Prove to the girl that not. How to prove to a girl that you love her - plan a joint future. How to prove to a girl that you love her - meet her parents

Dating and Pickup

How to prove that you love a girl

On the Internet, you can find many different articles that describe the ways and methods of how you can prove your love for a girl. But to your great disappointment for you, this is just a carbon copy of Western magazines for women, where the authors paint an "ideal" and "romantic" man for housewives. Therefore, they have no practical benefit for men.

In fact, if you are asking the question, "How can you prove your love?" - you have a huge relationship problem. You must be clearly aware that in the relationship between a guy and a girl there should not be any evidence, demonstrations and confirmation: either you have love, or you do not have love! It doesn't happen otherwise!

If you woke up one day and realized that you urgently need to prove your love to your girlfriend, then you need to hold your horses back and think carefully about your behavior, as well as the behavior of your girlfriend. But first, let's look at three typical situations where guys rush to prove their love.

Relationship problems and the loss of a girlfriend

Before breaking up with a guy, almost every girl makes a whole series of various hints and remarks that guys in most cases simply ignore or refuse to understand. Such remarks may relate to different areas of the couple's activities:

  • You are lying on the couch, go to work and earn money.
  • You and I don't go anywhere, I want to take a walk.
  • You spend more time with your friends than with me.
  • I'm tired of the distance, I want to live together (go and arrange for us).
  • You are acting too boring, I want more emotion (be smart and organize something).

It can be noted that almost always all the girls' claims are of an applied nature, which can be easily assessed: done or not.

So, after quarrels or parting, many guys come up with a “brilliant” idea: “She left me because she fell out of love. I need to prove my love to her. " And they begin to write tearful words, give flowers and make some surprises.

But tell me honestly, what does this have to do with when the problem is completely different? The girl breaks up not because of love, but because the guy does not suit her in the material, spiritual, physical sense. And the girls tell the guys their problems and complaints.

What to do in such a situation? Scroll through all the words and comments over the past six months in my head, determine the exact cause of the conflict (loss of love is not a reason!), Correct the situation and return the girl. Unfortunately, fixes do not always help, sometimes it’s too late, but in any case, you can and should try. Read more in our other articles.

Blackmail and manipulation by the girl

If you do not take into account the most caustic statements of girls, for which you can get a soft spot, then the phrase: "You don't love me anymore!" - is one of the most effective against many guys. How it works?

The girl wants to get some thing, or wants to get some specific action from the guy, so she starts to manipulate him. If she says the phrase: "Do it for me, otherwise I will be offended," then there are a huge number of guys who will ignore it, and she will not get anything. But if we turn to high feelings and love, then in 99% of cases guys begin to apologize and open up a field for manipulation. And then it begins:

  • Show me that you love me, buy me a new phone
  • You do not love me? Love, then let's go to a sushi bar
  • I knew that you didn’t love me, you couldn’t even send your friends for me.

The more a guy succumbs to such blackmail, the weaker and more attached he becomes to the girl. It's funny, but many girls then part with the guys, as they "became different", although they themselves broke all the will and self-sufficiency of the guy.

What to do in such a situation? In this situation, you need to clearly understand the difference between blackmail and real claims against you. How to do it? Try to take a sober look at yourself from the outside. If the claims are justified, then correct the defect in order to prevent the first, considered by us, situation. If you are doing everything right, then you need to follow a simple principle: "Whatever the girl does, it should not affect my behavior." At first there will be scandals and tantrums, but then the girl will fizzle out, and all the proposals to you will be reasonable and constructive.

Fading relationships

When we see a girl every day, we begin to feel and understand her quite well. Therefore, the moment in the deterioration of relations, we can easily determine. When we ask a girl about this, she replies: “Everything is fine, nothing happened,” but our feelings cannot be deceived.

We begin to worry, delve into our relationships, make various surprises, gifts and romantic meetings, but nothing helps to restore normal relations and prove our sincere love for the girl. Relationships fade away every day, and we see no obvious reason for this.

The reason for this attenuation. There is a good rule of thumb for relationships, which is: "After 2-3 years of relationship, girls break up with their boyfriends due to the pointlessness of continuing."

Remember that all girls date guys for some ultimate goal. Such goals can be family, children, career growth, buying some gifts. Of course, there is a place for understanding with warmth, but one does not interfere with the other.

Therefore, after 2-3 years, the girl asks herself the question, what do I expect from this relationship, what can they give me? As a rule, they all want the next step from a guy: a wedding, a family, another expensive and meaningful "gift". If the guy does not, then the girl loses interest and breaks up with him.

The most typical example of such a situation is a marriage proposal. A girl is waiting for this step from a guy for 2-3 years, if he does not mature, then the girl simply leaves him for another. Even if the guy realizes his mistake and proposes to the girl, then she no longer perceives him, because he is not a man!

Therefore, if your relationship with a girl has been going on for a considerable period, then you need to think not about high feelings and romance, but about specific goals that interest the girl. If you cannot achieve these goals with a girl, then it is useless to prove your love, she will leave anyway.

What to do in such a situation? You need to determine the goals and motives that the girl pursues when meeting you. If you can fulfill them, then just do not miss this opportunity, and the girl will be with you. If you cannot fulfill them, then there is such a thing as "restart of relations". Read more about this in the articles on our website.

General conclusion on evidence of love

It is worth noting that in a relationship, a man should not prove his love to a girl with any words and signs of attention. All evidence of a man must come from his actions, which he does for the sake of his girlfriend. If he does them, then the girl herself will understand about the guy's warm feelings. And this is a fact.

