Dress code and clothing styles. Lady's Dress Code for Any Occasion - The Complete Guide

What associations do you have when you hear the phrase “ corporate dress code»?

Do you imagine a system of dull restrictions that cross out your personality, or, conversely, a powerful and effective resource that can help you achieve your goals?

As my many years of experience as a business stylist show, most girls and women are not thrilled when faced with the need to maintain a business style at work. And the reason for this attitude is obvious.

Business dress code

If you type in the search engine the word “ dress code”, You will see thousands of photos. They will depict women and men in black or gray suits and white shirts, with black-framed glasses, with black briefcases in their hands. They are all alike, dull and monotonous.

This is a reflection of the social stereotype, the well-established perception of a person in a business suit. But this stereotype has a small but important component for the image of every business woman.

Features of a wardrobe for a business woman

Have you ever thought about how the requirements and standards for the appearance of a business person arose? For what purpose are we being asked to comply with the dress code?

The answer is simple: our clothes are able to " talk»!

Take a look at these pictures. Now think about what you could tell about these girls before they started communicating with you? Which of them seems to you more confident, and which - more balanced and calm? Who has the highest salary? Which of them is in charge of a large department, and who is a secretary? Whose career ambitions are greater, whose character is agreeable?

Each reader of the blog www .. Because each of us, being a member of modern society, is able to subconsciously decipher the information encoded in clothes. We acquire this skill throughout life and actively use it, establishing new contacts and communicating with the current environment.

The principle of a business suit is simple: “ Don't talk too much»!

Any ill-considered, random, unnecessary information can damage the case. Your clothes can "speak" ahead of you, creating a false impression. The modern rhythm of life gives no room for error. A good deal can go wrong only because your negotiating partner considers you insufficiently competent, guided by just your appearance.

Because there is also a stereotype in his head - a specific image of a reliable partner. And for the good of business and business, you must comply with it. You must be able to play a game called " Managing your experience with clothing».

Business attire masks your personal characteristics that are not business-related. At the same time, it emphasizes your professional qualities. This is exactly the information that your partner, client or colleague should receive in order for business communication to be successful and effective.

We do not go on a third date with a man we like in a black knee-length skirt and a white blouse, buttoned up.

Because these clothes are not sending the signal that we would like to send them. All the same rules apply to careers and business wardrobe. Our work clothes should convey our professionalism.

Every woman, regardless of her own ambitions and business qualities, always remains a woman. We want to look stylish and unique, we want to feel confident and irresistible. It is the women's wardrobe, in contrast to the men's, that allows you to create dozens of different sets based on a small number of things and accessories. We follow fashion and the dictates of our hearts, emotions and moods. Including in the morning, getting ready for a business meeting. Each of us looks in the mirror and asks him a question: “ Do I look good?»

As we already know, each of us unconsciously knows how to read " clothing language". But, unfortunately, in pursuit of our own style, beauty and fashion, many of us do not set the necessary vector for our business image, do not program useful and necessary messages in our work wardrobe, limiting ourselves to caring for our personal attractiveness. As a result, the employer is forced to insure himself with a unified office dress code against possible distortions of business communication between his employees and Clients. Regulations appear in the company that impose personal facelessness and call for erasing all the signs of your unique personality.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that few companies turn to experts, professional business stylists in order to develop a dress code adapted to the specifics of the business. Typically, an HR manager prints out the shortest and strictest version of the corporate dress code from the Internet, and then asks employees to read the text. In most cases, the requirements for the appearance of employees turn out to be outdated and overestimated-strict, cause outrage and rejection among the staff. And this is logical, why observe the classic dress code if you are not working as a diplomat or a high-ranking official?

Business style rules for women

As a result, the requirements of a business style cause a wry smile and dislike. And this is fundamentally wrong! Contrary to " horror films"Posted on the World Wide Web and your office mailing list, the average dress code required is not that strict. It allows a lot, and the list of its prohibitions and restrictions is very short.

