasal medications is undesirable, but it is also unacceptable to be inactive.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids in the form of teas, herbal decoctions, natural juices or fruit drinks will help to eliminate the temperature.
  • It is useful to ventilate the room, put a cool compress on the forehead (but not cold, otherwise vascular spasm will occur).
  • If mommy is trembling, she is cold, her hands are cold and dry, and the thermometer shows the presence of temperature, then you need to warm the body with hot drinks and warm clothes.

Any action must be coordinated with an obstetrician-gynecologist, taking any herbal drink or pill, rubbing, etc. If there was a sudden rise in temperature, the lower back and abdomen became ill, the woman began to have a fever, then it is necessary to urgently go to the antenatal clinic or call an ambulance, the main thing is not to wait , what will get better, otherwise you can miss the moment, then the consequences will be dire.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers many means to normalize the temperature background in a pregnant woman. Since mummies in a similar state are advised to drink plenty of water, rosehip fruit infusion or infusion, raspberry tea, linden broth are ideal for these purposes. If, against the background of hyperthermia, there are accompanying symptoms such as sore throat or cough, then it is recommended to rinse. There are many recipes for rinsing solutions, for example, chamomile infusion or warm water with soda and salt, with soda and honey, just a saline solution using sea salt, etc.

Gargling with sage, eucalyptus and calendula is also good for sore throat. These herbs are mixed and steamed with boiling water, and then gargled. You can also use this herbal decoction for inhalation. Dry cough is effectively eliminated with soda inhalation, after which an intense sputum discharge begins. If you have a runny nose for a long time, then rinsing the nasal cavity with a saline solution, which is prepared from a teaspoon of sea (maybe ordinary) salt and a liter of warm water, helps to alleviate the condition.

Why is hyperthermia dangerous?

If a pregnant woman saw an indicator above 37.5 ° C on the thermometer, then she, naturally, will begin to worry about the possible adverse effect of a hyperthermic state on the fetus. The temperature itself as a whole is not dangerous for the baby, fear is caused by its consequences or root causes. Temperature is not a pathology - it is only a pathological sign indicating that not everything is in order in the body, and warning of the need to take certain measures.

Usually, hyperthermic reactions during gestation occur against the background of acute respiratory viral infections or influenza. If the treatment is timely and correct, then there will be no negative consequences after such pathologies. A dangerous condition in the second trimester is high and prolonged hyperthermia in the absence of any concomitant manifestations. This is typical for kidney inflammation or herpesvirus. To identify the exact cause, you will need a comprehensive diagnosis. Such pathologies must be treated without fail, otherwise adverse consequences cannot be avoided.

How to avoid a rise in temperature

Most often, pregnant women have fever due to colds and flu infections.

  1. In order not to catch a cold, mom is advised to monitor the diet so that it contains a high content of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain normal immunity. Talk to your doctor about taking vitamin complexes, if necessary, the doctor will select the right drugs.
  2. During epidemics, you need to avoid places where there are a lot of people (metro, hypermarkets, hospitals, etc.).
  3. Upon arrival home, it is imperative to wash your hands with soap and water, rinse your nose or lubricate your nostrils with oxolinka.
  4. Throughout the day, it is advisable to air the housing for 5-10 minutes at least 2-3 times, only you do not need to sit in a draft, otherwise you can get overcooled and get sick. It is better to go to another room for the duration of the airing.

When expecting a child, you must take your own situation as seriously as possible. Mom must understand that only she is responsible for the child she is carrying. Therefore, if suspicious symptoms such as fever or severe chills appear, which is typical with hyperthermic reactions, then you need to consult with the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. Only he will be able to identify the origin of the temperature and recommend treatment methods.

The expectant mother knows how important it is to protect herself from colds and flu while waiting for the baby, since infection is always a risk for the baby, especially in the first trimester. However, rarely when a pregnant woman manages to protect herself from illness, especially during the off-season, when the body is actively preparing for new climatic conditions, and it is especially vulnerable to colds. If you do get sick, then first of all you need to pay attention to how to reduce the temperature during pregnancy, since it is the temperature that carries the main threat to the fetus.

Is fever dangerous during pregnancy?

A high fever is usually a sign of a viral infection. At the same time, both the infection itself, which can penetrate the fetus through the placenta, and the rise in temperature are dangerous. At the same time, a short-term rise in temperature to 38 ° C is not considered as a threat. Prolonged fever and higher numbers are dangerous, since the body may begin to coagulate proteins important for the development of the fetus. That is why the treatment of temperature during pregnancy should begin immediately.