Various gifts, going to restaurants and other things are not love, and even less are they proof that you love a girl. Therefore, solve existing problems, monitor the emotional state of your girlfriend and do not blame everything on love, it has nothing to do with it.

How to prove your love to a girl? Surely every second male representative, upon hearing this question, will brush it off and say that nothing of the kind needs to be done, because she already knows everything. However, dear men, this is not at all the case. Love is an everyday work where you get exactly what you put in. Surely you value your soul mate and love her more than anyone else in the world! Then make her feel it!

Remember, at the very beginning of your relationship, every minute you thought about how to please your girlfriend. And then, especially if people have been dating for more than a year, the relationship changes somewhat. No, there is no need to think about how to prove it, for sure by this time she had already understood everything. However, remember how the fire is kept up! If you do not throw wood or twigs into it, it will go out and it will be very difficult to light it. So in the case of feelings, if you do not think about how to keep them and make them stronger, they will fade.

Life consists of pleasant little things, surprises. So please your soul mate. And in this article you can find some tips and tricks on how to do it.

Surprise your beloved, think about how to prove your love to the girl. For example, tell her beautifully how you love her. No, not by phone or in person, but in a different, new way. For example, ask those acquaintances whom she hasn’t seen yet to help you. Buy some flowers and some postcards. Write beautiful words of love on them and give them to your friends. Do you know which way your chosen one usually goes to work or college? Have someone you know take turns giving her flowers and cards. And only in the last write that these flowers were from you. The original way, isn't it?

If you are still wondering how to prove that you love a girl, here are a few more ways. Share your feelings in several languages ​​of the world by writing it all on a large Whatman paper. Tie it to balloons filled with gas or helium and send a confession to your beloved's window. Imagine she is sitting in a room, reading a book or preparing for an exam, and suddenly she receives such a miracle message from you. Surely your chosen one will be delighted. Or if you do not like this method, write a declaration of love under her windows at night in chalk, and in the morning call and ask her to look out into the yard.

Flowers are a banal way to prove your love to a girl. It is known that each of them expresses some kind of feeling. Choose in the store those that most vividly can express your feelings and forward, with a bouquet to your chosen one. Try to choose unusual "talking" plants and tell your lady about what each flower expresses. And this should be done not only on a holiday, but also on a regular one.

You can also surprise a girl with a romantic dinner prepared by your hand. Find out what dishes she prefers, what kind of music she likes. Compose it all, create a romantic setting with balloons, candles, incense sticks and flowers. And don't forget to ask her to dance after dinner. Well, if you are going to invite her to marry you, then this will be a great way. Go to a candy store before dinner, ask the seller to wrap the box with the ring among the chocolates so that it is barely visible. Offer her candy at dinner. Surely this will also become an example of how to prove your love to a girl.

Remember that the feeling will wither like a plant if you don't water and care for it every day. And such gentle creatures as girls need your care and affection. Try to surprise them, give them tenderness every day, showing attention and romance.

It is difficult to recognize the feelings of another person when he himself is anxiously carried away and excited. Often questions arise that do not give rest - how long is this, is this the only one, what if I am not interesting to her, funny and awkward in her eyes? How to express your feelings, how to prove that you love a girl, that you cannot imagine your future life without her?

How to prove to a girl that I love her

Your words and actions themselves should speak about it instead of constant proofs and "sacrifices" for the sake of love for the one and only woman. How to convince a girl that you love her, these simple tips will help.

First, it's always good to show your affection by giving small gifts. These can be flowers, trinkets, selected in accordance with the hobbies and preferences of your passion. They will be able to show that you think about her.

Second, don't forget about romance in your relationship. All girls are romantic by nature, it is worthwhile to go towards nature in this, for example, having a picnic on the shore. And a dinner in the flickering of candles (even if it consists of sandwiches or a shop pizza) will leave its indelible mark - after all, in this case, it is not food that is important for you, but the emotional atmosphere.

The girl will appreciate your invention and imagination, the time and money spent. If you have sufficient funds, as well as your position in society, the evening can be spent in a restaurant or out of town. Such actions will prove your serious intentions.

Women do not consider those who neglect their attention to be proof of love, and do not respond to the obvious or feigned indifference of those who believe Pushkin's lines: the less we love a woman ...

A good reason to prove that you love a girl is to remember common dates - first meeting, first kiss, birthdays. Love and show your love for what your chosen one holds dear, be it a grumpy Saint Bernard or a fluffy rabbit, music or painting. You may have to fall in love with something more serious.

Many guys, for the sake of their love, can quit smoking, break up with a dubious company, spend an evening alone instead of football - these are very serious proofs of love that not everyone can do.

If your companion constantly demands proof of your love, and you are constantly in anxiety about how to prove that you love a girl, you should think about the seriousness of her relationship. Perhaps you are just another fancy in her collection, or she, hiding indifference, is just having fun with you.

All girls love attention and are supportive of courtship. And do not be mistaken that the candy-bouquet period ends as soon as your relationship has moved to a new, bed level. If you want to prove to a girl that you love her, be ready to take care of her every day, periodically give flowers and gifts, and show signs of attention. It's actually not that hard, especially if you really love. Think about how to always be interesting to her.

If a girl sees that you are really interested in her opinion, you listen to her and value her advice, this will be one of the main proofs of your love. By the way, the advice and, however, may turn out to be practical. Respect should be mutual.

