Flowers from viscose napkins. Making roses from viscose napkins. Master - class with step by step photos

Home handicrafts are in trend today, and many housewives strive to show off the fruits of their creativity, at the same time adding originality and comfort to their home. There is a huge amount of materials for creating various objects, everything is used: from the remnants of fabrics after sewing to plastic corks, bottles, matches, laces, leaky socks and tights. The most popular of these are felt and viscose. The latter material is distinguished by its low cost and quality. In this article, you will learn how to make some crafts from viscose napkins with your own hands.

Panel of roses

The rose is considered the queen of all colors. It is not surprising, because almost everyone likes its scent. Everyone will agree that giving or receiving pink bouquets or compositions is very pleasant. Let's try to make an original gift in the form of a viscose flower arrangement with our own hands.

  1. Bamboo mat.
  2. Viscose napkins red / pink.
  3. Green corrugated paper.
  4. Stapler.
  5. Glue gun.
  6. Pencil.
  7. Scissors.
  8. Ready-made templates.

To make flowers from viscose napkins with your own hands as high quality as possible, you need to step by step:

  • Take a prepared viscose napkin and templates of circles with a diameter of 70, 60 and 50 mm.
  • Cut out three strips from it, the width of which will be slightly larger than the width of the circles.
  • Fold the strips with an accordion, cut out the circles.
  • Take the largest circle, twist it in the shape of a bag, fasten it with a stapler.
  • Raise the sharp end up, turn the wide edge to the point of attachment. From the narrow edge you should get the core of the flower, and from the wide one - the petals.
  • Lower the edges of the petals. This will form a rose.
  • Do the same with the other circles until you have the desired number of flowers. For a classic composition, it is better to make three large roses and five medium and small roses.

Important! From the scraps of the material used, you can make flower buds from viscose napkins with your own hands. To do this, you need to twist the trim, and tie the end with a thread of a suitable color.

  • Cut free-form leaves from green corrugated paper. Optionally, you can “swaddle” small buds with them.

Important! To make the leaves look more natural, cut a rectangle out of the corrugated paper and stretch it out to form a leaf.

  • Go to panel assembly. Arrange the flowers in the order you like.
  • Using a glue gun, glue the largest parts of the composition to the mat, then the smaller and secondary ones.

The gift panel is ready! Any recipient of such a presentation will be very happy, because such a composition can decorate almost any interior.

Volumetric viscose flower

To work you will need the following materials:

  • Napkins that match each other in color. It is desirable that they be the same color, but different tones.
  • Pencil.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Cardboard.
  • Glue gun.

To make such a craft from viscose napkins with your own hands, you must:

  1. Make three different sizes of template petals out of cardboard: they should be 5 cm, 4 cm and 3 cm long.
  2. Cut 7 large and medium parts from darker napkins, as well as a circle with a radius of 2 cm. Cut 7 small petals from a lighter shade.
  3. Apply hot melt glue to the bottom of the large petal.
  4. Fold the edges of the part towards the center.
  5. Start forming the future flower. Use a glue gun to glue the finished petal to the circle.
  6. Form the first row of petals in the same way, where there will be 8 details.
  7. Prepare the middle petals for the second row.
  8. Glue them in the middle, placing them between the large petals. This will fill the second row.
  9. Prepare light-colored small petals.
  10. Place them between the details of the second row, glue them.
  11. Go to core making. For this purpose, you need to cut a strip from a light shade of your chosen color (2 * 8 cm).
  12. Fold the strip along, start making cuts from the side of the fold edge (you cannot reach the opposite edge).
  13. Twist the workpiece, from time to time fixing it with hot melt glue. As a result, you will get a voluminous light core.
  14. To add expressiveness to the flower, make the border a darker shade. To do this, make and cut a strip of the same size.
  15. Wrap the light center with this strip, securing it with hot melt glue. Cut the rest of the workpiece.
  16. Glue the finished core in the center of the flower.

DIY craft from viscose napkins is ready!

Master class for children: viscose butterfly

A handmade butterfly will be a great gift for a mother, teacher or first teacher.

To make such a craft from viscose napkins with your own hands, prepare the following materials:

  • Napkins of the desired colors.
  • Scissors.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Hot melt or PVA glue.
  • A set of glitter gel pens.