Rule # 1

Your clothing should speak of your business qualities, demonstrate respect for Clients and loyalty to the employer.

If you come to the office in fishnets and mini-skirts, then your clothes definitely do not speak of your managerial qualities. She talks about your desire to arrange a personal life, as well as a certain upbringing and manners. This " information", For the most part, will not help you make a dizzying career or demonstrate your intellectual abilities.

And beautiful legs can be shown without damaging the business reputation. A pencil skirt and high-heeled shoes are the best helpers in this task.

Rule # 2

Your business image should reflect your personality just enough to facilitate work communication.

We live in the midst of a mix of European and Asian mentality. Business culture came to us from Europe. Business style is a necessary attribute of effective interaction. Business attire gives your partners the information they need to do business. This clothes " is talking»That you are: professional, purposeful, reliable, accurate, responsible, modern or conservative, consistent or unpredictable, etc. She helps " to tell"What you need and" keep silent»That has nothing to do with business and can inadvertently harm communications.

As for “ boring business wardrobe", Then you need to keep in mind that" correct"and monotonous business wardrobes are in no way suitable for our national business reality! Therefore, you shouldn't even try to reproduce them in your wardrobe.

If for the majority of Europeans, office clothes play the role of a uniform, which must correspond to the dress code adopted in the company and existing in the national mentality, symbolizing another reliable " screw"In a well-functioning mechanism, then we have the image of a reliable and professional" gray mouse"Is not accepted and does not work!

The domestic office dress code is a complex cocktail of the existing norms of the business environment and the distinctive features of an employee or business owner. The formula for success lies in the masterly combination of things that match the requirements of a business environment and emphasize your individuality. Merge " with background"Absolutely not! You will simply not be noticed. You need to look good, stylish, well-groomed and purely professional.

That is why there is no need to frown upon hearing the words “ business style" and " dress code».

A well-designed business wardrobe is a beautiful and devastating weapon in the hands of every successful woman.

If you know how " tell"With the help of your clothes and image what the interlocutor wants to" hear ", then you do not have to follow a boring dress code!

Program the messages you want into your clothes:

- I am a professional, an expert in my field

- I deserve a promotion and salary

- I am an irreplaceable and reliable employee

- I am ambitious, purposeful, responsible, career-minded

And don't forget to highlight your own uniqueness, femininity and style!

Creating a harmonious business wardrobe that is capable of performing two tasks simultaneously, without contradicting either of them, is a difficult task. But the result and benefit from owning such a set of things and accessories, the benefits and benefits that it will bring to your professional and personal life, are invaluable.

Professional business stylist, experience management specialist takes into account dozens of nuances ( field of activity, position, ambitions, features of the appearance of each woman, preferences and wishes, budget, etc..), after which he offers a unique style solution that will contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives, while emphasizing female attractiveness, highlighting the advantages and veiling possible disadvantages of appearance.

Examples of business bows for different professions


Women's business wardrobe allows the wearing of a jacket and skirt / trousers of different colors. Even the most formal suit will become more interesting as soon as there are more than two shades in it.


In warmer months, the palette of our wardrobe may become lighter.

And fashion trends of the season, for example, a tuxedo jacket or a top in linen style, will help add a zest to your look and emphasize individuality.

* However, remember that this option will not be appropriate for every profession, kind of business and position!


Blazers with ruffles, pleats and draperies, sewn from silk, complemented by a belt and silk top, look more feminine and graceful than their usual wool versions.


Laconic cut of things will help to look restrained and professional, but details and exquisite jewelry will emphasize your exceptional femininity.


Fridays can be comfortable with knitwear and stylish with unusual and harmonious color combinations in your business wardrobe.


If you don't like jackets, pay attention to comfortable cardigans. The main thing is to choose those that have no texture. The right cardigan for a business wardrobe - sleek, straight or semi-fitted, in fine wool or silk jersey.

And if your position is management, then it is better to use jackets. Just find comfortable and modern options for this wardrobe item!