Girls appreciate attention. Call her during the day, do not forget to congratulate her on the holidays, every day wish good night before bed. Then she will definitely be sure that you love her and think about her constantly.

Make plans together. This gives hope for the long-term nature of your relationship, and girls really need confidence and stability in their relationship. This is not about empty promises and plans to live together until old age, about what you will call your children or what kind of house you will have. Short-term plans will be enough. Within a couple of weeks or a month will be enough. Plan a weekend party and bowling alley together next Friday. For now, that will be enough.

Girls need not only love and care, but also admiration. She should feel herself-herself. To prove to the girl that you love her, pay her compliments more often, admire her appearance, her cooking skills, her intelligence, and anything, even if it is a little untrue. But do not overdo it, too frank flattery can, on the contrary, give rise to suspicions. And so the girl will be sure that with such her data in your heart there will be no place for another.

How to convince a girl that you love

Love is the brightest and most magical thing that can happen in the life of any girl. Love does not obey any laws of logic, but over time it can gradually lose its power. To convince a girl that you love her, you need not words, as in the first stage of a relationship, but deeds.

It is not enough to meet your love - you still need to try hard to keep it. Unfortunately, it often happens that love dissolves in daily problems and everyday trifles.

* In no case should you try to remake the girl, adjust her “for yourself”.

* Remember that there are no perfect people. You must have the unique ability to accept the other person as he really is, with all his merits and demerits.

* To convince a girl that you love her, you need to admire and be proud of your beloved girlfriend.

* It is necessary to constantly discover in it something new, interesting and previously unknown and admire the newly experienced.

* It is important to constantly and tirelessly tell the girl about your feelings: what makes you feel good, and what makes you feel uncomfortable.

* A girl should never lack attention and support.

* A guy needs to try to make his girlfriend happy so that her every day is special, not like the previous ones.

* Learn to feel your soul mate, try to understand the inner world of your beloved.

* Be sincere with your beloved, tell her everything that comes from the depths of your heart.

* Treat your soulmate as yourself: learn to forget offenses and learn to forgive and accept the girl as close as yourself.

* To convince the girl that you love her, say words of love more often.

* Always listen to your girlfriend to the end, do not interrupt her in mid-sentence, give her the opportunity to speak out.

* Constantly help your sweetheart.

* As often as possible, do pleasant things that would prove your love.

If you follow these simple rules, you can always count on your significant other to love you at any age and in any life circumstances.

In fact, every man knows exactly how to convince a girl that you love her, just not everyone wants to use this knowledge!

And always remember that Love never obeys any laws, and it is quite possible to keep a girl's love!

Some men are happy to be stingy with emotions, although in their hearts they love their soul mate, and very much. But women are sentimental beings, and most of them simply need proof of love, at least occasionally. And there are situations when the beloved is offended and believes that you do not love her at all. Then take the situation into your own hands and prove it otherwise.

How to prove to a girl that you love her - remember everything that happened before

Surely your relationship with your beloved developed romantically - walks under the moonlight, flowers, passionate confessions and much more. But over time, the passion dies down, even if the love gets hotter. Many men believe that if they have already proved their love, then once again there is no need to waste energy, but in fact, the fire does not burn without additional logs, and love dies out without periodic confessions.

How to prove to a girl that you love her - do not forget about compliments and confessions

  • Many women love with their ears, and even not the most eloquent man can melt, the main thing is to be sincere in his confessions. Tell us how you feel about your significant other, describe how good and kind she is, and what she means to you.
  • Just do not lie, if your half does not understand this, then sooner or later this will negatively affect the relationship. Truth, truth and only truth!
  • And if it's difficult for you to speak directly, then write her an ordinary paper letter, in this way you will not only express your thoughts, but also really surprise your beloved. In the age of modern technology, ordinary writing is an indicator of special attitude.

How to prove to a girl that you love her - we prove love by actions

Words - with words, you can't get by with them alone, but the true attitude can be proved by actions. And these are not even gifts and flowers, but a good attitude towards your beloved, respect, care, help in necessary situations. Do not be lazy to give your hand when getting out of the car, and in the eyes of the girl you will become a true gentleman, and nowadays it is very much appreciated.

How to prove to a girl that you love her - plan a joint future

If love is mutual and sincere, then thoughts about a joint future visit both partners sooner or later. Your soul mate will be very pleased to know that you are planning your common future, you want joint children and a common home. Even if a girl says that she does not want a family, then deep down she knows that sooner or later this will happen and your opinion will melt her heart.

Just don't overdo it, especially if the girl is very young or your relationship has just begun. If an 18-year-old girl, after a week of relationship, you start talking about the desire to have children together, she may get scared.

How to prove to a girl that you love her - meet her parents

The intention to get to know the parents of your beloved is a rather serious step that can say a lot. And prepare for the meeting seriously, ask your girlfriend what flowers her mom prefers, what her dad likes to talk about, and use it in practice. But just do not overplay, flattery is visible from afar, and this can only do harm. When meeting, do not forget about your beloved, otherwise she may be offended.

How to prove to a girl that you love her - marriage proposal

If your relationship is already sufficiently formed and well-established, and you are 100% sure of your love and love for you by your chosen one, then feel free to make a marriage proposal.

This is the surest way to show all your love and desire to be with this girl all her life, and she will certainly appreciate it.

Of course, we cannot stop there. A wedding is not the end in working on your relationship, you need to feed your love for each other with attention, care, and respect every day. And the most important thing is that relationships built on trust are always the strongest, tender and sensual, so be always honest with your chosen one, and your life together will give only joy.