Temperature medicines for pregnant women

Any medications during pregnancy must be taken with caution, and many are generally prohibited. In terms of drugs that bring down the temperature, this is especially true for any drugs that contain aspirin. The medicine for fever during pregnancy is exclusively paracetamol and all its derivatives. However, before taking even regular paracetamol, be sure to consult your doctor. He will prescribe the optimal dosage and advise on its compatibility with other medications. The fact is that in high doses or with repeated use, paracetamol loads the liver. This means that temperature pills for pregnant women can do no less harm than the temperature itself.

As for vitamins, first of all, shock doses of vitamin C, this remedy for fever during pregnancy should also be prescribed by a doctor. An overabundance of synthetically obtained vitamins can harm pregnancy, for example, vitamin C in late stages accelerates the aging of the placenta.

How else to lower the temperature of a pregnant woman?

At a temperature, you can and should take not only pills, but also use folk remedies. If a pregnant woman has symptoms of intoxication - body aches, a headache and a general broken state - you need to drink as much liquid as possible. Water, tea, fruit drinks, compotes - all this will help remove toxins from the body. What can pregnant women get from fever? There are fruits, wipe them off with warm water (just not with vodka or vinegar). You can't wrap yourself up and overheat, this can only worsen your condition. Some experts, when asked what to take for pregnant women at a temperature, allow the use of homeopathic medicines, which are mostly allowed during pregnancy.

Of course, every woman should know how to treat temperature during pregnancy. However, the expectant mother should also remember about the fact that a common cold or even uncomplicated flu can go away without consequences for the baby. Moreover, the rise in temperature itself to 37.3-37.5 ° C without signs of infection can be caused by exposure to the hormone progesterone, and is naturally observed in early pregnancy. However, if you are sure that this is a cold, the main thing is to take action in time and make every effort to make a quick recovery.

It is imperative that when symptoms of a disease occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor - only a qualified specialist can tell how to bring down the temperature of a pregnant woman. Especially if the temperature does not go astray by traditional means.

The problem of raising the temperature is usually solved by taking any antipyretic agent that is at hand. During pregnancy, things are a little different, since most drugs are potentially dangerous and can harm the baby. Let's talk about how you can bring down the temperature during pregnancy without harm to your health, and what medications can help with this.

How can you bring down the temperature during pregnancy, and at what numbers is it necessary?

It is necessary to proceed to active steps to bring down the temperature during gestation if the mercury column of the thermometer exceeds 38.0 ° C.

It should be noted that in the first trimester of pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the body temperature can normally rise up to 37.5 degrees, which is the body's response to hormonal changes. In relation to the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the thermometer readings when measuring body temperature should normally not exceed 37.0 ° C.

IMPORTANT! Increasing fever during pregnancy poses a threat to the life of the mother and fetus, therefore, requires immediate medical attention.

How can you bring down the temperature during pregnancy without pills?

In adults, fever develops due to impaired heat transfer due to capillary spasm and decreased sweating. Based on this knowledge, the following methods of lowering body temperature available at home are based.

1. Drink plenty of fluids. To combat febrile illness, it is extremely important to drink more, as this increases sweating. For this, ordinary tea with citrus or raspberries, dried fruit uzvar, a weak infusion of linden, berry fruit drinks, which have an antipyretic effect, are suitable. All drinks should be warm, but not hot.

2. Lightweight clothing. In no case should you "wrap yourself up" at high temperatures - this worsens the heat transfer process. Clothing should be lightweight, preferably made from natural fabrics. If you have a strong chill, cover yourself with a thin blanket.

3. Fresh air. At a high body temperature, the room should be fresh and cool, which will help speed up heat transfer and reduce the concentration of an infectious pathogen in the air. For this purpose, you can ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

4. Rubbing. During rubbing, sweat evaporates faster from the surface of the skin, taking away excess heat with it. As a wiping material, you can use a soft towel soaked in boiled water at a temperature of 37-38 ° C with the addition of apple cider vinegar (1: 1 ratio).

IMPORTANT! Pale and cold skin is a sign of "white" fever in the expectant mother due to narrowing of the capillary vessels. In this case, rubbing to normalize body temperature is contraindicated.

How can you bring down the temperature during pregnancy - safe medicines.

In the absence of the effect of folk methods, it is possible to bring down the temperature of a pregnant woman with the help of pharmacies.