Now you can proceed to the master class itself. This requires:

  1. Draw and cut out patterns for the two parts of the butterfly. Let the first part be yellow (it will be smaller), and the second pink.
  2. Make four cuts on the pink part - two on each side of the calf.
  3. Now you need to connect the two prepared parts. To do this, put the yellow one under the pink one, and then squeeze the wings into the prepared slots. This should be done as carefully as possible; in no case should you rush.
  4. After all the wings have been squeezed in, spread them out.
  5. Cut out a narrow strip and a long triangle. Begin to shape the body and head from the blanks, twisting them.
  6. Glue the finished parts onto the wings.
  7. Now it's time to decorate the butterfly. This can be done using gel pens.

Important! The main thing is not to overdo it. Remember to keep the wings lightweight.

Natalia Petrovna Biktasheva

Master class on creating flowers from improvised material (viscose napkins)

"Summer bouquet"

Purpose: interior decoration.

Target: To develop artistic and aesthetic perception of children. Raise interest in using the material at hand, in combining it.

Materials and tools:

Multi-colored viscose napkins, plastic candy bowl, stacks for kebabs, paper, pencil, scissors, glue, large buttons, plasticine.

On paper we draw a silhouette of a flower, a leaf and a center. These are future stencils. And we cut out along the contour the details of the colors we need.

We choose the desired color of the napkins and, using a stencil, draw blanks for future colors on them. cut out the resulting silhouettes. It is better to cut the flower itself from 2-3 layers of napkin.

We form flowers from the cut out parts. Selecting the centers and bases of different colors. We glue the details together. The main color details are ready.

Now we need to prepare the stems for our flowers. We take the shish kebab stacks and divide them in half (stalks for two flowers). With the help of glue, we fix the button on the blunt end of the stack. We do this work for the required number of colors.

Now we connect the resulting blanks and fix them with glue. The flowers are ready.

Put plasticine in a plastic candy bowl, cross and press.

We insert ready-made flowers into the plasticine. Trying to alternate in color so that the bouquet is bright.

Now it's time for the leaves. On the blank of the leaf, glue a half of a barbecue stack and cover with another leaf.

Place the finished leaves at your discretion.

So our summer bouquet of viscose napkins is ready.

I did this job 4 times. And now bright bouquets flaunt on children's tables.

And for my table I sewed tulips from napkins.

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Recently in our kindergarten a master class "Bouquet of sweets" was held. To which parents and educators were invited. It has long been known.

The children of the second junior group and I decided to make a gift for the holiday "Bouquet for Mom". For work we needed: Brushes, colored.

Master class "Bouquet of roses". We need: - crepe paper of two colors; - scissors; - skewer; - PVA glue; - threads. We take paper and straight.

For one rose, we need five identical squares of pink (white, yellow) color. I took the size 11x11 cm and add the squares.

Material: 1. Corrugated paper in two colors - white and lilac. 2. Green paper. 3. White paper. 4. Colored cardboard. 5. Scissors. 6. Glue.


One of the most popular materials for making a variety of jewelry (including flowers) is felt. But there is another material that is practically not inferior in its properties to felt - viscose kitchen napkins. Also, their additional advantage can be called their lower cost. We offer a master class on making a flower from such napkins.

For work, you will need viscose napkins of two colors (in our case, bright and pale pink), a pencil, scissors, a small piece of cardboard, and a glue gun.

We make blanks of petals for the future flower from cardboard, they should be of three sizes. In our case, the petals were taken, having a length of 5, 4 and 3 cm.

Cut out 7 large petals, 7 medium ones, and one circle 4 cm in diameter from bright pink napkins. Cut 7 small petals from a light pink napkin.

Apply some hot glue to the bottom of the petal.

We bend the edges of the petal towards the center.

Let's start forming a flower. To do this, use a hot gun to glue the first large petal to a round workpiece.

Thus, we fix all seven large petals that form the first row.

Prepare the middle petals for the next row of the flower.

We begin to glue them, placing them between the previous large petals.

So we fill in the second row.

Cooking the smallest petals.

We place them on the flower between the middle petals and glue them.

Now it's the turn to tackle the core of our flower. To do this, cut a strip from a light napkin 2 cm wide and about 8 cm long.

We fold it along and begin to make cuts from the side of the folded edge, not reaching the other edge.