So this feeling came to you. Love comes to everyone. But how can you prove to a girl that you love her? Confession alone is unlikely to work; love requires proof. Therefore, from words one should get down to business. You can give small gifts (after all, the main thing is not the cost of the gift, but the attention), this will be proof that you think about her and want to do something nice. But is that enough?

There are a lot of tips that will tell you how to prove the sincerity of your feelings to an object of love and adoration.

Girls love romance!

This fact must be taken into account. You can have a candlelit dinner on your own. It doesn't matter if it's ordinary sandwiches, a light salad or more serious dishes. Women live by their feelings, so they will be extremely pleased to know that the day was not spent meeting with friends or playing online, but preparing such a pleasant surprise.

If finances permit, this dinner can be transferred to a restaurant, thus showing the girl about his serious intentions. Everyone knows that if men invest their money in something, it is really dear and important to them. This can also apply to love.

"The less we love a woman ..."

Everyone knows the continuation of these lines. But do not rely on them, it leads to the opposite result. If men are hunters and the fact of conquest is important to them, then women need attention not only during the period of conquest, but also at the entire stage of relationships. Indifference, albeit feigned, is extremely inappropriate here.

Knowledge of common dates and events can speak of the seriousness of a relationship: the birthdays of her and her loved ones, the first kiss or the place of acquaintance. Serious proof of feelings is the cessation of communication with dubious "friends" (we are not talking about real friends!), Cessation of smoking and so on. So you show that you want to become better for your chosen one. But not everyone can do this.

If the object of adoration regularly requires evidence, any active actions and deeds, this may indicate its frivolity. In this way, she can simply have fun, playing with other people's feelings!

Attention and respect

It is important for a girl to see that they take care of her, listen to her opinion and value advice, the more advice can be quite sensible. A good proof of love is mutual respect. Attention plays an important role in a relationship: call during the day, ask about her business, say good night. This shows what you think of her.

If there is a feeling of love, then there is also confidence in a joint future. This does not mean that you need to discuss how to spend old age together or in which city to live. It is enough to make joint plans for vacations, holidays or weekends - these pleasant little things make it possible to speak with confidence about the seriousness of the relationship.

How to behave if you love

To prove your love to a girl, words are not enough, actions and certain behavior are important.

Therefore, it is necessary to be:

  • Kind. Girls will appreciate the good attitude towards them. It is important not only to be such in her presence, playing a role or putting on "masks", but to try to really become kinder. There is a misconception that girls love bad guys. On the contrary, they love and appreciate the kind, especially when the relationship is more serious.
  • Honest. This character trait is extremely important in love. You cannot build a serious relationship without her. Having lied once, you can permanently lose confidence in yourself, which means that you can doubt your feelings.

  • Caring. Sometimes it’s caring that speaks more about feelings than words and other evidence. It can manifest itself in little things: "Dress warmly, it's cold today", "Did you eat well?" etc. It is important not to be selfish, but to be able to take into account and accept the interests of your half.
  • Loving. It is very important for girls to feel attention to themselves. Do not forget about hugs and kisses, affectionate and tender words, show your chosen one that you value this relationship

How to prove your love to a girl? This is an overly topical question for guys in love. It has long been established that a man should conquer his woman and, even if we live by the values ​​of the modern world, such a tradition has become firmly established in the girl's unconscious expectations. How can you prove your love for a girl? Most of the girls themselves believe that it is necessary to prove love to a guy by actions. There is not a materialistic, but a logical rationale - men are concrete by nature, their thinking is practical, and feelings are tied to actions. Therefore, when a guy is really not indifferent to his feelings, he will show this in care, protection, attempts to surprise or fulfill a dream.

How to prove to a girl that you love her?

Some believe that love, as an axiom, does not require proof for itself. This is partly true, because if feelings really exist, they rush out, they are simply difficult to hide. However, there are situations when love still has to be confirmed by something.

How to prove to a girl your love for her, and should you do it? Sometimes a girl doubts a guy's feelings, having a negative experience of a past relationship. It is common for women to be amorous, to be captured, and, perhaps, earlier she was too open, which was not worth doing, as it turned out. Now she has met sincere love, but she no longer believes in her at all, or she constantly periodically goes into doubts. If you decide to overcome her negative programs, and are looking for ways to prove your love for a girl, you should succeed. Women love persistent guys, and a man who truly loves and achieves reciprocity usually gets it.

If a girl has had a bad experience and a negative relationship program has developed, she may think that love does not exist at all, or that men are incapable of loving. Sometimes it manifests itself latently, in the subconscious structures of the psyche. A girl herself may dream of building a relationship, thinking that nothing is bothering her personally, but she is constantly looking for confirmation of her negative attitude from the outside. Then she will interpret any event as an obstacle to the development of relations, if even a hypothetical rival arises, she will distance herself, and if she will immediately give up. Accordingly, it will become almost impossible to build a relationship, since she is unconsciously against them, believes that they will not take place, and even expects a break in order to confirm her negative picture.

An observant loving guy here may notice that periodically the actions of such a young lady can be focused on breaking the relationship directly or can provoke a break. And this, naturally, does not happen because of her sincere desire, but because of the work of these negative programs. It's great if the guy is reasonable and has a stable psyche in order to refrain from such provocations and try to strengthen, nevertheless, build and protect the relationship.

