Vichy shower is a pleasant and useful procedure. Vichy shower: what is it, indications and contraindications

Vichy shower is gaining more and more popularity. But not everyone knows what is special about this procedure, and how this shower differs from other hydro effects. This type of healing shower got its name from the name of a popular resort in France, known for its healing thermal waters.

How is the session going

A special capsule is used for the Vichy shower. It houses the installation for water supply. It allows you to change the temperature of the water, the force with which it is supplied, as well as the angle of supply. The procedures use thermal or sea water.

But the photo shows that while taking a shower, the patient lies comfortably. This contributes to the greatest relaxation of the body. The jets of water gently act on the skin, it is not at all like a Charcot shower.

Vichy shower is a kind of filiform hydro-procedures (from the Latin “filiformis”, which literally means “like a thread”). Depending on the nature of the water supply, there are 3 types of it.

  1. Dusty when water is supplied through special nozzles. A lot of droplets with a diameter of less than 0.5 millimeters fall on the patient's body. Water "dust" moisturizes the skin and saturates it with useful substances, if the procedure uses herbal extracts or mineral water.
  2. Rain-like, when water at a comfortable temperature for the patient comes in thin streams under medium pressure. This effect stimulates weight loss and promotes blood flow to the skin.
  3. Needle, when the finest streams of water are supplied under maximum pressure. Water "needles" tone the skin, improve blood circulation and skin nutrition.

In modern wellness centers, this shower has become part of the spa treatments. It is combined with massages, anti-cellulite wraps. In many videos about the Vichy soul, you can see that the procedure is carried out in dim light, sometimes with pleasant lighting. All this contributes to even more relaxation.

Indications for use

Vichy shower, due to its effect on the nerve endings, has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is indicated for stress and neurosis, as it relaxes and lifts the mood. During the procedure, blood supply and lymph circulation are improved. This has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and helps to eliminate toxins and toxins. All these properties make the procedure very effective in the treatment and prevention of cellulite.

The main indications for using the Vichy shower for medical purposes are problems with ligaments and joints, gastrointestinal diseases, headaches. This procedure is indispensable in the recovery period after injuries, prolonged illness and nervous shocks.

If you decide to try

Vichy shower should be taken no earlier than 2 hours after a meal. A session of exposure to water lasts an average of half an hour. The slope of the jets, the temperature of the supplied water and the intensity of the shower are individually adjustable, while it is important that the person is comfortable. The treatment regimen and the number of sessions are determined by the specialist. For example, to prevent cellulite, it is worth going through 15 procedures. The time between sessions is 2-3 days.

After a therapeutic shower, it is advisable not to eat for an hour. Physical activity is also worth postponing. It is better to sit for 20 minutes, drink herbal tea and smear the skin with moisturizers to enhance the effect.

Who is contraindicated in hydrotherapy?

Vichy shower, like any wellness procedure, has its own contraindications. It should not be used if you have an exacerbation of diseases of internal organs or blood diseases. In the presence of tumors, exposure to water can provoke the growth of neoplasms, as well as the transition of benign tumors to malignant ones.

Women should postpone their sessions until their period. Pregnant women are also prohibited from taking a Vichy shower. Temporary contraindications are associated with infectious diseases. Hydrotherapy can only be done after you have recovered.

Exposure to jets of water can be uncomfortable for those with overly sensitive skin. It is worth stopping your recovery if you have an allergic reaction to thermal water. In order not to harm the body, discuss the possibility of going to a Vichy shower with your doctor.

Systematic sports activities bring invaluable benefits to the body. In the modern world, not every city dweller can afford it. People are simply sorely short of time. And you just need to learn how to combine gymnastics with water procedures.

To restore youth, beauty and health, you need to learn take advantage of natural factors... There are irrefutable facts indicating that water washes away all negative information and carries only positive energy.