If bright and multi-colored clothes are not welcome in your office, then use the method of combining shades according to the principle of "monochrome". Use one color and several of its tones in a costume ensemble.


Emphasize your personality by creating a bright accent with a contrasting color!

It is very difficult to understand exactly what a modern office dress code should be. Long gone are the days when business clothes meant a black or navy blue knee-length skirt with a white silk blouse that matched the tone of a jacket and high-heeled shoes. While women rejoice that heeled shoes are no longer a must in formal attire, the rest of the outfit is thought provoking. Many companies have developed a casual dress code for their employees that replaces the traditional suit and tie. So what exactly can you wear to the office today?


Universal dress code rules

1. It doesn't matter what are the features of the dress code in your company. There is one general rule for all types of formal wear: neatness. All employees must appear neat and clean at their workplace. Try to avoid frayed seams and scratch-free shoes. The wardrobe does not have to be expensive or fashionable, but the clothes must be well-groomed and fit.

2. The choice of clothing should create a professional and casual look. If you work directly with clients, it is very important that the clothes recommend you and the company itself well.

3. Office clothing in corporations should cover the body. Neckline, hips, back, chest and shoulders should be covered with opaque materials. Generally discouraged.

4. Makeup, perfume and hair do not have to be provocative. Avoid bright makeup, strong perfumes and hairstyles that attract too much attention. Long hair should also be pinned up, and curls should be removed from the face.

5. Wear a minimum of jewelry. The earrings should be small with only one earring in each ear. Usually bracelets are not allowed, but one nifty bracelet may work. It is also acceptable to wear a good branded watch and one ring on each hand. Ankle jewelry, facial piercings, or more than one necklace must not be worn.

6. If a belt connector is visible, it must be put on.

7. Plain fabrics are preferred over multicolored fabrics. Formal wear in navy blue, black, gray or other neutral colors looks really professional.

8. Never wear wrinkled clothes in the office. All shirts, trousers and jackets must be ironed without a single crease. As a last resort, when there is no time to iron the clothes, toss them in the dryer for a couple of minutes along with a cloth soaked in liquid fabric softener, this will remove wrinkles.

9. Most laundries will iron clothes for a small fee in case ironing becomes a real problem.

10. Skirts should be with slits or hem at knee level, maybe a little lower. The legs should cover the shoes, and the sleeves should cover the wrists. Avoid overly tight or tight-fitting clothing, as the fabric can be translucent.

11. A necessary thing in a business style is high-quality shoes. A casual outfit is allowed if the shoes are clean and well-groomed. In some cases, patent leather shoes are allowed for a bright look. Any shoes should be cleaned every day before work, and any scratches or seams should be repaired before putting on the shoes.

12. There is an old rule of all dress code - dress for the work you want. This idea helps to determine how strict the dress code is in the company where you want to work. If your boss puts on jeans and a polo shirt to work, chances are high that you can dress like that, but under no circumstances should you be the first to break dress code rules.

13. In the workplace, clothing comfort prevails over fashion. A business outfit should not hinder your movements while you perform your duties. When clothes are uncomfortable, productivity can be affected.

1. Formal style is especially difficult for women. It is very difficult to choose clothes that create a professional look and do not hide femininity. The problem can be solved by choosing conservative clothes, but adding accents in it with delicate jewelry, feminine colors or fabrics such as silk or cashmere.

2. Finding the balance between feminine clothing and a professional look takes practice and patience. First, it is possible to copy outfits from business style magazines - this will help develop your own style and taste in business attire.

3. If you find a skirt, jacket or trousers that suit you perfectly, buy the same model in several colors. This will create a formal outfit for every day, in which you will look great.

4. In the workplace, don't go for trendy clothes, innovative designs, or bold colors. Your wardrobe should help you feel attractive, comfortable, professional, without attracting undue attention.

5. If you prefer high-heeled shoes, remember that any heel taller than 4 cm is unacceptable for the office.


What is Casual Formal Wear

If the company where you work has decided to introduce casual formal wear, your challenge is to put things together to create the right wardrobe.