But, the question arises, how to prove to the girl that you love her? A guy can prove love by deed by demonstrating that he is not the type to betray. And this is not a quick way, a woman always needs proof of love, this is not a matter of one day, not one month, not one year. Therefore, the guy needs to initially explore his feelings, whether they are so strong, and whether he is so interested in this woman. Indeed, in fact, it is very difficult to maintain the purity and strength of feelings for the person who is endowed with a negative program and constantly provokes, tests love for strength. Such work is not easy. On the part of the mistrustful girl, there will be behavior that someday will make you want to stop fighting, give up, break up with her.

Only a strong man can really prove his love by convincing a girl and dispelling fears, who is firmly convinced that together they will eventually build a strong relationship. When a young lady with all her looks, with all her actions, is trying to destroy everything, to show that she does not need you as a guy, that she is not interested, that she is not really capable of love - a guy who has decided to prove love must stick to his goal. Negative programs can easily destroy what has a wormhole, what is built on "sand".

In a couple, people who often sincerely love, are compatible, do not hate souls initially converge. But gradually, the negative program begins to spoil the relationship, people can part - not at all because they have ceased to be suitable for each other, but simply because they have not been able to maintain the relationship that they like, have not been able to resist their negative unconscious expectations and false life scenarios. Having set a goal to achieve a relationship, the guy can really achieve it, the only question is, by what efforts, and whether he is ready for them. It will be necessary to show remarkable perseverance, invest a lot of energy and not bend, not change the goal, even when there is a very powerful provocation coming from the negative attitudes of your girlfriend. The streak of attack of negative programs is also ending. Relationship obstacles will temper you if you can overcome them by continuing on your journey. Only such a long-term confirmation of love can prove it to a girl. A simple demonstration of sympathy from time to time can also attract a lady's attention only for a while.

How to prove your love to a girl with your actions?

So you've made up your mind. How to prove to a girl your love for her by doing? How to convince a friend that you love, do not leave her and will be faithful to her?

In addition to the traditional courtship and such signs of attention as to meet, hold, congratulate on the holiday, invite on a pleasant date, give flowers, bring medicine, if a girl is sick, you also need to take into account the individual characteristics of the young lady. You need to learn to listen to what she herself says, to decipher the hints that she gives for you. Understand what a particular lady needs, and do it. So she will distinguish you from the rest of the men who tried to look after her routinely. Moreover, sometimes a woman does not even care about typical trips to a restaurant or gifts, your efforts without specifying what exactly she needs will be simply in vain or even misinterpreted.

Everyone has their own language of love, the channel through which they best receive signs of attention, interprets them as manifestations of unequivocal love for themselves. Identify your girlfriend's love language and act in that direction. There can be several such channels, but usually from one to three. Consider the most common love languages, including words, help, time, touch, and gifts.

How to prove your love to a girl in words? Words as the language of admiration for a girl are a very common channel. Women love, as you know, with their ears. Almost all women love compliments, and for some, this channel is dominant. When this is the case for your chosen one, you just need to learn to admire her and regularly express it in words. So she will receive what she needs, a charge of energy. You will become just a pleasant person for her, and over time a necessary person, because she will take attention from you in a language she understands.

Help is the language of benefit. If you have determined that the girl is extremely pleased to receive help from you, even if you are not an expert in the necessary areas, try to always show participation, attention to her requests for support and help in practical matters. This language can be mistakenly interpreted as a search for benefits through relationships, an attempt to solve their problems through a man. However, for a girl whose main language is help, this is a natural manifestation of love. To identify him, follow how she acts when there is a chance to help you. If she tries to participate, then she would also like to receive such signs of attention.

The language of time is time spent together. For example, these are walks in the park, joint, even the simplest communication. If this love language is native to a girl, she can even love to silently sit next to you, be together even without talking or doing something together.

It is interesting and at the same time not always easy at the initial stages, when the girl's dominant love language is touch. Hugs, kisses, strokes are vital for her. When she is tired or sad, and you just hug her, give her a massage, she will not only relax, receive the kinesthetic sensations she needs so much, but will also feel great gratitude to you and will become even more drawn to such a caring and feeling man. Give her touch, she appreciates them both in themselves and as a prelude to intimacy, which is very important to her. A chosen one with a pronounced channel of touch will treat intimacy with all emotional depth, for her sexual compatibility, the partner's sensuality and his ability to please her are acutely important.

The next language, the language of gifts, like compliments, also belongs to the traditional channel of courtship. It is worth saying here that for some women, however, it is not so important, for others it is so important that they may be considered mercantile and too focused on things. Although receiving a gift from a man for such a woman is not a benefit, but a sign of attention, love. This channel, like others, comes from childhood, even then she had the idea that if she loves, then she gives gifts. It is no longer possible to change this. Without attention to the natural language of love, you can only leave a lady with a feeling of dislike, no matter how you would try to prove love for a girl in other ways.

Determine what kind of love languages ​​your girlfriend perceives, and do an act addressed to her channels. For example, if it is touching and at the same time gifts, give her a massage course. If time is in addition, then take the course with her. Or, for example, you found out that your praise and help is important for a girl - remember what the girl asked you, what she designated as her need, and do it. And then also praise her herself for the fact that she herself copes with something perfectly. Move away from the formulaic signs of attention, be unique, and you will become indispensable to her. She will appreciate what you heard, felt her for who she is - this will be the best proof of love for the girl.

How to prove your love to a girl from a distance?