It bears this name only thanks to French resort with that name. During the time of Ancient Rome, people learned about the healing properties of water in this city. The resort became famous already in the 19th century, only because thermal procedures began to be carried out there.

In those days, no one knew about professional equipment, but she herself procedure technology very reminiscent of the modern Vichy shower.

The Vichy shower in our country was improved not so long ago. It is becoming popular for its cosmetic and physiotherapeutic properties. In all leading European health resorts, it is included in the programs.

Let's take a closer look at what it is and how it works.


Procedure belongs to the category of hydrotherapy, since it works on the principle of mechanical action of water. It has distinctive features that make it impossible to confuse it with any other.

The Vichy shower works through the filiform method (thread-forming). The basis of the method is the finest water jets that affect the body. On contact with the skin, it tingles slightly, forming zones of increased ionization. Thanks to this effect, the skin is enriched with oxygen. The effect of water, not only mechanical, but also thermal, helps to relieve tension and improve blood flow.

Vichy showers, unlike Charcot, take horizontally, in a capsule or on a special couch. This is one of the virtues of this shower. Above the couch, along its entire length, a long watering can is attached, which has many tiny holes. Water flows from them under pressure.

The patient lies face down on the couch, and light drops gently fall on him from above, creating the sensation of rain. The water in the shower can be different:

  • mineral;
  • thermal;
  • nautical;
  • insipid.

Showers can be cool, warm, or hot, depending on the patient's preference and doctor's prescription. The pressure is also set for each patient individually.

On sensitive skin areas the water supply pressure also decreases. If it is necessary to enhance the effect of lymphatic drainage, then the temperature of the water must be increased, and the angle of inclination of the watering can must be changed. The result of such a regular procedure is the elimination of all toxins from the body, getting rid of excess fluid and swelling. The figure becomes slim, and the body is toned. That's just from one such procedure there will be no such achievements, you need to complete a whole course.

Such a shower is taken to completely relax and for relaxation. It is recommended to take it after sports activities, peeling with sea salt. Using a contrasting temperature tones your skin, tightens it, and makes it elastic.

Sounds of rain that resemble the procedure calming effect on the body, help relieve muscle tension. The shower is used in medical institutions, spas and sanatoriums. It has become popular and in demand in sports medicine.

Influence the body with a shower it is possible only 2 hours after a meal or an hour before it. The procedure can last from 15 to 30 minutes. To achieve a certain result, you need to complete a course of at least 15 procedures. The doctor will be able to more accurately appoint the time and the number of procedures.

It is not recommended to run somewhere right after a shower. You need to rest in a horizontal position for at least 20 minutes, then calmly drink herbal tea or just water. At this time, a moisturizing cosmetic is applied to the body to complete the procedure.


Vichy shower is a very useful and pleasant procedure, it is used for:

  • removing toxins from the body;
  • general tranquility;
  • strengthening the body after trauma and stress;
  • for the prevention of a number of diseases;
  • fight cellulite.

In addition, a shower can be prescribed for inflammation of the joints and ligaments, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, migraines, neuroses, stress states and stress, as a cleansing and restorative procedure.

The procedure is suitable for any age, as long as there are no contraindications.

Who is contraindicated in Vichy shower?

Like any cosmetic procedure, the shower has contraindications. No need to visit it:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with menstruation;
  • during an exacerbation of the disease;
  • patients with thrombophlebitis;
  • with blood diseases;
  • if there is cancer;
  • with various infectious diseases;
  • if you have an allergy after the first procedure.

If you have a desire to attend this procedure, do not forget to consult your doctor.

At any age, you can take this procedure, the main thing is that there are no contraindications.


There are three types of Vichy souls:

  • rain;
  • needle;
  • dusty.

Rain shower- this is a set of parallel thinnest water jets that resemble warm rain. It is recommended to those people who want to lose weight using this procedure.

- these are thin streams of water that pour with strong pressure. They create a pleasant tingling sensation on the skin. With the help of this type of shower, blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues is stimulated, the structure of the skin is restored.

