Orphanages how to help. How to help a child from an orphanage to integrate into society

Orphanages bring sadness and fear to everyone who has never been to them personally. Indeed, what could be more sad than thousands of babies growing up without parents in specialized institutions throughout our vast country? Meanwhile, instead of experiencing and compassionate at a distance, each of us can personally help orphans. Baby homes in Moscow are constantly in need of new employees and volunteers, finance and some specific things, and are also happy to accept people who have decided to become parents.

Everyone can help

The concept of charity in our country today is subjective. Almost every week we watch and read news about new charity events and reports from foundations. Most often, organizations boast of the millions raised for the treatment of specific children, turnkey repairs in child care facilities and other global actions. Such a situation stimulates the development of a stereotype - only financially wealthy people can do good, and charity as a phenomenon is an expensive pleasure. All this is a big delusion, even the Baby Houses in Moscow, despite the prosperity of the region, gladly accept any help. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that you want to do a good deed, but today you have the opportunity to spend very little time and money.

Where to begin?

Help can be different - it is financial investments, communication with pupils, work in an institution on a voluntary basis. Decide right away how serious your intentions are, what resources you have. If you are afraid that you will not be able to constantly visit the Children's Home, it is reasonable to limit yourself to a transfer to a charitable foundation or a one-time trip to a chosen institution. For those planning to devote a significant part of their life to helping orphans, it is useful to think about regular visits or even patronage of selected babies. Decide on a specific orphanage or try meeting experienced volunteers. All Baby Houses in Moscow have their own special rules and strict requirements for volunteer helpers. It is important to learn and remember them as quickly as possible.

Orphanage needs

Many institutions have their own websites, where the theme is updated in a timely manner with a list of necessary things. The needs can be different: from specific toys to interior items and household items. Anyone who wants to help can independently purchase some of the listed items or transfer money to purchase them. Review the specific organization's acceptance policy. Not every orphanage in Moscow accepts used clothes and toys. For a number of institutions, a prerequisite is the presence of labels and receipts confirming that the item is new. The same is not easy with food. Some Baby Houses in Moscow are happy to accept cereals, juices and purees in their original packaging, while others flatly refuse such help.

What is patronage?

Children's institutions in Moscow and the region are well funded. For this reason, they often need help, not material, but physical. We all know that the vacancies "work, Baby House (Moscow)" are not prestigious. In institutions for infants and young children of preschool age, volunteers (who have passed a medical examination) are sometimes allowed to take care of the wards. Also, many orphanages are not against organizing holidays and one-time visits by volunteers. And yet one of the main needs of orphanages is communication. The best option for those who are confident in their own strengths and desire to help is patronage. This type of relationship involves friendship. Usually the volunteer meets the selected child by correspondence, and only after the contact has been established does he come in person. This option is optimal, since the child's experiences will be less vivid if the boss stops communicating.

Baby House: adoption (Moscow)

Childhood is the most wonderful time in our life, when we are surrounded by the care of our parents. Unfortunately, children from orphanages are deprived of the opportunity to receive mother's warmth, which cannot be replaced by anything. And even if the orphanage is well financed, provided with everything necessary, its pupils always need our help and attention. So what can we do to make them even a little bit happy? How can you help children from an orphanage?

1. Material assistance

In our country, funding for orphanages is at the proper level, at least 25,000 rubles are allocated for each child per month. However, some of the institutions are experiencing financial difficulties. Contact the management of the institution to find out what the funds are needed for. Ask how you can help children in orphanages. Perhaps the children do not have enough clothes, stationery, diapers, educational games, books that you could buy and donate to orphans on your own. If your children have grown out of the wardrobe, and things are in good condition, they can also be offered to children in the orphanage. Organize a charity fundraiser in your area or find a local business sponsor who will be ready to take over the orphanage. Yes, this is how you can help children in orphanages.

2. Help in socialization

One of the main problems faced by orphanage graduates is the lack of basic social skills. Children raised outside the family are deprived of the opportunity to learn social roles. Only 10% of orphans successfully go through the adaptation process after leaving the walls of the orphanage. Asking the question “how to help children in orphanages”, you can develop trainings or games for the children, with the help of which they will be able to acquire the social experience that they lack so much. Involve the staff of the institution in this matter.

3. Useful workshops

Another type of help is the organization of all kinds of master classes. You will need to find like-minded people who are ready to donate their knowledge to the guys. Offer thematic workshops for boys and girls. Children may be interested in burning, painting on metal, making kitchen utensils from wood. Girls will be happy to attend cutting and sewing courses, cooking lessons, and learn how to make beautiful hairstyles. You can organize an acting school, a "crazy hands" club, a chess club, a living corner ... Here you are limited only by your imagination and skill. Do not forget to discuss organizational issues with the management of the orphanage in advance. As you can see, you can help children in orphanages in different ways, including your talent.

4. Legal assistance and advice

Graduates of orphanages receive housing from the state and have certain benefits. Most often, the guys do not know about their rights, do not know how to perform the simplest operations, such as paying for utilities or submitting documents to social organizations. Your task: to tell and show the child in an accessible language how to behave in certain situations. For example, you can help pay for some receipts. Make a checklist or step-by-step instructions. You can type useful texts of laws. This will greatly facilitate the child's life in the future. This way you can help children in orphanages.