Of course, the normal state of love is intimacy. But if separation has become between you, this is not a sentence to your relationship. On the contrary, and at a distance you have a great opportunity to please the girl. And if you try, the distance will play on you.

So, for example, a guy in love leaving on a business trip can pre-order weekly small surprises for his lady of the heart at the gift agency. Imagine how surprised she will be, and how pleased she will be to receive a token of attention from you, knowing that you are far away, but remember her! This will favorably distinguish you from other fans who, even being nearby, could not be so original and attentive. This also includes self-left notes in unexpected places or a self-written quest around the city. Feelings of uncertainty, pleasant expectations and a desire to solve the riddle, to find the next letter from you will fuel the fantasy and emotionality of the chosen one, and they are your best allies in convincing the girl of their love.

Do not treat separation as a failure, because only when they are at a distance, lovers really begin to appreciate each other, get bored and even dream. Separation even helps some couples keep their feelings fresh and playful in their relationships. Now you have the opportunity to call or write to her, telling her interesting details from your new location, send her photos of distant places - literally arrange a visual tour for her herself, visit there with you and dream how exciting it would be. And dreams, it is known, are often even more tempting than reality.

So, how to prove your love and loyalty to a girl from a distance? Show participation in her life, become at this stage a close spiritual friend for her, because the distance is conducive to philosophical conversations. Find out what she dreams of and try to fulfill some of her desires at a distance - in our age of the Internet and a developed service industry, this is easy, but still fresh for the senses.

As you know, love is one of the most difficult aspects of human relationships. Girls have become much more demanding of their boyfriends, and in order for a guy to prove his serious intentions, he must try. From generation to generation, the "tradition" of winning the hand and heart of his lady was passed on. But if in past centuries it was necessary to accomplish a feat for the sake of a lady, nowadays everything is a little more complicated. Of course, doing something for the sake of a beloved girl is good, but it may not be enough.


“How can I prove to her that I love her?” You ask. The answer is simple. If you met only recently, but are confident in your deep feelings - you should know that the first thing you need is romance. No, no, no need to arrange expensive gifts for nothing. If a girl appreciates you for your attitude towards herself, and not for money, then she will have enough affectionate words in her direction. And of course, don't forget about compliments. Girls love it when guys pay attention to their appearance. They sit at the mirror for hours to put on beautiful makeup, they go through their things for half a day to put on something interesting - and that's all for you, dear men. It becomes very unpleasant for young ladies when her efforts are simply not noticed.

"How to prove to a girl that I love her?" - an eternal question! As one wonderful piece says:

“Do not be afraid to give warming words and do good deeds.

The more wood you put in the fire, the more heat you will take. "

So it is with girls. Believe me, the girl reflects what you present to her. If you give her love, she will become loved and unique for you. If you surround her with affection and care - believe me, you will not see such a caring and gentle girl anywhere else. But suddenly it so happened that in your relationship there are only quarrels and disappointments, then the young lady will behave in the same way with you. She will be callous, selfish and unceremonious.

How to prove to a girl that I love her? Poems will help

Every girl dreams that the guy was more romantic. Such an innocent gesture, like poetry, will make the person much more fun. No wonder they came up with beautiful words, because neither gifts nor expensive restaurants can replace sincere words. Many men believe that showing tenderness to their chosen one is a weakness. But this is not at all the case. If a man is gentle and attentive to the lady of his heart, it only means that he cares for her and really has warm feelings. You will not lose courage from such a step, believe me.

Different cities

Guys often ask: "How can I prove to a girl that I love her from a distance?" In the modern world, there are quite a few situations where a seemingly ideal relationship destroys kilometers between lovers. Due to the fact that you do not see each other for a long time, quarrels begin from scratch. Here they should be avoided. Not only do you not see each other, so you kill bright feelings for each other by quarrels. "How can I prove to her that I love her?" - you ask. Do not forget, dear men, that a woman is a gentle creature. She needs as much affection and warmth as possible. Believe me, she will repay you in kind, and you will not be able to rejoice in your relationship. Of course, if you are in different cities, you cannot do anything, but you should remember only two rules that will help you survive separation.


The girl loves very much when she is taken care of, and even more so when her boyfriend remembers her. Even if you are very busy, you still have at least a minute in a day to call your betrothed and ask how she is doing. Such deeds are valued more than exploits.

Frankness and tenderness

As mentioned earlier, you have to be gentle. This will not only maintain a warm relationship between you, but also raise you in the eyes of your companion. "How can I prove to her that I love her?" is a question that is often asked. Remember, never lie. The girls feel it, and after that scandals will begin. If you decide to hang out with the guys, then it is better to tell her the truth and promise that you will call her and say that everything is fine with you. This should not be taken for the fact that you are accountable to her, the girl is worried about you - this is an elementary and simple gesture that will also help preserve your trust in each other.

How to prove to a girl that I love her? By deed!

As a rule, women know very well that if a guy really loves, then he will do everything in his power to prove his love. Unfortunately, there are many cases when a guy just gives up without showing the purity of his intentions. Here, dear guys, you should be patient. In order for the girl to literally melt in your hands, you will have to make a lot of effort. It doesn't matter what your social status is, whether you are rich or with an average income, only the attitude and your steps towards the chosen one are important. Quite often they ask: "How can I prove that I love her?" You may not give her expensive bouquets, but at least occasionally present chamomile or carnation. As one smart woman said: “There are no women who do not like flowers. There are men who think so. " Spend more time together. Even the most casual walk can be better than a trip to Paris.