1. Paracetamol. The safest antipyretic during gestation is Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol). Studies have shown that the drug does not have a teratogenic effect, and without consequences for the health of the mother, it can be prescribed for a short period of time (1-3 days) in any trimester - a single dose of 500 mg, no more than 4 times a day with a break between doses of at least 6-8 hours.

IMPORTANT! Despite the fact that paracetamol is the basis of many powders for colds, the use of such antipyretic drugs during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated due to the content of other dangerous components in them, for example, phenylephrine, caffeine, etc.

2. Ibuprofen. An alternative to Paracetamol is Ibuprofen (Nurofen), which also has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, but is safe only for the first and second trimester of pregnancy.

What could be more wonderful than the birth and birth of a new life? Although pregnancy is an absolutely normal process from the point of view of physiology, a woman needs to take care of herself as never before in this period of her life, not crossing, however, boundaries and not going to extremes.

It is so conceived by Mother Nature that in order to create optimal conditions for conceiving and carrying a baby, the immunity of the expectant mother decreases, because otherwise it may be rejected: nevertheless, 50% of the DNA of the crumbs belongs to her spouse. And it would be extremely undesirable to get sick now, because most medications are strictly prohibited to take during pregnancy. Many diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature - this is normal, as the body reacts to the disease and produces antibodies to attack viral cells. How to deal with fever during pregnancy for pregnant women?

Increased body temperature during pregnancy

So, in ordinary life, an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body, and, as a rule, can be accompanied by other signs of the disease - sore throat, cough, general weakness, stuffy nose, etc. Since the temperature is a consequence of the disease, it is necessary to deal with all the symptoms in the complex after the diagnosis established by the doctor.

Temperature is our protection against external stimuli, so we should not rush to fight it. As a rule, you should shoot down after 38.5, as otherwise the load on the heart increases. But this indicator is individual for everyone, someone becomes unbearable even at values ​​of 38, someone feels great even under 39.

In any case, if the temperature has risen, the first step is to cope with it on your own, without resorting to medications, in order to give your body a try to get out on its own:

  1. Control your appetite. In principle, people with a high temperature, as a rule, do not have it, and this is a signal from the body - no need to force food into it, it is already weakened, all forces are thrown into the fight against the virus! And the process of digesting food will take away from him the forces that he would use for this very struggle, therefore even if you really want to, it is still not worth filling your stomach to overflowing.
  2. Heat loss according to the highest category doctor-pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky is possible in two ways - by evaporation of sweat and by warming the inhaled air. Therefore, an abundant warm drink is so necessary. In other words, you need to sweat properly, and if there is no excess fluid in the body, then there is nothing to sweat with, so the temperature itself will not drop. Because I don't even want to drink through! It should be remembered that the closer the temperature of the absorbed liquid to body temperature, the faster it will be absorbed. Anything will do: tea with honey and lemon, raspberry jam, or ginger, compote, fruit drink, herbs, etc.
  3. Warming of the inhaled air is possible when the temperature in the room fluctuates between 18-22 degrees. If during pregnancy suffers from chills with a temperature, it is better to dress warmly, but not try to warm the air with the help of heaters. On the contrary, fresh air is a guarantee of health!

If the above conditions are met, then the chances that the body itself will cope with the temperature are very high. And this applies to pregnant women on a par with small children - in the first place. And for everyone else, as a last resort, it is allowed to bring down the temperature with the help of drugs, since there is a large selection on the market now.

It is highly undesirable for expectant mothers, as well as young children, to resort to drug treatment, but they still have their own list of drugs that are allowed to take. But first, let's try to figure out what the reasons for the increased temperature may be, depending on the duration of pregnancy.

Early pregnancy temperature

The first trimester is a time for changes and adaptation of the mother's body to a new life, which has significant differences from the previous one. This so-called transitional period is very reverent, the fewer interventions in the sacrament of the process, the better. The fertilization of the egg takes place, it turns into a tiny embryo, attaching itself to the wall of the uterus. All vital organs and systems are laid down in him, the placenta - a protective temporary organ - has not yet been formed, therefore most medications are still banned. In a word, the expectant mother needs to do everything possible and impossible so as not to catch some ARVI in the first trimester.

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes a number of significant changes, both internally and visible to the naked eye. If an average person has an average temperature of 36.6, then what temperature during pregnancy is the norm is difficult to say unequivocally.

The fact is that the temperature at the beginning of pregnancy rises in many expectant mothers, and the reason for this is the pregnancy itself. With its onset, the maternal body produces the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the normal development and growth of the embryo. Due to its effect on the center of thermoregulation, the body temperature rises. In addition, the immune system of the expectant mother weakens, immunosuppression occurs - this is how the fetus protects itself from possible rejection.