We twist the resulting workpiece, periodically fixing it with hot glue.

As a result, we get a light core.

In order to make the center of the flower more expressive, we will make the border in dark pink color. We cut out a strip 2 cm wide, 8 cm long (later the length can be shortened). We fold it along and make cuts.

We wrap the lighter middle with a bright pink strip, securing it with glue. It is enough to make one turn, after which we cut off the remainder of the strip, and fix the tip with glue.

Apply hot glue to the back of the core and glue it to the center of the flower.

Our flower made of viscose napkins is ready.

It can be a wonderful decoration for any knitted thing. If you sew a pin on the back of the flower, you get a brooch. It will also be interesting to look at such a flower as a hair ornament. For this purpose, you can use an elastic band or hair clip, securing them on the back.

Making roses from viscose napkins. Master Class. DIY gift

Panel "Pink Flame". Master Class.

teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of children's creativity.
Description: These amazing roses are made from viscose napkins! The craft is within the power of children of primary school age, and will also be of interest to teachers of additional education, educators and parents who like to create unique things with their own hands.
Purpose: this panel can become a wonderful interior decoration, as well as a good gift to relatives and friends.
Target: making a panel from a viscose napkin with your own hands.
- to teach techniques and methods of creating panels;
- to develop interest in arts and crafts, creativity, aesthetic taste and compositional feelings;
- improve labor skills;
- to bring up accuracy in work, perseverance.

Roses are considered the kings of flowers, and everyone who has felt their scent at least once in their life will agree with this. And how nice it is to give roses for or without reason! After all, they are so loved! Roses are romantic flowers, and if you are a romantic, make an unusual bouquet of roses with your own hands and give it to your dear person. Let him know that you love him. I bring to your attention a master class on making the panel "Pink Flame".

Materials and tools:

Stand made of bamboo sticks;
- pink viscose napkins "Chistyulya";
- corrugated green paper;
- stapler;
- scissors;
- thermal gun;
- pencil;
- templates.

Step-by-step execution of the panel:

Before starting work, we carry out instructions on safety when working with a thermal gun, scissors, and a needle.
We take a pink viscose napkin and patterns of circles with a diameter of 7cm, 6cm, 5cm. Older children can use a compass and make blanks on their own.

We cut the napkin into three strips, fold each with an accordion and secure with a needle. We carefully cut out the circles according to the template.

We take a large circle, fold it with a "bag" and fasten it with a stapler.

Raise the sharp tip up and turn the wide edge out to a paper clip. The core is obtained from the narrow edge, and the petals from the wide. We lower the petals down a little, forming a beautiful rose.

We continue to do this until the required number of roses. We will make three large, five medium and five small pink roses. These are beautiful and all different!

Take the scraps from the napkin and make the buds. From corrugated paper, cut out leaves for bottles in any shape.

It will not be difficult to make buds. We twist the napkin, as if we are swaddling a doll. Tie the tip with a thread. We will make the buds of different sizes.

For each bud we cut out a leaf, stretch the paper and once again "wrap" the bud-doll. We twist the paper at the end well.

Let's make the leaves. We cut the green corrugated paper into strips 3cm wide and 7cm long. Cut out leaves in any shape from rectangles. (Give the children the opportunity to do this work themselves, without templates.) Stretch the paper, making the leaf shape bulky.

Everything is ready to assemble the panel.

We called our panel "Pink Flame". Let's arrange the flowers in the form of a flaming tongue rising up from the fire. We glue the leaves and three large roses with a heat gun.

We glue medium-sized roses and add leaves and a bud along the edges.

We continue to glue small roses, placing them one by one.

And the composition is completed by small buds directed upwards.

And now the finale!

Our panel of roses is ready! It will decorate the interior of any room and will be an excellent gift for any occasion. But the most important thing is that it will fascinate children to create new amazing projects. Let's once again admire the "Pink Flame" from all sides.

Pink roses like dawn
Eternal inspiration of nature!
This is a delicate pink bouquet
Will keep love from bad weather!

And if you have a desire to do something like that, I propose another version of the panel on the disc. Large, lush roses are made from two circles with a diameter of 9cm. Blend the circles on top of each other, offsetting them slightly. Repeat the process of making roses.

And this panel will turn out. Imagine! All in your hands!

Instructions for making flowers from napkins.