Dust shower Is a stream of water that passes through the smallest holes, creating mist. For such a shower, it would be better to use mineral or sea water, which will maximize the saturation of the skin with the beneficial substances contained in it.

To decide which type you need, you need to get the advice of a specialist from the salon. He will select the best option for you. Perhaps this will be a session that consists of several types of shower.

Combining a shower with other beauty treatments

To achieve an excellent result from this procedure, you need to combine it with procedures such as:

  1. Wrapping. It can be different: chocolate, butter, hot and seaweed. In spas, it is recommended to carry out it after a hydromassage, when all the pores on the skin are open and the maximum amount of nutrients can get into them.
  2. Honey and banana massage - these should be done before showering. The massage itself, due to the physical effect on the skin, is a very painful procedure. Hydromassage after it relieves tension and pain, prevents minor ruptures of blood vessels. Cool water is preferred.
  3. Applying a scrub to the skin. This procedure is possible only after a shower, as the body must be steamed. With the help of scrubbing, the upper dead layer of the epidermis is removed.
  4. Mud baths. This procedure is carried out before the shower. It significantly improves metabolism, and massage with water jets only enhances this effect.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to diversify the care of your body. Both manual massage and vacuum massage are suitable.


Today Vichy shower is considered one of the best wellness and medical procedures... Its advantages will become more noticeable if the procedure is used in combination with others: wraps, masks for the whole body, massages of various types, etc.

To enjoy, relieve tension, improve skin condition, blood supply to the cells of organs and systems, you must definitely sign up for this procedure. After completing the full course of "rehabilitation", you will appreciate the Vichy shower.

The shower of the same name was created on the basis of Vichy thermal water, which has a unique chemical composition and is used in French spas. The effectiveness of the procedure is due to the high content of elements such as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, fluorine and iodine in the water. They have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, restoring its beauty and health.

How does Vichy shower work? In general, the Vichy shower is one of the modes of water therapy that can be set at the request of the client. But the point here is that you are immersed in a special capsule, where thousands of tiny streams of water are directed at you, which come under high pressure. The streams of water break against the skin and thereby tone it, have a stimulating effect on cells, and improve oxygen metabolism. As a result, blood circulation improves, both physical and psychological stress is relieved, spasms and painful sensations in the muscles disappear.

In addition, the effect of the Vichy shower is also achieved with temperature exposure. After all, thermal water with a high content of minerals not only saturates the body with missing microelements, but also helps with many ailments, for example, with diseases of the joints.

Indications to the passage of the Vichy shower Undoubtedly, the Vichy shower is useful to absolutely everyone. But first of all, it is indicated for use by those who have: - problems with the musculoskeletal system, which arose as a result of some kind of injury or metabolic disorder; - any disorders of the food system - ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other diseases; - intoxication of the body, including general; - disorders of the hormonal system; - pathology of the thyroid gland; - an unstable psyche and a general disturbance of the emotional background, which arose due to constant stress, seasonal depression, as well as due to overwork and chronic fatigue syndrome; - overweight due to poor metabolism.

But to achieve the maximum effect, one or two procedures are not enough. You need to complete a whole course, which consists of 10 or 15 baths. The duration of one session is about 30 minutes. After taking a bath, you should additionally moisturize the skin with any cosmetic products. Also, eating within an hour is not recommended.

But in general, for each patient, the number of procedures is determined individually.

When should you not use a Vichy shower? Despite the fact that the Vichy shower has unique healing properties, there are still some contraindications. It is not recommended to prescribe it to people who have severe diseases of internal organs, the presence of oncology or neoplasms. If you have an exacerbation of some kind of chronic disease or you are sick with acute respiratory viral infections, then in this case, the procedure should be postponed until complete recovery.

What else can you add about the Vichy shower? It goes well with other thalassotherapy and balneotherapy methods. Having tried it once, you will be happy to visit the Vichy shower, because the effect of it is noticeable after the first procedure.