Casual formal wear is one step below the traditional business style. The goal of this style is to create comfort for the employee while maintaining a formal environment.

Formal casual wear for women

1. Formal casual attire for women includes casual tops such as polo shirts, button-down blouses, knee-highs, knit sweaters, cardigans and shirts with company logo.

2. Stockings can be ruled out during warmer months, but shoes should be with closed toes and heels. Comfortable shoes are only acceptable if they are in good condition.

3. Tennis shoes should be well polished. Clean insoles and an undamaged outsole are also essential.

4. Clothing with lettering or logos is only allowed in a looser formal-casual style, but any potentially offensive slogans or designs will never be appropriate.

5. Some companies allow denim, but khaki pants and khaki shirts are the worldwide choice for formal casual wear. Clothes should be a little loose and monochromatic.

Formal casual wear for men

1. There are never caps in formal casual men's clothing. Headdresses that symbolize religious or cultural beliefs are accepted, but casual headgear is not acceptable.

2. Men can wear knee-highs, button-down shirts, short-sleeved shirts, suit jackets, blazers and T-shirts with company logos. T-shirts and wrestling shoes are not part of the formal casual style.

3. Khakis, dockers or trousers are generally considered acceptable. Some companies also allow jeans, but sweatpants, short shorts, or sportswear are not allowed in the office.

4. Clothing embroidered with sports team logos is also unacceptable in formal settings.

5. Shoes usually include leather loafers and, in some cases, sneakers. Socks are a must in a professional style.

6. Men should keep jewelry to a minimum. Avoid wearing earrings, body jewelry, or chains during your workday.

Understanding what constitutes a business dress code is possible if you follow simple rules. The features of such a dress code are different in each company, but the basis of the professional style remains the same, except depending on personal preferences and changes in the trend in fashion.

The office dress code for women is selected by the head of the enterprise, taking into account generally accepted standards. What is recommended to wear at work, at corporate parties and business meetings, experts said. Learn 5 basic rules to apply the dress code correctly.

From the article you will learn:

Basic rules of office dress code for women

The dress code for women in the office is a set of rules and regulations that apply not only to clothes, but also to hair, makeup, and perfume. In most organizations, contrasting colors and prints, acid tones are prohibited. Clothes should match the given office style.

5 basic dress code rules for women:

Rule 1 - skirt.

The current style of office skirts is a pencil with a narrowed or straight cut below the knee or 5 centimeters above it. Choose blue, black, beige for everyday wear, red or white for the holidays.

Rule 2 - shirt.

The classic version of the top is a cotton shirt. If the organization does not have strict rules and has a smart casual dress code for women, allow chiffon or silk blouses with an ascot collar, flashlight sleeve or other trimmings. The color of the products should be in harmony with the skirt or trousers. White top and black bottom are considered win-win.

Rule 3 - jacket.

A jacket is not always considered an obligatory element of a business bow. During the summer months, executives make the rules less stringent by allowing people to go without a jacket. If it is customary to wear a jacket, write down in the rules what standards it must comply with. It is recommended to wear single-breasted garments with button closure, narrow lapels and a turn-down collar.

Rule 4 - dress.

The requirements for an office dress are the same as for skirts. From the models, a case or other options for a strictly cut are suitable. If a casual dress code for women is adopted, do not limit the choice of employees. The main thing is that there are no deep cuts on the chest, bright decor.

Rule 5 - pantsuit.

The style of a trouser suit is selected depending on the event. For everyday wear, fit trousers without arrows, a tapered cut, a high waist, and cropped legs. If you are planning a business meeting, a classic jacket, trousers with arrows in combination with a light shirt are optimal. It is not forbidden to wear a tie.

Important! The norms should apply to all employees of the organization. Otherwise, conflicts will flare up, which can lead to an aggressive confrontation. Be careful to introduce new rules so as not to spoil the relationship with the team.

Pay special attention to employees' shoes. Closed models are considered a classic option: pumps, heeled ankle boots, oxfords, derby shoes. In the summer season - closed-toe sandals, ballet flats. For business meetings, important negotiations, shoes are selected depending on the established dress code.