With the holidays approaching, many are thinking how to decorate their homes and make them unique and stylish. This can be done using crafts. A variety of paper flower decorations are also popular.

DIY napkin flowers for beginners: diagrams, templates, photos

It is quite simple to make such flowers. They are often pasted over with birthday numbers and even decorate wedding halls.


  • Fold the napkin like an accordion, next to it another
  • Three napkins are enough for one flower
  • After that, tie in the middle with a thread, and round the ends with scissors.
  • Spread the petals, below is a schematic instruction

How to fold a beautiful flower from a paper napkin for table setting?

In fact, folding a lily is quite simple. This is the best option. For needlework, take thick three-layer napkins.


  • Spread out the napkin and fold it into a triangle
  • Now before reaching the top, tuck the corners
  • You get something that looks like a rhombus. After that, bend the bottom corner by 2 cm, and then a little more
  • Now fold the fold outward, you get a kind of pocket in which you need to put the side corners
  • Spread the petals, below are instructions

How to make volumetric origami flowers from napkins?

There are many options for making origami flowers from napkins. Below is the simplest instruction.


  • Spread out the napkin to its full length and fold in an accordion
  • Using scissors, cut the strip without reaching the end of the fringe
  • Now apply some glue to the wire and wrap the fringe in twisting movements.
  • Straighten the strips, and wrap the base of the bud with a piece of green napkin
  • It will look like an aster

How to make a poinsettia flower with your own hands from napkins?

This flower is considered a Christmas star. Easier to say is "Cancer neck". It is she who usually blooms during the New Year holidays.

VIDEO: DIY pointessia

How to make roses from napkins?

Very naturalistic buds are obtained. To craft you need red and green napkins.


  • Cut off a third of the napkin and spread it
  • You will have a long streak
  • Twist it around your index finger, and remove from it
  • Now just pull one piece and shape the bud with your fingers
  • Twist the bottom and wrap around 1/3 of a green napkin

How to make flowers from openwork paper napkins?

It is best to make peonies or chrysanthemums from such napkins. The corrugated structure will emphasize the naturalness of the flower. Below are the diagrams.

How to make a lotus flower from napkins?

This is a rather complex flower that takes time to make.

VIDEO: Lotus flower from napkins

How to make flowers from viscose napkins?

This option is fine if you have a lot of cloth towels. Of course, while waiting for guests, you want to arrange them in an unusual way, so use our advice.

VIDEO: Flowers from viscose napkins

How to make flowers from napkins for a volumetric figure?

This is a fairly common craft. It is for the birthday that you can make numbers from cardboard and decorate them with paper flowers.


  • Take three napkins and arrange them so that they are folded in half.
  • Fold 3 napkins one by one in a stack and fold them in an accordion
  • Tie the thread exactly in the middle
  • Now spread out each layer of the napkin

How to make an applique from flowers napkins?

This option is more suitable for preschool kids. Usually, mothers are congratulated with such crafts on March 8 and their birthday.

How to make flowers for topiary from napkins?

A very beautiful product and addition to the interior. You will need a balloon or a styrofoam balloon for the base. You will glue the flowers onto this base.


  • Fold 4 napkins one by one and staple in the center crosswise
  • After that, place a circle in the center and cut along the contour.
  • As a result, you will get a multilayer circle, make cuts around the perimeter at a distance of 1 cm
  • The length of the cuts is also 1 cm.After that, straighten the layers
  • You can glue ready-made fluffy flowers to a ball-shaped base.

How to make a large flower from napkins?

Large buds are most often used to decorate a festive hall. It can be a wedding or christening, anniversary. They are often hung on threads and attached to the ceiling. The end result is cute, large flowers.

VIDEO: Large flower from napkins

How to make flowers from sweets and napkins with your own hands?

It is quite simple to make such products themselves. It is necessary with the help of tape or a glue gun to glue the candy to the skewer, which is used for kebabs. After that, the napkin is straightened and folded into a strip. This strip is wrapped around the candy and then straightened out.

You can make a bud from napkins as for numbers and just stick a skewer with an attached candy inside.

Napkin flower ideas

Napkin flowers are a great idea for decorating rooms. This is the most budget-friendly option for a festive hall decoration. It looks impressive and is cheap.

VIDEO: Flowers from napkins