What girls love

There is one: girls love winners. Sometimes it happens that two men are fighting for the love of one person. If you think you’re going to lose and just give up, then you’ll never win her favor. "How to prove to a girl that I love her by actions?" is the most popular question today. This is the whole point. If you are asking this question, you must be prepared for anything. You don't need to be too persistent, but a little "insolence" will not hurt. If you invited a girl somewhere, but she refused you - do not give up! Often, girls do not agree to a date the first time. Thus, the girl "weeds out" those who are not worthy of her.

How to behave

Young people, remember. Always behave naturally and at ease. Even if this is the girl of your dreams, do not be shy and blush when talking to her. Be consistently confident enough, but don't overdo it. If the girl doesn't tell you something, you don't need to panic. As you know, a girl must have a riddle. It is this riddle that attracts you to your companion. To the eternal question: “How can I prove to her that I love her?”, There is one answer: be yourself. Do not be shy about your feelings and always say it as it is. Sincerity is always appreciated more than expensive gifts.

How to impress

Guys often ask: "How can I prove to a girl that I love her?" As mentioned earlier, romance works wonders. Before the date, you should prepare well and try to do everything at the highest level. In the warm season, it is best to take the young lady to nature, where you can watch the sunset. This spectacle captures everyone, so it is best to watch the sunset by the river. You just need to find such a place, believe me, the girl will appreciate it. In such an environment, it is best to talk about your sincere intentions.

You ask: "How can I prove to her that I love her?" If you have reached the age when you can get married, propose to your companion. Believe me, it's not scary at all and doesn't even hurt! After such words, the girl will simply melt in your hands. The main thing is to properly prepare and organize everything beautifully. Get ready to turn on romantic music, find the right words. In order not to get confused and not confused, find a suitable poem. If you are sure that this woman is the love of your life, you should not postpone such an event on the back burner. Every girl expects such an act from her boyfriend. This does not mean at all that your freedom is taken away by marriage, it shows real and very strong feelings.

The guys are interested in: "How can I prove to a girl that I love her, if it's a little early to talk about marriage?" There are many beautiful and romantic places where you can go and confess your love to your soul mate. Present her a toy with the inscription "I love you", present a flower, while trying to look as confident as possible. Tell her how beautiful she is and tell her how you feel. Even if you say that at the sight of her your heart jumps out of your chest - the ice will break. Romance and sincerity work wonders. No matter how callous and inviolable your chosen one may seem, you can get through to her. The main thing is to choose the right words, and her heart will open for you. Do not be afraid of your feelings, because they bring many bright moments into your life. Love is the best thing that can happen to you! You should not hide your feelings, and even more so, be ashamed of them.

Be honest

When communicating with a girl, be always honest, do not deceive her, do not pass off as someone else... The clever representative of the beautiful half of humanity will quickly figure you out. And even if she doesn’t see through you, sooner or later the lie will emerge. In order not to be afraid for this, just do not be fooled.

Self confidence

Guys who are confident have always attracted, attract and will attract the weaker sex. After all, if you are confident in yourself, you can be relied on, we can say with confidence that you are a purposeful and reliable person like a Swiss bank. Conversely, when a guy is terribly shy, which speaks of insecurity, there is little good to say about him. Girls need to be won, but in order to succeed in this, you must know your worth and be completely confident in your abilities.

Know how to listen

When your companion says do not interrupt her, learn to listen, not just silently, but showing that you are really interested in O. To do this, you can ask your interlocutor from time to time, clarify, nod and say "Seriously?" If you become a good listener, you will certainly win the girl's sympathy.


However, all of the above signs do not at all clearly make the girl understand that you are in love with her. Another thing - mirroring gestures, facial expressions, articulations. But do not show off, so that your interlocutor does not think that you are imitating her..


Give your girl one sensual and interested eye-to-eye look... Eyes are the mirror of the soul, and therefore the feelings that a person experiences can literally be read by his gaze. And even a word will not be needed in order for the girl to understand that you have the most tender feelings for her.


Take the other person out on a date somewhere romantic., offer to watch the sunset together, be sure to walk her home, hug her goodbye in a friendly way, and also say that you had a great time and would be glad to meet again. You don't need to try to kiss your girlfriend, only if on the cheek, and even then if your companion wants to.

As you know, love is one of the most difficult aspects of human relationships. Girls have become much more demanding of their boyfriends, and in order for a guy to prove his serious intentions, he must try. From generation to generation, the "tradition" of winning the hand and heart of his lady was passed on. But if in past centuries it was necessary to accomplish a feat for the sake of a lady, nowadays everything is a little more complicated. Of course, doing something for the sake of a beloved girl is good, but it may not be enough.


“How can I prove to her that I love her?” You ask. The answer is simple. If you met only recently, but are confident in your deep feelings - you should know that the first thing you need is romance. No, no, no need to arrange expensive gifts for nothing. If a girl appreciates you for your attitude towards herself, and not for money, then she will have enough affectionate words in her direction. And of course, don't forget about compliments. Girls love it when guys pay attention to their appearance. They sit at the mirror for hours to put on beautiful makeup, they go through their things for half a day to put on something interesting - and that's all for you, dear men. It becomes very unpleasant for young ladies when her efforts are simply not noticed.

"How to prove to a girl that I love her?" - an eternal question! As one wonderful piece says:

“Do not be afraid to give warming words and do good deeds.