Sanatoriums where VISHI shower is used:

The spa capsule is positioned as the best relaxation equipment, from the procedures in which a person experiences truly heavenly bliss. But, first of all, it is a therapeutic combine, the effectiveness and reliability of which is not questioned. To prove this, Vita Tekhnika decided to test the SPA Jet Vichy spa capsule. An independent expert was Vladimir Mikhailovich Ryzhkin, chief specialist in physiotherapy and rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk region, head of the PTO OKB No. 1 in Yekaterinburg, and our employee Elena Panova became the model
Only a few spa capsules have an effect on the human body with the help of all natural factors: heat, light and water. Each of them is fundamental in the treatment of many diseases, and their combination has a powerful therapeutic effect.
The model lies on the bed inside the capsule - it must be said that it has a fairly comfortable anatomical shape. The upper part of the Spa Jet Vichy body is translucent - this allows the medical staff to observe the progress of the chromotherapy procedure and adds elegance to the capsule.
The patient's head is outside the capsule - this is good, as he receives natural aeration. In addition, the risk of the patient suddenly becoming ill or scared of a confined space is reduced. It is also important that there is a system for blowing cool air over the face - periodically rather hot steam is supplied to the capsule, and it is very pleasant when the face is additionally cooled, which protects against overheating and provides a more comfortable procedure.
We set the "Water" program on the control panel. Time, types of impacts are already included in the program. It lasts 25 minutes - during this time we will have time to test and evaluate all types of influences (from standard vibrotherapy to chromotherapy, which has recently become fashionable). All right, let's go!

The well-thought-out ergonomic handle is ideal for any brush size. Exactly the same on the other hand, since aesthetically and practically it is very important that the capsule is approached from both sides
A mandatory attribute is a disposable napkin, which is attached to the body in the neck area. Such napkins are supplied with the capsule.
The capsule bed is located quite high from the floor, which, however, is only a plus, since the nurse does not need to bend over ...
... and the patient only needs to climb the ladder
The patient can independently interrupt the procedure by simply lifting the dome, which is done easily and effortlessly
The sliding window allows the staff to evaluate the therapeutic effect on the patient at any time