The business dress code for women dictates other rules. Excessively bright makeup, loose hair, careless hairstyles are prohibited. Do not recommend using eau de toilette or perfume with a pungent odor wearing a large number of jewelry and accessories. Bright manicure, long nails are taboo.

Before events, warn the team in what style to dress, if the invitation does not include the recommended dress code. This will avoid embarrassing situations, present the organization from its best side, and challenge competitors.

To enter the dress code in the organization, certain rules must be followed. Experts from "Systems of Personnel" will tell about them.

Types of business dress code for women at events

  1. Business Attire

Business Attire is a casual dress code for women. It is adhered to by bank employees, law firms and other organizations that work with clients. Employees dress in a business style: formal dresses, trouser suits, skirts with blouses. They establish basic requirements - strict but stylish clothes.

  1. Black Thai Dress Code for Women

Black Tie is an austere style that hits the red carpet at the awards ceremony. Women wear a long dress or a model below the knee. Deep neckline, open back or shoulders are acceptable. Cheap jewelry is inappropriate. The shoes are pumps with heels.

  1. Cocktail Dress Code for Women

Events in which this style is established are not distinguished by formality. Formal suits and dresses are inappropriate for them. The choice of a woman is not limited by anything - you can wear a bright short or little black dress, models with a print, with sleeves, free-cut options, etc. High-quality jewelry, stiletto heels, clutch bags are welcome. The cocktail dress code for women is a chance to show their attractiveness, which remains hidden in the office.

reference: The Cocktail Attire dress code for women is suitable for parties, dinner parties, banquets and other events. It is not always appropriate for corporate events that are held within the walls of an organization.

  1. Dress code A5

The dress code is similar to Smart Casual, but with freedom of choice. It is allowed to wear dresses, suits, jeans, breeches and even shorts. The main thing is no formality! Shoes and accessories are selected based on the style of the main outfit. A5 is suitable for parties and other informal events.

  1. WhiteTie

This is the strictest kind of dress code. Recently, it has become less and less common, but if an important reception with the ambassador is planned, large-scale aristocratic events, women should carefully consider the choice of clothes. A closed evening dress to the floor, gloves, jewelry will do. Hands and feet should be completely covered, hair tied in a bun.

If you want to regulate the rules in clothing, focus on the scope of the company. In most cases, the dress code is Smart Casual for Women, Casual or its variant, Business Attire. Tell the staff in detail what you can wear. If the company had no dress code requirements before, provide financial assistance so that the staff can update their wardrobe at the same time.

The office dress code for women is disciplined and has a positive effect on all the processes taking place in the organization. Be careful when introducing rules to avoid negativity and ruin relationships with employees.

The ability to look in accordance with the requirement of the moment does not appear by itself. It is impossible to acquire it without knowing the dress code. Moreover, knowledge and sense of style alone will not be enough to fully comply with the requirements of etiquette and create an image of a business person, appearing in society in different life and work situations.

In the 18th century, the Russian poet I.P. Bogdanovich, singing feminine beauty, wrote in his poem: "You are good in all of you, Darling,". However, women's business dress code establishes different rules, requiring the choice of clothing appropriate for a particular time, place and purpose of a lady's presence in society. Thus, today, clothing is part of business etiquette, and the ability to dress correctly has become one of the essential skills of a business person.

Types of dress code

The ancestors of the dress code as a system of rules for choosing clothes are prim, who created a code that has become an integral part of business etiquette, which is now used all over the world.

All types of dress codes are divided into groups according to three main characteristics:

  • the severity, rigidity of the requirements for the choice of clothing, the obligation to fulfill them;
  • the specifics of the events attended;
  • the time of day at which they are held.

In total, it is customary to distinguish 4 main types of dress codes. We will distribute them in decreasing order, depending on the severity of the requirements.