5. Live communication and personal example

Even Karl Marx said that a person's being determines his consciousness. Many children in orphanages come from dysfunctional families, where they saw the immoral actions of adults, which could not but affect their worldview, someone simply fell under the influence of a bad company. The lack of positive examples of family upbringing and behavior in general leads to the fact that children build their future families according to the template of drinking parents. This can be avoided only by personal example and frequent communication with children over a long period, so that a positive image is fixed in their minds, and a goal for its implementation appears. If you really plan to help children in orphanages, find an opportunity to invite orphans to your place, introduce them to the household, family life, tell them about the responsibilities assigned to each family member, offer to help you.

6. Organization of excursions, hikes

Do you want to know how else you can help children in orphanages? Discuss with the employees of the orphanage the options for spending leisure time for the children, such as visiting the cinema, theater, all kinds of excursions, museums. You can organize a hike. Such events will significantly expand the horizons of children, awaken new interests in them.

7. Volunteering

Contact specialized foundations or youth movements where you can train and become an experienced volunteer. Interaction with children from an orphanage requires certain knowledge and skills, because these are special guys. In the process of communicating with them, one should understand the degree of responsibility. Charitable organizations very often organize parties for children from orphanages, in which you can take part.

The article lists just some of the options for helping children from orphanages. How exactly you can help children in orphanages, decide for yourself!

But remember that:

  1. When helping orphans, do not get carried away with gifts and toys. It is much more important to compensate for the lack of parental attention, which no amount of money can buy.
  2. Children from the orphanage do not know what a happy childhood is, they matured too early, therefore, they should be treated like little adults.
  3. Do not feel pity for the guys, try to set feasible tasks for them and gently demand their precise implementation.
  4. Life has taught these children to be very good psychologists. And they will probably try to "sit on your neck." If you see attempts at manipulation on the part of the child, let him know that this number will not work with you, and for further confidential communication he must follow certain rules. In such cases, the child should hear your firm "no".

The most important thing when communicating with children is love! Every child feels caring towards him and is drawn to kindness. The kid, deprived of the attention of parents, will gladly respond to your warmth. Happy children's eyes will become your gratitude!

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It is necessary to help children left without parental care in the best possible way. Some people think, "I want to help children." - And they give orphanages gifts and things, but you should remember: help should be meaningful. If you look into this issue in more detail, it turns out that there are some psychological limitations. It is necessary to help the orphanage and the children living there, but so as not to cause harm, because even with good intentions, you can do harm.

For example, often the first thing sponsors do is provide orphanages with gifts and items. They feel the satisfaction that they have done a good deed, and this is true. But sometimes such actions are not good for the upbringing of orphans.

What is the harm of gifts?

From the pedagogical point of view, it is wrong that children receive gifts for any reason only because of their orphan status on the first "want", as a result, they sometimes form the opinion that nothing needs to be done in life in order to get something valuable. This position becomes a survival strategy: how to get something from the outside world for free, using only your status.

What are the consequences of undeserved gifts? Having received something one, two, three times without difficulty, children understand that they almost do not need to make any positive creative efforts. And when they go out into adulthood, where they just don’t get anything, the familiar world begins to crumble. The word "I want" almost does not bring results, but adolescents sometimes simply do not know how else to get what they want and need.

In order to avoid such situations, children must understand: in order to receive something, they must create. Good grades, success in creative endeavors and sports can be such a creation. All children should receive gifts, but they should be subtly directed on the path of self-improvement. Then the children will strive for the best and develop in every possible way - this will be the best lesson and the best help in their fate. Such a model of interaction with the younger generation is usually realized in well-to-do families, therefore children from full-fledged “cells of society” are better prepared for life and do not rely on only one “want”.

The desire to give a baby a thing needs to be wrapped in the correct shape. Orphans have many benefits. The state allocates large sums from the budget for their maintenance. Rather, children need our care, affection, guidance, because they do not have a mom and dad who could hug and teach them. Orphans should receive gifts and all kinds of rewards, but it is better not to pamper them, but to treat them like their children.

Let you think, "I want to help children." The first step is to determine what a particular boy or girl really needs. To do this, you should contact specialists from a volunteer organization or an orphanage. In fact, all boys and girls need a mom and dad, you need to decide to adopt one of them. You can, of course, buy toys, warm clothes and other practical things for children that will surround the toddler from the orphanage with relative comfort.

Another option is to become a trustee. This does not require large financial or housing opportunities, just one "want", backed up by actions. So, how to implement these intentions. Our recommendations.

Various ways to get the right help

Becoming a trustee is easy enough. There are various approaches to helping children and orphanages.

So, only one thought occupies you: "I want to help children." We have already explained that one viable option is to become a trustee. Giving a child without parents an opportunity to live in a family is the best thing that can be offered to him. You may need to complete a lot of paperwork along the way. This is nothing special. Responsibility for children is a serious matter. The state is responsible for those kids who have lost their parents. Checking a person who volunteered to take a pupil is the first thing.

It should be remembered that the trustee only partially replaces the parents for the children. It often happens that the caregiver, having become akin to the baby, can no longer part with him and decides to leave him in his family forever. There are many good people in our society. Finding good parents for all the kids who need it is no big deal. Of course, the best help is to take the baby home and give him parental care.