The convenient control system is adapted to the Russian language. The buttons are convex ... Pleases a touch screen, as well as the presence of 10 treatment programs. Our model, for example, passed the 4th
As soon as the program has been started, the vibration function is activated, along with it, water is alternately supplied from the hydraulic nozzles, chromotherapy starts. All processes in the capsule occur in a complex way - it is difficult to separate one type of action from another. It is more like a melody that is made up of individual notes. Now the model is getting a very intense procedure. The vibration, which is carried out by rolling the balls inside the bed, will help our model get relief for all muscles and feel extraordinary lightness and relaxation after the procedure.
Only a few spa capsules act on the body with the help of all natural factors, the combination of which produces a powerful therapeutic effect
Simultaneously with the vibration, there is a light effect. Light modules are installed on the inner side walls of the capsule, which are sources of monochrome light. Through the translucent body, we can observe from the side how the capsule lights up first with green, then red, then blue light. This method of therapy has a positive effect on the human body through vision. "For those who are interested in this topic, I advise you to read the research of the Department of Komarov, St. Petersburg."
Throughout the procedure, the model watches a picturesque video sequence, which is broadcast from a screen above her head, and listens to pleasant music. In principle, a good function - you lie like in a movie theater and get additional relaxation. Thanks to this technology, the procedure turns into an interesting adventure: you can lie there for 25 minutes and you will not be bored.
Hydrotherapy is switched on almost immediately with vibration and chromotherapy. I would like to dwell on water procedures in more detail, because Spa Jet Vichy is specially designed as a hydropathic complex. The model experiences several powerful types of influence: a Vichy shower from above, which is periodically replaced by a back hydromassage. The Vichy shower is supplied from the top from 10 nozzles, the back hydromassage is carried out from the bottom of the bed. Two free-standing nozzles deliver water jets to the feet. The water that is supplied to the inside of the capsule is a little cool at first, but heats up to the desired temperature rather quickly and is maintained at all times using a thermostatic mixer (it allows you to manually set and maintain the temperature). The temperature of the water supplied to the capsule can be different: jets of the same temperature, then jets of higher temperature, then lower - very similar to a contrast shower, but with a smaller temperature difference. The shower can be operated continuously or at specific intervals.
After 5 minutes, the capsule begins to warm up and a new healing factor is activated - heat. If other types of influences are quite standard and familiar to use, then the next one, namely, the technology of hydrofusion in the Spa Jet Vichy model is pleasantly pleasing. Hydrofusion is a combination of heating by infrared radiation (infrared emitters are built into the inner wall of the capsule) and water vapor (supplied from a steam generator). Due to this method, it is possible to warm up deeper layers of the skin than just steam. The temperature of the steam must be carefully adjusted because it may be too hot and burn the patient.
After 25 minutes, the procedure is over, and it is imperative to let the model rest for an hour in order to restore strength and synchronize the work of all body systems. Then the effect of the procedure will increase many times.
“Great multi-factor specimen! Solid five for treatment methods, four for technical performance "
“The procedure in a capsule is a pleasure received by every cell of the body. After one session, I felt an extraordinary tone, the skin noticeably freshened up and a pleasant blush appeared on my face. My mark is an unambiguous five "
Vladimir Mikhailovich Ryzhkin,
chief specialist in physiotherapy and rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk region.
Elena Panova,
manager of internal logistics company "Vita Tekhnika"
“Here I would suggest to all sanatoriums introduce the following technique:
After the procedure in the spa capsule, provide the entrance of a soft comfortable gurney, on which the patient must be placed, taken to the ward and put on the bed, where he must rest for an hour. All this is necessary because the multifactorial capsule causes very strong irritation in our body. All systems should return to normal. Therefore, after the procedure, you definitely need rest, and even better, a healthy sound sleep. "
Multifactorial therapy causes severe irritation in the body, therefore, after the procedure in SPA Jet Vichy, you definitely need rest
As for the technical side, I would like to note the reliability of the equipment - this capsule was purchased by the BAES sanatorium in 2008, three years have passed, but it has perfectly preserved its appearance, not to mention the fact that it has never failed.
But with all the visible advantages, the Spa Jet Vichy capsule has disadvantages that are revealed only during direct use. Among the main ones: inconvenient connection of communications (water, external wiring). It is difficult to hide the wires, since this is not provided for by the design.
Inconvenient connection of audio and video accompaniment - there is no special hole in the capsule casing, so you have to do it yourself. It would be much more convenient if the DVD player was built into the body of the bathtub, or a USB port is provided into which a flash card can be connected.
The head doctor of the dispensary shared another drawback: the spa capsule provides for the function of aroma and phytotherapy, but the data sheet does not say how to properly clean the capsule from sediment of herbs and aromatic substances, so they do not use this function in order to avoid damage to the installation.
High-quality waterproofing. The capsule body is almost in perfect condition, only the nozzles turned yellow, but this is due to the hardness of the water - a problem that cannot be avoided.

Vibrating balls crack over time, but do not lose performance characteristics

Aesthetic minus: there is no possibility of "hiding" the communication line inside the case, which, moreover, is inconvenient to connect
For some reason, the manufacturers turned on the hand shower from the control panel. Why would the staff need extra complications?

Expert estimates SPA Jet Vichy
In the interior
Design 5
Connecting communications 3
In action
Therapeutic factors 5
Convenience of work 4,5
Ergonomics 5
Manual 3
Durability and reliability 4,5
Final grade: 4,3
SPA Jet Vichy costs approximately 750,000 rubles. (18,750 euros as of 04.11), and with all discounts - 640,000 rubles. (€ 15,940) When purchasing all equipment with one factor:
Factor Equipment Price
IR radiation Infrared sauna Infradoc SH-180

Nowadays the Vichy brand has become almost synonymous with health and beauty. The eponymous balneological resort in France has become world famous for its unique thermal waters and is rightfully considered one of the founders of hydrotherapy.