The more wood you put in the fire, the more heat you will take. "

So it is with girls. Believe me, the girl reflects what you present to her. If you give her love, she will become loved and unique for you. If you surround her with affection and care - believe me, you will not see such a caring and gentle girl anywhere else. But suddenly it so happened that in your relationship there are only quarrels and disappointments, then the young lady will behave in the same way with you. She will be callous, selfish and unceremonious.

How to prove to a girl that I love her? Poems will help

Every girl dreams that the guy was more romantic. Such an innocent gesture, like poetry, will make the person much more fun. No wonder they came up with beautiful words, because neither gifts nor expensive restaurants can replace sincere words. Many men believe that showing tenderness to their chosen one is a weakness. But this is not at all the case. If a man is gentle and attentive to the lady of his heart, it only means that he cares for her and really has warm feelings. You will not lose courage from such a step, believe me.

Different cities

Guys often ask: "How can I prove to a girl that I love her from a distance?" In the modern world, there are quite a few situations where a seemingly ideal relationship destroys kilometers between lovers. Due to the fact that you do not see each other for a long time, quarrels begin from scratch. Here they should be avoided. Not only do you not see each other, so you kill bright feelings for each other by quarrels. "How can I prove to her that I love her?" - you ask. Do not forget, dear men, that a woman is a gentle creature. She needs as much affection and warmth as possible. Believe me, she will repay you in kind, and you will not be able to rejoice in your relationship. Of course, if you are in different cities, you cannot do anything, but you should remember only two rules that will help you survive separation.


The girl loves very much when she is taken care of, and even more so when her boyfriend remembers her. Even if you are very busy, you still have at least a minute in a day to call your betrothed and ask how she is doing. Such deeds are valued more than exploits.

Frankness and tenderness

As mentioned earlier, you have to be gentle. This will not only maintain a warm relationship between you, but also raise you in the eyes of your companion. "How can I prove to her that I love her?" is a question that is often asked. Remember, never lie. The girls feel it, and after that scandals will begin. If you decide to hang out with the guys, then it is better to tell her the truth and promise that you will call her and say that everything is fine with you. This should not be taken for the fact that you are accountable to her, the girl is worried about you - this is an elementary and simple gesture that will also help preserve your trust in each other.

How to prove to a girl that I love her? By deed!

As a rule, women know very well that if a guy really loves, then he will do everything in his power to prove his love. Unfortunately, there are many cases when a guy just gives up without showing the purity of his intentions. Here, dear guys, you should be patient. In order for the girl to literally melt in your hands, you will have to make a lot of effort. It doesn't matter what your social status is, whether you are rich or with an average income, only the attitude and your steps towards the chosen one are important. Quite often they ask: "How can I prove that I love her?" You may not give her expensive bouquets, but at least occasionally present chamomile or carnation. As one smart woman said: “There are no women who do not like flowers. There are men who think so. " Spend more time together. Even the most casual walk can be better than a trip to Paris.

What girls love

There is one little secret: girls love winners. Sometimes it happens that two men are fighting for the love of one person. If you think you’re going to lose and just give up, then you’ll never win her favor. "How to prove to a girl that I love her by actions?" is the most popular question today. This is the whole point. If you are asking this question, you must be prepared for anything. You don't need to be too persistent, but a little "insolence" will not hurt. If you invited a girl somewhere, but she refused you - do not give up! Often, girls do not agree to a date the first time. Thus, the girl "weeds out" those who are not worthy of her.

How to behave

Young people, remember. Always behave naturally and at ease. Even if this is the girl of your dreams, do not be shy and blush when talking to her. Be consistently confident enough, but don't overdo it. If the girl doesn't tell you something, you don't need to panic. As you know, a girl must have a riddle. It is this riddle that attracts you to your companion. To the eternal question: “How can I prove to her that I love her?”, There is one answer: be yourself. Do not be shy about your feelings and always say it as it is. Sincerity is always appreciated more than expensive gifts.

How to impress

Guys often ask: "How can I prove to a girl that I love her?" As mentioned earlier, romance works wonders. Before the date, you should prepare well and try to do everything at the highest level. In the warm season, it is best to take the young lady to nature, where you can watch the sunset. This spectacle captures everyone, so it is best to watch the sunset by the river. You just need to find such a place, believe me, the girl will appreciate it. In such an environment, it is best to talk about your sincere intentions.

You ask: "How can I prove to her that I love her?" If you have reached the age when you can get married, propose to your companion. Believe me, it's not scary at all and doesn't even hurt! After such words, the girl will simply melt in your hands. The main thing is to properly prepare and organize everything beautifully. Get ready to turn on romantic music, find the right words. In order not to get confused and not confused, find a suitable poem. If you are sure that this woman is the love of your life, you should not postpone such an event on the back burner. Every girl expects such an act from her boyfriend. This does not mean at all that your freedom is taken away by marriage, it shows real and very strong feelings.

The guys are interested in: "How can I prove to a girl that I love her, if it's a little early to talk about marriage?" There are many beautiful and romantic places where you can go and confess your love to your soul mate. Present her a toy with the inscription "I love you", present a flower, while trying to look as confident as possible. Tell her how beautiful she is and tell her how you feel. Even if you say that at the sight of her your heart jumps out of your chest - the ice will break. Romance and sincerity work wonders. No matter how callous and inviolable your chosen one may seem, you can get through to her. The main thing is to choose the right words, and her heart will open for you. Do not be afraid of your feelings, because they bring many bright moments into your life. Love is the best thing that can happen to you! You should not hide your feelings, and even more so, be ashamed of them.