  1. Formal- the strictest type of dress code that defines the rules of appearance for celebrations and celebrations. Subdivided into formal and semi-formal.
  2. Business- the level of severity is inferior to Formal, is applicable to participate in business negotiations and, in general, to perform work duties in the workplace.
  3. Cocktai l - designed to choose clothes and accessories in case of participation in informal social events.
  4. Casual- is used when choosing clothes for other situations that arise in everyday life, and contains a minimum of restrictions.

Formal dress code

Formal or formal dress code also has a name Full formal, Full dress or Formal attire.

He defines the rules for choosing clothes for those who are sent to a social event. At the same time, the requirements for the formal style of dress take into account the time of its holding, therefore the appearance of the participants in receptions held in the daytime and in the evening is different.

Formal is used in diplomatic receptions and meetings, festive ceremonies. Therefore, all the requirements for the costume emphasize the solemnity of the event.

The main types of strictly formal dress code are - Morning dress and

Morning dress

The origin of this formal style of dress is Great Britain. The limitation of its use lies in the name itself. but Morning dress applies not only to the morning, but also to the daytime, valid until 18 hours. Ladies are encouraged to wear a dress.

This dress code is less and less used in practice. And, nevertheless, if you receive an invitation to the ceremony with a note about the requirement to arrive in the outfit of this particular code, then you will have to carefully choose clothes and accessories. The main events that require White-Tie: gala receptions, including with the participation of ambassadors from different states, award ceremonies, magnificent weddings, balls returning to our time. Basic requirements for this dress code:

  • A woman can choose a long ankle-length dress. Moreover, if it opens the shoulders, then it is necessary to put on a stole.
  • An obligatory element is white elongated gloves that cover the arm to the elbow, which can only be removed at the table.
  • And no jewelry, only real gems!
  • Watches are not used under any circumstances, no matter how elegant they are.
  • Tights are prohibited, only stockings are allowed. When choosing shoes, you should give preference to elegant shoes with heels.
  • Loose hair is prohibited, so you will have to do your hair.
  • Makeup should be natural, but not pale or provocative.

Semi-formal dress code

This code is more democratic than Formal. This is a semi-formal dressing style also called Semi-formal Smoking Le Smoking. Belongs to the category of strict dress codes. Most often it is in demand when holding special events, charity events; it must be followed when going to or to a celebration celebrated in a restaurant.

And just like Full formal, it has two options - evening and daytime: and.

In the morning and afternoon, ladies can wear a knee-length cocktail dress. In the evening, it is better to choose a long evening dress. It may not be as strict as in the dress code: a neckline is allowed, which does not need to be covered with scarves or capes, beautiful cuts. It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the dress. It should not be too bright in its color scheme. Classic pumps with heels will perfectly complement your outfit. In addition, one of the tendencies that soften the requirements is the provision of the opportunity to choose sandals of the classic type without additional details that decorate the shoes. Black-Tie allows for the use of jewelry, you can wear a watch.

Cocktail hours are in the afternoon until 20:00. Activities requiring a dress code Cocktail- these are exhibitions, premieres, presentations.

In accordance with this business style, both a trouser suit and a cocktail dress, created just for such occasions, can be chosen. The length of the dress varies: not only is the option below the knee allowed, but also 10 cm higher. It should be remembered: when choosing a shorter length, it is important to think over the upper part of the dress, it should be quite strict. Shoes are high-heeled shoes. You can complement the image with modest accessories: discreet jewelry or jewelry with natural stone. The main thing is that they are not massive.

Business dress code

Etiquette requires a woman to follow the rules when choosing business clothes: suits or dresses. In a business environment, being present, a woman is as equal a participant as a man. The image she creates as a business partner should not distract any of those present from the topic of the meeting itself. Therefore, it is unacceptable to appear in clothes that will actively attract the attention of other negotiators. Severity and conciseness is the motto of the dress code used in business and called "".