Even the ancient Romans founded medicinal baths here, where water from healing springs was supplied. Since then, people have been constantly improving the methods and techniques for the most effective use of thermal waters, and already in the documents of the 17th century, a procedure similar to the modern Vichy shower is mentioned.

Of course, then it was not possible to use professional equipment, but all the technologies for the procedure are amazingly reminiscent of the Vichy shower. In honor of the area where the technique of this procedure was first invented, it got its name.

The Vichy shower is gaining more and more admirers due to its excellent cosmetic and physiotherapeutic properties. Among the leading European health resorts, not a single wellness or spa program is complete without a Vichy shower, it has become a sign of good form. So what is Vichy shower and how does it work? Let's take a closer look at this.

Vichy shower is included in the category of procedures related to hydrotherapy, i.e. works according to the general principle of mechanical action of water, but at the same time has a number of distinctive features. According to its characteristics, it is a douche shower, which acts through the filiform method (translated from Latin - thread-forming). The key active factor in this procedure is the effect on the body of the finest water jets, which are very similar to threads.

To take a Vichy shower, special equipment is required - a SPA capsule or a couch where the patient lies down. From above, parallel to the couch, a long watering can is attached with the smallest holes, from where water flows in the form of jets, the thickness of a miniature needle.

Light drops of water fall very gently on the patient's body, creating a blissful sensation of warm rain. Throughout the procedure, the skin receptors experience a differentiated effect of water jets, which is regulated by the use of fresh, sea or mineral water, its pressure and temperature.

The pressure under which water is supplied to the shower head is reduced when exposed to sensitive areas of the body. Increasing the water temperature and changing the angle of inclination of the shower head allows you to enhance the effect of lymphatic drainage, as a result of which toxins and excess fluid are removed from the body, puffiness is removed, the figure regains harmony.

The therapeutic result of the Vichy shower is to gently stimulate the nerve endings on the skin, accelerate blood circulation in tissues and organs, as a result of which redox processes are activated, blood pressure is normalized, the central nervous system relaxes, stress is relieved, and the general tone of the body rises.

Vichy shower is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, dysfunction of the digestive system, circulatory disorders, stress, neurosis. This procedure can be prescribed for both children and adults in order to improve overall health and prevent metabolic disorders.

Among the contraindications to the Vichy soul are oncological, acute infectious, inflammatory diseases, poor blood coagulation, frequent bleeding.

In cosmetology, Vichy shower is also very popular, primarily due to its anti-cellulite effect. Acting in combination with thermal wraps, essential oils, masks and massage, the shower gives good results in the fight against the notorious "orange peel", helps to burn extra pounds.

Vichy shower should be taken as a whole course, at least 15-20 procedures. The duration of each session is 20-30 minutes. This time flies by unnoticed, tk. the procedure brings pleasant relaxation and positive emotions. After a shower, you should rest for 20-25 minutes, drink a cup of herbal tea.

Today, several types of Vichy shower are known, which differ depending on the method of supplying water:

A rain shower is a multitude of thinnest water jets that flow parallel to each other, causing the effect of a warm rain. This shower is the most effective for weight loss.

A needle shower is a thin stream of water, each of which pours with a sufficiently strong pressure, creating a feeling of a slight, pleasant tingling sensation on the skin. This procedure very actively stimulates blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues, perfectly restores the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

The dust shower delivers water through holes so small that, passing through them, water is sprayed into billions of dust particles with a diameter of up to 0.5 mm. Such a shower is usually used with mineral or sea water, which allows you to maximize the saturation of the body with the beneficial substances contained in it.