Of course, in such cases, we are talking about minor increases - up to a temperature of 37.2 during pregnancy, by and large, there is nothing to worry about. Higher rates for accompanied symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, infectious diseases or other diseases indicate that a visit to a doctor cannot be postponed in any way!

For example, an increase in body temperature can also be a consequence of kidney, thyroid, or respiratory system diseases. And depending on the diagnosis established by the doctor, complex treatment is necessary, aimed primarily at the cause of the increase in body temperature!

Temperature: second trimester of pregnancy

The golden mean or equator of pregnancy - during this period, catching a particular disease is not as dangerous as at the very beginning or before childbirth. But still undesirable, of course.

A temperature of 37 - 37.2 during pregnancy can still persist if its cause is the pregnancy itself, in some up to childbirth. This is normal, you should not raise a panic.

A higher temperature during pregnancy in the second trimester, in addition to the reasons listed above, can cause the development of fetal malformations, placental lesions, or uterine tone. Therefore, we repeat that it is necessary to fight first of all not with the temperature, but with the reason causing its rise.

So, warm drinks and cool air in the bedroom will still be effective, but now, with especially high body temperature, it is not so scary to take approved antipyretic drugs!

Can there be a temperature during pregnancy in the third trimester?

For some expectant mothers, it develops so that the temperature of 36.9 - 37.2 during pregnancy can be kept until the onset of labor. By and large, in the third trimester, the baby is already fully formed, and now he is actively gaining weight, every day more and more like a newborn baby. But this does not mean that now a pregnant woman is not afraid to get sick and take medications - the closer it happens to the onset of labor, the worse for her and the baby.

However, with some caution, it is possible to bring down the temperature with the help of approved drugs when the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Temperature during pregnancy: what to do

So, by and large, you already know what to do - to provide plenty of drink and cool indoor air. But it happens that this is not enough, and the temperature lasts during pregnancy for a long time, and this is already fraught with the health of the mother and her future baby. What is possible from the temperature during pregnancy in this case?

In the first and second trimesters, Paracetamol is best. It is the safest of all antipyretics and is approved for use even during breastfeeding. Acceptable options are Nurofen, Panadol (it is just based on the same Paracetamol) and with caution Ibuprofen.

In the third trimester, only Paracetamol and Panadol remain on the list of approved drugs. Nurofen is banned because it can provoke premature labor, while Ibuprofen, on the contrary, can stretch and complicate the labor process.

Now you know how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy, but remember - before taking any medication, a consultation with a doctor is required!

Pregnancy: fever, cough

Rarely, when fever is not accompanied by additional symptoms, and, as a rule, sore throat and fever during pregnancy are most common.

This can be a sign of SARS or flu, for example: treatment depends on the specific diagnosis. In any case, an abundant warm drink is a double blow, it not only provokes sweating, but also relieves unpleasant pain syndromes. Remember that if the pain is sharp, sharp, this may be a symptom of a sore throat, and it is known to be treated only with antibiotics.

In any case, a sore throat even at a temperature of 37.5 during pregnancy suggests that you urgently need to go to the doctor and start treatment as early as possible, otherwise you can earn yourself significant complications. Gargling with soda, salt and iodine helps very well - if you do it regularly and do not throw it at the first signs of improvement, you can significantly alleviate your condition.

Often a sore throat accompanies a cough, and a crumb in the tummy can be extremely uncomfortable from such concussions. And again warm drink comes to the rescue - this is such a multifunctional and at the same time available to everyone and every weapon! E.O. Komarovsky classifies drugs designed to thin phlegm as drugs with unproven efficacy, but most of them should not be taken during pregnancy, so think carefully before buying any of them.

You should also know that if the high temperature during pregnancy lasts a week, then this cannot be called the norm, since a number of complications can form, with which the pregnancy will be much more difficult.

High temperature during pregnancy: summing up

Now you know what a fever during pregnancy means, when and how to deal with it in a safe way for the baby and the expectant mother. This does not mean that now you can self-medicate - only the doctor will tell you the correct diagnosis and treatment after the examination, you may have to pass some tests - any case is individual, and the body of a pregnant woman is completely unpredictable.

Whatever it was, of course, it is better for the expectant mother not to get sick. To do this, you should avoid a mass gathering of people, especially during a period of active diseases, do not hesitate to wear a mask if someone is coughing nearby, and at the first signs of malaise, take sick leave as soon as possible and observe bed rest as much as possible. Be healthy and do not get sick!