  1. When going to a business meeting, first of all, you need to pay attention to the color of the clothes. The most appropriate colors will be black, navy blue or gray.
  2. A woman can afford to choose a trouser or skirt suit. If a skirt is chosen, then its length should be at least 5 cm from the knee.
  3. It is forbidden to wear short sleeves when participating in business meetings.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the blouse. The main requirement is that it should match the selected suit in tone and not be transparent, which means that the details of the underwear should not be visible through it.
  5. When choosing shoes, you must be guided by the following requirements: shoes must be closed, with heels not exceeding 5 cm in height. You should not choose shoes with too thin or, on the contrary, massive heels. The color of the shoes is, of course, matched to the color of the suit.
  6. Even if the hot summer has come, you need to go to the meeting only in tights, always in flesh color.
  7. From jewelry you can choose neat and small-sized earrings, non-massive rings and watches.

Business Best contains general etiquette requirements for the appearance of a business woman.

However, each organization forms its own dress code, but taking into account these requirements. In a number of companies, the adopted rules are strictly formatted requirements, formalized in the form of a separate regulation, describing in detail how an office employee should look like. And in some companies, the rules exist orally and are communicated to employees by specialists from departments and services for personnel management. But, one way or another, there are requirements for the appearance of employees in any company. And the most interesting thing is that the absence of strict rules regarding the appearance of employees is also a rule.

It is a projection of a corporate culture that reflects the core values ​​of the organization, and has significant differences in different corporations. For example, in the IT environment, high-heeled shoes may be prohibited because they can distract and annoy programmers with their characteristic sound when walking. And in a large corporation, employees may be prohibited from leaving for negotiations with a client if he does not look presentable.

As a rule, the requirements for employees relate to:

  • a business suit as a whole: shape, color, in some cases even a brand of choice;
  • strict adherence to Business Best on different days of the week and when participating in business negotiations;
  • exceptions for certain categories of posts.

For a woman working in an office, as a rule, general requirements for a suit, skirt length, shoes, hairstyle, make-up and the use of jewelry are prescribed.

This dress code, in comparison with Business Best, has less stringent requirements and allows for bright accents in clothes. It is Business Casual that is often chosen in corporations as an option for the appearance of employees for work on Friday. People of creative professions: designers, stylists, journalists most often would like to comply with this dress code, which allows them to show a certain style freedom that does not destroy the image of a business person.

According to the requirements, a woman can wear skirts just above the knee. The main color is still black, gray, dark blue, but blouses can be brighter. The main thing is to comply with the requirement of color compatibility.

The use of cardigans, jackets, capes over blouses is encouraged. The choice of shoes can be both heels and flat soles.

As a result, a woman should look elegant and stylish.

This dress code continues the trends that have developed within the framework of Business Casual, and is even more democratic, while maintaining the requirements for the general style harmony of the created image of a business person. Thanks to this, a woman can afford to be stylish and fashionable. You can choose a knee-length dress, tapered trousers and even classic jeans of good quality, but without fading and fashionable cut-through trousers. Following this style, ladies can choose blouses with short and long sleeves, sweaters that go well with trousers. Shoes can be either medium heels or flat soles.

And just like when choosing Smart Casual, every lady should evaluate her outfit for elegance, while not losing the main thing - the feeling of comfort and convenience received when choosing an office set.


This style does not apply to the dress code and allows maximum freedom in choosing clothes in everyday life: jeans, sweaters, any trousers, low-heeled shoes or sneakers. The choice can be anything.

General rules for shaping a female business image:
Whichever style you choose, you must remember that there are general rules regarding the image of a business woman.

Women's accessories

Women's accessories that form the image of a business lady include: jewelry, glasses, handbag, gloves, umbrella, scarves, hat.

Before choosing a specific element of the future image, it is necessary to determine which dress code the attended event corresponds to, and immediately abandon unnecessary or inappropriate costume details. For example, wearing a hat is an infrequent requirement. Or, when choosing glasses, you need to evaluate the overall image, and determine if the glasses do not violate the harmony of the chosen costume.


The ability to use cosmetics often demonstrates either the presence of a sense of proportion, taste and a woman's understanding of the essence of the business image, or its complete absence. Nearly all types of dress codes require moderate use of cosmetics.


Well-groomed female hands always attract attention. Varnishes of too bright shades are inappropriate at business meetings. When choosing the color of the varnish, it is necessary to take into account the selected color scheme of the suit in order to maintain the overall chosen color concept. And it should be remembered that it is better to choose varnishes in natural shades.


The main requirement is that haircuts and hairstyles must be neat, and the hair itself must be clean and well-groomed. Loose long hair in strict dress codes is unacceptable.


Work and business-related clothing styles tend to favor closed-toe shoes with medium heels. It is also important to remember that flesh-colored tights are essential at any time of the year.

What to avoid when choosing a business suit

Whichever style is chosen, there are general requirements that prohibit use in a business suit:

  • bright prints and shiny colors;
  • T-shirts and T-shirts;
  • transparent blouses;
  • short skirts;
  • too open blouses and neckline;
  • a large amount of jewelry;
  • bright makeup;
  • sports shoes.

The harmony of the created image of a business woman and its compliance with the requirements of time and place is the main result of using the requirements of the dress code in everyday life.

You can't find America here - neutral clothing still works better for a successful interview and for office work.

But the understanding of what is “neutral clothing” is increasingly blurring as the work environment becomes more relaxed. Goldman Sachs recently relaxed its technical staff dress code to bring in Silicon Valley process engineers. And Scottish National Party MP Hannah Bardell came to work in parliament in a T-shirt. And the world did not turn upside down, everything remained in its place.

The first impression is created in the first 30 seconds, so you will have to create it one way or another.

A few dos and don’ts to help you avoid mistakes when applying for a job:

The basics: No embarrassingly short skirts, super-tight clothing, and nothing athletic unless it's a gym job interview. Brands are annoying for show and are more indicative of bad taste than good.

Do not give preference to brown and red. Color has a great psychological effect on people, brown clothes can give the impression that you are old-fashioned and passive, while red signals that you are too assertive or even rebellious.

No platform shoes and no strappy sandals - these shoes look unprofessional.

It's best to ditch any beach or themed bracelets, even if they mean something to you, they can be worn later.

No soft ( not business) backpacks - they are not professional and look touristy.

No nail art. It is almost everywhere inappropriate and looks like a teenager.

Dark blue is one of the best colors to work with ( actually - for everything) as it inspires confidence. This color is less onerous and formulaic than black and communicates that you are a friendly person who knows how to keep your distance.

If you are looking for work in a more creative field, then purple may be a good choice as it suggests that you are artistic.

Subtlety is required with prints. The stripes can only be vertical. The vests look too casual and impudently declare that you would be at sea, but you have to work.

It is advisable to choose something discreet and geometric. In the case of an interview, it's always better to err on the side of a conservative and discreet outfit than trying to be flashy and memorable.

The more natural the makeup, the better. It would be good for a potential employer to see the face of the applicant, and not the graphicality of the eyebrows and the correct strobing.

If you can easily walk in stiletto heels, it's best to choose them - confidence is essential to a successful interview. But if there is no lightness in the gait, the impression will be the opposite. There is nothing more caricature than a woman waddling and waddling from one side to another due to her inability to walk in high-heeled shoes.

In general, the key word in choosing clothes for an interview is professionalism.

Several successful, in my opinion, examples of working outfits:

A sweater shirt in a slightly casual manner. Most often, such combinations look good with rather formal shoes, high heels, oxfords ..

Accent shoes and a boring office outfit. Simple and stylish.

In business sets that involve a suit, you can distract from excessive formality with the help of an informal shirt color or even a T-shirt ( without picture).

A variety of colored tops paired with tailored trousers is always a good idea.

White shirts today offer a huge selection of finishes and styles.

The vertical stripe is suitable for almost any application.

A “boring dress” can look boring in a pretty color with minimal additions, such as accessories or even just a bright nail polish.

And, returning to the theme that business style is becoming less businesslike and more and more casual, tell us about your work dress code.
